THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1912. Nebraska Nebraska ( PabT Ribbon THe Beer of Quality AN order for PabsfBlue " Ribbon" Beer carries with it the distinction of quality and good taste. Served with your lunch or dinner, Blue Ribbon lends zest and refreshment most satisfying. Every bottle if worthy of your table. Bottled only at the s brewery , in crys tal clear bottles, showing at a glance that it is clean and pure. Phone for a case for your home 7. . today. . The Pabst Company ; 1307 Leavenworth ' Phones Douglas 79. A 1479 BOSTROM EXAMINES STOCK State Veterinarian Finds Cases of Glanders and Anthrax. MAKES TKIP INTO NORTHWEST Secretary Mellor Completes Contract with Aviator to Do Some High Flying la Monoplane at State Fair. (From Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, July g.-(Stx:lal.) - Dr. Bostrom of the state board of veterln ries left today for Valentine and other points on the Northwestern railway . In that . section of the - state to look ' up rumors as to glanders and other dis eases which have come to htm. In his trip west of Omaha last - week he dis covered a few cases of anthrax In cat tle and sixteen were killed. The de partment is somewhat short of funds and a thorough examination cannot be had In consequence and It Is only in extreme instances that precautions are taken. y v Tim Farrell Injured. Tim Farrell, a clerk In the auditor's office, met with a severe accident yes terday while returning from Omaha, whero he had accompanied the Lincoln club for the ball game. While passing into the coach, the door was blown shut,' catching his hand and nearly cutting off all his fingers. Mellor En Ka sea Aviator. , Secretary Mellor of the state fair closed a contract this morning with the air ship people and will have an espe cially good bill for the fair in this line. The machine . will be a monoplane and the flyer will be H. Kantnler, .the dar ing Frenchman. He will make from two to three flights every day, the distance to be not less than three miles and the height not less than 00 feet Mr. Mel lor thinks with the immense crowds which always attend the state fair that Kantnler will probably get the inspira tion to do some spectacular stunts in monoplane flying, as this will be the first appearance of a monoplane here. Rail Commission Schedule. The state railway commission will take up a continuance of the hearing on the valuation of the Union Pacific railway on July 30, and the following cases will follow in this order: ' Burlington, August 1. Bt. Joe & Prand Island railway hear ing, September 10. Omaha Bridge & Terminal hearing, September 12. ' Chicago, ' Milwaukee & St. Paul, Sep tember 13. Great Western, September 11 Wabash & Santa Fee, September 16. Request by Northwestern. The northwestern Railway company has asked permission of the railway commis sion to guarantee payment of $1,120,000 worth of refunding bonds if the St Paul, Eastern & Orand Trunk Railway com pany and to guarantee $2,600,000 worth of bonds for the construction of the Des Jlanes Valley Railway company in Illi nois. The Northwestern company operates the Grand Trunk line and has an option on it, and is furnishing the funds ' to construct the Illinois line. Omaha Traction Tiles Damage Suit Appeals (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 8. (Special.) - The Omaha and Council Bluffs Street. Rail way company has appealed from a pudg. i ment in the district court of Douglas . county in which Eli M. Lang secured a verdict, of $1,600 against it for in juries received while getting off a car at Twentieth and Farnam streets in the city of Omaha. Another case in which the same com- pany is the defendant brought by Paul .Sacca, a minor, by his father, Anton Sacca, as his next friend, also, in the district court of Douglas county, Is one in which the plaintiff asks for $16,000 damages, claiming that Paul was per manently injured by being run over by a street car of the defendant company near Sixteenth and Leavenworth streets in Omaha. The company appeals from the dis trict court to the supreme court. PROPOSES TO TAKE MOVIES OF FOOT BALL GAMES (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 7.-SpeciaI.)-If the consent of university authorities can be secured a Kansas firm proposes to take moving pictures of the Kansas-Nebraska ioot ball game next fall for purposes of producing them in moving picture houses. Coach Ewald O. Stiehm of Nebraska has received a letter from the company, inquiring as to whether the university authorities here would have any ob jections to .taking the pictures. Stiehm will place the matter before the athletic board. , The Haskell Indians will be rivals of the Cornhuskers on the gridiron next fall, Coach Stiehm having concluded ar rangements for a game with the Indian school. The exact date of the game has not been fixed, although it will probably be in November. - ALLEGED WIFE DESERTER IS IN TECUMSEH JAIL TECUMSEH, Neb., Jutf'8.-(Special.)-James Gress was brought into the county court Saturday, . charged with wife de sertion. He is accused of having left his wife while he was engaged In this city as - a sewing machine agent- and gone to Red Cloud. Mrs. Gress made the complaint and Sheriff E. L. Roberts went to that city and brought, the man back. Gress asked for a continuance of his preliminary for thirty days and Judge James Livingston granted It It is claimed Gress and ( his wife are trying to patch up . matters and- will psobably go to Jiving together again. - In the meantime Gress Is" in jail and there are costs amounting to over $85 charged up to him. He says he will pay them. Dorrell-Hamilton. REPUBLICAN CITY, Neb., July (Special.)-Mr. E. ' E. Dorrel ' and Mrs.' Amanda Hamilton of this city were1 united In -marriage on - Friday last. Justice Rozell performed the ceremony. Mr. Dorrel with his bride expect to move to Washington in the near future. Salem Woman Hart in Rnnawar. SALEM, Neb., July. 8.-(Speclal.)-Mrs. Will Ledbetter was seriously Injured In a runaway accident : Shi has concussion of the brain, with but a slight chance Tor recovery, 7 Fremont Carriage " Factory Destroyed By Fire Monday FREMONT. Neb.. July 8,-Flre early today destroyed the entire plant and stock of the Fremont Carriage company and threatened for a time the destruction of adjoining buildings. The loss, $60,000, is covered by insurance. The plant was one of the largest of the kind in the west ' . The blase was not discovered until It had gained great headway in the main part of the building and It was not possi ble for the entire fire department of the city to save any of the building. It Is the only institution of the kind west of Chicago which manufactures mountain carriages. The fire occurlng at the busiest time of the Vear makes the loss extremely heavy. Preparations will begin at once to rebuild the plant the management stated this morning. The insurance carried on the building will amount to $40,000. Notes from Oxford. OXFORD, Neb., July S.-(Special.)- Captain J. M. Lee, an old and respected pioneer of this county, was adjudged in sane by the county Insanity board Fri day evening and taken to the insane asy lum at Hastings Saturday morning. Cap tain Lee was a veteran of the civil war and was past 85 years of age. He had served in the legislatures of both Iowa and Nebraska. He raised a large family of children, several of whom live in this vicinity. Mr. Lloyd Walters, a native of Oxford and a recent graduate of the civil engi neering iJepartment of the State uni versity, will leave tomorrow for Sumas, Wash. He leaves the railroad there and travels forty miles farther into, the mountains, where he goes to superintend the installation of machinery In a new silver mine which is now being opened. Brakeman Injured. EDGAR, Neb., July 8. (Special.) Guy Allsman, a Burlington brakeman. was knocked from a car and lost parts of three fingers today in the local yards. Labor Riot Ends In Death of Four LAKE CHARLES. La., July g.-Four men were killed and four seriously wounded today in a pitched battle be tween unlort and nonunion timber work ers and guards employed by a lumber mill at Grabow, La., a mill town fifty miles north of here. A party of 200 union men from De Rld- der, under the leadership of A. L. Emer son, president of the Beotherhood of Tim ber Workers, went to Grabow, where a strike is in progress, to hold a meeting The proprietor of the . mill and his non union employes, it is said, met them and in a wordy clash that followed someone fired a revolver. This was followed by a fusillade. Sheriff Reld left immediately on a spe cial train for Grabow accompanied by the coroner and a detachment of Louisi ana national guards will follow as soon as the men can be assembled. Trouble has been brewing for some time, it is declared.. The mill at Grabow employs about sixty workers. r - Novice in the Air Falls in Reservoir CLEVELAND, O., July ' 8. Robert Thibedeau, 18 years old, was drowned to- day when his parachute, cut adrift 1,000 feet in the air, descended into Falrmount reservoir. It was Thibedeau's second ascension. A week ago he was to have gone up with A. R. Bankston, tha aeronaut with whom he was serving as a novitiate. As the balloon started, however, some part of the apparatus gave way, leaving Bank ston on the ground. Thibedeau kept his head, cut loose properly and made a safe descent Thousands saw the boy part company with his balloon today and start his drop. The reservoir is two acres in extent The boy's inexperience probably cost him his life, as an older parachute Jumper might have avoided the water. CEDAR COUNTY FARMER . DROWNS WHILE FISHING HARTINGTON, Neb., July 8.-BpeclsJ Telegram.)-John Neu, a Cedar county farmer, was drowned in the Baw creek last night at 10 o'clock. Mr. Neu and his brother-in-law, H. J. Plith and Adolph Matxon were fishing In the creek on the Frank Leisy farm when the acci dent occurred. The companions of Mr. Neu are unable to tell how it happened. According to their story they were sit ting on the bank fishing a short dis tance away from Neu, and when they called to him and got no response they went to look for him and when unable to find him they then gave the alarm and a party of men went out to the Baw from Hartlngton and joined in the search. The body was found about 12 o'clock in five or six feet of water near the shore where the men had been sitting. 'One theory is that he was bathing at the time he met his death, but the body was dressed when found. The coroner does not consider an inquest necessary. t Bryan Callashaa. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., July 7. Bryan Catlaghan, fourteen times elected mayor of San Antonio and serving In that of fice, died today after an Illness of two weeks. His Illness was not believed serious until late yesterday when he be came unconscious. His family . had yielded to his wishes not to summon physicians until he collapsed. He was 60 years old. 7 Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. "Now listen to me," said Judy" to Punch, As they called to a waiter to order their lunch, "You can take it from me, it's a nice little hunch Post Toasties with cream is the best in the bunch." v ; Written by W. L. LORD. 7 . 60 Demonbreun St," Nashville, Tenn. One of the 60 Jingles for which the Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich., paid $1000.00 In May. ' vC vlly " " ' " ' est In addition to delivering the purest perfectly-pasteurized milk, our. chief aim is to deliver it quickly from farm to consumer. For this reason we have installed a motor truck service. All during the night and day the farms are visited by the motor truck; : the milk is;then whisked away to our plant and perfectly pasteurized and made safe. You get fresh, pure "Alamito ' 9 milk when you want itbefore breakfast; you get all this service at the price you pay for ordi nary milk, slowly collected and then more slowly delivered. y Collection and delivery are important features this hot ALAMIT Phone today-Douglas -411 The Safe Milk STEAMER KAMS BATTLESHIP Commonwealth , Carrying Thousand Passengers in Accident y GBOiES WAY IN DENSE FOG Strikes Warship New Hampshire In . Stern Nearly En On and Both Vessels Are Badly 7 Stove In. NEWPORT, R. I., July 8. While grop ing Us way through a dense fog near the Newport naval training station today, the Fall River line steamer Common wealth rammed the United States battle ship New Hampshire. Both ships sus tained considerable damage but no fa talities or Injuries resulted. The Commonwealth struck the New Hampshire astern and nearly end on. When the New Hampshire was discov ered by the lookout, the Commonwealth was about upon It. Therefore, before the ship could be turned aside the colli sion occurred. Aboard the Commonwealth the sleep ing passengers were badly shaken In their berths and several were thrown from them. Part of .the 1,000 passengers scrambled to the decks to acertaln the trouble, but were assured by officers that there was no danger and there was no disorder. The Commonwealth's bow was stove In where It rammed the battleship, while the New Hampshire's stern was cut about the protective deck. The after com partment was crushed throughout, the gun and berth decks were smashed and the captain's after cabin and the boiler room beneath were damaged. i After unloading Its passengers the Commonwealth proceeded tonight to New York where she will go Into dry dock for repairs. The battleship New Hampshire has not yet. received orders whither to proceed to have her damage repaired, . Persistent Advertising Big Returns. is the Road to Ramblers Best Falmera. ' The White City Ramblers defeated the Palmers In a slow game yesterday at South Omaha by a score of 8 to 2. The feature of the game was the hitting of Lane and Thompson and also the pitch ing of Hlatt Score: R.H.E. W. C R...1 Iai001 J-8 12 4 Palmers 01000001 0-2 7 7 Batteries: White City Ramblers, Hlatt and Lane; Palmers, Fits and Hague, Wermer and Elliott ' Court at Last Collapses. VITERBO. July 7.-The trial of the Camorrists charged with the murder of Gennaro Cuocolo bids fair to continue for several more days. The long investi gation, combined with the heat, caused the collapse today of the president of the court, who shortly after resuming his summing up today was obliged to with draw. He will continue tomorrow. Milk that comes from the farm goes purest into PMy! Our July T ( W Clearance Sale j B t ' ' ' .- '' Seldom is such a buyfng, opportunity offered when such a complete range of sizes, leathers and styles is to be , had. Low shoes and pumps in various styles. ' All this season's best models, in patent leather, gun metal, Vici kid, suede, and other summer 'materials. 'Many toe shapes. All heights of! heels.. All sizes. All widths. Every pair absolutely new every pair absolutely; perfect. You tre Fortunttc if Yob HaTe Pot off Buying ; Year Lw. Cuts Till Now Sale Starts Tuesday, July 9th Entire Stock in three Lots 81.95 - 82.45 - 83.20 Lot No. 1300 pairs of ladies ' vici, patent and calf ox fords, only mostly narrow formerly sold for $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00, July Clearance Sale price . . . .... ......... . . Lot No. 2400 pairs of Monogram Summer Shoes in all , styles, sizes and widths, including the, season's latest effects in Pumps and Colonials. These formerly sold for $3.00 and $3.50, July Clearance Sale price . ... . . Lot No. 3 Annual cleanup of the famous Sorosis Sum-, mer shoes the very latest creations in-fine footwear, made exclusively for those who care. J uly Clearance Sale price 203 South 15th Street Karbach "1&9R0S1 lock 1 F 3 quick home your o You get the clearest, purest, , safest milk In Omaha. The extra care we take in getting it , to" our plant, pasteurizing it and delivering it to your home makes it as safe for, hahy's use as for adults.. It is tho most economical milk to buy. 7 . "' v 1 ' 1 y Fine widths most all sizes and . ..i... ....... 1 203 South 15th Street A Karbach Block Sbl azi j weather. of Shoes SJfc 4' tin Y II 2L - y $20 3L rmmm"mjrm n " ' i . ' "