12 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY JULY 9, 1912. j MJj SEEKING BINDING TWINE Pealers Who Cancel Early Orders JJ ; How Hare to Hmtle.' 'HEAVY OEDERS ABE RECEIVED Early Doabtfal Oatlook la Cmmngti and mm Aaaared Crop Oaasea De mud Wktck la Sow Hard to Fill, " " With .excellent crop condition and th annual harvest time' at hand, farmers throughout the middle west axe making a 'ild acrambl. to "secure the necessary amount of binding twine, and as a result fraler in the" turfy rope are completely "swamped with orders, i W. E.- Collins, local representative of tbe Plymouth Cordage company of Ply mouth. Mass, which supplies a- large per cent, of dealers in the -west, says that earty m th season. -with a doubt ful crop outlook, farmers cancelled their 'vrders for twine or asked dealers to hold up their shipment. '.' ' " Now that the crop cloud haa turned 8ut with a silver lining, a large number el -.farmer are without th twin and have; to hold up their harvesting unitl the order can be filled. Wheat harvest tog in Nebraska and Iowa will be fin ished during the next two week. ' ' ; ' Cora ' Looks Good. -With good .weather conditions. Includ ing an average of about an Inch and a half of rain during the Ust week, crops '"all through Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota and part of Wyoming are In excellent 'hape and indications "point to a banner yar tor, corn. Email grain, potatoes and sugar beets. .Just at present oat and rye are at a critical point . In tlnlr development and need a good soaking in order to till out Part of Nebraska and Kansas report an avwage crop of potatoes. , " Harvesting of winter wheat I on In full blat and the yleil ranges from fll leen to ' thirty bushels per , aero. Hay proml to reach a full crop' and th second crop of alfalfa will be up to par. Heavy rain were reported at Sioux City during th last twenty-four hour while , light shower have been falling at Sheridan, Wyo., a a lively hall torm at the' latter place. Bcribner report a full crop of oat and a favorable outlook for corn, Small' grain at Winner. S. D. I In excellent shape. ' Few Needed Help :- - ; : in Month of June V Work done by the Associated Charities for, the month of June shows the greatest decline In call for charity of any month jfor tha Jat year. There were fewer deserted families, fewer widow in need vt help and fewer requests for employ jnent... '- --'s ' :;. :, i-H,. .- - V'l'..-i',c.''-Altogether 24 cases wer handled by the Associated Charities, sixty of them being hew ones. There were thirty-nine call f$r , help from transients, thirty-three from deserted' families and forty-eight widow were given aid by the charities. ., -Twehtyoh co-operative associations Worked with the charities. The helped Mr iurnlsh employment temporarily to thirty-one person. Legal , aid wa ren dered to two, five tubercular case war tared for and the following order on the county were given: Coal, nine; groceries, ninety; pair of shoe, two. '; ; Meals were furnished to eighty-nine, Tcidgtng to thirty, employment to twenty three in the ' Industrial department i of the charitle and. 210 garment were dis tributed. . " . ' - , Tbla report 1 the, last made under Mis Ida V. Jonts a secretary. . Ml Jonti will leave, for the east July X to take charge of a wider field of work. Mis Mabel Porter succeeds to the secretary ship of tha charities. Gasoline Prices ; , Moving Upward Gasoline soared to 15 cents a gallon to day, wholesale, a Jump of 3 cent during tha last thre; week., The price bid fair ta go higher before the summer I over. housewives and the, man who own a chug wagon are paying from 17 to 10 cent for the fluid. , f: The fact, that the crude stock Is run ning low Is the' cause given for the rise lr) price by the local branch of tha Stand ard Oil company. - BORUFF TO ENTER PLEA FOR PASS MANIPULATION , H. E. Boruff, who was before United State Commissioner Daniel last Eatur diy charged with using th mall to da fraud In advertising fraudulent passes for sale, will have a hearing next Sat urday morning on th charge of violating the act of congress relating to the use of fraudulent passe for interstate travel. United Stat District ' Attorney Howell filed information against him -In which It 1 stated that Boruff used a paa that w'aa originally Issued to one K. Gordon, and that Boruff rode from Fort Dodge to Omaha on th pas. Boruff ha In dfcated nl willingness to plead In thl case. The penalty Is a fine of up to tiOOO or Imprisonment up to one year. Park Land Must Be Vacated or the City Will Collect Rent All occupant of the eieven houses on the 10 acres bordering Carter lake, to which tract the city secured title In 1906, will be compelled to pay rent or move. Commissioner Hummel haa made thl announcement " following - a conference wlth-the legal 'department. '. ' Commissioner Hummel declares that a land company ha been collecting rents from resident on thl tract of land. which was purchased for the park de partment when a boulevard was planned around the lake. An attempt may be made by the park department to compel the land, com pany to pay the city for the use of this land since 1908. The legal department I looking up the question ' Involved and will report to Commissioner Hummel on th advisability of starting proceedings In court to collect A tract of about sixty-three acre of thl 610 acre Is now the subject of liti gation.' The award of the appraisers was declared confiscatory and an attempt Is being made to have the report set aside. Commissioner Hummel say thl litigation will not stay Improvement or Inter fere with Jils plana to oust the occupants or collect rental. . , . Selling of Decayed fruit to Be Stopped by Health Officials Unless peddler have licenses before the tenth of the month License Inspector Berkowltz will order them to' quit busi ness or stand prosecution. Several have steadfastly refused to take out licenses. Joseph Becker, secretary of the Retail Grocer' association, will lend assistance In the campaign to oust the peddlers. These peddler. It I declared, are, as a rule, selling decayed product sold Ihera by . commission merchant at reduced price. ... . ;; Health Commissioner Connell ha de tailed Inspectors to keep watch on the stores of the commission merchants and condemn all fruita found In stale condi tion. Half a .carload, waa condemned Saturday. According to the health official of the city commission merchant have been dis posing of fruits to resident at the amo pric th retailer have fixed. The com? mission merchants keep these fruit until th latter part of the week In order to hold up price. Fruit are then usually stale and retailers refuse to buy them. They are therefor sold to peddlers who retail them at a lower price than the re tailers can make. V HANSC0M PARK M. f CHOIR y GIVES CLOSING CONCERT "'The Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal choir closed Its season Sunday afternoon by rendering Ballard's' sacred cantata, the -Ninety-first Psalm." at the : vesper service. The congregation was an en thusiastic and appreciative one, giving the singer a good round of applause at the close of the last number for their meritorious work. .- The soloists were ' Dr. Jennie Callfas, Miss Ethel Tost Mr. Frank Brown, Mr, Charlea Lang,1 Mr. - Boy Chapman, Mr. Charles Lang and Mr. Earl Hruer. The choir 1 under thrteaderaklp of Mr, Lte O. Krats,'and th organist vt Mis Florence PeteronT-" ; , ' ' ' v, - Gen. Smith Goes to Army Maneuvers Brigadier General Frederick A. Smith. commander of th Department of Mis souri. United State Army, haa cone to Pole Mountain Wyo..,-for the national maneuver at that place. No detach ment from Fort Crook or Fort Omaha have been ordered to Pol Mountain. A detachment of 500 men from Fort Crook haa been sent to Sparta. Wis., for the encampment there. Company L of the tat militia In Omaha has received or ders to proceed to Pol Mountain for th. maneuvers between the dates July 28 and August 6. H. F. Elsasser Is captain or this company. It Is not definitely known yet whether other companies In Omaha will receive orders to go or hoi. It 1 thought that, tlnce two companies from the Second regiment are , to be MiectM to complete the full auota. ter- nap another Omaha company would be ordered to the maneuver by a later ordf,t. It was feared by some that th presi dent' veto of the army aoDroDrtatlon bill would seriously Impair the maneuvers In the future, but congress later passed a resolution .signed by President Taft allowing the appropriation for maneuvers to stand. The . appropriation for man. euvers is simply one branch of the gen eral army appropriation. , CUSTER COUNTY GRASS IS BURNED IN SPOTS Prairie grass Is dry enough to burn In the vicinity of Ansley in Custer county, a a result of the dry spell, according to M. 8. Mattley ot Ansley. He says several places can already be seen, where fires have swept th grasses for a small ipace. The are set by sparks from the en gines on the railroad. Th wheat which 1 now mostly harvested, he says, 1 a good crop, while oat 1 not quite so good. The corn, he saV. I far behind where it should be at thl. time ot year and everyone I anxiously waiting tor rain. ..- THIRTY OLD STRUCTURES ARE ORDERED TORN DOWN Thirty residence and business buildings In th city have been condemned by Fire Warden Ed Morris and will be ordered torn down within the next ten days, Mr, Morris 1 now preparing the list for pub lication. ,V.V V S Captains of fire engln house were in structed by Commissioner Wltbnell to In spect the house In the section ot the city under their supervision. They have re ported many buildings In bad repair, Some of them will be torn down and th others will be ordered repaired. . A Serlooa Breakdown results from chronic constipation. Dr. King's New Life Pills relieve headache, stomach, liver , and bowel trouble. . Sc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. GOV. ALOHICH INSPECTS ' ' : v IRRIGATION DISTRICTS ; Governor Aldrieh spent a few hour In Ornab Sunday evening, coming up from Lincoln with hi iecretary,- Mr,; Fuller, tai Stale Engelneer Price. Joining Edson n e-f tfc Union Pacific law drjart rent here for tour et inspection of a limber of ln1giSen' district in th 1 trthwest part'of th state , In which w ater right question ar arising,. Th i p ernor was not talking tor publication t ond repeating that h was running i i a candidate for governor on the re. ; Oilcan ticket and expected to continue t5 work in the republican party. VVM. J. DOEKHOFF, :"" SeaO Sealen, ' " -' Phones-g-" i N f fi H 1 f D iSAiNLUiJJml Extra Bar gain Every Day This Week TUESDAY SPECIALS IN OUB GREAT Semi - Annual Clearing Sale Every day we bring forward great, new lots of de sirable summer merchandise which we will sell at a tre mendous sacrifice during the clearing sale. ! Women's 75c Long Kimonos at 35c On Sale in Basement. We , place on special sale' Tuesday -hundreds of good quality, well 'made long kimonos, in light and- . dark floral and Persian patterns. . They; are light and cool or mid-' summer 75c values July Clear ing sale special . ., each 1 "! ' Basement at , . . . . . ;.. 35 c manors CLEARING SALE BARGAINS In the Basement Every woman should know, as a matter of economy, just what this great basement salesroom has to offer. No where "can you buy dependable goods for so" little money. Note these wonderful bargains for" Tuesday. You will marvel at the low prices on such desirable new summer wash fabrics. . r 25c MERCERIZED LISLE THREAD VOILES, at Yd. 9c Here is one fabric now in demand for making dainty dresses, summer frocks, etc., comes in a great variety of neat bordered and plain patterns in this season's new est and most popular, colorings. This fabric is high cost mercerized lisle thread voiles and you will be pleased with such an opportunity 25c is the regular price special at, yard 9c 18c QUALITY LINENE SUITING, at 7y2c YARD Plain shades of blue, tan, pink, natural linen shades, grey, etc., also pretty striped linen effects, suitable for skirts, suits, etc., 18c values, from the bolt, 71 at; yard ........ ...... ..... ......... J 20c WHITE SEERSUCKER CREPE at 10c YARD An" excellent quality, 32 inches wide, splendid wearing material, extensively used for making wai,sts 4 fi and underwear Clearing Sale price, at, yard ...1UC j 10c, 12V2c and 15c WASH GOODS AT 5c YARD : Bolts and remnants to buy from. Standard lawns fine , batistes, dimities, large range of patterns in dainty col orings on clear white ground-rClearing .. ' CA Sale at vard ........ ....... 1 ... . .........vt 15c MADRAS CLOTH at 72c Yd. Clear white grounds with neat blue, lavender and black figures, stripes, checks, dots and novelty designs a better bargain in madras cloth never before offered. 15c would be a very low price Clearing H n Sale special, from the bolt, yard.. .2 DRESS PRINTS and CHAMBRAY at 3c YARD Light and dark fancy standard dress prints; thousands of yards plain chambray cloths, all perfect, W p desirable, long length, Clearing Sale price, yd. 2 C NAINSOOK at 5o YARD O - A rare bargain in yard wide, snow white' nainsook for making cool summer under muslins, desirable C lengths and thousands of yards at, yard. . . . ...... vC Every one of the above items is a special bargain. Although they have not been on display in our show windows, you will agree when you see them and other big bargain lots here that better bargains on summer wash fabrics hare never before been offered by any store. ' BRANDEIS STORES THE I Illinois enlral offers exceptionally low rates to many points down East TICKETS are on sale daily limited to sixty days for re turn detailed information at CITY TICKET OFFICE 409 South Sixteenth Street. Phones: Douglas 264; A-2164. : ; W. S. ClewelL C. P. & T. A. S. North, District Passenger Agent 4. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AKD COLLEGES. Take All the Folks This Summer There's a rejl vacation in Colorado for every ; bnt of you from pand-dad down to the little tots. There are magnificent hotels and comfortable inns in the mountains, fish in the stream! and lakes, game in the forest mountains to be climbed, aide trips to be taken everything that anybody could possibly want to do on an ideal vacation can be done in cool Colorado. Special Tourist Rates : Send at once for free literature telline of special rates telling in word and picture the wonderful story of Colorado And about the Burlington way to Colorado the way of greatest comfort and convenience greatest safety (safety block signals) delicious meals perfect service. Send r (all fir this liUraturt now. Summtr tourimt tlchett on tal - daily uSiptmmbw 30, ixclviu: CITY TICKET OFFICE 1502 Farnam St.i 1 Tel Ind. A-3323; BU D. 1238. iflllitp Th EJtctrie Limhttd On Timm" Koaa 20 OFF en Oxfords 20 OFF Gentlemen of Nebraska: You should lay in a sup ply of shoes now. We are offering the greatest shoe bar gains ever offered and just at the right time. During our July Clearing Sale you can discount your, oxford bill just 20 and obtain the latest in styles, shapes and kinds of leather. EXTRAORDINARY SHOE BARGAINS On Four Special Tables : See if you can not find your sizes and kinds here. TABLE NO. 1 ; odds and ends $2.50 - to $5.00 values at : 98 contb TABLE NO. 2 r Extraordinary $2.50 to $4.00 values. at 01.48 TABLE NO. 3 Just right V $2.50 to $4.00 values at 01.98 TABLE NO. 4 The greatest of bargains ; $2.50 to $5J00 values at I REGENT SHOE CO. 205 South Fifteenth Street' WENTWORTHJSMS Cou tv prpr for trAU Ool rm. ValrttlM. Kstlensl AaaSvutM or smmm Llfa, ew .Fiasul.Wnss TUB 6ECBKXARV. .1804 KstUattM Aveaae, LesLuteata. NO HOME should be without a GAS RANGE , The Double Oven Range will fit in a wall space meas uring 25 inches, without the entension shelves, or with the end shelves attached, it occupies a wall space of 36 inches. - - , ., . .... Eycry Home Can Hare a Double Oyen Gas Range Our easy term payment plan makes it possible to en joy the convenience and comfort of it while paying for it. - . DOUBLE OVEN OAS RANGE U8-in. Oven) $23.00. $1.00 Discount if paid within 30 days. V Each Gas Range is subjected to our rigid inspection and test and, is delivered and connected free: ' See the Gas Range at our office Or1 send for representative, who will call with our 1912 catalogue. . OMAHA ; GAS COMPANY ft You-ma something if you (don't read y tho wont 4do TODAY. Low Fares East Round Trips from Omahai to Atlantic City, N. J. ..$44.25 Boston, via .Montreal $40.60 Boston, direct routes $41445 Buffalo, N.,Y. .....$32-$34 Detroit, Mich. .$25-$26 Montreal, Que. $35.00 New . York CSty ....$42-$45 Quebec, Que. .$39.00 Portland, Me. ......$43.35 Toronto, Ont. . .... . . $29.60 Tbeee axe only a few of the at tractive 60-day summer , tour tickets on sale daily until Septem ber 03 0th to many eastern resorts. Long limit, round trip tickets on sale at reduced rates to Wiscon sin, Jichigan, Jfew England, Canadian ' and ' Pacific ' Coast points. Liberal stop-over priv ileges. Start your vacation .right by using the " 4 ' - .CHICAGO MILWAUKEE AND "'l ST. PAUL RAILWAY Four splendid daily trains from Omaha afford a quick and com fortable means of reaching the near-by resorts and make good connections at Chicago for all points east. Let ' us plan your trip and arrange the details.. In formation and folders free. . W. E. BOOK - " , City ; Passenger Agen; ; 1612 Farnam St,, Omaha : .. Neb.. . HOTELS ASD RESORTS TUP Ivans Me I Hot Springs, 5. Dakota AMONG THE BLACK HILLS. A delightful place to spend your summer vacation. Swimming Pool, Golf Course, Tennis and all other out-door amusements, also Music and Dancing. The best waters In the world for chronic ailments ot the stomach, liver, kidneys and rheumatics. - , 7 A modern hotel, with all " Im provements. Service and cuisine unexcelled. Rates $2.50 per day and up. Special rates by the week on application. Write for booklet Address - EUAHS HOTEL CO. Hot Springs, South Dakota. STAKIBT H0TII.8. SSTB8 PAJUC Colorado' Greatest Scenic Mountain Reaort There is not a spot comparable for both wild rugged (lory and th vel- .... nttilrl11fA hAA.utv hr a wh.r. on find the Rocky mountain at their best. At the etamey txoyeut yuu wiu iisq sii modern conveniences and comfort that you will find in th beet city hotel. Plenty of diversion for old and young; trout fishing, tennl. golf, bowling, bil liard Surrey, horseback and automo bile ride over many mountain trail un der the care of experienced guiJes. Write for beautiful illustrated aouvenir book let UJUIS XVSJSBOXir, Vanagar. Est Park. Colo. Muscallonge Galore Over 40 lakes, accomodation for SO guesta Bass and Muscallonge fish ing at the door. . Write for ta pags booklet Bus meet all train at . . rora oovs oaxp. : Dorwt. Kttbbard Oounty, Xlnnot. - John Says: "A woman reaches a man' heart through hi - stomach, ' but . a man get, a favor , from another man by passing him a smoke. Give a ' friend , a TRUST BUSTER ' c CIGAR and he will turn flip flop- for you. John's Cigar Store 321 South 16th St. AMUSEMENTS. lake r: B athing Dancing Doatinjf And Many otnr Attraction. AS E BALL OMAHA vs. LINCOLN ; ROUBKE PARK ; July 7, 8, 9, 10. v Monday, July. 8K Ladies' Day. Care Leave 1 5th and Farnam, S:ll. . k. Games Called 3:30,