Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1912, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
CUrty Twenty Tea Tun Age
' See Bdltertal Fare of aeeh tssni
.VOL, XLll-NO. is:
Roosevelt Arraigned in the Lorimer
Unsettled '
Will It Hatch?
, j Election Case.
Court at Viterbo Returns Verdict
After Trial that Lasted Two
.... .
, Progressives Win First Fight for
: Control of National Association,
fi Now Meeting in Chicago.
New , President, in His Inangural
Address, Discusses Issues.
Secretary Says He is Trying to Weed
, ' , Out Fake Members.
She Sara Charge that Enrollment at
Boston ' Two Tears Ago Waa
; Staffed la Slander an AH
, chlcao Teacher.
' CHICAGO, July 8. Supporter of the
"progressive" movement In the National
Education association, won the first tight
at the opening of the association's fiftieth
annual convention today. '
The , board of directors, representing
schools in . every state in the country,
voted to change from summer to winter
the time for the annual meetings of the
National Council of Education. A move
ment" also was started to change to
date. In winter the time for holding the
full sessions of the association.- '
' More than 10,000 educators had been
enrolled when Carroll O. Pearse of Mil
waukee called the convention to order
andjn his annual address pointed out the
questions which are expected to evoke
spirited; debates between the .'"progres
sives" and their opponents before the
sessions 'are ended next Friday.
', Before the directors," John F. Kirk,
president of the state normal school at
KIrksvllle, Mo., declared teachers were
devoting their summers to special study
and to travel to such an extent that the
very existence of the National Education
association was threatened. G. W. A.
Tuckey of the University of Nebraska
seconded the statement .
; . Mrs.' Ella JNagg Young, superintendent
of the' Chicago schools, suggested the
plan of holding the conventions In the
; ' Shepard Starts Something-.
Charges that Irwin Shepard of Winona';
Minn.,, secretary of the National Education-
association, was not conducting his
proceedings . in accordance with the by
laws brought forth sensational Incidents
before the board of directors Just before
the convention opened.
Mrs. Toung of Chicago declared that if
Mr. Shepard's annual report was adopted
"every teacher in Chicago would be Justi
fied in bringing suit for slander against
he association." , , :r
Te .portion, of the report sbe,rfe.rred
to chirse'd "stuffing ef the enrollment at
the convention In Boston two years ago,"
when Mr. Toung was chosen president. ,:
-'Mb Shepard replied to criticisms fronj
PresldentCarroll O. Pears that, he ;had
been attempting ' merely 'to weed out
"fake" members. No sooner had he made
the remark than James Ferguson of San
Francisco secured the floor.
"I want to know by what right an offi
cer of this association Judges who are and
who are not fake members," demanded
Mr. Ferguson. :' .
Mr. Shepard then explained he had bees
trying to administer the by-laws so as to
eliminate all but bon&flde members. He
charged that heretofore - by .paying 12
members had been enrolled to vote at a
single meeting. .
After, .motions to appoint committees
to Investigate, the subject had been lost
the. directors postponed discussion ; until
tomorrow, when Mr. Shepard Is to submit
a written reply. '
Daugherty May
Direct Campaign ;
v : of Republicans
. WASHINGTON, 'July 8.-The actual or
ganization of President Taft's campaign
for re-election began today, when nine
members of the republican national com
mittee acting as a subcommittee met the
president at the White House at luncheon
and discussed the appointment of a na
tional chairman. The name of Harry M.
Daugherty of Ohio figured most promi
nently among the possible selections when
the committee went to meet the president.
William Barnes, jr., of New York went
to the executive offices ' shortly after
' noon and was taken to the mansion,
where Presiuent Taft was conferring with
his secretary, Charles D. Hllles.
GREENWICH, Conn.. July a-Rlchard
Harding Davis, the author, and Miss
Elisabeth Genevieve McAvoy, known on
the stage as Bessie McCoy, were married
here today by justice of the Peace Wil
liam C. Rungee. The matron of honor
was Mrs. RusseU Colt, formerly Miss
fcthel Barrymore, and Mr. Davis was at
tended by Gouvernor Morris, the story
writer. The wedding party and friends
came here in three automobiles, and alter
the ceremony left for Mount Klscko, the
nome or Mr. Davis.. ... . J
The Weather
FOR NEBRASKA Unsettled weather.
Kith probably scattered local thunder
showers; not much change in tempera
ture. FOR IOWA Unsettled weather, with
irobably scattered local thunder showers -
tot much change in temperature.
Temnerataro at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. d
6 a. m..
a. m..
T a. m..
S a. m..
a. m..
10 a. m..
U a. m.
U m. &
1 d. m
2 p. m......
, 4 p. m
5 p. m
S p. m....::
7 p. ia..,ti.
t v. m. ......
, 5
, 99
....... .S
Former President la Designated . by
the Florida Senator aa the
Headquarters of Mor
ality. ;
WASHINGTON. July ?.-An attack upon
Theodore Roosevelt for condemning Sena
tor Lorimer of Illinois, featured the de
fense in the Lorimer election case In the
senate today. ' Senator " Fletcher- of
Florida,' following up the' conclusion of
Senator Dillingham's ' speech for Lori
mer, arraigned Roosevelt
'Theodore Roosevelt could enjoy a
luncheon with Booker Washington at the
White 'House," declared -Mr. Fletcher,
"but could not afford to dine In the same
room with Mr. Lorimer, a member of the
club of which he was a guest."
.The . Florida senator referred to the
former president as the "headquarters
of morality," .who condemned Lorimer on
the false allegation repeated to him by
Editor H. H. Kohlsaat that tlOO.000 had
been raised and used to elect Lorimer.
Senator Fletcher said ' that Colonel
Roosevelt does not know the facts.
The damning of a respectable citizen,
the head of a beautiful family, the repre
sentative of a state' In high of i Ice," said
Senator Fletcher, "was a walcomc thing
If it gave opportunity to' attitudinize as
the standard of honor and righteousness
and the acme of civic virtue."
Had Faith In Font.
Senator Fletcher said that Editor Kohl-
saat placed explicit faith in what Clarence
H. Funk told him' about Edward Hlnes
asking .for a contribution to a $100,000
Lorimer fund He contended' that Mr.
Funk's memory was unreliable and that
Mr. Funk had given seven different dates
as the time at which his conversation
with Mr.- Hlnes regarding the "slush
fund" had occurred. He said the Funk
story, had been known' to Keeley of the
Tribune, Kohlsaat, of the Record-Herald
and Xawson of the News during the first
Lorimer congressional investigation.
That .-fact, shows," he declared," how
little importance was then attached to
a matter wiich afterward became the en
tire oasts oi tne second inquiry.
Senator Fletcher, characterised the
anti-Lorimer . speakers as the "honey
thunder press," which had poisoned , the
public mind to "drive Lorimer out of
politics in Illinois." He expressed the
opinion that Senator Lorimer' would not
stoop . to the purchase of votes or the de
bauching ' of . a legislature and that the
Illinois senator would surrender his office
if he felt his election had been the result
of fraudd.
Reed Wants to Know.
Senator Reed of Missouri asked If It
were not true that Senator Lorimer had
loaned $10,000 to Lee O'Nell Browne for
his defense of the legal proceedings
agalnBt him growing out of the legisla
tive charges. ; ' ; ,
; Yes," almost, snapped the generally
eomplacent senator -from Vermont in re
plyind -if, I : fcadbeett;;BMs place I"
should have done the same thing. , If J
had been Convinced that there had been
a conspiracy -to switch charges from their
original purpose I would have contributed
to prevent the success of 'such a purpose.
I should have done all in my power to
smash such a combination." ,
Senator Borah expects to speak at some
length, taking the other side of the argu
ment. Senator Lea of Tennessee, another
o Mr.. Lorimer's opponents, is 'yet to
speak. It is expected the vote may not
be taken before Wednesday or Thursday.
Some of Mr. Lorimer's friends in the sen
ate believe the vote will be against him.
Portuguese Royalists
: Prepare for Uprising
LISBON, July 8.-Sporadic royalist at
tempts with a view to the restoration of
the Portuguese monarch continue to be
made in various parts of northern Portu
gal. A number of royalists tried today to
dynamite a bridge over the river Mlnho,
near the town of Camlnha, but caused
only slight damage.
Although many of the royalists ' have
been subdued or arrested, two Important
detachments "still .maintain activity. One
of them Is commanded by Captain Cou
celpo, with headquarters near the town
of Montelegre. The men are well armed
with rifles, revolvers and knives.
A second force of monarchists, according
to , the last . report received, was march
ing from Verin to Caves, In the province
of Traz-Osh-Montes.
The government, which remains In ses
sion night and day, is rushing troops and
war vessels to the north.
An attack on Valencia De Minho by a
force of royalists led by Captain Sepul-
veda, formerly aide to Queen Maria Pla,
was repulsed. The Captain, thirteen other
officers and forty Of. the royalist troops
retreated, across the International bridge,
over the Minho, where they fell into the
arms of the Spanish troops and were ar
rested. : ,' '
Others escaped by swimming the river.
It is alleged here" the Carlist ' leaders
In Spain are secretly helping the Portu
guese royalists and many of them are
now in Portugal endeavoring to spread
the monarchist revolt.
No royalist movements have broken out
yet either In Lisbon or Oporto, but the
government, fearing an outbreak at
Oporto, is . concentrating a . large force
there and Is distributing other troops
along the . frontier.
The ' battleship, . Vasco De Gama, car
rying troops and machine guns, and the
cruisers Republic and Almlrante Reis,
have arrived at Oporto.
The telegraph wires have been cut be
tween Braga and Vianna Do Castello
and the Espomende railroad has been
cut and blocked with timber at Bar
rellos, where martial law has been pro
; At Morelra De Rey the population has
raised royal standards on the houses and
Joined the rebels in a fight with the re
publican guard, during which many of
each faction were killed or wounded.
Girl Shot br Brother.
! HOT SPRINGS. July S.-kSpecial.)-Luclle
Bailey, aged 8, is In the hospital
i here with a bullet in her neck.' Her right
! side Is paralysed and -It Is feared tne
ball struck the spine. Her father Is a
colored rancher living five miles east of
Edgemont and she was shot accidentally
by her brother. ,
Remainder v V0 .-ud' Members
vs4! Body, v
Troops on Hand to Preserve Order as
Verdict Given. '
Relations of Prisoners Bring Wax
Candlea to Barn Before Madonna
In Hope of Influencing -the'
Court's Judgment.
VITERBO, Italy, July S.-The verdict
In the Camorra trial was handed down
today. Nine of the accused were unani
mously declared guilty of the murder of
Gennaro Cuoccolo and his wife. The
remainder of the band were found guilty
of belonging- to a criminal association.
Reinforcements of troops and mounted
police ' arrived early today to assist In
maintaining order. A body of tOO police
has' been especially entrusted with tne
surveillance of the court and its precincts.
A number of - relations of the various
prisoners, comprising wives and sisters
and mothers, arrived here this morning,
bringing votive offerings of wax candles
to the . Madonna, while others brought
gifts for St Rosa, the patron of Viterbo.
Many of them-took-up their positions
early today In the church facing the
court house, where they remained kneel
ing, beating their breasts and imploring
mercy for their beloved ones.
Snnts Dp Evidence.
The presiding Judge resumed his sum
ming up of the evidence with fresh vigor,
taking the greatest pains to explain-to
the Jury' the exact position of each of the
accused and the significance of each of
the 144 questions which the Jury must
All of the accused maintain an abso
lutely calm demeanor. Only Clro Vltoazl,
the priest known as the "guardian angel
of the Camorra," displays any kind Of
shame at being forced to enter the Iron
cage with the other prisoners. He mut
ters prayers air the time, saying: "I am
in the hands of God and of the Jurors,'
whom I pray the Almighty to Illuminate."
Two of Cashier King s
Bullets Hit King and
Two More Laywers
kansas 'ciTTfc JJy wmi; t
ountac,joa8CUtor;s. ;offtc uhtw
seeking a warrant for the .arrest. of J.
W. Beck, Volney.w: King, cashier tot a
local traction company, whipped out a
pistol and shot four times, twb bullets
taking effec tin Beck's body, the other
two slightly wounding, two deputy prose
cutors and narrowly missing' Judge Lat
shaw of the criminal court. ,
King and his wife bad been separated,
but recently a reconciliation took place.
Beck, who had played the role of peace
maker, had been disturbing . their pace
of late. King and his wife charged, and
they took his to the prosecutor's office
to secure a warrant. The warrant was
being prepared when King began to
shoot. -
May Change Name
to Progressives
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., July $.-Maln-talnlng
that the prohibition party Is the
original progressive party, a determined
effort will be made by Its leaders , to
change the party name at the national
convention, which opens here Wednesday.
Though the party to be formed next
month in Chicago Is being referred to as
the "progressive party," the prohibition
ists point to the fact that the oragnlza
tlon, as yet unborn, has not been chris
tened and that they are entitled to the
t.ew name if they choose to taks it -
The New York, Pennsylvania ind Ne
braska delegations are reported to be
practically solid in favor of a change
of name. '
"The name, 'prohibition party,.' is an
unfortunate one for . us,'' said ' Charles
R. Jones, chairman of the national com
mittee. , "It Is not a progressive name
and does not truly reflect the 'party's
character. We are progressive In all
things. Of course our basic principle is
the suppression of the liquor traffic, but
even 'prohibition', does not fully express
that. .
"Our party is the original progressive
party and at this convention we expect
to deal carefully and progressively wlth
all the big political Issues of the time.
'The name 'progressive'.- was suggested
several years ago and our official news
paper now contains the word 'progressive'
in its title. Other names that have been
suggested are the, 'American' and 'liberty
party." .
The ' executive ' committee today will
complete plans for the temporary organi
zation. Clinton N. Howard of Rochester,
N. Y., known as the Little Giant, prob
ably will be chosen temporary chairman
of tho convention.
ABERDEEN. S. D., July S.-(Speclal.)
Harold, 22-months-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex LInder of Langford, 8. D., was
drowned in a watering trough while at
play. The little boy and his sister, a few
years older, had gone to the barn to hunt
eggs. The little girl took the eggs to the
house, while Harold remained outside.
When she came out again the baby could
not be found. After a . few minutes'
search she saw something floating In the
watering trough and found It was her
little brother. The body was taken from
the trough and a physician rushed to the
scene, but life was extinct.- .
Come in Droves to Accept Hospitality
of Commercial Club.
Anto Ride In Afternoon, Dinner t
the Country Clnb and Big Ak-Sar
Ben Ctrena Last Night
at the Den.'
In two special street cart a band of
eighty Nebraska editors and their Omaha
hosts left Hotel Rome at noon yesterday
for the . stock exchange to be the guests
of the stock yards officials at luncheon, in
the exchange building. '
, The luncheon began the afternoon and
evening ef entertainment for the visitors.
Many who. did not arrive in the city
In time for the luncheon were dispatched
in utomobilea as , they arrived jln t'e
afternoon, at the hots! to the; Bart of
UarV" arrivals4' enoute Wsr-thy city and
its Suburbs, on a sightseeing trip. Aa
the ride continued the representatives of
the Nebraska press. Increased .until the
whole representation numbered nearly 150.
Ten minute stops were .made at Belle-J
vue. Fort Crook, the Field , club, v the
Happy Hollow club, Fort Omaha and
Florence. -At each place refreshments
were served and the visitors were shown
about , n p. . , ,
They were the guests of the Commer
cial club at a dinner given at 8:30
o'clock at the Country club, and were
taken from there to the den,- where Sam
son's big circus with special acts for their
benefit closed the day of frolic. ,
Those who stayed over night were the
guests of the Commercial club publicity
bureau at the Rome,' the bureau having
arranged the program of the day for
Three Killed When
Train Hits, an Auto
Near Litchfield
LITCHFIELD, Minn., July S.-Three
persons were killed Instantly, another
was perhaps mortally Injured and two
miraculously escaped death In Grove City,
east of here, when Great Northern train
No. 4 struck an automobile in which they
were riding late tonight.
The dead:
Mrs. N. W. Hawkins was injured.
The letter's husband and their 7-year-old
son escaped by Jumping as the train
bore down on them.
Wilson Will Not
Attend Meeting
SEA GIRT, N. v July S.-Goyernor
Wilson amended his declaration of last
night that he probably would not go to
Chicago to attend the meeting of the
democratic national committee with a
positive statement today .that he - would
not make the trip! ...
"I shan't go," he said. ;'l find that it
is not customary1 and I ' shall remain
away. Judge Hudspeth, national commit
teeman from New Jersey, will be my rep
resentative at the meeetlng." y " .
Havemeyer Given Ten
. Millions in Stock
TRENTON, N. J July 8.-Vice Chan
cellor Stevens, In an opinion filed In the
court Of chancery today in the suit of
Norman D. Hooker and others against
the executor and heirs of Henry O. Have
meyer, holds that $10,000,000 worth of
stock of the National Sugar Refining
company was Issued, to Havemeyer with
out consideration.
Two Busmess Blocks
- in Tonopah Burned
TONOPAH, Nev., July S.-Two blocks
in the business district of Tonopah were
destroyed by fire early today. Scores
of volunteers Joined in the fight against
the flames, which were fanned by a rising
wind. Several office buildings were destroyed.
The National Capital
' Monday, July- 9, fit.
t The Senate, ,
The senate convened at 11 a. m. .
Senator Dillingham , resumed his speech
In defenso of Senator Lorimer.
Judiciary committee ordered favorable
report on nomination of W. M. Bullitt
as' solicitor general to succeed Mr'. Leh
mann, .resigned. .
The House. '
House convened at noon.
Chairman Clayton of Judiciary commit
tee submitted report of Investigation of
eonduct of Judge R. W. Arch bald of com
merce court and recommended his re
moval by Impeachment. . . .
Missing Aberdeen
Man is Found After
-Seven Years'; Search1
, i . :-r r a,--... J - i- '.( v.-fffr'&'f;
iff?- :'C :-,v" - -.. 'Gi "W'V ,1 ?
ABERDEEN, 8. D., .July g.-SpHCial,)
-rGraiid Recorder; Hear yiNelH 6t 'th
South x Dakota Ancient Order of : United
Workmen .hae received1, ratification that
William, L Lanitng. ; formerly of, Aber
deen has been found -alive and .well at
Portland, Ore., after an absence of leveri
years, during which, he was supposed to
be dead and an effort was made to
collect on : the ' $2,000 polldy carried by
Lansing In the fraternity. Lansing lived
In Aberdeen In 1894 and married Misi
Alice Yost of this place. Later the fam
ily moved to Marshall, Tex' end In 1905
Lansing disappeared ( from Wlhslow,
Aril, and It was ruhiored he had been
killed In the mountains. , , "
Mrs. Lansing searched diligently for
her husband and In the meantime kept
up his assessments in the Workmen. Re
cently she prepared to make application
for the money due on ,the policy under
the clause which holds that a, man . miss
ing seven years Is presumed' to be dead.
This caused the lodge to become active.
A clue to Lansing's possible , whereabouts
was uncovered and last week C. A. Kim
ball of this city went toj Portland, Ore.,
on an investigating trip,' which resulted
In the receipt by Grand Recorder Nelll
of the following telegram from Mr. Kim
ball: "Have found Lansing; Identification
complete; was on the point of skipping
out again for parts unknown, fearing the
wrath of . his Texas wife."
It Is 'assumed by ' this that, there was
another woman In the case, of whom
Mrs. Lansing knew nothing, and who was
the cause of her husband's disappearance.
Three Die in the
, Electric Chair
OSSININO, N. y., July 8.-Three men,
Gulseppe Clrolll, George Williams, 1 a
negro, and Santa Zania, were put to
death in the electric chair In quick suc
cession at 61ng Sing prison this morning.
All were convicted murderers.
Zania was one of a band of six Ital
ians convicted of the murder -of Mrs.
Mary Hall, wife of Henry Hall, a super
intendent of construction: on .the
Croton ( aqueduct. In , a . lonely farm
house at Griffith's Corners. - -West
Chester county, on November ,9,
1911. 'His five companions In crime are
to be executed during the week of Aug
ust 12. In a letter .to Governor : Dlx.
Zanza confessed the acuta! murder of
Mrs. Hall, but claimed he was .forced to
kill her by Angelo Gulsto, who had ac
companied him to Mrs. Hall's room and
who threatened to shoot -him unless he
obeyed. -','.
George Williams, the -negro,, was con
victed on circumstantial evidence of the
murder of Charles Conklln, station agent
on the New Tork Central railroad, at
Croton Lake, on the night of April 8. 1911.
Clrolll stabbed Nicota Paulo on Feb
ruary i 1911, In a shack on the Hlllvlew
reservoir at Tonkers. Five Italians were
In " the shanty anc trouble . arose .over
cooking maccaronl. - .. ..
ABERDEEN, 6. D., July 8.-W. J.
Pro ugh, a postal clerk here, today was
placed under $5,000 bond by United States
Commissioner William Wallace on the
charge of ' embesslement. -Trough, ' It' is
alleged,' opened a -totter to' a local dry
goods firm, taking from it notes and se
securities.' Prough waived examination.
Subcommittee' of National Repub-
; . lican Body. Meets. ...v
Additional' Adilaory Committee of
FIts to Be Selected Independent .
- Of Venal Executive Commit- .
' tea of Organisation.' '
WASHINGTON. July T.-The real work
of organising the republican campaign
for 1911 will be taken up tomorrow when
the subcommittee of the republican -national
committee will meet and select a
chairman. AH the members of the sub
committee are. in, Washington and they
will bs tlie'guestt of President Taft. aj
a luncheon- at -the, WWW H6use at l;to
o'clock ,fomorrow v afternoon hen tiie
nsRje iif,'lh ehairmn probablKwIU be
aitntmnce.-" president Taft wnf arrive
rtjf omortowafrn hie summer jhomet at
BeVe'rlyiss.,' to 'peetho, committee.
' the. subciithinlttee undojitood today (hat
the president's secretary Charles b, Hll
les, who had been . considered all along
for the position, would not accept : the
chairmanship and a general canvass of
men available was made during the day.
The subcommittee will, mecet at 10
o'clock tomorrow morning and will then
Consider the names suggested and prob
ably 'recommended someone to the presi
dent tor chairman. 1 . ."' ,'
Names considered include , Harry A.
Daugherty, and Carml Thompson of Ohio,
Harry 8. New and James AHemenway
of Indiana, Senator Newell Sanders of
Tennessee and William Barnes, Jr., of
New , York.' ' ,
Nothing definite will be done, however,
until the committee consults with Presi
dent Taft . and ascertains , his wishes.
There seems to be, a unanimous senti
ment In the committee that an exper
ienced political leader should manage the
campaign and an effort will be made "to
name a man who Is known by every pre
cinct committeeman and county chairman
In the United States" as one member of
the committee expressed it.
Besides naming a chairman, the com
mittee will recommend .that a campaign
committee of five, representing five sub
divisions of the country be appointed to
constitute the. chief advisory - board of
the national chairman and to , be inde
pendent of the usual executive, and ad
visory committees.. s,
The members of, the subcommittee are
General Powell Clayton, , Roy West,
Illinois; John J. Adams, Iowa; Charles
B.Warren, Michigan; Thomas .K. Nled
ringhaus. Missouri;. E., W. Estebrook,
New Hampshire; Senator Newell Sanders,
Tennessee; Alva H. Martin, Virginia, and
Sam A. Perkins, Washington. -
Tomorrow flight there will be a large
reception at the White House to which
President Taft has Invited the members
of the national committee, the republican
members in both houses ' of congress,
chairmen of all the state central com
mittees and other political leaders.
William Hay ward of New York, sec
retary of the national committee, who ar
rived here today, probably will be re
flected. Ha eald he was not a candidate
for re-election and If the committee de
sired, to select someone else It will bu
satisfactory to him. William Barnes, Jr..
of New tork, John B. Kealy and Former
Senator James A., Hemenway 'of Indiana
were among other leaders here for the
meeting. :
Bandits Terrorize
. Illinois Village
CHAMPAIGN. 111., July 8. -Three
masked bandits armed with revolver
and shotguns terrorized the village of
Tolono, Hi. this morning. ,
Two farmers driving home were first
held up and robbed, and then the trio
forced the Illinois Central agent at the
point of guns to surrender all the cash
on hand in the station. At the same time
two. men waiting for a train were robbed.
The raid was Interrupted at this time
by a towerman, who opened tire and drove
the robbers off. , As they left the railroad
track they returned his fire, but no shots
took effect. , '' ' ' ' ; -: v '
t Saturday three prisoners In the county
jail at dilutes availing trial made a dar
ing f escape and they are thought to be
the robber '
Chairman' Clayton Files Charges
Against Judge of the Federal
Commerce Court.
Official Accused of Carrying on
Traffic in Judicial Matters.
Some Senators Think Case Should Go
Over Until After the Election.
Cona-reaaman X orris of Nebraska One
' of tne Hons Members Who la ,
Poshing Proaecntlon of
. ,t. the Accuaed.
WASHINGTON, July 8.-A sharp differ
ence along political lines has developed
In the Senate over the proposed Impeach
ment of Judge Robert W. Archbald i of'
the commerce court. Many senators, In
cluding Influential republicans, favor de
ferring the trial until after the Novem
ber elections, contending that ample time
should be given to prepare for the hear-,
Ing of the Impeachment charges and that'
many senators are needed at home to'
look after their political fences.'
Among others are Senators Bailey and
Reed, democrats, who -. urge that lm-1
peachment proceedings are of such high:
privilege that they should be taken up
as soon as the house shall prefer charges.
Irrespective of the personal comfort and
convenience of senators.
The thirteen articles of Impeachment,
each an accusation, were presented to
the house today with the announcement
that their' consideration tomorrow would
be demanded. Speaker Clark emphasised
the solemnity of the proceedings by se
curing the undivided attention of the
house while the article was being' read
by, Representative Clayton of Alabama,
chairman of the Judiciary committee,
which unanimously reported them. Mr.
Clayton dwelt on the gravity of the
charges. .
The committee's report and the resolu-
tion calling tor' the Impeachment were
ordered printed and distributed to mem
bers without the voicing of a single ob
jection. , ' . - .......
, Lin j ton Preaenta Charges,
Chairman Henry D. Clayton of the com
mittee on Judiciary of the house of rep
rNntat)ves presented the articles of
Impeachment against Judge Robert W.
Archbold.., Mr. Clayton's report ! was
unanimous from his committee. ,
. It constitutes the ninth impeachment of
a Juulelal or civil official .of the United
State. fitKf the foundation of the gov
ernment and is the first since the lm-.
lunchmmt trial of Judae Charles Swayne
of the northern dietrlct ofTPloridawho
wa eelu!ttd on February ST, 1905.
i TTM conduct of this Judge has been
exceedingly reprehensible and Is In marked
contrast with the high sense of Judicial
ethics and .probity that generally char
acterise the federal Judiciary" the com
mittee said In summing, up its findings
pf. misbehavior in office of Judge Arch
bald.. '. .. . ,.i
Hit business transactions while a Judge (
on the bench were held to unfit him for;
further service on the bench and a reso. ,
lution was presented impeaching him and 1
haling him for trial before the united '
States senate. - -'
Traffics with Litigants.
' "Your committee Is of the opinion that'
Judge' Archbald's sense of moral respon-j
tlbillty has become deadened" said the'
report. "He has prostituted his high of-j
flee for personal profit. He has at-1
tempted by various transactions to com-'
merclallxe his potentiality as Judge. H
has shown an overweening ' desire to i
make gainful bargains with parties hav-!
Ing' cases before him or likely to have i
cases ' before him. ' To accomplish this
purpose he has not hesitated to use his
official power and Influence. He has de-.;
graded hla high office and has destroyed I
the confidence of the public In his Ju- j
dtcial integrity. He has forfeited the
condition upon which he holds his com-.
mission and should be removed from of-!
fice by Impeachment.
"A Judge should be the personification j
of Integrity, of honor and of upright
ness In his dally walk and conversation.
He should hold his exalted office and the
administration of justice above the 'sor-')
did : desire to accumulate wealth byj
trading or trafficking with actual or1)
probable litigants in his court. He should j
be free and unaffected by any bias born 1
of avarice and unhampered by pecuniary '
or other obligations." 1
Prosecutors Are Named.
"Tomorrow Chairman Clayton will pre-1,'
sent a resolution providing tor the
management of the trial before the sen-'
ate. : The full committee designated
(Continued on Second Page.)
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