6 6 i . . Vr kill.. " if . , 4- - '. - - J ' a , - 5,,' V - i v,, x s'- 1 ,i x , 1 .r, -.- 4 j r , J5 3 -; ; If) rj 11 ifM '3jd! J7r VVV:V , - : i.f nSiiB V;V O5" l-vr ."" ' t - 't ,-hirf'T$rtl - r - . ,. . from eighteenth street. MMSHHMMMMMHHMB v-i-iii ... VINTON STREET -LOOKING EAST. I WHERE GOOD GOODS ' EXIST iwiiat Vinton Street'! leading Mer I chants Have Brought About' ' COMMUNITY pr.INTEEEST HEBE 'Evcrrbodr Bootl4 ETrybodr .4 Eke u4 VkU Bteet U GolaK Ahead 1 BtMdr, Every city htm iti outlying budnaM dl jlrict where the atorea ax not so 1mt m ithooft In the eo-called down-town bualneii j district,, but they 'are of the-ama hlh Icrada charactar and lo t bualneaa which j often la graater In proportion to alia of tha atock thaa that which la carrled'on 'in tha aama linea of trada in tha 'larger : retail section. Omaha haa , IU outlying bualneaa aectlona. 'All of them are prot iperoua looking olvlalons, but now , can 'boast of mora bualneaa and mora proa i perlty j than , can " tha f Vinton , atreet I merchants who are grouped along tha 'thoroughfare which la reproduced In the picture appearing at the head, of thla j page.. Hera, on thla atreet, , ara located : several prosperous little 'firms, the lead era among whom have dlaplay advertise ; menta appearing on thla page 7 today. They carry on bualneaa by honest, thor ough methods, and are causing the trade lOf their vicinity to come to thera for moat of their wants . , Trade in Onlyi Seetloaa. The large down-town . bualnesa section will always have an appeal to the people of a city for certain Unea of goods and ' for certain apeclat articles. No matter , where people live they will go to the de-, partment and other big atorea for many purchaees. But they also "will; trade at the smaller atorea In the outlying .rttall dlatrlcta. when they wish stable artlolea that can be purchased there. Be long ea tho merchanta of the outlying district are , up-to-date in their methoda and j give their customera the 'kind of gooda they houVd give and do not ' over-charge-Just so long will they continue to grow. Out on Vinton street, where everybody is up-to-date and where one 'merchant Is Interested In seeing the men In "the other llnee, grow where there la a com munity of v interesting feeling there I la steady progressive growth certain . to come. Among the buatnets houses, of Vinton street1, there Is a strong ' feeling for the growth of the whole section- and one merchant Is friendly with the others, and the others are friendly : with him. Everybody la boosting and everybody ,ia growing. It ill just such a aplrlt. that makes for the prosperity ' of a bualnesa section, aa It almo makes for better thlr.fi ...for the customers. 'f , f , Represimtative Firms.! Merchants whose names 'are ' listed In the advertisements on this page are rep resentative of : that progressive set- of men who are carrying on up-to-date business in the smaller sections of the city. They have grown steadily and are atlll growing tbecauae they follow v the right principles in conducting, their,, busi ness. They deal fairly , and , sauarely i with alL They give full measure ' to every one-there' are no favorites, v One goes into the stores of these merchants knowing that he 1 will receive Just: good treatment aa his neighbor s would -receive. . " - In any of these . atorea the , clerks and ownera are always ready to, help, their customers in selecting their needs. , They are willing to advise as to which. Is the beat. They do not offer an article aa a substitute and declare it la Just aa good, , when they know It la not If they do not have the brand that a customer Inquires Jfor, they will explain, that they, have another kind. ' If this second brand should be better than that which the customer requested, then, the merchant will 'say ao, but if it la , not eo good, - then the customer wll learn thla fact." The sun always shines on all four aides of business transactions with these Vin ton street1 merchants; that Is . to say there la nothing shady; at 'all. It la a fair,' clear dear for everyone. - Good,! thorough service Is one of the features , of dealing with . the Vinton street firms. It Is earnest,, efficient ser vice, because the varioua merchants are anxloua to please to please , not only by selling good goods, but also by . seeing that the customera get these gooda with the least possible time spent in buying and with no delay in delivery.,, , s Mutual Interest, r For the , mutual interest of ' these merchants . and people who live in the vicinity of their stores an Invitation la given to all to, visit the various adver tisers who. have used space on this page today. People who have not been in the habit of buying of these firms will prob ably be surprised at the bargains which they will be able to get here, and with the service that will come to -thera. It undoubtedly; will profit the buyers ' of this Vinton street section to pay a visit . to these stores when needing anything . in the lines that are carried here.; Thla page is a boost for, Vinton street.' and It is a boor for Omaha. for aa Vinton merchant' grow.' ao will Omaha, grow. These firms are a part of Omaha and they are , doing a great deal to make this a larger and more prosperous city. It is up to others to help them. Biggest Mid-Summer CLEARANCE SALE VINTON ' STREET LOOKING SOUTH FROM' EIGHTEENTH ST 1 i asssaisaaaaaaeafraeaeaaB asgfaajaaaaaaarfaaay The Best Bread n Town Ever known in the South End,' will begin Monday morn- ing, July 8th,- and continue throughout the week. V vW' will sell, our Gents', Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords, at less than factory prices! ' :r AH $5.00 Stetson Hats1 at-.. ;..... '.$3.50 - " " ' $4'Boy..Sco'ut.'Suits $2.00 . ; ' ? ' $2;Boy Scout Suits, at ;; .$1.00., ; ' '" It will. pay. you .to'visit our i store. and see these and' -other wonderful 'bargains -too' numerous; to 'mention.1 v "All f goods at; this I sale aretaken from- our "regular :, stock-and are,; of good reputation. ff- '; ! ' VINTON TOeGERY - -NO. Ellinghusen, Prop.: r;r r I t17H;Vinton Street. v J . ' f ' Phone, D.; 2726: g Store open from'7: A. M. till 8 P,;M." Saturdays 'lO, P.' M. . , ateaMMMMsjailMBaaajaiW iMMwMMrWMwMW lajjaaajaajaaiaajaBajataaia v (I SIBOISBQII Pharmacy 1816 VINTON STREET, OMAHA '." ; . EstabUshcd"Aprill5,'1892.-, One fifth of century's successful ibusiness.; " Square ; dealing, ; careful handling r and dispensing : of f - drugs has always been our aim. r f .. Grateful for past favors and feeling assured, we. are 'bet-'V teriequippad to serve you in the future,)we .; ask, your continued confidence. , ; ; Two Registered Pharmacists! in-. : charge... , Try one of our Fresh Crushed Fruit Sodas or Sundaes. -' . None'Better. r'- '. :'- f S. wwyiiirDiritta 1'J. L ELSASSE!) BAKERY. -V1802 vinton ;street; , -,- i r ; . : , . : - .: , ,i Established 28 Years Oldest Bakery in Omaha TOE BEST; AND FRESHEST BAKERY GOODS1 AND BRE AD AT - ALL TIMES Ball Exchange ". Corner 16th and Vinton Streeta. . . C. A. PETERSON, Proprietor. . .'. Dealer in' fine wines, liquors and cigars. " , - i-ai-innnnru-uTi-L-iAJuiL H. C HARM ' , . Cor. 11th ind Vinton Stf. Dealer in C . o : Fine Wineis, Liquors and l 1 Wholesale rarid Retail Dealer in' Schlitz Milwaukee Beer Tel. Douglas 648& '! ; ! i , ' ""t ; OM AH A, NEp) Groceries, Hardware Meats Quality, Service and Low est Prices at All Times. Phone Ind. F-1177 w VINTON & ELM SIS. Omaha, Neb. J. C. GRASBORG, 1807 Vinton ; 1 WatcWnalserJeweler . . . . Thirty-Three ' 1 ears : in This Line of Business " ; Work CaUed'for and Deli vered. ' i uunuyi r1 nrir riJUI v.: i Phone Doug. 2867. Tho Lunchotte : ; Restaurant i-j l ,lj .1612 Vinton Street. V : The "place 'of good' things 'to 'eat.'- K '': Eyerythlng t. clean . and the ,. ; best, of, meats, served. fc ., .. Stop here for your noonday :lunch. .. :.-v a - .. Be v cool and' comfortable j while you eat. ,, H Tnnnfi, fin I I UMU W UUI :1704 Vinion Street Plumbing- of AH Kinds. Oils;" Paints,' Varnishes. ' We have a complete line of , !'Qld English": ready mixed paints. .... Our prices are right. Plumb ine & lleatine Co. Order quart . of Kroll's ice t eream. ; It's nourishing as well .: as cooling these hot days. Our confectionery v depart-, ment offers t a wide , range of . tandles and table delicacies at' - prices v extremely reasonable. ; Visit our store and be convlnc- Kroll's Confectionery 1710 Vinton Street. . (SUCCESSOR TO REYNOLDS & STICKLER,) 18068 VINTON STREET- COMPLETE LINE OF THE BEST s HAYdRIN, COAL ON THE MARKET SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY OUR PRICES"' 1 ARE THE LOWEST, r : - 1617 Viiiton Street. 'Repairing 'given 'our most "prompt attention. Estimates furnished. a. u. mmjvoj!,mku, rrop., fnone Dong. aiuo. EXTRA SPECIAL 'c MMDMwl I . : 1 -' - ' I ' '... ,, ' : : : . .i - ' " ,. , ,, ........ , " . ' . - r- " y a. .' , rim u y I -mmm u an aa " T - - . -L " " - " ITT" " !!'" " " ' ' "" 1 ' " T:Tr "; r.a-.u ,1 " ,f .,,in ... i . , .. . . . ... . 1912-14 VINTON STREST : Builders of ForedoorrAuto Bodies and all" kindsof other ' .:'--," ,A ".V'': Aiito" "jbodies.'. ; ". - - A.-:.:.. ,'.: rL.iA-t:, y.:,A. :. Bakery,' MilkLaundry. and Light ;Deli vefywagqns ; built. . All kinds ;,of blacksmithing,; carriage rand auto painting 1 i t -.. - 'and-trimming f--? :' riA Give us a-trial Our-prices are right. w SOAP BARGAII1 FOR THIS WEEK We have , Just received a large shipment of fine Quality scented toilet which regularly sells for '11.50 per box; but to advertise same and get the peo ' pie acquainted with its high qualities we offer rit at 50i per box. . ' . Our : large Tea and Coffee stock- offers you excellent op portunities at all timeB to buy for less than elsewhere i KroB's Tea:& Coffee Co; v 1710 Vinton Street. . . , jwnrvuijnjTinniVvnr"i,'aa . :.vr--" .m my - .i ",: v ... - v -'..- trf : 'i. e i ,' h'-t, ...... THE. Miife J . . ... J.' OIF THE BEER .YOU LIKE MADE BY ! 1 Vinton Street Omaha, Nebraska saaiaaaaiaaalaaMMa