Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 9
Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL PAGES NINE TO SIXTEEN. All The News All The Time the Be gives Itt readers a dally panorama of he happenings -- of the whola world. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY G, 1912. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. After All, Mr. Man, It's the Quality and VUU AJU11 AU. lb. Style t rr ( V sio i a isvm fftatraaMes it a bargain The Closing Out of the Bennett Stock Offers Matchless, Unparalleled and Never-to-be-Forotten vjpponunuies ior . nvery Bennett Suit is a buit of CJuahty-Comparison is Especially Invited .00 for Suits Worth up to $25 Wool, khaki and whipcord pants, worth up to $7.50, at $3.75, $2.95, $2.45, $1.95 and $1.25 $13 .95 for Suits Worth up to $55 MIS it m. ::!: UHS! mm mm mm No, sir, we don't want you to take our word for it. We want von in ast that. man next to you in the office or; shop where you work, the man you meet in your place of business or -associate with day in and day out, just what this sale is. It's a safe bet that he has seen the stock and purchased--or if he hasn't he has a frerA that has been here and left thoroughly satisfied .with the biggest suit bargain he ever had in his whole life. Better still, shoo around town and ste what, von n buy for your money at other clothing stores and then come here and make your own comparisons. We will be satisfied with the answer. Reinforcements from the cancelled orders of the Bennett company that we purchased give the sale a new me ana added vigor lor Saturday's selling. ill Mi MS , , " ... , ....... ' w w The lot of suits at $10, worth to $25, and the lot of suits at $13.95, worth to $35, are for both young men. I wo and three-piece styles, variously lined and finished as becomes the Every suit guaranteed strictlv all wool and hand tailored in ti)0Tvnnri- Yn mill i " w r ww mm wr j .9 M Vfc ASa I gf m other suit bargains, equally attractive in their class, when you come to the store to look at these. m men season: mmm mm mm m i mm m 2M5 Genuine Panama Hats Saturday Values up to $10- All New Styles Excellent 'quality of $2.50 High 'grade sailor hats. uaran teed rain and dust proof; sennit, split or fine- Milan straws; $4.00 ife aw S M and SixUU values, $1.98 at ........ High grade sennit, split and Milan straw hats, in the latest summer 1912 shapes; actual Cl CI $3.00 values, at..........CPl JFJ English Slipons Men's English, double texture" slipon raincoats . are r priced for quick clearance as follows--, ; $13 Values, $9.75 $15 Values. $7.95 straw hats, in a large va riety of new and wanted Qk C shapes, Saturday at . . J JC 100 dozen mens light weight caps, mv'good patterns. 75c values, A C at Men's Furnishings Men's high grade" collar band shirts in a large assortment of patterns, values up to $1.50, Saturday v. . . (J9c Men's high grade coat shirts with or without soft collars, .and soft or starch ed cuffs;' up to $2.00 values,' Satur day... v ..89c Men's high grade shirts with soft or starched cuffs; $2.50 values, Satur day. . $1,15 Men's high grade silk union suits; $2.00 values, at .................. . S1.15 Sea Island cotton union suits; excellent quality; $1.50 values:'...; 89c Men's Sea Island cotton union suits; $1 values, at (J9C Men's fine Balbriggan shirts and draw ers that Bennetts priced up to 75c, Sat urday ..............39c Men's Porosknit union suits; Saturday at .....45c to 89c Men's fine stainless half hose, 15c val ues, the pair at , ,7c Men's silk hose; fine quality; regular price 35c, sale price. . . . . . 19c Men's pure silk hose in all colors; 50c values, at .... . . , .29c Men's hose supporters, 25c values, 15c $1 ? mm "EM Iffi'uc mm mm 'mum Mm foRKIN BROTHERS COMPANY, Successor to" $10 Values. $4.95 16TH AND HARNEY STREETS J Finck-Detroit and Headlight o vera lls$ 1.00 valtiei, at 85c ! 85c valueit at 75c j 80c val ues at 45 c m I!:::iif Viiiiiiiliii! mm! i!".l. !.!!!! m fihi'iiiiiili ij; !!(!!!! ii mi mm , '.'!!!:!:!!:!! mm :'!:!:li:i! mm Ik TSuomigs to Sunday Dinner Menu and Selected Recipes BREAKFAST. ".; . Iced Cantaloupes. Shredded Wheat Biscuit served with Tomato Sauce. Coffee. . 4 DINNER. Cream of Lettuce Soup. Hungarian Chicken. RIced Potatoes. Beet Greens. Steamed Cherry Pudding. Foamy Sauce. SUPPER. . Egg Supreme. Finger Rolls. Mocha Cake. Ginger Ale. Asparagus Vinaigrette. Boll asparagus until tender, then allow to cool. Dress with the following sauce: ; Put into pan a teaspoonlul of salt, a Rood pinch of freshly ground pepper, and t a, tablespoonful of tarragon vinegar.- Stir this all together till the salt ia perfectly 1 dissolved, then work into the mixture . three tablespoonfula of the best olive oil, ' and use when thoroughly amalgamated. This is excellent with cold asparagus. Lemon Pie. Moisten a heaping tablespoonful corn fttarca in a little cold water. Add one cup boiling water; atlr over fire and let boll two or three minutes. Add one tea spoonful butter, one cup sugar and take from fire when slightly cool. Add one egg well beaten and juice and grated rind of one lemon. Bake with one crust Beat white of one egg for top and yolk may be used in pie. Strawberry Shortcake. 81ft carefully three cups of flour, three heaping teaapoonf uls of baking powder, one and one-half teaspoonfuls - of sugar, one-half teaspoonful of salt Put three teaspoonfuls of butter and one of lard Into flour until thoroughly mixed; then add enough milk to make a dough (not too stiff). Roll out In a thin sheet, but ter, fold over and bake the same as bis cuit, about twenty minutes. When done, split and fill with plenty of strawberries and powdered sugar. Place top on and serve with cream. : Frait SaUd. Mix together four bananas and four well sweetened oranges and an equal amount of pineapple, cut in slices. Place on lettuce leaves and garnish with can died cherries, English walnuts and al- Hayden's Meat Dept. " The. price of meat cut in two as is shown by the fol . lowing prices: - Pork Roast, per lb 8V2C Mutton Legs, per lb. gc Mutton Boast, per lb. .5c Mutton or Lamb Chops, 3 lbs. for .25c Mutton Stew, 12 lbs 25c Beef Roast 1QC gc Sirloin Steak, per lb J5C Porterhouse. Steak, .per lb. 15C Shoulder Steak, per lb. 1QC Boiling Beef, per lb gc No. 1 Hams , jgc Corn Beef ..5c Bacon, per lb 120 Picnic Hams, per lb iQc Ground .Bone Dust, 10 lbs. for 25c HAYDEN'S MEAT DEPARTMENT monds. Pour over all a dressing made of the Juice of one lemon, three tablespoon fula of sugar and three spoonfuls water. Stir the dressing over the fire until the sugar dissolves. When it is cold pour It over the salad. Cocoanat Klasea. Beat the whites of two eggs until stiff and add gradually, beating constantly one-half cup of granulated sugar, beating until the mixture will hold its shape. Cut and fold in the remaining sugar, one-quarter teaspoonful of vaniiia and three tablespoonfula of shredded cocoa nut Shape with a tablespoon or pastry bag and tube on wet board covered with letter paper. Bake' thirty minutes in a moderate oven. . Froated Ham. The ham must be boiled, cooled, and all superfluous fat removed; then roll and sift very hard crackers, and rub over ham. Spread evenly and smoothly .! WU ornamental frosting, and garnish ui ornamental frosting forced through a pastry bag and tube. Remove to platter nu garnisn wun lettuce-leaves, water crass, paper frills, and a skewer stuck with two ptmolas and a piece of truffle. I.nncheoa Ice (ream Coffee. Pour out coffee remaining In pot, chill thoroughly, dilute with cream, and sweeten to taste. Serve in tall glasses, allowing one tablespoonful of vanilla ice cream to each glasa. Chocolate Syrnp. Melt four squares ot unsweetened chocolate n a small saucepan placed in a larger saucepan ot boillns water. Add one and three-fourths ounfula nt fi granulated sugar and one-eighth tea spoonful of salt, and stir until thoroughly blended; then pour on gradually, while stirring constanly, one and one-half cup tula of boiling water. Place saucepan 1 Pig Pork Boast .... 8?c Steer Pot Roast 8V2C, 7V2C Steer Steak. , . . , lOV'C Young -Veal Roast i()c Lamb Legs lOC Lamb Chops , , jq. Pork Butts uc Cudahy 's Rex Bacon Qc No. 1 Hams 13 C Dressed Chjcken lOV'C Money-Saving Grocery Department 1 19 lbs. cane sugar .' $1.00 Public Pride flour. 91.35 3 large cans tomatoes 2So Soups lOo and SSo Bulk Starch. 3 lbs 10c Publio Special Coftee 40o 3 lbs. $1 oo Best Japan Tea ......40c and 50e Fa ton's Gas Roasted Coffee ..65c Upton's Tea 50c aad COs Baker's Cocoa. ........ &6o aa4 aoo tie Postum spa 3rpe-Kuts loa Carnation or Pet Milk, 10c size. 2 'w 18o 5c size, 7 for B5o Corn Flakes, per pkg 6o 6c oil sardines, 8 for 25o 10c mustard sardines, 4 for ....SSo Corn, 4 ior 85c' .. ; w 'fcpas.:etti, 2 for ..15c ' t"s. ..... . S5o i'Mney Beans or Pork ana Beans, 2 for . .' ibo Package Creamery Butter SSo Best Eggs aoo ar olives or Pickles ..19o DELIVERY WAGOHS LEAVE AT 10:30 A.M. and 3 P.M. 1610 HAR NEY ST. Phones : Douglas 2147 Douglas- 2703 tnd. A-2147 Ind. A-2144 Hie "Happy-Home" Brest! Buttcr-Nut Bread on the table brings a smile of anticipation to the faces of all. ...... For father, mother and the little ones all know that it "tastes like more." ""W And it ought to, for New England Bakery BUTTER-NITT ftPRAn represents a combination of the purest IneredWs sdenHfin-iT. mixed by an exclusive process, and haW.d right touch of crispness in massive ovens. . you? iaml" ."sake8 BU"er-Nut' Wto All grocers have It S and 10 cento the loaf but insist on seeing the Butter-Nut label. ,oar-t .; MADE BY NEW ENGLAND BAKERY i ; I 1 90? containing mixture In direct contact with range, onng to tne Doiung-point, and let boil five mlnutea.. Cool, and . add ona teaspoonful of vanilla. To Cleanae Plaao Krya. Rub them with a little alcohol aDolled with a soft rag. Roast Slioailder of Pork. - Have tne bone removed from thn nnrk tnat the space may be filled with a dress ing of sago and onion or one made of bread crumbs and ihree tablespoonfuli oi melted butter and a largo apple, chopped fine. Roll up and tie with a string. Place in a dripping pan. Hub salt, pepper and grated rind of a lemon over the scraped top and then squeeze the Juice of b len-.or. avtr :L T;ake with even heat A plain broT,-n icravv irsr be made by pouring the grease from thf j 2 rcast drippings and utilising the meat Juices In the bottom of the pan. To Shorten GlnRrrbrrad. ' Try using sausage fat to shorten ginser bread. When gingerbread Is done put on a thin layer of frosting and you will be fu-rrl.fd iow auch more delicious !t wUl be. . . THE BREAKFAST COF will be enjoyed by all of the family if it's SILVER BLEND COFFEE One pound One and ona half pound . .3So ,.S0o GRAND UNION TEA CO. "500 Block" Phone Red 1775. -