Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1912, Page 8, Image 8
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1912. Brandeis Stores July Clearing Sale GREAT BARGAIN EVENT BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK Any Woman's Dress in Our Entire Stock Any Costume or Evening Gown, Any Tailored Suit, Any Woman's Coat at Win mottpr if nnr f nr mer nrice was ffi2S-$35-$50-$75 UD 1 W 111UVIV1 li.VM v-r--. 1 T .- -r " T JT Your choice of all Women $ Gowns, Costumes, Silk and Wool Dresses in , our entire stock. Elegant evening gowns, silk dresses, exquisite demi-costumes, stun ning party gowns, new wool dresses,' white ' 6erges, etcsold formerly at $25, $50, $75 or more your choice at ........... .$15 Choice of all the Women s Suits-' . ti ii 'ii- nTVii- O !i Hf AH ine wool Buns -vvune oeige suna, .juu- j hair Suits, Lmen Suits, etc. Sold iormeriy, at $25, $35, $50, $75 or more-choice, $15 rliii Most Wonderful Bargain Sensation , Omaha Has Ever Known We have never shown so many woman's gar ments of high class at any special sale. Possibly you have been admiring some expensive imported costume in our stock. Buy it Saturday for $15;, v - No Mail Orders Filled-No C G. D's No AlterationsNo Exchanges No Phone Orders. . Select any garment in Brandeis Entire Cloak and Suit Section ; fnrfcl5 This cositivelv includes every woman's readyrto-wear . garment in our stock. Many have been selling at $30, $40, $50 and $60 Some . at $75 and even higher; Sale begins at 9 A. M. Saturday. : ,, . I Saturday One Day Only Your- Choice lflUitC Ui uu ine rrvHiwi much y and Lingerie Dresses in our stock X All trip npwpst nltrji-fflsriihnflhle stvles 1 A 1 ..WW . -ww- J for 1912, now nearing the - height of the1 season; Former prices were $25, $35, $50 or more, at $15 : Your choice of any Woman 's Coat in our entire stock All the serge coati,.ririe linens, etc. all the beauti ful Evening and Party .Wraps the former prices were $25, $50, $75 or more, at $15. . Choice of any Women's i Tailored Skirt IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK Have Been Selling at $10.00, $15.00 and $19.00, Saturday at...- $5 OUR WOMEN'S-FIHE '. t .: 1 V lingerie an 4 Wash Dresses THAT HAVE BEEN SELLING at $10.00 and $12.50, Clearing Sale Specials, Saturday at... $5 14 (--.I Big Special- Sale jin Btnen -Dept;; y- win casement MarseillesBe d Spreads I 1 GREAT CLEARING ' SALE whMPISJ'c QT TMMRR WAISTS T V V1TXXJ1 T - x .? jl ' - " Worth $1.00 and $1.50, at 50c Main Floor. ( - short sleeves or high neck and long sleevesall new and beautiful models; many elaborately trimmed with laces and embroideries. 50c Any of Our Famous Women's King Tailored Waists In Our Entire Stock y2-FRICE Sale of "Women's Sample Waists Hundred! 6f beautiful sample waists iiade of the finest ma terials in tne latest siyies iort nnu-ouuimor exquisitely trimmed In; rich laces" and embroideries manv are exclusive models. ) $5.00 Waists for,250 $12.50 Waists for $6.25 i tn nt.i.i. , ' : Ml t1 K. ftO U'ulstri for S7.50 $650 Waists for;3.a"J .,$15,00 Waists for $7.50 $10.00 Waists for $5.00 J ?16.50 Waists for $8.25 WORTH $2.50, at $1.49 EACH. The most wonderful bargain of the year. Just 300 of these fine weave, large size, Marseilles bed spreads of elegant .'quality. . Every one is , a won-; derful bargain the big event of the Gearing Sale Saturday in basement.1 Actually worth $2.50 each . i Great Sale of Hair Switches Transformations: Second Floor- Cluster Puffs, $1.50 v a 1 u e 8 , . special . Saturday, each at OOC Pompeian Room $4.00 value. Beautiful Natural Hair Switches, 24 : inches 1 long, ',2 ounces; Saturday, each, at. ...... ... . .$1.75 Transformations made to go around the head; $3.50 values, at. ... . . . . ; .$1.98 Natural Wavy Gray Switches, $5.00 values, each mmm. s;: J Shoe Dept. Main Floor 014 Store v Women's Pumps& Oxfords Made of cool, white mercerised duck; the pumps have flat silk bows and welted soles the Oxfords are in 3 button styles with tipped toes, welted, soles and military heels these are handsome shoes, retailing regu larly at $4.00 a pair, all sizes and widths, on Bale at $2.35 A BOYS' AND GIRLS' BAREFOOT SANDALS Tan calfskin with elkskin soles, will give excellent service; all sixes, per pair at. . . - 9S INFANTS' ANKLE STRAP PUMPS Tan calfskin, patent and dull leathers; sizes up to 8, at ............ ..St Saturday in" Our Clearing Sale Millinery Department-Second Floor. ' ' Woman s . - m Any In our entire stock no mat- $P ter what the formir price many have sold up to $25; at...; This includes scores of pattern hats and new models just received from' prominent 5th Avenue, New York, milliners.- Dress Hats Evening Hats Ostrich trimmed Hats-Flower Hats, etc. Every popular large and small shape. Extra Special Any woman's Turkish toweling W lin-n niitiniJ hat or Blazer hat. in our en- tire stock worth up to $1.50, at........;....-. Special aearing Sale of Jew elry and Leather Bags Main floor. Beginning Friday, July 5, store closes at 5 p. m.. daily, except Saturday 9 p. m.f until Sept 1. .Red-Cross 1 - 1 Auto-Vacuum Freezer Demonstration and jsale begins Saturday and will continue all next week. The -Auto . Vacuum Freezer freezes . delici ous ices,' sherberts, par fait, mousse, f rappe and ice cream that require that delightful chill so cooling and refreshing in the summer time. No work, no turn ing, no dirt, no muss. v Come In any day during the sale and let our demonstarator explain all the good points of this wonderful freezer. One quart Freezers, at . . . . . ... ........... .$2.50 Two quart Freezers, at $3.50 China Department West Arcade. XL FREE 6 cakes Palm Olive - Soap with one jar Palm Olive Cream, for f I to Drug Sale Sanitol Tooth Powder, Paste or .14c 1 Imported Rice Powder CQ for ..)7C 50c Java Rice Powder 1Q. Ivory, Soap, at, ...3c per cake . Mb. 20 Mule Team Qr Borax ...... si 50c Case .Traveling QC ,e at V $1 Traveling AQn Case at ........ x7L Bath Caps, QI.7C 15C to ...;P1.J $1 Bath Sprays yq special ...... . s 25c 7c at S2.49 Silk Nets (tied ends) all shades, 2 for 5c 15c Nets, with rubber, special, each, at 5c Washable Hair Rolls, each; at. , . . . . .' -35Cy pairdressing, Shampooing and Manicurins:. k (IMvTinll n kvAlK I L hi .Tm 9p.m. VVlJXl 4J- L Satur- WJJ, , .TrJ Sator' , a 1 a. 25cAmole Q Rose Cream y 15cIiquo- Cp zone soap. .. ..'. 25c Packers' -I T Tar Soap. Thermos Bottles We have purchased a large quan tity of these bottles, which sell regularly for $3.00 and $5.00; on , special sale Saturday ' Pt. $1.49. Qt. $2.98 25c Tooth Paste., 19 25c Tooth' Powder 15k Disappearing Skin .Cream for V. 25 Hair Tonic 50 . & $1 60c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powdr at 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder ISO S5c Dr. Lyon's Tooth Pow. 19c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste ....39c Jl pompeian Massage Crean; 79o 25c Ponds Vanishing Cream. at "o 25c Sanitol Face Cream ....14 60c Danderlne . ...45c 50c Sage and Sulphur. Hair Tonic o Walnutta Hair Stain ... . . .54o Pinaud Lilac Toilet Water 6Se 26c Tooth Brush Holders ..ISo 75c Ideal Hair Brush ...... 89o Jl Ideal Hair Brush ..... .890 1