Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1912, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEEt OMAHA, SATUEDAY, JULY 6, 1912. July Sales Here Mean More Than Mere Price Swings There's Satisfaction Always A Marvelous My Sale of Summer Dresses, Suits & Coats During the July sales we Fill Mad Orders While the Special Lots Last Order at Once ( July Sale of Men's Furnishings and Underwear Every Garment Guaranteed Perfect Men's Athletic Union Suits, in fine qual ity nainsook ' .49c Men's Union Suits, worth to $2.00, fine lisle and mercerized, all sizes, on sale, at 98c Men's $1.00. and $1.50 Union kinds and sizes, choice 69c $1.00 and $1.25 Night Shirts, and nainsooks, in all sizes, cut long, at. io An MKA n-i 1 . v.w aaiu p.a xajtuuos iu piain cciors, if or tancies, big assortment at 98C, 69c Men's Summer Shirts, $2.00 up to $3.50 values, at . 98c Fine Mohairs, French Flannels, Silk and Mercerized Madras, white Linens etc., soft collars or collars detached, great est values ever, at . . 9Se 15c and 25c Hose . . . .12 V2C and 7V2C Men's Summer Shirts, $1.00 to $1.50 values at 49c Pon gees, Chambrays, Silk Stripe Madras, etc., all good brands, some slightly soiled, all guaranteed perfect, in Saturday's sale ....I..... ..49c 25c Silk Four-in-Hand Ties . , . . . . .12y2c July . uly Shoe --fShoe Sale Wy: Sale Shoes are usually considered a families. But you'll find it easy, to make selection in our July Sale and at the same time lessen by about half the expense. Men's and Women's Oxfords and Shoes, all leathers and all styles, values up to $4.00, for this sale $2.50 Men's and Women's Shoes or Oxfords, all leathers and styles, values up to $3.00 . . '. . ........ . $1.98 In this lot are about 300 pairs, women's white button shoes ; " and two-strap pumps. Men's $2.00 white canvas bal or; .Oxfords ......... .$1.25 Women's, Misses' or Child's white canvas 2-strap Pumps, regular.$1.75 and $1.50 values ... ..... ... .- .$1.00 All sizes Barefoot Sandals up to a misses' size 2, with or ,,, without elkskin. soles, the 75c kinds 48c j 200 pairs women's $2.50 white canvas 6lant top button j shoes, at $1.50 I About 400 pairs women's $2.00 and $2.50 Oxfords and 1, 2 and 3-strap Pumps,. in turn and welts $1.00 Visit bur busy Children's Department. Special sales all . day. Come early and bring, the children. Plenty of ; extra help to serve you. , . - , , High Grade Panamas i Values up to $8.00, in most stylish new blocks, on sale Sat- j urday ii 3 lots $2.95, $3.50 and $4.50 i Stylish Straw Hats Manufacturer's Samples, worth up to j $3.00, an exceptionally fine lot, on ale at .. . . . i ; $1.40 Boys' and; Children's Straws AH styles of straws, special i purchase, values to $1.00, choice 25c and 45c Regular Lines at $1.00 to $9.00 that were never surpassed by any store 'in the land. SEE THAT $8.00 LINE. Special for One Day Only ELECTRIC IRONS Saturday we will sell the famous "Ideal' 6-pound Electric Iron, which is guaranteed for 5 years, a regular $5.00 Iron, for .-$2.08 This is the only iron that heats the whole bottom, the point being the hottest, and does not heat the top or handle. The only real hot weather iron in town. Big Sale Saturday Gasoline or Oil Stove Ovens. 1 burner Ovens, tin and asbestos lined, worth S1.29, at f 984 1 burner Ovens, extra heavy, large size, worth $1.98, at 81.39 2 burner Ovens, heavy steel and lined, worth 2.50, at ...-81.89 1 burner heavy fancy Oven, glass door, worth $2.50, at 81.89 2 burner heavy fancy oven, glass door, worth $3.50, at pedal Reduction la loss Saturday. 15c Greenwick "8-4" hose, guaranteed. This ia a fine (-ply with rubber la it, and should last 10 years, , at : ,X8H0 "Greenwick," worth 13c" lOo 12c 3-4 Guaranteed Hose. 3-ply 9o 12c 1-3 Guaranteed Hose. 4-ply 9o We are agents for the famous "White Lily" electrio washers, the "Motor" and "One Minute" washers. Washing machines up from ..$3.98 INCREASE f ARM LAND YALUE than Equalization, Board Adds from Tour to Fifty Per Cent FLORENCE IS HIT THE HARDEST Only Valnes Remaining: Practically Unchanged Are In Jeffersaa, Elkhorn and Chicago Townships. Dougfas county farm land valuations are increased from four to fifty per cent by . the1 final, action of the equalization board. The increases and the new valua tions are as follows: Florence precinct, 50 per cent, $86 per acre; McArdle, 16 per cent, $100; Millard. 10 per cent, $86; Valley, 4 per cent, $59; Vnlon, 10 per cent. $77; Waterloo, 10 per cent, $60; Douglas, 10 per cent, $150; Ben son, 3) per cent, $250. Some of the acreage Is increased more 15 Suits, alll and 49c fine muslin MU full and wj 49cH hlll big item of expense in most Five Saturday Specials In the Domestic Room 1 r c a d i a Linen Finished Sheets, 65c values, 81x 90 Bize, seamless, special bargain, at 4S 15 Kingston Bed Spreads, full sized, hemmed, assorted patterns at ofiA 16 He Made Pillow Cases, fine qual ity muslin, 45x36 eize, at..llJi 15c Fringed Turk, ish Towels, good weight, 17 x 36 size ....imk M.25 Bl e ached Cotton Damask Table Cloth, mer cerized, 8x10 size choice ...98 82.98 others and in each precinct there Is 11 1 f IP some land that is poor. The above values are for the average acre. Values practically unchanged are: Jef ferson, $77; Elkhorn, $76; Chicago, $72. In Dundee there Is an Increase of about per cent on acreage and lots; In East Omaha there is a similar Increase on lots, there being practically no acreage. . TIME TO BE SHORTENED . ON THE MISSOURI PACIFIC Running time on the Missouri Pacific will be shortened by one hour and fifteen minutes between here and Kansas City when the new time table goes into effect Sunday. The train now leaving here at 9:30 in the morning will depart hereafter at 16:45. reaching Kansas City at 5:30 In the evening, as at present. It will carry through sleepers and diners from Min neapolis Running in the opposite direc tion the train will leave Kansas City at l:4o In the afternoon and will reach here last but $5.00 Dresses at $1.45-10 dozen dainty W h i t e Dresses, lace insertion and embroidery trimmed; also 20 dozen colored dresses, made to sell to $5, while they last, choice . . $1.45 Children's Wash Dresses Regular $1.50 val ues 69c. All the newe$t summer styles in all sizes, almost unlimited assortment, will go on sale at , 69c Seldom if ever before have such bargain opportunities been offered in Omaha, even at Hayden's. You can't afford to mis3 them. See displays in our 16th St. windows. Don't fail to see these offerings before buying. t 1 ' July Clearance Bargains In Hos iery and Parasols Ladies' Silk Boot Stockings with high spliced heel, double toe, soles and heel, white, black and tan, all perfect .35c and 25c $1.00 All Silk Stockings, black only, on sale at 49C' Children's Hose, 15c and 25c values, at 12MjC and 7V2C $1.50 Silk Hose, all colors, at pair . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . .98c LADIES' PARASOLS Big special ' purchase, all new styles and colors, parasols in the lot worth $6.50; your choice at .. . 9S Kayser's 16-Bntton Length Silk Gloves All colors, matchless values Saturday. $1 and 81.50 Special LmbreUa Bargains-Fancy and plain handles, American taf feta covers. . ,93" and 8145 Bed Spread Specials Saturday High Grade Linen Dept. Full size imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, scalloped or fringed, $6.00 values, each at $3.50 Full size Imported Marsailles Bed Spreads, scalloped or fringed, $8.00 values, each... 8495 Full size, crochet pattern Bed Spreads, scalloped or fringed, $4.00 values, each 82.50 Full size crochet pattern Bed Spreads, scalloped or finged, $3.25 value, each 91.98 Full size crochet pattern Bed Spreads, hemmed or fringed, $2.50 values, each 81.50 Colored full size fringed Bed Spreads, assorted, $4.00 values, each a no ""Try CWEUM at 8:30, leaving fifteen minutes later ove the Northwestern for Mlnneapolia GUEST'S CLOTHES TAKEN FROM THE CAREY HOTEL Louis Vonler, a boarder at the Carey hotel, reports the theft of a valuable stickpin, two palrs'Of glasses and his coat and vest. His trousers, containing nearly $50, and a diamond ring, were left be hind. The robbery occurred while Vonler was asleep. It being a warm night he left the door open. LITTLE GIRL BURNED BY EXPLODING FIRECRACKER Annabelle Douglas, the 14-year-old daughter of Rev. A. C. Douglas, was painfully burned about her right hand evening when a firecracker which the was holding In her hand, exploded. Particles of the powder entered the flesh, no serious lacerations were noticed. $7.50 Dresses at $2.95 Beautiful lawns, fine em . broideries, Swisses and i fancies, all colors and white; scores of the most beautiful summer styles for selection, at. . $2.95 25c Veilings at 5c a bisr line of Fancy VellinKs. reg ular values to 25c yard; to close at, yard ............... ..5 75c Sash Ribbons at 35c A. brand new novelty In' high grade Sash Ribbons, bought, to sell regularly at 50c and 7 Sc at, yard 35 Hand Bags Complete line for your selec tion. Matchless values in Satur day's clearing sale. $1.00 Hand Bags ..-494 sz.uo nana Bags. ....... ..99 $2.50 Hand Bags 81.25 $4.00 Hand Bags........ $1.98 Black Velvet Ribbons Are in great demand this season, especially in the ' wide numbers. We are shoving ' all these wide numbers at SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES. New Neckwear We're continually adding the new novelties to this stock, and Sat urday show an exceptionally at. ; tractive ass'ortment-r- at.... ........ 10 to 81.08 China DepK Glasware Specials 1 qt. Ball Mason Fruit Jars, per dozen .. qq$ 1 pt. Ball Mason Fruit Jars, per dozen .. . . .r.". .59 1 at. Root Beer Bottles, dos. .gX 1 pt. Root Beer Bottles, doz.75 pt. Jellies, doz.. 20 hi pt. Jellies, doz 35 Best Jar Covers, doz. ...... 15 Best Jar Rubbers, 2 doz. for 15 Jar Rubbers, 2 doz. for .......,.,.... FRUITS ARE MUCH CHEAPER Berries of All Kinds Also Greatly Reduced in Price. VEGETABLES, TOO, PLENTIFUL Sugar Sells Nineteen Poonds for Dol. Iar. and Potatoes Drop Ten Cents a Feck -Lemonc Are Coating- More. Fruits are probably as cheap now as they will be this season. The local mar ket Is almost overburdened with all va rieties of fruits and grocers sar that if the housewife wants to can any of the sweet things now is the accepted time. Black raspberries are selllnc at E cents a pint; cherries and currants at 1 cents ana gooseoemes at 10 cents a quart fUJ June plums may be bought at 5 cents a quart, and tragedy blue plums at 40 cents Nearly $100,000 worth of beautiful Summer Dresses, Suits and Coats. All fresh, new, clean merchandise, se cured by bur buyer from sev eral overstocked manufactu rers for about one-third ac tual worth, will be placed on sale Saturday at smaller pri ces than ever before known for garments of such quality and beauty. 1,000 BeaiUitul Summer Dmsts 600 Elegant Summer Sui t BOO Cleverly Designed Silk Dmscs ISO Fine Light V, eight Coats - Together with your unre stricted choice of all our fine dresses, suits and coats; $30 values, $40 values and $50 values at "Without question the big gest and best bargain oppor tunity ever , offered in any Omaha store. - If after purchase yova find better or equal value elsewhere wt will cheer fully refund your money. Sale Begins at 8 A. M. $1.50 Dresses at $5.00- Linens, piques, dainty lin geries and other beautiful wash materials, 50 designs . for selection, made to sell to $15, in Saturday's sale, at $5.00 Children's Wash Dresses $3 values, in all most wanted wash materials, both white and colors; a broad assortment of beautiful new styles for selection v. ... ... ...... . . $1,45 lulf Clearance Bargains In Corset Dept. One Lot of Corsets, regular. 75c and $1 values, broken lines, on sale at ... ...49c Extra Long Corset, with six hose supporters and draw tape, all sizes .. .75a Corsets Worth to $2.00, in long and medium models, high or low bust, also lace embroidery trim med, at 98 BOc Bust Ruffles, at. . . ... 25 50c Brassiers, at. ..... . . .25 Boys' Pongee Blouse Waists, reg ular $1.00 values, with military collar," at ......... ,49 Children's Wash Suits and Romp ers, all colors, $1.00 values at 494 Children's Wash Suits, worth $1.50 to $2.50; go at..;.9gk Children's Blouse Waists, 60c to 75c values, all styles, at. , .35i Saturday's Specials In the High Grade Wash Goods Dept. Check Dimities, a good as , sortment of . 'patterns, at, yard 12HC 19c Mercerized Foulard light and dark colors, good pat terns, at yard .12Vc 25c Plisses in white and col ors, for underwear, 30-inch wide, at yard 18c 19c Plisses, 22 inches wide, in white and colors; at, yd.l2Hfc Bordered Batistes, regular 15c quality; at, yard .jo r . i mi i a basket. Large baskets of peaches are bringing 80 cents. These fruits come to take the place of pineapples, which have disappeared from the local market. Vegetables are also plentiful. A one third market basket of wax or green beans or peas may be had for 30 cents Potatoes have dropped 10 cents In price, now selling at 30 cents a peck. A. King, manager of Hayden Bros.' grocery department, said yesterday that the Fourth of July picnics through, out the country would cause a rise In the price of lemons, which already baVe In creased 5 cents In price.. They are selling at 20 and 26 cents a dozen, and as the hot weather continues and foJks . persist in 16ft drinks lemons are t expected to rise considerably. Got. an Awful Fright by fear of appendicitis? Take Dr. Klnc's New Life Pills and soon see bowel trouble vanish. . Guaranteed, 23c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. , . Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. S First it Pay, July Clearance of Muslin and Knit Underwear Seldom in a lifetime will vou find values that will com pare with these. Assortments, too, are pleasingly complete. oKirts and Jtrincess Slips of fine quality cambric and nainsook, also Silk Com bination Suits with circular drawers, values to $6.00, Saturday, at choice $1.98 and $2.98 Gowns, Combination Suits and Skirts Splendid assortment of dainty de signs, made to sell up to $3.50, Satur day, at ...98c Gowns, Combination Suits and Skirts, worth more than double ...49c Children's Muslin Drawers, lace and em broidery trimmed or hemstitched and' tucked, at 19o and 12Kc Bathing Suits Greatly Under Priced. Silk Lisle Union Suits Tight or loose knee, all sizes, to $2.50 values . . . .9C Lisle Union Suits that sold at $1.00, all styles, great snap Saturday . . . . . .49c Ladies Cotton Union Suits .35c 3 for $1.00 35c Lisle Under Vests lf)c Vests, Pants, Union Suits, 35o garment vame. at iqu r4.11.- Bin mi I . V. " n.8.' -y"A 8?eclal v. 9J..U9. Piam one at 81.35 .. ,.... i.r.-.-.-j-jwutnjv i c.mpw ovr Showing of Summer Millinery RttineHats m to 9 8c Why Pay More tor Drugs and Toilet Goods? mraT a paoiai rirrt 1 S0o iar Pomnnlun Mo.. of taa Month Drug Bale. ac Cream for . .89o tUgHeet Quality Ooods 25o alz of Hir-. nnn Tot Leia Xoncj Ihaa Ton ay Zliewhere. J5o bar of Cutloura Soap for 17c 10c and 16c a bar Toilet aoaps, allghtly soiled, at -per take .BVi Four bars of ' ivory aoap for ..........10 10c Jap Rose or Palm Olive aoap, at 9 bare for 10o 15a pkf. of 20 Mule Team Borax for ..Bo $1 si bo pure Hydrogen Peroxide, extra aize, for aso 60c box Stllmvaii's free Beer Extract for lew Eight sheets of poison fly paper for Bo 18c can of Williams' Violet qr. Carnation Talcum .. . . . . . .10o lBo values.-In Waa'table Toilet Chamois for lOo 25o Vanity Boxes, con taining powder, mir ror and puff, for .So 26o can of Mennen'a or Colgate's Talcum pow der for 18e $1 and $1.60 fancy Trav ellng Cases go at 690 60o bottle of German Oreen aoap liquid shampoo for 99o , Hie Cream for ....Mo i.n.n an nnnqnnan n n ri n n n nnnrinmri You Can Save 13 on Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases BY BUYING HERE SATURDAY. 20 Sample Trunks tbat would sell regularly at $15.00 to $30.00; special to -close, Saturday at 810.95 to 81805 50 Traveling Bags and Suit Cases, all leathers and sizes, $2.00 .to . $26.00 values; to close- at 81.50 to 816.95 juusjTJirLJi.n-anrnnri""l",,""'"'fc aaasai Good Things to Try Hayden's It lbs. beat granulated sugar 9140 ta-lb. sacks best high trade Diamond H fair.lly flour, for pastry( les, cakes and pudding, nothing like It, per sack W 14-os pkg. beet domestic macaroni at ......TWo Potted meats, per can ...o Large bottle Worcester sauce, . Pickles, assorted kinds or Pure To mato Catsup, bottle Kfto S-lb. cans Baked Beans 8 l-9o 1-lb. cans tall Salmon 18Wo Jellycon, Jell-o or Advo Jell. pkg. at ..7H Oil or mustard sardines, can . .8 l-3o Imported sardines, good quality, can. at 81-80 French or German mustard, large bottle with spoon 10o 1-lb. cans assorted soups 7V4o S-lb. cans fancy table peaches, apri cots, plums or pears in heavy : syrup llo Peanut oil for your salads, per bot tle 360, 400, eoo Stuffed or plain olives, bottle . .10o Blue Label or Snlders' catsup, bot tle "Ho i lbs. best bulk peanut butter ....8So Tresa Fruits for Sunday. ItaHan blue plums, basket 40o Red plums or apricots, basket . .40o Cherries, gooseberries, currants or raspberries, box 8 l-3o More Complications in Hull-McKeen Suit Mr. and Mrs. W, R. McKeen'a demui rer to C. W. Hull's suit for annulment of his alimony contract with Mrs. McKeen was overruled by Judge A. C. Troup. The McKeens now must file their answer, after which there will be another long battle over motions of one sort and an other. The Issues will not be made up and the case will not be ready for trial on its merits before next autumn. HUMMEL TO SET 'EM UP , TO CRECHE YOUNGSTERS Commissioner Hummet will serve the youngsters at the Creche with ice cream this evening at the formal opening of tha playground on the Creche grounds. The women of the Creche will entertain. Mayor Dahlman will be present. r i, i . T , V w vwiu unucrwtw, ac...it4 Purchase on sale-Hand embroidered r a With any and all shown else where you'll find superior values and assortments at any and all times. " ' ' $7.50 Trimmed Hats. $2.95 50 beautiful new white chip hats fresh from the work rooms, trimmed in newest styles, values to $7.50, choice ........$2.95 New Feather Effects;"' Wings; Breasts and Fancy Ostrich. Will save you about half on these lines of goods. . 60o box of Java Rica or Pozzonl'a face powder for aso 26o Sanltol or Dr. E. u Orave'a tooth powder or paste for ....1HV40 25o Pond's ext Sanltol or'. Peroxide . Face Cream for ,.,..,l4o One hundred Dr. Hln kles Caacara tablets, In sealed bottle. The ' one best laxative, 95o $1.60 Standard Fountain Syringe, 3-Qfc, for 69o $1 S-qt Red Rubber Comtlnatlon Syringe for $1.50 $3 Wellington Syringe and bottle, guaranteed for t years, for 88.00 Clearance Sale of Hammocks and Croquet Sets $6 and $6.50 Hammocks $4,50 and $5 Hammocks. $3.50 Hammocks at.... $2.50 Hammocks at $3.50 Croquet Sets. $2.60 Croquet Sets $2.00 Croquet Sets $1.50 Croquet Sets..... 84.95 83.98 82.75 81.75 82.75 81.75 81.30 ...95 Eat for Sunday first-It Pays California cherries, box lsHo Muakmelons, each ......Bo and 7Vio Fancy peaches, baaket ...SOo Bpeoials on Batter aad Cheese. No. 1 creamery butter, lb. . .... .95o Fancy No. 1 dairy butter, lb . .830 Full cream Young American cheese. lb ..X8e Neufachtel cheese, each ........ 3o Another Big Cnt in rresh Vegetables 13 lbs. to the peck, new potatoes. demand 16 lbs., the law requires it peck ; 3 Oo 6 bunches fresh leaf lettuce ....So 8 bunches fresh radishes......... So ( bunches fresh beets, .turnips, car. rots or onions , So 4 bunches fresh Kohli Rabbi ....So New cabbage, per lb 3o Fancy wax or green beans, lb... 3140 Fancy wax white cauliflower, 3 lbs. for lOo 8 bunches fresh parsley So Large hdthouse cucumbers, 3 for lOo Fresh peas, per quart ,...60 Fancy ripe tomatoes, per lb. ....60 3 heads freah head lettuce So Large market basket fresh turnips at 13HO Fresh roasted peviuts, quart ,...Sp Large, Juicy lemons, per dozen . .SOo Quart boxes cherries 74o Quart boxes gooseberries, currants or black raspberries ....Bl-80 Large baskets fancy rips tomatoes at ,...80o Fond Brother Elks Kidnap Oscar Lieben Oscar Lieben, the justly renowned- 1th presarlo of the Ak-Sar-Ben ' Royal Con servatory of Music, has been kidnapped and his wife wants htm back. . , Oscar tripped down to the station on the Fourth of July to bid affectionate, adieu , to his brother Elks who were about to depart for Portland. Tears flowed down the cheeks of the big brother Elk at the very thought of having to leava -their dear leader behind. They wept on his shoulders, but It was a sly weep, indeed. When the signal was given to start the magnificent special train westward the tearful brothers slm-' ply picked Oscar up, bundled him into a coach and slammed him down la the cushions. .1 Oscar wires back to his wife that hs . will return from Denver. ' t' 1 ' I ! 1. ! "S.W