THE BEE: OJIAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1912. . 16 GAS COMPROMISE BLOCKED Report of the Special Committee is . Recommitted by Council. OLD INCIDENTS ARE RECALLED Protestants Allege that City Has Won a Complete Victory and that to the Victor Be - Ions; the Spoils. Foowing a dramatic recital of the city council's action in approving the gas con tract by which the city promised to pay the gas company $28 per lamp per year for a term of five years the commission yesterday recommitted the report of the special committee appointed to effect a compromise. A public hearing will be fcad as soon as representatives of the gas company return from the east The com mittee had reported In favor of a com promise on t-i per lamp. T. W. Blackburn, W. M. Giller, D. 3. O'Brien and Harry B. Zlmman protested against any settlement, saying the city had won the case in the courts and thj contract having been entered Into In bad faith nothing was due the company. Mr. Blackburn said In his opinion the pas company 1 could not collect a cent Mr. Giller declared the only questions involved bad been settled by the courts, which had declared the council had no right to make contracts, as it was pro hibited by charter. He said the council rould i not legally : pay a "reasonable charge" because it had no right to enter Into the contract ' To the victor belongs the spoils, Gil ler maintained, and since ths city had won in every instance the citizens ought to be the beneficiaries of "the nearly $200,000. The contract was let without previously advertising, he said, and ths price was greater than the city should ; have paid. -v;. Old Incident Recalled. D. J. O'Brien and H. B. Zlmman, as members of the council at the time the contract was let, recalled that policemen and plain clothes men had been stationed at all the doors of the council chamber and prevented councllrnen from leaving the room while "the attorney for ths gas company dictated the contract and the council was forced to enter Into the agreement, Members of the council who were not present were forced to attend, policemen being sent after them. Zlmman asserted that citizens who were spectators at ths meeting were compelled by the police to remain In the room until the contract was : approved. '. " -; : O'Brien attempted to leave the room and was prevented by policemen. -He "wrestled with a plain clothes roan,' but Wois forced to resume his seat and partial, pate In the proceedings. O'Brien advised the council to pay the gas company. $28 per lamp if they paid anything, because they were entitled to the amount fixed In the agreement it It "was a good faith contract." ' Cites Court Record. Zlmman said it was a matter of court record that the gas company had even re sorted to attempted bribery. - "Ths com pany has shown the city no consideration and we ought to show it none. They are not entitled to a cent until they come to you and say they will reimburse ths city for charges in excess of ths limitations named in their franchise." , , Commissioner Ryder, chairman of the oDAcial committee from the council, sug gested the matter be allowed to rest until a public meeting could be held and both sides of ths case presented. This suggestion was followed and ths commit tee's report recommitted. ,- President Freel of the Stereotypers . Visiting in Omaha James Freel, president of the Interna tlonal Sterotypers , and Eleotrotypers union, Is in Omaha visiting with ths mem bers of his craft and calling on the em ployers with whom his union does busi ness. He is returning from ths recent convention of his organization, held at Pan Francisco. At that convention very important action was taken, in ths presi dent's stand on ths sanctity of local con tracts when underwritten by the, inter national officers. The Chicago stereo typers had struck in sympathy with the pressmen employed on ths newspapers there. President Freel ordered the men to return to. work. When they refused he suspended the charter of thn union. The Chicago union took an appeal to the convention, where the action of ths president was sustained, the stereo typers going squarely on record as stand' ing for the observance of contracts. . Mr. Freel was the guest of Commis sioner Byder at luncheon at ths Rome at noon, and last evening was the guest of honor at ths home of Thomas Reynolds on Sherman avenue, Mrs. Freel is traveling with her husband. Vicious Monk Still - at Liberty in Park Commissioner Hummel is still searching for the monkey which escaped from his cage at " Riverview park and attacked and wounded Martin Larsen. Since Wednesday no trace of the animal has been found. Shortly, after its ' escape the monkey was seen in the trees, but armed employes of the park department were unable to capture It Citizens have been warned that It is a dangerous animal and children, are being kept out of the park unless accompanied by grownups. ... REMORSEFUL MAY MOORE TAKES MERCURY TABLETS i!ay' Moore had reaction yesterday following a lively celebration , of the Fourth of July and sought to dissipate remorse with the aid of a half a dozen tablets of bichloride ot mercury, At St Joseph's hospital, where she i beir g cared for, ths nurses fear that she will succeed. The woman, who has been stopping at the National hotel, on Fit' tcenth. between Douglas and Dodge streets, has thrice attempted to take her life within the las'; tew months. ' , BUILPINQ AND LOAN MEN LEAVE FOR CONVENTION The twentieth annual meeting of the United States League of Building and Loan Associations begins a three-day ses sion at Atlantic " City, N. J next Tues day. Three delegates from Nebraska will attend T, C. Patterson, secretary of the North Platte association; J. T. Heigren. aKitatjt. secretary of the Omaha as so elation, and T. J. Fltzmorris. director of the Nebraska association of Omaha, Open till 9 p. m. Saturdays Handkerchiefs Women's sheer linen embroidered initial handkerchiefs, also your first' name in full daintily embroid ered on sheer linen values to 25c, at... 15c Ope a till 5 p. n. week iij Handkerchiefs Won.en's and men's plain hemstitched all linen handkerchiefs, also em broidered initials ana embroidered corners ues aerea minus roldered i isrs val- iyC to 15c at... Silk and Lisle Hose, Special Prices Women's pure thread silk hosiery; all silk, wide hem tops, also wide lisle garter tops, lisle double soles, high spliced heels and toes plain and fancy embroidered boot patterns ; i0 white, tan and fancy colors; values up to $1, at.... U C Women's 75c Pure Thread Silk Hosiery at 49c Women's pure thread silk hosiery; wide mercerized lisle garter tops; lisle soles, high spliced heels and toes regular and out sizes black,' tan and white worth up to 75c, AQf at, pair ....... .". ............ 1 ... ..... . . ..... . . . . . . , .te VC Women's and Men's Fine Mercerized Lisle Hosiery Plain and fancy embroidered, also lace boot effects; hem tops, double soles, high spliced heels and toes also pure silk boots black, tan, white and fancy colors- worth up to 50c, at....... ............ Women's and men's fine cotton and lisle hosiery, wide hem tops, double soles, high ' spliced heels and toes regular and ItlC out sizes 25c values, at. . .7, ..... . V . , 29c .8 toy Misses', boys' and children's fine and heavy rib bed hosiery some have double f')l linen heels and toes, double knees I q P and garter tops; worth 20c, at, pr. . . Women's and Children's Summer Underwear Women's Fine Lisle Nushape Union Suits, cuff knee and um brella style lace trimmed comfortable, perfect fit- CAa ting garments, worth 75c, at, a suit. . ' . . . ... .". . . .9UL Women's fine cotton Union Suits in ribbed and Poros Knit mesh umbrella style lace .trimmed 50c 4g quality, at, a suit .' . . ................ i-;'.Yr :. J. . I .ML. Children's "M'VKnlt Waists patent taped ' buttons and hose sup ' porters all Blzes up to fifteen . years each . ...... 12ic Boys Genuine Poros Knit Union Suits, short sleeves and knee lengths, up to il 6 years 50c 'qual-1 ity. at, a suit 35c Boys Genuine Poros Knit Shirts, short ; sleeves, also knee length . drawers, the 25c quality; , on sale, : per gar- a f ment . ..xC Women's Washable Shetland Veils, WeruY up to $1.50, at 59c New Lacy Shadow tlexagon Meshes, etc, in white, black and colorsr-I yards long worth to $1.50, at, each. .... . v.v ....,. V,. ........ h--U-... .59c Saturday's Extra Specials on the Main Floor $3 Allover Em- All leather bags with 11-lnch Ger man Silver Frams In grafi or fancy design1 worth S3, special at, m All leather Bags with 10-Inch nvetal frame, " ;1 ea th e r lined; ; worth i f 1 and $1.50,. special at 79c German Silver, Unbreakable Mesh Sags, with-'7-inch frame SB value sale prlca $2.98 broidery Linen Parasols, $1.98 I $2 Embroidered Insertion, Lin en Parasols f at ...... ..$1 Children's Japa nese Parasols, striking- colors and pat terns; special at, .; !0c IfuM . 28c Sale of Men's Summer Shirts $1.00 Col! and Negligee Shirts at 69c These shirts are carefully made ' from cool, serviceable materials in the most popular styles of the sea sonthey come in all the new pat terns and colors with detached soft collars and French cuffs to match actual $1.Q0 values, on sale at....... 69c High Grade Shirt Special Shirts made of the finest materials in the best of patterns and latest styles that , are dressy and serviceable as can be many smart, new colors values range from $1.60 to $2 here are splen- AO did values at. VOC Men's White Oxfords This is the popular sum mer footwear for men these are made from genu ine Sea Island Duck and White Buckskin in button and blucher lace styles over nobby, comfortable, dressy lasts all sizes, 'at, pair 4 $1.98, $2.50, $3.48 Old Store, Kain floor Saturday's Big Specials in Boys' Clothes BOYS' WASH SUIT SPECIALS Hundreds of smart, stylish wash suits, made of good, service able materials stunning new colors and patterns. $4.00 Wash Suits . . $3.00 $3.05 Wash Suits'. . . . . . . .$2.00 $2.50 Wash Suits at . . . .$1.50 $2 Wash Suits at . . . . . .". $1.00 Boys' All Linen Knickerbockers, new gray and blue mixtures, $1.00 values, at v. 69 Boys' Linen Norfolk Suits, ages 6 to 16, worth $3.50; special at $3.25 Boys' Double Seat and Knee' Overalls, at ,. ...39J Boys Pongee and Solsette Blouses, with . high "military collar, at. ...... . -49 Boys' Rompers, ' all styles and colors, 'at 39i : 1 A Boys' All Wool Serge - Knickerbocker : Pants, good styles, excellent values, at................. OOC . BASEMENT SPECIALS Odd Lots of $3.50 and $4 Quality Boys' Wool Suit New styles, extra good values, special at....... .... $1,75 Odd Lota and Broken Lines of Our $4.50 to $6 Quality Boys'. Suits Smart, snappy styles Jn new shades,'; -...$3.25 Boys' Long Pant Suits Hand tailored throughout and cut in the latest styles $7.50 and $10 values, very-special at ....... .. .i .$5.00 Boys'. Washable Suits, made of durable : materials pretty patterns $1 values, on special sale atl ...... .. ,. ,49 - Children's RompersLow : neck and t . short sleeves blue and ,linen color chambrays 50c quality at. . . . .29 Boys' Odd Pants $1 values, special at, each '.V . . . .'.v . . . . .'. .aga ' Boys' Overalls Double seat and knee t oc . vaiues at . . . . ... ....... 39 BRANDEIS STOEES Bell Company :Has No Eights Under the Automkic Franchise Ths city commission by resolution rs fused to rscogniss ths right ot ths Bell Telephone company to any of the priv ileges or ths franchise ef the Independent company, sold at public auction. This resolution followed a formal notification nt to ths mayor fcy th Bell company apprising ths councllmea of . ths pur ebass, - .'. .! .' None of the rijhts of ths Independent company was purclassd by the ' Bell company, according to ths city legal de partment, and ths Bell has no right to operate the property. A copy of ths resolution was served on the Bell com pany. , This resolution was passed as a matter of precaution, : said the city attorney, since the Bell company might later de clare the city was estoppod unless its attitude was now declared. C. E. Fanning notified the commission that he would hold the city responsible for the burning of the tar on the Six teenth street creosoted wood block pave ment. " :.. -. . An ordinance directing that prisoners be employed on the streets was recom mended for passage. . J, F. Morlarlty and others objected to the laying of a spur track of the Mis souri Pacific from California td Webster street The council set ths hsartng for Tuesday. Bid for' painting room 300 in the city hall was let for $75. This Is Commissioner WlthneU's office." " The Persistent and jumcious tTse ot Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Business Success. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. "In the cool of early morning Come to the HANSCOM PARK M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL, 2Sth and Woolworth Avenues. V Opens in all departments at 9:45 each Sunday morn ing. New scholars can enroll any week on application. Visitors welcome. . -I I . ,! - , . . -I i .-1 I .1 .111 - II!,! I II . , , ,p Preaching services 11 o'clock Sunday mornings. rsonxst Tyler 1300, Auto., A-aaac Ws pay express one way on out of town ship ments of $3 ox over. a HanyaTourthif July" Damage Repaired Here That is, all of the "Fourth of July" damages that may have been suffered hy your clothing; such as grass stains,' ice cream spots, perspiration soli, etc. We will even fix up powder marks if it is at all possible to fix 'em up. ' It's , safe to say you'll need OUR CLOTHES RE STORING 4 services if you've celebrated in a STRENUOUS manner. Dresher Bros. Dry Cleaners, 2211-2213 Farnam Street Branch Agencies: Fompaian Boom. Brandels Stores and Dreshor, the ' Tailors; 1515 7arnam St. ' i Scout I ...... . . Fit your boy for" the outing or summer vacation!; See' that he has a pair of our. Boy Scout Shoes in his outfit. -No boy should be withdut them these summer days. They are made of ealr;.pll-. able and cool on the feet. They will stand all the scuffing that any boy can give them. For wear there is no better shoe made. All "Good Scouts" weai them. ' .v According to size $175 to $2,50 DREXEL 1419 Farnam WM. J. BOEKHOFF, Beall BsatoSi Prion ps jnoug-.iis. rnunes fat. A-axia Pen's (llhiinig After the Fourth Special Pure worsteds, fine all wool serges and nobby cassimeres; two and three button stylee. They are worth $15.00. All EXTRA SPECIAL Ws'ts abont 800 suits which have been sslUsft at $30. Ths raa-s of sisss is hrokea. Ton can hay one of these silts tomorrow at $1.50 Trouser Values Unsurpassed for -Saturday's Selling Ws havs assembled into three great lots from oar own regular stock of high grade trousers, COWSEBTATXTS, PEO SOP and OUTIWO STYLES that are actually , worth from $3.50 to Ss.oa and have speoially prioed them for tomorrow's selling at . . , : i $1.90 -$2.50-$3.00 rxna TKBEAS SIXK BOSS A speolal sals of fine silk boss, all oolors, re g n lar 600 and 75o ral- ass 25c BBESS SSIBT8 This lot f shirts contains the sew military oollar, attached or It. taohed, worth $10, sale price, 95c axmriirs FOBOSKHIT VBZOK . :svxts . Standard $1.00 value 69c- Special Hoss gale Purchased from Wilson Bros 100 dossa whisper weight hose every pair worth 35e, Saturday 124C v ill IK r 'if M. CM. Steele General Contractor. Hauling and Grading. Three teams always on the Job. 1205 N. 24th Street, South Omaha Phone South 3663. YOUR CIlAfJCE SATURDAY, JULY C On account of the long cold spell this spring, " we have more refrigerators on band than there Is a pros pect of selling at regular prices. We do not want to , carry any over because the; would be dead stock until " : next spring, besides the room they occupy; in" Jthe ware house, the styles changing, and the finish being dam aged. In, order to dispose,, of .what we', hatji " we will Tput a price, on them that will catch every prospective buyer. Remember it is .the celebrated Cold Storage we ' . are going to sell. , We have , them in genuine ' porcelain lining and white enamel. Will sell them on payments , or for casii. The Cold Stor- " age is Mr. Hurd's, the great refrigerator builder's, latest invention.. Mr Huid's is the only white enamel that is equal to porcelain, it will not scale off, smell or get soft. The patent-glass trap is Mr. Hurd's Invention and Is only, found in the Cold Storage. The air in the Cold Storage is so . cold, dry and sanitary that foods, vegetables, fruits, raw or cooked, may be . mixed indiscriminately, and not one will -smell or taste from an other. ' Nothing ever spoils in a Cold Storage in hot weather. Remember we are agents for the Ideal, the world's best gas stove, and connect them free. We have a few of other makes, that we are closing put for what theywill ,bring.. I" - ' ."'; ' We keep the best and sell on small payments, or a cut price for cash. STOETZEL STOVE CO., 714 South 16th St. Found at Last Is what a gentleman from Hew York said the other day. I have been in Omaha for the last two weeks and have eaten in all the restaurants in the city and will say that It isn't necessary to look any further since visiting : THE BEXiXOHT SBSTAtTBABT fo" It ''certainly Is perfection in the culinary art. The prices are within the reach of all. . , . 1516 SOSGB 8TBBET. 5 O, V. Ball, Prop. OPEN ALL NIGHT Look for Large Electric Sign. AMUSEMENTS Follow the Prowd to LAKE MAN AW A It's cool there. Manv .ttractiona: the most popular right now are iMiaiao xome on in; the water's fins!" SOA7TJSA Riv Tsrv. J; m.mi. launches and one hundred steel row boats SAVGIlftl The ' I&rni. rran.1 hall room with Arthur E. Smith's excel lent orchttra needs no further mention. . . . . ' sssE MOmro pictttbes btebt - livisura. Xaeellent Plodo Oroands. "yo ought to be in Fry's shoes" Fit Your Boy in Low Shoes Our lines of low shoes are the most serviceable and best shaped shoes manufactured built tike Dad"s, over mannish shaped lasts wkh high toes, flat heels. aV solid, heavy out soles, the" kind a healthy lad should wear. Tans-Dulls-Patents GOOD ONES FOR $2.09 BETTER ONES FOR f 2.50 16ISt DOUGLAS. lllBmiroiisiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir HAVE YOU A "LIONM IN TOUR HOME? j- . . Fdrus in conjunction lth ths kitchen water tank there is no heater to equal the .. , ' ; :,y-: "Lion" Tank Wter Heater at anything like the price. . ' ' the "LION" Is the cheapest and meat efficient small Coppr Ceil Tank Htttir obtainable; it has 1 number of exclusive features, is handsomely finished and absolutely . safe..-' i i - v May We Qtve You V Detnonstratton? Call at our showrooms-rosi won't b obliged to pmeimt. fro em't iuli kit drop a fd, orpkmt, OMAHA GAS COMPANY if" ! '4 ' Ko. 1 " uoir- hsitsa 40 rallosi tank la ' lesstbaa 60 Bla. a tea.' , ,'r" ' STAMLET XOTEXA S8TSS 7ABX Colorado's Greatest Scenio Mountain Resori . TherKls not a spot comparable for both wild rugged glory and tne vel vet, parklike beauty here, where one finds the Rocky mountains at their best. At the Stanley Hotels you will find ail modern conveniences and comforts that you will find in ths best city hotels. Plenty of diversion for old and young; trout fishing, tennis, golf, bowling, bil liards Surrey, horseback and autoao bile rides over many mountain trails u-A.r- th. rmrn ot exDerlenced auiJes. Write ! for beautiful illustrated souvenir book' I let AXFBES XMBOBB. Manager. lEstes rata. Colo. 0LDSM0BILE, T'iu have been wanting an op. portunitr to get a high grade, high priced car for a long time. if you 'could buy it right The season is well on and we are pre pared to make a clearing. Bat ains in new and rebuilt Road sters. - four and five passenger and seven passenger touring cars. OLDSMOBTXE Phone Song. 3839. 3309 rtraaa. IsaC ; I. t ...