Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 12
:By Hershfield . e. Desperate Desmond mond is Jreea irom tne villain s rnson. Thanks to a Craze for Caxving Initial, Rosaw 3 1 Se S ' fwm'boruwcIt&ovSa initials onthis WiRil1 S 'wmSS aT V? L J ' -T" Di j pi I-IN DURANCE VILE. Desmond, the heartless crook, hat bound the helpUM Rosamond to the In side of a door. He Is now about to shut her In the Improvised prison, tell ng her that he is going on the Olympic field for Se sole purpose of humiliating her .weetheart Claude Eclalre. before the ere of thousand of spectttors. WANT ADS " Want ads received t 7 uuiC bu to Ikon proper classification moat be presented before 12 o'clock m. tor the evening edition and before 7 :30 d V for morning and Sunday edl. tio Want ad received after such hoar, will have taeir first Insertion under the beading "Too Late to Classify." DEATH AMD FUNERAL NOTICED . ' ri,tadav even- in. after a tour weeks' illness, aged years, monine, uw. . vive by his wife wo !"5JJ Mrs. August Schogun and Mrs. Charles Winter. Bancroft. Neb. Funeral Horn residence. El Wna.:. nuer Benson, Saturday at 2 P- m ,"ldr: Sic" t in Prospect Hlil cemetery. ; Friends invited. ' BIEWE-Mra Anastasla. aged M years, 2 months, days; July 4. 1912. Widow the laie ivn K, funeral irora rowtv. ,- ,.rto teentb street. Monday morning at oc! to St. Josepn s cnurcn, - Center streets at 9:80. Interment German Catnoitc cemetery. TOTINO-Amanda D.. aged 87 years. ' J . months and 10, days. July of U A. Young, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stockbower. of And eves. Sussex, N. J. She is survived by her aisband and e.r; Mr Elsie L. Smallbeod of Boise. Idaho. Funeral Sunday at t p. m.. from the tldenee. 1 4108 North Twenty-eighth iTreetlinterment Forest Lawn cemerery. Wyoming (UU Post-Herald please copy. .MARRIAGE LICENE. The lollowlng marriage licenses were Issued: ' . Name and Realdenca Age. OusyH. Carlson, Flatumouta..... Ethl Stow, Waterloo WlfUatn Swift SouUi Otnaha...... Elisabeth M. Gaube, South Omaha..... a Wlllard Shipley. Floreno....;;...-.- J Emma Davis, Ftoreoce.....U......-.. Roy Meai Council Blutts......... Jane Sharp, Summerfield, Kan w Earl Jeffers. Council Bluffs.. g Myrtle Clark, Council Bluffa. a Charles A. Campbell. Chicago Emma Rooks. Victor, Colo Puiseppe Vlncl, Omaha.. g Lucia Grasso, Omaha.. Swan O. Nelson, Omaha g Bwan U. feiaon, uu Anna Ask, Omaha. , BIRTHS AND DEATHS. W. S. and Nora. Bloom, Locust treat airi: James J. ano "?.."l,i!!5rlrhi-.hlra etreet boy John d Mar'y Ha. W North 'Wgj ieenth. boy; Henry and ta North Tweiity-tnirii w andell Robinson, l&a North Twenty etond street girl- ' . n'k. ii,m were reoorted yesterday. Births Bernie and Fula Klncade, 41 Hlckwy boy ; Max and Kate SernsU j..k ri-.-iuik html airl- IS. ana Mary VTaAE XhirlySxth "and Curtis avenue, girl; Charles and Sophia Meyers. Z,.i T.ntv.firt. noy : H. and Ulllan Murray. I North Eighteenth. "r... (iu.Mii Price. Fortv- U.mlltnn vlrl! A. E. And Sadie Peterson. 8SJ Ohio, boy; W. and H Blosburc. mm norui wwuw-". boyi R. and B. Volence, 1 South Twenty-fourth. Deaths-Joe Cummlngs. 44 years, ForU tb and Poppleton; V. E. Drake, ZJlr. hneniril; Ulnnle WOOdruft U years, hospital. HELP WANTED 'FEM1LK Factory aaa I'saaes. ' WANTED Laundry girls. aU depart ments, atooei iaunttry. w n MaeaeM aaa siaua rut irnviNT OIKL PROBLEM SoLV.D-1'oe Bee wui run a Servant Uirl Vtaoted Ad PtdZt unul you get Ue oealred reMiits. Tnis apaues ta redau ,. . kmin and (Jaunoll juutl Brtng your aa te lae Bee oUtite w. tetephune iyier, wakted CxDerlenoed drl for general housework, small tauuiy; good wages. Lauareas employed. Harney uc u'lVTHCI n tek uariancad Klrl for Sail rai housework. s4 Dewey Ave.. Har ney -ims. iuiuTkiiin axiMriancad drl for aen k.uAr, In ramllv mt tWOl lUUMt have references, Mrs. B. S. Baker, ltt S. Wth bt. .Tlfl. wan.Arf fnr a-anarai housework. Apply 3001 Harney St. w phone Harney W's. . v-T-pn A Mmriint ariri for aen eral housework. Mra F. D. Wead, WS '. 40th. WANTED Girl for general housework. At.nlv California. - - W WANTED A girl for general house- ayorK. wnite pwerreo. nr- tey mb WANTED Girl for general housework, small famuyi sui ro. mmw ia,i ., 4211. GIRL for general housework. Har. WL WANTED At onee, young girt to help with light housework. Apply at All inn rvittare. Rod and Gun Club. a kttt.t Vmmar eHrl 4 or sTenarat. housework, three In family at 114 N. lOtb Tel. naraey .woo.- workt In family, city referenca requira4; awi-l. -l TT-.-U tAMS put do 4in pt. natiiicy ewi.- wanted A cook at 2006 St Mary's Ave. r.vnceTiriTri V.I I. ilwl inr ..n.,.1 bAriimbviEiw ... . a""-. housework, family of two. Harney 847. WANTED Girl for aeneral housework. IG22 Lothrop. v Mleeellaaeaae. TOUNO women coming 4a Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the lounr, Women's Christian association building at St Hair's Ave., and 11th. St. where they will be directed to suitable bearding places or otherwise asstated. Look for eur travelers' fuida at the Union station. H LEAVING A RECORD. A number of young Americans compet ing In the games cannot resist the temp tation of carving their Initial on the sur face of the door. They hope thus to perpetuate their fame. . and let any friends who visit the scene may know that they were among those present A foolish habit, but harmless In this case. HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous. strut. fcalrriraaalnA-. ODDenhelm parlors, 2d floor. City National. HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, salesmen aad aoaietters. WANTED Bright man 'with a little cash to take acUve interest in estab uaned wholesale house. Aaares L Bee. unuTii'n imiitani and health insur ance agents to work in Omaha or state of Nebraska or in seven other western states. Best line of policiestop notcn oommlsslonsJ-renewar contract granted--by tht largest casualty company ot the "NAT. FIDELITY ft CASUALTY CO.. Omaha. Neb. AGENTS Every home wanU our spe .1.1..TT ...i.i. ..i... uinlli Aslv mult summer leader; sample free. Western supply ana mik. wo., awn rvv, Kansas our, w OA W I XTf BTk aft . A n.r.l nniraltltr. AVSr the age of a. to solicit in. Omaha and South A nrnnAMltlnn for the HSht parties; must furnish reference. Call at Room 110. Paxton Bldg. Office houre from I to 13 a nv. ano s w s p. m. . . . t a Bchroeoer, wauonai uincwr. . ... Bara wiKTtttiOfice boy by manufactur lng company; suu age. Address H H Bee. Clerical ana offloe. rtt t am .ha aip4v ftptfieeefl for tale; also for rent, H.00 to a night. lnviT rKLDBflAn. we n. 11m. . motel CLttRK-At once; must have (2,000 cash bond. Don't answer unless vnu mun Bunnell, juuu in oulck. St James hotel. Perry. I a. uf iMTirn Tnimt m&n itenosraDher with experience on books. Al references requirea. do noi appty n un nr miinin to iwiin ww Co. City National Bank Bldg. rectory aa4 Traaca. w ivfci niMntt makers for store fixture laeiory, eieaoy llch ft Bona Mig- jo-. wamtkd At once, first class meat rutt.r. J. Zoler Merc, to., counon Bluffs, la. tir k ufirnB.v,ril all around UDhol atarara: niece work; good wages ana steady work. Huber Furniture Mfg. Co, Cresoo, la. WE WILL. c!ve u a good job and ...u i in i , v , tli Kj. rhar trade ww, , ... - - now; hundredt of pottttont wtitlnf our frtaUeVtM! lew wk rtquirva. wu or St UA. M. . m ' v i. i wv.w. .vvr in our sneep-unea coai wmr. " ; Dobeok. M. E. Smith ft Co., Ninth and Douglas. Drug store snsp) Job. Knlest. Bee Bldg Miseellaaeaas. rirr , i V AOU KADI WrMlTT zvw van inn duwA.v. I 1 .nM.MU t,,an... ' hatiff aura. repairmen, demonstrators, are in big de mand and command 'arge salaries; pre pare youreetl in eur laea iifuiuuaj Ufa, where you learn how to operate, repair .nil aalf all makaa f ears. .. National Auto Training Assn. SSI N. rh St. Omaha, Neb WANTED First-class pastry cook, W per month, with board and room. Mrs. M, Q. Cappron, Hotel Monroe, Orinnell. Ia. : - vnu ark WANTED for covernment poelUen. V per month. Send postal for f nnaltlnna Dull. Tranklla lUtltUtA iMDanmeri ui . iwohma ' Ann -u-WtrBMUMT PflMlTIIlNtl OPEN. WrlU for Use Franklin Instt tuta. I Mtlf lit a-, jiocii i Lar. a Wtxrf 'CV1UACJI4 nAaltlntia vusmntaal va'l by the Union Paalfio and Illinois Ceo.- i uiiMmJ, if .mi akin vailr traimaa In eur eooeoi, rrawuce v v v. w . , 1 1 . , . . n U w m. IA. dress for parucuiars, n. ts. oujma, Koyies coiiegu, uroaoa. j bodied unmarried men between the ages 01 u ana ob; eiusane o. . ..AA a ha hi til ha can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re- ormung ouicer, iu . . umana, jveo., evi em ou, - isu n. in hl. uncoin. nwu 'l.inAnEiu waniari at once. 30th and Center streets, oraana uas co. : ' 1 HELP WANTED WANTED 75 prtonit either mx, to ad tklna iiniMha4 eSill att rtl rtlll St a At i4tMaV iltglata a us lueuvu (Utt f"e Mwweeax B SVi W'MIVI IT I T r da.- t aS Dlla Ulk A. TV , OUb S W U-t4iU eTUelU-H UIVU WAKTED SITUATIOX9 . BUNDLE washing. cenU a desea, f 1HST class practical nursej Harney sua" and , famllv mh Laiiaraa. eeo. iei. vraeiisr u. prioes reasonable; satisfaction. H. 4371 COLORED lady wants a place to wash oianea. weosier mm no objection te out of town. Address F TOUNO gtri wanU positton Wo help with general homework, webeter K20. TTftV earik Kaw I va.H wsnta a ejiwe otavia , waa viwr t e potilion aa housekeeper, prefer eountry vm. A AAm T AM. D-a 4. VI ejutUMB iuwui Aw aj 4V tnw vw. ANXOUTfCKMEXTS DO UP LAB Printing Co. -f el Poug. t4 CET veur diUKonde at Brodeaaard'a ALL will be forgiven, Mary, if you wlli meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stain on Uth and Douglas itreeu. That Is where BRODEOAARP sens tnose lucxy weoaini ns. D. S. Griffith. wl rnfr.. li Freni.r w.. Suventon. carpenter, eont. Both 'phones Bex 10, postpaid. W.7S; try half dosea: If not satisfactory money refunded. BA TON DRUQ CO., UOI Far nam, Owef II-THE OTHER ' To Rosamond, Imprisoned In the dark room, the sound of knives at the floor Is at first terrifying, but soon she realizes that no harm is Intended her, and that In fact her bonds are being accidentally severed by the persons outside. Ia a moment she will be almost free again. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. S2 Douglaa. MONEY 10 LOA-N U V rate, in sums to suit Sit Bee Bias. 'Phone Doug. XM. UNION LOAN CO. H. 'Cole 6!n Co. U. 87Mt. 1314 farfcam. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices, HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L 8ts.. South Omaa. Upholstering, piano, turn, rep. 180 Far. Wedding announoemanU. Doug, Ptg. Co, Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. P. Wi. 6mna Bill Posting Co.. 115 Hex. D. 203j Bath tubs tUtO. Qfferman U10 Douglas. hit vhmhicr HOME COOKING. ARKINS, $1 S. 15TH. UPSTAIRS. RKHi HIVH Cleaning Hd Dye Works J. n. amamum, at; we can and aeiiver. Boin pnonee. kTOnATCH Eastman Goods, complete IVUJJAIaS , ,tock. urgest finishing dspartmsnt in the west 1811 Farnam St, and $08 S. 16th St. Pv n.... man. ,i.nlnM. ..nftlrlnV raflnlsh. A H.l . VUNIW . .il.U., . wh .. 'mmmi . lng. Schmoller A Mueller, li. 1423; A-1435, VA Rntharv. Buaineae and Real Estate Exchange Co. Room 319, McCague Bldg. COOK WITH ELECTRICITY AND ELECTROCUTE LABOR Vakaa aummer oooklna a pleasure, Cooks with less expense, cooks things better, turns oooklng care to resuui con fidence: foods are wholesome; cooks by clock regulator; a few minutes current ana tne imprisoned neai eoou u iwu. See full itne, mi irarnam. ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood, lasts a lifetime. 207 n. I7tn. r-aone rtea sii. Western Millinery School -v.ll50 PiVTriK BLOCK. riAw,ni.t. aaiipu XI V, furnlnh mi. LVIIIIVI. wvw.wv. T j. 1 j " , . terial tree, nats niauo ana uiuiiuaa. a work free. M. B. Morrill, ohlna paint m Brandels lh NniiTURilv LETTER DUPLICATLNO Co., 606 Paxton Blk.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest estaousnea company, perts or MUingrapn ano iNeoatyia. tr' i,rv.AM 1, Mov Pnnr..n Thfl la tO IV VT IIUI1I V w..w .. . - W U nranalin will not h M. cvrvii ... ... " .-- - ,ui nA a ft Mr thla Hut a lor any . rfaKta mala tiv hie wife. Catnerine l.yie oreceuu, ao in, umm .. . . .... " a 1. h l.fl my bed ana poara. no ixri iU k-A WIM Charrv PhoBDhate. uAn ... fc.w . . - cheaper than lemonaoe; an troonr. OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. Omaha's ExolusWe Tire Repair House, mi Farnam. ' rnone ier . AUTOMOBILK8 . .t-. . rnntn n' h t o W TIRE KJtur AliUiN u your Urea We make them almost aa food as nsw. Nothing but highest priced aud new materials used. AU work guaranteed. Arthur Stars Auto Supply Co., J Far nam. ' Beacom Moved n0ii8t Blow Outs 25o - UUUDIUI- DRUMMOND 1 White Steam cars, late models, fine condition WW and $6W. m I TV 1 T RKPA1K1INU, inurpny uiaiiiSg: ArAVAir A XT A. -IT 1 canalri lng, livery and storage. 731-735 N. mh. South OmahA Phone South 16. FOR SALE "Welch" &0-borsepower 7-paaaenger touring car with the following equipment: Monair top, winasmem. Jones' speedometer, demountaeie rims, Klaxon horn and Prest-O-Lite Unk. The ear is in first-class condition ana a nar ain. First caah offer of I1.2W Ukes It Address, Van Brunt Auto Co.. Council Bluffs, la. TIPIf V.YPKNSKa cut In two. w-mmr tlra ranalrinv: wnrlf auarantaed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO. 19i Farnam. i iTnui ,n,lrinu and Plaamnc. Work aUlW (ln.ranta.rt SS&S Haj-neV D-70SI1 SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES FOUR 6-paseenaer automobiles tor sals Cheap, ftushiiig Bros., soutn umana. ATTRACTIONS HMIUIVIIMVY Mb anu WMma. Motion picture machine and flirn bar gal na i.. r. . . J . ' ' , , WANTED Bis carnival Co. and con cessions ot ail kinds lor i. A. K. reun on at Franklin. Neb.. Aug. Uth to inn. ao dress Ueo. a. wall, eec y. . CTanaitn, Neb. . BUSINESS CHANCES. von ai.k Oood. clean druc stock In country town in Missouri on main nun railway. Stock and fixtures, $tWQ. An nual aalaa Ut MO. Ill health of owner compels sale at right prloa. Will bear Close investigation. Aoareea i , omm. TO St in or out uf business call en GANGES lAU. eut nee uiae- ei. u. n. BUTCU.MR'S Ice box and patent oil tank for aala See Omana nature and supply Co., 'h ana wowaia. i-ou'i am. ARE yOU LOOKING FOR A uw . ip v . . -. i- ,,m.l..'. U.nnf.Atnplnv K urb connected with Omen and South Omaha by el ec trie car Una and snaoadam .. Ralston Is on tne Burunrton ana sua souri Paclflo raii roads. Ralston has three going manufacturing nA a airhai krn fAAtorlaa a r in course of oonstraotion. The three lactones win mriuw iuiinujiuwi. w . . llnl naonla. o.l.m kaa a t .watA r m au sohool building, a number at store rooms, bers who have just completed a 414.CW0 club house. RALTON offers an especially food opening (or a oana, newapa r, huij, drug etone and physician, bearding house, i..ll.. , ka.HU a, mm. blacksmith shop, carriage shop, elevator ana a iww nmt. Full information for the asking. RALSTON TOWN8JTS COMPANY, k Kia St Phones 1867. SIDE. IV Once free from the ropes, which bound . her so tightly, it is a simple matter for Rosamond to loosen the bolts of the door , and attract the attention of the gallant ( athletes outside. Hearing of Desmond's work, the brave poyr resolve to hunt him down and put him out of the way of Rosamond forever. BUSINESS PERSONALS T.ATTVnnV fnr aala In a ood. UVO county seat town of 2,000, $1,000 cash, bal ance on monthly payments. Address, T w, nee vnt) (ill T rtrnarv atnpk and hutcher business combined, in town of five hund red. Address Y 75 Bee. tr o sat MA alartrift vacuum cleaner factory, in' city, of 90,000, building three sizes or tne oesi mecniueo oa lwo market; will accept farm land or city property not neaviiy incumoereu, owner has other business and can't look after it writ joe uoooman. ueceoia, m iaa TVPCIUOITMS all makaa. U.S. 00. $26.00, $60.00. Rentals, 3 months. $6. Type writer Inspection Bureau, 1805 Farnam St.. COUg. 9D3U mo T laavlna- Mtv mliat U eleven- room rooming house, full of roomers; no agents, see owner, eie w. wn a Itoawlms Ho usee (or Sale. AW ... K 1..M.I liara-olna avap of. fered; 20-roora house, good money maker. must 04 SOia ai once reiaruicaa ii tttv. make offer quick. Tel. Tyler 1MB. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY, AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR , A.-..Ua. Miireaa In RlldlnsUaet 'RAftlr. keeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil g V wetii- r- - - ------ U free for the asking. Call, write or phone for it t once. Aouresa a. Boyles, President. . Boyles College, Omaha. Nebraska. . ' . - BUSINESS PERSONALS Attarneys. O. W. Shields, Attorney. 827 B. of Trad a Baa- Staaafaotarers. BKMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Neb. Chiropodists. DR. ROT. 150$ Farnam. Douglaa 6497. Clotaias Ataanfaotarers. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. K. 8mlth Co. Cornice aad steei wuuii. . CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha f reaaaerlee, Ualrtea and Saypllea. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANT. Danoiaa. jemti. a-TT-Hfir friacrlnnara lit D I, ,U .'I L. 1 viaBW ' ' MACKIES' every Monday and Friday evenings, uon t wait. warnr. Detectives. Tiuri ayt.toti Navlll "Rc. Evi dence secured in an cases, iyier nw L. W. LONGNECKER. 517 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Borv. 428 Paxton blk. D. 13H. UreeamaklBK. DRESSMAKINO. tel. Harney S998. Mrs. Hodgen, 1302 N. 27th. Phone S. 2066. orcv-i 1 1 TV rna.nia-a drpsaea and chll dren s ciotning. a. wn. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th A Far. Drafting. Jaoobl Wilson, 721 Bran.Tha D. 2047. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist. City NafU P. 236. MachAMach, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1086. Taft's dental rooms. 1617 Doug. P. 2184. Everrtklaa; for Women Dr. Babcoo.k Co.. 202 Wlthnell. U ft Har Curtains laundered. Mrs. Carmody. H 4M Plumes Repaired gu, $Bverrthla Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retalj. Huraa.nranden uo.. nowaru. v. . ELECTRIC FANS ARD ELEC. CO., 319 B. 13th, Douglas $881. Feed Hills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills. 2322 laara. riorlsta. A. Donsghup; 1601 Far. D. 1001; A-IOOt HESS A 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, lttlt Farnar.1. D. 1268. Poandrtee. uniilil Viraaa and hranse ffttmdrv. alu minum, tin. lead castings. 1401 Jacanon. MovtBC, gtoranro aad Cleaatac rnDTtfU V4nnAf Wimlinuu And Van Co.-Movlng furniture, packing, fireproof tiarua City onice. 21 8. lWu Douglas U4 or ina. a-juu. Furn. Moving; 8 men, $1 per hr. W. 274S M..T aiin a. Inn Van A Ktnr. 1 hnraa Van. 2 men,$l.a hr. $ borsea. $1 hr. D. 4338. W. 641 tT i KID tnAvina i'rtl ItAmffg Sntlfl 41K, A AAi S lUWf ara - yrema, mi uapiioi art, u. av-wi. Mastc, Art aad Languages. ALVIN POOLE. vloUn lessons. 2218 Cap Aiorsoriea and Seeds. STEWARTS 6EEDMEN. N. lth Onttclans. 1, F. Wurn. fitting and ren'g. 448 Brandeia Ostooaathy. Alice Johnson, 80-$ Brandels Tha Bldg. Kathenm Nlckolaa. W4-4 Branoels Tha rkotoarravhera, lUnehart photographer. 18th ft Farnam. rateata. D. O. Barnel). Pax tan Blk. Tel. Red Till. u a HTtrnaia raa-iBtared attoraeyi United States and foreign patents. 444 Brtndeta TheaUr Biog. rnone v. m wiuerd aaay, 1bS Oty Nat'i Bk. Blda. rriatia. Lew W. E&berTiinter, BEB BLDO. ENTRANCB OH COURT. t ...A Mlhi lath aad lanital Ava let Ind. A-84M for good printing. RELEASED. BUSINESS PERSONALS Steel Taulc and Calvert Companies. Kr.R-RARVA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. $84. Bteaunraphera and Cort Heparters. Myrtle A. Keller. ? Bran. Tht. D. 5681 Rels-Hall Ptg Co.. 109 S. 14th. Ind. A -3524. Store aa Of rice Ftxtaree. ru BT?tr ..J all onvlhlnv avarvtnlnf iM riwiahfl tr, v. i , .nil Annniv Co., 414-14-18 S. 12th. near Howard. D. mi. Tents aad Awnlnas. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 821 . Tr amies aad Suit Cases. , Frellng ft SteinlA 1803 Farnam Bt . Wince aad Llqmors, txrrT.Tr.W Snrlnn iar. llnuor. clears. andwlches. Alex Jetes. 501-f S. 13th St. trrenivTi niPP wlna AAn Intra bot tle. Klein Liquor House, $31 N. 16th St LITE! STOCK FOR CALK Horace and Vehicles. Buggies, surrles ahd ranabouts at lsss than wholesale price, to ciose oui. JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO.. : lotn ana jones bi. ALFALFA hay. $1$ ton. Wagner. 801 N 14. Snaps in Buggies 2 delivery wagons and several cholc uggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. tTT,T?r"IT,,Q Ba,a. Horses and farm IXSUtXjtt O m8,e. tot. ..u: Jraft and miamnn hnrul tn lt hV the day. 2531 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 1136. LOST AND FOUND n Tr- a XT a Visivlnsr XnmP ntnmji firtloiA runavi a as a0 ive would do well to call up the office of the umana at council biiuu oum -i j company to ascertain whether they left Many articles each aay are turneo u and the company is anxious 10 restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug- OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. jJO A " lii4 unuwii-' -wwa . kAAi fAAalnt KaaLt RAwartl fnr ritum viivui a ovvi" -w - to 2118 Lake St or 208 Sapp Bldg.. Councl. M w. m-l 111 - W . AIMS .a. AQ iiall D1UII&, 1&. Xie nou. WAO V VWUW tptxti Allofa raw o rA ttr man ' vr ft.v A A V Aaf HUlWi aj vi va v r - Coat, wltn receipt in pocaei; losi bu mo Blair roao yeneraay. iw. jiinigy , , c OAVCT. IPv-nm Vnrtiwth anil Burt streets a dehorned Jersey cow. Notify joe rTnsi. ' v tain reward rrvsT Tn Mlllnr Park Thursday, bunch of keys, 'ynone warney tiaa.- r aat mlvail ilr.m akirt. About 25th St. Return to Hunter apartment, 25th and uoage. MEDICAL n. iakA1r anarlajist: both eaves: 20J Wltnnen mac., iom in nmimj SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 42 Doug, blk. Piles, Fistula Cured T- TJ t forr tir-tl trHlAll Fiat till A dVS e Willi Jf a ar veiva av a - and other reotal diseases without surgical n .....luJ M Mnnn operation. ;ure s uv miiiwu . . ,, i ,ir.i. . am Mid unul curea. me h " . , , , . ,..iln,n. at. rectal aiieaeee wuu iwuiuwiu DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Dr. Race, specialist. 2323 Harney. D 8948. Ladles guaranteed remedies. 401' Ware blk. MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels. NOTICE - mtmA An real &tatI. fUlT.l t II aa ilanna aalarlea etc. Very low - " . i-r:i...l Vl m,ll .nnra. rataa ana conueuu. ciau your call. BIQOSar. DC. EST Artu tnwiw rrucQlT CO.. Mt Pion Block.' 217 S. St Telephone Doug, mi or ma. a-iu. k wr. inANK tf. vr SluA SALARY vnAAawM . . LOANS. You can get It today of 8TAK lAAiN W., vi rtwn oim-t. . , . r.-v aatarid naonla. women keepins house and others, without se- curlty; easy payroenie. y r"- 3ank Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Money on furniture, pianos and real eataM at rate of interest.. ; Nsbraska Loan Company rinuB. iza. " ' BO Bee Bide A-"- tt . ,,vTt-h r r.'Viei at 9U. and & tier cent. fLATAU. lt uoaae au WANTEDMONEY Your Money WILL BRING TOU A GOOD INCOME If yott loaa it through W. FARNAM 6. jTH ft CO.. No. 1329 Farnam St. On IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY RATES RIGHT. SECURITY THE BEST. OFFERED FOB RENT Board and Booms. M. E. hauls trunka. P. fit A-2ttt DESIRABLE rooms with board; hot and cold water, large lawn, pleasant summer : 4fttl QC ta ft va fj home; reierencea. w . FarnUhed Roeveta. Tl A fl( A nil! messenger service and CAlTllAvfATi li-k. hanllna- nmmnt -. t AittA rial A Vm It.lVVt . niw ,m.w. . Co., 171$ Pouilas St. Tela D. 2844; A-8496. 1068 Park Ave., furnished room for gentleman, modem house; on $7.60 per month. Harney 3931. The "Lockjaw" remedy exterminates bedbuira, their eggs, and otner vermin. Call St Louis Chemical Co., dlstrlbstsra, iSfk arnara bu. mo. iio . V-FOILBD. They soon find him, as he, under the pretense of hurling the javelin In the competition, is preparing to pierce Claude through and through. It is a vile plot, but fortunately Rosamond and the ejal , lant athletes are on the scene to prevent it from succeeding.. It is now Desmond, not Claude, that's in danger. OFFERED FOR RENT Faiulshftt ltuomi. DODGE ST.-1816-Furnlshed rooms; day or week. . . t .mnc .nuth nuin with alcove, lava tory and phone; board if desired, 2202 uowara at. two ftnnt rnAma Iwn unite: one front sleeping room, first floor. 809 N. 25th. Famished Apartments. tivr-nvn flnm. nf a riimlar A rooms. front veranda,, from July 17 to October L to aauits. loau ueorgia Ave.- Famished Hoasekeeplag Aooma. 2 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1U1 8. Uth. A L4U UiAil WM " mtam a-- $23. 1 The Howard, 2-room. private bath. -uw JlA.k xtttft Ttart mMn atnarf mntL wo. 2J81 ana nowaro. two nlcelv furnished housekeepinK rooms, zuia uavenporx T.TrtUT kiMiMliMnlnr rtiAma. fine loca tion, shady and pleasant. 200$ California St.' ' Hotels aad Apartments. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. . ; A nar t men t a aad Flats. i-ttrvtr anaHmant. new. modern brick: ihnrt wallc'nr dlitanoe: aaS stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; bunas; launary; am jwiw Douglas KW8. A-l 6-room flat no equal 220 N. 23d St 4-ROOM modern apartment. Web. 697S. IKT r)trMT t-rnnrn flat 9SM Dnilvlae St. AddIv W, N. Chambers, 223 Brandies theater, LEiinu mndern flat. Scarco Bid.. $16Vt N. 24th St.. S. Omaha. Hall. 33 Ramge Biog. u. iw. -w wnD CIFMT-Nn a anri K-rnnm modern apartments. Just completed, corner 43d ana .Hamilton bis.; rem u vu vr month. JACKSON ft M'KENZIE, 401 Bee Bldg. 8-ROOM. modern flat 82d and Popple ton, $30.00. WRIGHT ft LASBURY, 508 8. 18th St. ' 'Phone D. 152. DESIRABLE fiat, 8 rooms and bath, albino- distance. blOok from St Jonn s; corner lot. 2305 Cass. - 21 S. 30TH. "Mv-a. etl ma eiim Ti w lv ilannrated. oak finish, gas range, shades and curtain rods iurnisnea; oeei cioso m oi. i. apartment In the etty. Bargain at $30. rAXiNUi 4K CJUAX aXV UViW-frtAi 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Untarnished Rooms. T lia-ht nnuaakcenlna rooms with bath; shade trees all around, $8 per montn. h. msc. n sun Ave. Famished Hone. Six-room furnished, modern flat. D. 39!rj Hoasoa and Cottasea. taAA a tam mam arjartmtnt Dart mod' ern, 1816 Kim bi. n-e hpjh wr, xi . nn. ir VIM AKI1 STORAGE CO.. ..l. mnna atnra and shltl H. H. STOOdS and pianos; no charge for return drive to Office. UOUf. or o-eua. otv-onnv hAitaa. all modern, near cars, punaee. rnone narney e a fwrj ot iriv-ronm cottaae. aA o. w.'i " , . ' walking distance, gooo locauon. iwu wm dition .... rriT t iup 1C !tt 7 nwiml. mod. ern. Vacant July L Thos. F. Hall. 4$$ Ramge. Both 'pnonea Bit 8. 28th 9c cnmnlMexiT modern: &2J5Q. Hall IS3 namre. w; hold. gsend pianos Is our bustneM umana van u i toraae. M6 S. 18th. by the viaduct. Branfh ofSce. 308 S. 17th Bt T.L D. 41; A-USS. modem house July L $84$ Harney t- ieu n ww, v. - - ----- - T7.vO DITUT Lnuim nutlt nOW. mOd- ern home; Z&s caiaweu; THOMAS W. HASEN. 207 McCagua Douglas 1300, a ' 1 V nvarfV IfiWIl AlpOrrlC liffht. every moc. oonvenio;g. in all parts of the city. HOUfieS creisii bone ft Co.. Bee Bldg -fi-.r'tr iir.t M ili Mil lA tUaCkAti and for XlW .t;ilA-'-A W wew- - - waraed; cheap freight rates; moving and i..- ai,nn KHranraof Warehouse ana Van C. Tel. Uouglaa 84 or A-Uli. City OtHM. 210 . HIB ftl-. oe xU4 wtrcn-e n a u k,' A MaaNgw brick. & bed- rooms and 2 bum. ai tn ati, e-DinTT v -nxrissm trnnm house, rea sonabla. 28U Bristol St Tyler lUW. Mauer. frna RENT. o Knar1 hr VSAim. Ktnff 111 OUngUlV IVI S wi aan - w the heart of the wholesale district; there fore a big demand ior room aim uwia. t , - rui mp mnnth. ComDletely furnished and will bo sold cheap. Price $20.00. Will give poseeeion dj wu.t tm. Koneid. 404 South 10th., St corner How .. w laAutr lev na pirv. t .sail lui Aamrsta ard; first nat. . Mmiaa inn North 26th. street; i rooms. modern, 817JW. - i urriM onttase. rarden and chicken privilege, lan cancrutu- U2EA--roem flat. 2 blocks to car. Tel evenings wen. sua. $6 per month. 2 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2707 civ oAflM all mndarn house. S27.SO. In cluding water. 2830 Capitol Ave. Inquire next door east. Stores and Offices. . A.a Aa. niifM fth flTtures central, cross-town: no equal. 220 N. &d. EXCELLENT location for chill parlor. in heart or cr.y, ow win iwnian Call Harney 87a. Btore. 828 S. Uth St. 20x46. Tel. P. 6230. 16CM7 Davenport TJ. B. Balcombe 'ii-ointTin DTTTT.nTVfl . lSTt ANTl DODUJS. Aliraciiva ura, rawicnn prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. rn nrxiT tTnifr new modem etflra rooms, aorner era ana niniuion on, ceaa location for any kind ot retail business; modern apartments above. JACKSON ft nntvlEI UvreT. all MAlltramanta atf a UVWJU V ,n , .. - - nrat-eiaae noiei. at re mnniun trica. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. VI-KNOCK HIM OVER. "Ay ban the boy!" cries Desperate Des mond, "and ay skol run like a rabbit." The villain will need all his speed to es cape from the maddened athletes, who have sworn to end his career of crime.' But Desmond is a crafty fox. It Is pos sible he may get away. See tomorrow's paper. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. r r i.f.n. TTn iltura Ktnra eloelna out furniture. Ice boxes, etc. 2104 Cuming. Mnaical laetraments. FOR SALE A new $200 Victrola; has never been used. If Interested ask for price. M 257. Bee office. Typewriters. runt frnm the manufacturers direct No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, 84.00. 'Phone-Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer Company. ' . Miscella neons. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam St. RI.AnK ragoberrles. S. S. KinK, Ben son, Neb. mono rsenson azs w. VT CAT XT M.w .nil ajutinri-VianA x ni., . v ...... .. ------ carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling aueys ana accea,ori ur tures of all kinds; easy paymenta The - . . 1 1 . . . a iTf. a, BrunswlcK-uaiKe-uouenoer .- soutn lutn street. PAAT. tahlaa otnra raitnurant. fixtures bought sold. Levy, 2610 N. So. Omaha. OLD SAFES. PicrtlQHT. 1818 Farnam St. IFES 3ALS for SALE CHEAP The lumber in the platform used at the grocer's picnic at Rivervlew park. It Is new and in good condition. Phone Douglas 8349. tvm SAT.rc Bacnnd-hand brick, lumber. hi inilitwt dnnrs. ' Castellar school house, 18th and Castellar. .. PERSONAL C.DHT BLOOD REMEDY. Bgxten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. nT at. aafinffa vital hAtb. Dr.- Anna D. Fisher, 401 ware qiook. au p. xom. tub cit ViTiflM ARMl eollclta cast- off clothing; In fact, anything you do pol need. we couect, repair auu asu v .m N. 11th .St, for cost of oollecUon. to the worthv noor. Phone Douglas 4U and wagons will call. tt . n.,. Cntv narlnrl IC&thrVrft Lane Daly, ua a. win, a nour. . aw. Maseaee. Mrs. Rlttenhouse, $08 Boston Biii NlASSEOTHlPirMm.1! Allen of Chicago, iw i. r. ji n. v. .ww. -r-YTXT-l .r-n onminsr tA flmihi &S 1 vUll J swwaas-vao - - strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St Mary's Ave.. where they win be directed to sultab.e boarding places, or otherwise assisted Look for our travelers' aid at the Union nation. nam. Davldge Blk. At 8. Bed 7628. WE RENT and repair all kinds ot lng machines. Ind. A-1863; Douglas lofit 15th and Harney Sts. Bath sea salt massage. 109 So. 17th St WW a . Nil a flVVTTf! treatment E. Brott 71 IMAUiNHillO g. 14th. 24 floor. d. 6268. x,i auu Aflii1 Swedish movement. Ap.t MADOJiUXU j tgya Farnam. D. 824. BiTHS fiwadlah masaase. Mrs. Snyder. No. 8. The Dunsany, 10th ft Pierce. D. 4380. M AVlAiT-F. Expert treatment, Mis. OiAOSlAUrj 6teeie, W p. u st. R. 323. Mechano-Theraphy-222-883 Neville Blk. D.-7741. . . The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspsper Advertising is the Road to Business Success. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live stock to Soutn Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants. Byers Bros, ft Co. 8trong and responsible. WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co.. Omaha ft Denver. Clay, Robinson & Co.. HOP Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg. Marl In Bios. Co- Exch. Bidg. TAGG BROS., handle cattie. hogs, sheep. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & co- iaj rarnam ou tto CITY LOANS. Bomls-Carlberg 9 Co. 310-812 Brandels Theater Bldg. QABVIN BROS. jga trBdn OMAHA properly and Nebraska landA O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 114 New O.-naha Nat l Bank Building. LARGE loans our speciality .-Stull Broa l iiiud Imim .nil p,tu nrnnartv. J. H. Dumviic & tkin. IBOt Farnam S. $100 to $l0.f0 made promptly. F. D. tia'i. H'.iK: Wth and Farnam. Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co., Oma. MONEY to loan on business or resl nce uropitlM, $1,000 to $500,000. W. H. THOMAS. M3 First Nat'l Bank Blda WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED TO BUY WE BUI anything In store and office fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 12th and Howard. Douglas 2724. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing. S21 No. lth. Douglas 77 3& Best prices old clothes ft shoea Web. 8148. WANTED TO RENT FOUR or five-room furnished apart ment or cottage, good location, wanted for July and August; must be modern and reasonable. Address E 404. Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE Good smooth land and new well rented town property for stock of general merchandise well located in eastern Kansas, Nebraska or western Iowa; can use large stock and might put in some cash if stuff U good enough; glvo full details in first letter. Address Boa it. peiPTi. vuw FOR EXCHANGE Want Southern California property for good, clear Omahar Address 1133 West 42d St. Loe Angeiee. hi. TXTTT.7. talra nna-half trada for t W,l houses, modern, in South Omaha, elose in; rent $45: clear; best title. C. Stock, Kearney. Neb. I