Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1912, Image 1

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    All The. News All. The Time
m tfTM It mdirt a dally
panorama of tae happetOsgs
- o the whole world.
Omaha Daily Bee
Showers; Cooler
Sftceivei Prominent Democrats in
Social Visit to His Summer
... Home at Sea Girt
Dean Pile of Princeton and Family
Heturn Home. -
Considers Statement" of Governor
Very ignificant,
Campaign Cornea in for Discussion
During; Conference, bat No Plana
Are Made or Pollciea Out-
. lined.
6JEA GIRT, N. - J., - July' 4. Governor
WllBOo did not got up until o'clock
. today, for he did not retire until after
midnight, finishing his reading of the
democratic' national platform.
Dean Henry B. File of Princeton and
family spent the, night at the governor's
cottage and were accompanied to th
station by the" governor when they de
parted today.
The national committee arrived this
afternoon and was in the governor's tent
on the lawn.
Governor Wilson was ' highly gratified
at the stand taken yesterday , by Gov
ernor. Osborn of Michigan with regard to
Colonal Roosevelt and himself.
Doesn't Know What to Say.
"Thia Is very interesting, indeed." Gov
ernor Wilson said after reading Governor
Osborn'i statement. "I Just 4on't know
what to say about it, except that it is
most significant. Osborn is a man of
fofce;. be knows his own mind."
Representative Burleson of Texas was
one of the first callers today. Another
visitor was Charles W. Bryan, a brother
of -William -J. Bryan. He was closeted
with the governor for more than an
, hour. Mr. Bryan declined to make pub-licr-tbe
topics of discussion and said his
call was largely social.,
"I convey to Mrs. Wilson," he-said,
"heartiest congratulatldns ' and best
wishes from Colonel Bryan's wife."
I Mr. Bryan said that his brother would
doubtless be found on the stump for Gov
ernor Wilson throughout the campaign. "
Choose Mack's Successor.
.BALTIMORE, July 4.-The democratic
national committee left here today for
Sea Girt to call upon Governor Woodrow
Wilson. The visit has no. political sig
nificance, as it has been the custom for
years for the national committee to make
a call on the party nominee Just after the
convention. While the campaign will come
In for. informal discussion it was agreed
. that no plans would be reached or poll
""cles. outlined. - . -. .'
A; subeeoimlttee composed of : Chairman
members of the committee expects to talk
ovsr with Governor Wilson the naming of
the? new head of the "national committee
to sHcceed Mr. Ma6k. .who has announced
his ' retirement,., '
Batrice Celebrates
; in Sane Fashion
BEATRICE, Neb., July 4. Sepcial.)
Beatrice; celebrated the Fourth in a sane
way today. At 10 o'clock there was a
ball game between , Beatrice and Hum
boldt, and .at' 12 o'clock Henry. F. Martth
and Miss Bella -. P. Bishop, both of
Holmes vllle,. were married on a platform
at Sixth and Court streets, and the
Beatrice military band played the wed
ding march. " Many presents - were con
tributed by the merchants of the city.
Frm 13 t 2 there was a barbecue at Fifth
and Ella streets given by Messrs. Glenn
and Palmer f this city. Hundreds of
residents of Beatrice and vicinity were
In attendance. From 2 to i o'clock the
circuit races, were held at the driving
Mrs. Eva Lillie, living a mile north of
Rockford, died yesterday morning after
a brief Illness, aged 35 years. She is
survived by her husband and one daugh
ter.. Fred Layton, the - 8-year-old son of
Frank Layton, sustained a fractured leg
yesterday by being run over by a house
moving truck. '
Announcement was ' received here yes
terday of the death of Jesse Tyson, a
former Beatrice resident and former
member of Company C of the old fighting
First Nebraska in the Phllllpina Islands,
which occurred at Sheridan, Wyo., Tues-day-
evening, of spotted fever. The re
mains will be brought to Tobias, the old
home of the deceased for Interment Sat
urday. Some of the members Of Com
pany C of this city will act as pall
The wheat harvest is on in full , blast
in Gage county and ; the prospects are
that the grain will yield far better than
was first expected. The oat crop Is
ripening fast and will be ready to cut in
a week or ten days. '
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. " July .-Special.)
Word has Just been received from
Dunning that J. Warren Gardiner, the
aged county attorney of Blaine caunty
and editor of the Dunning Booster was
dragged from his bed by four men and
severely beaten. The victim Is a man In
his seventieth year and was physically
Incapable of offering resistance. Mr.
Gardiner escaped through the printing
room Into a closet, where he fell un
eonscVoos and remained so for over three
hours. He la reported to be In a serious
According to the Dunning people the
assault is the outgrowth of local differ
ences m that place over the taking out
of hitching racks in certain streets: Mr.
Gardiner published an article relative to
the matter in his paper and the assault
followed. .
k ' Burke-Westom.
SUTTON, Neb.. July 4.-(SpeclaI.) Miss
Etta Weston, a former teacher In the
public school here, was married at 9
a. m. today In Immaculate Conception
church to Mr. Burke of Minneapolis.
Minn. T left on No. 12 for their new
v ....
California Leader
Says Eoosevelt is
to Work for Wilson
; V
All of the through trains en route to
the Pacific coast carried extra sleepers
yesterday.' filled with delegates and
snouters who had been in attendance
upon the democratic convention at Balti
more. A big bunch came in early on the Rock
Island s Rock Mountain limited. They
bad a car to themselves and most of
them were from Utah and Colorado. Both
the Northwestern and Milwaukee No. 1,
carried extra sleepers. A good many of
the delegates a-re- yet to come, for after
the close of the convention, they scattered
through the east, returning home by easy
stages. A considerable number of them
prior to leaving Baltimore, expressed the
opinion that they would go down to Sea
Girt and call upon Candidate Wilson and
pay their respects.
All of the delegates returning yesterday
were enthusiastic over the outcome of
the convention, especially those from
Asked 1 Colonel Roosevelt would push
the organization of a third party, Mr.
Mcintosh, a democratic) leader from Call
fornia said
"Most assuredly no! There is no reason
why he should. He and Wilson stand for
practically the same things and the same
reforms. They are both working to ee-
cure the same ends, that is, to make
this a government by the people and for
the people.
"Roosevelt knows that should he go In
to the fight while he could not win, he
might take enough votes away from Wil
son to elect Taft. He Is too shrewd a
politician and too loyal a citizen to do
anything of the kind. While he probably
will not stump the country for Wilson and
Marshall, he will do all in his power to
aid and secure their election."
Pioneers Gather
, at Riverview Park
Two thousand people spent the Fourth
of July at Riverview park, nearly 500
of whom heard the program given under
the auspices Zt the old settlers and the
remainder Joined In the search for the
vicious monkey which escaped from Its
cage three days ago and still eludes its
pursurers. After a while thojearchers
wearied and spent the day drinking
Old settlers brought well-filled baskets
and shortly after noon spread their tables
under the trees and enjoyed a bountiful
lunch. The program began at two o'clock.
R. S. Williams presided. The declaration
of Independence was read by Mrs. R. E.
McKelvey. The German singers furnished
excellent music.
Mayor Dahlman delivered the address
of the day. He was introduced by Chair
man Williams as the "best mayor Omaha
ever had." The mayor's speech was a
plea for ' making a bigger and better
Omaha, as one of the patriotic duties of
the citizens . of the city. The women's
Concordia society." closed the program at
the pavilion, following which the visitors
disposed themselves as Individual desires
dictated v
Awakened by a noise In his home at I
o'clock Thursday morning, U. G. Graham,
2913 Hickory street, found a burglar ran
sacking the house. As the Intruder found
that his presence In the . house was dis
covered he pointed his revolver at Mr.
Graham and forced him to get into bed
while he effected his escape. All that
he got for his trouble was $12 in cash
and a small diamond ring.
Miss Carroll Kuenne gave a porch party
Wednesday evening. The decorations were
Japanese lanterns, flags, and fire crack
ers. The guests were: Hulda Armburst,
Harriett Kunde, Lamed Plerson, Esther
Nelson, Ella Kunde, Wllhelmlena Arm
bust, Rosalie Kunde, Georgia Hame, Alaa
TARRTTOWN, N. T., July 3.-WUliam
Rockefeller has solved the problem of
the overspeeding automobile. .Since the
recent closing of Broadway for repairs
to the . road automobiles have been
obliged to use a road on the Rockefeller
estate. The constant speeding cut up the
road and so annoyed Mr. Rockefeller,
that he- ordered his superintendent to
build a series of "thank you ma'ms"
about a foot high and twenty-five feet
apart. The order was tarried out and
work was finished today. The scheme Is
declared a success. .
HAVANA, July ? The sanitary au
thorities are satisfied - that no Infection
from bubonic plague has reached Havana.
They will continue their vigorous precau
tion, however.
SAN JUAN. P. R., July 3.-The federal
government at the request of the gov
ernor has placed the United States ma
rine hospital experts In charge of the
work of stamping out the bubonic plague.
Dr. R H. Creel, who arrived here re
cently with other marine . hospial serv
ice physicians and army surgeons, will
have supervision.
Odey-Shoff. '
FAIRBURY. Neb., July 4.-Speclal.)-James
E. Odey and Mrs. Julia Shoff were
quietly married at the latter's home at
611 F street Wednesday morning. Rev. M.
E. Gilbert of the Methodist Episcopal
church officiating. A few immediate
friends and relatives of the contracting
parties witnessed the ceremony. A sump
tuous wedding dinner was served after
the ceremony, and the couple departed
for the east on wedding, trip. The
groom is a well known locomotive en
gineer on the Rock Island tailroad at
this point and has made 'Fairbury his
home since 1906. Mrs. Shoff has also lived
here a number of years. Mr. and Mrs.
Shoff will make their home' at 611 F
Fast Express on Laokawanna Kail
road Crashes Into Passenger
Train Near Corning.
. -vuns.
Most of Victims Bound for Home to
Spend Fourth.
Two Cara Tumble Down Embank'
meat and Other Are Thrown
Across the Tracks, Block
lag; Them.
CORNING, N. Y., July 4-At least thir
ty-four passengers were killed and fifty
injured today when an express train
crashed into the westbound Lackawanna
passenger train No. 9 two miles east of
this city.
The passenger train which runs from
New York to Buffalo had been standing
on the track a few minutes when the ex
press train, which carried no passengers,
struck it in the rear at full speed. The
two day coaches attached to the rear of
No. 9 were hurled down an embankment
and the express plunged half way
through the rear Pullman of the stand
ing train before it came to a stop.
Most of the killed were passengers In
the day coaches who were going home
to spend the Fourth. F. W. Drake of
Passaic, N. J., the Pullman conductor,
said four passengers were killed in the
A score of physicians soon were on the
scene and the Injured were brought to
the Corning hoslpta). '
The bodies of the dead were laid on
the top of the embankment along the
tracks and at the roadside and were cov
ered with blankets from the Pullman.
Every undertaker In Corning was called
to help care for the dead, but their
wagons were first pressed Into service t
carry the Injured to the hospital. Many
of the injured also Were taken away In
automobiles. ... : ' " '
Cause Not Ascertained.
As yet the cause of the wreck has not
been discovered. The place where It ,oc
curred was a straight stretch of track.
So far as can be ascertained the en-
glneer of the express train had no warn
lng that the passenger train was In his
way. It is believed that when he first
saw It he thought the train was stand
lngf on a parallel track.
The death list probably will run over
forty. Thirty-four bodies had been taken
from the debris three hours after the
wreck: Many of the Injured were mor
tally hurt. Among the sufferers were sev
eral babies' and -children.,
As soon as news of . the accident spread
hundreds of automobiles dashed . to., the
scene,: blocking the roadways and inter
fering' with the removal of the dead and
injured. A detail of police was sent from
this city to keep the roads open and to
keep the crowds back from the wreckage.
A special relief train from Elmira
brought physicians and nurses.
Coroner Herbert B. Smith ordered all
the bodies removed to this city and
planned to hold an Inquest before the
passengers have left the. city.
The passenger train which left New
York at 8:45 last night was heavily loaded
and was drawn by two engines. It was
running about half an hour late. Most
of the dead and Injured, it Is believed.
were New York City and New Jersey
Both Trains Wrecked.
SCRANTON, Pa., July 4.-Information
received by the company says that train
No. 9 had stopped at Corning freight sta.
ion to allow a freight train ahead to take
siding when the express train smashed
Into it at almost full speed. It Is believed
by officials here that it was impossible
to get out a flagman in time to prevent
the crash, the express having entered
the block close behind the passenger
Nearly all the cars In both trains were
wrecked, thrown across the tracks,
breaking down telegraph wires so that
full details are impossible at this time.
Prsonal Valuation
of Custer is Lower
BROKEN BOW, Neb., July 4.-(Spe-
clal Telegram.) County Clerk Osborne
nd Assessor Gardner have recently com
pleted a tabulated statement of the per
sonal property of Custer county, and it
s interesting to note that the persona!
assessment of this county has decreased
more than $387,000 over 1911, the asess
ment for that year was $8,904,425. while
In 1912 the figures just completed give
a total of $8,517,020. -
ROCKWELL CITY, la., July t-(Spe-cial
Telegram.) Frank Foster of Wood
stock registered at the Rockwell house
this morning at 8 o'clock hd soon after
going to his room a shot' was heard.
The hotel people upon reaching the room
found the man dead with a bullet from a
.38-callber gun ' through his heart. The
postmaster1 at Woodstock was communi
cated with and stated that the dead
man leaves a widow and one child. No
cause for the act is known. Friends will
reach here on the first train to claim the
body. Foster had the appearance of being
about 30 years old.
Mrs. Frances Jane Smith.
FAIRBURY, Neb.. July 4.-(Special.)-The
funeral services of Mrs. Frances J.
Smith were held from the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Henry Clark, Wednesday
at 2 p. m.. Rev. E. B. Taft of the Baptist
church officiating. Mrs. Smith was born
in Indiana March 22, 1847. Her maiden
name "was ' Frances J. Ktlllon. She was
married to Thomas J. Smith. July 27, 1865,
and to this union seven children were
born. Her husband died February 9, 1911.
Ehe came to Fairbury in 1S35. Deceased
was a member of the United Brethren
church. - -
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Fourth of July Taken as Holiday at
State House.
Adjutant General Receives Message
that Money Will Be Available
for Army Maneuver at
Pole Mountain.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 4.-(Speclal.)-Offices
at the statehouse this morning as a gen
eral thing are deserted. However, Land
Commissioner Cowles was taking ad
vantage of the ellenee to go over some
of the bids sent in for supplies for state
institutions for the coming quarter. He
was busily engaged on the soap sched
ule and showed some of the bids and
the weights and percentages of the dif
ferent bars submitted. The heaviest
pound bar of soap only weighed n(ne
and ope-half ounces, and from that they
ran dqwn to about six. ounces. .The best
car cniaineo a uuie over it per cent 91
soap. As the state buys , the soap by the
pound Instead of the bar, It makes little
Deputy Secretary of State Marsh was
looking after the first delivery Of mail
and some other minor matters, Bond
Clerk Lawrence was on the Job In the
auditor's office for a short time and
Secretary ' Mellor of the agricultural
board was grinding off a grist of poetry
In his department. The assistant adju
tant general was also busy for a little
while, v, hlle the stenographer of the pure
food department was wrestling with a
big bunch of letters. Deputy Attorney
General Ayers was also busy, but out
side of that the offices In the statehouse
were closed tight.
Hansen to Seattle.
Food Commissioner Hansen and State
Chemist Redfern leave this evening to
attend the national pure food congress in
Seattle, where both gentlemen will ap
pear on the program.
Guard to Go West.
The adjutant general's office received
a telegram last night that the war ap
portionment bill had passed both housj
and that In all probability tho state guard
would now participate In the maneuvers
at Pole Mountain in Wyoming. Prepara
tions will iiC begun at once to get ready
to move the guard at the proper time.
Insurgent Woodmen Meet.
The insuigent Woodmen' of Lancastei
county organized last nlgnt and elected
V. F. Priest of Lincoln president, E. P.
Malone of Havelock vice president and
A. W. Lewis of Havelock secretary.
No New Trial Granted.
Judge T. C. Munger Wednesday ' over
ruled a motion for a new trial In the
case of J. S. Rohde against Ralph A.
Quff of Nebraska City. Rohde brought
suit for $15,000 against Duff, who was tho
owner of an auto garage at Nebraska
City. He was injured by falling down an
elevator shaft to the cellar of the build
ing after he had asked tor and received
directions to the toilet roo min the back
of the garage. He alleged the garage
owner was negligent in not having the
door leading to the shaft labeled. The
case was recently tried before Judso
Munger, who ruled for an Instructed er
dict. Indian Woman at Prison.
A full-blooded Indian woman, Nancy
Wells, was received at the penitentiary :
Wednesday morning. She Is under sen
tence of from one to ten years for man
slaughter. She broke down completely
and was heartbroken .wh-jn first taken
Into the prison, but after being turned
over to the matron she became more
calm, he new prisoner Is only Zi years
Told and . is unmarried. She was con
victed of killing her new-born baoe, hav
ing thrown it Into an open-air vault,
where it remained for about twemy-fcur
hours. Its cries attracted the attention
of passersby and it was taken out, but
died within a few hours. Miss Wells is
from Thurston county, and she is the
only Indian woman now at '.he prison al
though there are several Indian men
serving time.
BUCHAREST, Roumanla, July 4.
Lieutenant Caranda, an officer of the
Roumanian army and a well known mil
itary aviator, was instantly killed thia
morning by a fall from a height of 330
feet while making a flight ov-r the
royal aerodrome.
the Fighter, in Action at
Young Baptists Hold
Patriotic Service
TOLEDO, O , July 4.-A patriotic ser
vice occupying the morning session was
the principal feature of the first day's
session of the International convention of
the Baptist Young People's union of the
United States and Canada, which opened
here today. Rev. Russell H. Conwell of,
Philadelphia delivered the address at this
The board of managers' report contained
recommendation that workers In various
sections of the international field may
ternatlonal committee as may seem nec
esssary for the advancement of their spe
cific needs, but this work need not In
terfere with the International fellowship.
General Orozco Admits His Defeat
to Lack of Ammunition. '
. -n-...
Battlefield Is Strewn with Dead and
Wounded from Both Sides Rebels
Destroy Railroad South of -'
TERS, MAPULA, Mexico, July 4.-Under
cover of darkness the entire tebel army
withdrew early today from Bachlmba, a
distance of twenty-five miles north of
Mapula. which is but fifteen miles below
the city of Chihuahua, The rebels admit
their defeat, attributing It to a lack of
ammunition. The whole rebel, army will
retreat toward the American border,
abandoning the city of Chihuahua to the
The semicircular battle line of govern
ment troops at daybreak today renewed
the attack on the rebels for possession
of Bachlmba canyon, the entrance to
which, for a distance of a mile together
with several high positions, were gained
by the federals In the opening of hos
tilities yesterday. Twenty-six cannon and
sixteen machine guns distributed on the
east and west sides of the mountain pass
here opened fire on the rebels simul
taneously. The rebel artillery In comparison seemed
defective and erratic.
Losses In the first day's fighting ap
parently were great, as today's battle
field was strewn with the dead and
wounded on both sides. The rebels had.
clung tenaciously to their positions, but
the combined assaults of Infantry and
cavalry supported by the deadly fire of
the artillery had forced them to yield
strategic hills and ranges overlooking the
The federal troops carried out orders
with mathematical precision. Conspicu
ous in the fighting besides General
Huerta as the commander-in-chief, were
his lieutenants, Generals Rabago and Tel
lex, as well as Raoul Madero, a brother
of President Madero.
Orosco at Chihuahua.
CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, July 4.-General
Orozco arrived here at U o'clock . this
morning, but only a small portion of his
army stopped here. .The remaining troop
trains went through, at fifteen miles an
hour, northward, affording, none an op
portunity to get off.
Ite?rl UCHtrny Ilailrnad.
ico, July 4. When the federal artillery
hud fliYd a few shots at daybreak today
and received no response from the hills
north of Bachlmba. flying squadrons of
cavalry were sent forward by" General
Huerta to locate the rebels, but they
had fled. Only the dead and a few
wounded were lying In the
positions '
which yesterday the rebels had held In
the mountain pass here. j
A badly torn railroad north of the can-
yon indicated that as heretofore the '
rebels had withdrawn." destroying the j
railroad behind them as they proceeded.
i s i m iiihiviiniiiwv ww
WASHINGTON, July 4.-Ten thousand
navy yard mechanics will pass under tue
protection of the civil service law when
President Taft signs the executive orde:-
now being prepared by the Navy de -
partment officials In conjunction with the
civil service commissloi.ers.
A regulation that anyone leaving work'
and seeking reinstatement must place liln
name at the bottom of the roil of tllslblcs '
is regarded as a
probable deterrent to
Lincoln Leaders Refuse to Give Out
Any Statements.
Former Mayor of Capital City la
clined to Walt Unfolding of
Event Bryan Arrives
Home Today,
. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 4.-(Speclal.-The fol
lowers of Roosevelt seem to be consider
ably up in the air sines the democratlo
convention. Don L. Love, who seams to
be looked up to as the real leader of the
Teddyltes, says that he Is not prepared
to talk Just now.
He was asked what he thought the
prospects would be now for the forma
tion of a third party In Nebraska, but
he shook his head and simply said, "I
cannot tell at this time." . '
When asked- again . If ha was pretty
well pleased with the nomination oi thw
democrats; he smiled and said, "I am
not prepared to talk over the situation
now" .
Others tailing in the same political boat
show the same inclination to give out
nothing until they get their bearngs.
There are two things probably responsi
ble for their allenoe. One of them Is that
they are waiting to hear from Oyster
Bay, and the other that Mr. Bryan has
not arrived home so they may confer
with him.
A telegram this afternoon announces
that Mr. Bryan will arrive tomorrow
morning over the Burlington at 10:10.
He will be met by a committee com
posed of the cltlsens of Lincoln and es
corted to the sta?9 house grounds where
be will be formally welcomed to the city.
AH arrangements have been made to
make the reception Just as big as If the
Commoner had been ahrdlaomofwyaoo
Kaiser Meets Czar
at Baltic Port
BALTIC PORT, Russia, July 4.-The
German emperor, accompanied by the Im
perial .chancellor, Dr. von Bethmann
Hollweg. and his third son, Prince Adal
bert, arrived here today on board the
Imperial yacht Hohensollern, escorted by
the cruiser Mltke, to meet the emperor
of Russia, who, with the members of his
family, Premier Kokovosoff and Foreign
Minister Sasonoff, was already In wait
ing here.
A division of Russian torpedo boats, the
Russian admiralty yacht Neva, with the
German ambassador to Russia and the
attaches of the German embassy at St.
Petersburg, went out to meet the Ger
man emperor, who upon his arrival re
ceived the salutes of the assembled Rus
sian warships and was greeted with
cheers by their crews, to which the sail
ors of the Moltke replied.
President Taft on
' Way to Beverley
BOSTON, July 4,-President Taft today
passed through Boston on' his way to his
summer home at Beverly, where he will
remain until Monday. ,
SAN FRANCISCO, July 4.-Mrs. Surah
P,att Decker of Denver, former president
of tl,e General Federation of Women's
Clubs, Is recovering from an attack of
intesunai inriammauon. u was tnougnt :
"hf wou'd escape an operation. . - !
Independence day was Individually and :
:nforaa!!y celebrated by the delegates to '
the eleventh biennial convention of the '
General Federation of Women's Clubs.J
- ' i
BROKEN BOW. Neb., July 4.-(Spe- j
clal.) Ensign John P. Dalton. graduate'
1 or the Lnitea Mates .-savai academy at
! Annapolis and hero of the famous army ,
janri. navy foot bail Rirao played at
Philadelphia lest November. Is home on'
: u furloush visiting his parent. Mr. Ual-1
ton expects to go-Into active service In
i tew weeKs. oeing tuauoneu. -pruDainy
at Philadelphia for the present.
Black Champion Gets Decision Over
Fireman in Ninth Round
of Battle.
Officers Step in to Prevent Further
Punishment. '
Uses Every Method to Secure Some
Slight Advantage.
FirPlnan Makes Poor Showing and
Repeatedly Triea to Butt Chanf
pion on the Jaw with
His Head.
LA3 VEGAS. N. M., July 4.-Jim Plyim's
white hopes expired today in tbe ninth
round of his scheduled forty-five-round
bout with Champion Jack Johnson.
Flynn's face was chopped and cut fright
fully by the champion's deliberate blows
and In the ninth round Captain Cowles
of the New Mextcon state police pushed
his way Into the ring and declared the
contest ended as a brutal and Improper
exhibition. For three rounds Flynn had
realised Als Inability to defend himself
and frantically tried to butt his way U
victory. At times he leaped a foot from
the ground, endeavoring to crash his skull;
against the champion's Jaw. Tfme after
Ume Referee Smith warned hlra to stop
it and Flynn made no defense. '
"He's holding me, he's holding me," he
would declare to Smith, ami, In the next
clinch he would try it again. When tho
police Interfered Referee Smith, through
the announcer, ' awarded Johnson, tin'
fight .'- '
Johnson made no serious effort to hurt
Flynn t any time duilng the nine rounds. 4
Apparently - he held himself In check
when Flynn's butting tactics were at
their worst. Johnson bore not a single
mark of the fight beyond a silaht cut In-,
side his lower lip.
Officials Are Announced.
The officials of the Johnson-Flynn bou
as announced at the ringside were: Ed
W, Smith of Chicago, referee; timekeep
ers: For the club, Otto Floto of Denver;
for Flynn, Al Tearney of Chicago (also
stakeholder); for' Johnson, Tom Flanagan.
A telegram addressed referee, ringside,
was received Just before the fight. It '
was signed by McMahon Brothers, New
York, and was a J20.000 offer for a Joe
Jeannette-Johnson match In that city.
Anotner message uuni nt v .
. . . XT-.. V 1 a oL-uH
that Johnson be challenged from the rim?
for Jeannette. It added - that Victor '
Hreyer of Paris offered Johnson I30.W)
thlrtv-fnund "lCS.lWWH'lMliSJ'UPlth
-, B ..... d
Jeannette. ' ' l- -.-..o..... .
XA1 Palier wired a challenge to the wltf
ner, saying he had posted a 85,000 forfeit
In Cincinnati.
Luther McCarthy wired Flynn a win or
lose challenge, the fight to be in New
York if arranged. ,
Billy McClaln and Sam McVey's man
ager, who had Journeyed from the anti
podes to witness the contest, was intro
duced to the spectatc' s.
Among Flynn's seconds Is Dr. Roller of
Seattle, the wrestler.
Rin- Ordered Cleared.
Referee Smith then entered the ring
and ordered It cleared as soon as pos
sible In order that the battle might begin
without delay.
Flynn appeared to be In exceptionally
sood humor and spent much of the tim
.a entering about the ring greeting irlends.
The principals then donned the gloves.
Johnson withdrew his objection to thi
gloves provided by the ring officials hav..
lng previously ordered a special .set fo
his own use. It was noticed that the
champion wore the same striped bath'
robe that had given, him service In his
Reno battle.
Flynn was Introduced to the crowd as
the "fighting fireman" of Pueblo. Flynn's
early reception was duplicated,. -
Johnson then was presented as tho
champion heavyweight of tbe world. His
reception was lukewarm.
The ring was cleared at 2:4S with An
nouncer Cannon making his final remarks
referring to the rules governing the con
test. ... ... '.
After the men had discussed these rulei
time was called at 2:49.
Flaht by Hounds.
Round l-"Will you shake hands, Jack?''
queried Flynn, as he opened the battie
bv rushintt Into a clinch. "No," retorted
the black. Flynn kept in close, but John
son easily avoided his attempts and fiuna
a stiff left to the ear. The crmmploi
pushed his man across the ring and
hnniroH hia loft to the ear. and a moment
later flung a hard short-arm Jolt to tUe,.
Jaw. Johnson smiled constantly and
fought with great caution. Flynn backed
the negro against the ropes and the charu.
plon rewarded him with a rysht tnat cut
a deep gaBh under his left eye. Round all'
Johnson's. , . -
Round As Flynn rushed Johnson sim
ply grasped him about the shoulders ano
held him at bay, all the while grinning
like an ape- The champion pecked at tho
fireman's face with light lefts, and as
they clinched uppercut twice heavily Witt
rights to the Jaw. The champion toyed
with Flynn. twice more shooting right
uppercuts to the Jaw. one of which sent
the fireman's head bobbing. le cham
pion early Indicated It was to be a battle
nf words as well as of blows, time and
again exchanging his usual repartee witn .
the spectators, t lynn s mourn ona tu
he took his seat very much worsted dur
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