9 On Independence Day, but Something Intervenes Drawn for The Bee by Tad Copyright 191. International Newt Service IAAXA16 CSTECOUS I Hatfo To eoar up sue, 4" AjlCE, 5AAJE- CIL TttUfttM' i SUCH vCRo)FtAtt OAX 01- R58CU.IGAJ, AU& BUT HUAJOErl I HOAJseAjJ sedit.caj )ajd AMD Aiy&T BE Appeased To stand Foil This iT&tATKBOr AtV i it YOU .THE-BEE! OMAHX THURSDAY,' JULY 4," 1912. ' Aiy Trvi06 BeAJS A v-. (UBBftTy, AVT To) B SCARED AT I , , . , - ... 't CDfe. Juttfc.-': N($T lACKiMG ab SPIRIT STUFP FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE Good smooth land and Sew well rented town property tor stock of general merchandise well located in eastern Kansas, Nebraska or- western Iowa; can use large stock and might put In some cash if stuff is good enough; iglvo full details In first letter. Address Bos L. Selbert, Colo. Book 1,000 farms to exchange. Get our laic plan of exchanging. Oranam liros., i Eldorado,- Kansas. . FOUR rooms, furnished complete, will trade for horses or wagons. 410 g. '27lh Ave. - VOU -EXCHANGE Want Southern ' California ; property for good, clear 'Omaha. Address 1135 .West -eid St. Los i Angeles. Cal. t ' OCEAJJ tTEAMSHIPS - THE ALLAN LINii . . BOTAIi MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL, LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. Montreal, Havre, Plymouth, London. The Picturesque St Lawrence Route. " --Four -days on the ' ocean, ' three days In .river and gulf. . Splenald new Turbans steamers. Saloon, second-cabin and third class Superior one-class cabin service. CuiaLie: unexcelled. Courteous attention. Rend tor circuiais, ratea, plans, etc. AUan & Co.. 12? N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 4 Anchor Line Steamships . -New York, Londonderry and Glasgow. . New , York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for tickets between New tork and all Scotch, English, Irish, Continental.' and Mediterranean points. Superior accommodations, excellent cut Sine, efficient' service. Apply promptly lor reservation to local agent of Anchor Lino . or Henderson BioitwrK- fchsneral Agcnta, Chicago, Uu . . REAL ESTATE . AUSTKAC1S OF '111LU. ! Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of. if ice in: Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. Ht'lLtlfciUS' 1KFUHJUA11UA. Ideal dement Co., 17th and Cuming Sts. Fuehs, Son & Blind, painting.decoratlng. H, Gross,. Inn. wreck. g. plb. a & Paul. 'ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. Own S. Merrill, 1&3 City Nat. Bank Bldg. CITY PHOPEUTV FOtt iALli. , West Farnam Home 1 1 "Why live Jn' a stuffy apartment house when you can buy at a real sacrifice, one Of rthe very best built east front strictly' modern S-room houses' in the city, and in the ; choicest part of West Farnam District where values are secure? Owner leaves for California in a few days. House can be seen Sunday by phoning .Harney; 8?52. . -:t Harrison & Morton, Tet V:ii. 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. -- : EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE : . r .'ONLY t2,250' .. , RENTING AT $27.5fr LOT 60 FEET FRONT ' - ..- 2612 NORTH 19TH AVE. . W. H. GATES, ... 644 OMAHA NAT'L . BANK BLDG. - 'PHONE DOUG.: 1294." Dundee Bargain ; Co you want a ' good 6-room, 2-story I house?" Then let me show, you the one ;1 have'ust been ordered to give a Way. Has -Jiving -room.'' etc.; 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor; attic is plastered. One of the finest views in Omaha. Very easy terms' to good party. ? ; : E. W . Stoltenberg. D. 1510.'-: 436 B. of T. Bldg. MAP. OF OMAHA STREETS, indexed. Mailed free, on application. Charles E. Williamson- Co.; ; Rental Estate, Insur ance, Rentals, care of property, Omaha, These: Hot; Nights; A SLEEPING PORCH is mighty fine. Have an ejegant home In the FIELD CLUB ' DISTRICT, stucco finish-; new last year seven rooms; . latest arrange ment 'and finish and tasty all the way through three nice bedrooms and a sleeping porch; tile - bathroom; living room ..arrangement and a den on - first (floor; two blocks to car; high ground. Price $6,250; offered for sale account of 'sickness. v -, GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE. Close-In Site )r.Apartment House XVV htve. 62x130 ft within a block and a half-of 26th &ni Farnam Sts., for $7,000. It Ve one of the best locations in the city ifsran apartment house or family hotei. lA half block off Farnam St. bplendid place for - top price rents . and steady , tenants. . ; , . ' ... ; .; iHarrison & Morton, 916 Dm. Na. Bk -Bldg. Tel. Doug. Sli. , ' BEMIS PAEK HOME 7. rooms, reception Hall and sleeping porch, oak finish on first floor, birch I finish on second floor; 4 large bed rooms, Iwlth closets; dandy kftchen with built In , cabinets and nice pantry, cemented cel flar with- laundry sink, hot and cold water and hot water heater; fruit cellar and tcoal bins;- corner lot, 65x105, east and Isouth front, paved streets, beautiful lawn 'and--, shade trees. This Is certainly an lldeal home and owner is sacrificing it on account of leaving city; Price reduced ifrom 15,500 to $4,800 for quick sale. Only 1 block to car. Let us show you' this If you want something nice. , BEMIS-CARLBEKG CO., s iaie-T2 Brandeis Theater 'Bldg. Doug. 683. 1 JULY BARGAIN $200 cash., balance' monthly,; will take one I of those new cottages near ..42d . and Grand ..Ave., Vi .block to car, close to I brand new school, splendid neighborhood. Reception hail, parlor, dining room and kitchen. 'on first, floor, two bedrooms and ibcth on second floor, all modern except iheat, nice iot. east ront 44x140, perman- ent - walks, cemented cellar. Prices only I $2,700- and $2,400. - , . cBEinS-CAELBEEG CO., - 310-312 Brandels Theater. ' $1,350 will buy 4-room cottage;' lot S0xl20; good barn, good well, 1 block from car; near 23d and Sprague. See us for terms. Daniel Hankinson. 201 Pax ton Block, D. !2OT. . i 'A) TAT fcTS, AAjO OCR- OWO fc '.W.IOUSE. ctr Quite. Somz ice. HAiatcF- Too - REAL ESTATE CITY. PHOPERTY FOR SALE A RARE N. W. Corner 3 3d and Davenport Sts. (3304 Davenport St.) Comfortable, well built modern home. 8 large rooms. Hardwood, white pine and enamel finish... Large porch around house. Beautiful corner lot 52x136." Mulberry hedge. Poplar trees. Barn for' garage. Cement walks. Streets paved. Never offered for less -than $7,000, Lot alone worth $3,000. FOR QUICK SALE REDUCED TO $5,500 ' ' ON YOUR OWN TERMS Owner leaving city. Makes added inducement by leaving all the beautifurcarpets, and three good stoves. See us at once. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1622 FARNAM STREET. ll 1,11 1 ... ..yin f,i i i ..Ujf New Homes . Easy Terms Tho abovs U a picture of one of three brand, new two-story houses we havo for pale on tha' North 20th . Street Boulevard. Each has ssvets rooms, Jargo llvlna room and dining roo ti finished in oak, boau ttfutty daeorated, kKahen . with built-in ouBboardB, tbVet bed rooms and Bleeping poroh, eomWnatlon artietlo lighting iU tures. full basement with outside srede entranoe. laundry sink, Carton furnaoa, the be o plumbing and fixtures. Fine, level lot. large m&pie shade treee ana- no paving to pay in front of lot, a savins of at least WO. Look at Son, 3i7 and 4iw North 20th Bt. Blvd. This property can be reached either by So. 34111 St. or Sher man Ave. car lines. Take your choice at $4,000, on terms to suit. This is a good weaiion to buy a homo because there U more development In tttfa djstrlot. than any other part of the oity, whore valuo aie lnoreama awl every tiung u new and uniform. Call u up and we will talc yeii out to see this property. : Payne. & Slater Company Sola Agents, 610 Omaha Nafl Sank BWsr. Lot Bargain North euth front en tfewiar Ave,, 'Just ft,. off the Florenoe. boulevard, Newly paved street and a prowing dlstrlet. All Pftvlnf and - street assessment .paid In full. Lot 608130 ft. ! only 1,060. This li two bloclss from street car and the lot Is perfeot for grado. Act quickly. Harrison-;&. Morton, m Omaha National- Bank, Tel. P. 14. HERE IS A . BARGAIN IN BENSON ftM 4.11 wet KAvnfi.fiA lrtt nfil faU frOfB ear Una. Lot fronts soutn on Lucae b tween Viar sjih nurmwn enwiinu mm eV4 of lot 10, block K. Phone Webster UuA. sr address O, ft VY Bm.' ; Go Look; at This Brick House 1214 N. 84th St.. Bemis' Park district. 7- room and sleeping poroh; ail modern, full cement basement; this house is new and elegantly nnisnea inrougnout; must os soun to be appreciated. Price now down to $5,000. " O 'Neil's Real Estate & Insur ance Agency, ' 1505 Farnam. Tyler 1024. westf'ar"nam lots East front,, on 35th St., Just north of Doags St.: perfect sraCe, every t.trs;:t Improvement completed, new and uniform tree planting. Tnese lots, Mxo ft., are only W.ouo each. We hava only fous- loit, Note the character of the new houses. It '.s a now district and no old houses In the way. We think there Is nothing bet ter In the city for t good homo place. Harrison & Morton, E16 Ouaha National Bank. ' Tel. D. 3i4. FOUR BLOCKS FROM POSTOFFICE Fine building site at southwest corner of 18th and Cass, in proximity to business section where values are sure to Increase; lot 66x132 feet, now occupied by .frame and brick buildings. Inquire 2304 Daven port street. - - . Bungalow for Auto Brand cow all modern and ftp-to-date on 50-foot esst front lot. paved street in fine neighborhood. Price oniy $3,7S0. Will take good vacant lot or nearly new auto as first payment. Call Douglas 163. TO BUT, HELL. OK KENT, FIRST 3ES JOUM V. J&OBBLKS. Uu2 FAUNAS! ST. E i REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE BARGAIN D-898. New Homes Open for Inspection July 4th. 5935 N. 24TH ST. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, 2 full, stories, stairway to floored attic, full cemented basement; oak floors throughout, strlctiy modern, fine shade trees. Only $500 cash down, balance monthly like rent, be sure fljid see this place it you want a good home at a low cash' price oh easy terms. Owner on tha premises. Price 3,960. 6108 FLORENCE " BOULEVARD 8 rooms 2-story, modern house, decorated' throughout, attractive and very well con structed. Must be seen to be appreciated, complete in every detail. Kast front lot, 44x165 teet, in beautiful Norwood Addi tion, near Miller Park. Price $3,000. Easy terms. We consider these to be the best values offered on the north side. Inves tigate. George & Company, 902-12 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 'Phone D. 756 or A-175. $850. A nice 4-room house, with cellar, barn, wagon shed, tool house. Douglas 6976. REAL ESTATE FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALli r Canada, BRITISH COLUMBIA lands on GRAND TRUNK. Frank Crawford, 203 Cotton Bldg.. Vancouver or Omaha. Colorado. 640 ACRES. Located 3 miles from a good shipping point, 5 miles from a splendid trading town; suriace smooth, sou a uark loum, some few pine trees; no rocks; line water at a shallow depth; 250 acres In wheat, oats and corn; 15 acres in alfalfa; all unaer good fence; the improve ments consist of a new 6-room dwelling, with cellar and pantry; barn for cattle and horses, SO ft, by 22 ft.; Im plement shed, 24 ft. by 36 ft; stone hen house; fine cherry and plum orchard; one mile . to school; It. F. D. and tele phone at place; new windmill at house; will trade farm with crop , at $25 per acre; will consider a good stock of mdse, up to $13,000, or will consider land in Iowa, eastern Kansas or eastern Ne b rfl b k fit THE DIVIDE LAND AND INVEST MENT CO., , ELIZABETH, COLO. GREATEST bargain in eastern Colo rado; four sections, over 500 acres fine plow land, balance grazing land, located nine miles northwest of Llmon. Only $3,75 acre. R. M, Bettesworth, Cedar Rapids, la. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC. BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. Au Luu money crops of tne outn plentifully piociuceo. hot literature treat Uig uu u"a coming country, lis soil, ciimaiu, ciiuiwU aua iichuoi advautas, W. li. LEAHY, DEPT. K, General Pa&senger Agent, ATLANTA, UA. Idaho. FOR SALE 120 ACRES IRRIGATED land, three miles from town, tor ,o0. and will take Ji.wAi cuh and will give I years oil lue baiauue. hot imorniauou write Uenry Maple, Hiclilield. Idaho. MUbX prouuuMve Ly uud gram laud in the wurid i-ioutf Vuuey, ltUtno. No ir iit'iitioii needtxi; t.ne cliuuite, fiuo water, cheap fuel, telephontis, laiUoad, eltc tncay. improved land fc to tov acre. Aii,Ki nutc. uj.-naru laud proportion in loaUo. tur haul uiaLta w;ite uiuay. fm em River Coiouiiuiiion Co., jsauipa, ldano. ' Kansas. 160 acres, one mile from Greenleaf, Washington Co. a.'I good farm land rnd one of tno Uest jmpi jvii farms In tne county. Also 160 acrev cure and mow tana, to Do had one easy terms. 'or tur ther particulars write, R. C. McGrew, owner. - ,, ivnra. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital, largest cir culation in the state of Iowa, U,im daily. The Capital is read by and believed In by the standpatters of luwa, who simply re fuse to i-eiui.t any oiLer paper in their hun.es, Katee. 1 cent a word a day; $i.2i per lino per month; count six ordinary woriia To tne Um. Address Ut Momes Ctip.ui!. loa KlDines. la. . ataktatuu RANCHES $2,000 to $100,000. Send for list Shopen & Co., Ranch DcaJrg, Omaha. Neb. 1 ' KftADtfc OF tlBeHTV. , A.AJ6 fWhBtfc AlOAa WSr"JDtV ftSCUMB'AXl UilTM y REAL ESTATE FARM A IIAXCH LANDS FOR SALE Utah. For Sale Irrigated Lands, . Utah. . . . ( I own about 5,000 acres of Irrigated land in Lucerne valley, Utah, 40 miles off the railroad south of Green river, Wyoming. I wish to sell all but about 1,000 acres my home ranch to good farmers and good neighbors. This land is all under ditch now and the water, in abundance, Is running in the canals. I want 26 to 60 families to settle around me. It will make my remaining 1,000 acres worth at least $100 an acre. We raise the finest kind of alfalfa, grain and vegetab.es. If my oats don't average 60 bushels to the acre I'll sure miss my guess. I will raise 400 bushels of potatoes to the acre. I will sell 1000 acres of this land, If bought before August 1, 1912, on the fol lowing terms: $25.00 an acre, cash. ' $27.60 an acre, $10 an acre aown and $5 an acre a year. $20.00 an acre, $5 an acre down and $5 an acre a year. Interest on deferred payments at per cent per annum. This includes perpetual water right for Irrigation. . Lucerne val ley is absolutely surrounded by millions of acres of range land. I'll give any man a quarter section of land who will show me a better location for steck raising; 75 per cent of the stock here range out all the year. We Immediately adjoin the Uintah forest reserve, with about 1.000.000 lucres anil rnnee land. Cn! and timhfr in abundance right at your door. We have three schools, three postofftces and telephone system all through the valley and to the railroad. About 5,000 acres of land already under cultivation. My seven passenger Packard automobile is at Green River, Wyo. It won't cost you one cent after you leave there for my ranch. You can stay here as long as you please to select your land. Write or wire my representative, L. N. Sawyer, Green River, Wyo., telling him Just when yon will be there. If you find I have misrepresented one single material fact I will pay your railroad fare for the round trip. I refer you to the Morris State bank and Green River State bank, both of Green River, Wyo. Wire Sawyer now for the auto mobile, stating date of arrival at Gresn River. Fine Irrigated land, at $25 an acre beats praying for rain. A. 8. Brown, Birch Springs Ranch, Manila. Utah. Nebraajltn. . HOMj:ST5AD-S20 acres rich farm land at $175 filing fees and all. Not rough or sandy J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. Farms; Farms Fr iris Driving distance Of Omaha.-Bargains. Let us show you the goods. All sizes, all prices, all terms ORIN S. MERRILL CO.' " Rooms 1213-14 City Nafl. Bank Bldg Oi t-gon. FOR SALEBy owner, Ideal dalvy and fruit ranch. C. B. Gaines, Gates, Ore. ' South Dakota. HOMESTEAD locations, deeded lands and relinquishments in Butte and Hard ing counties, S. D. Address Box E, 383 Bee. AN excellent M, sec. of well-fenced land In northern Butte Co., 8o. Dak.: sandy loam soil; 8 acres In crop; 30 ml. from It. R., 7 ml. from Inland town; will sell for $11.50 per acre. Add. F 382, Bee. WANTEDTO BORROW First Mortgage for Sale Y 1 nf first mortgage on new buildings vVrtr, built for homes aro tho safest .c tV securities in the world. These securities have been - our spe cialty for 12 years without the loss of a dollar to ourselves or investors. A list of mortgagee, $300 up to &.500 mailed on request with hiffhftst tofwicat,. American Security Company 300 So. 17th St. Oram, RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNIOM STA'ilOA I'enth and Maaon. I'nlon Pacific ' Dopart Arthn. (an Fran. Overland Limited.. a t:ti am a 7:0 pra China tc Japan k'tMl Wall.... a 4:0 pa a t ii pm Atlantis Exprow il.ll is Ocegon Expraaa all 16 put a : .10 pm Loa Anglea Umtled aU:oi piu a l:0 pm Uraver Spoclal a J:o am a 7aJ am Contennlal state Special all:iMI pm aU.ii am Colorado ExpreM ......a J:6J pra i:Wp Oregon-Waablugua Limited.. . aU:6d pm a M pn North Platte Local a 6.14 am a 4.i pm Grand liland Local .,...a ui 1 3J am btromiburg Local ...bl2:41 put t;S ia ChlcuKo, tiock lalmiU .v rucllie EAST. - Kockr MounUln Llmitid a!7:tO pm alo.3S pm Chicago Local i'aaiuinser blU:Mam bl0:lu pia ttucaao f Exprma...... 1:45 am alwpa Chicau ttxpw 4:lv pm ' m pui Dm liiiinea Local PaMauser-.e i tt via til.u put Chicaao-Asoiaaaa Lluiaeo . . . .a tiiu t.iMm WEST. Chicago-Neb. Ltd. to Liucu,a..a J 01 am a i.ii pa Chlcagu-Coiarado bxprcia .... i.uiuu a 4:iM pu tlkianouia ic I' exit aupiaa...a .u pm all.t au Kockj' Muuulam Ltwiied al:4l am ttU.H mm CUiCanu un Ao tmVemri'u- MOlt'fHhUUMU . Uiuneapolw-liu -ui jupieu.. 7:v aa 1 jaiuiieayw,u-bi. iiul UuM .i i.uiuu a l:w am Iwiu i-ii. a.pru .!.,! alu.w pm biom cay Uicai a pm a . pa ,iuuepuua tc iiaaota i.lg..h 1-W put a:lopui 'iwiu Lunlicu ti.Uvat a i. ant atinutuola lupiaie ali.vo mm SASTUUUMJ. Carroll Local a 7, '90 am a I'M pa Dayugnt Ctaiuagv a LiH am Lbiugu Locl aU:Uo pu a ::i pm Cmcaao-LoioraOe a 4:M pm CinufcO apecwi- .v. a .u pm a mm Facliw Cuaat-chloago ...... I'M pu a . put Loa Ajigoie Liuilteo ... a l.o pm ali .Ml pu Overland Umlwi l.ti 1u a 1:1a am Carroll Local a 4:i put alO.MI am Faet Mail a :iw pu, ti:u.w caaar luiplda, glouz City and Omaha s:M pa Cauienuui aula Umiua U:t am 11:16 pia WKSTUOUNU. Long Pine a t.Oi am all .01 aa Koriolk-lMllaa a l.vu au all us am Long fine-Lincoln a pm a :gv piu UaHlnga-Superlor t :! pm a pm Deadwood-itot Springs a j pm a v. A pm Caaper-Lander ., a i:'m pm alll:U pai Premont-Albioa fcl.agput k :m pia Chicaso, Milwulee dt St. Paul Overland limited a 1:M pm a 1:11 aa Perry Lecal a:Wam aU:e pm Colorado Kipran ...a : pm s :le pm Colorado Special a 7.41 am a I. Mi am Perry Local . h 1:1 pm all.ee pa Chicago Ureat Weatern 7 win Cltr Limited a 4iC pa a l:U aa Twin Cltr Bxpreaa a :W am a : pm Chicago kxprcaa ......a l:w put a i.iti pa Wabash Omaha-tt. Louis Bxpreaa .a ( J pa 4.11 aa Hall and Bxprete a 1:02 in ali:li pa unbtrry Local Urom C. b-).k l.ou p blU.ii a :iikeonri faclfic K. C. at &c Louis Kiproae..a IJOam mlMmm K. C. a St. Lmi, Kxpreas.U;tt pa s :4S pa Illinois Central . u lCle Liaieed w,ww.AMt. S,tttM. J RjtlOWtD BV A) fcXTAWOiSWAiffAjT OP Va CKWTS RAILWAY TIME CARD. Unrllnston Station fenth A Mason Darllnsjton Dtarw California. Puget Sound Ezpnu. Nbrk Points ..... Bluk Hills Lluooln Mall KorthwMt Kxprwu .. Nebrik Expreu ... SchuyUr-PUtUmoulli Lincoln Local Plttumouth-Iow .... B'llofuo-rittttraouth Cnlc(9 Spool) ..... DanTtr SpocUl ..... Chicago ExprMt Chicago Put Exprow Dopart. .a 4:10 am .a pm .a I N am .a i.lt pra .b I 10 pm all:U pm .a 1 11 am .b 7:06 pm '.'a i'li i'm .all JO pm .a 7:16 pm .all li pm a 5.01 pra a I SO pm .b 1:10 pm .a 4:15 pm .al0:i pm .a :1 em Arrf. e I rt pa a In pa a :10 pa a :4i pa aU:li pa a I m aa a MO pra b!0.0 an kl:il aa a I 40 an a ;W pm aU:U pa T OO aa a l pa a i:M am blO 45 aw al:t am a am a :! poi Crcoton (la.) uieai It. Loult Exprwa Kama City St. Jonph.... Kuaaa Citr St. Jowpa.. Webster station '5th ana Webeter Missouri Pacific . Dopart. Arrive. Auburn Local k iiU pa bU:ilaa Chicago, St. Paul, Mtmnenpolie and Omaha Sioux City Kxprcaa b l:ti am bll:M am Twin City Paaaangar b ( is am b l:i pa Sioux Cltr PaaMDsw o 1 16 am o I N pa Emtraos Local b S 6S pa b 1:10 am ta dally, (bj dally aioapl Sunilay. ic) Sunday. ocean: steamships I U WHITE STARw Womlnlcn Canadian Service ONLY 4 DAYS at SEA ,V1 eiantfc, Jj . 6, At. 3, Af. Jl reutonlc,Jy.lJ,A,IU,Sp.7 Lurentic,Jy.2,Ai.l7,Sepl4 CiRada.Jy.37,AJ4,Sep.3l First $92.50. Second JJJ.7J OneCtauCablB (II) IS045S Third Clan UU1 t2.SQ Arrange Bookinn with Local Agents or Company's Office, Chicago, III. AIM IS TO PREVENT DISEASE ' Visiting Nurses Will Care for Both .' Healthy and Sick Babies. DISPENSARY IS ESTABLISHED Principal Okject Will Be tp Teach loong People How to Keep Well Daring the Hot Sammer Months. Preventive Miastires against slckntss will be the object of the Visiting Nurses' association In conducting the 1912 ' baby camp at Elmwood park. Not only will babies be taken, care of, but a dispen sary has been opened In Jacobs Memorial hall, at Bevtenteenth and Dodge streets. The object of the dispensary Is to teach children and young people hew to keep well In the hoi weaker and to co operate with the physicians to reduce disease and sickness. Convalescent children and well babies from the heated districts of the city will find the camp Is maintained especially for their benefit. The very 111 babies are to be given care Inside the well equipped hospital of the city. The camp will be open from 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. All children going to the camp will be Inspected by tho nurses in charge and If found In need of medical attention will be referred back to their own physician, who' will be requested to eo-operaee with the camp In their care, If they are in such a physical condition that they are In no way a menace to the healthy child ren of the camp. In this way the strictest care will be taken to prevent the spread ing of any disease and every effort will be made to prevent rather than cure disease. The dispensary at Seventeenth and Dodge street Is to .be known at "The Public Health Instructive Dispensary," The healthy people as well as the sick will receive benefit from this plan. It Is the object of the dispensary to co operate with the families or Individuals and their physicians, to ascertain and relieve any causes which may Induce Ill ness;, to help the patients In their homes to follow the physician's orders and to make provision when necesmary for the removal and care of the patients else where. While the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis is one of the purposes of the dispensary Its usefulness will not be confined to Instruction In this alone, but will extend Its services to -'nstructlori and aid In the homes or any desiring to know how to care for their own sick. All cases of any kind needing medical aid wlll.be referred to their own phy sician and a clinical record kept for his reference and all physicians are Invited to refer cases to the dispensary If In any way it can aid in their care. ., While there Is no fee or charge for dispensary service yet any one paying in $1 or mora to the dispensary fund helps that much in extending its ser vices Into the homes of those who aro unable to pay.. ; MAIL CARRIERS TO MAKS BUT FEW TRIPS THURSDAY The general delivery and the stcmp window of the Omaha postoffice will be open until 10:30 a. m. on tho Fourth of July. One, two and three trip carriers will make one trip, leaving the postof fice not earlier than $ a. m. The four and five trip carriers will make two de liveries, leaving the postoffice on the second trip not earlie." than 9:30 a. m. The station carriers wlii !H7ii the of fice after the arrival of supplementary mails. The collections will be made un der the same schedules as on Sundays. The. wom.cj'ob AiEAay, The. Faber" waTo have. Deuueeo The- csatoaj th$. CATTLE ARE KILLED BY HAIL Stones as large as Cannon Balls Fall in South Fart of State. HOMES ARE BADLY DAMAGED Dolt of Llghtnlus Strllues Trinity Cathedral la Omaha aad Hurls Crone from Capola Across Capitol Avenne. Hailstones six Inches In diameter are reported to have killed cattle, chickens and other animals Tuesday night In and around Johnson, near Auburn, In the southeastern part of the state. Reports reaching Omaha this morning say the hailstorm lasted for more than a half hour, shattering wfndow pane and greatly damaging roofs. , Rains during the night appeared to be local. There was hardly any preclpta tlon west of Ashland. The heaviest rains were along the Missouri valley, especially toward the south around Plattsmouth and Nebraska City. LIghtninr struck the cupola on the north side of Trinity cathedral. The The cross was broken off near tha base and thrown almost acrosa Capitol avenue. Stanley Porclus, the caretaker, was In Dean Tancock'a study when he was al most blinded by a flash of lightning. A second later he heard a heavy orash and knowing some part of the building has The sentiment that rules , this nation is found in : the home , ! , ' - v ; Political parties, party bosses, heads' of , ; ! . ; r' corporations, presidents of great busi- v nesees all . are influenced by the 1 thought of the home. The paper that goes into the home, then, is the , ; paper that must conform to the ideals of the family the father, the mother, the son ..and the daughter. The Omaha Bee (Daily and Sunday) is the paper that goes into the homes of Omaha and the rest of Nebraska. It is the one paper ' fit for the home because it has fitted itself for the home through a wise policy of excluding un-. desirable news and advertising matter from its ; columns. The Bee continues to grow better, as ; daily persual of its columns will show. : The Omaha Sunday Bee is a greater issue of this great home paper. Next Sunday will find new features for every, -member of the family. Read WISH DRESSES AND AN IDEAL By Lady Duff-Gordon. CURES FOR ENCUMBERING FLESH By Lena Cavilieri. HOW PRETTY BLUE PAJAMAS SAVED A FAST EXPRESS Worn by a pretty southern belle, these dainty pajamas raced rods to flag a speeding train, and saved it from destruction. WHERE OUR NUMBERS REALLY CAME FROM The mystery is finally answered. NELLIE MACGEE AND HER CITY MISSION WORK Inspiring story of a great Omaha woman.. FOUR PAGES OF COLORED COMICS By the greatest artists. FOUR PAGES OF LATE SPORTING NEWS All the box scores. X EVERY MOVE IN POLITICAL GAME These special features are publish ed in addition to all the latest news, telegraphic and cable, from all parts of the civilized globe. The advertiser who can afford to only use one paper cannot afford to use any other paper than ' , ; The Omaha Sunday Bee the paper that goes into more Omaha homes' , than all the other Omaha Sunday papers com bined. ';.';;:," ;., ,' . .."'- The horn paper is the paper of greatest advertising values. . been struck. Investigated. A flash of lightning gave Mr. Porclus a glimpse of the cross on the north side of Capitol avenue. Aside from the cross being torn off no othor damage waa done to 'the cathedral.. Dean Tancock and his family are at Pryor Lake, Minn. Ryder Has Plans - ; for Public Baths : ' on River Front John J. Ryder, commissioner of police, sanitation and public safety, has taken.' up with Major E. .H. Schula of Kansaa City, of the river Improvement commit tee, a plan to establish a river front bathing resort In this city. . ' Major 6chuls has given the plan little-' encouragement and Commissioner RydeiK is writing Senator G. M. Hitchcock ioF Information as to whether the city can csrry out this plan without Interference . from the national government, . Mr. Ryder said his plan, was not.tai: establish the bathing pavilion this yearlp but as soon as It was possible. . Details of the plan, Including the probng able cost, will be taken up by the-cltj commission at once, If Senator' HltchcocK4 believes the project can be carried through. This bathing resort would be? maintained by the city and open to thfi1 public without charge. A1, ill -ar fa l I g.