Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1912, Page 8, Image 8
1 is ! 1 1 1 Well, Anyway, HCM- 0. YOU Co HlR.e A MALI- AND LAUMOIW UOllKCt - 111! HRJE THIS VuHftT UNION WAV r. LrUNDrV PON'T OVJ KNOW . "T V, MAN J ' ' W P 1 V J 1- 23K L , J AIN'T AUL.OV4SD - f jt . " ' , - . 1 w,o .. I msivicss PKRRrtiM' A T S- I LOST AXD FOUND I OFFERED FOR BENT OFFERED FOR SALE WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper clarification moat be pretested before 12 o'clock m. for K. .miiIihi juHtlnn and before 7:30 . , 0j i p. m. for morning and Banaai eo n . a ii at a rv a piwkiwu n.aRg - kours will have their first lnsertton - a a .1 1 I I iMaaeanAW I under the beading "Too fcata to Uasalfy." ; 'U-r CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. ! REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Ons : inaertion 1U cents per word and 1 ; cent per word for each subsequent canaecuuve Inseruon. uacn uuwr tioa made on odd day ltt cent per I nwAi SI HCt mi Una DdT mOntn I I ' W m t ( when ad is run witaoui caange m BIRTHS AND DEATHS. WHhn . Kate Bean, hospital. I twin boys; Camlllo and 0?o"- iiw iorcas streei, ooy; . v. - , Connor. 23 North Twenty-seventh street, , I " ',0e..Y.;r. ' street, girl; Edward and Delia Mstsner. iws riri vietor and Eva I Miur iiw fimith Twenty-fourth street, girl; Charles and Etta Reynolds, 2314 I Manderson street, two gins; juoo mna Rose Htrayer, iriuy-vniro ana lu'" Deaths-Karl Stefan, 63 years, tat I Homer street; Audrey A. Andrews, U mnntha. &3U3 Mouth Twenty-fourth Street;! .im v. Ridridire. 80 years. 6006 Isard street; Harry Adams, 21 years, hospital. I t AiAKRIAOIil LICENSES.- I SpermlU to wed have been granted the - At A. a ma ana Address. Jdlin R. liurd, Council Bluffs.....-.. H iLisie Under, Council Bluffs.......... U .Walter L. Trobee Omaha 17 Elisabeth Strayer. Norton, Kan...- 11 John L. Morrtssey, Omaha. 14 ivaue Watklns, Omaha James A. Bateman, Webstar City, la., in JSannette Erlckson, Omaha ... l Anorew woyie, umioi " 4-athertne Lamb, Omaha ......... la I , Mads A. Lohman, Omaha nanna Haroidsen, Fremont Milton D. Herron, Coon Rapid., la 12 Bertna Johnson, Coon Rapid la BUILDING PERMITS. 00 5 V-K"" WWx?n"afnd fram? Rasp bro... South Thlrty-crst street, frame aweuing, vr. u. . oimsnek, 1606 South 'Jfenth street, frame aweuing, yat. HKLV WAN 1 i3ii FKAL1LK Factory and Trades, W A NTEDLaundry girls, all depart ments. Model Laundry, mo Doage bt. Monseaoesere and UomosUee. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM I DVUTW" iua " ... imn m ww. I , 4 .1 IT . VVI AW ... ,vw " - - oestrea results, xnis appues to resiaenis ! at Omaha. South Omana and Council Biuiis. crmg your ao w 4( v. WANTED A good girl for general 1 housework; three in family, mo narney. ' i WANTED A good girl for housework. 608 S. 29th, general : WANTED A girl for general house- , work. 1611 Burt St WANTED Experienced girl for general I housework, small family; gooa wages. I Laudresg employed. Harney lBOa. WANTED Working housekeeper -in t .mall family with baby, lis per month. ' Keterenoes. Apply IX to 12 or to e at I j 4W Brandels T neater Bldg. ' WANTED An experienced girl for gen 1 eral housework. 8H08 Dewey Ave. Har ney 1(03. ; ; - WANTED Experienced cook. 6148. . Harney GIRL wanted lor general nousewora. i : . . . Apply 8001 Harney St, or phone Harney i 10,8. . ' WANTED A competent girl for gen- ;erai housework. Mrs. F. D. Wead, 602 o. 40tn. i WANTED Girl for general housework. 1 Apply 5207 California. WANTED A girl for general house- work, white preferred. 203 N. toth. tiar- ney ussa. ; Miacellnavoua. YOUNG women coming to Omaha si ' strangers .are invited to visit the Xoung Women's Christian association building a i oi. A,.,, w; .i " they WW li diiectea to suitaoie ooaraing Liiaoes or otherwise assistea. Look f ui vur travelers' guide at Ui Union siatiou. GIRL to learn hairdressing. Oppenheim , parlors, 2d floor, City National. WANTED Experienced pressers. Dresnt-r Bros., ztn-mi rarnam. WANTED An experienced operator. Elliot-Fisher billing machine. Apply I- ljce. J. L. Brandels ft bona . HELP WASTED LLK Ageats, galeamen aud solicitors. 1912 CAMPAIGN book now ready. . f . lUli aMIlt, IVVMI, UlVIIUf UUBlf 0,1 iU unr vital questions must be decided by voters of the United Htates, Biographies . j 1 1 . 4n. .. f u ooth sides of issues, written by demo- Krwertbu emLiJmT. M colored platen Youcan make tig . money last, it you autrt ui ouce. tanerai ' commissions. Handsome pros?e.Tus and vutfit free. Send loo to cover postage on big free outfit Thompson Pub. Co., St Louis, Mo. - - AGENTS A sure and ready summer ' seller. Energetic men make big money, lie independent Write us for a sample free. Mid-West Specialty Co., Sedalla, Mo. - WAVi'Eo Brignt man with a little cash to take active Interest in estab lished wholesale bouse. Address L m, 3ee. . - WANTED Accident and health lnsui ance agents to work In Omaha or state of Nebraska or in seven other western suites. Best line of policies top notcn commissions renewal contract granted by the largest casualty company uf the wast JvAT. FIDELITY ft CASUALTY CO., Jeff Had an HELP WANTED MALE ; . . BrpcnMa ,rtl,i. h,h Hn.. MUceilaneou.. Bora. WANTEB-Bright, intelligent boy about 16 year old to run errand. Apply to Advertising Department, Bee. Clerical and Office. HAVE A GOOD TIME ON THE ba' yoURTH, but be aura and aee ui the naxi fin v it if him i nr ziir am. iuiiu iaimiiiuu. i I I - IKM.HA 1 I V Hi firiB EiIirinV.Jli Vs. 1016-14 City Nat'l.; Bank Biag. STILL, dress suits and oarty dresses for sale: also for rent 11.00 to tt.M a night. JOHN FELDMAN, S06 N. 17th. D. 1128. HOTEL CLERK At onoe; must have ta oflft rh bond. Don't - answer unless you mean business. - Must have man qnlalL Bt jtm, hotel, Perry, la. Faetory and Trades. ...... tt.i... DuUMr librae Biurw jvvm- aww nrTtTT kAXm P&Souf Illch Bona Mfg. CO., at. josepn. mo. - i k I WK W I IjI. C:itsj l iiu ssl luwi VW smih tools II you wm iawi jue aaroei ym, T. huno;. of nostttens waiting our sraduaies; few week. ri quired; call or I write, jaoier o jit vw4 gt I rJJ.STmTnm. Presher Broa, bii-i rarnam. wanted - Eioerienced pressers. PAINTING, mason. carpenter or plumbing work wanted hi exchange for a mgn graae piano, u "" wANTicn-At once first class meat Biuns, is. itlaeMiUaaovns. . iii - vnn naif 1CARN MORE MONEY in the automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, aemonsu-aiora, are in nig ut mand and command arge salaries; pre. nara vouraeir in our iarae iruoina muvvm, where you learn bow to operate, repair I isisvii snmii nil wnm Vans air rrnvrni. National AutO Training Assn. HM N. lOta St., Omaha, Nsb. . .1... IWn- Wn.l be a man et tact and xperienoe. Ad- drasa a in. Bee. TOU ARE WANTED for for e-overnment position, (so per monu. Seed posUl for " ' M7 v7 Rooheste N. mumnnn i,vw Jir ,... OPEN, wni lor nil. fiwvua mm- tuts. Dept K4 P., Rochoetsr. N. T. n.'ZrZ .T.. " "-7errr Jam"Ku grotto tt you gain your training ta our acnooi. rraouon on n. v, dress for particulars. K. B. Boylea, Prea Boylea College, omana. men, WAVTBin-FOR U. S. ARMY Able- nftefo! can spsas, rean ana w language. For information ap ply to re- .r.TTT f iitknnd Doua-laa Bts.. N.D i e!r7 8U Blo Utf, li Utt N. 10th St. uacoin. wsp. WANTED STTUATIONS nnMnt.n wajihlnn. 60 cents a doien. rough dry, cents a dosen. F1H8T class pracucl nm. "pimpl-im and family waah. Qua ran laad Tal WeDBtSr SDH. HOUBB cleaning and lawn mowing; prices reasonable; satisfaction. H. 6874. UNEXPERIENCED young lady booK- Ikaanar desires Dosiuon ai oocei vmu mr nlsh references. H ISO. Bee. COLORED lady wants a place to wash dishes. Webster H ANNOUNCEMENTS I DOUQLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. "it i. -ii k. foraHvan. Mary, if you will th QoiQ.n stairs on Mth and Douglas .L.,. That is whsre BRODEGAARD sails those lucky wedding rls. . sens mo im-ay I D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr., U Frenser Suvenson, carpenter, cont Both 'phones. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. ' I fn'li uldru,s?on.and physician; 5TK - . i v-v i ton DRUG CO., W rarnam. ui um. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 821 Douglas. MONEY TO LOAN IajW rate, in sums to suit 310 Bee wag. Phone Doug. UNION LOAN CO. 6. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 1768. 1816 Farnam. j pr omit lees than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., l.WHj-v.iu, Upholstering, piano, turn, rap, 2S04 Far. i v ' WedJIng announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co., " Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 3311. Neb. Seed Co., UHi Jones. Both 'phones, ' a I T 1 r, ... i..; u r orai umana pi ru.wu Bath tubs 112.60. Offermsn U10 Douglas. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARK INS, 816 B. UTH. UPSTAIRS. 1 US I I li M l in I S SI KRKH1VK Clean ng ana , Ue J. n. Boonstra. or w. .ii A.Uvmr nth nhonea .... fTDTI A TrQ Eastman Goods, complete iwjuajxo ctock. Largest finishing oepartment in tne west mxixn nrtiiii'Li'n nii'uiJii'ri'D ni ..i1 iMh Expert piano tuning, repairing, reflnhh - Inc. Schmoller ft Mueller. D. 1623; A-162&. Ed Rothery. Business and Real Estate " " I COOK WITH ELECTRICITY I ; . AND ELECTROCUTE LABOR ?,..euUm!r lii JL.Z?J iuVn. coding "ear. toT.ful I rs wholesome; oo by x r.K; a w -f pirn-m. . . . . ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood, list a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. Western Millinery School C27-62S-C29 PAXTON BLOCK. Complete course, 120. We furnish ma terial free. Hats made and trunmed. All work free. GRACIE MAY: Come to least write a line. il. E. Morrill, china paint 631 Brandels in NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co, 606 Paxton Blk.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest estabiuaed company; ex pert, of Muitisrapn ano iveosiyie. GiiAWUMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphate, ' THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1912. - Audience DRUMMOND 2 White Steam cars, late models, tine condition $600 and $660. nrmT.i nun A TOTTA Don't throw 1 HVXi HXiJT AJJXiJ i.y your old urei. wi mass uem aimuji mm iuuu new Nothing but h Ik beat priced and new We make them almost as good a e.iaua an -avenr ariia ria niaau. Arthur btorx Auto Supply Co., mi ar nam. II I TV J T. REPAIRINU Murphy Did It 'SHAIJVJX? ' OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. I Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House, 2201 Farnam. 'Phone Tyler U62. POPE-WAVERLY electric car. almost new; ft or first cost Must have some money. Address C SB, Bee. O'DONOVAN at PEASE, garage, repair- . u bawu weon ov-uorwpv-oi f.nna..a.r. Iaiio as u Uk k. A aoi n0 1 "1"'"' - , """ .A""'... , Dment. Vohalr toi. windshield, mnd PrestVo-LIU tank. The m first-class condition and a bar- m. iHrst cash offer of 1L200 takes It Address, Van Brunt Auto Co.. Counou Bluffs, la. ,.; . EEBUILT STODDABD-DAYTONS 7 L. 7rpassengr.,i ...1700 t F. 7-passenger 1.100 I F. Limousine.. 2,100 'i A. t-passenger W0 SEVERAL OTHER MAKES OF CARS AT REDUCED PRICES. J. J. DERIOHT COMPANY, 1811 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb, T,,1,' TIRE! TT.-KPW.VKKfl cut in tWO. lira ranajrtnar; worn uu'a.nieea. AUXO TIBB repair CO., W Farnam, .... AUTO Oua'H'ny D-? TUanm MrtiraI .2318 Harney St "WW . Tvlr HM. Blow Outs 250 , . SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES sale cheao. Rushlna Bros.. South Omaha.. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. .' i-inTandSSmv wanted Big carnival Co. and con- WANTED Bla carnival Co. and con cessions of all kinds tor G. A. R. reunion at Franklin. Neb.. Aug. 12th to 17th. Ad. dress Geo. E. Hall, Secy, f'ranKim, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR sale Good, clean drug stock in country town in Missouri on man railway. Stock and fixtures. compels sale at -right price. Will country town In Missouri on main line An- Owner 1 haar I close investigation. Aooress i . TO get in or out of business eau on GANOESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. xei. v. mi. ".r&KAdnm; for sale. See Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., '2th and Howard. Douglas 2724. LAUNDRY for sale In a good, live count v aaat town of 2.000. 11.000 Cash, bal- anCe on monthly payments. Address, Y 70, Bee. - ARB YOU LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS LOCATION T Ralston Is Omaha's Manufacturing sub urb, connected with Omah and South Omaha by electric car line and macadam Ralston Is on the Burlington and Mla- Pacific railroad.- piBnu and two other large factories are in course of construction. The three town of 2,000 people. Ralston has a two-story pressed brick school building, a numoer of store rooms, . . ..luh nf naarlv 3M mam. bers wno have Just completed a 116,000 club house. . - jJizTztrtZt .OIi!r"t VrZZT? aaiaitvani fittmiTiiM ri1 narwum nra . M . j , JrZZ2BMim Thter Bldg. Phone D. 8469. blacksmith shop, carriage shop, elevator and a flour milt - . Full Information lor tbe asking. RALSTON TOWN8ITE COMPANY, 109 S. 17th St Phones 1867. linn TYPEWRITERS, all nukea. th.Ctt 12B.00. 160.00. RenUU. 1 monUui. 16. f roe- writer Inspection Bureau, 1806 Farnam St., Doug. 6031. HOTEL or restaurant wanted to lease. , umiaiivu uuivi vt , w.. vf winyr I tent hotel man and . caterer, with option of buying xurtsning m me' iuiure. Aa- dreM Walter Green, Y 71, care The Omaha Bee. - ' FOR SALE-Ratlroad restaurant, cheap i 1 4uLah a v Anna MmfiJgitn tap ei e J i i kT i it laaen at ones, iwhiui ur uiiiti hr - pt g other business.. , Address Harry iHoage. Ashland, Neb. Brandon. Manitoba, western Canada, a 15,000 city now, growing fast, will quickly I , L I.. rtCn. A llu. , fluMiH A . wlrtW Sn.WVa. ' . Brandon haa onanlna In all f,:" l.Ti i. T. I '"" o "'""' u1""'" tunltles. Ambitious men can do well m I Brandon. Convincing tnformaton supplied by Brandon Commercial Bureau. Write today. i - FOR SALE $26,000.00 , electric vacuum rlnaner A factory, in cltv of 90.000. build- 1 inK three sites of the best machines cn the market will accept farm land or h.P'Hw Jl!!K-5,5!?5,C!?i nT-f '1 Write Joe Goodman, -Osceola, Is IKiuunnn rtoaac. tor ul tm roomlnV hou.e.'f uil of rm;"n. PARTY leaving city, must sell eleven- agents, see owner. 416 N. 13th St Rvanlug Honsee tor sale. 0NBot Urgwt bargain, ever of- fered; 20-room nouse, gooa money matter. must be sold at once regardless of price; make offer yulcx. Tel. xyier jmb. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR rnrmt.i. eoursea in Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil -Iir.-.r? B.i..;hln -fh. nilnJoma Bmm! . U frS fof slklTT wrua'or ""y and i aarmg- " - Phone tor it at onc.Addma JT k F.DTTM MfWin Boy'ta, President, Boyle Couega Omaha, Nebraska.. BCRLVKSS PERSONALS Attorney. ,giB.-oxirrad BEMIS OMAHA BAQ CO., Omaha. Nab. Chiropodist DR. ROT. 1506 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Clothing Manufacturers. Wear Meal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Creameries, Dairies and suypiiee. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Cornice and Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha., , . Danclas; Academies, nrrunfira riuui for beElnners at MACKIES' every Monday and Friday evenings. Don't wait. 1816 Harney. Detectlvea. L. W. LQNONECKEr! B17 Karbach ;h; tur.t fv. 428 Paxton bite. D. 1319. . . . s.T an tt a,T411. UlLr W ri . d.nce secured In all coses. Tyler 1136. , Uresamaklng. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 3999. Mrs. Hodgen. 1201 N. 27th. Phone S. 2065. SPECIALTY-One-plece dresses and chil dren's clothing. 839 8. Hth. Red 6347. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th A Far. Drafting. Jacob! ft Wilson. 711 BraiuThe. D. 1047. 7 Dentist. Bailey, the dentist City Nat'l. P. 2361 MachftMach, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1086. Taft't denUl rooms. 1517 Doug. D. Everything (or Women. nr nahMcb Co.. 202 Wlthnell. 15 & Har. Curtains laundered. Mrs.Carmody. H4T IPlnmoa KpnnirpH !m.r? - "tr B1K. uuu. o. Everything- Electrical. Electrio lighting fix., wholesale and retail. R.iraMa.ftranden Co.. 1511 Howard. D. 681. ELECTRIC FANS A" "S&nK ARD ELEC. CO., 319 S. 13th. Douglas 3831. . Ferd Mills and Stores. ( Feed: all kinds. Olencoe Mlllsf 2332 Isard. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-1O01. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1268. Foundries. McDonald brass and bronze foundry, alu minum. tin, lead castings. 1407 Jacason. . ,4, ,. rf cienninn. .nrsnxr n..M.Mf WaMhnm. and Van uviwvii .. - . r . a a , k ,.nHiiM nHi.vinir iir.nruui :,ror CTtv office. 216 S. 17th. Douglas 394 or ina. A-m. Furn. Moving; 1 men, 11 per hr. W. 2748. McLaud ft Bon Van Stor. 1 horse Van. 1 men, 11.25 hr. 1 horses. 11 hr: D. 433. W. 648. PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press. 1616 Capitol Ave. D. 670, A-8937. Mueio, Art and JLan;ua;es. ALVIN POOLE, violin lessona 2219 Capitol. . Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S 8EEDMEN, 119 N. 16th. Opticians. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 448 BrandeU. Osteopathy, Alice Johnson, S0S-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nickolas, 684-6 Brandels Tne. Photographers. Rlnehart photographer, 18th ft Farnam. , Patents. D. a Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H A. STURGIS reaistered attotney, .. .... . . - J l - RAA i u m Lea dii nuu iuibibu vswuw. Wlllart Eddy, 1530 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg, Printing;. Lew W.Eaber, Printer, one BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Lvnastad Prtntma Co.. 16th and Capitol Ave. lei. ina. A-ww xor gooa printing, . .. . ... NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Conv uth ..d Kioholas. Doug. 3869. Pany. tn ano nicnuias. xoug. gtenogrnnhera. and Court Reporters. M tI(, A KeUer w Bran. The. D. 5681 I . . Rels-Hall Ptg. Co.. 106 a 14th. Ind. A-3534. Stor and Office Fixtures. WE BUY and sell anything, everything ln flxtums. Omaha Fixture and Supply ju,ai a h u, Hnnrrf n nu , -m-.-.. w. Tents and ' Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO. Tat Douglas 821 Trunks nnd Suit Cases. Freling ft Steinle. 1808 Farnam St. - Wine and Liquors, WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars. send'wlch.a Alex'Jete m-t S. 11th St VIRGINIA DARE wins. 65c a large bot- I tie. Klein Liquor House, ucz n. utn si, LIVE STOCK FOR CALK Horses and Vehicles. Bugglesv surries and ranabouts at less thsn wnoiesaie price, to ciose out. JOHNSON-DANFORTH CC .. 10th and Jones Sta. ALFALFA hay, til ton. Wagner. 801 N 16. Snaps in Buggies .11 ..aAMSS aawtst SnSaWanIll AUmSAsti shivb- - : . 18th and Harney Sta. DtrTrnr KJ Bmn. Horses and farm XjJujS-t O majr.a fa, ui,. umft and t wagon horses to let by the day. 8631 Ave. roooa .wcr uv ; Drawn lor l ne cee Dy duu r imicj PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. - - STRAY ED From Fortieth and Burt streets a dehorned Jersey cow. Notify Joe Polizsi, 808 N. 36th street : and ob tain reward. MEDICAL Dr. Babcock, specialist; both sexes; U Wlthnell Mldg., 15th and Harney Sts. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 42 Doug. blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Dr. Race, specialist, 2323 Harney. D 3943. Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and CnattelB. NOTICE Loans negotiated on real estate, furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Very low rates and confidential. We will appre ciate your call, BIGGEST, BEST AIS1J UtUSAriiBX. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 108 Paxton Block. 217 S. 16th St Telephone Doug. 1411 or Ind. A-141L THE MONEY THAT YOU NEED FOR 4TH OR VACATION. AND FIND IT HARD TO GET CAN BE HAD FOR THE ASKING IF YOU HOLD A STEADY POSITION; REPAY AFTER YOU RETURN TO WORK IN SMALL EASY PAYMENTS THAT WILL SOON GET YOU OUT Olf DEBT. AU DRES8 LOCK BOX 269, OMAHA. PHATTKL LOANS. U to HU0. SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO.. Bui raxton Bioca. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices In 67 prln- .. . m.l n EiW Hn.ak. ' XT a ' 1 CIDSI VlllVB. 1UI1UWI, UUW VU.U , BanK Biag., lormeny . i. uw jqiu. ms on furniture, pianos ana YlftflPV re1 estate at a very low A'AVSlAtsV rate of interest Nebraska Loan Company Doug. 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1S56. DIAMOND LOANS at 2V, and 6 per cent FLATAU. 15M Dodge St Tel. Red 6619. WANTED MONEY Your Money WILL BRING YOU A GOOD INCOME , If you nan It through W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., No. 1320 Farnam St., On IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY. RATES RIGHT. SECURITY THE BEST. OFFERED FOR RENT Board nnd Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 61L A-261L- DESIRABLE rooms with board; hot and cold water, large lawn, pleasant summer UU1II-, . . v Furnished Rooms. "P. A flCl A mr. messenger service ana J3AtflX&UI nent hauling; prompt service; reasonable rates. Auto. Del. & Mes. Co., 1715 Douglas St. Tele. D. 3946; A-3498. NICELY furnished south rooms in pri vate residence; references. -1909 capital. DODGE ST. 1816 Furnished rooms; day or week. NEATLY furnished room, suitable for two; easy walking distance. 19U3 capitoi Ave. Doug. 6903. ' - - T.ARflR aouth room, with alcove. lava try and phone; board If desired, 2202 Howard St. . ' Refore the house is vacant before moving In. Bedbug Lockiaw guaranteed to Kill bugs and eggs. St. Louis cnemicai worn. Oftice 1S20H yarnam at zq rioor. Furnished Housekeeping Rooms. 1 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1U1 S. 11th. Two large light housekeeping rooms with bath; shade trees all around, $8 per month. H. 3662. 977 N. Z7tn Ave. TWO beautiful rooms, kitchenette, elec tric liicht hot ana com water. u a. 25th St. - thk ma ntt EL Two room apartment (21. The Howard, .-room, private oatn, 135. 21st and Howard. ESS South 26th Street 3 unfurnished rooms for rent They are down stairs rooms, water, light and heat lurnisnea. tui (tt nor month. Also one furnished room ' for rent, man preierreo. rmu. Douglas 6823. ' TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 1018 Davenport. Hotels and Apartments. OXFORD and Arcade, special wtely rate. Apartments and Flats, 4-ROOM apartment, new, modern brick; steam heat; short walking, distance; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds; laundry; fine Janitor service. Douglas 5306. ' 1 STRICTLY high grade S-room apart ment on West Farnam St Very-choice. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. A-l 6-roomlflat no equal 220 N. 23d St 4-ROOM modern apartment. Web. 697a. -ROOM modern flat Scargo Bldg, 61C N. 24th St.. 8. Omaha. Hall, til Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. A-4406. FOR RENT New 4 and 6-room modern apartments, Just completed, corner 43d and Hamilton Sta; rent 117 to 122 per month. JACKSON ft M'KENZIE. 401 Bee Bldg. - S-ROOM, modern flat 33d and Popple ton, 130.00. WRIGHT ft LA8BTJRY, 606 S. lth Bt 'Phone D. 1S1. Unfurnished Roams., ...... K38 Dodge, two large rooms. modem. jprlrat fam. . I aaauaaaaaea ( 7-ROOM modern furnished house for rent, Wst Farnam district Call Harney NICELY furnished six-room modern house., in South Omaha, convenient to Omaha; piano and library to right people. Phone South 1717. COOL, shady, 4-room, newly furnlshe- modern apartment. 645 S. 31st St Weo ster 3331. Stx-room furnished, modern flat D. 39m. Houses auU Counties, . , , f' 19.003 large room apartment, part mod- ern. 1915 Elm 8. Key next poor. MA Ort ARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1496 or B-2428. 15h HALL AVE., 135.00. 7 rooms, moo ern. Vacant July L Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramg. Both 'phones. .- - . 672 8. ZSUt St 8 rooms, completely, modern; 132.50. Hall 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-4406. MOV1NC1, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos la our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, M6 3. 16th, by the viaduct Branch otuce, 309 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 41H; A-1659. . FOR RlSNT-7-room modern house July L 3346 Hsrney St. Tel. H 5309. FOR RENT 7-room, nearly new. mod ern home; 2629. Caldwell; 125. THOMAS W. HAfZJsN, 207 McCague. Douglas 1300. a ...i knm. nrattv la.wn. electric light every mod. convenience, 9 r., 146. W. 2690. 497 sn F.las-ant ' home in Bemis Park. modem in every respect aouth front paved street one block from car. . . n. knll .,.1,11. tib.w. we rooms nuu au.vuj modern, house about a year old. Good neighborhood, block and naif to car. . GALLAGHER & NELSON 483 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 3383 3317 Dodge St., 7 rooms, 10. Inquire W. Preston. Doug. 776. Harney lino. XlOU&eS Crelgh sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg. household GOODS packed and for warded: cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Dougia W4 or a-ii. v.iv ottice. 6 8. A?th St.. Bee Bldg. wv.kT FARNAM New brick. 5 beo- rooms and 2 baths. 115 N. 38th Ave. STRICTLY modern 8-room house, rea sonabie. 2U Bristol St Tyler imw, Mauer. ' six-room all modern house, 127.50. 2&30 Capitol Ave. Inquire 5At door east. NEW eight-room, modern house, 2307 So. 33d. One diock rrora xianscoui yium, Telephone Harney 2931. - 112.50 -room flat, 2 blocks to oar. Tel. evenings Web. 3229. ' EIGHT ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. Suitable for a boarding house. Being in the heart of the wholesale district; there fore a big demand lor room ana ooara. Ronta for 1200 per month. Completely furnished and will oe soia cneap. -rice 1260.00. Will give posession oy ju.y i.iui. .Vin iMuinff me city. mn iui iuib. Kopald, 504 South 10th., St corner How ard; first fiat. House, 1305 North 26th. street; 5 rooms, modern, ju.w. nKSTRiRi.ia fiat 8 rooms and bath, walking distance, block from St -Jonn's; corner lot iwuo case.- 115 Seven rooms, close to car; and apples. Webster 6569. cherries 1107 S. 22D, 6-lr., mod. ex. heat, good house, water paid, waixing aismnce, . 4105 N. 17th, 7-r., aaa moo., (.ov. . 622 N. 19th, 7-r., all. mod., 130. 3215 N. 25th St, 7-r., mod. ex. heat, 2L ae M Kth K-r tnod. ex. heat. 120. 2216 Leavenworth, 6,-r. all mod. flat, 125. 2423 Maple, 8-r., an moo.., v .iw. . kiiq i.,nn tl.r. all mod. brick. 140. 1328 Park Ave., 8-r., mod. ex. heat, and barn. 126. . teBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg." Douglas 4754, A-1754. . 15 per mo. 1 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2707. em an 2Kth Ave. 6 rooms, modern St Louis flat. Easy walking distance. S. P. BostWlCk, 5118 BO. inn, tyiei .uvm, 4321 Patrick Ave., 6-r. an moa, 2606 N. 26th, 6-r. part mod., 115. 2413 Burdette. 5-r.r part mod. lis. 2522 Rees St., 6-r., 110. , , BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., 310-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. ...... Stores and Olficee. , L .f nrV.t With fixture. nnl. cross-town: no equal. 220 N. 2od, Store. 820 S. 13th St.. 20x45Tel. D. 6220. 1606-07 Davenport. U. B. B al combe. "M'CAGUE BUILDING, 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive office; moderate) prices? APPLY OMAHA LOAN. AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. FOR RENT Four new. modern store rooms, corner 43d and Hamilton Sts; good location for any kind of retail business; n,nn,m apartments above. JACKaON ft M'KENZIE. 401 Bee Bldg. nnrviB HfiTEL. all reaulrements of a first-class hotel, at reasonaoie ynw. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. Louisiana Furniture Store closlng out rrnitura. Ice boxes, etc. aus t-ununa- Mualeal Instruments. FOR SALE-A new .1200 Vlctrola; ha never been used. It interei. nrice. M 257. Bee office. Typewriters. . ,V. .niifaftnrara direct No 1 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, 14.00. hon. Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer company "WE rent you an up-to-date typewriter " " .. m - h mnntha for 17.60. onemqntn tor w, v. . -- L. C. Bmitn et xrw -- Farnam at. umw - Miscellaneous. BAFES-Overstocked with second-hand .. . . --a m.lraa. harcalna aaxal . au aiaw - 5vyr SALE New nd second-hand eaVorn and pocket billiard tables and Kwiins alleys and accessories bar tlx tare, of all kinds; easy payment The BMwlckTBalkeollender Co,, 40I- Boutn ivtu VTt i.niu atom, restaurant fixtures 7 . - . w,A XT A..k. bOUght 010. w n i PINE TWIG PILLOWS FreBh from Black Hills. Give refreshing sleep; ben eficial for catarrh and pulmonary trou bles, li-eathe the odor of the mountains In your own home. Seventy-five cents each. E. H. Klock. Hot Springs, & D. OLD SAFES, DERIGHT, 1818 Farnam St. FOR SALE CHEAP The lumber in the platform used at the grocer's picnic at Riverview park. It Is new and In good condition. Phone Douglas 8349. FOR SALE-Second-hand brick, lumber, fire escape, windows, doors. Casteilar school house, 18th and Casteilar. PERSONAL 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. vital, massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware block. 309 S. 16th. . THE SALVATION ARM1 solicits cast- off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. Uth St, tor cost or collection, to me worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagons will call.- ' ? -' " ' : Un-to-Date Beauty parlors, Katnryn Lane Daly. 113 S. 16th. 2d floor. D. 2427. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenh se. 308 Boston Bid. ASSEOTHERPYigrMr Allen of Chicago: 109 a 17. 1st fl, D. 7665. ANNA H. MARKS nam. Davldge Blk. At i. Bed 7629. ' WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglas lbbz. NEBRASKA CCL1S CO.. ' 16th and Harney Sta YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St Mary's Ave., where thwy will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted Look for our travelers' aid at tbe Uiuon station. Bath sea salt massage, 109 So. 17th St. MAftMhyrit'! treatment E. Brott Vi lilAUiNHlJ-i c J(ith. M floor. D. 6289. MAWSAiiri"! Swedish movement. Ap.t U1 VQQ.1. VJ IU , 1gn,, va----. t, coin BATHS. Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder. No. 8, The Dunsany, 10th ft Pierce. D. 4380. M ASSAflR Expert treatment Mra GRACIE MAY: Come to mamma: at least write a line. MECHANO-THERAPHY-222-223 Ne- ville block. Phone Douglas 7761. L1VE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Skip live stock to Sou m omana. save mileage and snrlnkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten- ' tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants. Byers Bros, ft Co.' Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., 234-38 Excnange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omana ft Denver. Clay, Robinson ft Co., Ml Excnange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co., 332 Exchange Bldg. Man in Bios, ft Co., Each. Bldg. TAGG BROS., handle cattie. nogs, sheep. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.,. 1320 Farnam St. iiOL CITY LOANS. Bemis-Cariberg , J Co. 810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. UARVIN BROS Loans, 6uu and uy. tf.aD, V Xl omaha Ns t'i Bank. OMAHA property and Nebraska lands, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. LARGE loans our speciality. Stull Bros. LOANS Farm and city- property. J. H. Dumont & Son. 1602 Farnam fit. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. V eatl, Wettd Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Wanted farm loans. Klokelnv. Co., Oma. MONEY to loan on business or real, dence properties, 11,000 to 1500.000. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED TO BUY Household gds, clothes ft shoes. D3971 B19&9 Id-hand goods. Keiser, 1029 Center. D-6ti WE BUY anything ln store and. office fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., Uth and Howard. Douglas 2724. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing. 521 No. 16th. Douglas 7736, Best prices old clothes ft shoea Web. 6146. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Traveling man desires nicely furnished room with private family; would use room about twice a month; give description of rooms and terms in reply. Address Box 12. Omaha. - - - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (123) Best 240-acre farm. Hughes Co.. S. Dak. Best of soil and only 130 per acre. Will trade for 40 or 60 acres in western Iowa. Will give splendid deal for right piece of land. . nasi 1A ooo stock of implements and. equity in bldg. All ln Polk county, Neb., for a good farm, xms sioca an niga ciass paying business. (126) 1,260-acre rancn ciear oi inc., mile from depot Merriman. Cherry-Co.. fine meadow, well Improved. To ex change tor big merchandise stock. Price cash 125. . " (132) 1,800 acres, Custer Co., Neb., near Anselmo; good grazing and stock ranch; clear of encumbrance. : Price -120 and owner will trade for mdse. stock and building or good high priced farm. (0-971) 480 acres near Palisade, Neb., in cultivation; enc. 5,700; 5 per cent; price 130. To exchange for income; will assume like amount. (137) 160-acre fine farm land, Sherman Co., Kansas, near Goodland; finest of soil; lays perfect, no waste. Price 15,600; enc. 1900; for exchange for Income or merchandise stock. (138) 400 acres fine level, well improved farm adjoining town of Lack Springs, Davies Co., Mo. Extra fine clover and hay land. A big bargain at 185 per acre. Will take smaller farm. A good chance for first class deal. (742-F) 111,000 stock of merchandise In eastern Nebraska, all new; cheap rent; for good land owners only write. (E. E. 712) 115,000 bank in Dawson Co., Nebraska; good line deposits; all good paper; owner has been farmer all his life and will trade for farm to live on.' Nothing but cash farm considered. Use less to submit inflated stuff. Owner onlr write. Give legal numbers first letter. Our July 16 catalogue will contain hua dreds of advertised bargains direct from our clients. . . J. A. ABBOTT ft CO, 806 Brandels Bldg. ; AFTER JULY 7. 604-607 CITT NAT, i ihar-iBres MM Jemnnadai , V.WUJ , v. '' t