Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Brandeis Stores
Semt-Annnal Gearing ak
if if
i Sin soot Print It.
Slcctrlo Fss Svrsss-CrruAen Co.
Uek-Taloontr Co, 21th ad Bamaji
i undertakers, emtmlmers. Douglas 88'.'.
' km Dsvls Bound Over Ma Davis,
iproprteter of the Atlantlo hotel, was
1 bound over to the district court under
$500 bonds on the charge ot aiding and
abetting a delinquent child, Atha Hollo
ws. v
Steals from CeU Kate Carl West, a
coke ilend, was given thirty days to
Jail tor rolling his cell mate, Brail. Al
brecht. last night at the police station.
The two were locked up in the same
cell. Albrecht was druflk. West went
through his pockets and obtained $1.80.
CaoffAt Stealing oss J. C Meek,
was arrested Tuesday by Deputy Shar
if! Wright as he was leaving J. C.
Meberns yard with fltty-feet of garden
hose. He was given thirty days in jail
in police court. Meherns was candidate
for. commissioner on the socialist ticket.
Bicycle Thief Sentenced Fred Donald,
alias William McBrierty of ban Fran
cisco, was given thirty days in jail in
police court for stealing a bicycle Tues'
day from In front of the Brandeis
. theater building. The police think he is
responsible for many bicycle thefts the
last few weeks.
rands from Licenses During the first
six months of this year the city license
Inspector's office has received 110,000 for
licenses issued. For the month of June
!the receipts were the number of
licenses being seventy. Of the amount
received for the last month $106 was from
ice wagons, HO from automobiles and U
from street bands. Beginning July
licenses must be -renewed.
rtned tot Short Welghtoff Jim
Meyers, colored; Harry Klkosky and H.
Kauroan, all peddlers, were arrested on
complaint of John Grant Fegg, cfty
weight and measure Inspector, on the
j charge of short weighting their cus
tomers. The three had battered in
measures with movable bottoms. Klkosky
was fined $S and costs. The other two
took a Continuance.
Will Pave West Parnam Property
owners on Farnam street from Forty,
fourth to Forty-eighth will begin ctrcu
latins; a petition to pave these four blocks
before the summer is gone. Tne city
legal department Is now drafting an
ordinance creating the district Under
the new mode of procedure, made neces
sary by a recent ruling of the supreme
court, the district mnst be created be
fore the petition is circulated.
School Report is Out The annual re
port of the Board of Education for the
year 1911 has been Issued. It contains
cuts of three school buildings, six pages
of illustrations of the manual tratning
work, and cuts of a group of school
Every woman's heart responds to
the charm and sweetness of a baby's
voice, because nature intended her for
motherhood. ' But even the loving
nature of a mother shrinks from the
ordeal because such a time is usually
a period of . suffering and danger.
Women who use Mother's Friend are
saved much discomfort and suffering;
and their systems, being thoroughly
prepared by this great remedy, are
la a healthy condition to meet the
time with the least possible suffering
and danger. Mother's Friend is
recommended only for the relief and
' comfort of expectant mothers; it is in
no sense a remedy for various ills,
hut Its many jeers of success, and
the thousands of endorsements re
ceived from women who have used it
art a guarantee of the benefit to be
derived from its use. This remedy
does not accomplish wonders but sim
ply assists nature to perfect its work.
Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre
vents caking of aaj. -
the breasts, and IifflTf1g?i
in every way SfSnf jT
contributes to SffitflgtaU
strong, healthy
motherhood,. Mother's Friend Is sold
at" drug stdres. Write for our free
book for expectant mothers.
Any Woman's Dress
our entire stock at
matter whether the
$28, 835, 840, 850, $60, $75 or up
Women's $1 and $1.50
Any Women's Hat in
the Women's Turkish Toweling and
Linen Hats, worth up
$2.50 Marseilles Bed Spreads go at . . 81.49
And hundreds of other big bargains
Brandeis Stores Saturday
buildings, in addition to the addresses of
teachers, janitors and members of the
board, as well as the report of the sscre
tary and superintendent and statistical
School Bsisf Torn Down Frits Mil
ler has begun the work of wrecking the
old Castellar school building. Tbo three
story structure was sold to Mr. Miller
for $600. He was highest bidder, - The
building wilt be torn down within the
next thirty days. The new building, which
will be ready for occupancy in the fall,
Is located at . Eighteenth and Martha.
The old building Is at Eighteenth and
Boot Held for Trial J. B Root (f
South Omha. charged with shooting to
wound for firing a shotgun at some boy.
who had been stealing his cherries, was
held for trial in district court by County
Judge Bryce Crawford after a prelimin
ary hearing yesterday. He was admitted
to mall In $100. Lawrence O'Neill, com
plaining witness, son of Hugh O'Neill,
appeared with the trousers he wore when
the gun was tired at him and exhibited
the marks of shot on his forehead. At
first he declared he' was shot in the
eye; later he admitted that he was shot
In the forehead and the back.
Business Property
Values Are Raised
Business district realty valuations
were increased by the equalization board
In accordance with the plan recom
mended last week, the Increase ranging
from 25 to 36 per cent.
The Kuykendall property at Sixteenth
and Farnam streets, known as the
Myers-Dillon corner, was Increased from
$264,000 to $400,0000; the Chamber of Com
merce corner was increased to $400,000;
the Paxton building corner to $375,000, and
the United States National bank corner
to $388,009.
These corners were used as a buis
for revaluation of the business dlstrlot
realty. On Farnam street west the new
valuations per front foot are: Between
Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, $2,500;
Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets,
$1,600; Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets,
$1,000; Nineteenth and Twentieth streets,
$800; Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
Streets, $200 to $300.
The valuation east of Sixteenth street
are slightly higher. The Paxton hotel
corner lot is increased from $125,000 to
$150,000. Valuations of business property
north and south of Farnam street are
graded back.
While discussing the report of the city
planning committee the Omaha Real Es
tate exchange resolved to go into a
fight for uniform building lines.
Some of the planning atrocities of reck
less builders and "spite seekers" in
placing buildings and houses out upon
the sidewalk line or far back from the
line of adjacent buildings were deplored
by various members of the exchange.
It was proposed to invite the city com
missioners to attend the next meeting of
the exchange for the purpose of discuss
ing some of the improvements advo
cated by the city planning committee.
The exchange will also go In for a
more beautiful and sanitary Omaha by
taking first steps toward clearing out
weeds on vacant lots. One or two of the
exchange members told of organizing
iteighborhoods Into anti-weed societies.
One proposed a city ordinance author
izing the city to cut the weeds, while
others proposed that the real estate ex
change cut them at its own expense. No
definite action was taken.
Yesterday at the Hartman Furniture
company the following named ' persons
were awarded premiums as noted:
Mrs. Cederal, 1617 Oak street, piano.
W. Haueisen, 2315 South Central Boule
vard, grapbophone.
K. sterret, uow uty, La... sewing ma
J. wlesner. 4129 Lake street, brass bed.
W. S. Spencer. S56S Cuming street, kit.
chen cabinet.
Joseph McQuade. 2608 South Twelfth
street, set of dishes.
J. N. Hanson, Thirty-first and Hunting
ton street, set of silver.
Walter K. Foran, 527 South Twenty
seventh street, fancy rocker.
Howard E. Whittemore, 1433 Jaynes
street, library table.
Thomas D. Thompson, 113ft North
Eleventh street, silver tea, set,
at 9
O'clock A. M.
former selling price
Summer Waists, 50c
our entire stock. 35
to $1.50 at . . . 49c
Board of Equalization Beitores That
Fart Located in Suburbs.
Corporation Counsel Baker Says
Property of a Municipality la
Not Taxable, No Matter
Where Situated.
After having stricken from the tax rolls
all assessments against the water works
property the Board of Equalization re
scinded the action and restored the tax
on all property outside the Omaha citv
limits. This action was taken at the be
hest of McCoy ft Olmsted, attorneys for
the city of Florence, and Myron L,
Learned, counsel for the Florence school
district. The city of Omaha will refuse
to pay any tax on the property, either
within or without the Omaha city limit
and the fight over the taxes will be taken
Into the courts unless the Florence city
and school district officials recede from
the position they have taken.
The total valuation of the water works
property is $6,113,100, according to the tax
roll figures. The equalization board by
Its latest action cancelled $4,183,600, tho
value of property in Omaha proper, and
left In force $1,029,500, the value of prop,
erty In Florence, Benson, Dundee, East
Omaha and South Omaha.
The property In Omaha, all of which la
stricken from the tax rolls, Is as follows;
Realty, $197,300; personal, $3,964,200; total,
The property outside the city, all of
which remains on the rolls and will b
taxed unless the city wins its point, is os
follows. Florence realty, $556,300; Benson
realty, $25,000; Florence personalty, 1723,
850; South Omaha personalty, $809,500;
East Omaha personalty, $19,926; Dundee
personalty, $19,925; total, $1,929,500.
Corporation Counsel Baker said: "Prop
erty of a municipality is not taxable.
The city as owner of all the water works
property will refuse to pay any taxes
upon it and will resist all efforts to col
lect taxes, going to the supreme court if
Duncan Flnlayson, superintendent of
school buildings, declares that plumbing
conditions in the city schools have been
classed as "unsanitary" with some Justi
fication. Janitors, he says, do not keep
the buildings as clean as they ought to
be kept This negligence on the part of
Janitors has brought the building superin
tendent, the principals and the buildings
and grounds committee of the Board of
Education condemnation from citizens
as well as other members of the board.
Amendments to the rules which will give
the superintendent of buildings more au
thority over Janitors Is being considered
by the board as one method of alleviating
the condition.
The Fourth of Juiy may tie a fairly nice
day; and a hot day according to the fore
cast of the weather bureau. Forecaster
Welsh announces the forecast for today
fair, with probably only local thunder
storms. Continued warm weather is also
announced. It is not expected that the
thunder showers will amount to much and
they are apt to be In scattered localities,
so that the weather men have a very hard
time to tell where these are apt to occur.
The general forecast, however, is said
to be more In favor of fair weather than
otherwise, although the state forecast is
for probable local showers.
The Redmen's carnival, which Is being
conducted at Twenty-first and Paul
streets by Fontanelle tribe. No. 79. of
the Improved Order of Red Men, is draw
ing large crowds. There are more than
twenty high class shows, and all are
ot the sort that pleases the pleasure
seeking class. For the Fourth of July
an extra feature has been added. Four
free shows are on the list. Two bands
will furnish music. The "Girl In Red"
and her excellent company are one of
the leading attractions. The carnival
will close Saturday night
The Persistent aid Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Big Special Train Ready to Pull Out
of Here Thursday.
Sheep Bells, Siren Whistle, Banners
and Elks Will All Strive to
Stamp Omaha as Live and
Thrirlns; City.
Everything is now In readiness for the
departure of the Omaha Elks, and when
they leave Union station at 3:90 o'clock
this afternoon with their special
train, there will be 125 on board, all tick
eted to Portland. Ore., where the grand
lodge will be held next week. Enroute,
Elks will be taken on at Fremont. Grand
Island and North Platte, so that when
the train pulls Into the Oregon city it
will be carrying not far from 175 Nebras
kans. The trip of the Omaha Elks in a meas
ure Is designed to be a boost for Omaha
and Nebraska from start to finish. It
will carry 10,000 of the little brass sheep
bells that have in the past been so popu
lar on the Commercial Club trade ex
cursions, in addition, there will be taken
along for distribution 60,000 pieces of lit
erature, advertising Omaha and Ne
braska. As a noise maker, a gigantic
siren whistle has been Installed In the
baggage ear, and at all timet and upon
all occasions It will blow for Omaha and
That this train may not be mistaken
for some other, it is to be profusely
decorated with signs calling attention to
Omaha. Across every window of every
car will be a strip ot silk in purple and
white, the Elks' colors. On each strip
there will be an elk's head and the words
snd figures; "Omaha, S9, B. P. O. Elks."
Front Omaha.
Following are the names of those who
will leave Omaha on the train;
Dan B. Butler. J. A. Kervan,
John M. Hogan, M. L. Sugarman,
Albert Krug, W. T. Canada,
R. C. Strehlow, Ross B. Johnson.
Paul F. Nlndel, O. A. Rense.
Dr. D. C. Bryant, John A. Hurley,
Frank F. Drsxel, C. D. Cannon.
George A. Rowles, Louis M. Rogers,
Frank A. Furay, John Boyle,
William P. Hart, Harry C. Hunter.
Wayne S. HalbroolcMr. Davis,
Arthur Blakely. Mrs. D. Linn,
Joseph Hayden, Miss Summers.
Andrew Nellson. Miss Swift.
Otto Nellsen,
From South Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Walters.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Roth.
Al Powell.
From York
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McCloud,
J. McFadden and friend.
From Flattsmouth
H. A. Schneider.
Mr. Goos and nephew.
Others on train.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Panter, Chicago.
C. S. Potter, New York.
J. F. Hlggins. Falls City.
Dr. M. A. Yule and friend, Mendota, III.
Mr. Sterrlnger, Des Moines.
E. H, Evans, North Platte,
Otto Burmeister, Walnut, la.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Louden, Fairfield, la.
Miss McClusky, Des Moines.
J. A. Hobhs, Rawlins, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Latdlaw. Nebraska
Miss J. s. Mullen. New York, i
H. E, Moss, Hastings.
L. B. Nlcols. Norfolk. I
H. M. Pattee, Perry. la.
C. D, Chapman, Shenandoah, la.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Humphrey. KaDld
Cy, 8. D.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Sterns, Waterloo, la
Mr. Harrison, Grand Island.
V A ITh. tTr-antr Tnnalob V T
Peterman, George Howard, Charles City,
J?r. C. L. Wills, Anselmo. , . . ,
Splendid Trees in
Park Are Barked
Fifteen huge elm trees at Elmwood
park have been "barked" by vandals,
who stripped the bark In large sections
from them, using a heavy ax. Joe B.
Hummel, commissioner of parks, has had
the trees bound about the mutilated places
and believes few If any of them will die.
Mr. Hummel may be compelled If mutila
tion of property continues to keep watch
men In all the parks, day and night, al
though the condition of the park fund,
he says, would not Justify the expendi
Postal Deposits
Show an Increase
The total deposits of the Omaha Postal
Savings bank at the close of seven
months' business, July 1, were $105,943.
The total number of accounts are 1,483.
The deposits received for the month of
June were $14,862. The amount paid out
for the month was $6,334, leaving a new
balance for the month's business of $8,028,
Stamps and cards sold for the month
amounted to $19 60. The' number of new
accounts opened during June were 107,
Must Exercise Care
in Keeping Gasoljne
Venders of gssollne must keep, this
explosive in tanks underground accord
ing to law or else be prosecuted by the
city, Is the order that has gone out from
the office of Commissioner Wlthnell. He
says he has found buildings that contain
as many as 100 gallons of gasoline. This
gasoline becomes a mensoe; not only from
ordinary causes, but in case of storms
such as Omaha experienced last night
should lightning strike the building the
flames would be Immediately beyond con
Harry Oulber, a blind boy from Chi
cago, has applied to the Associated Char
ities for transportation home. He lays
his father took him to a farm in May
vllle, Ore., and that a few months ago
the father died and being without money
he Is attempting to make his way to
Chicago, where relatives reside. The
charities has Investigated his case and
found his statements trus, but before
giving him transportation they will seek
a Job for him here to give him an op
portunity to earn his transportation. Ap
plication for a Job for him has been made
to the management of a local broom fac
Manager Qulnlan of Haydea Bros, has
received word that he was the successful
bidder from the creditors for the pianoc
made by the Bennett oompany of War
ren, Pa. These are all high grade pianos
and are recognized in the east for their
superior tone qualities. Mr. Qulnlan la
highly enthusiastic over this purchase as
It is always difficult to pick up such
high grade pianos at a bankrupt price, j,
Bellevue Boosters
Start Campaign at
a Banquet Tuesday
One of the first booster dinners of the
Commercial club of Bellevue was given
Tuesday night in the basement of Fon
tanels hall, Bellevue college. More than
seventy-five members of the club, bus!
ness men from South Omaha and Omaha
The banquet was served by the younger
women of Bellevue, who. Uk the mem
bers of the Commercial club, recently
have become enthusiastic over the pros
pects of the upbuilding of their village
and the college.
B. F. Stoeffer. acting as t oast masts r,
called upon sight or ten of the business
and professional men who are interested
in Bellevue for talks. President Stookey
of Bellevue college began the speaking
with an outline ot what his Institution
Is doing and what It intends to do. One
hundred lots owned by the college, he
said, have been placed upon the mar
ket for the purpose of securing money
for building a big gymnasium and sta
dium for the school. There 850 lots
in all which the college Is at liberty to
sell. The proceeds of all will amount to
more than $50,000, which the college In
tends to put Into its endowment fund and
the Improvements.
Roy N. Towl. an engineer of Omaha
and a resident of Bellevue, described his
plans for a boulevard or cliff drive to
extend along the Missouri river from the
southern suburb Into Omaha. He said
the boulevard he proposed would run 176
feet above the river and be the most
beautiful drive In the United States. Mr.
Towl said one of the things needed by
the community Is a metropolitan park
commission in Omaha which could carry
out a comprehensive plan of boulevards
and parks.
Among the speakers at the banquet
were G. G. Wallace, a real estate man
of Omaha, who has been given the agency
of the college lots; W. R. Patrick. W. J.
Shallcross, Dr. Bets and L- D. Erton.
Fremont Lads in
Omaha on a Long
Triangular Hike
Tired and hot, nineteen members of the
Boy Scout Troop No. 1 from the Fremont
Young Men's Christian association, ar
rived In Omaha yesterday at 11 o'clock
completing the first leg of their 150-mlle
Jaunt one day ahead of time. The boys
are traveling from Fremont to Omaha
to Lincoln to Fremont They are led by
Scout Master G. R. Wagenseller.
The little band of boys left Fremont on
Monday morning at T o'clock, expecting
to be gone seventeen days. Monday night
they made their first relief at Valley
and last night camped between hers and
The boys, do not walk the entire day.
Starting early In the morning they hike
until the weather gets too warm and
then pitch camp until late in the after
noon, when they again take up the
march. From Fremont to Omaha the
scouts ayeraged nineteen miles a day.
The boys will pitch camp in Omaha
until Friday afternoon when they will
proceed to Lincoln. At present Mr.
Wagenseller does not know where the
camp will be pitched, but Eighteenth and
Douglas streets Is the most likely spot.
Friday afternoon the youngsters will go
about the city visiting the various parks.
The dally routine for the boys on the
march Is as follows: At t:$0 o'clock
reveille, 6 a. m. breakfast, 6:30 a. m, on
the march, 9 a. m. pitch camp, 11; 30
o'clock dinner, 1 to 8 p. m. recreation,
S p. m. supper, 6:30 p. m. on the march.
8:80 p. m- pitch camp.
Meat Prices Drop
During Last Week
Meat prices bsve dropped during the
last week. Beef and mutton declined
$2 a hundred and pork $1.
Sirloin, porterhouse and round steaks
are now selling at 15 cents a pound.
Bugar continues to decline and now Is
selling 19 pounds for $1, the lowest price
of the year.
The engagement of Henry F. Kleser,
department manager for the Bennett
company, and Miss Sophia Orau, teacher
at Train school, has been announced. Mr.
Kleser Is building a residence which he
will occupy after the marriage as soon
as It Is complete. Miss Grau will resume
her teaching next fall, although the mar
riage may occur before the fall term of
school begins,
A large tract of Douglas county prop
erty was Involved In the sale of 240 acres
of farm land five miles west of Millard
and five miles south of Elkhorn.
The farm belonged to Joseph C. Reeve j
and was sold at a little more than $11
an acre to W. 6. Blackwell, an Omaha
real estate man.
F. A. Walk was fined $10 and costs in
police court for permitting his son.
Frank, IS years of age, to drive an auto
CHICAGO. July 3. -President O'Neill to
day fined Player Thomas of Des Moines
$100 for his trouble with an umpire yes
terday. nrm m
Malaria Is a species of blood poverty known as Anaemia. In the first
Etagea of Malaria the complexion becomes pale and sallow, .the appetite is
affected, the systeni growa bilious, and there is a general feeling- of weak
ness. As the circulation becomes more thoroughly saturated with the ma-
w -
blood. 8. S. S. la a safe and pleasant remedy as well as an efficient one.
Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write.
3 Store Clod All Day
Announcement! I
On Saturday, July 6th We
will Inaugurate our ?
On Men's Summer Furnishing Goods $
Watch Friday Evening Papers.
Missouri Valley Veterinary Associa
tion Holds Annual Banquet.
Milk mm Meat lespeetloa, War
Against Tuberculosis Sad Other
Important Topics I'p for
Delegates to the seventeenth annual
convention of the Missouri Vallsy Veter
inary association banqueted at the Hotel
Rome last evening when coven were laid
for 150.
Discussions of Important subjects rel
ative to their vocation were forgotten
and a round of toasts full of humorous
allusions to the political outlook Inter
spersed with witty anecdotes were in
order during the evening.
Dr. Oeorge H. Clover of Fort Collins
was toastmaster and rssponses were
made by the following: Dr. O. 11
Ellison, Wisconsin; Dr. S. Sheldon. Mis
souri; Dr. A. Uostrom. Nebraska; Dr.
B. F. Davis. Wyoming; Dr. i. I. Gibson,
Iowa; Dr. J. M. Wright, Illinois; Dr. C.
H. Btoudsr, Kansas; Dr. C. M. Slang,
Iowa Stat college; Dr. O. O. Miller,
Omaha,' Dr. B. F. Kaupp and Dr. 0.
Stewart, Omaha.
A well rendered plona selection by Miss
Jsnnle Bailey was included In the
Following the toasts. Dr. A. T. Kinsley
gave an interesting lecture on "Borne
Common Parasites," illustrating his talk
with a sUreopticon-
At the sitting yesterday afternoon the
following officers were elected: Presi
dent, C. R. Young, . Omaha; first vice
president, C. H. ' Stouder, Manhattan,
Kan.; second vice prssldent, C. H.
Btang, Ames, la,; secretary-treasurer,
Hal Simpson, Denlson, la. The five
elected to places on tha executive com
mittee are, B, 7. Davis, Cheyenne; L. U.
Shipley, Sheldon, la.) A. T. Kinsley,
Kansas City; O. H. Youngerman, Morrill,
Kan., and H. K. Morris, Omaha.
The delegates extended votes of thanks
to the Commercial club, King Ak-8ar-
Ben and the local reception committeo.
all of whom assisted in making this year's
meeting a successful and enjoyable affair.
The report on meat and milk Inspection
among the cities and towns of the Mis
souri valley by Dr. Q. H. Glover of Fort
Collins was the feature of yesterday aft
ernoon's program. Others who had dis
cussions were, Dr, B. F. Kaupp, "Report
of Committee on Disease and Treatment;"
Dr. A. Bostrom, "How Shall Wt, Under
take Tuberculosis Control?" Dr. 3. I.
Olbson, "Municipal Meat and Milk In
spection and Results After Fifteen Tears'
Experience;" Dr. H. Jensen, "Effects
Obtained from Cathartics."
Eccentric Artist
to Live in Desert
Gloria Quayle Montgomery, winner of
the silver cup In the baby show at the
Seattle exposition three years ago, is at
the Paxton hotel with her parents, Gloria
has greater distinction than beauty, ac
cording to her father. She Is a blood
relative of David Crockett. Hor father,
A. Montgomery, known In art as the
"farmer painter," declares David Crock
ett was a brother of his grandmother;
"and that," be says, "is where I get my
dating In art, as my grand uncle was
daring In battle."
When asked If America sooner or later
would take to art better than now, he
"America Is not exactly what you might
call top heavy on art"
Mr. Montgomery said it makes no dif
ference to him how this country with Its
commercialism views art, he has the
courage to follow It and to paint as he
pleases In spite of the critics. Hs and
Mrs. Montgomery are on their way to
Lassen county, California, where they ex
pect to establish a home In the desert, and
Install a pipe organ In that home. They
have Just been to Chicago to select the
pipe organ. Mr. Montgomery expects
to show the world that It Is possible to
have art and artistic pursuits even In a
desert. Some of Montgomery's paintings
are among those in the Llnlnger art gal
lery In Omaha.
Mr. Montgomery enjoys the distinction
of having painted corn so natural that
horses and birds have tried to eat It
from the canvass, even as the birds of old
tried to peck the painted grapes off the
artists of classic days.
wtnm m kttn
cu mmji
iariai iniecuon.xne aigea.tion 13 cierang ed, CUIUS and le
ver come and go, skin diseases, boils, sores and ulcers
break out. Malaria can only be cured by removing the
germs from the blood. S. S. S. destroys every particle
of malarial infection and builds up the blood to a
6trong, nourishing condition. Then the system re
ceives its proper amount of nutriment, sallow complex
ions grow ruddy and healthful, the Uver and digestion
are nerhted andevervsvmntnm of Malnria nai gmv
J " J f - .
Thunday, July 4th 3
r , . i -f
Eef reshing Rain
Again Covers State
Refreshing rain for roan and land fell
over the greater portion of Nebraska
again, uesday extending into Iowa and
Into South Dakota, A cooling light rain
reached Omaha Just before midnight.
The Missouri Paclflo reported a heavy
rain along Us line from Falls City to
Plattsmouth. Alliance was visited by a
severe electrical and rain storm and re
port from there said Box Butte county
and a wide section of northeast Nebraska
was covered with two and one half inches
of rain.
At Beatrice the first rainfall In a month
came last night. Corn in the vicinity
had been suffering badly from drouth.
Practically every section of South Da
kota has been helped by the precipita
tion of the last two days, more falling
there yesterday.
Hidden Virtue in a.
Simple Beverage
A bottle of Hawaiian Pineapp!
Joke Excels as a Home Remedy
for Cases of Diphtheria !
For all afflictions of tbs throat this
delightful beverage is unequaled. It
should be in sfsrv home. Public speak
ers and singers and its use invaluable.
Pineapple Juice contains nothing but
the pure Juice from choice pineapple
It is bottled and sterilized under the
most modern sanitsry conditions.
Dole's Pineapple Juico invigorate!
and refreshes tbs whole system and its
daily use will preserve tbs health. -
A an aid to digestion it is a decided
benefit and has a nation-wide popularity
for that reason.
Dole ' Pineapple Juice is good, tastes
good and doe you good. -
Order soma to-day. Sold by grocers
and dmgglsta everywhere.
"Cooling Drinks and Desserts," a
useful little book telling how to make,
many pleasant, cooling drinks, mailed
free for the asking.
Hawaiian Pineapple Products Co., Ltd.
112 Market St, Saa Francisco j
"Juot Vay"
It Means
Original and Gtnulnt
Thi Food-drink (or AH Agits
More healthful than Tea or Coffee. . !
Agrees with the weakest digestion, j
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form,
A quick lunch prepared in a nfamtei
Take no substitute. Ask for H0RUCTS.
Other are imitations.
Valspar driea free of dust
in two hours and hard In
Use tomorrow
A floor varnished with
Valspar can be walked on
in twenty-four hours, with
out sticking or marring.
Wash Next Day
The lustre stays, does not
turn white, wears the
Keeps Things New
Onsrsntssd fey us
amna-DXLLOtr paikt dott.,
141S Harney Street.
. TV"
if I