Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1912, Page 6, Image 6
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1912. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE founded by edward rosewater ' Victor kosbwatbr. editor ' BEE BUILDING. FARNAM AND 17TH. i Entered t Oman Postofiice as second- class matter. TERMS OF SUBsSCRIPTitwt. Sunday Bee, one year Saturday Bee, one year..... ILW iUelly Bee (without Sunday) one year.M OO Dally Bee and Sunday, one year 6.flu ) DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Evening Bee (with Sunday), per mo...JM Dally Bee (Including Sunday). Pr mo..c Daily Bee (without Sunday), per rao.fco Address all complainu or IrregulartUee In delivery to City Circulation Dept. REMITTANCES. ' lUmlt by draft, es.prss or poatal order, payable to The- Bee Pubiishlns company. Only i-cent atamps received 1 payment of aaial) account, Personal checks, ex cept on Omaha and eaatera exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. OmahaThe Bee building. South Omaha-2318 N 8U Council Bluffa TS Scott St. XJncoln-as Uttle buildinf. Chie-io lo Marquette building. Xaasae City Ralia-voe building. New York-M W Thirty-third. Washington-T Fourteenta 6U w. CORRKSPONDENCa. Cemmunlcatione rmlatlng to ae ana . editorial matter should be addrease.1 Omaha Bee. Editorial Department. MAY CIRCULATION. 50,421 State of Nebraska. County of Douglas Dwight WUllanu, circulation Buisr ot The Bee PubU-Jung company, being duly sworn. says that tka erag V,y circulation tor the month ' 1WJ. waa ,. D WIGHT WIIXUMS. OraOiea aUnagec. . Subscribed la my prese-ce nd sworn to atore a this th day ot June. 1912. tfSeU MZSM.T HUNTER, Notary Public. Sabscrlbera the etly teaaporarllr abeaU The Be walled te tha. Addsa wtU be chajLged a eftem as r ejaeeteeV Siss! Boom! Alt! TFgat about Araajeddoa? Now let's talk about the. corn. Tag convention delegate, has bad Ala day. Camp, Champ, Champ, tag boys !ar marching back to old Missouri. Setting off the political fireworks l.wlll not be confined to a single day. t Qadl: t your dandallong, men ot I that hour! Dowa wita. th yellow Everybodj'a dolns Doing .what: I Fourth. Why, celebrating the Sbfiomoav lu a &t gtor was aot ( arrayed likg one, of these Nebraska ; corn, fields. J." i x " How. about those . fellows who threw Bryan, over the transom at ' Grand Island.? . Whilo, of course, the weather Is hot, It is sot unnatural atthia.sea- ,ion of t'ia yar. ' Tom Xawsaa is flnling It more difficult to gat bis adrertlsing free this tin than, before. , " It win b interesting to try to keep 'track In history of that New York gene named; Stanr.hifield. To butt moose, the Tammany tiger and the houm dawg came out tied. And. that fas aa Joke. ' Let Teaas proceed with its onion exhibition now that tha air is purged of most other nojdaiis odors. Som one recall, that Woodrow Wilson is Virginia txorrL Oh,. pshaw, Presides. Taft is Olio born. II passes comprehension how a imam blessed1 wttfc an abiding place In Nebraska; cam ever he unhappy. Bryan ea-Ua his last convention t peach his vaScdtctont. Of course, he meant for the time being only. ' That proJiUc rata, was a Gad-eend .to our afflicted water supply inade quate t th crying, uaeede of ' thirsty lawns. When man asks, "What's the score?" w may now "know that he .meals of the ball gasae) and not of 'the convention. 5 ggw how aay of tha old front page friends can come back now tli Thaw case, the Harrow trial, and the latest aviation tragedies. ITMre have been new parties in this country started on discontent and disap pointment. Where are those parties now? Philadelphia Frees. ! A voice from the tomb: "Present but not voting." , -. It villi. Marshal .? si ssi-iV v i Bjr BV2MS 1 n w.kV A. US yUJ ag slipping tha Tammany tiger's dollar around tha houn' dawg's neck, Sir. Bryan was tying a can to the .fiissottrt canine's tall. , I Senator Gamsnoe Stone desires to have it understood that Speaker Clark declined the nomination for second place aut of no spirit of pique. Who would over have accused him Of it? ' "'.;",; ': I champ Clark was "tha people's choice" In tha Nebraska democratic primaries. Are tha democratic pres idential electors instructed to vote for Champ? . The -very suggestion refutes itself. The Bee has in season and out de nounced the theft of; tha populist party label by democratic candidates. Tha theft of the republican label by the candidates of any other party would be even more indefensible, Patriotism Abo Ye Koise. The keynote of the Fourth of July Is too often drowned out by the bed lam of dangerous and destructive fireworks, which really hare no sig nificant relation to the day. Many a youth grows up with far lees notion of the Fourth as the anniversary of the nation's independence than of the day that gives Tent to a peculiar genius for noise-making and potential tragedy in these late years highly commercialized. Celebrations are all very well, but the day will come, no doubt, when Americans shall wonder that they ever indulged In or per mitted the kind of so-called cele brations long observed though, hap pily, being done away with. For the peace of mind and the safety, of life and limb, to say noth ing of the pocketbook, of all people alike, it Is to be hoped the advent is near of a rational form of Independ ence day observance) that will save our sons from entirely forgetting what the Fourth of July means, while at the same time accomplishing all the other beneficent purposes that go with a patriotic celebration. Unbosscd. Tbomaa Taggart and the Indiana dele, gatlon had started tba real move to Wil son the night before. Roger Sullivan and the Illinois delegation tU captive to lta charm early tn the day. then a very l'.ttlw later Virginia, led by Senators Swanson and Martin and with Thomas F. Ryan as one ot its delegates, tell gracefully into Una. Aa soon aa released the Under wooJ delegates went one man to Wood row Wilson. And then speaking for toe New York delegation. Congressman Fitzgerald moved that "Wilson's nomination by made unanimous. World-Herald editor s per sonsi account And so It waa that the "unhoused" nomination was consummated in the "unbossable" convention. Out amiable democratic contem porary does not even give "Boss" Bryan tha credit of, Laving brought the other bosses to time. Whether inspired, or forced against their will, the business had to be done by the bosses, and the very same bosses constantly held up by Boss Bryan to public odium. Let tha people rule'. . Let's Make the Beit of It After purchase proceedings cover lng more than nine years Omaha has finally coma into possession of the water works at a price which, if sug gested at tha outset, would have stifled all desire to buy. To an un prejudiced observer the result would seem to ba much more of a triumph for the water company than for the city. Whether or not there ia any "cause for public jubilation, however, It seems to as that the keynote must be for the city to make the best of its bargain, which, despite all ef forts of the Water board, has proved unescapabla. What is now imperative is to bring the plant aa soon ss possible up to present requirements. . For ten years no improvements or ex tensions havg been made beyond those necessary for upkeep in first class condition. Omaha la a grow ing city whose increasing demands must ba met along all lines of pub lic service if It is to progress as it should. Only broad-vlsioned fore sight and good management can solve the problems ahead, and It goes without saying that we want no repetition of costly blunders. Now for Better Business, Now that both national conven tlons are out of the way, the pollti cal sky, so far as business is con cerned, is necessarily clearer than it has been tor several months of un certainty. There should be a de cided quickening ot the pulse of trade now and. in the opinion of ex ports, there will be. Already the bond market is said to have shown new activity, much buying going on. One of the large New Tork bond houses reports that investors, who have been holding back, have accu mulated large idle funds, which will now ba flowing Into channels ot in vestment Whilo room still remslna for im provement, the general business tone throughout tha country, accord' lng to tha Financial World, la most encouraging. Business hss stemmed the tide ot a surfeit of politics with great success and, having come through safely thus tar, may he re lied on not only to hold its own, but to make more gains from now on With good new cropB to help, condi tlons are quite large with hope. Troubles Now in Congress. As soon as the democratic lawmak ers get back into their seats after their tempestuous time at Baltimore, the fireworks will begin snew : )n congress and the tension of excite ment created by two national conven tions will be moderately maintained for a few daya. Pending in congress are the cases Of Judge Archbald, up for impeach' ment, the findings on Lorlmer and the action on the salary appropria tions, which should have been made before this and could vnot for lack of quorum. The Archbald case is the first impeachment brought up in congress for many years snd is ex pected to furnish many thrills of ex citement before it is over. Lorlmer. the consensus of opinion is, will be down snd out when the vote is reached, and yet not without some more excitement , So, "in any event the country's nerves are not to have a complete THE FOURTHS OF BYGONE YEASS Old-Time Picnics, Parades and Orators of the Day. The Fourth of July orator and the Fourth of July picnic, twin Joys of for mer years, have lost much of their popu larity. Distinctively town and village Institutions, they have gone into the dis card tn cities, naore's the pity, because unwieldy crowds rob them of their or derly simplicity. In many cities today celebrations minus the picnic are sched uled. Reading the Declaration of Inde pendence and the customary oration. flanked with parades and pageantry, tor me most part constitute the observance, but even these are larger nelchWhrwt affairs and are wholly lacking in rustlo simplicity and scenery. ' In the one case the Impulse of patriotism ia restrained aad oratory artificial. Amid rural iur. rounding the eagle is free to flap Its wmgs is any old way without risk of shattering the rule bf social convention. In the town era of Omaha the Fourth of July picnic celebration wag an" event In the calendar second only to Chrlstmaa. The most favored spot for turning loose tne patriotic exuberance of vouns? old was Saunders grove, a tract of land lying south of Farnam and west of Twentieth street Tha nlcnlo nrotwr only a part of the celebration, the climax of a series of cleverly staged events. rtrst ei aa came the parade, winding around the streets and over the hills to the sheltered retreat of oratorv. lumnn. ade and tha dance. All the formalities of later day paradee were observed then. The band and its drum miter rrfnrmd with all the vigor and volume the occa sion demanded. The orator ot the day rode tn the first carriage with the recep. tlon committee and looked aa chesty as the leader of the band, his arm crossed over his heaving bosom and his corded brow holding tn leash the surging "'""ul wunm. i nen earns the volun teer fire department, ever n.mhu dressed in bis best, challenging Old Sol wun solid leather heedfear. the aid ma. chines and hand pumps decked with flut tering flags and ribbons trailing behind aun company, rieree as had been the rivalry among the companies In fighting fires. It wasn't a marker to the eager ness for distinction in dress en these patriotic occaalona. for days before th Fourth the combined muscular and men. tal energies of the volunteers were ex erted In burnishing and decorating ap paratus and Brushing up individual togs. As each company paraded past admiring multitudes en the walks the cheers ot rival champions brought forth a greater volume of gladsome noise than now greets the triumphant march of King Ak-Sar-Ba. Then came the hour ot the distinguished orator ot the day. He. waa eoasetous that all eyes were pon him; he noted with satisfaction his central seat on the platform, and the people tn eager an ticipation crowded up to the platform: he observed the fingers of wonderment pointed at htm, and strtved to appear wholly unconcerned aa though the af fair waa a commonplace occurence. If the day happened to be a hot one as July days usually are the orator prepares tor the worst by doffing his coat and sometimes his collar, before , the first bellow, Fellow C-t-t-l-s-e-n-e,n and then sailed Into dead and living tyrants. As if by common consent Omaha sus pended the collective Fourth ef July plo- nlc tn 1874 and the people distributed themselves over the surrounding terri tory. One plcnlo party went to Olen- TOPICS OF CURRENT POLITICS Back te Principle. Springfield Republican. At least one speaker got away from the fraud and robbery cry at the meeting et Mr. Roosevelt's followers in Boston and sought to Justify the formation ot a new progressive party on enduring basis. It waa Arthur IX Hill, who satd-end It waa high time: Apart from the merits ot the particu lar controversy (of the contested dele. gates), the split in the party was bound to come. Partlea are not ends In them- electoral vote in w. Between Jetrer selves, but means to accomplish results, son and Burr, each Of these leading all As long aa there ia any substantial agree- tfl other candidates, and the house ment between the different members. some leeway must be allowed tor smaller differences of opinions, but when a party gets Into condition where it eontatne men ot radically opposite points of view, so that they can no longer work together without falsifying their real opinions, the sooner It separatee the better. Such was "" president, and yet in none of those ln the condition in the republican party. We tces did the electoral college fall to progressives have ceased to have anything in common with the standpat element of the oartv. We differ from them not only in every subject of national Importance tm tn m,n whnlo w.v nt vt.wtn everv important political problem, and for either faction to try to work with the other It can mean simply a suppression of real dates-a.v.l.nd, Harrison and Weaver opinion in order to use an organisation vc, 'corJ ss a means ot getting tnto office. It ia better that a situation which amounts to nothing but a series of dishonest com promises should be put to an end, and that each taction ot the party should fight fairly and tn the epen for those things in which it believes. We advise progressive republicans who , JMl wevej. bolt the republican party to take that f1 this possibility 1. so re position, in effect rather than to con- motf, h" w n b trouble Sun. to play the role ot poor losers in a Sw'ES ? NalS22 ?' political game. And such a position is l!L ?h ' aTso g "great Improvement upon aa at.-" Wl" 0C tltud of blissful hero worship. The new 3 JL ' HUM for ,n,u,n party should be formed, if at alt on the w assumption that Mr. Roosevelt is as dead aa General Jackson, and that it must survive because ot its imperishable principles. The final test ot the new party's in herent strength and reason for being is Its ability to exist without the patronage end leadership ef any single mortal. Could the new party endure a test like thatt There are plenty et progressives. hitherto affiliated with both th. old or- sanitations, who will never support a new political party that has to borrow tea lu. from Mr. RooMvit Give u. a new progressive party that would go on breathing after Mr. Roosevelt had stop- JeTbrealhlng forTt aJKESi , ZSSf 5 sympathetically consider it. right to live FoaalMUtlee ef a Deadlock. Leelle'a Weekly. The possibility that a new party may poll a tw electoral votes, and thus prevent any candidate from getting a majority of the electoral college, is be ginning to excite some attention. . In that ease the house would be called upon to choose the president each state, small and large, having one vote and that vote to be east as the majority of its mem- bera in that chamber should determine, The states in tne present nouse-whlch. and the um time, thereby correcting- the I n? nZtsaMman of course, is the chamber which wpuld evlla that attach to the existing system. Vs Tdearly love"our gtruT ' v' wood, la., one to BeUevuu, aaoiUar to ittetf, wniie the greatest crowd drawn to i-ikliorn vtnere Allen Hoot ex pounded the gospel of giaJifcW insurgency of those - day. Tnis was Hr. Kuot first appearance as a Fourth ot July orator. For weeks preceding the eveut. It waa currently reported, the advance agent of populism practiced bis delivery under the willows of his Pappio home. His output of words tilled nine column of a local paper which had space to burn up. . - A year or two ir all Omahana who could dig up the price Joined the Union Pacific shopmen in celebrating the day at Fremont A beardless young man, fresh from college, who later joined the construction force on the Oregon Short Line and perished of mountain fever, was orator ot the day. His address was a typical Fourth ot July outpouring ot stock stuff done up In college colors. It was a notable test ot the staying qualities of an audience, but the shopmen nobly stood up to the task while the orator Introduced them to Cicero and Caesar and Augustus and Nero and polished up the wise saws current tn their day. Even tually be returned to the land of tu living and uncorked the spirit of the oc casion with a peroration In words to this effect. And so, my eountramen, this is your countra's natal day. Keep it as a heritage tor your children and your children's children-aye, even unto the third and fourth generation. That proud bald bird that soars on eagles wins watches with flaunting eye the land ot the free and the home of the brave. Old Glory's every silken wavelet that marks the milky baldric ot the skies flutters the golden music ot liberty. Freedom perches on her banner, and never will It descend. Never, never, never will it descend as long as the gallant yeomanry and proud knighthood ot this grand com ntoawealth have a heart te feel and a tongue to praise. Truth Is Immortal. This mighty song of Independence burled by Thomas Jefferson in the teeth of George the Third, was a message thun dering down the ages to the ears ot alb tyrants ot the world that America must, aye, shall be tree. No eastern potentate dare set his foot upon that soil where blooms the fair, white flower ot equal rights to all and special privileges te none. No autocrat of the effete mon archies ot Europe may send his minions forth to enslave a race at freemen, than whom there Is none nobler, grander, freer under the vault of heaven's blue dome. And so, fellow countrymen. 1 leave you. Secure In faith, exultant in the hope. Into your unsullied handa I give my countra my eountra and yours, The land ot fair women and brave men; the land ot song and history, the land whose morning star Is honor and whose evening star, thank God. is lost in the bright radiance ot a denting day. Take thla oountra, the grandest God's sun ever shone upon, and keep it and preserve It as bequeathed to you by George Washington, Thomas Jef ferson and the other fathers whose spirit know no east and west, no south and north, and smile their benediction alike on the blue and the gray. I thank you." Have you not heard the like ot this? Sure! Back In memory's dark corners are echoes ot the old time exordium, and their awakening swells the sob of regret over the passing of the Fourth of July plcnlo and its ustly esteemed Orator of the Day. have to do the electing it the electoral college should fail to show a majority for any candidate are divided evenly between the parties, the republicans hav ing twenty-two and the democrats twen- ty-twe, while six states are tied and. therefore, could not vote. In that even division between the states there ia a possibility for deadlocks and serious eaibarrassments. Twice the house has been called upon to elect a president. There was a tie in eea jenereon. in tne quaaranguiar contest of 18M, in which Adam Jackson, Crawford snd Clay received some eleo- total votes, but none of them a majority, the house chose Adams to be president. several times since 1SH. however, three or more persons received electoral votes el- Four candidates received them In ve in w, tnree in is ana tour in laa there was a choice In the wlw h uccessful candidates. In er- nein JcK8on, van nuren. Buchana1 and As thousands of persons doubtless remember, three oandl- yet that body elected Cleveland by a com tortable margin. A failure ot the electoral college to elect a president In 1312 would precipitate complications which might seriously dls- tur tru tr several months and be r . . , . . ine No) Betrayal of Obligations. Pittsburgh Dispatch. It has long been recognized that a man chosen as a presidential elector en a party ticket is bound by all the ties of good faith to cast his electoral vote for the nominee ot his party. This has been A far bavnnil rilanut ,, ln .ut.... ytin 9t voU' pency th . ' . " fr"uony Sd.fai 1? r.n?" "in8U fmi '2 'VT ? " vote for J J mi except when was n amtelr! i " 'S to wunc TL , I ' protreMlv tSS&S 'SSLTT ,'2 through all the vicissitudes ot politics for eighty years rat'crni National Primary. Pittsburgh Post The recent campaign proves the neces sity for a national primary law that would be uniform tn atl the states. A law ot this character ought to be enacted without delay In order that the country be spared a repetition ef the prolonged agitation through which It has just passed. As the issue ia the same tn all the states it ahould be decided at et.iClth cheeks so fresh and eyes so bright Hooking Backward TliisDav inOmak r COMPILED FROM BEE FILE5- JULY 4. Thirfv Ymn Ar Tne glorious rourtn is aesonoea day of Sabbath-llke stillness in Omaha everybody having scattered to suburban cities. . Among Fourth bf July accidents Albert McVlttie. son of A. J. McVittle. the grocer, waa accidentally shot in the hand; Mr. Tom Casey, the well known Union Paclflo f laarnan. waa struck by a ball from an air gun at the Hsscall park pic nic, which lodged in the vicinity of the lower rib; Mrs. "William Knot, another Blonleker. residing en Douglas between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, broke her arm. and the fire department put out a small blase In an old Union Paclflo pump house. It waa Omaha V day on the base can diamond, the B. & M.'s defeating the At- lantlcs by 9 to 1 and the Union Pacifies beating the Dreadnaugbts of Chicago by the aame score. A small tribe of squaws and pappooses celebrated the Fourth in Omaha. A silver wedding was celebrated yes terday in grand old Swedish style In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sandln at their new and elegant residence on Har ney street. Mr. Guydon and Captain C. B. Rustln left tor Idaho. Miss Emma Whitmore has gone east to spend her summer vacation. A narty of Omaha women, inoiuding Mra. C. K. Coutant. Mrs. Sam Jones an1 son. Miss Julia Wright and Mrs. C. 2. Tost and daughter left for Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nye are naca irom 'Washington, Twenty Years Ago ' With General Secretary John w. Hayes of the Knight ot Labor and other advocates ot Walter Q. Gresbam pres sing their choice to the last, against Greshera'a win and instruction, the people's party convention named Gen eral James B. Weaver of Iowa as Its presidential nominee on the first ballot Georsre Woshburne of Massachusetts, manager for Senator Kyle of South Da kota, claimed up to the last that his man would be named. The vote stood: Weaver, 899: Kyle. 265. scattering 1 Kyle had. like Gesham, telegraphed that his aame must not be presented to the con vention, as he was not a candidate, out hta wish waa ignored. General James Held ot Virginia was nominated for vice president. Rev. A. J. Turkle left for New Tork to attend the International convention ot the Christian Endeavor. Mrs. Faddook. wife of lenator Paddock, left the elty for Washington, having fuly recovered from an attack of illness. Omaha celebrated the Fourth of July on a grand scale. Fireworks wsnt up from human lips of oratory and every kind of mechanical exnloslve as wsll. A grand parade marched through the down town streets, lined by 100,000 persons, and the exercises of the day were held In Jefferson square. Here. In the northwest corner. Richard Smith, presided, and John C. Wharton In stentorian tones read the Declaration of independence and t. J. Mahoney, the orator of the day, orated. At the southeast corner. Z. T, Lind say was chairman; D. H. Mercer read the Declaration ot Independence and C. J. Smyth and . Prof. Fltsgerald. city sup erintendent of school, were speakers. Ten Years Ago Postmaster Joseph Crow. v South For t'.rth street, had the bridge and left side ct his nose badly cut, He had helped a neighbor carry some fireworks Into the street for children and on going back into his house In the dark, he walked tnto the full-length glass door, which he theught was open. George Dresner, 1461 South Fourteenth street, being a good sprinter, sscapsd rob bery at the hands of two men who held him with a gun at night on South Thir teenth street. Judge D. M. Vlnsonhtler went to Mary vllle, Mo., to spend the Fourth with Mrs. Vlnsonbaler at the old SUlson home. ' Mis. Sadie Mudge of Milwaukte ar rived to visit Mrs. Roy Scott, 21 Leav. enworth street. Mra J. C. Root had recovered from the injuries sustained in a runaway nuffi. ciently to be taken from the Her Grand hotel to her home on South Thirtieth street. She waa still In a very painful condition- Ed Lundgren. Dupent street Im provised a cannon with his own hcece.. invited some friends to see it g off, It did not fall him. He survived, but left a large hole In the rear of Chri Nelson's grocery store in that nsljhborhood. which remained as proof that the home-made cannon worked. People Talked About A safe and sane observance of the day cuts out needless expense. The houn dawg't tsg will be found In Baltimore's political sausage. On the natal day as well as other days the real lover of his country la not the one who makes the most noise. Among, the sweet chunks of consolation solution treasured by the receding war riors of the Osarks, the brace ot kicks registered en the person of an offensive Wilson booster at Baltimore constitute exhibit Ne. L s . After an Investigation of the disaster at Grand Island, near Buffalo, New Tork, which cost the lives of 9 persons, an assistant district attorney says no one wU be held criminally responsible for the collapse of the pier that plunged the victims into the Niagara river. The pier went down, he seys, because It had rotted and because there were toe many people on it 'The law does not Impose on anyone the duty of keeping these piers In repair." Can you beat it? There's no mystery about the Kil kenny aspect of the affair at all, at all. when one considers the emerald hue ef the names-Bryan, Ryan. Murphy. Sul livan, Taggart et aL The mystery ap pears in linking Charley Murphy with tha plutes who prey upon the plain peo ple. Charley is a poet loaded with the divine muse. Bryan is a vecallst of re nown. Tet while the peerless wss thundering at Murphy snd his associate plutes. Murphy strummed his giutar and wafted melodious verse to ( the girls, pitched In this witching key: Ne gallant knight whose heart was right And fully did his duty, -Would fail to sing their sterling worth. And praise them for tneir beauty. EDITORIAL SIDE LINES. Houston Post. If the president hasn't definitely decided on his campaign man ager, hs might seriously consider William J. Bryan as eligible. Mr. Bryan can make more republican votes than anybody we know. New TOrk World: If Chinese stow awaya are paying 18.000 each to- be smug gled into the United States they are holding the privilege of living in this country at a valuation which could be recommended for imttatlon by disgruntled clttaens who got it for nothing. Indianapolis News: The harvester trust Is to have another month In which to tile Us answer to the government's antUtrnst suit You see Mr. Perkins has been so busy lately arranging for the people to rule that he hasn't had ths usual opportunity to look after his trust interests. Brooklyn Eagle: The tongue of a bull moose Is considered a rare delicacy by eplcurea The bull moose party win fur nish tongue enough to make the next election look like a delicatessen store. In honor of the party's success is It toe early to talk about changing the name ot Washington. D. C., to Moose Jaw? Pittsburgh Dispatch: This is the cruel est stab of advarse fortune! The New Tork Globe, a hot Roosevelt advocate during the late unplsasantness, now pro poses that In the third party the colonel shall be the candidate for vice presidsnt! La Follette and Roosevelt would be poetic justice. Let the Globe send the proposal around to the Outlook office and give a verbatim report ot tt reception. MIRTHFUL BEMARKS. "Some men are lucky. I Know a man who cleaned out a bank and yet they never did a thing to him." "I suppose he had considerable in fluence." "He hadn't any. He was the Janitor." -Baltimore American. "You don't seem to regret the fact that S number of people apeak unkindly of you." "No," replied Senator Sorghum, "the Steam rollers may have their purpose but excessive weight means discomfort in an auto mobileor a man. He alone is sure that the heavy car rides easiest who has never ridden in the light, Vanadium built Ford. A demonstration is a revelation. Mora than 75.000 new Fords into service this season proof that they must be right. Three passenger Roadster $590 five passenger touring csr $690 delivery car $700 f. o. b. Detroit, with all equipment. Catalogue from Ford Motor Company, 1916 Harney St., Omaha, or direct from Detroit factory. Phone Douglas 4500. EPOSITS D 10th in the SAVINGS DEPART. MENT of the UNITED STATES I ST A TTrtW A T Tl AW nrlll Jin interest THREE PER CENT interest is paid on savings deposits and COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Funds may be with, drawn at any time without notice. The combined capital and surplus is $1,400,000.00. It is the oldest hank in Nebraska. Established la 1856. United States National Bank o! Omaha, Nebraska M, T. Barlow, Presldeat. O. W. Wattles, Tiee-Pres. V. a. Caldwell, Ylee-wyes. V. S. Xfcoades, Caafelsr, Open on Saturdays Low Summer Fares Spend your vacation back eattand s that your ticket read via Q Round trip tickets on aale to points east daily until September 30th, among the important being as follows : $25.00 ess tfcOO Detreft $43.90 sad 44.23 Atlantis Qy 32.06 sad S4.N luffsle 40. 10 aa 45.00 Bostsa 32.00 see! 34.00 NiaferaFaua 29.00, 32.00 sa4 34.00 Tereete 42.00 as4 45.00 Hew Tors 35.00, 37.35 asJSSJS Hsatresl $42.35 and 4135 rertlud 9 Direct connections in Chicago with all lines east Liberal stop-overs. Favorable return limits. ' 12 Daily Trains between Oman. csi Chicago Per priaUd tnstter en4 Sill particulars call en or eddrsss ' Chicago and North Western Railway 1401-1403 Fvmm Stmt, CWk Ni. NWSStS ' . oniy icina worus mi c-c. mous Indorsement are those that composo sn epltaph."-Washtngton Star. She-Pardon me. air. for s walking on your feet . , " , ., He on, aon t mention them myself, you know. Boston Tran script ' "Brown volunteered to lend me money." "Did you take itr M t, . . "No. That sort of friendship is too good to lose. "-Detroit Free Press. - "George is alwaya looking for oppor tunities to show his devotion." "Tee?' "He said If I telegraphed him be wanted me to be sure to send a night messsge. Dear boy. He wants to sit up all night to get it "-Cleveland Plain Dealer. "It's quite clear to me. young man, that vnn win have to rive uo your Irregular habits.'' , , . , "I guess you're right, doc: I'll have to go back to bumming around till bout to. If I sleep more than four or five hours a night X wake up next mornlngr wlth a headache."-Chlcago Tribune, OLD GLORY, W. D. Nesbit in Chicago Post Run up Old Glory! Let It blsis In red and white s gainst the sky And tell the story of ths days When hearts ware stout and hopes were high. . Ferret the dally tights of greed, Forget the struggle, the dismay, Of facing cruelty and need Run up Old Glory for the day! Run up Old Glory! Think of all The eld flag means to you and me. Of how the blast of freedom's call Shook out Its folds from sea to sea; Red with the blood that It has cost, White with the souls of thsm that died, Today by laughing breeses tossed It whispers of a nation's pride. ( Run up Old Glory! Fling it forth And feel anew the country-call That thrills east, west and south and north And has Its words for one and all Run up Old Glory-fling it far A,mu , Via Kill Af fcAAVAn'M Anmft- And feel that every stripe and star Is warder of your hearth and home. made on or before July from July 1st. Q.S. Ha ver stick, Asst, Cash. B. P. Morsman, Asst, Cash, J. O, XeClnre, Asst. Cash, a. S. Yates, Asst. Cash, Until 9:00 P. M,