Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Maybe ; the Elephant Has Started This Time
;r j-X'gr": y , ' Tfct 1 colons- j , my only rccr&t is m t ! a "
:-- A-! .pe vmacge. I ,V " 1 ' j f ; . J J
Bourkes Winv,inv'Walk by Score, of
; Fottt;to Orie ;4
Davidson, with Single, Score Oae
and Succession of Raps I Eighth
' ' Responsible for Three
i- More Ran.
DES MOINES, July 8.-8pecla Tele-kram.)-Bobtnon
was an enigma to Des
Moines this afternoon and Omaha won
hands down, 4 to L Thirty-one men
faced the Rourke twlrler In nlno innings
The first man up was th only one to
score, and he was walked and brought In
by Belden' slngls. , , ' '
Only twice was Des Moines dangerous.
In the fifth Leonard tripled, with one
cut.- but failed to count In the ninth
lHahn doubled and went to third on
Colllgan's single, with one out, but the
Bpell could not be broken. . Robinson was
given errorless support.
Hueston pitched a good game, but was
given listless support Errors were pore
numerous than the record shows, because
of Indifferent fielding. , , ?
(In the second Kane was hit by the
tAtcher and sacrificed to second by 8cn-
Jen. A passed bait put him on third and
Davidson's single brought In the run.
There was nothing doing then until the
eighth.' Coyle led off with a single and
Thomason struck out Johnson doubled,
coring Coyle. Kane grounded out, ad
vanclng . Johnson to third. Leonard's
terror scored the latter and made Scanion
,ssf. Nlehoff'e double brought' in the
tbtyrd run of the inning. Score:
h AB. R. H. O A. E.
Hahn, rf I I 11
Colligan 2b 8
Claire.-ss ............ 4
Bolder!. If 4
Xor, et t
Leonard,' 8b ........ t
v v
rr nomas, id i
Hanson, o
i s
.Hueston, . p 2
Totals ;,,8V 1 6 87 18 8
. - V -OMAHA.
: A& R..H.. O,
A. B.
1 ft
0 i 0
I' t
. "'0
4 0
0 0
Uustlce ss 4 0 0 8
Coyle, r( ....... I . '1
Tbomasotu'lf ....... 4' ft
Johnson, e .jr., ..,..'4 1
Kane, i-:.r..:.:...';v'8 " I'
Scanion, 2b ......... 3 i ' 1 ,
Nlrhorf. 3b .'ii....... 4 ; 0
Davidson, cf' .f... ;.. 0
Robinson, p 4, 4'
I ' 3
1 "
0 . 0
1 8
Totals ;:;:...;:.' 11 5 iih"
Batted for Hueston In ninth.
Des Moines 1 ftftftOftOftO-4
Omaha ' II I M M 0 80-4
Two-base hits: Johnson Niehotf, Hahn.
iThree-baxe hit: Leonard. Sacritloe hits:
'Colllgan, Scanion. Double play: Johnson
!to Justice to Kane. First on balls; Hues
ton, 1; Robinson, 8. Struck outs Hues
ton. 2; Koblnson, (. Hit by pitcher: Kane.
iWild pilch-.. Hueston. Stolen baie; Nle
botf. Lett on bases: Des Moines 2;
Omaha, 7. Umpires: Mjers and Klssant.
Tim), 1:25.
. ) . . i --t Games, .Today.
Western League Omaha at St. Jo
seph. Denver at Lincoln. Wlahlte at
1 Topeka. Des Moines at Sioux City. Two
games scheduled.
National League-Philadelphia at Bos
ton. Brooklyn at New York, Chicago at
' 8L Louis. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh., Two
games scheduled. .
American League-Boston at Philadel
phia, New York at Washington, Cleveland
at Chicago, St. Louis -at eDtrolt. Two
games-scheduled. , ; '
American Association Toledo at Indian
apolis. Kansas City at Milwaukee. Col
umbus at Louisville, St Paul at Minne
apolis. Two games scheduled.
Nebraska State League Seward at
York, Hastings at Superior, Kearney at
Cf and island, Fremont at voiumous.
Two games scheduled.
Mink Leatue-'Hiawatha at Falls City,
Auburn at Nebraska City, Beatrice at
Humboldt. Two games scneauieq.
gt. Joseph Loses by Score of Eight
to Foar.
, SIOUX CITY, la.. July S.-Drtring
Johnson to cover -with fusillade of MU
, in the fifth Inning. Sioux City defeated
t. Joseph today by an 8 to 4 score. White
won Ms seventh straight victory. Boore:
AB. R.
O., A. EL
Clarke, cf. ..
Smith, es. .,
Myers. It ...
Tennant, lb.
Breen, rf. ..
French. 2b. .;
T. Rellly, 3b.
Csdman. e. .,
White, p. ...
...4 0
8 0
,,J ToUSi u-
86 8
14 87 18 1
AB. R. H.
A. E.
Kelly. 2b. ..
M 1
1 0
Kotn. 20 . ....... t
Powell. If. 4
Watson, cf. e4a4t
ZwilUng, rt
Borton. lb. ..
B, Reiny, 3b. ,
Weinke, ...,
Gossett. c. ..
Johnson, p.
Cruteher, p. .
- Totals
Sioux City
!!!" 3
..85 4 10 84 - 18 ft
3 0 0 0 4 0 0 ft. e-g
11 ft ft 0 30 0 0-4
Bt. 70Sph'.I..i.
Two-bsse hiu: Clark. T. Rellly, Myers.
Kelly, Johnson. Swilling. Sacrifice hits:
Cadmmn, Kelly: Double plays: Smith to
French to Tennant. Left on bases; Sioux
city, st. Joseph, o. Hits: oil Jonn
son, 13 In four and one-third innings-, off
Cruteher, 2 In three and two-thirds In
nings. . Bases on basis: Off White. 1; oft
-'.. I -I I - , - ' 1
Standing of Teams
W.L.Pci V.L.Pct.
St. Joseph..41 31 .66iNew York.. .61 11 .821
Sioux City. .03 33 W Chicago ...M 26 .681
Omaha ...-? 21 .614 Pittsburgh .87 It .B7S
Des MoJnes.3fr34 ,U4 Cincinnati .,86 33 .629
Wichita ,.,.38 34.6141 PhlladeT. ...27 34.448
Denver 31 34 .607! Brooklyn.. 25 40 .385
Lincoln ....28 39 .4361 8t. - Louis.. .27 43 .386
Tepeka ... J8 41 .40b Boston 20 49 .290
W.UPct! . W.L.Pct.
Boston '" ....48 22 .686 Columbus ..55 28 ,68
Phlladel. 39 27 .6911 Toledo 50 29 .632
Chicago ....30 29.67.IMlnneapolls.48 30.615
Washlng'ri 41 31 JM Kan. City... 37 42 .48
Cleveland .34 83.5 Milwaukee .35 48.432
Detroit ....34 17 .4791 St. Paul 34 37 .420
New fork.. 19 46 .2921 Loulsvilla .29 46 .387
St. Louis.. .11 47 .271 Indlanap's ..30 50.875
ad STANDING ek,to ....h
Fremont ...3015.652
Seward .....27 18 .600
Fells City. ..28 17 .622
Neb. City. ...30 18 .626
Auburn 25 22 .632
Columbus ..25 20 .556
Grand Isl'd.24 20 .5461 Beatrice .....20 27 .426
Hastings ...24 22 .6231 Humboldt ...18 28 .391
Kearney ,...31 25 ,47 Hiawatha ..19 8 .404
York 18 26 .4061
Superior ....11 33 .$50
Yesterday's Itesalts.
Omaha, 4; Des Moines, t
i Lincoln-Wichita, rain. , i
Denver, 8; Topeka, ft. ' . .' i
St Joseph. 4; Sioux City. I.
Philadelphia, I; Boston, I.
Brooklyn, 1-1; New York, 1-10. "
Boston, T; Philadelphia, 2. '
New York. 8-8; Washington, 8-10.
Chicago-St Louis, rain.
Cleveland, 8i Detroit 8.
Toledo, 1J Louisville, !.
Milwaukee, 7; St. Paul. 6; ten Innings.
Kansas City, 4; Minneapolis, 8.
Indianapolis, 8; Columbus, 1.
Seward, 7; York, 4.
Hastings, 9; Superior, 4.
Kearney, 1; Grand Island, 0.
Fremont 8; Columbus, 9. .
' MINK LEAGUE. .! . '
Falls City, 0; Auburn, 8.
Nebraska City, 8; Hiawatha, 8. -Humboldt
6; Beatrice, L r ; - v
Cruteher. 8. Struck out: B White. 8: br
Johnson, 2; by Cruteher -t Wild pitch.
jonnson ). White. Hit by pitched ball:
ciarse. lime: s:ia.. umpire; Jqftnsqn.
Allows tlx Hits, but Pitches Effec
' tlvolr la Pinches.
TOPEKA. Julv 3 KtnuAlla ullnw.
Topeka six hits, but tightened with men
on bases, shutting out the locals. Score;
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Les, rf.;. 4
waish, 2b 3
King, ct 4
Frants, lb.. .......... 4
Rlckert. If.... 4
..... i
n. s 4
."''.!!)'.. 8
Patterson, m
Ryan, 8b....
Young, p......... 1
"Williams, p.......... 1
;.....33 0
. AB. R.
8 1
4 3.
8 1
27 20 8
Coffey, s.
Cassldy, rf
Beau, or
Quiuin. 3b
Channsli, if
Kenworthy. ,'f..
...... 3
Trench, 2b.......
unosay, id
Spahr. c...
Klnseila, p
1 ft
..... 4
Totals ........84 I 14 87 IS r ft
Toneka 000000 0 000
uenver I o o o i i i i z-s
Three-base hits: Lee, Klnseila, Beall
Two-base hits: .Walsh. Channell. (2). Qull-
tin. ' Bacriflce hits: Young, cassldy, quu
lln. French. Lindsay (3). Stolen bases:
Beall, Channell, Kenworthy, Lindsay (3).
Hits: Off Young, 7 in six innings; oft
Williams, 7 In three' inning. First base
on cans: urr zoung, i: ott tunseiia, i.
Struck out: By Young, 6: by Williams, 1;
by Klnseila. 7. Wild pitch: Williams.
Umpires: Knapp and Flynn. , .
Hiawatha? Pefks
Up and Wiis Again
HIAWATHA; Kan.', 'July 8.-(Speclai
Telegrant.Mt was a real ball game tq
day and snappy ' fielding was a feature.
A large crowd, saw the' new Hiawatha
players it work. The scorer .
Nebraska -City 060100 iOftj-31
Hiawatha 030006010 3-7 2
Batteries: Conoway and ooiatnwait;
Harnett and Maxey.
BEATRICE. Neb... July 3.-(Speeiai
Telegram.) ' Humboldt and Beatrice
played this morning at 10:30 o'clock be
cause of the race meeting which opened
at the park this afternoon. Humboldt
won by the scoro of t to L Hits by Mel
ker and Martin In the eighth saved the
lcals from a shut out Sere:
Humboldt ., 000030 10 1-8 80
Beatrice ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 6 3
Batteries: Jsratt and Diets: Belts and
AUBURN. Neb.. July l-(SpeclsJ Tele
gram.) la one of the fastest and clean
est games of the season Auburn did the
shut out stunt at the expen? of Falls
City again today. - A walk and Musser's
homer did the work. Score:
Auburn .. 0 ft ft ft ft 2 ft ft ft -3 5 0
Pals City ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4) ft ft I 2
Batteries: Zonderman and Mutter; Mo-
Clure and Bhestao. Uroplrs vans.
CINCINNATI July t-Th national
base ball commission today decided that
the Omaha dub. bad, purchased Payer
Davidson from Brooklyn and allowed the
latter's claim of 8750. v " , K'V
Death the Gallows '
Is sharp, short agony. Tho lame back of
kidney' trouble Is dally misery.' Tske
Electric Bitters for quick relief. 50c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Jin m t
Giants Bring Winning Streak to
Sixteen Straight.
Pitcher Makes New Major League
Record la Game la Which He
ts Outpltched by Kay
NEW YORK, July 8.-New York
stretched ' its winning streak to sixteen
consecutive victories by taking a double-
header from Brooklyn today. In the first
game, Marquard made a new major
league record in -winning his nineteenth
straight game of the season, He was
outpltched by Rucher but proved strong
In the pinches. New York won the second
game In the eighth inning when a short
passed bsll enabled Shafer to score. In
trying to head Shafer off at the plate
Erwin hit Snodgrass, who was at bat
with the ball and Fletcher scored the
winning run. Manager Dablen protested
Brennan's decision permitting Fletcher to
score and was finally ordered from the
field. Northen was put off the field In
tnodsrua 111 II I 0 Marts, ef... I lilt
Psyl. Ib.... I 6 2 1 ONorthti, rf. I 3 1 6
Mtrkl., lb.. 1 6 6 0CuUht ... 4 6 4 6 0
Mumr, rf.. 1116 0 Smith, lb.. .4 till
Brktr. cf...l 1 6 0 lDtubtrt, lb. 4 1 4 4 6
Htnos. Jb..l 6 I 1 IWhut, If.... 4 116 6
Mtysra, e... S 6 4 4 OHumm.l, Ib. 4 6 I I 6
Flttehtr, n. I 1 1 ITooley, 1 1 1
Mrqurd, p, 8 6 4 1 0MU)r, 8.... 4 17 16
-Rurkw, f... 4 14 6 4
TUU H 41741
TaUlt.....M IK I I
Brooklyn , 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Batted for Northen in ninth.
Brooklyn 0 0100000 0-1
New York 0 0010010 -2
Two-base hit: Murray. Stolen bases:
Murray, Wheat. Double plays: Moran to
Hummel, Heriog to Doyle to Merkle,
Myers to Hersog. Bases on balls: Off
Marquard, 6; off Rucker, t Struck out.
By Marquard, B; by Rucker, 8. Time; 1:56.
Umpires: Brennan and Emails.
AB.H.O.A.M. .. AB.H.O.A.I
SaodsriH, it I sis OMona, of... I 4 t 6
Doyi, lb..., I I 1 l ONorthta. rf.. I 119 9
M.rkU, lb.. I 1 4 1 Ogmlth. lb... I 114 1
Mumr rt.. 4 1 1 6 ODtutxrt. lb. I I I 0 1
Booker, ef... I I I 6 OWhett, If.... I .110 0
Hrao(. lb.. .4 111 lHummtl, Zb. I 1 I I o
Wilton, a... 16 6 1 lTooley. h... I I 4 I 4
Dtvor .... 6 6 6 6 OErwln. 4 14 4 1
Wlltu. S.... 6 4 6 9 OKnetW, p.. I 1 I I 9
Shtftr 9 9 9 0 0'phelpt ..... 1 6 6 9 6
Mttht'MQ, p6 6 6 6 OK.nt. p..;.. 6 6 6 6 9
Flttohtr, ik I I I I 0'Dtly 11 0 6 6
A ihm, p...., 1 0 4 6 6 , ri
Ttirtau, p... 1 6 6 6 0 TottU..... 44.17 14 16 4
Utytn, o... 1114 4
Tottli It 1 17 II 1
Batted for Knetzer In seventh.
Batted for Kent In ninth.
Ran for Wilson in sixth.
Batted for Wlltse In eighth.
Brooklyn '1 08101 8ftft-8
New York 3 1 0 0 1 3 0 3 -10
First on errors: Brooklyn, L Two-base
hit: Wheat. Three-base hits: Moran (2).
Meyers. Stolen bases: Moran, Murray,
Wheat Devore, Shafer. Fletcher. Snod
grass. Left on bases: New York, 4;
Brooklyn 10. Double plays: Fletcher to
Merkle to Hersog. Fletcher to Doyle to
Merkle. Struck out: By Ames, 3; by
Tesreau, 4; by Wlltse. 1; by Mathewson.
1; by K. Knetzer, 4. Bases on balls: Off
Tesreau, 2; off Knetser, 4; off Kent, 4.
Hit by pi toner: By Knetser, Snodgrass.
Passed ball: Erwln: Hits: Off Ames. 5
In two innings, (none out in third). Ott
Tesreau, 5 In four Innings; off Wiltse,
t in two Innings; off Mathewson, 1 in
one Inning; off Knetser, 8 In six Innings;
off Kent, none In . two Innings. Time:
2:35. Umpires. Brennan and EmsMs.
Phillies round the Ball.
BOSTON, July, 8.-Phlldelphla hit
oynO"os00l..H.DUa as7v0,..l O b
Hess hard In the seventh and eighth
innings today and pounded out a win
over Boston, 8 to 6. Score.
Fuktrt, ct..l 4 4 4 OMcDon-4, Ib I I 1 8 9
Lobtrt. lb... I 1 9 0 9Campbtll, cf 6 1 I 1 1
MtgM, If... I I 4 9 Ogwwntr, lb. 4 I I 4 9
Cravtth. rf .l I 1 6 (Kirks. If.... I 111!
Ludarw, lb. 5 1 6 1 ITItut, rf.... I 119 9
Kntba, Ib... I III OHouttr, lb.. I 1119
Doolta, M ..4 6 I I lO'R'urkt, 4 1 I I 6
Dooln, ...... I 6 7 1 ORtrtdra. e.. 4 9 I 9 1
Curtlt, p.... 9 9 9 1 9Hm, p I 6 119
l btlmsrt. Mil 1 9WD1U, p..,.. 9 6 6 1 6
Ehultt. ... 1 6 6 0 Dtvl!n 1 1 9 6 S
uownty ... 1 1 S S 0
Miller ..... 1 1 9 9 9 Tottli.
..17 11 IT II 4
Tottlt II II 1
Batter for Hess In eighth:
Batter for Curtis in third.
Batter for Chalmers In seventh.
Boston 3 1 0 0 0 9 0 1 05.
Philadelphia .... 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 3 0-8.
Two-base hits: Klrka. Paskert. MrOnn.
aid. Miller, Knabe. Three-base hits:
Sweeney, Lobert Crayath, wHlts; . Off
Curtis, 8 in 3 InnlnKs; off Chalmers.
2 In 4 innings; Schults, 4 in 3 Innings;
off Hess, 15 In 8 innings: off Whits.
none in 1 inning. Double plays: Doolan,
Knabe, Luderus: Campbell, Sweeney;
Chalmers, Knsbe, Luderus. Left on
bases: Boston, 11: Philadelphia, 11. First
bae on balls: Off Hess. 5; off White.
3; off Curtis, 1; off Chalmers, 2; oft
Schults, t First base on errors: Boston,
1: Philadelphia. 1. Hit by pitched ball:
By Schults, (Titus). Struck out: By
Hew, 2; by Curtis. 2; by Chalmers, 8:
by Schults, 2. Time: 2:15. Umpires:
Eason and Johnstone. . .
Aasley Wlaa In Twelfth,.
ANSLEV, Neb., July 3.-(Bpeclal.-Qne
of the fastest and most interesting ball
games witnessed on the home grounds
this season was played here Tuesday by
Ansley and Arcadia. The game went
twelve innings before the winning run
was scored by Ansley. Lewln started the
gams for Arcadia as mound artist, but
was knocked out of the box in the second
inning, when the home boys pounded him
out for seven scores. Duryea succeeded
him in the third and the game settlod
down to a pitchers' battle between him
ana Munn for Ansley, both teams sup
porting their pitcher with tight and fast
ball playing. Score:
Ansley ... 0700000000ft 1-8
Batteries: Ansley, Munn and Steele;
Arcadia, Lewln, Duryea and Wall. Um
pires; Lee and Coons. . . ;
- Mint Sat ton Win Match.
' CINCINNATI, July 3.-Mlss Mse Sutton
of Los Angeles, national champion, wrai
the first match In the trt-state tennis
tournament here today by defeating Miss
Ruth Klnsey of Cincinnati in two straight
Copyright 1912, National
Tigers Meet Defeat by Score of Eight
to Six.
Left Hantf , Thrower Mar Not Be
Persaaacatlr Disabled by Acci
dent to Right Member
Threo Two-Baggers.
DETROIT, July 8. Cleveland bit oppor
tunely today and defeated Detroit, 8 to 8.
Left Fielder Graney of the Cleveland
team fell while running to catch a short
fly and broke his right shoulder. Ha Is
a left-hand thrower and probably will
not be permanently disabled by the acci
dent Score; ,
AB.H.O.A.I. . AB.H.O.A E.
Orn.y, If... I 6 4 4 OVItt,' Ib 4 1116
Ryn. It I 116 CBuih. u 4 6 2 1 1
OUon, M.. .I 114 OCobb. et.....l't 7 0S
Jckon, rf.. 1 t 6 OCnwford. rf 5 I 1 0 6
UJole, lb... 4 I 61 ODe'htnty, If 4 116 9
Orlnt, lb... 6 16 6 Morlrty, lb I 4 I 0 ' 9
Euterly. S..6 1 I I SLooSan, lb.. 4 1 4 I I
B'n'him, cf 4 I 1 9 SSUpas. C..4 1116
Tunur, Ib... 4 111 9Work, p.... 9 0 9 1 9
Ktlr. p 4 6 0 6 lLk. 16 0 6
Blinding, p. 4 6 6 6 9Jons ...... 6 9 9 0 0
'Osinor ..... 9 o o 0
Totals 37 1127 11 1
- Totals 15 11 IT T I
Batted for Lake In the ninth.
Ran for Stanage In the ninth.
Cleveland 1 0 4 1 1 0 0 1 0-8
Detroit 0 0 1 1 0 0 ft 0 48
Two-base hits: Delehanty. ' Louden,
Griggs. Stolen bases: Crawford. Olson
(21 Grins. Turner. Sacrifice hit: Olson.
Struok out: By Works, 1; by Lake, 1;
hv KW. 2
First base on oaus: un
Works. 3; off Lake. 1; off Kaler, 6. Hits:
Off Works, s in two ana one-imra in
nings; off Lake, 6 Id six and two-thirds
innings; off Kaler -9 in eight Innings
(none out in ninth); off Blending, 2 in
one inning.- Double plays: Lajoie to
Griggs', Turner to Griggs. First base on
errors: Cleveland, 1. Left on bases: De
troit 8: Cleveland, 7. Passed ball Stan
age. Wild pitch: Kaler, Works (3), Lake,
Time: 8:04. 'Umpires: Dlneea and Sheri
dan. Senators Wia Twice. .
WASHINGTON, July, 8.-Washington
won both games of the double-header
tndav with New York. Shanks' triple
in the ninth inning scored the winning
ru In the first game, score, iirsi
Bhaftr. lb... 4 I I 1 ODtnltli. II..I I I 1 I
rotter, lb.. .4 111 ftLlttle, et....4 9. I 9 ft
Milan, ef.... 4 119 CSt.rrtt, lb.. 1119 9
Otndll, lb... 4 16 1 OZInn, rf 4 4 19 0
Wtlktr, rf.. I 1 t 9 OChtM, lb ... 4 1114
Shinkt. If... 4 1 4 0 0 Martin, ttlb 1 I I I 9
McBrlda. m. I 9 I I lBlumn. lb... I 10 11
Htnry, .... ! 9 7 1 OO'Dowd, St.. 9 9 9 1 0
Vtuthn, p.. .3 114 0 Street, 0....4 114 1
, Wtrhop, p... 9 6 19
Tottli 12 1 17 U 1 -
Total! 10 lM 11 1
Two out when winning run scored.
New York (0030ftft0 0-2.
Washington .... 00020000 13.
Three-base hits: Sterret. Vaugh. Three
base hits: Chase, Gandil, Bhanks. Stolen
bases: Daniels, Stump, Foster. Bases
on balls: Off Warhop, 1. 8truck out:
By Warhop, 1; by Vaughn, 7. Time,
1.65. Umpires: Evsns and Weatervelt.
Score, seoond game:
' - AB.H.O.A.I. V AB.H.O.A.B.
Mwlltr,- It.. I 1 6 9,0 Outfit. If.. I 1 1 9 1
Wtlktr, rf... I 116 OLtttlt, ef.... I 110 6
Fotttr, lb... I 111 OSttrrtt, lb... 4 9 11 0 1
Milan, ef.... I 1 I 6 IZInn. rt..... 4 1119
Otndll. lb... 4 16 1 OCbue, Ib... 4 113 9
Marias, lb.. I 118 OMtrtin, lb... I 9 6 16
bantu If... I 18 1 OO'Dowd. si.. 4 6 1 3 6
AtMmita. 0.4 3 11 4 llwoanty, .. I 1 7 I 4
JohstoD, p..l 1 1 9 9Flther. p.... 4 6 4 1 0
Mutter, p... 1 4416
Total U 4 14 11 8
ToUlt II 14 nit .. .
New York 010000100-8.
Washington ..,.04013161 10.
Two-base hits: Morgan, Ainsmlth.
Three-base hits: Johnson. Hiu: Off
Johnson, 6 In ft Innings; oft Mussel, 1
in 8 innings. Sacrifice hits: Shanks.
Bases on balls: Off Fisher. 3; off
Johnson, 1; oft Musser, 4. Struck out:
By Fisher, 5; by Johnson, 7; by Musser,
4. Time: 1:55. Umpires: Westervelt and
Athletic Rplae Pennant.
PHILADELPHIA. July 8.-By hitting
the ball hard and taking advantage of
the home team's errors. Boston won to
day, 7 to 8. Before the game there was a
bund concert and fireworks ana the
world's pennant which was won by
Philadelphia last fall, was raised after
a march across the field by the players
of the two teams. Score.
ABVl.O.Af. AB.H.O.A.B.
Heosw. rf...6 3 19 OLord. rt..... 116 9
Ytrktt. lb... I 1 1 I lOldrlns, cf.. I 6 3 6 1
Snatktr of., i lie E golllnt, Itl ( I I
Lfwll. II ... 4 6 4 4 Baker. Ib... I 9 14 9
Otrdntr, lb. 4 1 19 lMelnMi. It I 1 I II
etahl. lb.... I IT SStrunk. If... I 9499
Wasntr. at,. 4 I 9 I 1 Barry at.... I 9 16 1
Carrtfao. i,i I i I ILtpv. I 14 11
K. volllnt, ps 1 9 octomba. p. .. I s e 1 s
'Dtrrlck .... 1 9 9 9 9
ToUli.....tT 10 T I lEtn 1 4 6 9 6
' ToUlt S3 1 17 12 6
Batted for Lapp la ninth.
Batted for Coombs in ninth.
Boston .....ft ft 0 3 0 0 ft ft 47
Philadelphia ft 1100400 0-3
Two-base nits: speaker. K. couins.
Lord, Hooper. Three-base hit: Gardner.
Sacrifice hits: Oldrtng, Strunk. Sacrifice
fly. Baker. Stolen base: Wagner. Lsrt on
bases: Boston. 5; Philadelphia, 7. First
bare on balls: Oft R. Collins, 1; off
Coombs, 1 First base on errors: Boston.
3: Philadelphia. 1 Struck out: By R.
Collins, 4; by Coombs, 3. Time: 1:55. Um
pires: f.san ana o Lugnun.
Batted for Northrup la ninth.
Axtell Defeats Hlldreth.
AXTELL, Neb., July 8.-Special.)-In a
game of ball called in the eighth inning
on account of darkness Axtell defeated
Hildreth, 4 to t Both pitchers pitched
good ball, especially in tight places. 8core.
--. R.H.E.
Axtell 00040000-453
Hildreth 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0-3 t
Batteries: Axtell, Anderson and Bur
den; Hildreth,- Adams and Boasen. Struck
out: By Anderson, S; by Adams, 1 Base
on baits: Off Anderson, 3; off Adams, &
Umpires: Leafgreen and Wilson.
, Swar4 Banchcs Hits, .
YORK. Neb., July t-(Speclal Tele
gram,) Seward defeated York today 7 to
4 by bunching pits when hits meant runs.
Score:.- .' . ..
,'.; - ' - R.H.E.
Seward ..v... 10050000 1-7 1
York : 1 01000030-461
Batteries: Seward. Stanley and Camp-
neid; York, Osborne ana &tuy.
News Asia.
Ashenfelder Has a Trifle the Better
of Mcftnillin.
Gam Called Early in Ninth Inning
After lagertoa Clears Bases with
Triple Off Cook JThreo
Double Plays.
COLUMBUSi July 8. Ashenfelder was
a shade better than McQuillin this after-,
noon with runners on bases and Indian
apolis won, 2 to L After Ingerton had
cleared the bases in the ninth with a
triple off Cook the game was called to
allow the teams to catch trains and the
core reverted to what it was at the end
of the eighth. Score:
AB.H.O.A.I;. AB.H.O.A.B.
Woodruff, If I I 1 9 9Shlton, cf.. I 1 I 9 9
Gagnler. it.. I I I 1 OHlnchm'n, HI 1 1 9 6
O'Ltary, Ib. 4 1 I I OC'galton. rt. I 9 I 9 I
Instrtoa, ef . 4 I I 1 Otiuliwttt, rf. 1 9 9 6 6
McCtrtjr. rf. 4 1 1 9 IFirrlnt, lb.. 4 t 1 9 9
Dixon, rf....4 6 6 4 OMIIltr, lb... I 17 19
Hunttr. lb. 4 1 7 1 OO'R'urkt, 3b I 9 IB I
Wllllamt lb. I 6 I 1 OOtrber, ts... I 118 9
Cltrke. C....4 1 4 1 1 Smith. o....:4 1119
Aib'feldtr, 4 1 6 1 4 Mctjulllln, p 1 0 9 3 9
Ptektrd .... 9 6 9 0 6
" T0UI1.....H 11 14 I :McCont-y .1 6 6 6 6
Tottli II I 24 13 6
Batted for McQuillin in the eighth.
Columbus 0 0 ft 0 0 0 0 1 Ol
Indianapolis 10100000 '-3
Stolen bases: Shelton, Gagnler. Sacri
fice hit: Gagnler. Two-bse hit: Wood
ruff. Douable plys: Gerber to O'Rourke
to Miller, Clarke to Hunter. O'Leary to
Gagnler to O'Leary. Hit with pitched
ball: Miller. First base on balls: Off
McQuillin, 8; off Ashenfelder, 4. Left on
bases: Columbus, 10; Indianapolis, ft.
Tims: 1:45. Umpires: Cahlll and Irwin.
Sergeant Jackson of .
, Iowa Wins Bronze
Medal at Stockholm
, ... . .. - M, , .,- ; a;.s a , ...
STOCKHOLM. July 3.-The Individual
uompetitlon , in the clay, bird shooting
events In the Olympic games was con
tinued today, when the second stage was
concluded. The best aggregates scored in
the first and second rounds were made by
the Americans, A. F. Qleason of the
Boston Athletic association and J- R-
Graham of the Chicago Athletic associa
tion, with forty-seven out of, a possible
fifty birds.
In the shoot-off of the triple tie and
the 6,000-meter range In the Individual
army rifle shooting tht Americans lost
the gold medal by a single point. Col
ston, representing France, won with
ninety-one. ' Lieutenant Carl Tosburn, U.
8. N.t was awarded the silver medal with
a score of ninety and Sergeant E. Jackson
of Iowa the bronse medal, also with
ninety. ,
Orleans Blank Oxford.
ORLEANS. Neb.. July S.-The Orleans
Athletics shut Oxford out in a dull and
uninteresting game Tuesday. Score:
Orleans ...... 111000000-347
Oxford 0OO000O0O 030
Batteries: Orleans, Johnson and Car
roll; Oxford, Bloom and Grace. .
Four Fire Houses
Are Being Planned
for the City Force
Commissioner Wlthnel! will ask the
council to submit this fall the proposition
to vote 3100.000 bonds for the erection of
four fire houses at the following loca
tions: Sixteenth and Isard streets. Tenth
and Douglas streets, Eighteenth and
Harney streets and another probably In
downtown district His request will most
likely be granted.
The Commissioner has Inspected all the
fire houses In the my and found soma
of them In need of repairs which cannot
bo made with the present fund.
The fire house at Eighteenth and Har
ney streets Is costing 83,600 per year tor
rent. ' The commissioner believes it would
be to the Interest of the city to cut out
this Item by building a fire house. Firs
Chief Salter says In his opinion the peo
ple would vote bonds this year, although
they have been voted down by small mar
gins twice before. It Is necessary to
carry them by a two-thirds majority.
Mercury Bichloride -is
Taken by Mistake
r C L. O'Harra, a photographer living
at 1623 Burt Street, was feeling a bit out
of " kilter yesterday and he went" to
the medicine chest for relief. After it
was almost too lata he discovered that
he had swallowed bichloride of mercury
tablets. The police surgeons managed
to revive him. but not before, he was
In a dangerous condition..
Arguments Heard
in the Hull Case
... v
By agreement of counsel arguments on
the general demurrer of Mr. and Mrs
William R. McKeen to the suit of C. W
Hull for annulment of his abroony con
tract with Mrs. McKeen were taken up
before Judge Troup . yesterday. . The
arguments will consume the greater part
of Friday. - - . .
Persistent Aavertlsi ts the Ruad to
Big Rtturna.
for The Bee by
77 - I I I' V
Columbus Leads by One Vote, Mak
ing Three in last Inning.
Jastns Gathers la Nina Games Oat
of Twelve, and Last Contest
One of Mosf Exciting
1 of Them AU.
COLUMBUS. Neb , July 3.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Columbus won from Fremont
today In an exciting ninth Inning finish,
making the three runs needed to win.
Boyd started with a walk and E. Brown
doubled, sending Boyd to third. Metz
singled and scored both Boyd and Brown,
tying the score. Hargls, next up, dou
bled and scored Metz, winning the game.
Both Justus and Rouse were hit hard,
but Rouse weakened at the last. C. Pal
mer put the ball over the fence in the
first Inning for a home run. Heavy hit
ting In the second netted four runs for
the Pawnees. Features of the game were
catches by C. Palmer and E. Brown.
Justus has won nine games cat of
twelve. 'Score: - . ; -, ; , ' RH.E.
Fremont 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 2-8 13 2
Columbus 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 3-0 13 2
Batteries: Columbus, Justus and Har
rison; Fremont; Rouse, Neff and Bonner.
Two-base hits: E. Brown, B. Brown,
Hargis, Harrison, Henny (3).' Home run:
C. Palmer: Struck oue: By Justus, 9;
by Rouse, 8. Bases on balls: Off Justus,
2; off Rouse, 8. Umpire: Knowlton.
Kearney Wins Close One.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 8.-(Spe-
clal Telegram.) A walk, a sacrifice and
an error gave Kearney the only run
made In today's game In the sixth. Hits
were scarce and fielding sharp. The
locals found Lots for one safe hit and
he struck out thirteen. Hartman pitched
winning ball also. Just five hits were
made In the whole game. Score:' RH.E.
Kearnev .j...........0 0 0 0 0 100O1 4 1
Grand Island ..... .'.0 ft 0 0 ft 0 0 0 0-0 1 8
Bases on balhUd'Qff Lots, 2; off Hart-
man, 2. Struck out: By Lots, 13; by
Hartman, 6. Left on bases: Kearney, 5;
ttrand island, -1. Passed ball: - Gray.
first base on errors; Kearney.. 2: Grand
island, 1. Umpire: Nugent.
.' ' Hooalere if ay Veach.
PEORIA. July 8.-Outfielder Robert
Veach, Tor two y tars with the Peoria
club in the Three-1 league, today was
sold , to the Indianapolis club of the
American association, up to date veach
has hit about .346.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
A CoHttowd Story In Pieturu by "Fanan"mNo. 32
i .Jr8ufttitwr"Y r H CH ns,Jt A tWZSN). K g
(ffaJW ( Yo KNOW, TH) r
' Jfc'gfey v'i ttwv who sfc&
AHOI'lL f" - RUN8 TVift'OtO j htfik ..
KIU.ET HOTJNJVM - : , - V yWfu
" "V - i-ik S ORe! I KnovvA lffM i
"Two swallows do not make a spring."
Nevertheless, life takes on a more cheerfiil
, aspect when ones thirst 13 slacked by -
The Beer that hat earned Its high
beinj right Constant us of the
careful brewing; hare made this
case Mat to your home today.
bottled only by ths
W. C. HEVDEN, Manaser. OMAHA. NE3.
Phone Bell Deuslaa 621 ' AntoA-2344
CARL FURTH. Obliibutor, 716 South 18th Street
CCp the Pjr.c Cartoont.
Hal CoffmanB
Flynn's Backers Are Demanding ;
" , Odds of .Three ;to One. j' i
Negro Will Weigh Two Handre and j
Twelve at Ringside Flynn says !
He Will Weigh Haadred ' i
s' I
and Ninety.-' ;. u-,
EAST LAS VEGAS, July S.-Mors fight
enthusiasts arrived' today to witness tha
Johnson-Fly nn battle tomorrow; but the
main body of spectators will notf arrive
until tonight. , ', ' ' " ' '
it was extremely quiet at "the fighters'
camps today, Both men did a little light
work. Both were confident "of victory.
Lots of Johnson to win money at 2 to 1
is offered with few takers. The Flynn
supporters do not appear anxious to get ;
their money down at less than 3 to L
One freak bet, 80. to M, that Johnson j
will knock .Flynn. down before tha fourth
round Is recorded. . t ...v.,-. j
As to the round betting, the eleventh!
appears to be favored for tha termination
of the fight, probably because Johnson J
won In the eleventh round of , the last j
Johnson-Flynn ibout.. .i ; -'.-.; -! !: i
As an appetiser to the big show tomor
row, Stanley .Yoakum: of Dallas and
"Boer" . Unholse of Denver., , who fall
somewhere ' near the light-weight, class,
will try out promoter Curley's convass
walled arena tonight It is a scheduled
twenty-four bout It Is Johnson's plan to
nter the ring . tomorrow weighing ; 212 J
pounds. Flynn expects to fight at about J
190 pounds. ' "1 am going to win. Get J
down on that," he said today. ' '- ; , '. i
; LOS ANGELES, July S.-Wlth each ex-
scheduled fight at Vernon tomorrow, Ad.
Wolgast, champion light weight pugilist,
and Joe Rivers, the challenger, epenta j
quiet day.
Building permits tor the month of June j
reached the total sum of $596,845. For i
the first half of the year the buildings !
for which permits, were issued by the
building Inspection department amount
to 82.298,630, 6SS permits being issued. The ;
record for June this year shows nearly'.
$200,000 more expended for buildings than 1
the same month of 191L
position by always
best materials and
possible. Order a
Brewed, aged and
John Gund Brewing Cor
LaCrosseV Wis. ,v
Yoa will want th infirm sartW.
iQVCM OH TMfl J. '"
OLX MftN J ;.
"7 r-r-rjfc