Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Women's Summer Shoes
There's witchery in a pretty ankle
when the foot is properly shod.
Pumps, Oxfords and Button Boots in Buck
skin, Nubuck aud Sea Island Canvas, newest
in newest
fords and bootsevery pair a pretty bargain at every
price $3.00 to $6.00.
Store Closet during July and August at 3 o'clock, Saturdays
0 o'clock.
m TfOf nnonn
of Illinois marked the beginning of the
end. West Virginia joined hands with
Illinois in going ever to Wilson on the
forty-third ballot, the first cast today.
Wilson Gains Rapidly.
Wilson Jumped fronv his final vote of
494 last night te 60S on the first ballot
today. The figures told their own story.
The Wilson delegates war jubilant as
Chairmen James directed the second call
of the day, the forty-fourth of the con
vention. The most important change on
this ballot was in the Colorado delega
tion, which had been voting eleven tor
Clark and one for Wilson. This time
Colorado divided ten to two in favor of
Wilson. '
Altogether the ultimate nominee gained
twenty-seven votes On this ballot. Then
came the forty-fifth. It tu disappointing
In a way, for Clark held his own and
Wilson made a gain of only four.
' There were few In the hall at this time
who did not believe .Wilson would win,
but they feared .tt would take a long,
long while for him to attain the 725H
votes necessary to nominate. It was real
ized that there must be a decided break
in the Underwood vote, which had held
firm from the beginning, before any
man could win.
t'n-lerwood l Withdrawn.
- The forty-sixth ballot had been ordered
when Senator Bankhead of Alabama was
seen making his way to the stage. Word
flashed over the great armory that his
purpose was to withdraw Mr. Underwood
from the race, and release his delegates
to vote for whom they saw fit. The dele
gates, wearied by the long sessions of the
last week, realised all at once that this
was Indeed the climax. There was a con
fusion of cheering, applause and calls
from one delegation to another. .The gal
leries caught up the disorder, and add,
to the din. Senator Bankhead stood for.
a, long while' before he could proceed: He
bad uttered but a few words when the
meaning of hirremsiku became" clear and
fhere wr J rennt tntsrrupHotis :of a
aiause and, noisy, demonstrations. , ., , .
The only display of temper marking the
nominating session came rom the Mis
souri delegates. They demanded to know
of Senator Bankhead why Mr. Under
wood bad not withdrawn when Clark ap
peared to have a chance for the nomi
nation and accused the Underwood dele
gates of "faking." Senator Bankhead paid
no heed to the questions burled at him.
He said Mr. Underwood desired the suc
cess of his party above 'everything else
ana woma not Jena himself to any plan
to prevent a nomination. .
From the moment Seantor Bankhead
reached the platform the heavy drag
ging wheels of the convention machin
ery, which had been slowly turning over
and over again, accomplishing nothing,
Womart s Power
Over Man
Wmta'g aoat glorious endowment is the power
to awaken -and hold the para and honest love of a
' worthy nta. When the loses it and still loves on,
so one la the wide world can know the heart agony
she endures. .. The wemaa who suffers from weak
v- aest and derangement of her system, soon loses
her personal magnetism. Her general health suffers
and she loses her good looks, her smisbilitv end
: ZTuJILt Du' Pirc' of Buffa,' N' Y" ith iataaoe
el bis staff f able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thoeeends
of women. He has devised a suoeessiul remedy for woman's ailments. It
. is kaowa as Dr. Pierce's Fsvorite Prescription. It is a positive specific for
' l7!LT.? M?u,n, d,;or!?? Puliar to women. It purifies, regulates,
- strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers seU It. No fetus desler will advise
i Jou to accept a substitute in order to make e little larger profit.
Aft Maw's fYeesaer PvlUt ngultf as
war mvyonst.
The Gvil.War Through the Camera
' - JSravdjr Famous Chril War Photographs
m ,
XffejtfUAMl my rmwUm
v ' And Professor Elson's Newly Written
History of the Civil War
Cdafoa Good for Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
The Omaha Bee baa entered Into a great National publishing alll.
aace. whose object la to place in every American home the best
possible memento of the Civil Waras an education In patriotism.
-.Cot eat tne ooopoa
above, bring or aaad
it to the of Ilea of
tils aewepapes.
suBAD CAjtzjroxa.y
tory ot the great struggle, newly written by Prof. Henry W. Elson
of Ohio University, will be issued in sixteen sections, each comolets
in itself, and known as the CIVIL WAR THROUGH THE CAMERA.
The above coupon, U tee at race, la good for one section when accam
panted by an expense fee of TEN CENTS, to cover cost ot ma erial
handling, clerk hire, tie. By mall, three cento extra. Bring or' send
this Coupan-TODA-r-to-The Bee office. .
asts and models featuring large
ly Colonials with tongue and
buckles, Cuban heels, also the
mannish styles so popular with
.the younger set lower heels,
receding toes with flat bows.
too. these smart tans
patterned Dumps, ox
began to revolve with an energy that
meant results.
The Last Session.
Despite tha fact that the main business
of the connection, the nomination of a
presidential candidate, had been disposed
of, floor and galleries were filled tonight
for the final session of the democratic
national convention. The nomination of
a vice presidential candidate and the
adoption of the. platform framed by the
subcommittee of the resolutions commit
tee, of which William J. Bryan is chair
man, were the duties remaining to be
performed by the convention which had
been in session since last Tuesday. But
a resolution framed by Bryan to allow
the candidate to name his own campaign
committee promised trouble.
The delegates, tired of the dull routine
of four days of balloting for a presi
dential candidate, were on hand early,
anxious to dispose of the work that was
still to be done. The choice of a vice
presidential candidate was the first prob
lem confronting the convention today.
The . delegates were tired. When the
hour for the convening of the session
arrived several delegations had not taken
their places. All the aggressiveness that
marked the previous sessions was gone
and the delegates wars In a mood to
finish things with a rush.
As the convention met, vice presidential
gossip was given an impetus by the cir
culation of a report that Champ Clark
would be willing to accept second place
on the ticket.
Despite the crowd that filled the hall,
the police regulations were greatly re
laxed. On the floor there was almost as
many women as there were delegates.
Hound Dor- for Wilson.
The New Jersey delegates, enthusiastic
over their afternoon's victory, cheered
Wilson and Bryan imparttallywafter they
took thelr'ieats. They also sang parodies
on various popular songs for both Wilson
nd Clark. .In return, a Missouri delegate
from across the aisle yelled "The noun'
dawg is for Wilson now." " y,v-
Thereupon the New Jersey delegation
cheered. Wilson buttons were pinned on
tha lapels of the Missouri delegation and
there was a general love feast between
New Jersey and Missouri.
Tha Maryland delegation began to
sing "Maryland, My Maryland," and
those on the floor and lri the galleries
arose. A chorus of songs of every kind
followed and the convention seemed to
have entered upon a long delayed "era
of good feeling."
The "Clark for vice presidsnt", boom
grew stronger despite a statement by the
Clark managers that he would not ac
cept tha vice presidential nomination.
Fred J. Lynch of Minnesota who was
tnagthtn Stomach, Ltrtr tmS
n nim-i
fthtU, 3. Wmr Dnmrtmu)
and also in order to celebrate fittingly the
semi-centennial of that momentous period.
We have secured the rights in this city for
the famous Brady photographs, taken 6n the
actual fields of battle, and lost for many
years. These historic scene, with fuii
closely associated with tne late Gov
ernor Johnson of Minnesota was also
mentioned as a vies presidential possi
The names of Governor Marshall ot
Indiana and Governor Burke of North
Dakota were also heard tn this connec
tion. ...
William X Bryan entered the hall while
political and patriotic ' songs were still
being sung and they were interrupted
by the cheers that greeted Bryan.
Bryan Against Marshall.
Bryan took his seat with the Ne
braska delegation and Immediately be
came the center of a group of delegates
anxious to congratulate him. It became
apparent as the Bryan advisers left 'his
side and mingled with the 'Wilson dele
gates on the floor that CKhrernor Mar
shall of Indiana would not have the
support of the Bryan-Wilson . rorces for
the vice, presidential nomination. Bryan
let it be known that he did not believe
Marshall would be a strong candidate.
At 9:35 p. m. Chairman James called
the convention to orde.
Order was restored and the Rev. Carl
ton D. Harris of the South Methodist
Episcopal church of Baltimore delivered
the invocation.
Immediately after the prayer Chair'
man James announced:
"Nominations of candidates for the
vice presidency of the United States are
now In order."
The roll call began. Alabama passed.
Arizona had no name to present. Call
fornia, Colorado, Connecticut and Dela
ware passed.
, H. , H. Dean of Georgia mounted the
platform to make the first nomination.
- "We want to nominate a really great
man" he shouted.
From all over all the hall came cries
of "Clark. Clark. Clark."
For several minutes Dean continued
amid shouts of "Name your man." ,
When he finally placed Clark In nom
ination, a -yell sounded through the hall.
Dockery Declines for Clark.
Meantime the leaders were exerting
every effort to reach Clark by telephone.
After Dean concluded, former Governor
Dockery of Missouri hurried to the plat
form to decline the nomination for Clark.
, "The Hon. Champ Clark has decided
he cannot accept the office of vice presi
dent," said Dockery. "Champ Clark did
not reach this conclusion out of pique.
He la as loyal to the democratic party
and to its nominee, Wood row Wilson, as
he ever was. Speaker Clark, simply pre
fers to remain in his present place or
remain a simple member ot the house of
As Dockery concluded Idaho yielded to
North Dakota and former Senator Pur
cell placed Governor Burke In nomina
tion. Mr. PurccU characterised Governor
Burke as a "progressive of progressives."
He asserted Governor Burke would draw
many progressive republican votes to the
democratio ticket
Idaho . seconded the nomination of
Samuel Alschuler of Illinois took tha
platform and nominated Elmore W.
Hurst ot Illinois.
A motion to limit nominating speeches
to five minutes and seconding speeches to
three minutes went through by acclama
tion. ,
G. F. Msnslee of Indiana then took the
platform and nominated Governor
Thomas R. Marshall.
Wade Refuses.
Henry Volmer of Iowa nominated Mar
tIn"J Wade. He urged ''Wilson and
Wade" as s ticket that would sweep the
country. ,..,. '
Mr. Wade himself followed Mr. Volmer
and declared he did not want the place.
He seconded the nomination ot Governor
. Kansas seconded the nomination of
Burke and Louisiana that of Governor
Alonso T. Miles of Maryland placed
Mayor James Preston of Baltimore in
After Mills concluded, A. Mitchell Pal
mer, Wilson's manager, asked unanimous
consent that the consideration of the
vice presidential nomination be suspended
and the report of the committee on reso
lutions received and acted upon. Unani
mous consent was obtained and Chairman
Kern ot the resolutions committee read
the platform.
He had scaroely begun when there was
a general movement to leave the hall.
It was several minutes before the busi
ness could proceed and the police were
kept busy clearing the aisles. When
order was restored Senator Kern resumed
the reading of the platform.
Platform Adopted.
The reading of the report of the com
mittee on resolutions consumed nearly
an hour. It was listened to with careful
attention. When the reading was con
cluded Senator Kern moved the adoption
of the report, which was done by viva
voce vote.
Governor Brewer of Mississippi offered
the formal resolution giving the thanks
of the convention to National Chairman
Norman T.. Mack and National Secretary
urey wooason. It was passed without
debate. The other customary resolutions
approving the convention committees
were also adopted.
A series of resolutions praising Balti
more, Mayor Preston, the police and fire
departments, the hotels and practically
everything elss in Baltimore were put
through. The delegates grew restless and
Alexander D. Pitts of Mississippi yelled:
"Walt Just a minute." said Chairman
James. "1 am afraid somebody will pre
sent a resolution thanking the taxlcab
companies' " retorted Pitts, and the dele
gates who had dickered with taxi drivers
tor more than a week roared approval.
A Delaware delegate caught the snlrtt
of the occasion and moved that the
thanks of the convention to the Seventh
ward democratic club of Baltimore. The
Seventh ward club had conductsd open
house for the delegates ana the resolu
tion was adopted amid laughter.
Nomination aln Taken I'p.
When tha vice presidential nominations
were sgaln taken up it was after mid
night Michigan seconded the nomination of
Governor Marshall. Minnesota seconded
Governor Burke.
Mississippi seconded Marsnall. Missouri
passed. Montana seconded Burke.
Nebraska through Delegate C. J. Smith
of Omaha, seconded Governor Burke.
Several states passed and then "Alfalfa
BUI" Murray of Oklahoma seconded
Judge Will R. King of Oregon offered
In nomination Senator George E. Cham
berlain of thst state. Senator , John
Sharp Williams of Mississippi seconded
the nomination of Senator Chamberlain.
Pitta ot Alabama protested there would
soon be more candidates than delegates,
but the call of states proceeded.
When Pennsylvania wu reached the
state had no candidate. It then became
apparent that the plan to have Repre
sentative Palmer renominate Speaker
Clark would not be carried out
. It waa apparent thst the real tight tor
the vice presidency rested between Gov
ernor Burke and Governor Marshall of
Indiana. The states seconding the nomi
nations of the two' governors were about
equally divided. " "
Bryan Named.
When the District of Columbia was
reached, one of the delegates rose and
proposed William J. Bryan as a vice
presidential candidate. A roar swept the
hall as the name was mentioned.
Bryan, sitting quiet in his seat in the
Nebraska section was immediately sur
rounded by a group of supporters urging
him to speak. For a time he refused, sit
ting unmoved in the midst of the storm
of disorder. But the uproar Increased,
and finally Bryan climbed upon his
Robert E. Mattlngly was the delegate
from the District of Columbia who pro
posed the nomination of Mr. Bryan.
In doing so he said: ..
"Many prominent democrats have been
mentioned to this magnificent conven
tion, but the greatest of all has not been
named. We want victory with Wilson in
November next, and whoever we nomi
nate, I now predict that victory will be
ours; but to make assurance doubly sure,
let us nominate that great exponent of
democracy, William J. Bryan of Ne
braska. (Prolonged cheers.)
Valedictory Addresa.
Colonel Bryan came to the platform
and In declining the nomination seconded
the nomination of Governor Burke of
North Dakota and Senator Chamberlain
of Oregon. His address follows:
"Mr. Chairman and members of the
Convention: Tou have been so generous
with me In the allowance of time that I
had not expected to transgress on your
patience again, hut the compliment that
has been paid me by the gentleman from
the District of Columbia justifies, I hope,
a word In the form of a valedictory. t (Ap
plause.) -; .
"For sixteen years I have been a fight
ing man. Performing what I regarded
as a publio duty I have not hesitated to
speak out on every public question that
waa before the people ot the nation for
settlement and I have not hesitated to
arouse the hostility and the enmity of
Individuals where I felt it my duty to do
so on behalf ot my country. (Applause.)
"I have never advocated a man except
with gladness and I have never opposed
man except in sadness. (Cheers and
"If I have any enemies in this country,
those who are my enemies have a monop
oly of hatred. There Is not a single
human being for whom 1 feel hatred.
(Applause.) Nor Is there one American
cltlsen In my own party or any other
that I would oppose for anything except
believed that in not opposing him I
was surrendering the interests , of my
country, which I hold above any person.
I recognize that a man who fights
must carry scars (applause) and I de
cided long before this campaign com
menced that I had been in so many bat
tles and had alienated so many that my
party ought to have the leadership of
one who had not thus offended and who
thus might lead with greater hope ot
victory. (Applause.)
' Snrrenders Standard.
"And tonight I come with Joy to sur
render into the hands of the one chosen
by this convention a standard which I
carried in three campaigns and I chal
lenge my enemies to declare that it has
ever been lowered in the face of the1
enemy. (Great applause and . cheering.)
"The same belief that led me to prefer
another for the presidency ;rather than
to .be a candidate myself-leads me 'to
prefer another rather than to be a candk
date myself.'. ".v.". f-'V
It la not because the vice presidency
lower in Importance than the presi
dency that I decline. There is no office
in this nation so low that I would not
take it If I could serve my country by
accepting it. (Great applause and cheer
ing.) "I believe that I can render more service
to my country when I have not the em
barrasament ot a nomination and have
not the suspicion Of a selfish interest,
more service than I could as a candidate
and your candidates will not be more
active In this campaign than I shall be.
(Great applause and cheering.)
"I shall therefore conclude what I have
to say to you aftsr thanking you for the
very generous treatment that I have re
ceived at your . hands. Let me In con
clusion second the nomination, not of
one man, hut of two men, Governor Burke
of North Dakota and Senator Chamber
lain of Oregon." ,
First Vote Scattered.
The ballot showed a widely scattered
vote and it was apparent early In the
roll call that there would be no nomina
tion on the first ballot Generally the
anti-Bryan delegates were Inclined to
support Marshall, but the lines were not
sharply drawn.
The Indlanlan took the lead, however,
from the start and many of the Wilson-
Bryan slate cast their votes for him.
The straight Wilson vote generally went
to Burke or Chamberlain. New York
gave Marshall ninety votes. Illinois'
fifty-eight on this ballot went to Elmore
W. Hurst a native son. Missouri gave
Mayor Preston of Baltimore a vote of
The first ballot on the vice presidential
nomination was: Marshall, 389; Burke.
105; Chamberlain. 1ST. The remainder
of the vote was scattered among native
The result of the second ballot was an
nounced: Marshall, 645'i; Burke, 387; Chamber
lain, 12H.
Representative Hughes of New' Jersey
moved that Marshall be nominated by
acclamation, but a chorus ot dissent fol
lowed. Burke Withdraws.
Chairman James ordered the roll called.
Before the roll call could be begun the
North Dakota delegation withdrew the
name of Governor Burke and moved that
the nomination ot Marshall be made
Before the motion could be put there
was a chorus ot "ayes" and the delegates
began to crowd out of the hall.
No one heard the motion to adpourn
or James' announcement that the conven
tion was adjourned sine die.
The motion was declared carried at
1:66 and the democratio convention was
A Life Sentence
ot suffering with throat and lung trouble
Is quickly commuted by Dr. King's New
Discovery. POc and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Colorado's Greatest Scenlo Mountain
Resort There la not a spot comparable
for both wild rugged glory and the vel
vet parklike beauty here, whera one
finds the Rocky mountains at their best
At the 8tanley Hotels you will fiad ail
modern conveniences and comforta that
you will find in the best city hotels.
Plenty of diversion for old and young;
trout fishing, tennis, golf, bawling, bil
liards Surrey, horseback and sutorto
bile rides over many mountain ttalls un
der the care ot experienced guides. Write
for beautiful Illustrated souvenir book
let ALFmiD lAMBON, uunager,
Estea Yaxs. Cole.
Saturday, July 6, beginning at 9 o'clock
we will offer your unrestricted choice of all our Women's
and Misses' Cloth and Linen Suits
regardless of former selling price,
cost or value for only . . , . . . .
Thie Will Be
every tailored suit
that sold up to $45.00 will be included.
Wait for this suit bargain event andi
don't miss it. Watch all Omaha Friday
evening papersf for more particulars.
O fi??n II R1
(Continued from First Page.)
sail boat and launch and canoe races in
the afternoon. A base ball game will be
played In the afternoon and In the even
ing a banquet will be followed by an in
formal dance.
Golf will be the big attraction at nearly
all the Omaha clubs. At the Happy Hol
low club there will be a bogey flag con
test for prise given by F. M. Cox and
W. R. Mulvlhlll. Approaching and put
ting contest, two prists. At the Country
club a blind bogey contest will be held,
with a dinner, dance and fireworks dis
play in the evening. The Field dub will
have a card ot golf and tennis la addi
tion to a dance and dinner.
Cricket at Miller Park.
A program at Miller park will be headed
by a cricket match between two teams
of the Omaha Cricket club, captained by
George and Will Vaughan. The match
will be called at 11 o'clock and will last
throughout the entire day.
Just across the river the Omaha Gun-
club will hold a Jack rabbit shoot About
v. - "i
fifty members of the club are expected,
to take part in this event Money to the
amount of 1 cent a target will be added
by the club.
Community Celebrations.
Prairie parkers will hold a great, big
test for the children. The program will
start at 4 o'clock in the morning with
military salutes, to be followed by prom
enades in the morning and base ball and
athletic games in the afternoon.' In the
evening speakers will hold the attention
of the celebrants until it becomes 'dark
enough to send off the fireworks.
The residents of Harney street, bet ween
Thirty-third and Thirty-fifth streets who
pulled off a sate and sane Fourth demon
stration , last year .. will duplicate their
stunt on a larger ' scale t this year. . A
parade of . the children dressed to rep
resent persons of note during colonial
Financial Statement
. " OF '
Loans on improved real estate. . .96,506,792.18
Real estate and gales on contract
Foreclosure account
Office building and ground
Cash and in banks. .......
e fti
INCREASE IN BUSINESS past twelve months....
Dividends for said period -I
Addition to reserve in said period.
Total earnings since organization
Total dividends allowed since organization
Present reserve and undivided profit account. . . . . .'
Number of real estate loans made during past year . ........ . . .
Building loans (mainly homes) past year. ........ .
Loans for purchase of homes past year.. ......... ... ......... 1
The past year has been one of the most successful in the history of The Conservative Savings .
ft Loan Association. Its assistance in the purchase or erection of homes in "Greater Omaha"
during the past ten years has exceeded the most 1 sanguine " expectations of its directors ' and
friends. , ' ' . . . ' " '
In order to aid the Association in holding its best home loans and to enable it to secure
others of a high grade, the Board of Directors at their June meeting ; ordered the interest rate to
borrowera reduced October 1, 1912, from 60c per month per $100.00 to 65s per month per
$100.00 loaned. The Conservative has money to loan on Improved or to improve real estate at v
the lowest rate ot interest of any association In the city. Payments per month per $1,000 bor
rowed, from October 1st next on, will be $10.50 on all new loans.
Full information relative to this reduction may be secured at the Association office 1614
Harney Street ' ' ' -
George F. Gilmore, President
P. W. Kuhns, Secretary and Treasurer.
-William Baird, Counsel.
E. A, Benson, Real Estate. ...
A. W. Bowman, Retail Shoes. '
Randall K. Brown ot Coal Hill Coal Co.
Robert Dempster,' Director City Nat Bank.
John F. Flack, President City Nat Bank.
Charles C George, Investment Securities,
Our Final Sale and'
in our great stock
'"1 51 0 Douglas Street
times will be held and a program of
speakers. In the evening fireworks will
be set off. '
Pop-Pops Go to Blair.
The members of the Ak-Sar-Ben' Motor
cycle club, ot Omaha will go to Blair on
their pop-pops, leaving Sixteenth and
Farnam streets at 10 o'clock In the morn
ing. At Blair they will be the guests of
the Blair Motorcycle club' at" a dinner
and thirst-quenching contest and later In
the day will take In the big celebration
which has been arranged by the citizens
of that enterprising little town.
Plcnle at Rlverrtew.
A basket picnic, held under the auspices
of the pioneer settlers and residents of
Omaha, Is to be the feature ot the Fourth
ot July. It Is not to be a noisy celebra
tion in any sense ot the word, but Just
a quiet affair to which all who care to
Identify themselves with . revering the
early days In Omaha are invited. The
picnic will be held in Rlvervlew park and
at a point near the pavilion. It will start
at 2 o'clock.
R. 8.. Williams Is general chairman ot
the picnic committee. The Declaration
of Independence will be read by Mrs. R.
a,, jncjveivy, ana zouowing tnts tnere win
v. . mimher nf ,Y,r.M Tj, h-
day there will be numerous races, a ball
game and various amusement features.
So far as the dinner Is concerned It will
be on the basket order, each visitor fur
nishing his or her own.
There Will be plenty of muslo and, be
sides the lnrtrumental, there will be
twelve vocal selections by the German
Singers' society, 300 men and women tak
ing oart. The prdgram will start with
the Alpine march song, followed by the
"Song of the Minstrels," both by a mixed
ch6ms. Then there will be the waits
song by the women ot the Concordia so
ciety, folloye,dhytjhe other numbers,
which; will be:-Bhjpe song, mixed chorus;
march song, male chorus; singers' harp,
Concordia society; recognition song,
mixed chorus; o. Beauteous "Time;"
male; Wanderlust, Concordia; -"Spring
& Loan Association
of Omaha
July 1, 1912 .....
Capital stock paid in and divi.
' dends added thereto.
Incomplete building loans
Reserve fund ......
Undivided profits ..
f 7,247,007.28
Byron R. Hastings Rea? Estate. :
' J c Robinson, Wholesale Seeds. Watrloo,' Neb. '
J. A, Sunderland, President 8underland Bros Co.
H. A. Thompson of Thompson, Belden & Co.
A. P. Tukey, Real Estate.
C. M. Wilhelm of Orchard ft Wilhelm Carpet Co.
j J. H. McMillan, Assistant Secretary."
J. A Lyons, Assistant Secretary. -
Zephyrs," mixed, everybody Joining la'
the closing, which will be one of the
patriotic selections. '
At the circus grounds, Twentieth and'
Paul streets, the Redmen'e carnival' will '
be on full tilt and it will no doubt' be .
attended by vast throngs desirous .'of
taking in the many amusements.",', , .
Glorious DlT at Sonth Omihl. .
School children, city officials, trades
men and fraternal bodies have combined
for a Fourth of July celebration at
South Omaha. The South Omaha Booster
club has arranged for a big parade and
many other features to entertain the '
public during the day and evening.
Pierce will deliver an. Independence day
Oration. Thousands of little cornucopias
filled wtlh candy and firecrackers will
DA distributed to tha nnnr cnllrirn. Tha
day will be. a glorious, one is South
Parks Are Ready.
Commissioner Joe B. Hummel has put
the parks of the city in readiness for -the
celebration of the Fourth. Temporary ,
pavilions, benches, seats and swings have
been placed in many of them, whore
picnic parties or formal celebrations will,
be- held.. ; . ,
Base ball will be played at Fontanel!
park. Picnicking parties will also gather
there; Hanscom park will be crowded'
wtlh large picnic parties, which wHl sep-,
arately celebrate the day.
WASHINGTON; Jjily 3. The. senate tor
day agreed to the joint resolution appro.;
prlatlng .S1.35fl,000i tor the... encampment
and :ma.n.euera .ethe organises1.: mlliti,,
of the states. . , The, appropriation j was , pv-,
Iginally : injjtha army bill,,, which was.
vetoed. The resolution now goes to the;,
president. ;.- ,
. 258,693.04 i
. 185,000.00
. 21,062.09
'.' . . . . . . "' 206,982.99
. . . 1,451