Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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J '
Advanced Tiewi : oni ; JinumeraMe
: Subjects Presented. '
' Reaffirms Old Democratic Doetria
of Tariff tor ReTemae Oal
' ConfMeaee. Expressed : in .
latecrltr ot Jadsee,
" BALTIMORE, July 1-Followtn is the
platform adopted by the democratic con
vention Tuesday night: -t
. .We, ! the 'representative! of the demo
el a tic party of the United States In na
tional convention 'assembled,- reaffirm
"our devotion to the principle! of demo
cratic government formulated by Thomas
Jefferson and' enforced , by a long and
illustrious line of democratic presidents.
' ;: Tariff Reform,
j We declare it to ; be 1 a fundamental
principle of the democratic party that
the federal . government under the con
stitution has no right: or power to Im
pose or collect tariff duties except for
the purpose of revenue, and we demand
that the collection of such taxes shall
be limited to the necessities of govern
ment , honestly . and economically admin
Merei. ' ;: . '' ' ' ' ' "
The high republican tariff Is the prin
cipal 'cause of the unequal distribution
of ' wealth; .It .to a system of taxation
whlciv mates the rich richer and the poor
poiore; ; under its operation the American
farmer and laboring man are the chief
sufferers; it raises the cost of the neces
tarlei of life to them, but does not pro
tect their product or wage., ' The farmer
sells largely In tree markets, and buys
almost entirely In the protected markets.
li the most highly protected Industries,
such as cotton and wool,' steel and Iron,
the wages of the laborers are the lowest
pa Id in . any of our Industries. . We . de
nounce the republican pretense' on that
subject that American .wages are estab
lished by .competitive conditions and not
by the tariff,--. .' - .
,We favor the immediate downward re
vision of the existing high, and in many
cases, prohibitive, tariff duties, insisting
that material , reductions . be . speedily
reads upon -the necessaries of . life. Ar
ticles of 'American manufacture, which
are sold abroad more cheaply than , at
tome, should be put upon the free list'
- We realise that our system of tariff
taxation Is Intimately connected with the
business" of the "country and we favor
(he ultimate .'attainment of ' the princi
ples we advocate by legislation that will
hot Injure' or destroy .legitimate-- Indus
try. .We 'denounce the action of Presi
dent TafVln , vetoing the bills to reduce
the tariff "in cotton, woolen, metal and
tVmlcal echedules and the farmers' tree
list, all of which were designed, to give
Immediate relief to, toe. masses from the
exactions of the trustsj
' .. .The republican - party, while promising
Jirlff revision, has shown by Its tariff
legislation that such revision Is not to
fee Id the people'! .Interest, and having
been faithless to its pledge of . 1908, It
should- no longer enjoy the confidence
of the nation.- We appeal to the American-people
to .support us in our demand
tpr a tariff for revenue only.., ' ;
.,f he high cost of living is a serious prob
lem in every American home, The repub
lican party In its platform attempts to
escape from responsibility for present con
ditipns by denying that they are due to
protective tariff, We take Issue with
it on this subject and charge that ex
cessive prices result In a large measure
from the high tariff laws enacted and
maintained by the republican party and
from trusts and commercial conspiracies
fostered and encouraged by such laws and
we tfsserl that no substantial relief can
be secured for the people until Import
duties on the necessaries of life are ma
terially reduced and these criminal con
spiracies broken up. v. I
" - Antl-Trast'law.
. A. private monopoly is Indefensible and
Intolerable. We therefore favor the vigor
ous enforcement of the criminal as well
as the civil law against trusts and trust
officials, and demand the enactment ' of
such additional legislation as may be
necessary' to make It Impossible for a pri
vate monopoly -to exist. In. the 'United
, States. We favor the declaration by law
of the conditions upon which corporations
shall be permitted to engage in Interstate
trade,' including among others the preven
tion of holding companies, of Interlocking
directors, of stock watering, of discrim
ination In price and the control by any
one corporation of so large a proportion
of any Industry as to make It a menace
to 'Competitive conditions. -
We' condemn the' action of: the repub
, Mean administration In compromising with
Hhe Standard Oil company, and the To
bacco trust and Its failure to Invoke the
criminal provisions of the anti-trust law
gainst the officers of those corporations
after the court had declared that from
' the undisputed tacts In. the record they
had violated the criminal provisions of
the law. , " - .
We regret that the Sherman anti-trust
law -has. received a' Judicial construction
depriving '. it of much of Its - efficiency
and we favor the enactment of legislation
which will . restore to the statute the
strength of which it has been deprived
by such Interpretation. ' r' t
O' Bights of the States.
-We , believe In . the preservation and
maintenance In their full strength and In
tegrity of the three co-ordinate branches
of the. federal governmentthe executive.
the legislative and the Judicial each keep
ing within -its own bounds and not en
croaching upon the Just power of either
' of the others.,'.- ?; . . "J-;. : m'.
Believing tnat the most efficient ire-
suits, .under .our system of government
are tobe, attained by. the full exercise
by the states of their reserved sovereign
powers, we denounce as usurpation the
efforts of our opponents to deprive the
states of : any of the . rights , reserved to
them and- to enlarge nd magnify by
Indirection the powers of the federal
government. , . '
We Insist upon the full exercise of all
the- powers of the government, both state
gnd national, to protect the people from
Injustice at the bands 'of those who sets;
to make the government a private asset
Jri business. .There Is no twilight sons
between the nation and the state in which
exploiting Interests can take refuge from
b!th. It Is necessary 'that the federal
government exercise the powers reserved
to t, but, we Insist. that federal ' reme
dies for the regulation' of interstate com
merce and for the prevention of private
monopoly shall be added to and not sub
bituted for state remedies. i ... . f .
Iieea TM ui Petalar Election.
; .We congratulate the country upon the
triumph of , two Important reforms de
rounded in . the last .national platform.
sftmely, . the amendment of : the . federal
constitution' authorising i an Incomo tax
and the amendment providing tor, the
popular election of senators,- and we call
ttpon the people of all the states to rally
to , the support of the pending proposl
tionsr and serure their ratification.
.We note with gratification the unanl
mous sentiment in favor of publicity be
fore the election, of campaign contribu
tionsa measure demanded in our na
tional platform of 1908 and at that time
opposed by the republican party and we
commend the democratic house of repre
sentatives for extending the doctrine of
publicity to recommendations, verbal and
written, -upon which presidential appoint
ments are made, to the "ownership and
control of newspapers and - to the ex
penditures 'made by and' on .behalf of
those who aspire to presidential nomina
tions, and we point for additional 'justi
fication for this legislation to the enor
mous expenditures of money in behalf
of the president and his predecessor In
the i recent . contest for. the republican
nomination for president.
"Presidential PrimsLHes.
The movement towards more popular
government- should be promoted through
legislation In each state which will per
mit the expression of the preference of
the electors for national candidates at
presidential primaries. .
We direct that the national committee
incorporate In the call for the. next nom
inating convention a" requirement that
all , expressions of ' preference for . presi
dential candidates shall be given and the
selection of delegates - and alternates
made -through a -primary election con
ducted by the party organisation in each
state where such expression and elec
tion are not provided for by state laws
Committeemen who are hereafter to con
stitute the . membership of the ' demo
cratic national .committee . and - whose
election to not provided for by law shall
be-chosen In each state at such, primary
elections and the service and authority
of committeemen, however chosen, shall
begin Immediately upon the receipt of
their credentials respectively.
Campaign Cootrlbatlons.
We pledge the democratic party to. the
enactment of a law prohibiting any cor
poration from . contributing to a cam
paign fund and any Individual from con
tributing any amount above a reasonable
maximum. . ' .
. f , . . -f ....... .
Term of President. .
We favor a single presidential term
and to that end urge the adoption of an
amendment , to the constitution making
the president of the United States in
eligible for re-election, : and we . pledge
the candidate of this convention to this
principle. . , '
. Democratic Congress.
At this, time, when the republican party
after a generation of unlimited power
In its control of. the federal government,
Is rent Into factions. It Is opportune to
point to the -record of accomplishments
of the democratic house of representa
tives In the Sixty-second congress. We
endorse ita action and we challenge com
parison of its record with, that of any
congress "which has 'been controlled by
our opponents. r
We call the attentionof the-patriotic
clttxehs of our country to its record of
efficiency, r economy and constructive
legislation. , -
It' has, among other achievements, re
vised the rules of the house of representa
tives so as to give to the representatives
Of , the' American people freedom of
speech and of action in advocating, pro
posing and perfecting remedial legislation.
It has passed bills for the relief of the
people and the development of our coun
try; It has endeavored to revise the tariff
taxes downward in the Interest of the
consuming masse and thus to reduce the
high cost of living. -
Jt has proposed an amendment to the
federal constitution providing for the elec
tion of United States senators by the di
rect vote of the people.
It has secured the admission of Artsonfc
and New Mexico as sovereign states.
It has required the publicity of cam
paign expenses both before and after
election and fixed a limit upon the elec
tion expense of United States senators
and representatives.
It has also passed a bill to prevent
abuse of the writ of injunction.
It- has passed a law establishing an
eight-hour day ,for worklngmen on all
national public work.
It has passed a resolution which forced
the president to take immediate steps to
abrogate the Russian treaty.
And it has passed the great supply bills
which lessen i waste and extravagance and
which reduce the annual expenses of the
government by many millions of dollars.
We approve the measure reported by
the democratic tleader In the house et
representatives, creation of a council of
national defense which will determine a
definite naval program with a view to
increased efficiency and , economy., The
party that proclaimed and has always
enforced, the Monroe doctrine and was
sponsor for the new navy will continue
faithfully to observe the constitutional re
quirements to provide and .maintain an
adequate and well proportioned navy suf
ficient to defend American policies,, pro
tect our cltisens and uphold the honor and
dignity of the nation. :
Republican Extravagance.
We denounce the profligate waste of
the money wrung from the people by op
pressive taxation through the lavish ap
propriations of ' recent republican - eon
greases, which have kept taxes high and
reduced the , purchasing - power of the
people's toll." We demand a return to
that simplicity and economy which befits
a democratic government, and a reduc
tion in the number of useless offices, the
salaries of .which drain the substance of
the people. . ' . , . x
We favor the, efficient supervision and
rate' regulation of railroads, express com
panies, telegraph and telephone lines en
gaged in - Interstate commerce. To this
end we recommend the valuation of rail
roads, express companies, telegraph and
telephone lines by the Interstate Com
merce commission,' such valuation to take
Into consideration the physical value of
the property, x the original cost, the cost
of reproduction, and any element of value
that will render the valuation fair and
Just. -
We favor such legislation as wilt effec
tually prohibit the railroads, express,
telegraph and telephone companies from
engaging ; In. business which brings them
Into competition with the shippers or pat
rons; else legislation- preventing the over
issue of shocks-end bonds by Interstate
railroads, k express companies, telegraph
and telephone lines, and legislation which
will assure such a reduction in transpor
tation rates as conditions will permit, care
being taken to avoid reduction that would
compel a reduction of wages, prevent ade
quate service, or do injustice to legitimate
, Banking . Legislation.
We oppoee the so-called Aldrich bill, or
the establishment ot a central bank and
we believe the people of the country will
be largely freed from panic and conse
quent,, unemployment and business de
pression by. such a systemetio revision of
our banking laws as will . render tern
porary relief In localities where such
relief to needed, with protection from con
trol or domination bj' .what Is known as
the money trust.
Banks 'exist tor the accommodation of
the 'public, and' not - for ' the control of
business. All the legislation on the sub
ject of banking and currency should have
for Its purpose the securing of these ac
commodations .on terms of absolute se
curity to the public and-of complete pro
tection from the misuse of the power
that wealth gives to those who possess it
We condemn "the present' methods --of
depositing government funds In a few
favored banks, largely situated in or con
trolled by Wall street. In return for po
litical favors, and we pledge our party to
provide by Jaw for their deposit by com
petitive bidding of the banking institu
tions of the country, national and state,
without discrimination as to locality, upon
approved securities and subject, to call
by the government.
- Rnrml Credits.
Of equal Importance with the question
of currency . reform to the question of
rural credit or rural finance, therefore
we recommend that an investigation of
agricultural credit societies In foreign
countries be made, so that it may be as
certained whether a system of rural
credits may be devised suitable to condi
tions in the-United States; and we also
favor legislation ' ' permitting national
banks to loan a reasonable . proportion
of their funds on real estate security.
We reoognlxe the value of vocational
education and urge financial appropria
tions for such training and extension
teaching ' in agriculture In . co-operation
with the several states. '
We renew the declaration In our last
platform relating to the conservation of
our - natural resources and the develop
ment of our waterways. -.The present de
vastation of the lower Mississippi valley
accentuates the movement for the regula
tion of river flow by additional bank and
levee protection below, and the diversion,
storage and control of the flood waters
above and their' utilization for benficlal
purposes in the reclamation . of arid and
swamp lands and the development ot
water power, instead of permitting the
floods to continue, as heretofore, agents
of destruction. - -
We hold that the control of the Missis
sippi river Is a, national problem. The
preservation of the depth of Its water
for the purpose of navigation, the build
ing of levees to maintain the integrity
of Ita channel and the prevention of the
overflow of the land and Its consequent
destruction, resulting In the Interruption
of interstate commerce, the disorganisa
tion of the mall service and the enormous
loss of life and property impose ; an
obligation which alone can be discharged
by the general government
To maintain an adequate depth ot water
the entire year and thereby encourage
ater transportation Is a consummation
worthy ot legislative attention and an is
sue national In Its character. It calls
for prompt action on the part of con
gress, and the democratic party pledges
Itself to the enactment ot legislation lead
ing to that end.
We favor the co-operation of the United
States and the respective' states for the
comprehensive :, treatment of all water
ways with a view ot co-ordinating plans
for channel improvement, with plans for
drainage of swamp and overflowed lands,
and to this end we favor the appropria
tion oy the federal government of suffi
cient funds to make surveys' of such
lands, to develop plans for draining the
same and to supervise the work ot con
struction.. " ;
We favor the adoption of a liberal and
comprehensive plan tor the development
and Improvement of our inland water
ways with economy and efficiency, so
as to permit their navigation by vessels
of standard draft. )
Post Roads.
We favor national aid to state and lo
cal Authorities In the, construction and
maintenance of post roads.
Rights of Labor.
We repeat our declarations ot the plat
form ot 1906, as follows:
The courts of Justice are the bulwark
of our liberties and we yield to none In
our purpose to maintain their dignity.
Our party. ha. given to the bench a long
line ot distinguished justices, who have
added to the respect and confidence In
which this department must jealously bi
maintained. We resent the attempt c
the republican party to raise a false Is
sue respecting the Judiciary. It Is an
unjust reflection on the great body of
our cltisens to assume that they lack
respect for our courts.
"It Is the function of the courts ' to
interpret the laws which the people enact
and If the laws appear to work economic.
social or political Injustice, it Is our
duty to change them. The only basis
upon which the Integrity of our courts
can stand Is that of unswerving Justice
and protection of life, personal liberty
and property. As Judicial processes may
be abused, we should guard them against
"Experience has proved the necessity
ot a modification of the present law re
lating to Injunction and we reiterate the
pledges of our platform of 1899 and of
1904 In favor of a measure which passed
the United 8tates senate In 1898, relating
to contempt In federal courts and pro
viding for trial by Jury In cases ot in
direct oontempt
"Questions of Judicial practice have
arisen, especially In connection with In
dustrial disputes. We believe that the
parties to all judicial proceedings should
be treated with rigid Impartiality and
that Injunctions should not be Issued
in any case in which an Injunction
would not Issue if no Industrial dispute
were Involved.
The expanding organisation ot in
dustry makes It essential that there
should be no abridgement of the right
of wage-earners and producers to organ-
lseise tor the protection of wages and
the improvement ot labor conditions, to
the end that such labor organisations and
their members should not be regarded as
illegal combinations In restraint of trade.
"We pledge the democratic party to "the
enactment of a law creating a .department
ot labor represented separately in the
president's cabinet in which shall be In
cluded the subject of mines and mining."
We pledge, the democratlo party, so far
as the federal jurisdiction extends, to an
employes' r compensation " law providing
adequate Indemnity for Injury to hsdy or
loss of life. : 11
, Conservation.
We believe In the conservation and the
development for the use of all the people
of the natural resources ot the country.
Our forests, our sources of water supply
our arable and our mineral lands, our
navigable streams and all other material
resources with which ' our country has
been so lavishly endowed, constitute the
foundation ot our national wealth. ' Such
additional legislation as may be neces
sary to prevent their being wasted or
absorbed by special or priviUged Interests
should be enacted ahd the policy ot their
conservation should be rigidly adhered to.
The publio domain should be adminla
tared and disposed of with due regard to
the general welfare. Reservations should
be limited to the purposes which they
purport to serve and not extended to in
elude land wholly unsulted therefor. The
unnecessary withdrawal from -sale and
settlement of enormous tracts ot public
lands upon which tree growth never
existed and cannot be promoted tends only
to retard development create discontent
and ' bring reproach upon the policy ot
conservation. '
The public land laws should be adminis
tered in a spirit of the broadest liberal
ity towards the settler exhibiting a bona
fide purpose to comply therewith, to the
end that the Invitation of this govern
ment to the landless should be as attrac
tive as possible, and the plain provisions
of the forest reserve act permitting home
stead entries to be made within the na
tional forests should not be nullified by
administrative regulations which permit a
withdrawal of great areas ot the same
from settlement
Immediate action should be taken by
congress to make available the vast and
valuable coal deposits of Alaska under
conditions that will be a perfect guaranty
against their falling 'Into the hands of
monopolizing corporations, associations
or interests.
We rejoice In the Inheritance of min
eral resources unequalled In extent, va
riety or valued and In the development
of a mining Industry unequalled In Its
magnitude and importance. We honor
the men who in their hazardous toll
underground, dally risk their lives in
extracting and preparing for our use the
products of the mine, so essential to the
Industries, the commerce , and the com
fort of the "people of this country. And
we pledge' ourselves to the extension of
the work of . the bureau of mines in
every way appropriate for national leg
islation with a view of safeguarding the
lives ot the miners, lessening the waste
of essential resource and promoting the
economic development of mining, which
along with agriculture must In ' the fu
ture even more than In the past, serve
as the very foundation of our national
prosperity and welfare and our inter
national commerce.
' Agriculture.
We believe In encouraging the devel
opment of a modern system of agricul
ture and a systematic effort to Improve
the condition of trade In farm products
so as to benefit both the consumers and
producers. And as an efficient means to
this end we favor the enactment by con
gress of legislation that will suppress
the pernicious practice of gambling In
agricultural products by organized ex
changes or others. -
" Merchant Marine.
We believe in fostering .by constitu
tional regulation of commerce the
growth of a merchant marine, which
shall develop and strengthen the com
mercial ties which bind us to our sister
republics ot the south, but without Im
posing additional burdens upon the people
and without , bounties or subsidies from
the public treasury.
We urge upon congress. ' the speedy
enactment of lawa for the greater security
of life and property at sea and we favor
the repeal of all laws and. abrogation of
so much ot our treaties with other na
tions, as provide for the arrest and im
prisonment of seamen charged with de
sertion or with violation of their con
tract of service. Such laws and treaties
are un-American and violate the spirit
if not the letter of the constitution of the
United States.
We favor the exemption from tolls of
American ships engaged in coastwise
trade passing through the Panama canal.
We also favor legislation forbidding the
use of the Panama canal by ships owned
or controlled by railroad carriers en
gaged in transportation competitive with
the canal.
Pore Pood and Pnolle Health.
We reaffirm our previous declarations
advocating the union and strengthening
ot the various governmental agencies re
lating to pure foods, quarantine, vital
statistics and human health. Thus united
and administered without partiality to
or discrimination against any sohool of
medicine or system of healing, they would
constitute a single health service, not
subordinated to any commercial or finan
cial interests, but devoted exclusively to
the conservation of human life and effi
ciency. Moreover this health service
should co-operate with the health agen
cies of our various states and cities with
out Interference with . their prerogatives
or with the freedom of individuals to em
ploy such medical or byglenlo aid as they
may see fit
Civil Service Law.
The law pertaining to the civil servtoe
should be honestly and rigidly enforced,
to the end that , merit and ability shall
be the standard of appolnment and the
promotion rather than service rendered
to a political party; and we favor a
reorganisation of the civil service with
adequate , compensation commensurate
with the class ot work performed, for
all officers and employes; we also
favor the extension to all classes of civil
service employes of the benefits of the
employers' liability act We also rec
ognise the right of direct petition to con-
tress by employes for the redress of
grievances. .
Law Reform.
We recognise the urgent need of re
form in the administration of civil and
criminal law In the United States and we
recommend the enactment of such legis
lation and the promotion of such meas
ures as will rid the present legal system
of the delays, expense and uncertainties
incident to the system as now adminis
tered. - -
The Philippines.
W reaffirm the position thrice an
nounced by the democracy in national
convention assembled, against a policy
of imperialism and colonial exploitation
In the Philippines or elsewhere. We
condemn the experiment In imperialism
as an Inexcusable blunder which has
Involved us In enormous expense, brought
us weakness Instead of strength, and laid
our nation open to the charge ot abandon
ment of the fundamental doctrine of self-
government We favor an Immediate
declaration ot the nation's purpose to
recognise the Independence of the Philip
pine Islands as soon as a stable govern
ment can be established, such lndepend-
ence to be guaranteed by us until the
neutralisation of the Islands can be
secured by treaty with other powers. In
recognising the Independence of the
Philippines, our government should re
tain such land as may be necessary for
coaling stations : and naval bases.
Arlsona. New Mexico and Alaska.
We welcome Arlsona and New Mexico
to the sisterhood ot states and heartily
congratulate them upon their auspicious
beginning of great and glorious careers.
We demand for the people ot Alaska
the full enjoyment of the rights and
privileges ot a territorial form ot govern
ment and we believe that the officials sp
pointed to administer the government of
all our territories and the District of
Columbia should be qualified by previous
bona tide residence.
The Russian Treaty.
We commend the patriotism ot ; the
democratlo members of the senate and
house of representatives which compelled
the termination of the Russian treaty of
1S3S, and we pledge - ourselves anew to
preserve the. sacred rights of 'American
citizenship at home and abroad. No
treaty should receive the sanction of our
government which does not recognize the
rights of ail our citizens, irrespective ot
race or creed, and which does not ex
pressly guarantee the fundamental rignt
of expatriation.
The constitutional rights of American
citizens should protect them on our bor
ders and - go with them throughout the
world and every American citizen residing
or having property in any foreign country
Is entitled to and must be given the full
protection of the United States govern
ment, both for himself and his property.
Parcels Post and Rnral Delivery.
We favor the establishment of. a parcel
post or postal express and also the ex-'
tension of the rural delivery system as
rapidly as practicable.
We hereby express our deep Interest In
the great Panama Canal "exposition to be
held in San Francisco In 1915 and favor
such encouragement as can be properly
We commend to the several states the
adoption of a law making it an offense
for the proprietors of places of public
amusement and entertainment to dis
criminate against the uniform, similar to
the law passed by congress applicable to
the District of Columbia and the terri
tories In 1911.
We renew the declaration of our last
platform relating to a generous pension
Rule of the People.
We call attention to the fact that the
democratic party's demand for a return
to the rule of the people expressed in the
national platform four years ago has now
become the accepted doctrine' of a large
majority of the electors. We again re
mind the country that only by a larger
exercise of the large reserved power of the
people can they protect themselves from
the misuse of delegated power and the
usurpation of governmental instrumen
tality by special Interests. For this rea
son the national convention insisted on
the overthrow of Cannonlsra and the In
auguration of a system by which United
States senators could be elected by direct
vote. The democratic party offers Itself
to the country as an agency through
which the complete overthrow and ex
tirpation of corruption, fraud and ma
chine rule In American politics can be
Our platform is one of principles which
we believe to be essential to our national
welfare. Our pledges are made to be kept
when in office as well as relied upon
during the campaign, and we Invite the
co-operation of all citizens, regardless of
party, who believe In maintaining un
impaired the Institutions and traditions
of our country.
Telllns- everythlna- but their names to
those who were inquisitive, two lads aged
15 and 17. dressed in full "hikers" uni
forms, spent part of the afternoon In
Omaha en route to Cheyenne from De
troit The lads admitted that they had
not lived up to the agreement of the
"hike." They were to walk all the way
tn Thevenne and then Ret back to De
troit the best they could before time for
the opening of the Detroit schools. They
found walklna- too hot these days so
they have taken to the blind baggage.
They stopped at the postomce iou
enough to address postal cards to their
people. They said their people would
keeD the secret of their whereabouts, cu
cause they were not yet supposed to be
as far west as Omaha as they were
supposed to-be walking oil the time, nwj
expect to land In Wyoming Thursday
morning. "Some of the follows la De
troit dared us to walk It and said we
couldn't do It so wo are going to show
them." they remarked, "but riding the
blind beats walking these days."
A Break for Liberty
from stomach, liver and kidney trouble
Is made when a 25c box of Dr, King's
New Life Pills is bought. Why suffer?
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Follow the Crowd to
t'.. maaI a. Wanv xLttractionfl!
4t s w t - -
the most popular right now are
BATBJitG--'tome on m me
water's fine!"
mn A VTTffl Six larva. roomv
launches and one hundred steel row
DAJTCIWO The large, grand ball
mrtth Arthur VI. Smith's excel-
I WW.M .. - -- - " IT
lent orchestra needs no further
mat MOVjiro norvzzn stzxt
Excellent Vlonio Oronnds.
Omaha's Finest Amusement Resort
Large, Shady, Spacious. Pic
nic Grounds, Dancing to Hunt
er's Excellent Orchestra, Old
Red KU1, Dip-the-Dlps. Penny
Arcade, Merry-Go-Round, Bil
liards. First Class Restaurant.
Courtland Beach
Dancing Afternoon and Even
ing to Lamp's Orchestra.
Bathing, Boating, Roller
Skating. Bowling, Free Mov
ing Pictures and many other
SPECIAL -Grand Display of
On Lake Front in Evening.
The Jewish Sarah. Bernhardt,
In Four Plays. -
Beginning Friday, July 6ti, We Will Close at 5:00 V. 3S.t Except Satus--..
days at a0 F. M. During- July and August -
. j . ... i. "
The liit
&ed rgvs-mk left
M in "TjS wiwy iq-ce W t
far rewfexg. It 'a)fct4ta-M mtk ' P
wfciter x& Uaa uxt
other types ! bcjfl&s Um v U tt
mow taxixxtacvLi
Let tts ghrc you the beaeJit wtf
expezkocc in pknoir (r th hid
IZ0G Farnam Sc.
Piata ... ....$2.00 Up
Extracting 25c Up
Fillings .60c Up
Crowns ... .. .$3.50 Up
Bridge work ...S2.50U? sjq Tsars
We will call for
goods up till Friday
noon as usual and
deliver same Satur
day. No delivery
July 4th.
Steam Laundry
QtoL- oen -wiprTif03. Infantry .Artillery tnt ttratry. Svatem ot athletic reaches Teiy student,
tL a trCktiivsvldr THE BliCTiETAi-X, i804 Waabinstoa Avenae, Lexington, Mo.
Tie noise the boys rill make mil
be nothing in , comparison to the
noise our great
July; eiearaiiei
Will create Saturday and all next
week. Watch our windows and ads
On account of the unusually cool
spring we find our stocki entirely
too heavy on certain lines. These
we're ready to sacrifice for quick
Just compare our offcriap with
those shown elsewhere.
for AQ Ejts
let &Kfe 1
Ehi urai area the mtk f
; at the toot coat. v J. ,
Powsr Cow
Established 1888
Formerly In (be Paxlan Blk.
Now 706 City Ml Bank BWg.
161H and Harney Sls Ocu&a
New Sanitary White Enzmel Outfit
Phone Dong. 17S&
. Missing Teeth supplied
without Plates or Bridge,
work. Nerves removed
Without nain. V.rb im
office ftnteed ten years.
ReaU Sealer.