1-i Omaha Daily 'All The News All The Time Ths Be gives its mdm a daily panorama of the hsppsclngs of the whole world. BEE THE WEAT2ES. Fair' OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1912-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS: HE VOL. XLII-NO. 14. COMMITTEE WILL CONSULTWILSON Democratic Candidate for President Practically Will Have Direction of His Own Campaign. NATIONAL .. COMMITTEE MEETS Subcommittee Appointed to Go to Sea Girt to See GoTernor. . ORGANIZATION IS POSTPONED Nominee to Select Campaign Com mittee and Chairman. WILSON HAS MADE NO PLANS He Tells Reporters, He Doea Not Know When He Will Resign as Governor Sends Message of Thanks to Friends. BALTIMORE, July 3.5overnor Wilson will in the main determine the direction of his own campagn for president; pass upon the desirability of appointing a campaign committee and . confer with a sub-committee of the national committee on the naming of the officers of the new democratic national committee. This . was the sense of the members of the new national committee which met today and after continuing the of ficers of the old committee in power un til a permanent organization was ef fected, designated a sub-committee of five, consisting of Chairman Mack, Sec retary Wodson and three other commit teemen, to confr with Governor Wilson on permanent organization of the new committee and plans for the campaign. The committee heard a protest made by Congressman George F. O'Shaunessy of Rhode Island, against the seating of George W. Greene of Woonsocket on the committee. 'The committee dismissed the protest. The name of W. F. McCombs of New York, campaign manager of Governor Wilson, t was talked about ' this after noon as a likely c.iolce for either the new national chairman or head of a cam paign committee. Wilson Mar Retain Governorship. SEA GIRT, N. J., July 3. "I have not had time to think of all these things." Governor Wilson came out of the "little white house," sat in an easy chair on his porch, crossed his lej, took off his glasses and thus' replied today to ' a bombardment of questions nurled at him by a group of reporters. He was looking rather careworn and tired. " "I don't know yet whether I shall ap point Mr. McCombs my cai.ipaign man ager or suggest him for the chairman ship of the national committee," he said. "I haven't decided whether I shall re sigh as governor of New Jersey. I haven't had time to read the"' platform. I have mad o campaign plans, j , , ' "These, and .ottae? detain up in due time with my "'iA.a , I oar fellows,' they will have to get some rest; ("To all the thoughtful and generous f riends who Have sent me mpsages of cpngratulatlon I . want,, to express my hearty v thanks. I shall not be able to answer them individually, I am afraid, they are so delightfully numerous. I hope this' inadequate acknowledgement Will fall under their eyes. These messages of personal confidence help greatly to make public service seem worth while." Likes Work of His Supporters. "Do you care to comment on the con vention work?" "I can only say that I am much grati fied by its harmonious ending. As to the work of my supporters, I never saw any thing like it for absolute devotion to what they wanted to accomplish. There were many of them, my warm personal friends." Whatever else the governor does, ' he will continue to visit Trenton every Tuesday morning, .the custom set when the summer mansion was first built. f keeping "governor's day" at the state capital. His friends are positive that he will not resign as governor until after . the first of next year, as under the New Jersey law the president or the senate automatically takes the governor's seat on the latter's resignation. John D. Prince, the present president of the. sen ate, is a republican. "The governor would rather wait until a democrat is elected president of the senate," said one of his friends today, "although he has a very nign personal regard for Mr. Prince. His term expires "on the third Monday in January, 1914." Governor Write Shorthand.' ' Among the governor's accomplishments he boasts a mastery of snortnand. He displayed his knowledge of this today by making notes for dictation. As he wrote, leaning his head on the arm of his easy chair, the camera squad snapped him again and again and a moving picture man recorded his movements. " "Shorthand?" asked the governor, ' look ing up in answer to a query. "Why, yes. (Continued on Fifth Page.) Thd Weather FOR NEBRASKA Generally fair, ex cept local thunderstorms; continued warm. FOR lOWAGenerally fair, except local thunderstorms; continued warm. Temperature at Omaha Yesverdav. Hour. Deg. ' ' -JAtM. 8 a. m 73 'jSfsN- a. m 72 )? .!&. m 75 AjTr.K a. m 76 J& ' IWW a. m 79 10 a. m 81 11 a. m 82 Hi DC ip-m ?? )7JF-J:x P. m... w " p. m... i rl P. m 92 C 5 P- m 92 T? ? P- m 91 w T p. m 90 Comparative Local Record. -1912. 1911. 1910. BOB. Highest -yesterday 9a 99 86 85 Lowest yesterday.. 70 71 69 67 Mean temperature....... 82 85 78 75 Precipitation .20 .00 .00 .06 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature .' 76 Kxcess for the day 6 Total deficiency since March 1 146 Normal precipitation 15 Inch Deficiency for the day .05 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... 8. 4i inches Deficiency since March 1 6.94 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1911. 7.13 inches Deficiency for cor. period. iai0.10.72 inches . L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. It I MP- Senator Hitchcock . Predicts Election of Woodrow Wilson BALTIMORE, Md., July l-Senator Hitchcock today made the following statement on the outcome of the demo cratic presidential contest: "Looking' back at the torfy-ftve ballots which I cast for Champ Clark, I am satisfied with the record. He was the choice of Nebraska democrats and I car ried out their will. So did Kelly of Ban croft and McShane of Omaha, who voted with me. , "Nevertheless I am highly satisfied with, the nomination ot Wilson. He will make an invincible candidate and a great president. He has grown steadily in strength during the last sixty days. Roosevelt's defeat at Chicago did much to bring about and make desirable Wil son's nomination in Baltimore. The re publicans detached from their own party by Roosevelt's struggle will flock to Wil son's .banner as they would to no other leader. This argument helped Wilson's managers immensely. It was unanswer able. ' "I have great sympathy for Champ Clark. He deserved the honor more than any other man. He was deserted by leaders who were under great personal obligations to him. Instructions from conventions and primaries were , broken to tear delegates away from 'Old Champ Clark,' as his followers affectionately call him. "The Wilson sentiment was Irresistibly and it will be irresistible in the cam paign." Three Persons Meet Death in Automobile Mishap Near Duluth DULUTH,. July S.-Mrs. William White, Duluth; Miss Gladys Richardson, Bridge port, Conn., and Langford Maddigan, Du luth, the latter a chauffeur, were killed early today on a country pike near Du luth, when a touring car in which they were returning home skidded from the road and overturned. Wlllam White, Jr., was seriously injured and is In a local hospital. Miss Nannie Turrish, daughter of Henry C. Turrish, a lumberman, "was severely shocked and lay apparently life less at the roadside until carried to a nearby farm house where she was re vived. Charles W. Fitzgerald, the sixth mem ber of the party, was thrown clear of the wreckage and escaped without in jury. Gaining his feet he found an ef fort to move the heavy automobile fruit less and ran along the road to a farm, getting four men who raised the car from the bodies. The party had spent the afternoon and evening as guests of Miss Turrish and Chiilea Fitzgerald at the latter's cot .taset ?ike lake,,.,. Ji.lmmm Miss Richardson was 30 years old and her home was in Bridgeport, Conn. She was the guest .. of Miss Turrish. Mrs. White was. 55 years .old. . Earl McQuillan, Des Moines Pitcher, Elopes to Chicago CHICAGO, July 3. When Earl McQuil lan, a pitcher recently "farmed" by St. Louis to Des Moines, stepped ' from a train with his fiancee, Miss Beatrice Williams, today, a policeman detained him. It was suspected McQuillan wan trying to abduct the girl, who looks younger than she really is 19 years old. "I'm McQuillan, the pitcher," explained the young man. "All right, McQuillan," answered the officer, "this probably will go on tne record books as 'caught stealing.' " A telegram was sent to the girl's mother in Lovington, 111., who confirmed her daughter's statement regarding her age. "We eloped," said the smiling girl. "A friend helped me get my clothes out ot our house. Mother missed me and hur ried to the depot just In time to see our train pull out." McQuillan left the. police station de claring he would obtain a marriage li cense, be wed and proceed to Des Moines Promotions in Navy Announced WASHINGTON, July 3.-As a result of the process of elimination applied by the naval "plucking board" and the seven voluntary retirements Monday, a number of promotions have been announced. Nine commanders become captains, as follows: G. W. Kline, Joseph Strauss, R, L. Rus sell, H. A. Bishpam, G. R. Evans, E. W. Eberle, C. M. McCormick, W. W. Gilmer and R. E. CoonU. Fifteen . lieutenant commanders become commanders, as follows: R. D. Hast-7 brock, J. R. P. Pringle, B. B. McCormick, E. S. Kellogg, D. V. H. Allen, F.. P. Clark. B. L; Bissettv E. H. Campbell, W. S. Crosley, C. J. Lang, H. B. Price, M. E. Trench, T. S. Wilson, H. A. Pearson and O. P. Jackson. ' In addition eighteen lieutenants become lieutenant commanders and nineteen lieu tenants, junior grade, become senior lieu tenants. London Board Ends Titanic Inquiry LONDON, July 3. The Board of Trade inquiry into the Titanic disaster con cluded today and Lord Mersey, the pre siding judge, announced that its report would be produced within "a reasonable time." ..:...'.".- Sir Rufus Isaacs, the attorney gen eral, In his closing speech said he had been anxious to find, if possible, an ex cuse for ths inaction, of Captain Lord of the Calif oi nian. but he had regret fully come to the conclusion that there was no excuse for him. The court, he said, must find Captain Lord's evidence unsatisfactory. Lord Mersey- suggested that if Cap tain Lord saw. the signals of .distress and did not go to the relief he was possi bly guilty of a misdemeanor. ANDREW RESIGNS PROM TREASURY Assistant Secretary, in Long Letter to President, Asks to Be Re lieved of His Duties. HARSH CRITICISM 0? M'VEAGH Secretary's Treatment of Subordi nates Makes Work Disagreeable. " DEPARTMENT IS DEMORALIZED Secretary Accused of Distrusting Men He Himself Has Appointed. HOUSE PROPOSES INVESTIGATION Representative Cox of Ohio Intro duces Resolution Providing for Complete Inquiry Into Mae Veagh's Administration. . WASHINGTON. July 3.-A. Piatt Andrew today tendered his resignation to President Taft as assistant secretary of the treasury. In a spirited letter to the president, Mr. Andrew writes of conditions in the trea sury which are alleged to be due to the attitude of Secretary MacVeagh toward many of his subordinates. Assistant Secretary Andrew's letter of resignation charges that subordinates In the Treasury department "have been hampered and discouraged at every turn by Secretary MacVeagh's ldlosyncracles and his incapacity for decision." It contains a scathing arraignment of Secre tary MacVeagh's administration of "gov ernment affairs" and created a profound sensation in official circles. Other Officers Dissatisfied. One portion of Andrew's letter to the president is susceptible of being Inter preted to the effect that old high officials in the treasury are dissatisfied with Sec retary MacVeagh's treatment of them. "For further evidence of . the peculiar difficulties which surround the handling of business In the treasury" he suggests that President Taft consult Lawrence O. Murray, comptroller of the currency; Lee McClung, treasurer of the United States; Joseph E. Ralph, director of the bureau of engraving and printing; Charles A. Kram, auditor for the postofflce; Royal E. Cabell, commissioner of Internal rev enue; James Knox Taylor, former super vising architect, and Charieg D. Norton, Mr. Andrew's predecessor and former sec retary to the president. Stands By MacVeagh In Crisis. Mr. Andrew's letter to Secretary' Mc Veagh, advising nim of the resignation, discloses the hitherto unpublished fact that Mr.' MacVeagh was on the verge of leaving the cabinet in December, 1910. In one part the letter says: "You oannot forget how 1 stood by you when you were on the point of hav)ng taken from Jour" hands -what probably we the-mo&S important undertaking" of your ' administration. When the White House in, Decpniber, 1310," without" con sulting 'with you, and entirely ' wthoiit your knbwledgOj, entered Info negotiations for an issue of1 Panama bonds, the em barrassment of the situation threatened to force your resignation. You will re member that I did everything in my power to avert your humiliation and that I loyally agreed to resign and. leave the service with you if your resignation be came necessary." . Text of Dr. Andrew's Letter. Dr. Andrew's letter to the president says, in part: "In presenting my resignation of the office with which you have favored me I deem It proper to acquaint you with conditions which have existed in the treasury for the last two years at least, and which are of grave concern not only to every official of the treasury, but also to the many thousands throughout the country who have business to conduct with this department. "For a long time the transaction of much of the treasury's business has been at a standstill and an outbreak of some sort has been Imminent. Many able and energetic treasury officials have had to bear the brunt of harsh criticism from people outside who have suffered interm inable delays In their business with the treasury for which the secretary alone was responsible, and at the same time they have had to submit to criticism even more harsh and more undeserved from Mr. MacVeagh himself whenever discov ered that they had ventured to act upon some matter of minor Importance with out awaiting his decision. Time and again heads of the great divisions of the treas ury have found themselves unable to carry on the business entrusted to them and have been discouraged to the verge of resigning their positions because they v.ePc unable to obtain any opinion or de cision from Mr.' MacVeagh upon urgent questions which had been before him for many months. "At the same time they have Invariably been reproached by him for such limited action as they may have been compelled to take on their own responsibility. "Mr. MacVeagh's mental attitude Is difficult to realize by those who have not had Intimate everyday experience with It. - Toward many of the higher officials he has from time to time displayed an aversion, suspicion and dlstruct, whici In view of the fact that these officials were men of his own choosing, would seem Inexplicable in a man of normal mind. For many months at a time he has persistently refused even to speak to those officials of his department with whom he should naturally have been in constant, personal communication. Refused to Speak to Hilles. "When Mr. Hilles was assistant secre tary of the treasury there was at least one period amounting to several weeks during which Mr. MacVeagh refused to have any relations with him. I know there were several longer periods of curi ously suspended relations with Assistant Secretary Norton. Mr. McClung, the treasurer of the United States, affirms that ,he has only been allowed one short interview with the secretary dur. ing a period covering more than a year. Mr. Ralph, the director of the bu:cau of engraving and printing, has repeatedly complained of similar treatment of himself, and many other In stances could be cited. In my own case, with an office adjoining ind communicat ing with that of the secretary, the sltua- (Continued on Fifth Page.) From the Philadelphia Record. PrflV OsRflM IR FAR wn,5ftN v I Michigan Executive Hopes Roosevelt Will Stay Out of It COLONEL IS NOT DISCOURAGED Advises His Followers in Indiana to Perfect Organisation Refuses to Talk of Democratic Pint form or Ticket. LANSING, Mich., July 3.-Governor Chase S. Osborn, an ardent Roosevelt supporter during the colonel's battle for the republican' presidential 'nomlnatlpn tMay issued a statement in which he declared his nelief "that there Is no hee'es sity tdr V new political party." He also stated he hoped RooBevelt would not be a candidate. ; ' "The issue is clearly Joined for the people," he said. "It Is Wall street versus Wilson. Wilson's character, temperament, preparation and fitness is above the high average of American presidents. He Is a Christian, a scholar and a fearless citizen. "Republicans can vote for Wilson with out bolting. The real republican party has no candidate for president this year. There has been no nomination. The ac tion of the political freebooters at Chi cago is not binding upon the republican party even If for the moment they are bearing aloft its stolen ensign." No Standing- In Minnesota, ST. PAUL, July 3. The progressive party being organized under the leader ship of Theodore Roosevelt cannot take part In the primaries In Minnesota this fall, according to an opinion Issued by itarney General Lydon A. Smith today. "he party has no legal standing here and cannot qualify under the provisions of the state law, according to the at torney general. MINNEAPOLIS, July 3.-The Minne sota progressive republican league will back Wilson for president. George S. Loftus, president of the league, announced today. "Wilson repre sents our idea of progressivlsm," said Mr. Loftus. "There is no reason for us to join in the third party movement, neither can we support Taft." Indiana Progressives Meet. INDIANAPOLIS. July 3.-RooseveIt re publican leaders of the state gathered In this city today to discuss whether a third party should be formed to nom inate a state ticket, or the "progressives"' should wherever possible elect' delegates to the regular republican state conven tion and make a stand for the nomina tion of candidates favorable to Colonel Roosevelt and his policies. .Colonel Roosevelt, in answer to a mes sage advising him, of the conference, wired: "I heartily approve the project. Go on with the organization of the progressive party. Such a 'party must of necessity break away from both the old organiza tions." Colonel is Xot Diacouraitd. OYSTER BAY, N. Y July 3.-E. A. Vanvalkenberg of Philadelphia, one of Theodore Roosevelt's lieutenants, came to Sagamore Hill today to talk over plans for the third party campaign. The colo nel said he would have no comment to make at this time on Woodrow Wilson's nomination or on the democratic plat form. "Some of the newspapers say that Wil son's nomination as a progressive takes the wind out of your sails, colonel," said an interviewer. "That's Just the way they look at it," replied Mr. Roosevelt. BOY BANDITS HELD , IN HEAVY BONDS MINNEAPOLIS, July 3.-The four al leged boy bandits, who the police declare have confessed to more than a score of robberies in Minneapolis and St. Paul, covering nearly eleven months time, wero held In $20,000 bonds each to the grand Jury when they waived examination In municipal court here today. The boys are Francis McCarthy, Raymond Mcin tosh, alleged leader; Alec Fish and Will iam Spencer. Not So Bad. But Some Bruised, N .woman's club leader who is critically ill. t j J. SARAH 8, PLATT, DECKER. Sarah Piatt Decker is Critically 111 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July 3.-An operation may be necessary to save the life of Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker of Den ver, former president ot the General Federation of Women's clubs, who was taken ill yesterday while attending the biennial convention of the federation. Intestinal congestion Is the trouble. . . HEAD CAUGHT BETWEEN BRAKE BEAM AND CAR TRUCK FORT DODGE, la., July 3. (Speclal.) Fred Paul, aged 21, son of Mr.' and Mrs. George Paul, pioneer residents of Lehigh, lies In a critical condition at Mercy hos pital here today because he tried to board a moving ..freight train. Missing his footing, he was swung under the car His head caught between a brake beam and the car trucks and he was dragged some distance. Painfull and probably fatal injuries to his head, neck and shoulders, many bruises and some ugly cuts on the head are the result of the accident. The accident happened at the Main street crossing on the road and was therefore witnessed by many horrified pedestrians. ROSEBUD HOMESTEADER SUDDENLY BECOMES INSANE SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July 3. -(Special.) John VIck, drawer of No. 1,338 In the Mellette county government land lottery and owner of a homestead In the new county, suddenly became insane and for three days and nights wandered about over the country. He finally was cap tured by the sheriff and has been sent to the State Hospital for the Insane. The unfortunate homesteader has relatives at Alta Vista, la. He was unmarried and is the owner of a great deal of personal property. CRANE INHERITANCE TAX LARGEST ON RECORD CHICAGO, July 3. The estate of the late Richard T. Crane, ironmaster, has been assessed the largest Inheritance tax ever placed in Illinois, the sum of $329,131. The Crane estate was estimated at tl", 000,000. The Marshall Field estate paid ao Inheritance tax of $125,010. BOY CRUSHED TO DEATH .. BY A HUGE MAGNET DAVENPORT. Ia., July J. -Joseph M. Nebrlch, aged 21 years, was crushed to death by a 3.500-pound magnet at the Beatendorf car shops here today. His body was unrecognizable. evertheless HOLIDAY GUNSAU PRIMED Numerous Fourth of July Activities Planed by Omaha People. GAMES AT ALL THE PARKS Olvertisements Will Include Water Sports, Pyrotechnics, Picnic Pnr tlrs, Golf and Theatrical " ' Eutertalnments. FOURTH OF JTttXT ACTIVITO". Stora Triumphs van us Chicago-Bock island Uam, iaourks park, S p. ra. . Matiaees and evening programs at the licyd an4 -Usysty theater and Komt a4ur.sr gsrdaa and Alrdos . AUdetia and acqnatlo xueot'at T. M. 0. 4. park, Bod and Qua dab and the Council Bluffs Rowing association la ait tmooa. , .,.,,,.., , .,...-. . Cricket tnatoh, ' Omaha Crlckst club, Millet park. .. Golf matches at risld club, Country oinb, Happy Hollow club, Rod aad 0nn club and Stymour lake. Trap shoot at the Omaha Qua club and South Omaha Country olub. Cslabratlcn for children and athlatic aiaat at Prairie park. Farads and program for children of Hayney street, between Thirty-third and Thirty-fifth. Bathing at Manawa aad Couftlaad ilaaoh.. Amateur base ball oa erery vacant lot in Omaha. Official openlnf of the Bouth Omaha Country olub at Ralston. Motor boat aad sailboat racing at Rod and Oua club aad CounoU Bluffs Bow ing assooiatioa. Ak-Sar-Bea Motorcyols club will be the aroosts of the Blair Motorcyols olub at the big Blair oslabratioa. -oK.in- at all the Omaha parks All day rslebratloa at South Omaha. Doujlaa Pioneers' pioalo at Rlvarviiw Vark. . Rod Mea's Carnival at Twsatleth and Paul streets. Business will be generally suspended In Omaha today and all will turn In to properly celebrate the Fourth of July. About the only evidence of commercial activity will center about the shops where fireworks are on display. Nearly everyone has made arrangements to put In the day. Picnic parties will be scat tered all through the woods, the parks and country clubs have arranged varied programs of pyrotechnics and sports, and on practically every diamond In the city there will be at least one ball game. Hen on Harmful Explosives. The police have put a ban on shooting revolvers, toy cannons, giant firecrack ers, canes and other destructive and harmful explosives. All persons caught at any of these offenses will be arrested. The practise of loading the etreet car tracks with dynamite caps will not be tolerated. The caps not only make loud noises when the car wheels pass over them but are also very dangerous. Captain Dunn said he had instructed his patrolmen to see that the Fourth was celebrated In a safe and sane way, and to arrest all persons found shooting off large explosives. At the Gayety. Boyd and Rome summer garden there will be special matinees in the afternoon and In the evening spe cial programs will be given. The Air dome will also have a fine DroKram In tho evening. At Krug park, Manawa and Courtland beach all the attractions of an amusement park will be in full swing. Bathing will probably be the most pop ular attraction at Courtland Beach and Manawa. In the evening the dance halls will be the big attractions. Seymour Lake Country club will hold its 1912 opening with a program of golf, tennis and aquatic events. Trao shooting will be the attraction In the morning. A big dinner will be served in the evening to be followed by a dance. Brilliant Water sports. The annual water regatta and ath letic carnival of the Carter Lake clubs will be an Interesting affair. The Rod and Gun club, the Young Men's Chris tian association, and the Diets club will all take part In the big celebration which witl include boat racing, both sails and launches. In the evening a big dinner will be followed with fireworks and dancing. At the Council Bluffs Rowing associa tion a big program has been arranged. A large number of the Omaha members uf this club are planning' to enter the (Continued on Second Page.) SECOND PLACE IS GIVEN MARSHALL Democrats Adjourn Early in the Morning After Completing Their Ticket PLATFORM ADOPTED UNCHANGED Bryan's Choice for Vice President Meets Defeat. VALEDICTORY BY NEBRASKAN Ures Nomination of Burke or Cham berlain in Vain. MISSOURI STANDS BY CLARK When It is Shovvn that Wilson Has Nearly One Thousand Votes Missouri Moves to Make , it Unanimous. BALTIMORE, July S.-Governor Wood row Wilson of New Jersey for president and Governor Thomas R. Marshall of In diana for vice president was the ticket completed by the democratlo national convention at v.t t m. today. The nomination Of Governor Marshall for vice president Came as something of a surprise for when the night's balloting for vlca president began it seemed that the Bryan-Wilson contingent in the con vention had. definitely settled upon Gover nor John K. Burke of North Dakota. There was not much of a fight, how ever, and when two ballots disclosed Marshall easily in the lead, Governor Burke's name was withdrawn and Mar shall was proclaimed the nominee by ac clamation. A mlnuta later the conven tion had adjourned sine die. I The delegates, worn nd weary, made their way out of the big convention hall singing and happy , to be started for home. Governor Wilson was nominated at the afternoon session on the forty-sixth bal lot and his nomination, like that of Gov f rnor Marshall tonight, was quickly made unanimous. The best of feeling pervaded both sessions and the delegates seemed to be In a happy frame of mind. Valedictory speech by Bryan. . Mr. Bryan had announced his intention of introducing a resolution In effect dis charging the national committee from conduct of the coming campaign and al lowing Governor Wilson to appoint his own campaign committee. He was dis suaded from this; course, and Instead of making a move that might have stirred up strife, -he made a little speech which he termed his "valedic tory" and in happy vein turned over the mantle of his former leadership as a presidential candidate to Governor Wilson. He pledged his faithful support to the presidential nominee' and ended by urging that either Governor Burke or Senator Chamberlain of Oregon be nominated for vicr president.' The N-umskan un derstood particularly to favor .Governor , Curke, as a type of the modern "progres-i;ve.--' - ' ' Whn, after the ' first ballot soma on moved to make the nomination of Mar shall unanimous, Mr. Bryan started for the stage to make a statement The mo tion was withdrawn before he could speak. When the motion was renewed after the second ballot Mr. Bryan did not -protest. ' The platform, hewed out in committed several days ago and warmly pralBed by Mr. Bryan was adopted, with a whoop. Many of the delegates went directly from the convention hall to special trains and by tomorrow practically all will have left town. ' ' End Made to Long Ftht. , BALTIMORE, June 2. Governor Wood low Wilson of New Jersey was nomi nated for president of the United Staves by the democratic national invention at the afternoon cession totfa), when. - on the forty-sixth ballot, he received 980 votes to 84 for Champ Clark. The Mis souri delegation, which had remained faithful to Clark to the end, then moved that the nomination be made unanimous. There was a great chorus of approval and the long fight was over. Only four ballots were necessary today to reach a nomination. When the. con vention adjourned last night the conven tion had seemed to be in an all but hopev less deadlock. Wilson had begun to lose , ground on the last few ballots and Champ Clark had made a few temporary gains. This encouraged the speaker to rush over to Baltimore from Washington this morn ing in the hope of still further turning the tide and rallying his forces to a final stand. When the speaker arrived, however, he learned that the Illinois delegation at an early morning conference had decided 'to switch from Clark to Wilson. This meant a change of fifty-eight votes and was as fatal to Clark's chances as it was in spiring to the Wilson forces. The Wilson forces went to the conven-; tion hall at noon in the firm belief that the New Jersey governor would be nom inated before another adjournment was taken. As they had expected, the vote Hotel men realize they can obtain the best grade of assist ants from the "Help Wanted" columns of The Bee. Hotel Helpers, from Managers to Bell Boys, know the "Situations "Wanted" department puts them in touch with the better kind of posi tions. Good Hotel people can use use - these two departments to mutual advantage when ; in need. - " - Always advertise in The Omaha ; Bee and ' read it regularly for im portant information. . . Tyler 1030 9 pi I !