Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1912, Image 1

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All The Newt AU The Time
tte 8m gives Its readers a dally
PMD of th hsppettingl
, of the whole world.
AiiY . Bee
Showers; Cooler,
VOIa SUI-NO. 13.
ArsMp in Which Vaniman Expected
. to Cross Atlantic Destroyed by
Explosion Near Atlantic City.
Accident Happens in Kid-Air Over
, Am of Sea.
s ., . --
Debris of Craft Sinks in Eighteen
Feet of Water. .
' It Carried Crew of Five , Mea aad
Had ' Fuel aad " Pravtsiom Ca- -
. pacity for C raise of Ser- ' ',
,erai Days.
view of 3,000 spectator, the big dirigible
balloon Akron was shattered by 'the ex
plosion of the gas bag at 6:S8 thl morn
ing a balf mile oft shore over Abaecon
iniet: .. " . . , ... ...
Metvln Vaniman, who bad built the alr
. ship with the Idea of flying across the
Atlantic ocean; Calvin Vaniman, ) his
younger brother; Fred Elmer, Walter
Guest and George Bourtillion, his crew,
were Instantly MUM. No trace of their
bodies has been discovered.
The dirigible was sailing at a height
- - of 1,006 feet and had been In the air since
6:15 o'clock when the accident occurred.
It "was quarter of a'mile south of
Brigantine Beach, which Is across the
Inlet from this city. The huge envelope,
containing thousands of cubic feet of gas,
was rent by the terrific explosion, prob
ably caused by expansion from the sun's
rays. '
It burst near the middle. 1 A mass of
flames hid the ship from view. For a
sprfce of perhaps ten seconds the haJf-mijlton-dollar
dirigible was Invisible, while
the air about the spot where it had been
hovering to be all flames..
Falls Like n Plummet.
The fire dissipated and then the ship,
outlined against the sunrise, was seen
to fall like a plummet. First the under
structure, .or car, in which were penned
the unfortunate men, held in by a mesh,
work put on after the second trip of the
balloon three weeks ago, unable to es
cape, broke away from the envelope. It
up-ended, the bow turning first, in a
alow arc. Then It reversed suddenly 'And
plunged downward,; Directly ; above,
"'twisting in a-Jong spiral, was he bag.1 a
emqklng mass of rubber . ana silk, with
flames" shooting out from a dozen see-
tions as It collapsed."' It fluttered rm
went and then streaka dowtt aftr, the
ear.. -. . : ; '.v-
It the descent something which ap
peared to o the body or a man snot out
to the left of the. Wreckage and hit the
water before the rest of the descending
mass. It was reported that this was the
headless body of Calvin Vaniman. '
At 8:20 a. m. a message was relayed
ashore from rescuers that this body had
been recovered. . With. It came the state'
ment that Captain Lambert Parker of
the federal Ufetaving crew that this was
trueand that the other four members of
the crew-were entangled in the wreckage,
beyond reach for the present, in eighteen
feet of water.
. Thousands of persons from every part
of the resort are gathered along the Inlet,
board walk and about the Vaniman cot
tage, just across from the hangar at the
Inlet, where Mrs. Vaniman collapsed and
became unconscious from the shock.
. The greatest excitement prevailed for a
time. Boats ,were starting out from, the
inlet and alt along the shores of the
thoroughfare and beach; Police reserves
who helped to launch the craft, which
sailed along gracefully until the accident
occurred, kept the crowds from about the
Vaniman villa,
Second Flight of Year.
The flight was the second that the air
ship had taken - this year. After tinker
ing all winter on the ship Vaniman took
the Akron out for a short flight on
Saturday morning, June 1. At that time
the balloon was nearly wrecked by some
of the mechanism glng wrong, but It
was landed without .serious mishap.
The longest flight the balloon made
was last fall when it spent the greatest
part of the day in the air In the vicinity
ef this city. At tfiat time the gas in the
bag was not : sufficient to keep the big
ship constantly in the air and it had to
make several landings. During the win
ter Vaniman Improved, the ship through
lessons learned in that flight' v
id general appearance the Akron was
hot ' unlike the America in which Walter
Wellman and Vaniman attempted to
cross the Atlantic ocean In October, 1910,
but there were many differences ,in the
. eonstruotion. The' gas ' bag was thirty
Ceet longer than that of the America, but
was smaller in diameter." The dimensions
were: Lenth of bag, 258 feet, diameter
forty-seven feet .The bag was made of a
composition of rubber and was constructed
In Ohio.
Three Motors mad Dynamo.
Beneath was tha car, similar In shape
to the America's, but longer, perhaps ISO
feet long. The bottom of the car was
composed of a round steel tank two feet
in diameter and about 100 feet long. lu
this tank, was stored the gasoline. The
The Weather
For Nebraska Unsettled with showers.
' For Iowa Unsettled , with showers,
femperatare at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. '. Deg-
S -fa. m..."".." tS
IJrvVXf) ' a. m... &g
Xfifffskt rvw a. m 70
vlvotA Kvl J a. m "4
VTOfy 1 87
VVJFfV 4 p. m. 87
y&sg&x 6 & m 88
yIiv- p. 87
7 p. m...t 86
" ' ' I p. m.... 83
Underwood and Foss Withdrawn Be
fore Last Ballot is Announced.
Jfew York Climbs Into Band Wage
and at Last Casts Solid Vote for
Woodrow Wilna of Wew
Jersey. . , ' '.
BALTIMORE, July 2.-Senator Bank-
head, referring to the withdrawal of Mr.
Underwood, spoke as follows:
. "Air. ; Underwood entered this contest
hoping that he might secure the , nomi
nation from this convention, but I desire
to say for him that his first and greatest
hope was that through this movement he
might be able to eliminate and eradicate
for all time every remaining vestige of
factional ' feeling in this country., (Ap.
"Mr. Underwood today will willingly
and anxiously forego this nomination if
he" has succeeded and if the country has
concluded that Mason and Dixon's line
has been tramped out and this is once
more a united country. (Applause.)
We have demonstrated here, my
friends, in my judgment, that no longer
sectional feeling exists. (Applause.) The
liberal support that Mr. Underwood ha3
had from the east satisfies us that , if
an opportunity were offered to nominate
this splendid man, the people there are
ready and would hasten to his aid.
"Mr. Underwood did not enter, this con
test to defeat any man's nomination.
His only hope was that the great record
that he has made as leader ; of the
democracy, his hope was that what he
had . accomplished for the democracy
of this country, would, secure . the
election of a democrat at the' election
next November. (Applause.) - He has al
ways said, 'I take no personal part , in
this campaign; I have not the time,'
Mis First Duty.
"He said: 'I have a full man's work
marked out for me in Washington, and
my first duty is to make it possible to
elect a' democrat, whoever the-nominee
may be.' Upon that high ground he
stands today; upon that high ground he
will stand tomorrow and all other days.
He has no concern, my friends about his
own nomination or election beyond that
which naturally comes to every man who
feels he is thoroughly equipped and qual
ified for that high office. But I think
the time has come when it is. demon
strated that he cannot be nominated in
this convention; and br cannot be used to
defeatths nomination of any ether Van-,
didate." (Lend applause.y - -' y'
J"He a,nd his friends everywhere stand
ready to . give the nominee of thia con
vention their hearty . support He , has
stood upon every platform that has been
wrtUen - since 1896.-He-wlll stend upon
any platform, that, thia ,oiiyentlon; . may
write. I would not undertake knowtn
him as I do, to say that all of Its planks
and I don't know What they - are
would meet his judgment, but he is a
democrat and stands for the success of
his party."
A delegate: "Vice president." -Senator
Bankhead: "Vice, president
no. (Applause.) No friend of ' the demo
cratic party would dare suggest to -.take
that : man . from his present position (ap
plause) if . they cannot . elevate' him ' to
the highest office In the land. Vice presi
dent? Anybody can sit In the vice presi
dent's chair. (Laughter). It is a kind of
an ornament. Even I, as humble as I
am, could sit in that chair and say:
'The gentleman . from New York moves
to adjourn (laughter), and that is all.
(Laughter). .... ...
"This great democrat the democracy's
best asset; "this great' democrat, who has
made it possible for the democratic party
to win In the next contest, 'Will stay
where he is and perform the duties that
he has been performing without com
plaint. To take that man from the field
of usefulness and construction .that he
now occupies would be a crime, unless
he can be promoted to the presidential
chair, the only promotion that yon could
give him. I hope that no gentleman here
will suggest his name for vice president.
He has repeatedly said: 'No,' and he
is a man who stands by bis word.
' Vaderwood la Withdrawn.
"Now, my friends, one more word and
I will conclude." Senator Bankhead was
Interrupted by calls from delegates on
the floor. The chair having restored
order, the senator continued: -"Now,' one
word and I am through. Mr. Underwood
directs me as the humble servant . by
whom -his campaign has been conducted
to withdraw his name from-before , this
convention. (Applause). He directs me
further to thank most sincerely those de
voted friends who have stood by him so
(Continued on Third -Page.) , .
Underwood Will ;
Be with Nominee of
V the Convention
WASHINGTON, July 2. Representative
Underwood did not know of the ' with-
drawal of his name until informed by
the Associated Press. He said:
'Senator Bankhead has been in charge
of my campaign and has made a splen
did fight He has been in entire charge
of my candidacy and acts for me., .
"The -loyalty of . the senator and his i
menas is a source oi grauueauon 10
me and I thank them for It'. We have
succeeded , in one thing, at least and
have Impressed the country and our
party that a southern man can be a
candidate for the presidency.
"I wUl support the nominee of the. oon-
restion whoever be may be and shall
spend my time working for the ticket
chosen at the convention. ; f
air. Underwood beard later -by long
distance telephone of the withdrawal of
Us name.
aiy frfrads wfsa me to say that, the
action at iMa.Ssrrra was wtOnjal . my
STWwtafga r ipproral and. I malm that
statemant'' B miliL.
'How attmit Bt vita DEasUfesicsTr 8a
was asttad. '."
"I am not a camHttStte, dn nnt want it
and will not accept if I am nominated,"
Says Turning Point in Wilson's
Campaign Was Stand Against
Parker. '
Believes Large Part of Republicans
".; for Candidate, v ' '
' ' , . ' s
Failure Only Means They Did Not
! Fit Conditions. ; ;
Nebraska a Holds Informal Recep.
tloa ta Rooms and Ilaay Dele
, (4ate Drop In to Congrat
alate Him.
BALTIMORE, July i-Willlain J. Bryan
In a statement tonight sold that the nomi
nation of Woodrow Wilson on a progres
slve platform ' meant an overwhelming
victory for - the democratic ticket next
fall. ,
Mr. Bryan said:
"I feel sure that the action of the con
vention thus far will appeal to the coun
try. I had no choice among progressive
candidates, but from the first included
Governor Wilson In every list I had oe
casjon to make. His action in coming
out strongly against Mr. Parker for tem
porary chairman was the turning point
in his campaign. The country Is progres
sive. ' Nearly all of the democratic paAy
and more than half of the ' republican
party are progressiva. , '
"The paramount . question before the
convention was whether we , would take
sides with the reactionaries and thus en
courage the organization of a, third .party
and. give to the third party ( the hope of
defeating the, reactionaries divided into
two parties or . whether ; we would nomi
nate a ticket that would so appeal to the
progressive element of the nation as to
make a third party Improbable.
Sees" Hnsjei Majority.
"I am satisfied that with Mr. Wilson
running for president on the platform
which has been prepared, there ; will be
comparative .few progressive republicans
,who , win. not feel Justified in supporting
the democratic ticket If I were to make
an estimate tonight' ! would y' that; we
ought to have not less than 2,000,000 ma
jority of the popular vote and enough of
the electorial vote to give us an over
whelming majority --in the electorial col
lege. ' f-4f;
i,Th"aiten of'the convention in. adoptr
Inr the an ttvMortfan.Rvam-Belmont reriW.
lution has udetnflflettateaitfcM th 4eml
crattc pirtyi is' nofoniy progrssalve
IS bold'eridughHbthrW.dbvft the' gaunt
let tot theWatorylnteresisi It!llf fdr
tuhate that Mr. Wilson's nomination wis
made without' the aid' of Mr,' Murphy. It
was no reflection on the muiy good men
in the New York. delegation to say this.
"From every standpoint the outlook! is
hopeful. The only unpleasant thing about
a political fight is, that success to one
aspirant brings disappointment to ethers.
Those who fall ought td find some ebnso
latloil in the' fact tHatf failure la not al
ways a reflection upon . the : individual,
because circumstances exert a largtrln
fluence than IS sometimes supposed In the
determining of a convention choice.; Men
are only available when-they fit condi
tions. ;. ',- ' . ; ,,
- ' Treated the Maltltnde: i
"I decided some two years ago that I
did, not fit into the conditions aswe Uien
saw them, and I was not "willing to as
sume the responsibility of a'dvooatlhg any
particular progressive,'- partly because, I
preferred to trust the wisdom of the
multitude and partly because I felt that
a great deal would depend upon the ac
tion of the republican convention.
"When the republican convention ad
journed it was even more apparent than
before that circumstances required some
emphatic action on the part of our con
(Continued on Second Page.;
Presidential Nomination Ballots
BaUots n i , . Wilson.
First ........... 824
Second 839H
r 448H
' 545
535 .
; 497)4
446) 4
. 446)4
447) 4
; 423 ;
Third .V.... .. .845
Fourth .... ......... . . . .849 H
Fifth; ... ...861
Sixth . . . .854 ' "
Seventh ............. .332
Eighth .............. 851 M ,
Ninth ..S51H
Eleventh . .
Twelfth .
. 850 H
. 861 '
. . 862
: .862H
. .3612
.361 .
Thirteenth .
Fifteenth '
! nineteenth ,
.358 ;
, .895H
, .806H
.405 '
Twentieth . .".
Twentyrfirst .
1 )-
Twenty-sixth". .
Twenty-eighth '
Twenty-ninth ' .'
Thirty-first, ..,
Thirty-second .
Thirtj -third ..;
Thirty-fourth .
TbJrty-TifUi . . .
Thirty iith . .
ThUty-aLiuh ) . :
FsffCdS .....
...... 40flU
. . . .. .438
.". ....460 '
...... 475H
...... 477H
...... 47H
:..'.i..09l J4
rwtj-vm ' cs.9 .4
! Forty-thlrrl ..
j Forry-fnnrth
I rort7:ff:r ....
Twelve Navy Officers
Are Placed Upon ;
the Retired List
WASHINGTON, July 2.-The names of
twelve - navy Officers selected by the
plucking board for Involuntary retire
ment were made public today at the Navy
department There are - three , captains,
four ' commanders ' and five lieutenant
commanders in the list They are.
Captains Charles M. Fahs, relieved of
command of the cruiser California, pro
ceeding home via Europe; George R. Sal
isbury, waiting orders, Independence,
Mo.; Reuben O. Bi tier, captain navy yard,
Boston. Mass. - , '
Commanders-Matt H. Slgnor, naval
War college; Armlstead Rust .captain of
the yard, Charleston, 8. C. ; Marcus L.
Miller, commanding the" gun boat Vlcks
burg; Charles H. Hayes, war college.
Lieutenant ; eommanders Robert W.
Henderson, Inspector of ordnance, general
electric company, Schnectady, . N.,. Y. ;
Walter Ball, naval home, . Philadelphia;
Leland F. James, at , hospital, Puget
Sound; Casslus B. Barnes, executive of
ficer of the receiving ship at New York;
Hugh McWalker, in charge of the branch
hydographlc office; Boston. , The retire
ments took effect yesterday.
Har. Under- Mar-Bald-
mon. wood. shalL win. Foss.
148 ' 117)4 81 22
.141 111)4 ai 14
140) 4 114)4 ,31 14
136)4 112 31 14
141) 4 H9H 31 ..
135 121 31 .. ..
129)4 123)4 31
130 124 31 . .
127 122)4 31 . .
81 117)4 31
.29 118)4 30 .. ..
29 122 30 ..
29 115)i 30 .. ..
29 ' 111 30 ..
29 110)4 30 ..
29 112)4 80
29 112)4 30 .. ..
29 125 30
29 130 30 . ... ..
29 121)4-30
29 118)4 30 ..
115 30 ,.. 48
... . .116)4 30 . . ... 45
115)4 30 43
, 29 108 80 . . , 43
29 112)4 30 .. 43
29 112 80 .. 38
29 112)4 .. .. 88
29 .112 .. .. 88
19 ' 121)4 .. ..SO
17 116)4 .. .. SO
14 : 119)4 .. .. 28
29 118)4 .. .. 28
29 . 101 H .. .. S8
20 1014 .. , .. 28
29 . 98)4 .. .. 2S
, 29 1WJ4 .. .. SS
29 106 .. .. 28
23 106 . .. e
28 . 106 .. 23a.
7 ';" 1IM - ... ! ... SA
27 1M ' SA,
28 nx. ... sar
'37 99 .... 27
25 7 ' ... ' .... 87"
i i liJ '..- i,. .' . .... ; ....
Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey f
i ' . -
Four Leading People of Granger,' Die
r .: in Auto Crash. - : - $ f.
Victims Are George and James
Hanly and Mr. and Mrs.' Nets
Anderson Struck by North
western Limited Train.
' r I i n '
(From a Staff Correspondent.) ;
DKS MOINES, July 3.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Word was received here today of
the death by accident of four residents of
farms near Granger, only fifteen miles
north, in an automobile accident In Illi
nois. They are George and James Hanly
and. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson. They
were riding in an automobile when stnrt'k
by a Northwestern train at Geneva, 111.
All were 'instantly killed except' Jame
Hanley. 'who was renorted sn hmll v hurt
he WU die. George Haiiley owns' a 10,000-
acre farm near Granger and was demo
cratic candidate for sheriff of this county
last year. Anderson owned a lumber yard
In Granger. ' ' ' '
i' .
Iowa Federal Officers,
. Pressure is being brought to bear on
the Iowa republican members of congress
to agree upon a slate for the, federal post
tlons In Iowa and to present their recom
mendations to the president at once,. It
Is believed here that should the delegation
agree upon recommendations the appoint- j
menu would be made now by the presi
dent. There are manycandldates for at
torney, marshal and collector, but all
previous efforts to have a caucus failed.
Word from Washington Is that the mem
bers are to agree, but will hold several
meetings this week. ...-.
Ohio Republicans ,
Nominate Dillon
For Governor I
i Ing his nomination the governor walked
COLUMBUS, O. July 2.-E. B. Dillon, back and forth on the lawn, chatting Un
common pleas' judge of Columbv.8, was I formally wtlh newspaper men and resl
nomlnated for governor on the fifth bal-j dents of the town who came to. be on
lot at the republican state convent on j hand for a celcbualion. llr. Wilson and
today. The nomination came as a sur- her daughters had been keeping tally of
prise as union was a cana.catc ;or
justice of the state supreme court.
Judge Dillon's strength came frcm
forces in ' the convention that previously
had beeto divided between Lawrence If.
Langdon of Lebanon and B. ' H. Kroger
of Cincinnati. Many of the delegates who
had' supported A. Li Garford of Elyrts,
voted for him on the final ballot. '
The platform adopted was declared to
be a compromise. Many of its p'.ar.-.a,
It Is said, were framed by the Roose
velt supporter. When the ' Itoosevelt
delegation forced an expression cf
strength, however, in attempting to adopt
a minority report of the resolutions com
mittee, they were defeated.
General R. B. Broira "of Zaoesrllle.
tgstst and post-cor.. of the Cran4
Amy Rtsrulillc, department of Obit,,
eras laomirrateti tx lieutertaza tasneiw &: '
tan flint taHat.
Afltor Vt BsmmB IbbUlsS. Sstfi Ibeeni tta'kei I
a nnofim ta lauquardl. tfi inula tvvut '
Btajfl ssul JUwiih ?K. tUanjriut tot '.j(iv-
amn we nionlrmtwl flu u.nuifriKir.ui.-
atWtoWB By atatflunsrttbn.. Amn tfcU !
lluafl of (fMUmtbana- oaiimy wan intml.-j
natBd swomary of- etuie- aj: aoalaifci..-
Onthe Veranda ?hen Report of Hii
I V Nomina'tipn Conies.. . ;
Town People and Neighbors Gather
, and Pay It vspects,. Brass Baud.
Joining' In and Tendering;
SEAGIRT. N.' J.,' July J.-GoVeror WU
son was seated on the veranda o the
ilttle whito house" . with, ' Mrs. Wilson
and his daughters when he received nws
of hit oomlnatloias the democratio can
didate for1 president from his managers.
"The honor Is as grtal as can come to
any man by the nomination of a party,"
ho iald, "especially under the circum
stances. I hope I appreciate It at lis hue
value; but, just at this moment I feel
j 0,0 tremendous responsibility It Involves
evfii ,roore than I feel the honor,
" hope , wtlht all my heart that
party will never have reason to
grot it." , :
Governor Wilson wati posing for a pho
tograpli with liia wite and daughters
w'hch lie was informed that Underwood
had withdrawn.
"Well, 1 declare," said tne governor,
"that will give me enough if they all
go to me." Mrs., Wilson, whuise native
state Is Georgia, said.
"The only thing I regret is that Georgia
did not vote for Mr. VVIIaon. .
Governor Wilson said that at one time
during the convention he completely de
spaired of recclvins the nomination. That
was Friday evening whsn Speaker Clark I
lecelved a majority of tne tutu! vote,
wuson tnen wired to hiss manager at
Baltimore, William F. McComlis to re
lease the Wilson delegates., Mcombs, ac
cording to Governor Wilson, told the del
egates they were released, but they re
futed to change their vote,
. ' ConKrutuliKc tits tioveruor.
During the time Immediately preced-
(Continued on Second tV.lie.)
Half , Million Fund
, For Cornell Uni
CEDAR - RAPIDS, la.. ' July J.-The
students and faculty of' Cornell college,
Mt. Vernon, la., together with the towns
people, received word today that the col
iece endowment fund of 1500.000 had been
cxYiploted. A subscription of $60,000 from
a Kt Vernon ctttxen completed the final
spurt to reach the JSOO.flDO mart. ' A JolU
ilcKtfon meetiBg su planned.
Roosevelt Men
Win First Round
ETHOS, a. IX, .tuly 1 The BnoSEvelt
m(tn won ha flhat cmind fn the South
ncliams laaiuullcan canvtlon today.
aH-Una E. . K.annwVy of Canton torn-
pnriT tthalrman by a vote of 357 to BT
for a. J. Bussell of Hamlin county, a
Democratio National '' Convention
' Nominates Governor of New
, . Jersey, for President 1 . - .
Wilson "Shows" Big' "Gaina, in the
Early Ballots. '
He is Followed Soon by Clark, Foss
and Harmon, -
Objection to New York's Motion to j
Nominate by Aoolaanation. '
When It Is Shewn that Wllsea Has
Nearly One Thoasand , Votes
. Mlsaonrt Moves to Make -
1 i It Unanlmons.
' nri.MSTIN. ' .
BALTIMORE, July I.-8peakr Clark U
reported to have agreed to accspt the
nomination for vice president It is also
reported that the nominating speech will
be made by William Jennings Bryan. The
speakf r was In Baltimore earlier In the
evening.'' ! ' 1
. BALTIMORE. July a.-At 1:60 the con
vention hall was again thronged, with the
galleries filled to overflowing, showing a
general spirit of relief over the near ap
proach of the final scene. ' ' 4
Purportcrs of several men prominently
mentioned for vice president said the
nomination would go to Clark by accla
mation if he would take it.
, BALTIMORE, June 2.' Governor Wood
row VVilson Of Niiw Jersey Was noml
hat'd "fof pteKldcnt of the United States
by fi democratH' national eonventlon at
the afternoon1. eslon today,1 when, on'
the forty-sixth v ballot, '-h teceived 9S0 -Votss'.ta
! f9F,Cbaiw; Otrk. The Mls'
rf jiol.stn;?"w.hloh :ha'l .'r'eniatne
fultlifuJ to yintk to i bf end, then moved
tliati lh itofulriatlon be mdde unanimous.
There was' a great chorus of approval and
I he long fight was oyer. ' . '
r. Only. four, ballots, er necessary today
to reach a nomination. When the con
vention adjourned jast night this conven
tion had seemed to ba in an all but hope
lens deadlock.' VUson had begun to lose
ground on the last few billots and Champ
Clark had mads a few temporary gains.
This encouraged, the speaker to rush over
to Baltimore from Washington this morn
ing In the hope of still further turning
the tide and ' rallying ' his, forces to a
final stand. ' 1 .-
. Whqn the speaker arrived, however, he
learned that the Illinois delegation' at an
early morning conference had decided to
switch from Clark to 'Wilson, this meant
a change of fifty-eight votes arid7 was as
fatal to Clark's chances as It was in
spiring to the Wilson forces. t- ;
The Wilson forces went to the -convention
hall at noon In the' firm belief that
the New Jersey governor would be norn-:
inated 'before another adjournment '' was
taken. As they had expected,' the vote
of Illinois "marked the beginning of the
end. West Virginia Joined hands ' With
Illinois in going over, to Wilson on the
forty-third ballot, the first cast today.
Wilaon Orvin Ttapldly.,
Wilson jumped from his final vote of
494 last night to 802,. on. the first ballot
today. The figures told their, own story.
The Wlhson delegates were Jubilant as
Chairman James directed the second call
of the day, the forty:fourth of the con
vention. The most. Important change on
this ballot was in the Colorado delega
tion, which had been voting eleven for
Clark and .one for Wilson. .This time
Colorado divided ten to two in favor ot
Altogether the ultimate nominee gained
twenty-seven votes on this ballot Then
came the forty-fifth. It was disappointing
in a way, for Clark hold his own and
WtiMon made a gain of only four.
There were few In the hall at this time
who did not believe Wilson would win,
but they feared it would take a long,
long while for him s to attain the 725
votes necessary to nominate. It was real
ized that there must be a decided break
in the Underwood vote,-which had held
firm from ' the beginning, ' before any
man could win. ,
T mJvrMonil I Withdrawn.
The forty-sixth ballot had been ordered
when Senator Bankhead of Alabama was
" (Continued on Third Page.) "
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