ft :By Hershfield Desperate Desmond Talk About a Snake in the Grass! It's Noth ing to the Villain in a Bouquet. , ii Kill llliilll wairuS! J-- ' M .- . ... .. t. -v IllCcti.,, fr. luifr c Vu Tn HgLP Me m2yW'jFrM2ZJs OWf mLfff IfflmL WW TiiSiLo 6wftTwow on tub i'rf c.mvT UYORessiNRocM.BjoRMy ?aha- while -rwr EeZo ) t I V i I i 1 myH!iSi s&mssmf sss2smr-x I.-THB CHASE. - Desperate Desmond, the international crook, Is now surrounded on the top of the gradnstand, which overlooks the ' arena of the Olympic games. Gallant Claude Eclairs prepares to climb up after the villain who has brought so much ( trouble into the lives of Rosemond and himself. All the athletes will aid him. WANT ADS t. . Went ads received at any time, bat to iasure proper classification moat be presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:80 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received after suck out will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to CUaaiff .H :'; ;; y; X CASH RATEs"fOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 M cent per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive Insertion. Each inser tion made en odd days 1 M cent per word; $1.50 per line per month when ad is run without change of copy. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. HARMS Mrs. Frances Virginia, mother of Dr. Robley D. Harris, 2409 Emmett SL Born at Martlnsburg, Va., August 11, 1823. Mrs. Harris had been a resi dent of Nebraska for twenty-six years. Funeral services at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the house, Rev. J. 8. Collar of the Good Shepherd church officiating. Interment at Zaneavllle, O. - LODGE NOTICES. NICE HALL 'for lodge meetings. See this one. IMS Harney. : ' " MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been granted the following couples: Name and Address. Age David Feiilowlts, Council Bluffs 24 Ida F. Reinschrelber, Omaha.,. li PhlUppo Nlcroll, Omaha .' 28 Teresa Vacant, Omaha 1 Martin Stevens, La Platte, Neb IS Nellie Ackerman, Oreapolis, Neb 18 C. C. Bailey, Omaha....... $ May Sutton, Omaha....... 25 Harry B. Bailey, South Omaha.. 20 Helen Warren, South Omaha U Arthur Selgler, Omaha..... 32 ' Emma Schmidt, Omaha 26 Allison Glbbs, Nebraska City 22 Arminta Whlted, Nebraska City 1 George Seffron. South Omaha 23 Annie Gebell, South Omaha... Xi Thomas F. 8111, Bayard, la 33 Irene Hill, Omaha 20 Hugo G. Frasslnet, Schuyler... 33 Amelia Ladwlg, Schuyler.... .34 if HELP WANTED FEMALE -!. Clerical and Of floe. fDICTAPHONB OPERATOR, $50. "-'STENOGRAPHER (lumber) $60. '- COMPTOMETER operator, $50-$60. r. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. (Established FIVE YEARS In Omaha.) ' 1015-18 City Nat Bank Bldg. , ; Heaaekeeaer and Domestics. THE SERVANT "GIRL PROBLEM feOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Counoll Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee offtoe er telephone Tyler, mmh ' WANTED Help for work in kitchen. Apply to Clarksoa hospital between 11 a. tn. and I p. m. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. SKIS Dewey Ave. Har ney 1623. u. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; light work. 1407 Emmet St 'rnone wen. zsu. ,i w Aivi a young girt to assist wiia housework and care for baby; small fam ily. 1135 Georgia Ave. GOOD, competent plain cookj white; good wages; no washing or Ironing, tui Chicago. Harney 2131 AN honest clean girl for general house work. Call Harney 394. fckJkNTKrVA vnnni lrl tnr nn.r.l housework. Telephone Harney 741. 1304 d. m et. . WANTED A good girl for general housework; three In family. 8328 Harney. - WANTED A good girl for general Housework, ous o. wtn. ' WANTED White girl for general house work, one that goes home evenings pre ferred. Apply wi Harney at. . WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; family of three grown people; must have references, 103 8. 88th St. Mrs. Ben Baser. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework! 3 In family; good wages. Apply at once 2724 Bpaulding St. Phone Webster 32US. YOUNG girl tor general, housework. Harney 741; 1304 8. 85th St. WANTED A girl for general house work. Mi California at. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework, family or two. 1549 So. 29th St Phone Harney .1939. WANTED A competent maid tor sec ond work. Reference required. 607 8. 38th St. Telephone Harney 3009. WANTED A girl for general house work, st once. 3204 Sherman Ave. Tele phone Webster 4lh& ' WANTED Girl for general housework: small family; good wages. 3514 Lincoln Blvd. - . WANTED A neat girl for general housework; family of three; no washing; good home. Phone Harney 3610. WANTED A girl for general house work. 1813 Burt St - WANTED Working . . housekeeper in small family with baby. $35 per month. References. Apply U to 13 or 4 to t at U8 Brandeis Theater Bldg. lalaeeUaaeeae. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as Stringers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave., and 17th. St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for out traveler guide at the Union station. . GIaL to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm parlors, 2d floor, City National. 'Persistent Advertising is the Road to , rj P-eturas, ... IL-A HUNTED RAT. On top of the grandstald Desmond sees his pursuers gather around him. He Is Ilk a rat in a trap, and like a rat he seeks a dark hole. The villain picks a plank out of the roof, for he knows that the Inside of the stand must now be deserted. Desmond must take a long chance in dropping so far. HELP WANTED MALE Areata, Salesmen aad Solicitors. WANTED Bright man with a littis cash to take active interest in estab lished wholesale house. Address L 390, Bee. MADE U00.000 In mall order business In fiction, ont truth; don't buy advertised "Instructions" or "secrets." We loan them to our readers. Send for descrip tive literature of America's leading mall trade magazine, The Mail Order News, Fort Madison, la. WANTED Accident and health Insur ance agents to work in Omaha or state of Nebraska or in seven other western states. Best lins of policies top notch commissions renewal contract grauted by the largest casualty company of the west. NAT. FIDELITY A CASUALTY CO., Omaha, Neb. WHY not earn 15 to 326 dally T Others do It with our new specialty. Send for booklet Park Specially -Co., Harris, la. Clerical aad Office. BOOKKEEPER, prefer man thoroughly experienced In lumber, $85-190. STENOGRAPHER, lumber iirm. 7S. BILLING CLERK (Smith Premier), 356. CORRESPONDENT familiar with im plement line, 31,800. we have many otners. can. pnone or write. COIOPERATIVB REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City Nat Bank Bldg. FULL dress suits and party d reuses for sale; also for ret, 3100 to $1.60 a night. JOHN FELDMAN, 80 N. 17th. D. 3128. WANTED A student to work in en gineer's office during vacation months. Must be neat tracer and anxious to learn. Address particulars to college, statins age and pay expected. Address O 374, Bee. Factory aad Trades. Drag store (snsp) jobs. Kntest, Bee Bldg. WANTED-Cabinet makers for store fixture factory: steady work. H. Ehr- llch Si Sons Mfg. Co., St Joseph, Mo. SCHOOL girls wanted to paint sofa pillows at home; good pay; experience unnecessary. Call forenoons. 2307 a. 13th. WE WILL ctve sou a aood Job and tools if you will leu-u the barber trade now; hundreds of positions waiting our graduates; few weeks required; call or write. Moler Ba'sr Collegs. Ui) & litl. St Mleeellaaeoas. YOU ARB WANTED for - government position, $80 per month. Send postal for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Department ill Kocnestww N. v 7.000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for list Franklin Insti tute. Dept 314 P.. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Steady, reliable man: wagss. $30 weekly; experience unnecessary; $160 requirea. vswi garnam, room 17. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Paolflo and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training in our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres. uoyies college, omana. Men. WANTED-FOR U. S. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men between the ages of IS and 86: citlsens of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speak, .read and write tne ungusa language. For information apply to re cruiting officer, 18th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb.: 607 4th St., Sioux City, la.; uo n. iota E t. uncoin. mo. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE ANY intelligent person may earn steady Income corresponding for news papers. Experience unnecessary. Ad dress Press Correspondence Bureau, Washington, D. C WANTED SITUATIONS BUNDLE washing, 60 cents a dosen, rough dry, 36 cents a dosen. Web. WASHING and ironlns "?one. T., H. 6420. LADY wants day work. Call Red. 8206. FIRST class praotical nurse. Harney 60IO. BUNDLE and family wash. Guaran teed. Tel. Webster 3677. HOUSE cleaning and lawn mowing; prices reasonable; satisfaction. H. 6374. A Japanese, young man wants a posi tion tn private family; city or country. Address 0 m, tee, 1VlNTtr.IV. Htoari v wnrlt hv & snnH general blacksmith. Can give best of reference. Write Lock Box 2. Powells, Neb. PRINTER First class all around job ber; display, makeup, stone, proof read ing, etc, wants work in open shop. B til, see. COMPETENT colored woman wants a place to cook, where a girl of 7 Is not ob jectlonable; special dinners prepared, or gooa cateress. 'rnone w. ANNOUNCEMENTS Nebraska Plating and Repairing Co. all kinds of plating, gold and silver spe cialty. Also automobile repairing. 1313 Howard St Basement. ALL will be foraiven. Mary, if vou will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas streets. That is where BRODEUAARD sells those lucky wedding ria. Y. W. C. A. Cooking Lessons Hot Weather Dishes. Class Begins July 3 Wednesday, 1:30. MISS HELEN BUCK. Six Lessons $2.50 - NEBRASKA SEWING MACHINE AND REPAIR CO. Expert repairing. Better work for less money. Work guaranteed. Full line of sup- piles, one Cos. needles tree wttn every re pair Job. 18U St Mary's. Red 7267. A-3UL DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. GU GET your diamonds at Brodegaard'a. D. & Griffith, wig mfr.. 13 Frenser. IIL-A HIGH DIVE. It is a long drop from the roof of the grandstand, but Desmond has no other chance of escaping, and he knows how roughly the athletes would handle him if they got the opportunity. To the villain's relief he sees an enormous basket of flowers below. This will not only break his fall, but afford an excellent place of concealment ANNOUNCEMENTS Stevenson, carpenter, confc Both 'phones. Box 60, postpaid, md; try naii oo, u not satisfactory money refunded. Bi&A- TON DRUG CO., 1503 yarnam, ui- OMAHA TKNT CO. Tel. 822 Douglas. MONEY TO LOAN ljW rate, tn sums to nit. S10 Baa Bid. 'PhonA Dousr. 2W4. UNION LOAN CO. 8. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 3768. 1316 Farnam. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. Twenty-fourth and L Sts.. South Omaa. Upholstering, piano, turn, rep. 2804 Far. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 3373. Neb. Seed Co., 1208 Jones. Both 'phones. Omaha Bill Posting Co., 1315 Har. D. 2034. Bath tubs $1360. Offerman 1110 Douglas. i.' at vnxuwn HAM P. r.flOKlNG. ARKINS, 318 8. 16TH, UPSTAIRS. HRF.HTVK Cleaning and Dye Works jiXU.Vi j. H. Boonstra, Sr., We call and deliver. Both pnones. KODAK'S Eastman Goods, complete IXKJUJXJXa .tap Lararest finishing department In the west. X tW HUBERT JiiMrBTlUK W.. 1813 Farnam St, and 308 S. loth Bt lng. Bchmoller A Mueller, D. 1623; A-1625. COOK WITH ELECTRICITY AND ELECTROCUTE LABOR Makes summer cooklnK a pleasure. Cooks with less expense, cooks things better, turns cooking care to restful con fidence; foods are wholesome; cooks by clock regulator; a few minutes current and the Imprisoned heat cooks the food. See full line, 1117 Farnam. GRACIE MAY: Come to mamma: at least write a line. M. E. Morrill, china paint. 838 Brandeis Th LET Garrett, the office Janitor, clean your office; $3 per week and up. Call Harney 2U03. NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 606 Paxton Blk.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company; ex perts of Multigraph and Neostyle. .Western Millinery School 627-828-629 PAXTON BLK. Dav and nlsht classes start July L Join now and be prepared for fall trade. ANCHOB FENCE CO., Trnn anil wlr fane cheariAF than wood. lasts a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. GRANDMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphate, cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. OnnRi-ai machine reoalrs: lawn mowers sharpened. John Brlce, 811 8. 12th. D-8678. MrTir TmirHmRft1 EXCHANGE. n i aairfi Umivht and nM. Tnfarma- tlon free. Call or write, Universal School of Music, office 613 Paxton Blk. FOR THE TnnvTi7.uH A Mil rnMVTT.VTlp.Mtm of my customers and friends I wish to announce that my LiAUims l AlijU.ru. in v riwjjuno will be closed from July 10 to August L This time I will Bpend on a trip to Tf i. nn vnv UnA nf fall and winter patterns. Will reopen with line une aooui August L. LIEFF. Ladles' Tailor. Wead Bldg. B. C. LATHERS wanted to aDoe&r next Tues day evening, 1313 Douglas St., last meet ing for special dispensation. A. Alex, international organiser. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. k'V n a Motion picture machine and film bargains. r i UTOicn !-Ji ir .arnlv.1 anil Ann cessions of a Kinds lor G. A. R. reunion at Franklin, lNeD., Aug. ism to iau. u- dress Geo. E. Han, sec y, rraniuui, Neb. AUTOMOBILES OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House, 2201 Farnam. rnone xyier wo. CONDITION; EXTRA EQUIPMENT. TEL. HARNEY 804. n'nnvnviM a. Pir.AflR nru. repair ing, livery and storage. 731-736 N. 24th, South Omaha. Phone South 169. Your TIRE EXPENSES cut in two, r- . i . a ..naipinff- wnrlz vuarB.nteeL AUTO TIRE. REPAIR CO.. 1923 Farnam. Ti 1 -r. 1 T. REPAIRING, murpny uia 11 tpTin lvid due "W.lKh" NlharuBovcr 7-passenger touring car with the following equipment: xuonair top, wmiumwu, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims. Klaxon horn and Prest-O-Llte tank. The car is in Ilrst-ciaBS conaiuon ana a Bar gain. First cash offer of $1,200 takes it Address, Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs, la. A TTTH Repairing and Cleaning. Work U1U Guaranteed. 2566 Harney D-7098 TIRE REPAIRING? ohUr0ow tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed, Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. DRUMMOND 2 White Steam cars, late models, fine conditio... $600 and $660. f Beacom Moved 2318 Harney St Tyler I486. Blow Outs as well as 25fl punctures , SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES TWO high grade Firestone Columbus touring cars; new models, new cars. Reg ular price $2,600.00, close out '1,600.00 each. biKEcat auto bargain in. : Omaha. No trade considered. Racine Sattley Com- pany of Nebraska, 10th Bt Viaduct FOUR 6-passenger automobiles for sale cheap. Rushing Bros., South Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO get in or out of business call on GANGKSTAD. W4 Uee Bide Tel. D. W77. FOR SALE Drug store In Colorado's best city; invoice $14,000; for terms and particulars write F. W, Lomax, Boulder, Colo, ,, IV.-THB PRESENTATION. The huge bouquet is a present from the beautiful Rosemond and, needless to say, it is Intended for the heroic Claude, who competes for the honor of America. In a few well chosen words, a distin guished Swedish official makes the pre sentation to Claude, who blushes and stammers out a few words . of earnest thanks. BUSINESS CHANCES BUTCHER'S Ice box and patent oil tank for sale. See Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. Douglas 2724. LAUNDRY for sale in a good, live county seat town of 2,000, $1,000 cash, bal ance on monthly payments. Address, Y 70, Bee. FOR SALE. General store, property at Grable, la.. 13 miles of Council Bluffs, only store there; good farming country around it; property consists of half acre land, op posite railroad station, with store room, warehouse, five living rooms, etc.; owner has been doing a good business, but family trouble makes sale necessary; the court has ordered me to sell this property and It seems like a good buy for someone at $1,200. McGee Real Estate Co., 106 Pearl St., Council Biuffs. LACY partner wanted, with some money to invest to open a good working man boarding house In Omaha; a good chance to make some money. Address K 878, Bee. $100 TYPEWRITERS, ail makes, 316.00, $26.00, $60.00. Rentals, 8 months, $6. Type writer Inspection Bureau. 1805 Farnam St.. Doug. 6031. - HOTEL or restaurant wanted to lease, furnished hotel or restaurant by compe tent hotel man and caterer, with option of buying furnishing In the future. Ad dress Walter Green, Y 7L care The Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Railroad restaurant cheap If taken at once. Reason tor selling, buying other business. Address Harry Hoage, Ashland, Neb. Ed Rothery. Business and Real Estate Exchange Co. Room 319. McCague Bldg. PHYSICIANS. Location and practice for sale; several appointments transferred; practice 20 years; well established; will sign agree ment not to practice here; will intro duce purchaser fully to clients and pa tients; one who speaks German wlltt do well. Come and make me an offer; price $500. Address Y 69, Bee. FOR SALE Variety store in town of 1,100; will Invoice about $2,000. Write for particulars to A. E. Taylor. Humeston, Iowa. llooutla- Uauei fur Vale. ONE of the larsrest bargains ever of fered; 20-room house, good money maker, must be sold at once regardless of price: make offer quick. Tel. Tyler 1546. P1DTV Wain, nlto nml a. 11 room rooming house, full of roomers: no agents, see owner. 416 N. 18th St BUSINESS PERSONALS Attorneys. G. W. Shields, Attorney, 327 B. of Trade. Bag Manafactarers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Neb. Chlropodlats. DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Clothing Maaafactarers. Wear Weal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Creameries, Dairies aad Suppliea. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Cornice and Steel Celllacs. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Dancing) Academies. SUMMER classes for beginners at MACKIES' every Monday and Friday evenings. Don't wait 1816 Harney. Detectives. L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Serv. 428 Paxton blk. D. 1319. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 3996. Mrs. Hodgen. 1203 N. 27th. Phone S. 2066. SPKPIAI.TY Dna-nlece dresses and chil dren's clothing. 839 S. 24th. Red 6347. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th & Far. Drafting. Jacob! A Wilson, 731 Bran.The. D. 2047. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat'l. P. 2366. Mach & Mach, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1085. Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Doug. P. 2186. Everything (or Women. Dr Babcock Co., 202 Wlthnell. 15 & Har. Curtains laundered. Mrs. Carmody. H 4539 Plumes Repaired i?komSa1m . Everything; Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. uurgess-uranaen uo., imi novira. v. u. Feed Utile aad Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills. 2332 Isard. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. P. 1001: A-lOOL HESS SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnar.i. D. 1368. BATH'S FLORISTS, BJyd Theater Bid. Fbaadrlea. McDonald brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings. 1407 JacKson. 1 Moving, storage aad Cleaning. GORDON Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Moving furniture, packing, fireproof norm. Citv office. 216 a 17th. Douglas m or Ind. A-1314. McLaud Son Van A Stor. 3 horse Van. $ men. $1.25 hr. 2 horses. $1 hr. P. 4338. W. 643. PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex tress, 1616 Capitol Ave. P. CO. A-3937. Nareerlee aad seeds. STEWARTS 6EEDMEN. 119 N. lsth. Oatleiaaa. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandeis. Osteonetay. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. Katheryn Nlckolas. 634-6 Brandeis The. . Photographers. ' Rlnehart, photographer. 13th ft Farnaav BUSINESS PERSONALS Patents. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. 8TURGIS registered attorney. United States and foreign patents. 646 tsranaels Theater Bldg. Phone D. S469. WlUard Eddy. 1530 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Printing. . . Lew W.Raber, Printer, SJjfJSS PC Pi Pi-,LAJ. ciXM-jKAWUlS ON COURT. Rels-Hall Ptg Co.. 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-35K Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A-2620 for good printing. Steel Tank aad Calvert Companies. NRRRASK'A and lma B1 Tanlr (Vn. pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 8869. Stenographers and Conrt Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley. 706 Bran. The. D. 6681 Store and Office Fixtures. WE BUY and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. near Howard. D. 2724. - Tenta - aad . Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 821 Trunks and Suit Cases. Frellng ft Stelnle, 1803 Farnam St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 66c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. 16th St. Wlnea and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 601-3 S. 13th St EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses in Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President, Boyies College, Omaha. Nebraska. LIVE STOCK FOR CALK Horses and Vehicles, Buggies, surrles and ranabouts at less than wholesale price, to close out. JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., 10th and Jones Sts. ALFALFA hay. $12 ton. Wagner. 801 N.16. Snaps in Buggies 2 delivery wagons and several choic uggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. RF.F.flF.'S Bau. Horses and farm OlCjUj O mare(j for 8ale. oratt and wagon horses to let by the day. 2531 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 1135. LOST AND FOUND LOST Dark Jersey cow, short crumpled horns. Phone Webster 2426. LOST Coral necklace, between 20th and Douglas and 24th and Capitol Ave. Re turn to 2206 Spencer St. and receive , re ward. PERSONS having lest some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Ivory handle umbrella. Liberal reward. Harney 2542. LOST Saturday evening between Thirty-eighth and Farnam and Field club or at Field club, Phi Roe Slgna fraternity pin, pearl settings; inscription, Roberts, on back. Finder please telephone Harney 6821. Ask for Miss Nelson. MEDICAL Dr. Babcock, specialist; both sexes; 20i Wlthnell Bldg., ,15th snd Harney Sts. Women's allm'ts. Dr. Burke. 42 Doug. Blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula snd other rectal diseases without surgical oDeratlon. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on J m.. 1 HI... uao wllH tastimnniAlu 'I DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Dr. Race, specialist. 2323 Harney. D 8943. Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. r - a MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chat tela. MONEY FOR THE FOURTH. Don't spoil a good time for the need of it COME IN AND SEE US. Loans made to any working man or woman on Just personal note. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. NO SECURITY REQUIRED. Loans made quickly and privately. LOWEST RATES. TERMS TO SUIT. ' NATIONAL LOAN CO., 606 Bee Bldg. Sixth Floor. PHONE DOUG. 61U. NOTICE Loans negotiated on real estate, furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Very low rates and confidential. We will appre ciate your call. BIGGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 30$ Paxton Block. 217 S. 16th St Telephone Loug. mi or ino. a-iui CHATTEL LOANS, $6 to $luC SALARY LOANS. You can got it today of STAJK liUAW v;u.. wi rannn niocn. keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices in 67 prin- i.i aLIam . TnlmftiL EGV Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. 1 V. THE HIDDEN SNAKE, Little guessing that he is helping his deadly enemy 'to escape, Claude, with the courteous assistance of the Swedish of ficial, bears the huge basket of flowers to his dressing room. '. Our hero is more than usually pleased with himself for he has done well in competitions and now, has this token of Rosamond's love. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattel. It on furniture, pianos and jVlnnPV real estate at a very low rate of interest . Nebraska Loan Company Doug. 1366. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1356. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 5 per cent FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St Tel. Red 5619. Your Money WILL BRING YOU A GOOD INCOME If you loan it through W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., No. 1320 Farnam St, On IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY. RATES RIGHT. SECURITY THE BEST. OFFERED FOB BENT Board and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. P. 611. A-2611. MODERN room with board. 2005-7 St Mary's Ave. 2216 HOWARD.-C00I front parlor with board, for two; $5.50 per week. BOARD and room for two. 2609 Dewey Ave. Phone D. 7639. NICE cool summer rooms, with board. 2206 Lake St Webster 4768. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished south rooms In pri vate residence; references. 1909 Capitol. 1059 Park Ave., furnished room for gentlemen, modern house on car line, $7.60 per month. Harney 3991 2-room suites furnishedrunning water, very desirable, rates low for summer months, located close to 18th and Far ram. Cy Smith, 1812 Farnam. DODGE ST. 1816 Furnished rooms; day or week. NEATLY furnished room, modern; elec tric light: $9 per month. TeL Harney 1557. 2664 Douglas St Furnished Housekeeping ttoiuiii, 8 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1U2 S. 11th. 'TWO nicely -furnished - housekeeping rooms. 2018 Davenport. TWO beautiful rooms, kitchenette, elec tric light, hot and cold water. 410 S. 25th St THE MANUEL Two room apartment $23. The Howard, 2-room, private bath, (35. 21st and Howard. Two large light housekeeping rooms with bath; shade trees all around, $8 per month. H. 3G62. 977 N. 27th Ave. Hotels aad Apartments. Dewey European hotel. 13th and Farr.tm. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. nnnftin HDTF.T.. ,il remilremanta of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. Apartments and Flats. 4-ROOM apartment, new, modern brick; steam heat; short walking distance; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds;, laundry; fine Janitor service. Douglas o306. STRICTLY high grade 6-room apart ment cn West Farnam St Very choice. JOHN VV. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. A-l 6-room flat no equal 220 N. 23d St. 4-ROCM modern apartment. Web. 5975. 6-ROOM modern flat, Scargo Bldg., S16H N. 24th St., S. Omaha. Hall. 43S Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. A-4406. ADVANTAGEOUSLY located main floor apartment mpdern except bath and furnace. $15 per month. Upstairs 4 room apartment, $11. Phone Red 4301. FOR RENT New 4 and 6-room modern apartments. Just completed, corner 43d and Hamilton Sts.; rent $17 to $22 per month. JACKSON & M'KENZIE. 401 Bee Bldg. - 8-ROOM, modern flat, 32d and Popple ton, $30.00. WRIGHT & LASBURY, 506 S. 16th St. 'Phone D. 152. Furnished Houses. 7-ROOM modern house, nicely furnished for year or longer, 1025 Bo. 3lst st T-DfmM mulam furnished hnllftA tar rent. West Farnam district Call Harney 4402. 1. Unfurnished Rooms. FIVE nice, modern rooms, near car; good location; adults. 704 S. 30 th St. . Houses and Cottages. $9.00-3 large room apartment part mod ern, 1915 Elm St Key next door. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos: no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1496 or B-2428. 151 HALL AVE., $35.00. 7 rooms, mod ern. Vacant July L Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. Both 'phones. NEW 6 and 6-room modern cottages, oealtiful la n and shade. Phone Web ster 1122. 672 8. ZSth sv 8 rooms, completely modern; $32.50. Hall 433 Ramge. D. 7408: A-Mtv- TtiDrr T5rr"U mitin. 82X1 Parifln. AxiAVAJ.Aa-AWVV. - U 1 $9; 6 rooms. 2320 Pierce, $12; 4 large mod ern housekeeping rooms, $18, hot water heat 1311 a 25th Ave. A. E. Olander, 1309 S. 25th Ave. 6-ROOM flat 3d floor, 909 N. 24th St 6-room flat, 2d floor. 937 N. 24th St 8-room house at 1669 N. 17th St 8-room house at 1663 N. 17th St O. C. REDICK. Attorney. 1517 Farnam St MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos la our business Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 806 & 16th, by the viaduct. Branch ofiice. 809 S. 17th St Tel. D. 4163; A-1559. , T-vr m,m tvkttAm. lnnstAd at 613 8. 19th St; newly papered and painted. uoug. SM4. irrtR BFNT-7-room modern house Julv L 8346 Harney St TeL H 6309. 2607 DEWEY AVE. Strictly modern 7-room brick flat hot water heat com bination lights, excellent neighborhood; vacant July 1. $40. W. W. Mitchell, owner. 411 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 1332. FOR RENT 7-room, nearly new. mod ern home; 2629 Caldwell; $25. THOMAS W. HAfZEN, 107 McCague. i Douglas 1300. , VI. FREE AGAIN. "Ay ban the boy!" cries Desperate Des. mond, "and ay skol get revenge ond this bar Claude." The villain, when Claude and his Swedish friend retire, quickly frees himself from the flowers, and sets about his escape. He plans the capture of the fair Rosamond, and his adventures will be continued in tomor row's paper. OFFERED FOR BENT Houses and Cottages. 2939 MARTHA, two three-room houses, $7 per month. Phono B 5255 or Inquire 2812 N. 15th. $27.50. Elegant home in . Bemls Park, modern in every respect south front, paved street one block from car. $25.00. Five rooms and hall, strictly modern, house about a year old. Good neighborhood, block and half to car. . GALLAGHER & NELSON 483 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 3382 2035 Maple St., modern residence; 7 rooms and bath; reasonable to desirable party. Phone Webster 25o4. TTAR PK!WT SnmtnAr nntiava at V T C. A, Park for entire season. Call Doug. 3151. 1003 No. 29th St. 7-room, modern, briuic house, fine repair, cool in summer, warm in winter Paved, $20.00. Geo. E. Turking ton. 602 Bee Bldg. WALKING distance, 815 S. 23d; 6 rooms t down, 8 and alcove upstairs; modern except heat; key at 811. Call up phone Douglas 1124 or Webster 4895. . 3317 Dodge St., 7 rooms, fj& Inquire W. Preston. Doug- 776. Harney 1166. 2607 DEWEY Ave., brick, strictly mod ern, 7 rooms, reception hall and bath, combination lights, hot water heat walk ing ' distance; splendid neighborhood, vacant July 1, $40. 1109 and 1111 iiorth 23d St., nearly new modern brick flat, 5 rooms and bath, furnace heat water free; want perma nent tenants; $25 each. W. W. MITCHELL, 411 Bee Bldg., Red 1332. 4323 PATRICK Ave 5 rooms, recep tion hall and bath. Strictly modern la every particular, $25.00. Bemis-Carlberg, 810-312 Brandeis Theater. 7-ROOM house, all modern. 3126 Case St. 'Phone Benson 353 W. NEW 6 and 6-room modern cottager; beautiful lawn and shade. 2124 Miami St 'Phone Web. 1122. - - -. TTnnaoQ in a" parts of the city. XlUU&eij Crelgn Sons & COii Bee Bids. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. - Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglas 394 or A-1314. City office. 216 S '7th St.. Bee Bldg. - - WEST FARNAM New brick, 6 bed rooms and 2 baths. 315 N. 38th Ave. STRICTLY modern 8-room house, rea sonable. 2911 Bristol St Tyler 1600. Mauer. SIX-ROOM all modern house, $27.60. 2830 Capitol Ave. Inquire next door east. NEW eight-room, modern house, 2307 So. 33d. One block from Hanscom park. Telephone Harney 2931. 6 and 6-room cottage, $17 and $19 pe month, first class condition. Inquire George Grush, 2419 South Twenty-fourth. Stores and Offices. DESK room. 756 Omaha Nat. Bank Bdg. Grocery and meat market with fixtures; central, cross-town; no equal. a im. m. 9-r. home, all modern, at 609 S. 29th St. Brick barn at 910 N. 23d St O. C. Redlck. Attorney, 1517 Farnam St ' Store. 320 S. 13th St.. 20x45. Tel. D. 6220. j NEW centrally located hall, well equipped, at 1508-10 Harney St Office or salesroom at 15th and Har-. ney rfcw. Third floor at 1506 Harney St, new. Office at 1517 Farnam St, second floor. Store at 1411 Harney St O. C. Redick, Attorney. 1517 Farnam St - 1606-07 Davenport U. B. Balcombe. OFFICEwith use of reception room and stenographic services if desired! 1015-! City Natiuonal Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE BUILDING. 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive office; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 2 STORES with second floor and base, ments, 1404 and 1406 Dodge Street G. G. Turklngton, 602 Bee Bldg. STORE building in fine location; fine basement 22x66. Vacant August L $50 , F. D. WEAD, 1801 FARNAM ST. FOR RENT Four new modern store rooms, corner 43d and Hamilton Sts; good location for any kind of retail business; modern apartments above. JACKSON & M'KENZIE. 401 Bee Bid. OFFERED FOB SALE Furniture. . Louisiana Furniture' Store closing out furniture, ice boxes, etc. 2104 Cuming. Musical Instruments, FOR SALE A new $200 Victrola; has never been used. If interested ask for price. M 257. Bee office. $525 genuine Chlckertng & Sons' piano of Boston; slightly used; mahogany case, $200. Other bargains. G. H. Harr. Piano Co., 3d floor Boston Store Bldg. Miscellaneous. OLD SAFES. DER7GHT. 1818 Farnam St. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. FOR SALE New nd' second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy, payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Coliender Co, 4fi7-4y South 10th street PINE TWIG PILLOWS-Fresh from Black Hills. Give refreshing sleep; ben eficial for catarrh and Dulmonarv trou bles. Breathe the odor of the mountains in your own home. Seventy-five cents each. E. H. Klock, Hot Springs, & D. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought sold. Levy, 2510 N. So. Omaha. PERSONAL 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. VITAL, massage, vital bath. Dr. Arum D. Fisher. 401 Ware block. 309 S. JEUL ' THE SALVATION ARM! solicits cast off clothing; in fact anything yoa do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas - 412$ and wagons will call Up-to-Date Beauty parlors, Kathryu Lane Daly. 113 S. 16th, 2d Qoor D. 242A ii