THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1912. The Omaha daily Bee; Bounded by spwardrosbwater . " VICTOR ROSii WATER, editor (BEE KLILDINtl. FARNAM AND 17TH , Kmered at Omaha oiuUk a iwoona class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Sunday Be. one year. J2.59 E&turday Bee, on year H-50 Daily Be twtrhout Sunday) one year.M oo Daily Baa and Sunday, one yeer......$S.0u DELIVERED BY CARRIER EVening Bee (with Sunday), per mo. ..25c Daily Be (Including Sunday), per mo..tte Peily Bee (without Sundayi, per mo...45o Addresa all complaints or irregularities tn delivery to City Circulation Dept. f REMITTANCES 7" Remit by draft, express or postal ordr. payable to The Bee Publishing company. Prtfy 2-cent stamps received in payment ef small accounts. Personal checks, ex cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. 1 OFriCES.. OmahaThe Bee building. Boutn Omahe-2318 N St. Council Blufts-TS 6cott St. Lincoln U Little building. Chicago IMS Marquette building. . Kansas City-Reliance building. New York-34 West Thirty-third. Washington 725 Fourteenth Bfc. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE, t Communications relating to newt and pdltorial matter should be addressed fcmahe Bee, Editorial Department. MAY CIRCULATION. 50.421 Itat of Nebraska, County of Douglas ,ss. ' Dwiht Williams, circulation manager kf The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the average daily Areulation (or the month of May, Uli, to.W. DWIQHT WIULIAM3. t Circulation Manager. ' Subscribed In my presence und (worn o before me this 6th day of June. 1912. . ; (Seal.) ROBERT HUNTER. ; . Notary Publlo. Saasertbers leaving- the city ftewoorartlr aoald hare Tfce at saaUsl to tkesa. Address will be changed as of tea as re j nested. . Notice any difference la the jwater? ' . - ' ' - When In doubt the careful chauf feur. will alow down. A The cautious man la usually the man of more ripe experience. . Mr. Bryan has certainly been good to the Baltimore hotel keepers. -i ' I,',., .I Fortunately the weather man'a deadlock was broken more quickly. .A. "What If New : York ' had from the outset been casting Its ninety votes for Mr. Bryan? - Champ Clark's noun dawg began making goo-goo eyes at Tammany's tiges too early. It took the New York delegation (julte a while to think up a reply, but pne finally came. Even the doctors are In favor of a safe and sane Fourth, which ought to make It unanimous. Not only Bill Stone, but the whole Missouri delegation at Baltimore has been wearing gum shoes. Mr. Bryan Is right: Champ is a fctraddler. He has been on the fence so long that he Is bow-legged, v ; ; , -, - As long as they hold those 850,000 tons of coffee In the warehouse, how tre we going to get our three cups a meal? : As we said before, this prolongs tioff of congress deprives many par boiled patriots of Chautauqua , per quisites. ' Now, count those ten fine fingers, Willie, and those two good eyes and remember the Fouth to keep It "safe and sane." ' ; - The average adult patriot Is hap piest when the anniversary of - his national ' Independence Is celebrated and passed. '" vV;Vv,.;;' Remember when Mr. "Bryan went lown to the depot to meet Charley Murphy, who was on his way home Irom Denver? Governor Aldrich should observe the Sabbath as a day of rest, or at least as a day of abstention from political speech making; Nellie Bly has been given twenty Hays In jail and fined f 3,000. Nellie Escaped such fines as long as she itayed In tfce newspaper business. Hereafter when a candidate ex presses ms willingness to accept a presidential nomination, he' should specify from which political party he would accept the tender. Senator Brlstow Is another states ban who hag found profit In report ing national conventions for . pluto- tratic newspapers. Even the reviled papers must have some good in them. Two legitimate transfers, lnvolv bg more than $7,000,000 together, Is a fair day's business anywhere, ut Omaha Is getting used to dealing b millions. , At any rate, you've got to admit !hat the democrats are showing the tatience as well as the obstinacy that tre vupposed to be attributes of the lonkey. o. " ' V.C : ,' Pitchfork Ben Tillman admitted he was chock full of speech ' and "busting" to let It' out on the con ventloa floor,' but refrained because his doctor said it he .spoke he might drop dead. Safe and sane old doc Virginia is good to her native sons When even New York neglects to en gage Thomas Fortune Ryan to repre sent it as a delegate to a national Msvention, the Old Dominion comes . p his rescue, although he long ago teased to reside there. A Crime Against a Community. The termination of the receiver ship of the Independent Telephone company by forced tale under court order is the consummation of a great crime against a whole community. Not that the receivership or the judicial sale constitutes a crime, but that' the enterprise taken altogether from its Inception, its acquisition of a valuable' franchise to operate in Omaha by false representation, its blue-sky financing, its construction ring rakeoff, marks a gigantic crim inal conspiracy which has robbed hundreds and thousands of poor peo ple of savings they could illy afford to lose, and saddled upon- our city an absolutely unnecessary interest burden of several million dollars without any adequate return. The Bee takes pride In the fact that, despite popular clamor for a competitive telephone, it openly op posed and r discouraged this fake scheme from the start, believing It could see through the mercenary and corrupt motives behind It, and the inevitable disaster ahead of It. We recall the record now, not in any "I-told-you-eo" spirit, but that tha costly lesson may not be wholly lost. - The Intelligent Compositor, For his personally conducted ac count of the Baltimore convention, which the chief editor of Senator Hitchcock's newspaper is compound ing on the spot, he doubtless wrote this: Let there be no mistake about this con ventlon. Tammany Is not popular with it, and Ryan and Belmont are detested. But when it was set up In type, snd appeared in the columns of our amiable democratic contemporary, this Is the way It read: Let there be no mistake about this con vention. Tammany Is not popular with It, and Bryan and Belmont are detested. The Intelligent compositor evi dently knew better, and by inspira tion of mental telepathy felt that he would be expressing the real thought Of his boss by Inserting the right name. Score one for the intelligent com positor. ' 1 ' i No Time for a Strike. Officers of the International Union of Shop Employes on all the rail' roads west of the Mississippi river are credited with the public state ment that they have been authorised by vote or the shopmen to call a general strike if the railroads fall to grant a conference upon the issues at stake. A strike Is also threatened among the trainmen on the Pennsyl vania lines. It these strikes should transpire business would be virtually stagnated for a time. For that rea son It is preferable to believe that better council will prevail. Neither the workmen nor their employers can be Indifferent to the injury and injustice to the public, to say nothing of their own mutual interests. There fore, no matter what the grievances are, they , should be redressed in some other way. Mutuality of Interest. It has been said that labor unions were first to appreciate the interna tional scope of industrial uplift. The blacksmiths of London) some halt century ago, spoke of their interests as being International, realizing that over the eeas in America other blacksmiths were confronted with problems the same In general as those of their, own in England. Today all, labor unions are Inter national In theory, if not in opera tion, Their chain U one that links together men of all countries in one common bond of mutual benefit., It is to their credit that they came so early to the large conception of their rank. But organized labor, as well as capital, has one other conception which it must broaden, and that Is the mutuality of interest between employe and employer. Of course, It will promptly be said that both do now realise this, but we have only to look about where some contro versy between them Is going on to see that they do not recognize It to the degree that they should. Just this step needs to be taken, not more by labor than by capital, but equally by both, to give completeness to their cause which the larger weV fae of society demands. , End of the Two-Thirds Rule. . Inasmuch as their candidate polled more than a majority of all the dele gate strength of the convention, the Clark forces naturally feel that they have been undone by the two-thirds rule,, custom having previously given the needed two-thirds as soon as a majority vote was scored. But what, pray, does custom or precedent amount to In politics today? Be side, if It were tacitly understood that a candidate with a simple ma jorlty was entitled to receive enough more votes to give him two-thirds, then what argument would there be for the two-thirds rule at all? The fact Is, however, that con Unuation of the two-thirds rule Is now menaced by the abolition of the time-honored unit rule. The unit rule and the two-thirds rule have been complements to each other and with one gone, the other cannot last long. , It Is again Interesting to point out that the two-thirds rule was in stituted . at Baltimore where it has now been undermined.- It originated in a determination of the anti-Van Buren forces to defeat the Jackson candidate in 1844, and it nominated James Kpolk, remaining in effect for these sixty-eight years, ' : ELECTORS AND INSTRUCTIONS Some Truths Rising Above Political Confusion. ' Bloux City Journal. A Pennsylvania member of congress It reported to have sald:,"Th republican electors who have been chosen In Penn sylvania have been Instructed for Theo dore Roosevelt, and they will vote for him." Similar statements have been made with reference to tha republican electors in California and certain other presiden tial primary states. It Is not easy to de cide whether they are based on deliber ate attempt to befog a situation with which the publlo Is not familiar or whether they are due to honest confusion over the Intrusion of state laws In national presidential polities. If anyone will reflect for a few mo ments he will tee the absurdity of the statement that the republican electors of Pennsylvania or any other state were Instructed for any presidential candidate. Tha republican electors in Pennsylvania were nominated at the same primary at which the delegate to the national re publican convention ? were elected. At that time, of course, there was no re publican nominee for president, although several candidate were In the field for the nomination. The republican voters ANALYSIS OF REPUBLICAN CONVENTION Statement of Taft Delegates from Massachusetts. Through a committee of three of their members the Taft delegates of Mease- chusetts to the republican convention have Iseued the following statement, telling of the troubles of the delegation: 'The Taft delegates from Massachu setts, deeming that the people of the state should know of the several suaa tlone that arose at the Chicago con vention, have requested the undersigned to prepare and present a statement out lining their position on the several issues that arose for their determination. . 'The first duty presented to the dele gates was to select representatives for the four following Important positions: Chairman of the delegation, national com mitteeman, member of the committee on credentials and member of ' the commit tee on resolution. Representatives from the Taft delegation interviewed some et the Roosevelt delegate and found that they favored the return of Senator Crane to a place on the national committee. The Taft delegates, In turn, were willing to eoacede the chairmanship of tn dele gation and the place on the credentials committee to the Roosevelt men. When Colonel Roosevelt heard that some ef bis Massachusetts delegate were favoring Senator Crane he sent tor all of the eighteen delegates and Informed them that under no circumstances should they favor Senator Crane for national com mitteeman. They delivered In conse quence an ultimatum to the effect that someone other than Senator Crane should bt elected or that the eleotlon should be postponed until after the convention. The Taft men did net feel that they could In any way Indorse such a position, nor did they feel that they should take orders from Colonel Roosevelt, a man whose candidacy had not been favored by a majority et the republicans of Massa chusetts. "We therefore ceased our negotiations with the Roosevelt representatives, al lowed them to nominate candidates tor the various positions that the delegation was entitled to and w did the same. Thee names were sent to the sscertary of the convention. We felt that If Mr. McQev- ern was selected temporary chairman h would then name on the committee the Roosevelt men and that If Mr. Root was selected he would name the Taft men. Mr. Root, however, In view of the con test before the convention, did not wish to favor either side and made no ap pointments at all. Under all the circum stances this was the only fair eourse for him to pursue. - . fr . . . . - - Contested Delegates. As regards the contested delegates, we deny In the most emphatlo manner pos sible that there was any thievery or fraud, and desire In as brief a manner as possible to outline the actual situation . When the convention met Mr. Roosevelt was ninety votss short ef a majority. He promptly entered a contest against ninety-two delegates and requested that those men be denied the privilege of voting on any question until those eontests had been decided by the credential committee. The ohalrman ruled, and this ruling was suit talned by the convention, that no dtls- Sate could vote on the question of tht validity of his own right to a seat in the convention, but that on other questions h could vote. The chairman elted In numerable precedent In support of this ruling, ana pointed out that If this was not done the minority tn any convention could, without advancing any reason for their action, contest a Sufficient number of the majority to place the majority In the minority, and In that way the erlg nal minority would become the majority and be in complete control. These eon tests were referred to the committee on credentials. On this committee there were at least thirteen Roosevelt men out of th fifty-two. . ' It should be borne in mind thai in order to have control of the convention Mr. Roosevelt needed the vote of nearly all ef the delegate that he contested. The credentials committee, however, unani mously reported In favor of th four Taft delegatea-at-large from Georgia end the two district delegate from the Fifth Louisiana district, so that there certainly could be no charge of fraud in the case of these six delegates, a the report was unanimous from all faction, and the seating of these delegates wa in Itself, n all probability, sufficient to deprive Mr. Roosevelt of control of th conven tion. : ,t ' - v y In the case of the district delegate from the Second Mississippi district th Second Tennessee district th Fifth Vir ginia district, Fourth North Carolina and Third Oklahoma distrlots, no minority re port were submitted by th committee on credenvUIa, so that th only thing the convention could do wa to accept th only report that was made. ' This covered ten other delegate, and a th minority made no report the convention wa bound to feel that, there was so evidence of fraud in these case. The Cry of rrad. In th case of the contest of the two delegates of the Ninth Alabama district one or more of the Roosevelt men of the committee en credentials voted to seat these two delegate and In m roll call 506 of th delegates voted to accept the majority report; some forty or fifty Roosevelt delegates, therefore, voted with the Taft delegates. In many of the re maining contest th majority of the committee on credential not only re of Pennsylvania were given a chance to express their choice, between these ca ndlda tea , In- electing delegates to the national republican convention. The re publican voters of Pennsylvania did issue some Roosevelt instructions at that pri mary. In a majority of the districts they elected Roosevelt delegates to the republican national convention, virtually Instructing those delegates to- vote for Roosevelt in the national convention. Not all the delegates were so Instructed, how ever. A minority of the districts in structed their delegates to vote for President Taft. The Instructions to the delegates had netting whatever to do with Instructions to electors. If they had, elector from the Roosevelt districts would be Instructed tor Roosevelt and electors from Taft districts would be Instructed for Taft. The fact was that all electors were in effect Instructed to vote tor the nominee -of the national repub lican convention, whether he be Taft or Roosevelt' As Taft happened to get the nomination all the republican electors Of Pennsylvania will be instructed, if elected In November, to vote tor Taft ported to th convention their finding, but reported much of th evidence upon which that finding wa based. The Roovelt men on th committee, how ever, failed to make statements giving any reason for their findings, tinder the circumstances there was nothing left for the convention to do but accept the re port of the majority. Por Mr. Roosevelt to cry fraud and thievery undtr these conditions i exactly parallel to the case of the man in court who presents no evidence to the jury In support of his contentions and then cries that the Jury 1 corrupt because they have acted upon the only evidence submitted to them In th court. , ' , ' It should be recalled further that In every case, etcept, perhaps, in the case of the contest over the two delegates from California, some Rooseveut men voted with the Taft men to accept the report of the committee on credentials. As th California case was the strongest one, perhaps, presented by th Roosevelt adherents, a word should be said con cerning this, although the decision, of eourse, could In no way have affected the final result, as the vote of only two delegates were concerneu. The California Case. In republican national conventions It has been the rule that two delegates should be elected from each congres sional district In addition to delegatea-at-large. The legislature of California, con sisting of democrat as well a repub lican, voted to abrogat this rule by denying the right of congressional dis tricts to sslect delegates and compelling the slection of all dlgata-at-large. This would have resulted, It approved by the convention tn the adoption of , the unit rule, a thing always prohibited in republican convention and the very thing that Mr. Bryan is attempting to abro gate in the democratic convention. To have recognised th right of any state to control a national convention of the re publican party would result perhaps, In democratic legislatures tn democratic states passing legislation specifying how delegates to a republican national con vention should be eleoted, and In that way control a republican convention. The convention at Chicago, therefore, refused to recognise such a precedent and seated the two delegates from the Fourth Cali fornia district who appeared to have a majority of the votes cast in that dis trict. ' ' ! When the cry of tMevery and fraud Is made it should be remembered that seated In ths Chicago convention were men who have rendered distinguished service to their country not only in the halls of legislation, but on the field of battle. To charge men who have risked their lives in defense of their country of being participants in thievery and fraud under the circumstances above outlined nat urally arouses the indignation of every fair-minded cltiten. Votes by Alternates. We wish also to set forth the conditions that resulted in the calling of the alter-nates-at-Iarge when the Roosevelt dele gates refused to vote, because Mi Roose velt has declared that this also was an Instance of stealing votes on the part of the Taft adherents. It will be recalled that Immediately after th prlmarie in Massachusetts, Mr. Roosevelt instructed the dlegate-at-large. in view of th preference of Massachusetts dtisens, to vote for Mr. Taft He It scarcely, there fore, in a position to complain that when th name of these same delegate were called and upon their refusal to vote two of th alternales-at-large cast thlr votr s In favor of th vry man whom h him self had requested the delegates to vote for. : . It delegates to a convention refuse to vote the deliberations of the convention are absolutely halted, and It was to pre vent Just such a contlnrtncy that alter, nates were provided ftsr, and any parlia mentarian will agree that when the name of a delegate is called and he refuses t vote, the name of the alternate should then be called In his stead. , In conclusion we ask the people of Mas sachusetts to look Into the facts surround tng tha contest at Chicago; we ask them to remember that the hurling et epithets and abuse is not a statement of evidence and we are confident that when the facts are examined and considered the publlo at large win agree that the Taft dele Stee from Massachusetts pursued the only just and possible course that could be pursued In view of the evidence before them, and they will be pleased at any and all time to answer any questions that may be propounded concerning th conditions that arose at Chicago. OUT A. HAM. , GEORGE L. BARNES. "W. PRENTISS PARKER. The Silent Treatment. New Tork Tribune. The threat to shoot the roof 6ft the ball .tapered down to giving the "Mlent treatment to the convention. No Place tor Woman, - New Tork Sun. Three women and 143 men have been killed while flying. The percentage of women whose lives are thus lost Is alto gether too high, and it makes th Ju dloioua grieve. There may be differences of opinion as to where woman'e plaoe i but ft is certainly not in the aeroplane 0ookirisBackwanl Ihls Day in Omaha COMPILED FROM BEE FtLS-S) JTLV 2. Thirty fears Ago The river Is reported to be tailing Over 600 persons passed through the room in three-quarters or an nour in M.H th- vwuiv nt th At&tt tittht rope walker was exposed to public view by the coroner, and had the privilege been accorded all day long, thousands would have availed themselves of it Th flnndav school of Trinity cathed ral has changed the hour for the sum mer to 9:80 a. m. and the Industrial school has taken a vacation until Octo ber. Suoerlntendent Pierce reports thirty In mates now at the county poor farm. Internal revenue collections for the Ne braska district for the year Juet ending aggregated $1,108,101.15, which was greatly in excess of any previous year. . Attached to the outgoing union r acuic train was the special car California, On which were t. O. Mills and family, lnV eludins; his son-in-law, Whitelaw Reld, alt bound for the Pacific slope. L. c. Jewett as city clerk, is Inviting proposals for the constructing of a bride: over Omaha creek, near Cuming, ol Saunders street. The nubllo invitation to patronize an excursion to. Kansas City On. the Kansas City. St. Joseph & Council Bluffs rail road is signed by Andy Borden, agent. Extension Of the Burlington Denver he brought with It a transfer of the rail road news business from from Barkalow Bros, of Omaha to the Railroad Nws company of Chicago. Twenty Years A The national people' party convention was called to order at the Coliseum and srot through the first day harmoniously A telegram from Judge Walter 0. Ores ham was read.'ourtly informing General Weaver. Ignatius J. Donnelly and others that he would not accept the presidential nomination. C. H. Ellington of Georgia was made temporary chairman and in troduced by Committee Chairman Tau- beneck. Mayor Qeorge P. Bemls made th address of welcome, to which Ben Terrell of Texxas responded. Rev. Benja min F. Dlffenbacher, chaplain of the Ne braska legislature, invoked the opening prayer. Marcellus Zlnsmeator of Ds MolneS came to spend the Fourth of July with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Emmons, Mr. T. W. Taliaferro, manager of th rm ha Paekin company and Mrs. Taliaferro, went to Chicago for a visit. Marshall P. Wilder of the New Tork Ul and Kxoress wa one of the prominent nwpapr men at the po- pl' party convention. ' fiusan fi. AnthOhy of Rochester, N. T, and Anna H. Shaw of Washington, D. C, resisted at the Paxton, having come to steer the people's party convention aright en woman's ' suffrage. Th park board was to have held a meeting to act on the matter of the proposed southwest boulevard to b do nated to the city by property owner Landscape Gardener Cleveland had gon over the property and was ready to re port but only Dr. George I Miller and George W. Llninger of the board were present and th meeting was post poned. , .; , Ten Years Ago The County Board of Equalisation was struck with the uniform modesty of the coal dealers estimates of their worth. For Instance, C. W. Hull company fixed the firm's total actual persona valuation at from $8,000 to 110,000, T. C. Havens was $2,000 and C. B. Havens 13.000. The board members expressed the feeling that It would be only fair for them to do some thing to raise these falling values some what. Omaha came next to Chicago for th week in packing house output, packing 760,000 head. . Myron D. Carr. president of the city council and acting mayor, Issued the Fourth of July proclamation, calling on the people to celebrate and k- ending the ordinance that prohibited the use of firearms and firecrackers. Mrs. Adelaide Weston, 2911 Woolworth avenue, was seriously ill and her brother- in-law, County Clerk Hairy c. Miller, was suddenly recalled from a business trip to Kansas City. . Councilman Whitehorn and Mrs. White horn returned from Danville, 111., where they spent three weeks. They attended the marriage, while there, of Mr. White horn's sister. The Omaha Water company informed the real estate men and rental . agents Of the city that It would put in meters at its own expense in all houses using city water, substituting them for the ser vice system. The right of the Water company to do this regardless of th wishes of the householders was ques tioned. After a debate Messrs. Knox, Benewa, Frenser and -Lytle were ap pointed to consulf with the Water com pany and report at the next meeting. People Talked About Out of regard for his fine crop of Koo sler whiskers, presidential lightning did not come within scorching distance of Senator Kern. - A scream of woe comes from the hotel keepers of Baltimore. They are In the hole on the convention fund of $100,000. They expected 75,000 visitors: only 30,000 showed up, and their tireless efforts failed to extract the sum of their subscriptions. In ruling that a landlord cannot enforce the collection of rent for premisee already Infested with vermin, a New Tork court delicately insinuated that warring fam ilies could not liv happily on the same premises at th same time. Therefore th landlord must look to th first occupants for his money while the late arrival ar moving. . ' ", John D. Rockefeller ha cut down th number of his automobiles since the gov ernment ordered the dissolution of the Standard Oil company. Before then he had five. The state department at Co lumbus, O., received a request from Mr. Rockefeller for licenses and tag for four machines. Miss Clyde Qlltner Chandler, a Chicago sculptor, has been awarded, In oompetl tlon with five other sculptors, the com mission for a 320,000 fountain to be erected on the state fair grounds at Dallas. Tex.. to th memory of the late Captain Sidney Smith, for twenty-five years secretary of th Texas state fair. Maurice Farman.'the French aviator, la defendant in the first suit ever brought to determine who owns the sir. Land owners around Versailles want to pre vent his flying over their property, con tending the aeroplanes frtgtUn gam anl stock. The Pari court has been unable thus tar to resell a decision. SMITING BEMAMS. "A young man cam to consult me about getting on In the world and I told him to take time to decide what he ahould do." as.u follow your advice to take timr e did. He stole my watch."-Baltl-more American. , He-Derest during the first dance I have with you be sur to say something to me. . - Ehe-Whyt , . He-Because you'r . so light, If you don t speak 1 wji not know i hev yuu in my arms."-i'rti,f ?tm Tiger. esssnsanssnsM "Papa, you knu, -4at George, who proposd to me last night, la coming for his answer, don't you?" "Yes." "o, thank you, papa'- That is th an wr I was going to give him, anyway! ' Chicago aribune. ' He-Darst, you re the goal of . my affection. ....... ehe uemoving his arm)Flv yards for holding." Harvard Larapson. "Don't you think the coal mines ought to oe controlled by the government?" f. I91"1 " 1 lln't know, who con trolled the governmi nt." L4re. tSald Columbia tu wiicl 8am: I'We've been getting along Very well so tar in our management of the coutry for the people." , Yes," replied Uncle Sam, 'w really iUSl "Kt."3! lntrtrno by a third r. ij. -'uimiure American. 'So those tWrt lnv!V KM with yoti?". : - .".-T "Yes."- "And thav reallv tauM Ami ik.i - -- - a - ww Ml., your. -, , ... j Y-yes.v . . , ' 'Sword Or pistol" ' P-p-plstols!" 'How exoiting! Were they loaded?" "Nn Dnth it 'tn , 1 -y.V&a ' ' - S 1 ... . land Plain Dealer. , I ' PAD (3 V V Boston Garter 1 THS ONLY MAKt WITH I I Rubber Button cusp I WILL NOT INJURS THt BHIISI8T HCSg A fflv S0LD EVERYWHERE J: artsVV1 0B:0R0B FH-OtT CO. yZVs Iced. Tho perfect summor Coverage . " s ONE TEACPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPO Published by the Growers of India Tea To day' Ford is to-morrow's car. The buying world has come to understand that ex cessive weight in an automo bile spells danger and need lets expense. Vanadium steel has solved the problem. Today's light, strong, Vanadium-built F o r d i s t o -morrow's car. More tnaa 7B.00d new Poids lfttd serrlca this season-pronf that they must be right Three passenger Roadster $590 tivs passenger touring car I6J0- delivery car $700 t. o. b. Detroit, with all equipment. Catalogue from Ford Motor ' Company, 19ls Harney St.. Omaha, or direct from Detreit factory, phone Douglas 4500. THE SPEED HEED'S "EXCSLSX0&" St Louis Times. The afternoon was fading fast. . As down the street there scooted psat. An auto, and the lnsid Oft muttered, a h "let h "ilj-,,.. His brow was glad: his fet wr braced; His eyes In goggles wr casd. , And as adown th rosd Tie awung. One cry along rang from Ma M,.,.. In happy homes as he fleshed ast. Th people stood and stared, aghast He opened up 'n6"'0; And yelled at passersby. .ijjjjjjw "Don't go. too fast; on did adjure "the motor cop will grt you sure. Th roar of W .eMt WfUjfr' . ,e , A he then yanked the thrtt0e.,werr "Oh, tay," on bauteou maiden cried, "Take mTwlth vou on yeur oy rwer He only smiled and shooir ""--!.. And yelled on word; 'twas h,hJJJd; . ! J - . - ' ; ,' : . .. "Beware the fence and the Ma The chickens, dog, the cau and W. Thi wastfi speed fiend's last goea As on Kent at "kBV'!!f&r! At break of day a Jemerren-.. Out to the road and stopped w can The dusty highway, when, ker-sm ash! He heard a roar, yell, a .""t,,,.. Had landed wltn a Jolt and jar, . Hewhupersd as thy lulled the wm Frem oft his bruised and "JJIfj There In the Sunlight oold and gray, Covered wtih gra Snd oil h lay, -, And just before his spirit Pd, On word h whlspered-'twa h yast: TEA 1