Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: - OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 1, 1912.
Nebraska, -
Wife of Convict Makes Application
to State Board.
Invitation Sent to Robert T. Lincoln
to Attend Unveiling of Statue
to Martyr President
, , Barkett Returns.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., . July L-Speclal.)-Mrs.
Smith, wife of, the convict who gave
his same as Evans and who was sen
tenced to ' the state penitentiary as an
accomplice of Morley in connection with
a burglary at Waithlll, appeared before
Secretary Piper this morning in an ef
fort to get her case before the pardon
ing board for the purpose of getting a
'parole for her husband. Mrs. Smith' had
a small child with her, about a year old,
and stated that she had five' more in the
(Soldlers' Orphan home at Davenport, la
She said that If some way was not pro
vided so 'that her husband could be re
leased and provide for his family that
the,' children would be taken from the
home and adopted into families where
they would be provided for. The expira
tion of the time when they would b
taken from the home is July 10, but the
superintendent of the place had promised
her if there was any. chance that she
could get her husband out of the Ne
braska prison they would extend the time
thirty days.
Mrs.' Smith was accompanied by another
woman, living in Lincoln, who wanted
to get her friend, .William Kunts, serv
ing an interdetermlnate sentence of from
one ta ten years for breaking and enter
ing, paroled. -She thinks that she can
find someone who will give William a
Job if she can only get him out so he can
take it
Hansen Back from Sargent.
Food Commissioner Hansen returned
yesterday from Sargent, where he at
tended a picnic which was given in the
Interest of the dairy business in that sec
tion of the state. While there a new or
ganization was formed to be called the
State Farmers Co-operative Creamery
company. He says that the farmers in
that section are taking a great deal of
interest in the dairy business and are
taking advantage of every opportunity to
increase the output The towns are grow
ing very rapidly and he looks for good
reports in the future from that section.
Dr. Bostrom of the stallion regllstra
tion board is attending the Missouri Val
ley Veterinary association in Omaha this
week. He will also be present at the
State Veterinarians of the United States.
Randall Gets Strike.'
Fire Commissioner Randall has received
a letter from Helsingford, Finland, ask
ing for information regarding lire pro
, tectlon and also for a fire prevention
text book.
Mr. Randall has been Invited to address
the Internatlon Fire' exposition, which
will be held in Madison Square garden
in New Tork, October 2 to 12. He will
accept the invitation and attend the con
vention. The fire commissioner is receiving nu
merous calls for the fire . prevention
cards recently Issued and is sending them
out rapidly. Some of the calls are for
several hundred cards.
Penn to Be Relieved.
Major . Julius A. Penn has received
orders from the War department that he
...tit V MAltA...J 4 ....... ln
win uo icuevcu iium uuijr in vuiniei;iiim
with the Nebraska National Ouard on
July 17, Instead of September 1, as pre
viously notified. Major Penn will leave
the guard with the best of wishes of
officers and men. eH has been very
popular with the boys and also with the
public who have come in contact with
him in connection with his duties, both
at ; headquarters in the state house and
in the camps of instruction. He will be
succeeded by Lieutenant Frederick C.
Test of the Twenty-second infantry, now
Women who bear children and re
main healthy are those who prepare
their systems in advance of baby '
coming. Unless the mother aids
nature In its pre-natal work the crisis
finds her system unequal to the de
mands made upon it, and she is often
left with weakened health or chronic
ailments. No remedy Is so truly a
help to nature as Mother's Friend,
, and no expectant mother should fail
to use It It relieves the pain and
discomfort caused by the strain on
the ligaments, makes pliant and elas
tic those fibres and muscles which
nature Is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast glands. The system
being thus prepared by Mother's
Friend dispels the fear that the crisis
tnay not be safely met Mother's
Friend assures a speedy and complete
recovery for the mother, and she- is
left a healthy woman to enjoy the
tearing of her
gS JSn Hotbeds
Irug stores.
IVrite for our free
took for expect
ant mothers which contains much
Valuable Information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
fSeating, then
cooling, is
I P a steurizing.
It kills every
, I known germ.
I To be safe you
I must order
:S ; . 9 fcS
X.-v9 Perfectly Pat-
... teurissd. .r
stationed at El Paso, Tex. Major Penn
has not as yet received any assignment
Lincoln Invited. '
Secretary of State Walt has written a
letter to Robert T. Lincoln inviting him
to be present at the unveiling of the
statute of his father on the state house
grounds in this city September 1 Mr.
Walt expected to see Mr. Lincoln in Chi
cago during the time of the national re
publican convention, but the gentleman
was not In that city.
Borkett Back from Trip.
Senator Burkett has returned from a
two weeks' trip through the east and
south. - While away he visited the con
ventions both at Chicago and Baltimore.
In speaking of the situation he says that
the Chicago convention was not much
different than other conventions in the
past The same methods of finding out
the delegates in contest cases were used
as formally, but on account of the strenu
ous fight has appeared of more import
ance. In speaking of the situation in
Nebraska he said that he thought the
republicans of the state should get to
gether instead of getting farther apart
There is a future to look forward to,"
said the senator. "A continuation of the
present scrap will only result in a. denft
cratic victory."
Sheely's Conviction Stands.
According to reports received here, C.
G. Sheely, the former well known Lincoln
contractor, v who recently confessed to
having bribed two county t commissioners
of Weld county, Colorado, on the award
of some bridge contracts, will have to go
to prison, the supreme court having de
nied his application for a stay of execu
tion. "
Statement of Treasury.
According to the monthly statement is
sued by State Treasurer George, there
was on hand May 31, 1912, $740,020.13. The
receipts since that time have been $779.
650.96. The disbursements for the month
are $839,663.91, leaving a balance on hand
June 30, 1912, of $680,007.18, divided into
cash on hand of $5,981.97 . and on de
posit $674,025.21.
Trust funds Invested amount to $9,
031.069.35. Keith County Objects.
County Clerk Nichols of Keith county
has written the state board of equalisa
tion that unless it raises the valuation
of the Union Pacific railroad line in that
county 60 per cent the county board
will proceed to do so. As the state board
only has power to value railroad prop
erty for assessment purposes, the mem
bers of that body wonder how the county
board of Keith county can legally change
the ; Union Pacific valuesc. The state
board has completed its valuation of
railroads for this year and the matter
is closed unless by a vote of the board
the matter is opened up again.
FAIRBURY, Neb., July l.-(Speclal.)
The splendid home of Mr. and Mrs;
George Newton on East Third street was
destroyed by fire early Sunday morning.
The origin of the fire remains a mystery
and the building was too far destroyed
for the department to save It
W. C. Cavanagh, chief dispatcher for
the Rock Island at this point, Is in Capac,
Mich., attending the - funeral of his
mother, Mrs. J. B. Cavanagh. Deceased
was well known in Falrbury, having lived
here for a number of years.
Postmaster Lew Shelley and assistants
moved the Falrbury -postoff ice into the
new federal building on the northwest
corner of the square, Sunday. The new
building was recently completed and Is
modern. Postmaster Shelley has Invited
the public to visit the federal building
on Tuesday evening. A band concert will
be given in front of the new postoffice
building. The postoffice was located in
the Harbine building since the fall of 1903.
Jefferson county farmers have com
menced harvesting their wheat crop and
are greatly pleased at the prospect of a
good yield per acre. According to the
reports brought to Falrbury many of
the fields will yield as high as thirty,
five bushels to the acre.
HASTINGS, Neb., July l.-(Speclal.)-
County Attorney Hartigan has won the
first round in the litigation to enforce
the anti-gift enterprise law, prohibiting
the giving of premium stamps, premiums
or prizes with merchandise. In the suit
started by him against Sperry, Hutchln
son & Co., a trading stamp firm, over a
year ago, the defendants filed a de
murrer which was argued some months
ago. Judge Dungan of the district court
has given a decision overruling the de
murrer as to all points in controversy
except the one charging Sperry, Hutchln
son & Co. and Stein Bros. Co. of this
city with entering into an illegal com.
blnation. Mr. Hartigan says the vital
Issues remain and he will move for im
mediate trial of the case on Its merits
when court reconvenes on August 26.
, , ,
HUNTLEY, Neb., July l.-(Special.)-
Fire of unknown origin burned four bus!
ness places of Huntley at an early hour
this morning. The fire was first dls
covered about 3 a. m. in the pool hall
owned by W. W. Wattta and quickly con
sumed it, with the adjoining buildings,
all frame. The general merchandise store
of F. A. Seick, Peterson's barber shop
and Carl Bapp's blacksmith shop were
complete losses. The buildings were all
frame and the fire spread rapidly. All
were partly covered with Insurance.
Enforce Net Wetgflht Law.
HASTINGS, eb., July t (Speclal.)
Steps to secure a strict enforcement of
the pure food and sanitation laws in
Adams county have been taken by Dep
uty Food Commissioner McLain and
Couijty Attorney Hartigan. The commis
sioner has made three specific complaints,
one against the manufacturers of cereal
food for underweight and the other two
against bakeries for not observing the
sanitary requirements.
Fairfield Man Injured.
FAIRFIELD, Neb., July l.-(Speclal)
This morning while Charles Monismlth of
this city was walking down the Burling
ton track toward his farm east of town,
thinking an approaching train was on the
main line, he stepped across to the pass
ing track directly in front of Burlington
passenger train No. 18, which ran over
him. cutting off both limbs below the
knees. No blame is attached to the crew,
as the accident was on the opposite side
from the engineer and Just at that time
the fireman was coaling, the engine.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. July l.-(Spe-(cftsjl.)
Charles Stenbrunner, familiarly
called "Butch," for twenty years, a
resident of Cedar Creek, was drowned
Saturday evening while looking at his
fish lines in the Platte river. He was
not missed until Sunday morning and
when search was made his clothing be
ing watched by his dog, was found on
the river, ' Dynamite was used with
hope of bringing the body to the sur
face but to no avail. Parties were set
to watch the river, and at 9:30 this
morning the body was seen to come to
the surface. The coroner was notified
Stelnbrunner had no relatives that his
friends know of. - He carried a policy
In the Modern Woodmen of America
F. M. Young, one of the pioneer clt
isens of Cass county, died at the Meth
odist hospital at Omaha yesterday morn
ing. Mr. Toung went to Cass county in
1855, from Missouri. He was 71 years
of age and leaves a widow .and two
children; Albert of Murdock, Minn., and
Mrs. Joe Cook of Murray; also one sis
ter, Mrs. Henry Boeck of Plattsmouth,
and a half-brother, David Toung of Mur
ray, and a half-sister, Mrs. Stafford of
Clarlnda, la. The funeral will take place
Wednesday at the Presbyterian church
at Murray.
News Notes of Hebron.'
HEBRON, Neb., July l.-Special.)-Misa
Bessie Boyes, assistant postmaster, and
her. mother, Mrs. H. L. Boyes, left on a
two weeks' vacation to visit friends in
Kansas City this morning.
Colonel F. C. Hensel of Palaclous, Tex.,
a former citizen of Hebron, who has been
here for a month disposing of his prop
erty, returned home today.
Wheat harvesting commenced in earnest
this morning. The crop is fairly good.
Corn is doing fine. It Is rather small,
but growing good.
Wheat Harvesters Busy.
HASTINGS, Neb., July l.-(Spedal.)-Tomorrow
will see the wheat harvest in
full swing In the South Platte section.
In a few places cutting was started yes
terday, but all of the crop will not be
ready until late this week.. There will
be a strong demand for help in practi
cally all of the winter wheat counties.
The yield in Adams and adjoining coun
ties is expected to be above normal and
the fields that showed signs of burning
some weeks ago are now the best of all.
Funeral of J. B. Manley,
LYONS, Neb., July l.-(Speclal.)-The
funeral of J. B. Manley was held at the
Presbyterian church here Sunday after
noon and the body interred in the Lyons
cemetery. - Mr. Manley was the elder
member of the late firm of Manley &
Sons, which gained a world-wide reputa
tion for skill in breeding Duroc-Jersey
hogs. He had been in the hospital at
Sioux City for some time and two days
ago when left by the nurse for only a
short time he threw himself out of the
window from the third story, which, re
sulted In his death.
Blue Rock Shoot at West Point.
WEST POINT, Neb., July l.-(Special.)
The usual Blue Rock shoot of the An
telope Gun club took place at Sherman
park ' Sunday. The contest was for
twenty-five birds and the score was as
follows: John Jensen, 24; W. H. Green, 23;
Julius Radebach and G. Haeffelln, 21;
M. Kerl and J. Wilson, each 20. Attend
ance was large.
Births-J. W. and Effie Burr, 5025
Davenport, boy; Lusclano and Paolo
Carle tina, 618 Pierce, boy; Lew and
Letta Dopp. 2559 Ames, boy; William and
Augusta Schlueter, 1919 South Eighteenth.
girl; Joseph and Matilda Wanek, 1706
South Twenty-sixth, boy.
Deaths Baby Jorgenson, 6 months,
1802 Clark; Stephen T. Clark, 49, 1548
South Twenty-sixth; Conran Luft, 53
years, hospital; M. Nelson, Fortieth and
Poppleton; Delia Fuller, 45, Thirty
seventh and Cuming.
TleBeerof QotJity
A N order for Pabst
A carries 'with it the distinction of quality and
good taste. Served with your lunch or
dinner, Blue Ribbon lends zest and refreshment
most satisfying. Every bottle is pure and whole
some worthy of your table the best beer brewed.
1307 Leavenworth rhone$ Dougia, 79
; " :
Federal Judge Follows Pickpockets
and Takes Money Away.
Does Not Like to Have His Pocket
Picked in Broad Daylight, So
Proceeds to Get Money
Back Again.
Two young pickpockets had poor luck
in getting away with the coin Sunday
evening when they slipped their hands
into Judge W. H. Munger's pocket on a
street car and took his purse containing
$5. The judge thought the five was
worth going after, so he leisurely fol
lowed the two fellows when they got off
the car at Sixteenth and Farnam streets,
overtook them in less than a half block,
snatched the purse from their hands us
they were trying to shift it from one to
the other, and went home to enjoy a lit
tle dinner party that he knew was wait
ing for him.
Judge Munger was returning from the
railway station, having been out of town.
It was Just after 6 o'clock and broad day
light As he started off the car at the
corner of Sixteenth and Farnam streets
a young man, carrying his coat on his
arm, stepped into the doorway of the car,
braced his arms against either side of
the doorway, and pretended to be looking
for some one in the street. At the same
time a young man In a blue suit pressed
from behind, the judge pretending to be
eager to get out This lasted but a mo
ment, and then all stepped off the car.
The Judge having had experience with
pickpockets before, soon felt his hip
pocket and found his purse was gone.
He called on the fellows as they walked
west, on Farnam. They stopped. He ac
cused the fellow in the blue suit of tak
ing his purse and was told he was crazy.
By this time he had caught up to them.
Just as the thief was slipping the purse
to his partner, the Judge made a quick
grab. He got the purse and turned and
left them. As there was no officer in
sight he went his way without disturbing
the men further.
Hundreds of Primitive Tribes and
Other Features of Our In
sular Possessions.
Probably the average American citi
zen is ignorant of the fact that Uncle
Sam's Insular possessions number some
4,000 tropical and semi-tropical islands.
These great colonial possessions are not,
as the occidental mind is inclined to be
lieve, mere stretches of sand and palms
and Jungle, sparsely inhabited by sav
age tribes. Some of the islands, it la
true, are simply coral reefs, too small
to be habitable, set in the middle of the
South Pacific But some, on the other
hand, are giant tracts of land. Luzon,
in the Philippines, the largest, has an
area equal to the state of Ohio. The
total area of the Islands is about 130,000
square miles, equal to New England,
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
and Delaware. The population is about
10,000,000. Indeed, the islands are any
thing but sparsely settled. In Porto Rico,
for instance, the population per square
mile is thirteen times that In continental
United States; in the Philippines nearly
Most of the islands, including, of
course, the dominant Phlllipine, group,
were-acquired in 1899 after the Spanish
war, but some of the little guano Islands
scattered through the Pacific have floated
the American flag since the '60s. Baker's
island, a little patch of land In longitude
176 leagues, Just north of the equator, was
the first of these to be acknowledged by
the United States in 1866. The Hawaiian
islands came voluntarily under the sov
ereignty of Uncle Sam In 1898.
The Philippines are large enough to be
a country In themselves, or, rather, sev
eral countries, for nowhere in the world
Is there a greater Jumble of languages
and races. The natives who live in Ma
nila, a city of 500,000 inhabitants, sur
rounded by all the comforts and luxuries
of civilization, bear little resemblance to
the savage tribes of the Sulu seas, naked
"Blue Ribbon" Beer
Bottled only at the brewery in crystal clear bottles,
showing at a -glance that it is clean and pure.
A trial order will convince you. Phone or write
The Pabst Company
: rT!" A Ami
as the cavemen and scarcely less primi
tive, many of whom still Indulge In human
sacrifices and some of whom are head
hunting cannibals. Indeed, these startling
differences among the Filipinos have
caused Uncle Sam to establish two dif
ferent forms of government The more
civilized portions of the archipelago have
a large measure of self-government, with
a native assembly. But a strong arm is
still needed to curb the tribes of part of
Mindanao and the southern Islands.
Uncle Sam has not citizens as primitive
as the members of some of the tribes In
the Philippine group. Hawaii, which has
been a territory for more than a decade,
Is pretty thoroughly Americanized and so
Is the newer colony of Porto Rico. Guam
and the islands In the Samoan group, in
cluding Tutulla and Hanna, are typical
South Sea islands.
One of the most interesting of Uncle
Sam's Islets, by virtue of its position, is
the Midway, a few acres of coral sand
stuck in the very midst of the Pacific. It
Is a cable station and its only Inhabitants
are a score or more attendants for that
link in the long stretch of wire that binds
America with the far east. Once in a
month a little boat steams up from the
Samoan group with newspapers a season
old, but the exiles on Midway get some
news of the big world every day over the
cable. They are practically all Americans.
"All of Uncle Sam's island groups have
developed rapidly under American au
spices. Our government has taught the
islanders the modern principles of sanita
tion and hygiene, reduced the death rate,
built good roads and established the model
colonial schools of the world. The pros
perity of the groups has been a truly
wonderful growth. In Porto Rico ten
years ago the total - yearly exports and
Imports amounted to $17,500,000. Today
they are $78,700,000. Of this great trade
88 per cent Is with the United States, as
compared with 60 per cent a decade ago.
The Philippines show a corresponding In
crease. The United States has fostered
trade with the islands by admitting their
products duty free, so that the islanders
enjoy the same measure of tariff protec
tion as producers in the United States.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
It Looked Like a Crowd.
Big BUI Roberts, who holds the traffto
post at the corner of Dey and Broadway,
saw a taxlcab approaching the other day,
says the New York correspondent of the
Cincinnati Times-Star. Inside were two
men, quarreling violently. As the cab
came to a halt, In obedience to Big Wil
liam's semaphoring, Mr. Roberta observed
that both gentlemen were preceptlbly
pickled. They looked and acted as it
they had been running the Demon Rum
Into holes for a couole of days and then
prodding him out again. "Hey," said Po
liceman Roberts, "what's the matter
The largest of the two gentlemen pre
served his dignity. "Nossln's marrer, of
flsher," he explained, laboriously. "On'y
zlnh cab's too crowded. Some of us gotter
get out."
Policeman Roberts thrust his head
through the open window and looked
them over. Then he expressed his sur
prise. "Why," said he, "there are only
two of you In there."
The dignified gentleman looked at him
fixedly for a moment. Then he, with
some difficulty, withdrew his glazed gaze
from the officer's eye and carefully looked
about the Interior of the cab. "Ish zhat
right, offlsher?" he asked, plaintively.
Policeman Roberts assured him on the
sacred honor of one of Commissioner
Waldo's most fixed posts that he had
told the truth, "On'l two of ush here,
huh?" said the dignified person. "Well,
sen, the driver can drive on. But it looks
like more."
Pointed Paragraphs.
Anyway, the fool is never stingy with
his folly.
Too many people want to draw their
salary in advance.
And some men call swindling . their
neighbors honest toll. ,
Wise people worry over things fools
may never think of.
A man should put his troubles in pawn
and then lose the ticket.
The average man thinks more of his
wife than he Is willing to admit.
The only kind of fancy work some girls
enjoy Is the weavmg of romances.
Loafers are wise to the fact that It Is
always the open season for killing time,
Every man likes to believe that he Is
a light sleeper even if he doesn't hear
the alarm clock.
Every man hates a kicker unless the
expostulation helps to get him something
he wants. Chicago News.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
V ( s -1 ' 1
Omaha, Nebr.
Butterfly Township Man Has Strange
Story to Tell Reporter. .
George Hanson of Stanton Declares
that He Saw a Snake with a
Brood of Chicks and Other
Reptiles Setting.
Raising snakes to hatch eggs and brood
chicks is declared to be the newest in
dustry in Butterfly township. Stanton
county. There may be some significance
to the species of reptile named, as it is
given out , that they are of the bull
George Hanson of Stanton Is authority
for the statement that Nels Thompson of
Butterfly is raising snakes for that pur
pose, and to prove that he is not peddling
a cock and bull story he came to Omaha
yesterday armed with affidavits signed
by Judge Cowan of Stanton county de
claring that Hanson is a truthful man. At
the Merchants hotel, where Mr. Hanson
stopped, he told a Bee reporter this:
How It All Happened.
"Butterfly township Is eight miles south
east of Stanton and I was down there last
week selling cream separators. One noon
I stopped at Thompson's for dinner and
while coming in from the stable, where I
had put up my horse, I saw a big bull
snake wriggling along, followed by a
dozen or more little chicks. This seemed
strange and when I got to the house I
called the attention of Mrs. Thompson to
the strange family. She laughed and re
marked, 'That snake is the mother of the
chicks.' Asking her to explain, she took
me out to the hen house and there in
Throw Away tho
Dross Sniolds!
"Absortit" Keeps Ann Dry and Sweet
on t wear unsanitary areas snieias;
Don't have disagreeable wet spots at
armpits! You can be sweet smelling In
most humid weatner or room, rueean t
fear going to church, social, theater,
party, anywhere where air Is "close.
Dance with the most fastidious no pers
piration to offend him or you. no un
Dieasant memories atterwara.
"ABSORB1T" Is wonderfully absorb
ent: delicately scented. Has no eauai.
Apply where you perspire use pad con
tained In box perspiration troubles van-
Ishl No more garments fading, stiffen
ing, rotting, holes appearing or colors
running! you re sare wearing tne Kimono
waist, finest lace dress or heaviest fabric,
without dress snteids. ADsoroit is an
solutely harmless, even' to tenderest face
and neck. Great for sweaty leet!
0t "AbMrblt" tt tnjr drug itora, 35c or
and amount to Von Vogal LtbontorlM, Chic.
to. III. Moner back It you want H. Sold In
thtt dty and raoomraendad by Sharman He
Connall Drat Co., oomar Mth and Dodga; 16th
and Harnay; Mth and Farnam, alao Loyal Phar
macy iOT- No. Uth St.
It Is Not
to blame carbon
troubles on the oil.
An improper mix
ture may often
cause carbon; so
may carrying oil too
high In the crank
case, or driving with
a retarded spark.
So far as your lu
bricating oil is con
cerned, you can al
ways keep free from
carbon trouble . by
using Polarine.
Polarine Oil con
tains no free car
bon. It does not break,
up or lose body un
der high tempera
ture or severe fric
tion. It
and cold
in . hot
Write for the JPol
rine booklet.
Standard Oil
Ksbrasa Omaha
Dominion Canadian Service
Montr eal- Ou e bec- Liverpool
M: MiMJ II V U lU . Ml 1,71
M egantic, Jy. 6, A. J, A. J I
Flril 192.50, Second S5J.7S
Third Clan MM a i2.SH
Arrange Bookings with Local Agents
or Company's Office, Chicago, III.
1 res: and health to mom ano child. .
Mrs.Wissi.oWs Soothino 6yklp has becq
used for over SIXTY VKAU8by MILLIONS of
is the best remedy for DIARRHQ2A. It ia aLv
tolutely bsrmlesa. Be sure and sale for " Mrs.
Window's Soothing Syrup," snd take DO otbet
Und. Twenty-five cents a bottle.. 9
B l VI I i nil
boxes In one . corner were three great
snakes curled up in boxes. '
Gently lifting the snakes, I saw nests
filled with eggs. Then the woman told
me the story.. Early In the spring Mrs.
Thompson set a hen, intending to have
early fries. A couple of days later rats
killed the hen. The eggs were left in the
neat and the next day when. Mrs. Thomp
son went to the hen house colled up ever
the eggs was k big bull snake. As these
snakes are harmless, she did not disturb
this one. Day and night it covered the
eggs and at the end of the required time
eleven chicks were hatched, only one egg
having spoiled. The next day the snake
came off Us nest and from that time on
it mothered the chicks, brooding , them
Joy and Health
In a Bottle
It Should Be In Every
American Household
Pare pineapple juice is oae of tie
greatest beverages ever brought to the
attention of the American people. It
is a great drink because it not only;
pleases the taste, but builds up the
health as well. It is one of nature's
greatest tonics and every bottle is a
joy and delight from every viewpoint
Dole's Pineapple Juice is the pure
juice of choice pineapples and is bottled
and sterilized under the most modem
sanitary conditions. -' " 1
It is a decided aid to digestion and
is excellent in eases of sore throat.
aublio speakers and singers strongly
recommend it f"
Dole's Pineapple Juice is sold by groc
ers and druggists everywhere.
"Cooling Drinks and Desserts," a
little book telling how to make pleas
ant, cooling drinks, sent free.
Eawailaa Pineapple Products Go Ltd.
112 Market St, Ban Francisco
should know about the
Marvel "Whirling Spray"
Best safest most convenient,
rieanaes instantly.
If your druggist cannot supply the
MARVEL, send Stamp tor uiusirsiea
book sealed, contains curseaiw
t Invaluable to laoies.
44 Esat 83rd Stress
Aesil Sealer.
PhnnPS (Doo. nt.
a THE..
Evans Mel
Hot Springs, So. Dakotm
A delightful place to spend your
summer vacation. - Swimming
Pool, Golf Course, Tennis and all
other out-door amusements, also
Music and Dancing. The best
waters in the world for chronic
ailments of the stomach, liver,'
kidneys and rheumatics.
A modern hotel, with all im-'
provements. Service and cuisine
unexcelled. Rates $ 2.5 0. per day
and up. Special rates by the week
on application. Write for booklet
Address . ,
Hot Springs, South Dakota.
Summer Resort
Cottage Grove
On east end of Wall lake, ninety
miles from Omaha; reached by
Northwestern or Illinois Central
Bathing, fishing, boats, , dance pa
vilion, etc.
Cottages, $8 to 912 per week. Day
board, 16 per week. Room and board
at farm house, $7 per week.
Omaha reference, Harry D. Reed or
Ales Reed, 206 Brandeia Theater,
phone Douglas 501.
J. F. K01SKOMT, Proprietor,
P. O. Address: Lake view. Is.
Colorado's Greatest Scenic Mountain
Resort There is not a spot comparable
for both wild rugged glory and the vel
vet, parkltke beauty here, where ona
finds the Rocky mountains at their bast.
At the Stanley Hotels you will find all
modern conveniences and comforts that
you will find in the best city hotels.
Plenty of diversion for old and young;
trout fishing, tennis, golf, bowling, -billiards
Surrey, horseback and autoax
blle rides over many mountain trails un
der the care of experienced guides. Write
for beautiful Illustrated souvenir book
let. AX.FBE9 X.AKSOBV, JfaBagtr.
Sstes Park. Colo.
Muscallonge Galore
. Over 40 lakes, accomodations for SO
guests. Bass and Muscallonge fish
ing at the door. Write for 82 page
booklet Bus meets all trains at -
Porset, Hubbard County, Xtnyesota.
vAunniii & )