rrtTT.' dpi1 - vtrrr Trrccn a V tttt.v o 1Q10 v y . Jlli.i SJEjiU . Vi,A-t.X.a. mjUJ. , J.V.I.... J T"- 'I ti i ! il ALDRIGH ABUSES PRESIDENT Phosphorus Fires Blaze Repeatedly Governor Alludes to Taftt Lincoln as "Yellow Dog." SPEECH AT KEUGIOUS MEETING Good Cttlaensfclp Gataeriasi oa State House Ctmpii Hears Seaaatloaal ttteraacea From the State's Executive. ' - . . LINCOLN. June 30.-Speclal Telegram.) A meeting in the Interest of tbe Chris tian citizenship' movement was held by the churches or. Lincoln on the state house grounds this evening. The speakers vers Richard I Metcalfe, E. J. Burkett and Governor Aldrich. Mr. Metcalfe spoke on the "Citisen of yesterday." but did not allude to politics Jn any way. Senator Burkett's address Over Many Places Quantities of the phosphorus scattered over the floors and on the walls of the plant of the Incandescent Vapor Light company's factory In Council Bluffs, where the firemen fought a nasty fire for two hours Saturday night, continued to make trouble during tbe remainder of the night and all day yesterday. The inflammable stuff would blaze up In scores of places after lying dormant for several hours. The firemen were called back to the plant several times and Mr, Darby and one of his foremen stood by all night and extinguished the con stantly rekindled fires. All of the com pound of chemicals contained In the orig inal mixture, used for making bronze castings, Including the calcium carbide and . granulated aluminum, except the was on the "Citizen of Today." and be paid no reference to politics, except la a I phosphorus, were burned up In the initial humorous reference to bimseii. I fire. The phosphorus remained . intact, Governor Aldrich had for his subject tbe although water soaked, and presented a rCitizen of Tomorrow," and his address was one of the sensational kind, of which he Is : sometimes capable when wrought Ui (a s high pitch. X Deaonarea Repabllrnaa. -He began his address with a bitter de nunciation of the republican national convention. He said in substance, that it was run by a gang of dishonest and rather, startling and beautiful sight. On the floor, walls and basement of the building millions of glowing points were visible all night, and as the water would dry away these points would suddenly be come viciously blazing centers. It was necessary to tear away and carry out of the building every particle of woodwork upon which there was phos- rotten politician, who deliberately .tola Ph nd kee" everything wet while enough delegates to win, unseating thosa .-.v... ; v.7L ,i. v... .i. ,w- Some of the men engaged in the work people, and carrying things with a high hand In general. , He then turned his at tention to the democratic convention at Baltimore, and said that-the nominee of that convention would be like that of the republican, selected by the same gang of politicians for the same man who engineered tbe Chicago convention was now running the Baltimore convention. He then spoke of the two great American citizens who were the real advocates of honest methods, Theodore Roosevelt and Villlam J, Bryan, and said that they would lead the people into better thing. He then switched back to the repub lican cnventlon, and said (bit be proposed to tell the people of the state and nation the dishonest methods that were' lived there, and said further: "When you cast I your vote this fall, do not make your party responsible for a yellow dog. The address was received by the large audience with both applause and side re marks by those : who evidently did not approve of the governor taking advantage yesterday got the stuff on their shoes, Holes were burned in the leather and car pets in their homes were set afire where they had walked. Mr. Darby stated yes terday that his loss would not exceed $500. Quality of Wheat Improved This Year "While wheat throughout southwest Nebraska and nearly everywhere" else In the state is going to be fully up to that of last year, so far as yield Is con cerned,, the quality, I think, wllj be the best in: years," said D. H. Lyman of Lexlsgton, who spent 'Sunday at the Pax ton. "We will commence cutting our winter wheat . during the present week," satd Mr.-Lyman, "and I am of the opinion that It will run from sixteen to eighteen bushels per acre, which is a little better than, last year. The wheat on the farms 'of a religious meeting to make a political I 0f my neighbors will run about the same speech. One man was heard to say, 1 1 as mine, while north twenty miles it intended to vote for Governor Aldricn, tut I jg better. To. the south, however, down when he, as the governor of a great state, has no more respect' for the president than to allude to him as a yellow dog te can't have my vote." Another man said: "I do not like Taft and do not expect to vote for him, but I think no man In the position of the gov ernor has any right to speak of him !n the way he did. It Is utterly out Of place at this meeting, and out of place any how." ' ' v..-. "I wonder If Aldrich expects that such CROPS STEADILY IMPROVING Summer Weather is Drawing Corn Oat of Ground Like Magic. , SCATTERING ' BAINS BEPOETED Small Gralas Are Now Bring Har vested and Crops Are Said to Be la Very Good Cos 4 ditton. Nebraska crops continue to hold . their own regardless of the fact that during the last week there was no place in the state where there was enough rain to lay the dust The Burlington's weekly report is made exhaustive, taking in all of the company's divisions west of the Missouri river. It places , the condition of winter wheat as follows: , , Omaha division, 79; McCook, 60; Wy made, 79; Lincoln, 94, as compared with Omaha,' 79; McCook, 89;'- Wymore, 78; Lincoln, 83, a week ago. Spring grain, wheat, oats and barley, now being harvested In many localities, Is reported In splendid condition, the yield promising to be the greatest in years. . Dry weather and a high temperature has advanced the . growth of the corn until It has about - reached the normal stage for this season of the year. Taking into consideration the stand and every thing else its condition is placed thus. Omaha division, 88; Lincoln, 94; Wymore, 88; McCook, 80 per cent. '". Beneficial Ralne Fall. In many localities, there were rains Sunday and Sunday night, some of them being sufficiently heavy to be oT great benefit Along the Burlington west of Lincoln to as far as McCook there were tight" and scattered '.showers. Through Nebraska, from' McCook west, there were reasonable heavy rains, the record show ing from one to three inches. There' was half an inch of rain at Mlnden. ! Along ; the - Union Pacific there were heavy rains in Kansas and from a trace to one-half Inch from .Grand Island, west into Wyoming. " Over Northwestern, territory there were heavy showers through the north part of the state, 'with the same conditions maintaining out Into Wyoming. In the Burlington country, the yield is a bit off, but the quality makes up . for all loss In yield. Would-Be Sleuth- Disturbs the Police The ambition of C W., Holmes, night clerk at the Eanford hotel, to become a remark, wilt get. him votes."' remarked d?t?c!l,rr:,nr1 "J"' 'TJk, another man. At the close of the speech the meeting was dismissed, but several people Un gered and discussed the address of the plaint of real sleuths, who will charge blm with being a nuisance. ..-' , At 3 o'clock Sunday morning Holmes telephoned to the station that he had governor, some with approval and others kmJ a burglar whom he had caught in with disapproval, the latter seeming to think that the governor in his excitement had said tmngs which had better have teen left unsaid at such a time. Message of Bible is Interpreted for the act of robbing a fruit store at Nine teenth and Farnam. The police harried to the scene, but. found no evidence of a burglar. Holmes said that he had seen a man at work on the window, but when hi fired the Intruder fled down Farnam street, and in behind the city hall. Th clerk fired half a dozen more shots after klM th... .U .! . .ffut . n a , a ...,1. AnnlP.nP.A AT MIITfiS t MVera! Bee employes going home from Holmes, who Is no relative to the famed detective of Doyle's fiction, has a mania for catching lawbreakers. He has never succeeded, but he has caused the poller to. make half a dozen fruitless runs to the Ban ford at most unseemly hours within the last few months. With all the oratorical energy of an auctioneer who can pack a three-hours' talk Into three-quarters,. of an, hour, Brother S. D. Senor gave a Bible lecture at a Pilgrims' meeting in Barlght's ha' I yesterday afternoon, while interpreters for the large deaf and dumb contingent of his audience . contracted writer's cramps transmitting the message. . In both senses of the phrase the audi ence was held spellbound . As one - in- terpreter, perspiring and ; nearlng ex haustion, fell, one. two, three sentences, a paragraph or half chapter behind, an other took up the flow of thought and passed it to the speaker's unhearlng hearers. ; '". '. ' -'"' .The meeting was one of the Sunday conventions and Pilgrim services held un. ' der the auspices of the International Bl b!e Students' association.' Many deaf and dumb persons were there to receive the message, a discourse on tbe Bible. - Brother S. D. Senor, as he Is announced on the program, Is a traveling lecturer for the association. He Is a remarkable speaker, both 'as td his message and it livery. His words come in salvoes so thick and fast his hearers "wonder that they do sot stumble over one another. He makes bis lengthy syllogisms and Summer Shows At the Boyd. The Boyd's summer cabaret show began Its second week yesterday afternoon with ait, en tire change of pictures and other features. The sextette singers still, re main, .with ' new songs. Miss Gladys Chandler, the lS-year-old soprano, who was so warmly applauded for her efforts during the first week of the Boyd show lis still on the program. She sang two selections from the "Spring Maid." The motion pictures were shown on four, reels, all of them being new. The : vaudeville and motion picture bill wilt be changed this afternoon. The man. sgement has arranged to have a Chang" every Monday,' Thursday and Saturday hypotheses and come, to . the 'there- ' YrJV:: utctuB)Hi we, vt vuv wve tucs, Uw wvru fore" before an ordinary man. can sav "Jack Robinson." His lecture was filled with orthodox teachings, explaining the resurrection, the eternal life and eternal punishment according to the - generally accepted belief, v , , , . ... TwoNebraskans - Ordained Priests offered so far." : - At tbe-Gayety. The novelty of the bill at the Gayetr Is' the highly instructive and interesting travelogue delivered by P. A. Merrlam of the navy. Mr. Merrlam tells of the 'round-the-world cruise of the battleship fleet four years ago. His present lec ture takes his listeners from Hampton Roads, Vs., to Lima, Peru, with stops at a number of nlcturesaun twits. Start The Rev. George B. Southwell of Silver lng Thursday he will voyage on the can Creek, deacon In the . Nebraska diocese I VM from Lima to Magdalena bay, where of. the Episcopal Church, ana tne Kev. target practice. will be held. Hundreds Valentine H. Kaltenbacn of Albloa were ot views taken on the trlu am shown ordained priests at U o clock yesterday. i keeping with Mr. Merriam's illustrated Bishop A. I. Williams officiated an lecture and the fact that this is Fourth eucharlst and celebrant Rev. Southwell I of july week Mr Burton Impersonates as presented oy ev. Jonn Atoe Uncle Sam and sings songs of patriotism Williams, who acted as bishops cnp-irrir nt ft vu m m.inHu fm lain, and Rev. Kaltenbacn was presented concertina and a violin than the au by Rev. F. a Taylor of Norfolk,' mis- dience expected. , Result applause for sionary of the diocese. ' them for five minutes after they had left Rev. Mr. Southwell was assigned to the stage. With eleven Italian dlaloaue the charge of St Mathlas' church, and aDd songs. Juseple and Marie easily won HUMMEL WANTS MONEY TO IMPROVE BOULEVARDS Commissioner Joe B.. Hummel at a meeting?: of the-; city commission yes terday introduced a resolution to appro priate -from 18,000 to $10,000 for the con-structtnn- of a gutter for the Northwest boulevard from Forty-fifth and Military avenue to and through Fontanelle park. The commission held up the resolution until the meeting this morning.. Mr. Hummel Is building a temporary pavilion, Installing benches and swings in Fonta helle park. He says they will be ready for use the Fourth. . Key to the Eltuatlon-Bee Advertising, 1 gfl WOMEN'S LOW CUTS For Hot Summer Days Fw pople realise the com fort to be gained by wearing the proper shoe on these elz tling hot days. Keep cool by making your feet cool and comfortable. We are showing some hot weather low cuts for women that, for style and appearance, sxcell anything . In ., footwear we have ever seen. They are exclusive w Drexel ityles ; Including our. Non-; Slipping Pumps in all leathers Stylish ' 4 -button , oxforda In Patent Colt, Gun Metal Calf and White Nubuck. $3.00 nd $4.00 We have the largest whit line in the " city -White Nu buck,' Genuine Buck, White Cravenett 1 : : .54 to $7 4 DREXEL 1419 rrnam 4 4M-ii-iiiiiiiniiHiiiiinnniiiinininniiin4 f These Bargains in New, Desirable Goods for Mid-Sttmmer Are Tuesday's Extra Specials at BRANDEI STORES The House Thtt ALWAYS Offers GENUINE Barakt i Summer Wash Fabrics at 15c Yd. In Basement Special purchase of 45-inch wide printed bordered ba- t tiste, also 27-inch very fine silk stripe voile in all this J season's colorings. These popular summer fabrics are J from an eastern manufacturer, bought below actual cost I to manufacture. Thousands have admired them in our 16th St. window. On sale Tuesday in basement bargain square. Regular 39c quality, at yard . . . . . . v actum uusii 15c Sample v waists At One of Highest Glass -HalfPrice The most exquisite styles of this season. All these waists are sam ples and many are exclusive styles everynew idea is shown in both I low and high necks both long and t short ; sleeves- all at ; half price. ! : $5 Waists for .... . $2.50 i $6.50 Waists' for v. . S3.25 t !tiu vv aists ior . . ... , . jjd $12.50 Waists for ; .$6.25 ' $15 Waists for ....$7.50 $16.50 Waists for . .$8.25 ' ; 27-in. Sheer Swiss and Batiste Embroidered Flouncings I Choice, new designs in eyelet, floral and new combina- t tion enects, also aamty Daby patterns worth up $ to 75c a yard, at yard ........................ OVC. ISSSSSSSaeSSSSBSBBBBSBSBBBBBBBBSlBBSaSBSJ Fine French and German Val Laces and Insertions la f A 1 1 a i t nn i , t Aiso crocnei ana ciuny enects many to matcn c worth up to 10c a yard, at per yard. (It I HARTFORD SAXONY RUGS , Where Luxury and Service Are Combined Where good taste holds sway and where unusual serv- ice is required there you will find HARTFORD SAXONY : : ;; Rugs. These rugs are fac simile reproductions of the ;; finest antique rugs obtainable they look, wear and feel I iiKe ine oia time unentais we assure yo' eatisTe Uou. Beginning Friday, Stores Close 5 P. M. Except Sat'rday 0 P. M. Till Sept 1. Biggest V al la Omaha of Fourth of July Flags and BaidU fn? ia Onr llllllllHHIlimillllllllllillllllll 1 i ij i U'tl Celebrate the Glorious JULY FOURTH IN SOUTH OrlAHA ' " i ' ' ' 40 Big Free Attractions 40 A Rest Tent for the Women and Children: Seats U be FroTided Arottnd the Larc Amusement Arena at 24th and 0 Streets . Everything Free See the Big Parade and Stay for the Fireworks in the Evening Biggest Celebration in the t - History of South Omaha by virtus of the office Is also chaplain of Brownell Hall, succeeding Rev.. James tfoble. Rev. Mr. Southwell is a graduata of Kenyon college of Oillo. Rtr. Mr. Kaltenbacb was assigned to the parish and Albion and will also have charge of the rectory at Cedar Rapids. a . safe Bpot in the affections of the crowds. A patriotic program Is being pre pared for the mid-week change next Thursday, jtbe Fourth, when a thoroughly safe and sane program will be rendered. John Says: "Waea the perspira tion ooaas and life inclines to snooses, when the tar for sakes the pavement for 'your heels, and when the mercury has to be tied down Into the tube, then TStXBT BUSTS 6c CIOAKS amok all the better." -John 's Cigar Store 321 South 16th St. Parts -Ihh'" i , t ,., ,. i (Formerly Sarpy Ml Us) - A. D. SMALL, Proprietor The only place in this section where you can enjoy a QUIET, PEACEFUL Fourth of July. The sylvan peace and the abundant air of the country are here. . You get away from the sweltering heat of the city and rest amid things vernal. Eat your CHICKEN DINNER at Rose Park Inn, appetizingly cooked, and the most delightful that you can get anywhere. ' Run out here in your motor car. Go on West Center to Ruser's Park and then directly south to the old Sarpy Mills Place. Order by phone. Call Ralston 6902. . : - A1TUSEMENTS At the Airftome. The first scenario for a motion picture an Omaha author has had accepted was ALL THAT BURGLAR GETS l? " !h tiom-to? THIRTY CENTS IN STAMPS Thirty cents In posuge stamps was the haul of an enterprising night prowler from the Omaha Wood Working com pany's office, JS01 Marcy street. Satur day night, entrance being gained by raising one of the office windows. Another Saturday evening window stunt Fifty-fifth street produced the plot for this motion picture play and sold It u the Btograph company. It was shown in Omaha for the first time at the Alrdom last night The story is a fairy tale of old Holland, pictured with charming grace. ' -'"'.''?"'''' ''. Eropton A Earle were the headllners am .iui rnnrtod tn thA nollea veatitrdsv. a gold watch and fob being stolen from K vudv"' wu- r the home of Z. E. Harmon. 1331 South Thirty-fifth avenue. persistent Advertising Is the Road to lilg Returns. act is a singing nd . dancing feature, which "went big" last evening.' James Kavnllton, baritone, sang two numbers and received ao' encore for , each. Thi "movies" are changed each evening. ' Follow the Crowd to LAKE MAN AW A It's cool there. Many attractions; the most popular right now are BATXXBTQ 'Come on , in; the water's fine!" , BOATXsTO Six large, roomy launches and one hundred steel row boats.. SAXCXira The large, grand ball room with Arthur E. Smith's excel lent orchestra needs no further mention. ntx arOTrsro Kortrmzs ztsbt SseeUant rienlo around s. nATrtfc AfteraeoBj DOyaSETeniDs lbIe Pictures Tm'ti Sect Tkt Rest Now See The Best IQc Any Sett A Set of Teeth 3S.00 ILL 111 Jjfej Gold Crown 22 Carat 21 Carat Solder 55.00 Dr. Matthew Clark, ot Chicago has been employed by the Illin dIs Dental Parlor as a tooth extractor and crown and bridge worker. He is unexcelled tor giving the new torm of gas, which is only given it the Illinois Dental Parlor tor painless extraction of teeth. He has a world wide reputation. '.' Mrs. Smith ot Omaha had 21 teeth extracted by the new form of gas, and she said it surely was a surprise to her, that aha never felt one bit of pain. . ' Dr. J. C. Clark, as a painless dentist, has a great reputation all over the state of Nebraska. He has been in Omaha the last 2 years at 204 Paxton block, and is now with the Illinois Dental Parlors in the Ksrbach block, where he will he glad to welcome all his old patients and new, . Take Notice We will make and give away free of charge on Wednesday. July . 3d, one 22-k gold crown to the first lady in our office. .' '"'' ','' All instruments sterlized after each operation. s All work guaranteed 10 years by contract. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. ' Sunday work by appointment. Bridge work, per tooth, $4.00 and up. ' The best porcelain crown, like your own teeth, $4.00. Office 15th and Douglas. 2d Floor Karbach Block. DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST 1500 Farnam 8t Plates .. ....a.COtp Extracting 25c t'p FUlinga .... ....OOolp Crowns ..i ...,f2.50lp Bridgewor k ... S2.50 V Tears Kane OXfioe Phone Dong. 173& Missing Teeth supplied without Plate or Bridge, work. Nerves ilemoTei) without pain. Work guar, anteed ten year Nteetbf WNWS) vsmmino ctoscr WIN lUHWCt SMurroR THERE IS ROOM TO COOK for the Largest Family with A DOUBLE OVEN GAS RANGE because it has a roomy top burner cooking surface and below the burner top is a Baking Oven and a Broiling.: Oven. ".-""'' . - DOUBLE OVEN RANGE U8-in. Oven) $23.00. $1.00 Discount if paid within 30 days. The regular retail prices charged by us cover de livery, connection" and adjustment. Easy Terms, if desired. , . . . . .. y ' EACH DOUBLE OVEN GAS RANGE carries our absolute guarantee of successful operation. . Examine our display, at the office or if you prefer a : representative will call on .you upon request and ex-" plain our easy terms. ' OMAHA GAS COMPANY Grandest Celebration of All AT leaufiful Hair July tctunth Sylvan Nooks Fascinating Musio Round Trip Rate, $1.00 Train leaves "Webster Station -at 6:25 a. m. and 2:25 P. M. Train leaves Blair for Omaha at 8:30 P.M. FREE DANCING AND SCORES OF AMUSEMENTS , ; 'AND SPORTS. Everybody Can Enjoy Themselves at Blair. Finest Automobile Drive in the ' Whole State. Firoworlis! Firaworkc! THE FXTBI.IO HAltKET has purchased a large stock of clean, new , Fireworks, which are now on display. : - Canes - se f 6c Ammunition, 2 ror eo . So Fire Crackers, 2 for ........ 80 , 10c boxes Salutes, IS in box So 6c box Torpedoes, X for ....... 60 6c Roman Candles, 2 for '. Bo y AU other fireworks at about half ' price. TKXS COUPOtT XS GOOD FO TEW CEHTTS With Seen $1.00 Purchase ' of fireworks. ::i.-L The Public market 1610 sUJUTST 8TSSET. Fortune or success have often come through a little want ad. Vi: Have you read the want ads yet I 1