Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1912, Image 1

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    All The News All The Time
U 8e gives ita mtei a dally
panorama of tit happenings
of ths whole world.
V 4 .
ft n n i
Showers; Cooler
von XUI-NO. 12.
Eegina, in Saskatchewan, Struck by
.. . Terrific Storm and Most of
City Wrecked. ,
Mac hDamage Done to Other Parts
of Province.
Dead and Injured Estimated at More
Than Four Hundred.
Tornado Svreeys Down at Sonthcrn
Lmtta of City and Cats Swath
' ; Several Block Wide "
Thronsh Center.
REGINA, Sask.. . July t-Thirty-six
bodies had . been, recovered up to a late
hour this morning from ruins of buildings
wrecked by last night's storm.
'The death list probably will be confined
to fifty,- About 100 were injured. The
property loss may reach $4,000,000.
The military has been recalled from Its
annual encampment and is in charge of
' the city.
..The following is the list of dead so far
recovered and Identified:
J. J. RYAN, manager ol Thorpe & An
..dersoii" company.1
LAWRENCE HODSMAN, 10 years old.
MRS. H. AYRE, - '
Mrs. E. P. Gordon,
. Ellen Nykins,
'Mrs. Holmes,
Mrs. . Susan . Holmes, . . '
Mrs. Graham,
, Jessie Graham,
:' James LoulcKs. '
, Mr. James Bruce,'
Alex Reastortson,
jurr jacjvegny.
Lois Bates,
E. Blonkorn, ".
Frank Garslton, ,
Carl Keister,
J. R. Hodson, ,
James Dunn, .
Mrs. James Dunn,
Vera A. 8aunders. ,
; The storm lasted only a short Ime, in
tact .11 was .ever aa auir.klv th . v,.
people' arJly had tlraa to realise what
had, takan plaue.nd f tha escapes
1 f rArrt A Hath w.n Mnt.AM.l.. V.. .11.1
only' a block from the path of th storm
wr only' injured slightly. .
.J Cats Swth Through City.
The tornado swept down Just a few
blocks north; of the southern limits of
the ,city,: cutting a swath several blocks
wide right into the center of the town,
leveling tha buildings In its wake.
In a twinkling three ol the handsomest
churches in Begin were laid in ruins.
They were the' Methodist, Baptist and
Knox churches, and the first of the city's
laTge . windings to .be blown down.- The
Methodist church fell with a crash that
sounded above the howling of the storm
and the roar of the cloudburst that ac
companied the terrific wind.
iiien me rooi was swept from the
Young Men's Christian association build
ing and the walls ot the structure were
snatterea, while Just beyond, the hand
some- new puoiio library was badly
wrecked and the Presbyterian church
wis laid in ruins almost as complete as
inose or the structutM farther south,
, Telephone Girls Injured.
In. rapid succession the Masonio tempie
and the telephone exchange building were
attacked and practically leveled. The
storm seemed to spend Its greatest Tury
on the latter, structure. Under the mass
os wrecKage left wera the forms of many
victims, the greater part of them girl
uperaiow or uie telephone switch hni
Fortunately, -although many ot the girls
were seriously Injured, none was killed.
One of the most serious losses to the
city was that of the warehouse and the
row of grain elevators beside the
anaaian racillo railway yard. Trn
these the farmers of the district were de
pending for the. storage of their crop this
r.m. xjui one grain elevator remained
and that was nxich. damaged. '
The- reaks ot tha" storm wera remarka
ble around. the railroad ysrd. Havdly a
car remained whole. , Several eara were
picked bodily 'and, carried long dis
tances. : One was hurled throiwn he
freight shed. , Other peculiar doings "of
the wind were.rnany. A canoe was car
ried from Wascana lake, distance of
three-quarters of a mile, to Vlcti.ia park
and dropped there. Many dlngU.ei ana
even nall vessels lie strewn over the
southern section of the city as far as a
half-mile from the. lake. Of numbers of
persons ou on the waters of the lakn
when the storm broke, five are known to
nave oean drowned. .
The whole north side of the city wa3
practically wiped out by the storm. Six
.lunula lamuies are homeless.
(Continued on Second Page;
The Weather
erXf.IirEBSKAtIn8ettW bu -FOR
IOWA-Generally f,iP; not much
change in temperature. "! cn
Omaha Yesterday.
. Hour. Deg.
t a. m 68
a. ro.... eg
7. a. m 7i
8 a. m 75
I i. m 79
10 a. m 81
II a. m... 81
12 m 84
1 p. m 83
2 p. m... 87
wD ' P m 8
' "4 p. m 87
S p. in 86
6 p. in..'.
7 p. m...
8 p. m...
Temperature at
Works Wants to
Find Out How
Money Was Spent
WASHINGTON, July l.-Senator Works
of California progressive republican, pro
senting in the senate today a resolution
to Investigate recent campaign contribu
tarns and expenditures, declared that
President Taft's renomlnation had been
procured unjustly and" illegally.
California needed no new party, he said,
and the republican party might better go
down to defeat for the sins of its leaders
and come up four years hence than to
form- a new party.
Senator Works said his resolution was
based on charges publicly made by Pres
dent Taft and former Phesident Roose
velt. The discussion declares It is com
mon knowledge that public officials from
the president, cabinet officers and sen
ators down, have engaged in the pre
convention campaign. It directs invest!
gation of the financial transactions of
democratic and republican candidates for
the presidential nomination, calls for
names of officials engaged in the cam
paign and their salaries, the percentage
of voters in the primaries and payments
to newspapers and newspaper writers and
the amount of expenses of delegates paid
by others. '
The resolution stirred the senate, but
was . not acted upon. Senator Works
charged that men sent to Washington to
discharge public duties had been , giving
their lme;to carrying on political cam
paigns. . "-
"Doesn't that apply to certain members
of this body?" asked Senator Nelson of
"I think It does," replied Senator Works.
Senator Works asserted that a new
party in California would mean turning
the "purified republican party" there back
to special interests.
American Olympic
Team Wins Again
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July l.-The
United States added today another to
their list of victories at the Olympic
games by winning the clay bird shooting
competition. The American team took
first prize and gold medal with a score
of 633 out of a possible 600. Great Britain
won the second prize and silver medal
with a score of 611,. while Germany was
third with 610.
The best individual scores of the mem
bers of the victorious American team
were:- .......
J. R. Graham, Chicago .Athletic asso
ciation, 94; Charles W. Billings (captain),
93; R. L. Spotts, Larchmont, Y. C. 90; J.
H. Hendrlckson, Bergen. Beach G. C, 89;
Frank Hall, New York Athletic club, 86.
The individual army rifle shooting com
petitions were started today. The com
petitors shot first at 300 metres and then
at 600 metres. At the first range each
competitor fired ten shots at a bull's eye
target, four prone, four kneeling, and
two Standing. At the second range each
man fired ten shots at figure target, five
prona and Jive, kneeng.,The jtlme; limit
for each series Is three minutes.
Proscop, a Hungarian, led at the 300
metre range with a score of 97. Lieu.
tenant Carl , T. Osburn, of the United
States' navy, tied for second place with
Norwegian and Greek riflemen with a
score of 95. Sergeant Fuller, of the Bri
tish, army was third with a score of 87.
In the shoot off of the tie for second
place Lieutenant Osburn secured second
prize with a score of 9S. This beats the
score made by the winner Piocop.
The Norwegian . rifleman was placed
third. with a score of 91, and the Greek
German Aviator
is Killed by Fall
ALTONA, Prussia, July 1.-Benno
Koenlg, the German aviator, died today
as the result of injuries suffered yester
day when he made a violent landing In a
clump of bushes. He was participating
in the northwest aviation circuit of 425
miles, which was resumed here yester
day, after having been postponed on June
2, owing to the deaths of Albert Buch
staetter, one of 'the best known German
aviators of his passenger, Llentenant
Stille of the German . army, soon after
the start., (
Three other professional aviators tak
ing part in the contest also were injured
by falls yesterday. They are, however,
all expected to recover.
Naval Off icers Go
on Retired List
WASHINGTON, July l.-Several naval
officers were retired today on their ap
plication, thus reducing to twelve the
number of officers who must be compul
sorlly retired.
- They are Captains James P. Parker, on
court-marUal duty at New York; Charles
M. Hughes, commanding the Washington;
John E. Craven, at the naval war college;
Wilson W. Buchanan, commanding the
Ohio; Guy W. Brown, commanding the re
cruiting ship at Mare Island; Albert L.
Key, on leave, and Commander William
G. Miller, under treatment at the Phila
delphia hospital, k . r
WASHINGTON, July L-Presldent Taft
today sent to the senate the nomination
of William Marshell Bullett of Louis
ville, Ky.l to be solicitor general of the
United States, to succeed Frederick H.
Lehmann of St. Louis, resigned. Other
nominations sent today included:
Lysle A. Dickey, to be judge of the cir
cuit court for the circuit of Hawaii;
Homer N., to be. United Suites
attorney for the western district of Okla
WASHINGTON.1 July L-The navy wlil
supply enlisted men to operate the ships
of the Panama railway between - New
York and Colon, to replace those who
joined In the general strike called for
this morning at New York.
Regular service of ships is essential for
supplying food and other necessities for
the canal workers, as well as material for
the canal itself. -.J - : .
Member of Delegation Calls Peerless
; Leader One of Plutocrats
of Country.
Sensational Episole During Twenty
Seventh Ballot.
Declares Party Will Fail Without
Vote of Empire State.
m i
Follower of Bryan In 1806 Takes
Opportunity to Rake Commoner
Over Coals for Attitude
on Present Situation.
BALTIMORE, July l.-John B. Stanch
field of New York, in explaining his
vote during the twenty-seventh ballot
today, spoke in full as follows:
"I come here from a state the electoral
vote of which is Indispensably vital to
democratic success. If memory serves
me well only upon two occasions In the
history of our country has a democratic
president been elected without the elec
toral vote of tho state of New York. We
represent a population approximating 10,
000,000 people. We cast in ths nelgubor-
hood of 1,750,000 votes. We represent forty-
rive votes in . the electoral college to
come, and I am speaking here now in
explanation of my vote in behalf of the
empire state, representing generally, as
It does, one-tenth of the population of
the United States.
Now a word as to the history of the
democratic party in the state of New
York. For the first time since the ad
ministration of Governor Flower we have
a democratic government"
Claims Right to Be Heard.
Mr. Stanchfield was interrupted by E
O. Wood of Michigan, who requested that
he explain his vote and allow the dolf
gates to proceed with their work. Con
tinuing, Mr. Stanchfield said: '
"I would say that New York has a
right to be heard upon the floor of this
convention. The integrity, the manhood.
the personal and political honor of every
delegate of the ninety from New York
has been impugned and .insulted upon tnj
floor of this convention (applause), and
I have a right to be heard in Its defense.
And I, desire to say at the outset, in
order that I may receive a fair hearing
at the hands of this convention, and par
ticularly I desire to say to the following
of Colonel Bryan that I am one of those
who,' back in the dark years of 1896, fol
lowed the flag of Colonel Bryan and
spoke In every city and village and ham
let in favor of his election. (Applause).
"In the year 1900 l ran upon the demo
cratic ticket 'wjth Colonel Bryan as tha
oahdldate of the party f or govrnord
ha polled with' ma upon that ticket more J
votes by upwards of 100,000 than he polled
before or since. Therefore I repeat, as the
friend of Colonel Bryan, at least I, am
entitled to a hearing upon the floor of
this convention.
. !
Makeup of Delegation.
"Let us look , for, a moment at the
makeup of the delegation from New
York., We have here the democratic
governor and lieutenant governor of the
state,, (Applause.) We t have upon tha
delegation . the . candidate for president
of the United States in 1906. (Applause).
We have an ex-justice of the supreme
court of the state of New York. We
have lawyers of repute, business men,
professional men In every walk and de
partment of life, and it is by common
consent the most representative delega
tion that ever came to a national conven
tion from the state of New York. (Re
newed applause.) '
"They would need no defense except
for what has been said upon the floor
of this convention. If this delegation was
composed of puppets of wax, as desig
nated by the gentleman from Nebraska
we Bay to that money-grabbing, selfish.
office-seeking, favor-bunting, publicity-
hunting marplot from Nebraska that they
are actuated"
Mr. Stanchfield was Interrupted by ap
plause from the delegates and the gal
leries. Quiet having been restored by th
chair, the speaker, continued:
'Tf the ninety delegates from New York
of the character that I have describe!
are within the control and the power of
one man they are moved by wires of tre
mendous human voltage. ; - :
"Let us look for a moment' and se?
whether or not the accusation of the gen
tleman from Nebraska-be true. Let us
look at the record for a passing minute.
"New York has upon the roll of con-
(Continued on Third Page.)
Presidential Nomination Ballots
Har. Under Mar-Bald-Ballots
Wilson. Clark. mon. wood, shall, win. Foss.
First'.. 334 . 440H 148 1178 31 22 ..
Second ...339J4 446J4 141 1114 31 14 ..
Third ...345 441 1402 114& 81 14
Fourth 340 443 136 112 31 14 ..
Fifth 331 413 141H 119 31 .. . .
Sixth 354 445 133 121 31 .. ..
Seventh 332 449 129 123 31 ..
Eighth 331 448 130 124 31 ..
Ninth.... 331 452 127 122 31 ..
Tenth.. ... 350 536 31 117 31
Eleventh 854 554 . 29 118 30 ..
Twelfth 354 517 29 - 122 30 .. ..
Thirteenth...... 356 . 534 2D 115 80
Fourteenth ,. 361 553 29 111 30 . . . ' ..
Fifteenth ....362 552 29 ' 110 30 .. ..
Sixteenth; ....362 551 29 112 30 ..
Seventeenth1. ......... .362 545 . 29 112 30 . .
Eighteenth .......... .361 535 29 125 30
Nineteenth..... ,.358 532 29 130 , 30 ..
Twentieth ........... .838 512 29 121 30 ..
Twenty-first ....395 508 r 29 118 30 , ..
Twenty-second 396 500 . . 115 30 .. 48
Twenty-third .........399 497 .. 116 30 .. 45
Twenty-fourth ........402 496 .. 115 80 ,. 43
Twenty-fifth .. 405 469 29 108 SO .. 43
Twenty-sixth ......... .407 463 29 112 30 .. 43
Twenty-seventh . 406 469 29 112 30 .. 88
Twenty-eighth 437 468 29 112 .. .. 38
Twenty-ninth .........436 468 29 112 . . .. 88
Thirtieth . . .460 455 19 121 .. .. 30
Thirty-first 475 446 17 116 . . .. 30
Thirty-second ...... ...477 446 14 , 119 .. ... . 28
Thirty-third ......... 1477 444 , 29 113 .. 28
Thirty.fourth i ...479 447 29 101 .. .. 28
I ' ' '1 1 II 'l1 - H.I. -m .11. ..M I. .. I. I ... - l.i. i.i
i : ,
When Bryan Needed "Boss" Murphy
1 1 . . . ,1!t
s 'K '
- J : frs
V Tr;x 4 ct.H Ca
McCormick is Not
Quite Certain as
to Where He Stands
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., July l.-Robert
R. McCormick of Chicago, leader of ths
Illinois delegation for Colonel Roosevelt
at the republican convention, but who
was one of the first to say that he would
not follow the former president In tho
formation of a new party, came to Oys
ter Bay today with the statement that
Governor Deneen of Illinois could not
carry his state on the Tatt ticket and
that he (McCormick) had come here to
open negotiations with the colonel.
McCormick intimated that he had come
as an emissary from members of the re
publican organization.
"The progressive movement has gath
ered more strength than I had thought
at first," said Mr. McCormick, "and I
have come to the conclusion that Taft
cannot carry Illinois."
: "Are you going back to Roosevelt?"
' "I don't know," he replied-u ."I want
to talk U over with Colonel Roosevelt,"-..
"What will Governor Deneen do?"
'IT don't know." He Wants 10 Be elacttd
governor, and recent developments have
been such that he does not know whers
to stand." " ' ' . v
Alexander H. Revell of Chicago wa
expected with Mr. McCormick, but was
delayed. ,
"I shall only listen to what Mr. Mc
Corrhlck has to say," said Colonel Roose
velt, "and express the hope that some
way will be found to unite, so that the
Roosevelt forces In Illinois will not be
divided..! wish the support of all those
who believe in the conmtnandment, 'Thou
shalt' not steal,' and who don't believe
In the . kind of domination which has
been exercised through the same type of
man and practically ths same methods,
in both the republican and democratic
The colonel was In high spirits over
the turn of affairs in Illinois as repre
sented by Mr. McCormick.
"It was a significant change," he said,
"and you will see several more cases of
the same thing in other states.
In continuing the fight, Mr McComlck
said, the Roosevelt leaders had told Gov
ernor Deneen that "if he did not fall In
line they would beat him."
It was Colonel Roosevelt's opinion that
a solution of the problem might be
reached by continuing tha present or
ganization with the present Roosevelt
strength behind the state ticket, instead
of naming an independent ticket as had
been proposed. He made it plain, how
ever, that he wished the leaders in Illi
nois to settle that for themselves. In
states like California, Kansas and West
Virginia, the colonel explained, "we have
the republican organization and It would
be useless to attempt to start all over
from the ground up. The situation is
similar to that which existed when the
republican ' party was f irmed In I860.
There were several cnr.t nt tickets rep
resenting the elem."ts which later were
united In the republican party."' .
Democrats in Convention Unable to
Get Together on Candidate.
Feeling Continues to Grow More Bit
ter as Balloting Con tin net and
All Hope of Harmony Has
Entirely Disappeared.
BALTIMORE, July l.-When the demo
cratlc national convention began its sixth
day's session today there was no proa
pect of an immediate break of the dead
lock over the presidential nomination.
The twenty-seventh ballot was expected
to show whether Speaker Clark had won
back any of the delegates who had de
serted his ranks, by his statements deny
ing Mr. Bryan's implied accusations that
the vote of tha New York delegation
placed him under obligation to the
moneyed interests. Governor Wilson's
chances of winning the nomination were
believed to depend upon his ability to
continue the steady accretion , his vote,
has shown since the Nebraska leader an.
nounced hb ,upport. New York will
continue, to support the speaker durlr
the balloting today, according to Charles
I. Murphy. ;' v V - ; ,. ' 'f:sri--
"No' caucus' has been held ''. said Mr
Murphy, "and put f uture ctloni will de
pend upon developments. , I . am unable
to say what the delegates will decide if
the deadlock continues beyond Monday.
Mr, Bryan' attack upon the state of
New . York will have no effect. . Our
delegates will vote, as the majority di
rects without reference j to Mr. Bryan's
position or wishes." ( , , , . .
1 Deadlock Will Continue.
Many leaders thought there was no
Uklihood of a nomination during the day.
They were of the opinion that the con
troversy between ' Mr. Clark and Mr.
Bryan had Btlrred up such strife between
their respective followers that neither
aide would yield far enough to make any
material difference.'-
Friends of Mr. Underwood went into
the convention more confident than ever
that the Alabama congressman will be
the ultimate choice; They admitted that
there would have to be a decided turn to
ward their man as a compromise candi
date, a large proportion of the support of
Clark and Wilson ' being necessary to
give him the necessary two-Jhtrds, though
he received all the scattering ?etes.
Not much time was expected to be oc
cupied In the selection of a vice president
and in the adoption of a platform, onco
the big fight was settled. The delegates
appeared to be weary of the long siege
and anxious to get back ti. tnolr homes.
Leaders thought It not unlikely that the
session which accomplished ' the end of
the deadlock would be the final one of
the convention. ' v
Speaker Clark's friends were of the
opinion that he would not come to Balti
more again. After conferences with blm
here and In Washington late Saturdiy
night and on Sunday, they know exactly
how he feels in regard to Mr. Bryan's ut
tack. Indications wre when . hs conven
tion reassembled, that one yf thm w)u!d
seek an opportunity to state ni position
before the body. ,, , , . ,
I Uyan Stir Hornet's Nest.
There was no denying tnat Mr Pryan
stirred up a hornets' nest and it was a
question how long it would take to draw
the stings. Clark's followers charge that
Mr1. Bryan was responsible far the con
vention withholding the nomlnjtion from I
tho speaker that had given him a Major
ity vote and they declare, thir unalter
able opposition to any or.t ii miniis.
And to their cause they have win, it is
sa'd, many enemies of Mr. Bryiu. which
under other circumstances would be foi
the man he champions. .
Delegates to the democratic national
convention held to a fragile hope this
morning that the first three .r tour bal
lots taken at the day's session would re
sult In separate splits among tho In
structed delegations to lead to a breaking
of the deadlock and the nomination of a
presidential ticket.'
Hall Expect Delay.
The oplnlpn , expressed by William ,T.
Bryan that he could see no reason why
(Continued on Second I'.i? c.)
The National Capital
Monday, Jnly 1, 1812.
The Senate.
Met at 11 a. m.
Senator Works urged investigation of
pre-conventlon campaign contributions
and declared war against new party.
. The House. . ..
i Met at noon.
Extended current appropriations through
Mexican Rebels s-;
Blow Up Train,
Killing Many
EL PASO, tex., July l.-lcolonel Cast
uelo Herrera of the rebel garrison in
Juarei, announced this afternoon, that
a message from Chihuahua gave details
of the blowing up ,of a federal troop
train by the ( rebels, and the killing of
all the men on board twenty coaches.
,Tbe federals. were attempting to enter
a pass, according to the telegram, when
mines laid by the rebels were exploded
by federal contact.
Congress Agrees to ; :
Extend Current
WASHINGTON, July l.Both the hous
and senate today agreed to a resolution
extending current appropriations through
July, thus 'preventing' the tleup ot th
machinery of the government' wljich was
threatened by midnight. " The resolution
now , goes to the president. He undoubt.
ry&iign v;:-r' -'
to Death in an Attic
CHICAGO, July l.-Louls Hiver,: M
years old, was found unconscious from
starvation In the attio of bis home here
last night, '- after 1 his- relatives and
friends had been searching tha 'city ' for
him for six days.' " " '
Haver was recovering from a long Ill
ness at .i the time of his ' disappearance.
Carpenters were shingling his house and
he went, to the roof to watch' them work.
Growing tired of this he crawled through
a hole in to the attio and fell asleep.
The carpenters not knowing he was there,
completed their work and went away.
When Haver awakened he had no means
of escape. He tried to attract the atten
tion of those In the house and when this
failed, even dug at the boards with his
finger nails. Then he became too weak
to try to make hlmseJf heard. .Finally
he began to rave from the pangs ot
hunger and his people called ths police
to make an investigation. The man's
release followed. . .
Df, Flint Says Thaw
Is Still Insane
WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.. July iuj the
examination today of Harry' K. Thaw,
whose release from the state prison for
the criminal Insane is sought, William T.
Jerome, for the state, read to Dr.- Austin
Flint, a hypothetical question of 13;000
words summing up Thaw's whole life as
bi ought out In his trial for the murder
of Stanford White. , -.. 4 ,
"What is your opinion Is the present
mental condition of .Harry ..K. Thaw?"
was the concluding sentence. -;
Mr. Shearn, counsel for Thaw, objected
to the question, characterizing It as "no
toriously one side" and full, of omis
sions. Judge Keogh allowed It, however,
In slightly amended farm. - ' .
"He is insane," answered Dr. Flint.
"In your opinion would his release be
iangerous to public peace T'
, "Yes." ,
mil is. am i t
' TORONTO, Ont. July l.-Ceell Bruns
wick Smith, one of the best known rail
way and hydro-electrical engineers in the
-oild, !s dead at his home here of can
cer. . He was 48 years old. , - - '
Nearly every hydro-electric plant In
America was either designed or built by
Mr. Smltn. He was a graduate 6t McOii;
university and a former president of the
Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.. Hs
was tr.e author of several text books on
engineering, : ' ' ,
STERLING, Colo., July 1.-A high wlnl
Whirled over this section from 5 to 9
o'clock last night, putting all wires out
of commission, plunging the town Into
darkness for four hours, during which the
hardest rainstorm the section ever ex
perienced raged. While the water ran
in torrents down the streets and buildings
shook ominously, no one was Injured and
there was but slight property loss.
New Jersey Governor Has Sixty More
Votes Ihan Speaker on Early
. Billot Last Night.
Palmer of Pennsylvania . Talked Of
as Compromise Candidate. .
New York Man Explains His Vote
for Wilson on Twenty-Seventh.
Nine Votes for Wilson but All Go to
Clark Under Unit Rule.
Say They Will Star Vatil Snow
FHes If Tholr Candidate Is Not
Nominated Claim They Caa
Prevent Otlier Action.
BALTIMORE, July l.-The count om
the thirty-sixth ballot was: Clark, iUM;
Wilson, 496V4; Underwood, 98V4: Harmon,
29; Kern, 1; Foss.,28; absent, ; ;
BALTIMORE, July i. After " a night
session of the convention was called to
order the thirty-fifth ballot was ordered
at 8:24 ; o'clock. :,. ,r ' V-
On the thirty-fifth ballot the Michigan
delegates broke to Wilson, giving him
twenty-seven votes to three for Clark.
The result of this ballot ' was: Clark,
433H; Wilson. 494H;, Underwood, lOtti;
Harmon, 29; Kern, 1; Foss 2S; Absent, H-
BALTIMORE, Md., , July .L Wood row
Wilson became the leading candidate for
the presidential nomination before . the'
democratic national convention late this,
afternoon. He passed Champ Clark on '
the thirtieth ballot, getting 460 votes to
455 for the .speaker. Wilson had been '
gaining steadily, and went Into the lead'
amid a great demonstration of his ad- -herents.
, , ; '
On the thirtieth ballot the New Hamp
shire delegation dropped Governor Foss,
of Massachusetts and went into the Wil
son f o'd. ' Iowa always has been voting
for Clark, spilt fourteen for Wilson and
twelve for Clark. ' r
Progressive ; leaders, canvassing the
field for an available man to break the'
convention deadlock in the event of fail-
ure ' to nominate Governor Wilson, se
rlously considered Representative A. '
Mitchell ' Palmer' of Pennsylvania. ' 'After
the thirtieth ballot showed Wilson In the
lead the Wilson: forces were .hopeful of
incests; af-Vf'"' 'is . ,
It was reported that Illinois soon would v
go to Wilson,, but man believed that .he
:'.',' (Continued, on Third Page.)
: Says .Governor Wilson
j SEAGIRT, J,.July l.-Thafs the
stuff,", exclaimed Governor Wilson when
tie received ' news-. this . afternoon that
he had passed 1 Speaker Clark on the
thirtieth ballot. ' v . , '
1 SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., July l.-.(SpeelaL)
That a bull Is more than a match for
a horse in a mortal combat was demon
strated on the farm ot John Breeke, -residing
in Day county. Arc animal be
longing to, him Jumped the fence sur
rounding its' pasture, . and after it had
been driven back to the gate by a son
of the owner, the son dismounted from
the horse he was riding for , tlu pur
pose of opening the gate.. Instantly the
j bull attacked the horse, and.after a
fierce conflict, succeeded In killing the
horse, by driving a - horn through Us
heart. ; The horse was valued . at 1250,
WASHINGTON., July l.-In answer to
attacks on Speaker, Clark in the Balti
more convention the house today adopted
a resolution announcing Us entire faith
In its presiding. officer.. .
vThe resolution, offered by a repub
lican, Representative ' Austin of Tennes
see, follows: i . ... . . . r .
"The members of this house, regardless
of politics, express their full confidence '
in the . honor, .integrity and patriotism
of the presiding officer of this house, tha
Hon. Champ Clark.
It was passed unanimously, republicans
and democrats applauding:
MINNEAPOLIS, ' July a-President C.
B. Goodrich of the Twin Ctty Rapid Tran
sit company this morning announced an
Increase iof wages of 2,000 trainmen
amounting to practically 10 per cent In
crease' was made voluntarily and as a
surprise to the men.
Rent your house or
apartments for the sum-
mer by using a Bee
want ad. . .
This-is the most'ef-.
fective medium , in Ne-,
bra ska. . ."
' Tl 1000