r 8 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 1, 1912. Nebraska i. i Nebraska. GAME WARDEN IS KEPT BUSY Notes from Beatrice and Gage County Lands Several Who Are Working . Their Seines Against the Law. STATE IHfANCES ARE STROM Moaster Man Relisioas Meeting: Is Held at Lincoln Bureau Are Notified to Keep Down Expenses. UXCOUi, June 30.-(Special.) - The game warden's department has been get ting busy lately and a a result J. T. Thompson and Fred Vaughan of Lincoln sere up before the Justice court yestor lay and drew a fine of SI and costs each .'or seining. Both men had fishing !! senses, but they do not cover seining. Another bunch of seiners who felt the wrath of Game Warden Millar wra Emit Quick, John Smith and Albert Lllenmao, were du Ju,y 1911 and bJr agreement who were discovered seining fish from a 01 108 "law lreaaurer nave D"n carnea as past due Donas until a levy could -be BEATRICE, Neb.. June 30.-(Speclal.)-Elmer Moscehl and Miss Mary Bowen were married Thursday evening by Rev. R. M. Badger. They will make their home at Akron, Colo., after a visit of a few days In the city with relatives and friends.; Judge L. M. Pemberton of the district court has granted a divorce to Mary Kill from Edward Hill on the grounds of non support She was given the custody of their only child. The couple was married at Council Bluffs, la., on July 6, 1907. Odel will celebrate the Fourth and the committees lo charge have arranged a fine program. County Treasurer Hevelone has called in 12.000 of Omaha & Southwestern rail, road bonds. This completes the payment of the 160,000 issue of these bonds, which lake hear Ashland, and were found guilty, Ten dollars and costs for the three. amounting In all to something like I", was the fine. They had a permit to seln in the Platte river only, but had no right to seine elsewhere. ' State Finances Strong-. The finances of the state at the close of business were such that Treasurer George could spend Sunday in a happy frame of mind. The. amount, was the largest which has been. In the general fund for several months and , amounted to 1134.689. The largest amounts cam from the following counties Richardson Cummins Jefferson .. Adams ... Madison .... 'Johnson .... Franklin ... aee-a e a ..122.000 .. 20.000 .. 16,000 .. 15.UU0 .. 15.000 .. 13.0U0 .. 10.0U0 collected so that they could be paid. - The bonded . Indebtedness of the county has been reduced $35,000 since January 1, 1912. Mrs. Nancy Klllen, a pioneer resident of Adams, died suddenly Thursday night She bad been in falling health for some time. She was the mother of S. D. and D. J. Klllen of this city. She Is survived by five sons and a daughter. The Farmers Lumber and Supply com pany, with a capital stock of 110,000, has been organised at Kinney, a sniall town just east of Wymore on the Burlington road. " The officers . elected are: J. M. Howe, president; William A. Stoll, . vice president; S. A. Kinney, secretary and treasurer; J. M. Howe, S. 'A.' Kinney, Claude Knouse, Peter Bednar, Harry Darner, W. A. Stoll and John Mack. George W. Egan Files Fourth Damage Suit BIOUX FALLS, S. D., June 30.-(Spe-clal.) An additional damage suit - has been instituted by George W. Egan of this city, who was a candidate at the recent primary election for nomination to the office of governor on the repub lican ticket The defendant in the latest action commenced by Mr. Egan is the American Publishing company of Aber deen, publishers of the Aberdeen Dally American. Mr. Egan, by his suit seeks to recover damages in the sum of 150.000 for alleged false and malicious charges against him which were printed by the Aberdeen paper during the primary cam paign. This now makes four such suits which have been Instituted by Mr. Egan, the other three being against the Watertown Dally Public Opinion, a Sioux Falls dally newspaper and E. C. Ward, a sioux Falls capitalist. In each case Mr. ran piaces nis alleged damages at 50.000. The trial of the case promises to be unusually sensational and that ther wui De bitterly fought both by the plaintiff and the defendants Is certain. Mr. Egan will be aided at the trials by several of the leading attorneys of lowa, as well as by several South Da kota lawyers of statewide reputation. BULL SHAKESRAISE CHICKS Butterfly Township Han Has Strange Story to Tell Reporter. . IS ASKED WITH AFFIDAVITS George Hanson of Stantoa Declares that He Saw a Snake ' with a . Brood of Chicks and Other Reptiles ettlng. , Witnesses Think Judge Intoxicated SEATTLE. June JOUnlted States Judge Hanford's personal habits were in quired into today by the house Judiciary subcommittee and two witnesses testified they had seen the Judge apparently under tne innuence of liquor. The first of these witnesses, A. M. Ole aon, a detective, testified that he had shadowed Judge Hanford continuously for two weeks, following him from the time he left his home In the morning until he returned at night John Bathurst a city employe, testified that he had seen Judge Hanford leave a ciud and stagger down Fourth avenue, Body of Iowa Man Found in Steam Box HURON, a D., June 80.-(8peolal Tele- gram.)-The body of Charles Bauer of Manchester, la., was found In the steam blow-off box In the Chicago & North. western round house here this afternoon. and property is the careless storln and oauer w" ia8t en alive here the .atter handling of aaaollne: th nnlv aaf u part ot April and his brother Was lookinar pany were filed in the office of the secre- to store it is in a steel tank under ground. . r n,m nere a montl & " believed tary of state yesterday. The headauar- "The burning of rubbish and trash on ne r' Into the box while intoxicated terser tne company will be at Wlnne- streets, alleys and on the back ends of . " ww" 1M Doay w a mass bago. Its capital stock is 1100,000 and the lots is another cause of a great many 5 p"lp n! bone' but wa MenUflid If Incorporators are F. W. Buckwalter' and fires. clothing and articles found. Including J . Smith. - I "ThA tM.rn.iMin r,t ini.M.hi. arans and cash amounting to over uoa. upon buildings Is another source of a Mass Religions Meeting. A new Innovation In religious worship has been Inaugurated in Lincoln. Tonight all of the churches of the city held a .monster union meeting on the capitol . grounds. Richard L. Metcalf spoke on , ine mtiten of Yesterday," Senator E. J. oumeit, "ins citisen of Today," and Governor Aldrich, "The Citisen of Tomor row." The Trinity military band and the oig bt Paul chorus furnished the music lor the meeting. New Realty Company. Articles of Incorporation of the Buck- waiter-Smith Aeal Estate and Loan com- RAILR0AD MAKES WAR ON FIRES IN THE STATE A vigorous campaign against fire in the state Is being waged by Chief Deputy State Fire Commissioner Randall. He is circulating literature throughout the state telling of the most frequent causes of fires In the cities and towns and urging that everyone free their premises of the most frequent cause of fires. : Among the principal causes: "The first and most disastrous to life Keep Down Expenses. The uncertainty as to whether congress mny wm pus appropriations to cover certain lines or work in the agricultural depart' ment caused the bureau of chemistry to notify Chemist Redfern of the Nhuir pure food department not to inour any DU,1Jln to the congested parts of towns more expense along the line he has been vaiuaoie property. working after July L Free Transportation Off, The permitting of rubbish, boxes, ex celsior, etc., to accumulate In and around buildings causes hundreds of fires. "The maintaining of old. dilapidated DEATH RECORD Mrs. Martha Harbaagh. HUMBOLDT, Neb., June SO.-(Speclal.)-Mrs. Martha Harbaugh, mother of Will Harbaugh of the Miles ranch, southeast of town, died yesterday at the age of 73 years. She leaves three sons and two Bano.net and Carnival at Bnrwell. daughters. Her husband died a little BtlRWEIJ Nh.. .Tim an fliwuioi I Over two veara n. Thm funeral -- The Rock Island railway has received The Burwell Commercial club gave its I h1(1 t the home thle morning and the permission from the railway commission to change Its rule for the transportation of goods to trade expositions where such goods are offered for sale. Formerly goods exhibited at trade exhibits received the a&me consideration a given state fairs, but under the present ruling the free transportation business is cut off. WYMORE PHONE USERS ORGANIZE FOR CONTEST WTMORH. Neb., June .-(8pecIal.)- icimone users in wymore propose to have the first blow In any prospective fight with the companies. A meeting held banquet last night and It was a success interment made at the Dawson cemetery. In every way. , A program was rendered at the opera house, where the Christian church women had plates for ISO, every one of which was taken. Burwell is arranging Us celebration for July 1 and I Instead of the Fourth and B. H. Morrow of this' place, who has erected a new aeroplane, will make his initial flights. ' Two ball games have been arranged for each day and it la to I be a genuine celebration except as to the days. Raising snakes to hatch eggs and brood chicks Is declared to .be the newest in dustry In '. Butterfly township, Stanton county. There may be some significance to the species of reptile named, as it is given out that they are of the bull variety. j George Hanson of Stanton is authority for the statement that Nels Thompson of Butterfly is raising snakes for that pur pose, and to prove that he Is not peddling a cock and full story he came to Omaha yesterday armed with affidavits signed by Judge Cowan of Stanton county de claring that Hanson Is a truthful man. At the Merchants hotel, where Mr. Hanson stopped, he told a Bee reporter this: "Butterfly township is eight miles south east of Stanton and I was down there last week selling cream separators. One noon I stopped at Thompson's for dinner and while coming in from the stable, where I bad put up my horse, I saw a big bull snake wriggling along, . followed by dozen or more little chicks. This seemed strange and when I got to the house called the attention of Mr. Thompson to the strange family. She laughed and re marked, That snake Is the mother of the chicks.' Asking her to explain, she took me out to the hen house and there In boxes in one corner werv three great snakes curled u pin boxes. - "Gently lifting the snakes, I saw nests fined with eggs. 1 Then the woman told me the story. Early In the spring Mrs. Thompson set a hen. Intending to have early fries. A couple of days later rats killed the hen. The eggs were left In the nest and the next day when Mrs. Thomp son went to the hen house colled up over the eggs was a big bull snake. As these snakes are harmless, she did not disturb this one. Day and night It covered the eggs and at the end of the required time eleven chicks were hatched, only one egg having spoiled. The next day the snake came off its nest and from that time on it mothered the chicks, brooding them nights. FEED THE FAMILY BETTER AT LESS COST Those American housewives who know the high food value and the easy digestibility of Faust Spaghetti often serve this delectable dish. In many homes "Spaghetti Night" is weekly institution and , It usually finds a bigger circle around the table than any other night Get the Faust Spaghetti Book of Recipes and know how many delightful ways In which this nourishing food can be served. We'll send a copy free. , Faust Spaghetti is equal In tender ness and flavor to the finest imported and It is certain to be clean and fresh. Ask your grocer for a package of Faust Spaghetti 5c and 10c . MAITLL BROS. 8t tools, Ho. Scours Farm for Snakes. As an experiment Thompson skirmished about his farm and caught bull snakes and took them home. In boxes he placed eggs and slakes and in almost every in stance the -reptiles went to setting. A numoer of them brought off broods of chicks and right now, or rather, when I was at the Thompson ranch last week, there were three snakes on their nests. As an Investment, Mr. Thompson finds the snakes profitable. By setting the reptiles he keeps the hens busy laying eggs Instead of having them around loiter ing away their time on nests. Again, it costs nothing to miss the sr.&kss, at they gather their living from the fields and gardens, where they devour countless numbers of Insects." Persistent Advertising Big Returns. is the Road to OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG-AMERICAN London Paris Hamburg wneinnau, rir . U oon tAaerika ........Jqlr H I""" a...J1jf tPna. Uamht ...July 11 lixmraa udu only; wtu call at Beulofua. tRiti-Carltaa ia carte ltaatauant. Xamharr-Amerloan Una. isa .. aiMjw uuicago, uu, or weal ageat HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS. STAUXXT HOTELS, XITM PUX Colorado's Greatest Scenic Mmmi.i. Kesorc. mere is not a siot numur.hi. iur iraui wiiu ruggeu giory ana the vel tbu uwuug umuit acre. wnir. nn. imas mi nocny mountains at tnelr best At the Stanley Hotels you win tin a ii modern conveniences and comforts that ou win una in ine oest city hotels, 'lenty of diversion for old and Voting. trout fishing, tennis, golf, bowling, bil- juuub ouiioy, uvrnoacn ana autOItO- bile rides over many mountain trails un der the care of experienced guiJea Write ior oeauiuui uiusiratea souvenir hnnir. let AXPsVED LAKBOJur, Managac. Mimtmu rHd voio. AMUSEMENTS BEAUTIFUL LAKE MAN AW A I "40 Minutes Tram Omaha," SOATOrO ASTS BATXIirtr There's I plenty oi water in tne lake this sea son, and additional boating and bath ing facilities have been installed. DAJTCZira The beautiful Ball Room continues to do a Dig attraction. ! Oima every afternoon and evening. I Arthur E. Smith's splendid orchestral maaes tne music. FREE MOVING PICTURES ' EVERY EVENING. Many other Attractions. Assessment In Jobnaoa Connty. TECUMSEH, Neb., June A (Special.) yesterday was attended h .hf -Acooram 10 tne reports of County t r. . :. Assessor A, members of the Commercial club and cltl- sens. it was decided that the present telephone rates as embodied In the fran chise of the New Home Telephone com pany are good enough and that there Is no necessity of paying two rates for two . telephones to one company. A commit tee consisting of Dr. C. C. Gafford, Judge .Frank B. Crawford and Mahlon Neumann was appointed to draw up a contract, which It is hoped all telephone users will sign, In the contract it will be agreed to pay for but one telephone, and to pay no more than present rates. In case the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph com ; pany, now owning both systems in Wy more, will continue to charge for both telephones, or will not cut the two sys tems together or try to raise the rates, - all telephone users will discontinue their use at one time. It is thought this sys em will bring results sooner than to lay "the matter before the railway commission. A meeting will be held the first of next -week in the matter. Manager Ahlquest of the Lincoln company says he thinks his company will charge for but one tele phone where patrons have both after -July t He also thinks Bell patrons will be given benefits of the New Home coun try connections very soon. He cannot " say when the two systems will be cut to gether in AVymore. j N. Coffey the total actual vaiuauon ot ail tne personal property or tne county is H.OM.MO. In the county there are 7.838 head of horses valued at $673,430. There is 296,046 bushels of old corn, which Is valued at $171,655. The mercnanaise in the several stores of the county la worth $368,825. In cattle there are 13,177 head and they are worth $310,665. There are 163 automobiles In the county, valued at $72,300. . Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. Kev. I W. Heaton. will be miUvM r the charge September L Rev. Mr. Heaton will be transfei.-. l to the ecclesiastical authority of the diocese of Arkansas, by whom he was placed In the work of the church. As yet Rev. Mr. Heaton has not accepted an offer of work In any omer oiocese, Lifelona Bondage to dyspepsia, liver complaint and kidney irouDies is needless. Electric Bitters is tne guaranteed remedy. Only 60c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. 1 !' ' g.lliw UI.I,l,l.MJiWm "va : -Lsjir cmmr. I t. . J.. '4 a-tTx' Aft ..- 'lvX-..'M Come to the Cool Northwest and Fish! Ten thousand lakes in ; Minnesota teeming with fish bass, pike, pickerel, muscal- longe, etc. . Cool, dear, air, worth money for its beneficial effect. Re sorts and camping places galore a splendid time assured, with a chance to see the beautiful Twin Cities1 : St. Paul and Minneapolis, the charming Twin Ports": Duluth and Superior, and their many beautiful environs. There's a world of "Reel" Sport in the North west: Minn e sot a, the Rock ies of Montana, Yellowstone Park, the Bitter Roots, Cabinet Range, Lake Coeur d'Alene, the Spokane Lake resorts, and in the Cascades, Columbia River and Puget Sound regions of Washington and Oregon. Low Fares for Summer Outings. Ut m yo a copy of "Miaauota Lake," ditt of MioneMU Gun sad FUh Law and "Saauner Trips to the North Pacific Coast" Ask aba for YaUowttoae Puk (older. Full inionaatioa about lun will areata, pur them. . . . A D Wt !. Aswit, HUH CantMTT Bank Blar.. Dw Mnlmo to Northern Pacific Ry .Jim mg of the WDM AST ACTtyaX CSVLL WAR SCBMB bms trad IS tanas askar BMaaS wm Wows atftHSMMtl" By Remarkoblo Strategy of Its Go erab aod Cocraso of Its Wamors on the Fighting Lbe, the Confederates Triumph for Second Tine ca Battlcfkld of Mssacsas. The Capitol at Washington Not In Such Peril Since War Began. WiUwut Was a Vktorioin Army; Withia Wcra Bixkea Battalioos. McCkQaa Restored to the CotasMndl of the Army of the Potomac The Complete Nairatrre of tha Campaign of the Army of Vsriraa, bdntSksg Tw BAttIcs-Ceiar Rfecmtaia Where Pope's Advance Was Checked, and Second Bo3 Sasn. or Klanaaaas, (a Battle of Which General Ls Had Good Reason To Be Prood), Appears in Brady Wl ' And EkonU Newly Written History h Sixteen Superb Sectrons - One Each Week for Coupon and Ewj patriotlo Amsrioaa home sbonld haW this iBagnifioant and thnelr ccUectioa. It is a lesson la patriotism that the children will new fewg, and for Twas; and old it Is a constant source of interest. Each ot toe section b complete la Itself, tellinr the story of some great battte-wnfle the accoonacv4nr pictaras, dear, distinct, besKttirally prteted, are mar rTA rose fiust they were takes mi tha aatf lefts Us of BO ysata ago. Each scene or group is so clear aad sharp, that oftea veterans look one. pectediy into the races old-time eomntdea, or per baps it is a father or a brother whom one caa fiad Jt at they looked ia those heroic deya. . - CeAoat the War &nrr Cooyoa which appeats "r7to tW paper sskI bring or send it to oar eaace with 10 oaaes ia corar neaeseary sipeweea sach ea coat of maStrkO, basdttag, olerk hire, etc., and get ywtr oapy. Tine cents eatSm by mail; there are x other ooodMose whatcror. We hare uxxtnd ex- riRbts for oar territory to distribute these taff-tos Bwdy War Pktares, iUnstratiag Epson's History of the Ctrl War, an tabs to matfaod of Piaeiac tfao foR set of M eeotloas fca leackt of overT -boaaa, cm saatsar bow ttnitad tbo neasa. , fiostdea the thjdKDg- story of tha battfca i Loay-Lost Original ;: Brady War Photographt Cedar Mooataio Where "Stooasseal. Struck la the Line of Fire at Cedar J oral Winder was MM Views of the Batttefieid at Cedar the Troops Pint Met Slaughter's Hoase Orerlaofciaf; a Scaoe of Carnage RaaadDeatooedoaoa the Ocaage aad AloasmsWa A Military Train qpse by Cm(aderate Rsiden A Start too fcoog Pasayod Pederal Troops at Aiai- andria . And maay mora, faoliMlinf: ' A Colored Fncmc-Tb DtHfe of New OriatM-&eadylW Frassing ...Readers of... TheOmahaBee get more high class, exclusive features than the readers of any other Nebraska newspaper. The highest priced newspaper writers and artists in the world contrib ute daily to The Omaha Bee, furnishing delicious and instruc tive entertainment to the thou sands of Bee readers. Here are some of the spedal f eatum th at appear exclusively in this paper: Mutt and Jeff Everybody is acquaint! d with these great laugh makers that "Bud" Fisher draws for The Bee. v Looking Backward A record of Omaha history of 30, 20 and 10 years ago, tersely told. - The Bee? & Wedding Book Marriage anniversaries of peopJe you know, printed from day to day.. Silk, Hat Harry The charaoter that Tad has given to the f un-ldvers of Omaha and the west. He's a big favorite with everyone but hu wife. The Brinkley Drawings Nell Brinkley, originator of the beautiful pen draw ings that you like so much, draws exclusively for The Bee. Daffydils 1 Another of Tad's great hits. They make everybody lau,jh. Nobody can make up Daffydils like Tad. The Katzen- jammer Kids 0 The cartain did l"ti i I mn aforsti csto film annilaf He is acquainted with the Katzenjammer kida aa you know and is still among the funniest pictures in the 'world. Sherlocko the Monk He's running great criminals to earth all the time. It's a funny way he has of doing it," too. . . , Iftffe Nemo Some one has pronounced these colored funny pic tures the most instructive, for children, ever created. Desperate Desmond Betterathan any dime novel, yet so humorously formed that all Omaha daily laughs. Happy Hooligan "Who is there that does not know of Happy poor, old . chapf He furnishes the best kind of fun every Sunday. What Women Like to Read Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Winifred Black, Mabel Her bert Urner, Dorothy Dix, Francis Garside, Ada Paterson and many others write exclusive articles on things that interest women of all ages. Carpenter's Letters Tfcese travel tales of this great writer are among the most interesting features of this great paper. Colored Comic Section ; . Every Sunday ap pears four full pages of comics, printed in col ors. The best comics published anywhere. --.. Pink Sporting Section The pink sectionfour pages gives the best news of every branch of sport The Bee is the only, Omaha paper that prints all the box scores. In the Political Field Every bit of news and every interesting sidelight dealing with the 1912 presidential campaign appears in TheBee. ' . 1 : V II' Telegraphic and Cable News From every part of the civiiized globe The Bee gath ers news, keeping its readers informed on every subject. Your one paper for every day shonld be The OmahaBe -i- i