Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 14

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    THE OMAHA StIKDAT BEE:.' JUNE 30. 1312.
Society Will Seek Pleasure Here In
stead of Abroad This Summer.
Tkoae Who I'aaalljr Go Abroad Will
Coatent Themselves with Aato
Trips and DlTeraloaa at
' gammer Clabs. ,
: Social Calendar.
JON DAT Mr. A. V. Kinsler, luncheon
at Country elub tor Mum Mary Muncd
j.ull, i-'&n-Hellenic association, luncheon
at Happy Hollow club; automobile pal
lor Ailss tiertrude McCarthy or cm
cago; Miss Katberlne Sanders, social
meeting lor Margaret t uiier society or
tne lugn - school; children's matinee
dance at Field club; Mrs. Charles Met,
auction bridge In honor of Mrs. Arthur
1. Brandels.
'TUESDAY Mrs. E. A. Benson and the
Misses Alexander, luncheon at Happy
Hollow club; Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Peck
cnbaugh, dinner at Happy Hollow club;
Mrs. i. Smithrow, , meeting ot Univer
sal Card club; table d'hote dinner and
dance at Happy Hollow club; Mrs. K.
H. Howland, luncheon at the Field
WEDNF.SDAT-Miss Marion Kubn, din
ner for Miss Gertrude McCarthy; table
d'hote dinner and dance at Field and
Country clubs; Mrs. William Hubert
Wood, luncheon.
THURSDAY Table d'hote dinner, dance
ana pyrotechnic display at Country
club; table d'hote dinner, dance and
band concert at Field club; table d'hote
dinner and dance at Happy Hol
low clubs; table d'hote dinner, dance
and lire works on Carter lake at Hod
and Gun club; opening of Seymour Lake
club; Fourth of July celebration at
Boat club at Manawa.
SATURDAY Table d'hote dinner and
dance at Country, Field and Happy Hol
low clubs.
. Although the exoaua of Omahana to
mountains, lakes and abroad continues
Omaha Is not to be depopulated this sum
mer. Many homes are to be kept open
i through the warm weather. Furniture
' Is being clad in flowered c hi rut covr
j Ings and the awnings will he down most
of the time in anticipation of summer
. activities.
, Among these stay-at-homes are some of
Omaha's citizens who could travel to the
Arctic region! In luxurious comfort 12
they wished.. But they prefer to stay at
Many of the men would rather play
! golf on the home courses. Bom families
1 remain because their sons and daughters
' who are away at school all the rest of
the year wast to be at home during their
vacations. A large number who have au
tomobllea enjoy motoring to the country
around Omaha as much as they would
traveling away from here. '
Mr. Gurdon W. Wattles says that he
, would rather spend the summer in Omaha
i than (n Europe. He puts in much Urns
i playing golf at the Country club, and tie
and Mrs. Wattles take frequent motor
trips around Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Wat
tles spend the cold months each year ar
their home In Hollywood, CsX
Mr. and Mrs. F. p. Klrkendall will be
home throughout the season. She is on
of the most enthuslastlo motorists In the
city and can stand long trips perhaps
better than any other Omaha' woman.
Only last week she made a trip to sfout
City with Mrs. M. & Barber, Mrs. George
Barker and Mrs. Charles Martin. They
started at I o'clock one morning and re
turned the tarns evening, reaching Omaha
at midnight; it.-- $ .-f .
Mr. and Mrs. Itirkendall have a delight'
ful wayside place on thMr trips at, Pries
lake, which Is on their property south of
Florence. Mr Klrkendall' has been Im
proving the property ' this summer. He
has drilled an artesian well and has been
stocking the lake with game fish. He
keeps several boats In use. He has hoi
yet planned definitely when he will build
a residence there. -
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kf. Diets will spend
the summer at their spacious home on
South-Thirty-eighth street where they
are 'converting the grounds Into a ver.
ltable park. A hedge ot bridal wreath
encloses the, grounds, and the first thing
one notices within Is the rustlo summer
house, which Is entered by an arbor. The
whole place abounds in trees and shrubs.
and flowers, with here and there queer
little statues of "gnomes, dogs, chickens
and rabbits which Mr. and, Mrs.. Diets
brought from Switzerland. A rose gar
den is In the center. The place It strung
with electric lights and Is like a fairy
world at night - y
Mr. and Mrs. Gould Diets also wil) be
In Omaha, with occasional trips of a day
or two to their, cottage at Manawa or to
their farm southwest of the Field club.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn and Miss
Violet Joslyn wfll remain at home, as will
also Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Brady.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gaines will probably
stay Iq Omaha. Both Mr. Gaines and his
on Francis art', devoted golflsts and do
1 not want to give up their games on tbi
Country dub' links. ' : !
Among the young couples of the Coun
try club set who will , be here throughout
the summer are Mr. and Mrs; Thomas
Da via, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Wharton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hosford and Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Cotton. V .
At Laka Resorts.
Mrs. J. jj. Eider will go to Lake Mln
Bfttonka, Minn., this week to Join her
mother, Mrs. Hall, who has a cottage
there for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 3. Kelly go to
Uaefcinaa tomorrow to spend two weeks
WeU-ataowa Vast That axtreate
. Meat. Ooadaoea to Gbxoalo .
Coas tl patios, , ,
The dlannattlnn if mmt uM fJ
Indulge in iced drinks la one rea?n why
constipation and dlarrheoa Is so'preva-
lent in lummtr uid Ihu, t- ,
when people should more carefully avoid
"unci luaiurwuicas, aa mucn serious
disease is directly traceable to these
conditions. We need all of our strength
to withstand the enervating effect of
To regulate the bowels and quickly re
lieve even the most aggravated case of
constipation, the combination of simple
laxative herbs with pepsin, known as
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, ts highly
recommended bv all aha
used It. Unlike cathartics and violent
purgatives. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
eln acta, gently on. the stomach,. liver
and bowels, without griping or other
giKuuugri. oringins; renei in any ey
natural manner. - It can be used wlJi
perfect safety by the moat delicate
woman or cnua. ana yet la equally
effectrv for the strongest constitution.
4?t1A aa.1 A a a .
xt44u. m ho, ana wexpenei
It I th Mm r famllv
cleasstnir the bowel tract thoroughly
and eliminating the foreign matter and
poisons that Irritate - and inflame, it
will quickly check summer diarrhoea
sno restore normal condition - -.
Druggista sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
: rtiwa jw imy canis a ootiie I
larger, fanvfly slae costs one dollar,
Get a bottle and kaan ti h.....
will save many times Its cost In doei
nvr vuim. a tree iriei oottie, postpaid
' be obtained by writing to Dr. W. 11
Caidwell, 40 Wanbtagton 6U Monti
cello, Illinois,
u I y , ft
with Mrs. Charles Kountze and then go
for a week at Atlantic City.
Mrs. T. E. Stevens and Miss Dorothy
Stevens will go to Chaln-of-Lakes, Wau
paca, Wis., the latter part of this week.
Wall Lake, la., will have quite a colony
of Omahans this summer. Monday, a
party of young women will leave for
there. It will Include Misses Mattle
8mlth, Bertie Smith. Lillian Johnson,
Theresa Peterson, Lillian Lloyd, Frieda
Swartslander, Loretta Cope, Mrs. Ross
Longnecker, Mrs. L. Ward, Mrs. H. W.
Lloyd and little Master Marvin Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonier and Mr.
Henry Karsch are at the lake.
. Weddlasj. Adversaries.
In honor of the wedding anniversaries
of their sons and wives, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Barker, 2d and Mr. and Mrs.
George Barker, which occurred Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. George Barker gave an In
teresting entertainment .that evening.. Mr.,
Frank Martin did some sleight of nand
stunts and card tricks and Mr. Charles
Martin showed stereoptlcon views which
were designed to have a cooling effect
upon the guests. In the views were pic
tures of snow scenes, coasting and ski
ing In the Alps and arctic exploration,
Cecil Berryman gave piano selections.
Those present were:
Misses '
Martha Dale. v -
Doane Powell,
Ralph West.
Arthur Lock wood,
Beulah Evans.
Cora E-vans,
J. Laurie Wallace.
Frank Frederick,
Cecil Berryman,
T. P. Klrkendall.
M. E. Barber.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dumont.
Mr. and Mrs. George Clabaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Welsh. , , :
Mr. .and Mrs. Edward. Slater, p, V
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter4"-1
' !$? C".F.'iW1r MarrleaVftv '
C. F. Welter wig 'married Saturday to
Mrs. Jennie Whittlesey, an attractive
widow ot Hartford, Conn-, whom he met
on shipboard In his recent trip around
the world. fMre. Whlttlsey 'and her
brother, W.-H. Bennett of NewrTOrk,
came west and met Mr. Weller in Coun
cil Bluffs, where the marriage ceremony
was performed at the Grand hotel by
jksv. j. ,m. wimams of the Council
Bluffs Methodist church. They left 'im
mediately afterward for Colorado
Springs. . , , ', , ,
Mr. Weller'a married children living In
Omaha and a tew friends -were present
at the wedding -and the breakfast which
followed. They were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
8. Weller, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Weller,
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Weller, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. R, W.
Breckenrldge and Mr. E. P. Ellis.
A Popular Guest. ' .;' . .
Mr. W. A. McCulston of Kansas City.
who has been visiting Mrs, E. J. Mc-
stote 318- 320 South 16 th. St;K;
No wonder the well-dressed women of this terri
tory are so intensely interested in our gigantic
Think of it! Our entire stock of women's high
grade, exclusive wearing apparel going now at
.Every style-wie woman knows that a sale of this kind never happened before"
and may never happen again. Here's Omaha's largest, most carefully selected and
decidedly the most exclusive stock of fine wearing apparel all in a sweeping sac
rifice sale. We're making new record g in value-giving by breaking all records
with the most sensational reduction of prices on the highest grade garments. Soon
we'll close the doors of this great specialty store forever. Now's the time to reap
a whirlwind of astonishing values. COME MONDAY. -
r-a AH r high class Tailored Suits.
$29.50 to $75.0p values doing at $14.75 to S37,50.
All our beautiful Evening Gowns
$50.00 to $89.50 values going at $25.00 to $42.50.
All our Smart Dresses for street wear,
$15.00 to $45.00 values going at $7.50 to $22.50.
All our exquisite Lace and Net Gowns,
$25.00 to $89.50 values going at $12.50 to $42.50.
All our fine Cloth and Silk Coats,
$29.50 to $59.50 values going at $14.75 to $29,75.
1000 Lingerie, Linen and Marquisette Dresses.
Worth two tnd three times the price, $3.95. $4.95, $6,25, $7.50
All our Imported Linen and Ratine Suits,
$12.50 to $29.50 values going at $6.25 to $14,75.
TTiT'U m, ...ffl Ml J
' ar - -r fjr rtV '.I MJfi I . ISI
KT w irtmt H Mil i- I .L
I at ,W M Mtrr " ' i i-MlWlw "fj f .aT H W I'l.'J Vftfh'!. . ' Igfl .
H-sskv tkat arlk aT tfiaar' jT a 1 m W It', tWW 31 l ji.rXlm "
.-.-;- - - (".-. i r. a S V UJf -' . ' I' : I
Vann this week has been much enter
tained during her stay. Friday after
noon Mrs. McVann entertained delight
fully at auction bridge In honor of her
guest. Three tables of players were pres
ent ; . -V . ....' ' ,,
In honor of, Mrs. MoCuiston of Kansas
City, Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas and
Mr. and Mrs. William Coppock of Coun
cil Bluffs gave a dinner at the Council
Bluffs Aowing . association Thursday
evening. Their guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McVann,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stlllman,
, Mia. McCulston ot Kansas City;
'Mri. McCulston wHr visit Mrs. E: H.
Howland for a weekt before, retlirnlm to
Xansai City. Last evening "an informal
dinner was glvsn for Mrs. MoCuiston at
the Field club. Tuesday Mrs. Howland
will entertain at luncheon. Wednesday
Mrs William Robert Wood will be hostess
at a luncheon for this popular guest.
. Pleasures Past
Mr. John Battln gave a . luncheon Sat
urday at her home for Mrs. T. C. Joslyn
of Minneapolis, guest of Mrs. W. J.
Bradbury. Those present were:
Mekdamesr- .
T. C, Joslyn.
W. J. Bradbury.
J. J. Sullivan,
B. F. Baker,
John Battln,
W W. Rh
Miss Mabel Ellis, Richmond, Ind.
I Mesdames
of New York,
B. . B. Porterfleld,
Swain of '
Columbus, O.;
George B. Eddy,
Miss Ruth Hatteroth entertained the
W." B: 8. club Saturday afternoon at her
home 2S&4 Thirty-fourth street. The
first part of the afternoon was devoted
to fancy work and tha latter part to
Home for a Visit
'" " Jaiai., ' "
Z1 i y ' '
ii .Vf ... frt
i- ' . ' ' 1
v 4 f v '
games, after which refreshments
served. Those present Were. 5
Misses "' ' ' ' ' -;"
Ethel Butterfield.
Marthena Peacock,
Vesta Beavers.
Helen Norlem, ,
Ruth Cooper,
Velma Smith.
Dorothy Andersen,
Mary Getty.
Marcla Statler,
Louise Ortman,
Gertrude Campbell,
Ruth Hatterotru,
The congregation- ot the Cavalry Bap
tist church had a lawn social (Thursday
evening at the home of Miss Judith Und
burg. ' ." ' " . J . ' , .,
Mra 3. R. Gilliam entertained Tuesday
afternoon at their home 4327 Ersklne
street. In honor of their daughter Helen's
fourth birthday. Those present were:
Misses Misses "
Katharine Dutcher. Bessie Watson.
Sarah Flekard.
Elinor IMckard,
Amy Stevensen,
vuian Krisei.
Eileen Edwards,.
Mildred Schommer,
Roland Malr,
Roland Johnson,
Jack McTacgart
F. V. Trott, ; .
A. D. WtUs, ; .
C. A. Malr, .
O. F. Gewlnner,
Watson, . ,
Mr. and Mra J. R. GIU)am
Ruth Gewlnner, 1
Margaret Reed.
Marcaret McTaggart
Mildred Thacker,'
Helen E. Gilliam. -
Messrs. -
George Dickey,
Frankle Lovering,
Merle Flmple. .
Krisei. v ,
Lovering, '
ms. ISIDORE, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson celebrated
their fifteenth or crystal wedding anni
versary Saturday evening at their home,
8413 North Thirtieth street. The evening
was spent in music. Miss Gertrude Weld
ing gave several selections on tha violin,
after which lunch was served In the
dining room. The decorations were pink
and white. Miss Alma Both presided at
the bunch bowl. Mrs. Nelson was as
sisted by Mrs. W.: B. Christie, Mra
Welding and Miss Bessie Christie. Those
present were: ' '
Rev. and Mrs. Douslas, , ...
Mr. and Mrs. Christie. "
Mr. and Mrs. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Burington,
Mr. and Mra Sallander, ,
Mr. and Mrs, Mulr, ,'.- - - V
Mr. and Mrs. Workman, " -
Mr. and Mrs. Crosr.
Mr. and Mra Beabolu v . - , - . ,
Mr. and lrs Estes, ' -Mra
J. Aoth. ' . , ;
Harold Roth, - Robert Christie.
Herman Roth, .
An enjoyable evening was spent at the
Young Woman's Christian association
where the four senior clubs of the ex
tension department, vis. The Fellowship
club. Business Girls' club, D. A. Baum
club ahd Social Hour club entertained
Miss' ; Ethel Hendee, extension secre
tary. The party was held In the big parlor
pn the second floor.- Each club bad Its
Individual corner decorated with club
banners, pennants and posters. ' ,
Over seventy elub girls were present.
Bacn girt wore a tag with her name.
club, and a characteristic- of the girl on
it ; and everybody , got . aQ4Ulped ..right
Tha end of a, string was handed Miss
Hendee and she followed It over and un-f
der and between ToUng Woman's Chrla
tlan association furniture and fixtures
till she came into' the ctub rooms, i where
at the other end of "the string was at
tached a dainty lavalllare get with a
single diamond, the gift from all her
club girls. '
.Refreshments were served In the class
room, which was converted Into a beau
tiful Japanese bower.
Miss Hendee. leaves the Young : Wo
man's Christian association this fall to
take up extension and Industrial work
In Rockford. 111., after four years' of
nigniy successful extension, work
Omaha. . ,
June Weddings
The marriage of Mlsa Sigma Bondesson.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bondesson,
nd Mr. J. M. Brengle was solemnised at
the home of the bride's parents, Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, Dean J. A. Tan
cock officiating. Mrs. Lyman R. Walker
of Covington, Ky., matron of honor, was
the only bridal attendant. The house wa
beautifully decorated with garlands ot
flowers. After the ceremony refresh
ments were served. The bridal couple
left for their summer home, Halcyon
Ledge, near the Elkhorn river, for their
'. Orchestra-Sextette-Cabaret Entertainers
1 tr "- . 7
Lbbbbbbbbbbbjpjbbbjbbbbbbbb -
r . i .. 3
' 7 yegfa ahead In dentistry. . .Compare your half tooth dental
work with hundreds of Dr., Todd'g' patients pand they" will tell - you
to get next to yourself , and do hot have the old" style, half tooth"
Bridge work. ;-Pr. odd's way la switary and like nature'", own;
DR. TODD, Office 403 Brandels ;
One of the pretty June weddings was
that of Mr. William Charles Smyth,
assistant. editor of the Sovereign Visitor,
and Miss Leila E. George, celebrated on
Wednesday at M o'clock, at tha resi
dent of Mr. Stephen George, father of
the bride, near Nellgh,' Neb. The mar
riage was solemnised on the beautiful
lawn, shaded by the hundred-year old
grove of trees. Rev. Mr. George of Ne
llgh, formerly of Omaha, performed the
Methodist ceremony, with the families ot
the bride and groom grouped around
them. . Mr. Edgar Cortrlght of Nellgh was
Mrs. Weid
Beulah Hotchk?
Ore Russell,
Alma Rotb.
Marsaret Brown.
rauune Kotn.
: Mimics - . '
Grace Weidins; '.
GertrndA Wefcilng.
Agnes Neteen.
Bete Chriatl' -'
Nettie Mulr,
Wio in about to furnisli: 4 tome: Come to this storey
where you can secure every thing in the line of Furniture,
Rugs and Drapery. Our way, of selling you direct -elimi"-1
nates the middle-mans profits and means "a saving for
you of 25 to' 40 per cent., ....... ..;
D. F. Corte Furniture Company
24th and Farnam Sts.
best man. and Mlsa Margaret George,
sister of the bride. wa bridesmaid. Mr.
and Mrs., S, G. Smyth, parents of .the
groom were present for the week end.
The young couple left for a short trip
and will be at home at their bungalow on
Park avenue and Harris street, In a
few-weeks. '.'' J
At the Country Club
Putting contests 'are growing to" pop
ularity among the Country club members,
both men and women. There will prob
ably be one on the Fourth of July and
thereafter once a month on either, Wed
nesdaya or Saturday. Mrs. W.'.T. Burn
and Clarence Meters hav charge of the
contest. . , . : . ;. -..
One of the larger dinner parties at the
Country club last evening was given by
Herbert French, who had as his guests:
Misses- ' Mlssts- ..;
Elisabeth Congdon, Carolyn Congdon,
Clara Bull of Helen Davis. - -
Pasadena. Cat. ; ' ' Elisabeth Darla.
Messrs. - - ' Messrs. . v ,-.
Cedrio Potter, . ;, .Walter Roberts, .
Harry Koch, Herbert French: -
Cuthbert Potter, --'. .
Numerous dinner parties will be given
at. the Country !ub Thursday evening,
Fourth of July. W. 3. Connell wiU enter
tain six guestd; Arthur , Keellne. , sUi
Roes Towle, sla,' take Deuel, alght W.
F. Smith, j twenty; George Redlclt,, ten;
r. W. CUrte. six; C. W. Lyman, twelve;
Frank T. Hamilton; ten; Dr.' W. X
Bridges, ten; C l'Deel.v alght; ML Ji
Peters, twelve; W. K. i McCord, eight,
snd Miss Eugenia Whltmore, tea. , '
. . ,. i .
Mr. Philip Meu entertained at dinner
Saturday for Miss Gertrude, McCarthy
Those present were:. : " ": f-.
Mlssea Misses .
Gertrude McCarthy, Marion Kuhn,
We have added to our operators, tha
services of
Direct from Loa Angeles, Calif.,
recently of New York City, an ex
perienced Beauty Culturlst, who
Is at your service with all her
parlance in these two great cities;
Latest manicuring, Hand and
Electric Facial 'Massaging; Sham"
pooing, Hair ' Dressing, Scalp
Treatments, etc., etc, Everything,
first class and popular prices.'
Children's Hair Cutting (Bobbing) 25c
Call or make appointments by phone.
1819 yanura ft, Omaha, Vet,
Phones: souglaa 1896; I&dV A-1996.
Gertrude Metz,
Messrs. ; '
Francis Gaines, .
Warrea Brecken
" ridge,
Philip- Me,
EteKa "Thummel, ...
- Messrs. -I
saao Carpenter, Jr.,
Newman Benson,
Fred Dougherty,
- Other dinner parties were given Sat
urday evening at the Country club by
Luther Drake.. - who . had - eight ; W." S.
Poppleton, six; Frank Hamilton, twelve;
Mrs. Ben Gallagher, twelve; J. H. But
ler, four; Ben Wood, " four? 3. "M."
Daugherty, four; W. H. Wheeler, four;
H. "W. EpaMlng,' four. 1 ,
Miss Dorotny ' Hall ; entertained at
hincheon yesterday for Miss Janet Hall '
add ibs Bertha Dickey, who hive re
turned from school In New lork. Sweet
fCoattonea on Pag. Three.)
i ,