S iff GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET situation in Wheat at Present is a . Weather Proposition. eaNMsSeelM J COM VALUES WORKING HIGHER Sale, of Cah Article Suggest a Firm Commercial Basis Reported that Sarins Is of Invest inent Character. 1 OMAHA, June 26, 1312. The situation In wheat at the moment 13 a weather proposition. Bains in the Canadian northwest would give prices a bieas, while a continuation of dry weather in the spring wheat belt coupled with high temperatures or hot winds will be a signal for redoubled buying in all markets. The situation as a whole seems to favor some advance from pres ent levels. Corn values are working higher due to adverse reports from the country in re sard to the backward condition of the crop. Shipping sales of cash corn sug gests a firm commercial situation. The buying is ot a strong investment char acter and should put prices higher. Continued hot, dry weather in the north gave wheat a steady tone. The market ruled narrow, however, with trade dull. Cash wheat was Vic lower. Receipts of corn were more liberal and weather conditions more lavorable. Buy .ng was sufficient to hold values firm. Cash corn was He lower. Primary wheat receipts were 236,000 bushels and shipments were 3i, r-uh-els. against receipts last year of 396,000 bushels and shipments of 234,')0 t.uhels. Primary corn receipts were 72S,Uhi hush els and shipments were 1.0W.O0O bushels, against receipts last year of 618,000 bush els and shipments of &3.000 bushels. Clearances were 6,000 bushela of corn, 11,0000 bushela of oats and wheat and flour equal to 127.000 bushels. Liverpool closed &d lower on wheat and unchanged to Hd higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat-No. 2 hard: 1 car, $1.07; No. J hard: 1 car, $l.06; l car, 31.06V. No, t mixed: 1 car, 31.07H; 1 car, $107. Corn No. 2 white: 8 cars, 76Vc. No. 3 white: 4 cars. 76Vc; 2 cars, 76c. No. 2 color: 1 car, 73'c No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 72Vic. No. 2 yellow: 4 cars, 72c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 71!4c; 2 cars, 71c; 1 car, 70Vic; No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 72'ic No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 72c; 2 cars. 71Vc; 5 cars, 7114c No 4 mixed: 1 car, 71c; 2 cars, 70c; 2 cars, 69c. No grade. 1 car, 65 c. Oats-No. S white, S cars, 48Vc. No. 4 white, 1 car, 48c; t cars, 47Vic. No. grade, 1 car, 46Vc. Omaha Caah Trices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.06i,1.084; No. I hard, $1.061.07tt; No. 4 hard. 1.08L06. CORN-No. 2 white, 16W1W. No. 2 white, 7676Vc; No. 4 white, 73V&74c; No. S color, 73'4c; No. 2 yellow, J2'AS72Vic; No. 3 yellow: 7iSt72c; No. 4 yelllow, 70V4 r71l4c; No. 2, 72W72Vic; No. 3, 7H472c; No. 4, 6i7lc; no grade, S4pe,o. OATS-No. 3 white, 48&49c; atandard, 48H(&4se; No. 3 white, 4!44SMic; No. 4 white, 47Hfri8o. BARLEY Malting, 93cll.18; No. 1 feed, 6UB70c; heavy feed, ;o80c. RVE-No. 2, tK)81c; No. 3, 7S80c. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Minneapolis .. Omaha Duluth 30 669 .343 87 ...... 1 16 36 10 CHICAGO CRA1W AND PROVISIONS Featnrea of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. ; CHICAGO, June 26.-Cooler weather In Canada with rain at aeveral points tended to bring about a heavy feeling today In the wheat pit. Closing prices were o td Veo under last night. Latest trad ing lett corn at an advance of Ho to VuV', oata off lo to fcc and provisions unchanged to 12fta16c higher. Pressure on the wheat market came almost, entirely from profesaional spec ulators. There were predictions that the movement of newly harvested wheat In Oklahoma would be on a liberal teal next week. September fluctuated between U.UH, and 1.04jjVs. with the close steady ut f 1.044, a' decline of WOKa compared with yesterday. - Persistent buying by prominent bull made the corn market take an upturn in the last half of the day. September langed from 71o to 12o, closing firm up at talmQ,c. Cash grade were In lair demand. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 75Vfti6c. Cheap offer of new oat from Okla homa (or July delivery here had a de pressing effect September ranged from -iVifc to 40fto, with last sale Vo net lower at 39c. A large run of hogs here and west eased provisions at first, but Chicago packers absorbed the pit supplies from outside sources and led to a rally. Pork gained to to 12VW15C. Futures range as follow: Artlclel Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Vl y. Wheat! II July. 1 07W 1 0741 1 06HI 1 0T J I 07 8ept.l HW1 04l 1031,1 1 04HI1 OSVk Oeo.. 1 06V lunl Corn I I July. 731 1S Sept.712 72 Deo..l6263.63Uii'WI 1 Ol'fejl 06V,Vt)l 0tHV I I 73 I 734473W, 7172V4V4 72 Kl',ij 63 Oats July. mm. 40&40W: 48 nt m 48 Sept. Dec.. Pork JHy. Sept. Oct.. Lard July. Sept. Oct.. Rib July.j Sept. iSSHfEAl i-m 40Vk 41 18(0 I , 4OV40Silj41iS)41V8 I 18 62H 18 50 18 62Vil U N 18 82V, 18 97Vk! 18 82ttl 18 97 18 90 18 80 18 90 18 80 I 18 90 18 ?7V4 t 10 T7Vk! 10 82H 10 77HI 10 82V, 10 824 11 OiVi U13V, 11 00 11 05 1116 10 97V, 11 7vi 11 06 U 15 U07VII 10 47'vii 10 65 12 37W 10 37V4I 10 47Vh 10 42V, 10t7V, 10 61M1! 10 66 I 10 60 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR-Steady; winter patents, $6.00 6.30; winter straights, 84.4tfft4.S6; spring patents. 3o.055.60; string straights, 34.80 5.w; bakers, 84.zup4.40. . RYEJ No. 2, 75c . BARLEY-Feed or mixing, 6073a; fair to choice malting, 8WBJI O0. SEEDS-Timothy, S7 00Q9.60; clover, 314.00 Ci2.W PROVISIONS-Mess pork, 318.62 ViS 18.75; lard (in tierces), S10.82Vi; short rib (loose), I10.004il0.65. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 127,000 bu. Primary receipts were 236,000 bu., compared with 896,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The world' visible supply, a shown by Brad' street', decreased 7.609,006 bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 13 cars; corn, 194 cars; oata, 102 car; hog, 23,000 head. Cash Quotation were a follows: Chicago Caah Prices: No. 3 red, 31.0&H m.iv.sso. rea. i.uvwg'i.w; imo. nara, 1.07Vi&1.09: No. 3 hard. SL06&1.O8: No. 1 northern. Sl.l.lT; No. 3 northern, 11. U 1.16; ISO. s nortnern, si.o7(ilu; no. spring, 81.061.14; No. . 8 spring, 31.04 fil.12; No. 4 spring, 310091.10; veil vet chaff, 31.001.13; durum, 31 .001.09; 4,'orn: No. 2. 73Vf74c; No. 2 white. 77 ic; No. 2 yellow, 7578c; No. 3, 73V74c; No. 2 white, :t&7ic; No. 3 yellow. 74S4? i4c; wo.. 4, tstfg-wc; no. 4 wnite. tzhwmc to. 4 yeuow, iiAaac. uais: no. 2, tunc; No. 3 white, 53Vr$54Vie; No. 3 white, 52 ,ric; Na 4 white, 50e50Vrc; sUndsru, iiy Peoria Market. PEORIA, III.. June 26.-CORN-Un. cnaneed to a lower; No. 2 white. 75c No. 4 white, TlHc; No. 2 yellow, 74c Tto. yellow, 73V4jc; No. 4 yellow, 7ilc No. 3 mixed, 72c; No. 4 mixed, 71V,c OATS Vic lower: No. 2 white, 33 standard, 52c; No. 2 white, ClVijc. Dnlatti Grain Market . DULUTH, Minn., June 26. WHEAT On track. No. 1 hard. 31.1 JH; No, 1 northern, 31.12; No. 2 northern. 31.09 61.10V, July, $1.U1.114; September, SI 06V4 asked. OATS-60C. Available Snnpllea of Grain. NEW YORK, June 26 -Special tel egraphoc and cable communications re ceived by Bradstreets show the follow ing changes in avlalable supplies as compared ith previous account: Avail able supplies: Wheat. United Sattes east of Rockies decreasedl. 910,000 bushels. United State west of the rocklea In creased "S.Ofl. Canada, decrease 1 1, Total United State and Canada decreased 2,609.000. Afloat for and in Europe decreased 4.200.000. Total Ameri can and European suppl ydecreased I.MMf). Corn, United State and Canada Increased 914,000. Oots. United States and Canada decreased 1,877.000. The leading decrtases reported ., this week follow; Manitoba, 660,000; Cleveland, 113,000, Chat tanooga, 60.000 bushels. . XEYV YORK GESERAL, MARKET Quotations of the Day Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK. June 25.-FLOUR-Steady; spring patents, $5.605.9O; winter straights, $5.15(S.; winter patents, 33.40 5.60; spring clears, $4.60&4.9u; winter extras. No. 1, S4.30fl4.35; winter extras, No. 2, 34.1064.30; Kansas straights, 35.10 '(16.25. Rye flour dull; lair to goon, 34.766.00; choice to fancy, $5.106.25. CORNMEAL ull; fine white and yellow; 31.701.75; coarse, 11.661.70; kiln dried, 34 20. BARLET Quiet; malting, 3tl3il.23; c. I. f. Buffalo WH EAT fcipot market Irregular; No. 2 red, 31.18, elevator, domestic basis, and export, 31.1814 f. o. b. afloat, to arrive; No. 1 northern Duluth, 31-24 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market waa easy on lower cables and favorable crop advices, but the- absence of rain in the spring wheat states checked the decline. , Clos ing prices were Irregular .at decline to Ho net advance. July, 31.HU4!4; closed, 3114; September, 31.0O7-lWfl.0a:; closing, 31-09 11-16; December closed Sl-WA. Recelpts, 6,000 bu. CORN-Spot market firm; export, Sle f. o. b., afloat' Receipts, none; shipment, 4,706 bu. OATS-Spot market quiet; receipts, 36, 600 bu.; shipments, 892 bu. HOPS Easy; state medium. to choice, 1911, &40c; Pacific coast, old, 15621c. HAY-Steady; prime, 3155; No. L 31.60; No. 2, 31.404yl.46; No. 3, 31.2US1.2o. HIDES-Flrm; Central America, 26 6c: Bogota, 24C6c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. 35 sic; seconds, 24c; thirds, 2iyic; rejects. IOC. PROVISIONS-Pork. steadv: mess. 320.50 (821.00;- short clears. $itf.25W21.O0. Beef, ilrm't mess, 316. .00 15.60; family, 31850 foW.Ou; beef hams. 328.Otkititl.00. Cut meats. dull; pickled beiiies, 10 to 14 lbs.. lio. llHc: pickled hams. I2'iai2'W. Lard. dull; middle west prime, $10.50840.60; re fined, steady; continent, 311.20; South America, 310.20; compound,' 38.76&9.06. CHEEBE-Bteady; rece ots. 6.322 boxes: state, whole milk, new, white or colored, specials, Joe; SKims, Wl2Vlc. KtiOS-Steady: rece Dt. 20.222 cases fresh gathered, extra, 2223c; extra firsts, Miiile; firsts, 1919,c; western gathered whites, 22&23c. u J. thk-easy; receipts, 19,897 tubs; creamery extras, 2727V4c; firsts, 2o 26Vc; . seconds, 2626y,e; thirds, 2324Vc; siaie aairy, imest, maW, good to prime, 2426c. ' xrOULTrli Dressed, steadv: wxtrn broilers, 2i&32c; fowl, 13V(&15Vic; turkeys, I 1 I , Cora and Wheat Region Bnlletla. United States .Department of Aarieul. ture, weather bureau bulletin for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Wednesday, June 26, 1913: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Stations. Hltfij. Low. fall. Rkv. Ashland, Neb.. 91 60 .00 Clear Auburn, Neb.,. 91 66' .00 Clear Broken Bow... 97 48 .00 Clear Columbus, Neb. 96 67 .00 Clear ' Culbei ston, Nb. 94 66 .00 Clear f airoua, jeD. m b .uu c ear .. Fairmont, Neb. 91 " 69 .00 Clear Or. Island, -Nb. 96 64 .00 Clear ' Hartlngton, Nb 99 68 .00 Clear Hastings, Neb.. 93 . 61 .00 Clear Holdrege, Neb. 96 63 .00 Clear Lincoln, Neb... 94 61 .00 Clear No. Platte. Nb 96 . 56 .00 Clear Oakdale, Neb.. 98 66 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb.'... 92 66 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb. 96 67 ,00 Clear 'Valentine, Nb. 88 62 .00 Clear Alta. la 91 , 64 .00 Clear Carroll, la...... 87 59 ' .00 Clear Clarinda. la.... 93 .. .oo Clear Sibley, la.. 91 67 .00 ' Clear Sioux City, la. 94 . 60 .00 Clear , Maximum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 p. m. No.; Tump. Raln Central. ' Stations. High. Low. tall. Columbus, O..... 18 84 60 .00 Louisville, , Ky... 33 , , m 62 .20 India poUd. lnd. 12 84 60 .00 Chicago,-111 24 88 62 .00 St. .LOUIS. MO... 19 M 2 .10 Des Moines, la, 22 90 , no .00 Minneapolis .... 4 , 90 ' 66 .00 Kan. Qty. Mo. 25 88 58 ' .00 Omaha, Neb W . . ' 94 , 60 .00 The weather .was. very much warmer in, the western portion of the corn and wheat region during Tuesday, and was lightly warmer in the eastern districts. Light shower were general in the Louis ville district and appreciable showers oc curred at two stations in the St. Louts district. L. A. WELSH, . Local Forecaster, w earner Bureau. St.- Loots General Market. ST. LOUI8. June 28.-WHEAT-Cash. higher; No. 2 red, S1.0S&1.09; No. 2 hard, 31.07H(Sill5.. CORN-Hlgher; track No. 2, 76Vic; No. 3 white. SlfiSl'ic. oath Firm; track no. i, 4c; o. t white,: 5253c. . . c 08 na- Drices 01 futures: WHEAT Lower; July, S1.04K; Septem ber,-3103V,.' COKNr irm: JUiy, c; oepiemoer, uat esieaay; juiy, tiw, RYE Lower. 81c. FLOUR-JQulet; red winter patents, 3510 5.60; extra fancy and straight, 34 305.00; hard winter clears, S3.504.oo. SKED-Tlmothy, 310.00. CORN MEAL 3160. BHAN-Steady. I1044M.OS. HAY - Weak; timothy, t22.0Offl23.0O; prairie, 316.004(18.00. BAUQINU 4niC . TWINE Hemp. 7Vo. . PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged. Lard, unchanged. Dry salt meats, unchanged Bacon, unchanged. POULTRY Firm: chickens. UVic: springs, .32&24c; turkey, 14c; ducks, U lbc; geese, b(pl3c. BUTTER steady; creamery, 220,o. EGOS Firm, 17c. . . . : i .. ; . . 1 Receipts. Shipments, Flour 10,500 10,000 Wheat, I8.000 13.OW Corn 63,000 6,0u0 OaU 48,000 47.000 Kansas Cltjr Grain and TrorUlona. KANSAS CITY. June 28. WHEAT Cash, unchanged to V4o up; No. 3 hard. ll.0Wil.13H: No. 3, Sl.08Vtm.12; No. 2 red. tl.01Xttl.10V4-. No. 3 31.06 Wfi 1.06. CORN Steady; no. t mixea, 7ff(o,c; No. 3 73H74c; No. 3 white, 7SVrVfc; No, 8. 77!CSa. OATS-VMHc higher; No. 2 white, 49V4 6lc; No. 3 mixed, 47HMc cioHins nncea oi futures: WHEAT-Julv. 99V4(SWVkc: September. 98Vtcr December, 99Vi,ft99Vc. CORN-July. 734fii3'io; September, u, A68c: December. 68H4i58c. OAT8- JUiy, eepiemoer, 49c RYE 83 a6c. HAT-Weak: choice timothy. W.00 22.00; choice prairie, 314. 00(& 15.00. rkceifto wneat. ii cars. BUTTER Creamery, 24c; firsts, 21c; seconds. 20c; packing stock, 20c. BOOS-Extrac, i9Vi20c; nrsts, i7WJ)c; seconds. 13V4C, ' Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu...... 11,000 16.000 Corn, bu 40.000 42,000 Oats. bu.. ..... 3,000 4.000 I Mlaea noli Grain Jlarkot. MINNEAPOLIS, June 26. WHEAT July. 3109HSl.O5; September, 31.04; De -ember.. 31.v6Sk: cash. No, 1 hard. 31.12'., Ko. 1, northern,. 31.11; No. 2 northern, 31.101,; NO. 8. 81.W"i81.0K. FLAX 217V4. Barley. 60366. CORN No. -S yellow, 723. OATS-No. S white, 48t&49Vi. RYE-No.;2, 7374. BRAN. 2O!5e050. FLOLR-Klrst patents, 6408606; second patents, 6108635; first clears, 380fitft; recona clears, i2.Tvst3.uv. t M v ' Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis., June 26. WHEAT (.-No. 1 northern, 31-15 al. 17; No. 2 north ern, 3113 al. Id; No. 2 hard, winter, 11 loal.ll; September lOtVt al.-4. CORN-No.i3 yellow. 76; No. 3 white. 77al-3; NO. 3, 73; July, 74V September, 72. - Oat Stanodard, 64. BARLEY Malting,. 86 1.05. , v J.. Llvernool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. June 38.-WHEAT-Snnt firm: No. 2-red western winter, 8 Sd; No. 2 Manitoba, 8s 3d; No. 3 Manitoba, 7 llVed. Future, steady; July. 7s 8 u; uctober, 7s 6d: December. 7 6d. : CORN Spot American mixed new, kiln dried, easy. 6 9d. Futures. ttady; July, 6s 2?,d; September. 6 d. Persistent Advertising ls.th. Road to Pig Return . . ; THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Price Advances Made by Independ . ent Steel Manufacturers. M0EE GOLD SHIPPED TO PAEIS Market Seems to Detach Itself from Political Consideration Galna of Point by Many Active Issaes. NEW YORK June 26.-Developments of primary importance In today's dull but strong stock market Included the long expected price advances in certain finished article, of steel ana iron oy several .of the leading independent manu facturer . and another S2,ouo.u goia ex port Ho Paris. Interest in the action of the. steel, concerns was based largely on the fact that the hiaher prices seemed to be Justified by trade conditions. "Whether the United States Steel corporation in tends to -follow the lead or Its aggres sive competitors was not disclosed. The additional gold shipment to the French capital, making 84,000,000 thu far this week, doubtless had its genesis in something more potent than the mere rates of forelen exchanfte. It Is still denied that Germany is to be the ultimate destination of the precious meiai, dui these protests are accepted with some reservation.- - - - ' . .. The market seemed to detach ltseir from political considerations. Gains of a point were registered by many active issues in the early dealings, while some specialties moved in a sensational man ner, witn a new nign recora lor Ameri can Tobacco. Later the electrical issue ana certain semi-active retailers, such as Louisville & Nashville and Norfolk & Western, were taken up, . with further improvement in other group under the lead or eteei, which strengthened the entire list ana produced a moderately buoyant close. Norfolk ft western convenioie is wno that feature of the bond department, with a 2-polnt gain. Sales, par value, aggre gated 32,023,000. United State government bonds were uncnangea on can. Number of sales and leaaing quotations on .stocks, were as .follows: IM1M. Hill UOW. bioaa. AllU-Ctulmei, ptd Ni 14.100 U 0 2,W 75 74 74 11,800 3 ' 36S M4 400 69 (9 6944 100 61 lihi 12 J4Vt 700 I7V 374 37 .-. 7 14 800 42 42 42 1,000 8 85 St 107 400 81 34 35 1,100 130 129 130 LOOS 14t 14t 141 10 28 MOO 44 43 43 1,500 107. 10? 107 .... .1 103 200 It 139 139 1.400 108 108 108 1,400 88 87 37 700 88 87 88 1,100 24 163 184 100 16 25 25 W 898 1,900 79 18 79 10 200 17 17 17 300 84 34 34 200 137 137 137 1,900 105 104 105 60 MO 11 31 32 41 tO0 141 141 141 ' (00 16 16 18 100 168 168 168 19 86 1.500 33 33 33 ,..1,800 84 34 33 ..: S2 42 6.400 174 171 174 1.600 134 132 134 400 42 41 42 1,100 1281 127 121 1,700 10 30 20 400 59 - 68 68 200 118 116 118 , ..... 18 I, 800 .. 90. N.. mtm 200 26 26 26 , 12 , 400 26 29 25 ,. 100 to to to , . 106 , 1.100 159. 158 169 , It 1,100 146 144 144T, 100 A 18 27 19 1.0OO 17 37 37 . 1,400 151 161 167 , 400 (8 68 8 100 81 31 SO , 1,100 118H 1" na , 84 , lf,00t 116 113 116 S00 82 82 82 ,1100 121 120 120'$ , ' 200 32 ' 32 32 700 133 123 123 , 1.400 116 113 114 1. 1,400 108 108 108 800 12 13 22 100 35 85 35 100 161 161 160 80O 88 36 34 , 48,t00 161 166 167 . 1,400 85 24 26 , 1,400 81 80 81 300 16 28 26 100 (2 61 61 100 36 , 36 86 83 , ..... ..... 76 . VIX 66 M 85 . 1,000 110 110 no , 1,700 28 38 28 600 74' 74 73 600 44 43 43 100 23 23 23 . ..... 14 28 . 23.800 170 lit 170 , M , 1,800 78 71 78 tOO 66 66 ft 77.600 7t t 70 . VJ0O 110 110 110 , 1.200 14 W 63 49 400 4 4 4 , 1,400 14 13 It 87 , 3,600 74 73 74 100 ' 88 82 81 T II. 00ft 176 174 175 . 1,000 84 33 34 600 23 31 12 . 4,700 803 300 802 24 300 84 54 4 Amiliunttod Coppor ... Amrln Agricultural .. Amtrlcin Boot . sugar, .. American Can Amorlcaa C. a F American Cotton Oil Amorlcaa H. c u ptd.. American loo SecurltlM.. American Llntood American Looomotlve .... American 8. A R American B. ft R ptd.. American Steel Fdre.... American Sugar Rot American Tel. ft Tel... American , Too. ptd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Atchleon Atchloan pfJ Atlantic Coatt Lin .... Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. Canadian Pacific Central Leather Oentrel Leather ptd Centre! of Ne Jereer.. Che-epeake 'ft Ohio Chicago Alton Chicago Gt. Weet Chicago Ot. West. ptd.. Chi. N. W...... CM., Mil. ft Bt. P VC. ft St. L Hoio., Fuel ft Iron Olo. ft Southern Consolidated Oae Corn Products ........... Delaware ft Hudeon...,. Denver ft Hio Grand.., D. A R. Q. bfd Dtitlllera' Securltiee .... Brie1 Erie' lit pfd Brie td ptd , General Klectrlc Oreat Northern pfd... .. Oreat Northern Or otf., Illlnoli Central Interhorough-Met. ...... Irterhorough-Met. p(d... International Harreiter Inter. Marin ptd....;.;;, International Pump .... International Pump ..... Iowa .Central K. C. Southern K."C. "Southern ptd..,..". uaclede uaa Inulnrlll ft Naehvlll Minn., ft St. Louie M., St. P. ft 8. St. , M. M, K. a T M.. K. ft T. ptd Mleaohrl Pacltlo National Blecult National Lead ......... Nat. Ry. of U. Id ptd.. New York Central N. Y., O. W......... Norfolk ft. Weet ern. North American Northern 'Pacltlo ........ Pacltlo Mall Pennsylvania . ,. People's Gas PltU., C. U ft St. L.. Plttahurgh Coal Preeeed Steel Car .. Pullman Palao Car Railway Steel Spring.... Ifteedlng rUpubllo Steel Republic Steel ptd...... Rock Iiland Co Rock Uland Co. pfd.... St. L ft 8. F. td pfd.. St., Louie 8. W...'. St. L .. 8. W. pfd S10M-8htfleld 8. ft I... Southern Fecltlc Southern .Railway Southern Railway pfd... Tenneeee Copper , Taa ft Pacltlo ToL, St. L ft W Tol., St. L. ft W. pfd.... Union Pacltlo. t'nion Pariflo pfd united Statee Realty .. VnHed' state Rubber . United State Steel I'ttlted State steel pfd. Utah Oepner .-. Virginia-Carolina Chain.. Wabaeh Wabash pfd,.... western Maryland ... Weetlnghoue Blectrlo Weetern Union Wheeling ' ft-Lak KM.. Ihlgh Valley Chlno Copper Ray Consolidated ..... Aiuettcan . Tobwco Seaboard Air Lin...,. See hoard Air Lin pfd. Tottl sale for the day. 331,700 sharp. f " London Stock Market. LONDON. June 36. American securities opened steady with prices about un changed today. The list advanced on fair buying during the first hour and at noon values ranged from to hugher than yesterday's New York closing. (London , closing Stock quotations: Consols, motter ..71 7-l Louisville 4V Naeh..l2 ,do account W4Mo.. Kan. ft Tex.. MV4 Amal. Copper 134 New York central.. Ill V4 Anaconda It4 Norfolk Western. lit Atthleon 1004 do pfd J 'do ptd ......:.....10Ontarto ft Wetra. u Baltimore ft Ohio.. Ill . Pennsylvania 43 to Canadian Pacltlo .. 271 4j Rand Mines 6 Chesapeake -ft -Ohio. M4 Reading t thl.. Oreat Western. 17 H Southern Rr 3to Chi.. Mil. ft St. P.10344 do pfd 754 Been Dnv4r ft Rio O do pfd itii t do let ptd '. 0 td pfd Grand , Trunk ... Illinois Central.. 11 Southern Pacific ... 1 1 ! 14 . iMil'noln Pacltlo . lto do pfd . MUjU. 8. 8teel.... . UV d pfd ...... . 43 Wabash ....... . 14, do pfd ...... .110 ..173. .. 2to .. Tiv ..U3V4 .. 444 .. 14 XjtVER-Bar. steady at 28 6-16d per ounce. JIONBY-aWO per cent. . The rate of discount in the open mar ket1 for short bills is 22 15-16 per cent; for: three months' bills, 2 13-16 per cent. , i ; : New. York Aloner Market. NEW YORK, June 36.-MONET On cab steady, iVtfiFb per cent; ruling rate, 27, t,r cent: offered at 2 per cent. TIMS LOANS Steady: sixty and ninety days,- -83V Pr CM1t; ,lx months, St24 per cent : PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-444 per 'cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In bankers" bills at $4.8475 for slxty-day bills, and at $4.8730 for de mand. .COMMERCIAL BILLS 3484. SILVER Bar, Hc; Mexican dollars, 48c. HON DS-Government, steady; railroad, firm. CiOhlng quotations on bonds today were n' follows. t. 8. ret. 1. r(...HKH.)apaa 4 IS . do .coupuon 10014 do 4V 3 U. I. te, rS 101 K. C. 8. let t.. 71 do coupon 101 U a. deb. 4, (1331) 34 II. S. 4J. r 114 1. N. US. 4 . do coupon U4 M., K. ft T. let 4 P4ty AHU-lTiel. let is... (1 do sea. 4to S7 Anter. Af fa 101 Me. Pacine 4 71 AnwT. ft T. ev,,4 ltl , N, R of M. 44a Sto . 1 i I do (4 do lb. 4.. ... ;i H. . 1M4 4s 98', ...11 ... ... ' Armour a Co. 44t.. 1HN. V.. N. H. & Atchtton son. 4.... 97i cv. door. .108 .V & W. 1st c. .107 do cv. 4a . 5 No. Pac. . S do 3a ......... do cv. ee At. C. L. lit .,. B ft 0. 4 do 3Ve do 8. W. 31,... 91 Or. 8. L rtd 4.8.. S3 4 llePenn. cv. 3s (Ula) 7S do eon. 4s lOSfe Br. Tr. ct. 4b. C. of Ga. Es... .10 Reading gen. 4a M . KUSt. L. ft 8. F. f. 4 78 Ceo.. Leather Be. C. ot N. J. gen. ia.lM do gen. 6 s7Te Che, ft Ohio 4H..100St. L. 8. W. con. 4a SI '4 do ret. 6s K do Ut gold 4s.... XIs, Chicago ft A. 3V&S. . 24eSaboard A. L. 4s.. Ml, C. B. ft Q. 1. $So. Pacific col. 4e 0i do , gen. 4a .. H'k do cv. 4e 4i 4a 69 80. Pacific let r. 4 4' 4sSo Rallay 6a . ...10IV, .. S'4 do gen. 4 714 .. elVaCnioo Pciflc 4s ....100H .. 1 do let & r. 4.. 6Vi C. M. ft 8. P. C. R. I. ft P. do rfg. 4s.. Colo. Ind. 6s. Colo. Midland 4a C. ft 8. D. ft II. ft . 4H 96V4 do ev. 4s 102 ev. 4.... n v., a. Kuhber W....104 I. ft R. G. 4s 861, U. 8. Steel 2d i..Wi 514V.-Car. Chen 6s.. 9 74 U. S. Steel 24 6s.. 1024 UWahaah 1st (a 107 78-, do let ft . 4.... 714 88 Wet. Md. 4 84 78 '4 West. El. cv. 5s.. 9414 95'iWI. Can. 4s ,1 KV,Yo. Pac. cv. .... 84 64 Panama 3a 101 do ref 5s Distiller' 5... Erie p. 1. 4a ... do gen. 4a ... do ev. 4a eer. do eer. B II. Con. let. r. 4a.. Int.-Met. 4Hs .... Int. M. M. 4.. Bid. "Offered. Forelfrn Financial. LONDON, June 26. Money was firm and discount rates were easy today. Ar rangements for the general carry-over were easily made on the stock exchange and business for the new account was fair. Foreign rails improved stedaily with Mexican 240p shares the feature on favorable gains in earnings. Consols re acted on further realizing. American se curities opened steady and about un changed. Prices advanced on good buy ing the forenoon and in the late trading New York buying maintained the early improvement and made the closing steady. PARIS, June 26. Prices moved irreg ularrly on the Bourse today. BERLIN,. June 26. Trading was active and prices closed higher on the Bourse today. Treasary- Statement. WASHINGTON. June 26.-At the begin ning of business today the condition of the United States treasury was: Working balance in treasury offices 370,369,015. in banks and Philippine treasury 036,303.795. Total of the general fund was 3138,161.381. Receipts yesterday were 32.T75.664. Sur plus to date this fiscal year Is 38,359.877 as against a surplus of 318,383,385 at this time last year. These figures axclude Pnama canal and public debt trans actions. New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. June 26.-Closin; Quota tions on mining stocks were: Alice 150 Little Chief I Com. Tunnel stock.. 10 Mexican .....276 do bonde .11 Ontario 173 Con, Cel. ft Va 68 Ophrlr 105 Iron Silver 150 Standard ..' 30 Leadvlllo Con 10 yellow Jacket 86 Offered. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, June 26. Bank clearings for today were 32,602,691.86 and for the corre sponding day last year $2,047,906.82. OMAHA GENET. At, MARKET. ' BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb cartons, 27c; No. 1 in 60-lb tubs. 27c: No. 2. 25c: Dacklns. 25c. CHEESE-Imported Swiss, 32c; Ameri can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss,- 24c; twins, 17 toe; daisies, 18c; triplets, 18c; young Americas, 2uc; blue label brlck,2 18c; llmberger, 2-lb, 22c; 1-lb., 22c; FISH (fresh frozen)-Pickerel, 9c; white, 12c; pike, -12c; trout, 14c; large crapples? I2ijj.l5c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, 19c; haddocks, 15c; flounders, 13c; green, catfish, 15c; rose shad 85c each; shad roe, per pair, 46c; salmon, 8Hc; halibut 12c; yellow perch, be; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, 8ftc. POULTRY Broilers, So.OOtfjtf.SO per Sot.; springs? 20c; hens, 15c; cockfi, 910c; ducks, 18c; geese, 15c; turkeys, 23c; pige ons, per doz. 31.50; Alive: Hens, 10c; old roosters, 5; stags, 6Hc; old ducks, full feathered 12c; geese, full feathered, 10c; turkeys, 9c; pigeons, per dozen, 80c; homers, per doz., 32.50; squabs. No. 1, 31.50; No. 3, 60c. VEGETABLES-Cabbage, California, lb., 2c. Celery, Michigan,! per doz., 30c Cucumbers, hot house, per box, 81.00. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz., $2.00. Garlic, extra Jancy, white, per doz., 15c. Lettuce, . extra fancy, leaf, per doz.. 25c. lOntnos, white in crate, $1.36; yellow, per crate, zlzo. rarsiey, tancy southern, per doz. bunches, oO76c Potatoes, Texas, new, per lb., 20; Wisconsin white stock, per bu.. 31-40. Tomatoes. Texas. per 4-basket carrier, 31.00. MiecEL,LAEUUS Almonds, tarra- gona, per lb., ISftc; In sack lots, lo leas. Cocoanuts, per sack, 34.00. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lc leas. Peanuts, roasted, In sack lots, per lb., Jc; roasted, less tnan sack lots, per id., bc; raw, per lb.. 6c. Pecans, large, per lb., lie: in sack lots, lc less. Walnuts, new crop, 1912, California, per lb., 17c; in sack lots, lo less, tiaer. per gai. oc. BEEF CUT PRICES-No. 1. ribs. 20c: No. 2 ribs, ltic; No. 3 ribs, 13 toe; No. 1 loins, 221.se; No. 2 loins, 18toc; No. 3 loins, 16o; No. 1 chucks, 9c; No. 3 chucks, so; No. 3 chucks, 8c; No. 1 rounds, 13 toe; No. 2 rounds, 13c; No. 3 rounds, 11'4 v; No. 1 plates, bc; xmo. 2 piates, 7c: No. 3 plates, 6toe. fruits, etu. Bananas. Ancy se. lect, per bunch, $2.262.60; Jumbo, per bunch, I2.T5WJ.70. uates. Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, 32.35; Dromedary brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In box, per box, 33.00. Figs, California, per case of 12 No. 12 pkgs., 86c; per case of 86 No. 13 pkgs.. 32.60: per case of 60 No. ( pkgs., 12.00; bulk, in 25 and 60-lb.. boxes. Itr id., iuc; new- 'juraian, o-crown, in 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; 6-crown In 20-1 b. boxes, per lb., 16c; 7-crown in 30-lb. boxes. per lb., 17c. Lemons, Llmonlera selected brand, extra fancy. JOO-JhO sizes, uer box. $0.60; Loma Limonelra, fancy, 300-360 sizes, per vox. 9.ou; .tu-uu sizes, uuc per Dox loss; California, choree. 300-360 sizes, per box, 34.6O5.0O. Oranges, California Lion brand, Navels, extra fancy, 96-120-150 sizes, per box, 33.25; extra choice, all sizes. Der box, 33.00; Valencia oranges, all sizes, 33.75. fine appies, iJO-w-2 sizes, per crate, $3.50. Strawberries, Hood river, per case of 24 qts., 33.00. California peaches, 31.60; Cali fornia apricots, ii.sb; California cherries, 31.60; home grown cherries, per crate of 24 qts., 31.75; home grown goose berries, per crate of 24 qts., $2.25. Wax beans, per bskt., $1.00; green beans, per bskt.. $1.00. California cantaloupes, 64-aize, $3.25. California Watermelons, per lb., 2c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 26.-COFF EE-Fu tures market opened steady at unchanged to a 2-polnt decline in sympathy with disappointing cables. The close was steady, net 2 points higher to five points lower. Kales, 69,750 bags. June. 13.69c; July, 13.69c; August, 13.80c; Septem ber, 13.91c; October, 13.96c; November, 14.04c; December, 14.08c; January, 14.10c; February, 14.07c; March, 14.15o: April, 14.16c; May, 14.17c. Havre unchanged to H fr lower, Hamburg, unchanged to 14 ptg. lower; Rio. unchanged; Santos, firm. 4s 50 reise higher at 8 sx 800 7s unchanged. Rio exchanged on London l-64d higher. Brazilian port receipts. 26.- 000 against 14,000; Jundtahy receipts, 14. 000 against 14,000 bags last year. Today's santos cable reported the market strong and unchanged; Soa Paulo receipts. 10.- 000 against 14,000 bags a year ago. Spot. steady ; kio, ts nc; Santos, 4s I6c; mild, quiet; Cordova, lCglSc, nominal. Metal Market. NEW YORK, June 2.-METALS-Cop-per, quiet but firm; standard spot and June, 317.O0GF17.50; July, 3l7.10lt.32tf; Aug ust and September. $l7.12ffl7.50. Electro lytic, 171c; lake, nQlTTgc; casting, 17',i Viic. 'tin, tirm: spot. $4ii.o!i-o.uu: June. $4$.65. 48.10; July, 344.65$46.00: August. $44.35 J 45.00. Iead, steady; $4.404.65. Spelter, urm, fi.mat.zz. Antimony, dull; Cook son's, $8.00. Iron, firm; unchanged. Copper arrivals at New York today, 500 tons; exports this month, 19,959 tons. London market, firm; spot 78 a; fu tures. 79 6s 6d. Iondon, tin firm: spot 27 25s; futures. 190. London lead, 17 18s 3d. Local rales 60.000 lbs. lndon spelter 25 15s. Iron. Cleveland warrants. 6s 7Hd in London. ST. LOCls.-June 26.-METALS-Lead, firm, 34.42H- Spelter, strong, $&.tt$7.00. - Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO SEED MARKET ET AH TOLEDO, June 26. SEED clover- October 1015; December, 1006. October 1015; December, 1003. Alslke, August, 1000. T1MOTH August 530; September, 430; October, 420; December, 425. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June 26.-DRY GOODS The cotton goods markets are strong with trading of moderate volume. Job bers are doing a light business. Cutters are calling for colored cottons, and prints is held steady and dress goods for fall are firm. 27, -1912. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Are Steady to Fully Ten Cent Lower. HOGS AVERAGE BIG FIVE LOWER Fee It as; on Both Sheep a ad Lamb Generally ' Steady- In Spite of There Not Being; Enough to Make Market. SOUTH OMAHA. June 26, 1912. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday...' 3.845 8,479 4,737 Official Tuesday 3,500 16,844 6,020 Estimate Wednesday .. 3,600 14,700 1,750 Three days this weeklO.472 40,023 11,507 Same days last week.. 7.101 22,107 3,971 Same days 2 w'ks tgo.. 7,589 46,391 16,545 Same days 3 w'ks ago.. 7,838 30,966 13,973 Same days 4 w'ks ago.. 10,246 49,814 15,449 Same days last year.. 12,09 84,575 14,878 The following 'table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor the year, to date as compared witn last ear; . -.' 1912. " '1911. Inc. Dec. Cattle 430,315 . 484.193 63,878 Hogs ...1,804,210, 1,34,329 454.881 Sheep 893,884 763,622 140,262 The following table 81ms tne range ot prices for hots At ' Soutn Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. I J.tU. 1D11. l10.jl!09; !0rlS07.lS0. June 13.1 7 231 . I 9 5 67 5 371( 39 June 19.1 7 a I 6 K June 20.f 7 34l 6 991 1 y i,t3i S 641 5 931 6 & 6 651 6 911 6 30 june 41.1 7 4i Ui S IHl 7 03 6 891 June 2..7 46 - 6 i3 917 7 5 6 77) .iur,H Zi.i . I ei 201 If lot 7 46l 5 861 5 9116 3S 6 June 24. 7 4M41 14 3 24 7 401 6 921 5 83! June 25.1 7 36ft. ' 9 26 7 48 6 8i 0 SU 0 June 26. .......I 612 7 o8 5 Sa 6 83 6 39 sunday." . i Receipts and 'disposition1 of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South .Omaha, for the twenty-four Hours ending at o o'clock yesterday: ' ' RECEIPTS CARS. . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r a, c:, M. & St.. P. 6 13 Wabash 4 , , 2 Missouri Pacific... 11 7 2 2 Union Pacific. 19 43 2 C. & N. W.. east.. 4 3 1 .. C. & N. W.. west. 28 62 . 1 1 C, St.. P. M & O... 5 11 C, B. & Q., east... 11 6 1 C, B. & Q., west.. 23 35 .. 2 C, R. I. & P.. east. 7 14 X C. R. I. Sc. P., west. 2 X Illinois Central. 1'- ?. : .. ' .. C.G.-W. 1 6 .r .. Totals.'. .1. ........ 125 " 21X ''' 6 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 282 725 26 ... 621 3,657 172 .. 943 4,712 300 .. . 664 4,302 846 153 i ; 1,701 .. 64 ; .85 Omaha Packing Co.. Swltt and Company. Cudahy Packing. Co. Armour &.Co.t Schwartz & Co....... Murphy Armour, from K.-C. K. P. Co.. Cudahy, from K. C.I.. 230 Demon, - v ansa.ni oz i-i. Hill & Son F. B. Lewis............. Huston & Co 3 66 32 84 8 63 16 9 27 602 J. H. Bulla ; L. F. Husz... Wertheimer - &' Degen. Sullivan Bros.."...; Krebs Other buyers.'.'......... 243 Total... 3,266 16i335 1.770 CATTLE Receipts 'of cattle this morn ing were only lair for a Wednesday, loo cars being reported In.. This ma.tes tne total for the three days this week 10,4i2 head or a gain 6f over 3,0i -ead as com pared with, tnei corresponding days of last week and a tailing oti ot about 2,500 head as compared with the. same period a year ago. ' " Among the day's arrivals was quite a sprinkling of good beef steers ,tor which there "was a reasonably active demand. On the other hand . tne - less desirable kinds were' slow sellers.- The market on tne oeai steers , was ,stes.ay or close to steady, with v other kinds 10c or mora lower. Among the receipt was one lot good enough- td- bring 39.20. Cows andhi.rs were hot In very large supply and ..the demand was pretty gooti, but tne market, on "she" slock Is steadily working lower and the sales today were anywhere from , weak to loc lower than yesterday. . . . . . - As noted yesterday .there has been a tendency On-the-part of stock cattle and feeders to accumulate in the yards. The result was .Mat the market wis again slow and lower this morning, it is safe at the present time t6 quote stock cattle and feeders as 15c$25c lower than last week, the decline, as a matter of course, being the heaviest on the light' and med ium grades.' s . , uuotatlons on cattle Oood to choice beet steers,' $a-6Tj9.2; fair to good beef steers, $s.tJO&f.ti0; fair, to good be-jf steers $8.0Oifl!i.!)O; oorhrnori to .' fair beet steers, $6.eW8 00; good to choice heifers, $6.25(97.75; g"ood "to choice cows,' $o.506.50; lair to good cows, $4.306.40; common to ir rnvi. t2.5W4.3o: tfood to choice stock- ers and feeders; 5.26i.76'. fair: to good Blockers and feeders,. $4.755.25; common to fair sto'ekers and feeders,$4.25!4.75; stock cows, and heifers, 33.765.25; veal calves, $160(38.00; bulls, stags, etc., $4,003 7.00. ,. - . Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No.- Av. Fr. No. 17 u 22 10 37 33 28 31 1 40 24 7 6 10 7 1 30 3 2 1 2 "".. I 7 10 4 2 $ 1 10 28 i 1 I 1 ....... I 1 t. I 11 1 1...... 1...... 1 1 1 2 4 3 2.... at. :rr. to 00 791 3 06 ...... 784 1 16 1168 7 00 1340 7 76 1110 t 0 1074 $ 10 .....1084 8 904 3 10 .....1071 3 26 810 t 26 1118 3 26 1143 t 40 . . Amu i 46 11 1121 8 45 44 1233 8 66 3f.... 1011 8 K it.-. till 8 78 83 1174 8 so 28 1)18 8 34 14 13M 8 84 It 130 8 85 2l....'.......l217 8 85 81 1364 t 00 Si 1114 10 II 1314 10 32 1436 10 41 1471 I 20 STEERS' AND HElFERS. Ml 4 76 18... ......1000 4 00 761 7 30 H " vr 'COWS. ...1046 ( 40 ... 734 8 60 ... 868 I 00 ... 887 6 00 ...1015 6 00 ... 702 6 16 ... 366 6 15 ... 323 6 30 ...1125 5 40 ...806 6 60 ... 196 6 40 ...1086 6 70 ...1137 6 70 ...867 6 76 ... 3151 6 76 ...1084 6 86 ...1160 t 30 ...1100 4 00 ...1134 4 00 ...1140 4 00 ...1085 4 80 ...11 7 00 . ..1137 4 76 ... 767 i M ... 610 6 00 ... 411 1 00 ... m 1 46 ... 711 4 30 ... 141 4 26 ... 171 7 50 ...1290 4 76 ...1340 4 76 ...13M 4 80 ...1470 4 0 ...1460 4 30 ... 74 6 10 ...1620 6 49 ...840 6 80 ...130 4 00 ...ISO 03 ... 7sa i o ... m i ... 40 3 26 ... 260 3 60 ... itt 4 00 ... 700 4 fO ... 13 4 M ... 795 4 10 ... 783 4 20 . ... 486 4 26 ...1042 4 16 ... 806 4 35 ...1063 4 46 ... 310 ,4 60 . ... 751 4 40 ...UU 4 75 ... 308 4 76 ... 83 4 76 ... 304 4 36 l(.. ii.. .... 840 4 8 4. HEIFERS. 613 4 16 (24 4 4 , 466 4 66 696 4 40 448 4 6 431 4 76 4...... 1 ' 1 37...... ,718 4 7$ . . BULLS. .... 80 $ 10 .... 470 4 ) ....1040 4 40 ....1686 4 66 .... 00 4 60 ,...126 4 SO .... 80 4 40 ....1060 4 40 1. .'...ISM 4 43 ....1335 4 10 CALVES.I 4 4 40 314 4 55 140 7 25 226 S 40 $ 220 T 25 U4 6" 00 1 S....'..:.... ITS J 80 140 4 64 2 16 T 60 ISO t 0 1 1W 1 170 1 l .."i tW 7 6 "10 7 40 171 1 7S M 7 00 . , 6 118 7 75 si? im i 4. "STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 141 4 36 8., 40 616 , 4t4- 4 16 , 713 I 40 ,'774. 140 .423 6 10 It... 10. . 13... 708 6 36 ESO 6 36 74 6 60 48 164 833 1 16 (. ....... 683 t M TjrtTT4rtrthe Influence of contin ued liberal-receipts and unfavorable ad vices from other selling points, the hog market this roorhlnfc opend 510c lower. Under the existing conditions. It seemed a wise thing te sell, and a good many hots changed hands at the decline noted. Later on, however, as It became apparent that the demand was really very good and that there were none too many hogs to supply the requirements ot all the buy ers, the trade strengthened up uUil to ward the close- when a good, share of it. decline was recovered. In tact the market might be quoted as closing steady or very nearly steady witn yetera. The wotso tnat couia be said wouid ue to. quote it closing steady to ac luWer. White the eariy market was stow, tne late market was active and pretty muon everything had changed hands by ltl o'clock in the morning. The prices paid ranged largely from i.2& to $i.40, wiiu a top Of 37.60. It will be rememoered tnat yesterday the bulk ot hogs sold at 4i.3 1.46, with a top at 37.65. 'mis wouid make the gefieral' market today look 5c lower tojtn yesterday or to mane ample allow ance, a big 6c lower. It will be noted trom the table of re ceipts that tne nogs tor tn three days this week foot up to 40,000 head, being al most uituoie uit Snittii tun lui .tne vui'i'u sponding days last week, but not so large as tvvu wee&d aeo. Ab coiuat'eu witn a. year ago, the receipts lor tne three dayet . show a gain of almost 6,uw head. : , -Representative sales: No. Av. sf. m la 174 34 ..364 12 lie 4 a 44 lso .. 183 M U7 Ift 1(4 Sh. FT. ... 7 10 ... 7 10 40 1 10 30 1 10 No. 71.. Av. .237 Sh. Pr. 40 7 80 67 320 10 J 30 67 236 leO M 47 2431 140 7 30 7 14 1 IS 7 16 6 244 63 347 72 209 47 196 80 7 30 40 200. 7 30 ... 7 30 ... 7 30 . 80 7 30 ... J 34 . W4 Tie ... 7 16 69.. 46.. 16.. 70. ..226 ..208 82. 1M 140 1 20 l 310 74.. .....31 66 212 46 13 80...;... 304 84 1K6 88 IU6 8 142 83. ......281 74. (..... 104 33 246 74.. 21 74 :.20 40 171 40 60 8u 40 44 7 2U 7 20 1 20 7 20 7 20 .267 30 7 30 . .27 ivt 7 80 .223 120 7 30 .248 140 1 80 43... 71... 78... 72... 77... 69... 87... 61... 71... 46... '7... 48.... 47... 68... t6... .201 .123 .257 .233 SO 7 30 80 7 30 140 7 30 ... 130 td 7 20 u 7 32 '4 40 1 22 120 7 26 40 7 36 ... 1 26 80 7 36 ..246 164 7 34 ..248, 340 I 30 ..360 ... 7 824 ..242 160 7 1214 ' ..240 ... 7 834 ..222 140 7 314. ..301 80 7 86 ..21 30 1 40 ' 40 7 26 7 26 30. 20 140 7 26 34., .....286 7 26 41. Si. .113 120 7 26 .198 120 7 26 241 240 80 7 40 120 7 40 !60 7 40 160 7 44 ... 7 44 76...... .138 73 216 84: 84 ,7 36 7 16 77 226 46 273 44 241 44.... 71.... 44.... .210 160 7 26 ..206 40 7 26 ..MO 64 7 26 ..164 120 7 26 ..16 84 7 16 ..201 84. 7 26 ..216 124 7 26 7. 49. 47. .259 200 7 40 .313 7 35 .219 329 7 35 77... 76... 80. i. 48 5 77 65 ..?41 7 35 7 36 ..;. 130 42.. 226 140 7 36 178 160 7 36 31 12 ... 7 26 78 244 200 . 7 26 64... .241 ... 7 36 80 !1 40 1 26 80 7 35 .. 7 26 86 7 26 67 269 200 7 36 89.. .242 .221 .230 .131 49.. 47.. 46.. 42.. 58.. 62.. 61.. 62.. 43.. 72.. 62-. .343 7 ! 14. 63. 79. ..244 ..264 ..249 40 7 36 140 7 35 84 1 36 160 7 36 71 212 124 67 244 84 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 !6 1 274 .i288 40 I 36 144 MO 7 85 63 144 47 202 84 213 40 8tt 277 40 1 84 ....17 7 35 7 36 1 36 ....171 ....146 275 27.... 78.... 66.... 66.... 33.... 67.;.. 11.... 37.... 84.... 74.... 66.... 73.... 63..;. 70...: 211 ... 1 174 121 160 1 174 124 7 36 .222 ... 7 27 4 .267 44 -7 374 .177 44 7 114 .267 140 7 174 .i24 124 7 274 .221 124 7 274 .222 124' 7 174 .213 124 7 30 .226 164 7 30 .233 140 1 SO .243 120 7 30 44 268 64 283 4 182 40 271 48 243 69 24 71 Ml 40 3 44 13 1 35 60 I 36 80 1 86 7 86 10 7 35 120 7 86 120 7 86 ... 7 36 ... 1 36 80 135 ... 1 36 43.. 58... 135.. 16... 66.. 66.. 65... 53... 44.. 20.. ..161 ..160 268 280 1 35 231 120 7 30 ...284 ...143 ...240 ...267 ...108 ...166 ...226 7 36 74 128 80 7 30 80 7 35 80 7 374 120 7 374 124 7 40 7 40 84 7 44 - 74.. 61.. 70.. 71.. .....263 120 7 30 344 80 7 30 ,.'...878 480 7 30 282 480 7 80 ..227 ..26$ 7 30 49... 78..: 61... 66... 68... 70... 68... 61... 72... 6... 66... 64... 40.".. 71... 8 7 30 47.... ..811 240 7 40 ..214 ..248 7 30 7 30 63 296 7 40 61.,, .190 184 7 40 ..247 ..246 40 7 30 40 7 30 42..., 64..., 84.... 44... 64.'.., 63..., 62..., 68..., 60... 55... 88..., ...340 .:. 7 44 ...304 160 7 40 ...176 160 7 40 ...176 120 7 40 ...238 40 7 40 ...242 160 7 30 ...243 ... 7 30 ...280 7 30 ...222 140 7 30 ...237 164 7 30 ..'.254 ... 7 30 ...2j0 40 1 30 ...226 ... 7 30 ...270 160 7 40 ...264 ...281 ...266 ...287 ...266 7 424 7 45 7 45 7 46 7 46 .231 40 7 30 36.. .268 40 . 7 30 SHEEP-There were practically, not enough sheep and lambs in the barn this morning to- make a market, but what few sheep " there were showed no ma terial change from the prices prevailing yesterday. With a scant supplv on hand, consisting almost entirely of fail-ends of corn fed stuff, ; trade was fairly active and 'demand- good tor the desirable class of sheep and lambs. Buyers .were out fairly early, looking over' the meager receipts arid purchased almost everything by 9:30 o'clock In the morning. Among the sales' was a: deck of spring iambs, bring ing $8.26. and a load of corn fed shorn lambs, 'that sold for $7.00. Two small bunches , of' fat ewes and feeding ewes brOught3.7 and $2.25, respectively. Receipts were small for a Wednesday, as only, seven cars, or 1,750 head, were re ported in. 'This is about 700 less than a week ago and 2.329 head short of the cor responding day a year ago. 'For the first three days of the week supply amounts to no more 'than 11,500 head, being about 3,300 head less than for the same time a year ago. As noted above,' the supply this 'mofnlng showed no improvement in quality "over the shipments arriving here for several -weeks Back. . Quotations on sheep and lambs: Spring .lambs, 36.758.75; shorn lajnbs, $6.60(37. S5; shorn yearlings, $5.00i5.d0; shorn wethers, $1.504.S0; shorn ewes, $25o 424.50. s, Representative sales: No.v ' " - ' 36 shorn ewes 34 native spring lambs 10 ewes, culls 69 shorn. ewes 24 spring lambs 33 shorn ewes 39 shorn lambs 431 Idaho wethers 161 Idaho wethers, culls Av. 9t 63 ,.96 93 68 , 77 , 71 Pr; 3 85 8 25 200 3 75 7 75 3 60 6 00 4 75 3 25 78 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Strong- Hogs . . . ' and Sheep Weak. .CHICAGO, June 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 19,600 head; market strong, steady to lower; beeves, $5.759.55; Texas steers, 6.0O&7.60; , western steers, $6.30(8.30; stockers and feeders, 34.00(6.60; cows anu heifers,. $2.60&7.90; calves, $5.508.50. .HOGS-Recelpts, 31,000 head; market weak, mostly 10c lower; llgnt, 37.iA8"-'; mixed, $7.o7.52to; heavy, $7.10's7.5i; rough, 3J7.10Cai.25; pigs, $5.20i36.$0; bum ot sales, $7.36ii.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 28,000 head; market weak, 20Cg40c lower; native, $3utKi5.rO; western, $.J.25&5.15; yearlings, $4.75(&677B; lambs, native, ts.loftfl .'; west ern, $4.26$7.80; springs, 34.75S-8.65. ' Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSA3 -CITY, June 26. CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 head, including 2,u0il south erns;, market steady to weak; . dressed beet and export steers, $S.4iksw.u0; lair to good, 6ti.5iKijfc.25; western steers, o.'u'iiy.tw; stockers and feeders, t4.5O0j7.uu; soumtiii steers, 35.0U&8.5U; southern cows, Jj.ict 6.00; -native cows, $a.507.0u; native neii-et-8, $5.25(a8.90; bulls, e4.WXij5.75; calves, 4.w88.00. . . . . . Huus Receipts, 10,000 head; market 5 10C tower; bulk ot sales, Ji.Wy-i.bU, heavy, $i.56j,7.65; packers and outoiers, t.4j'i.5; lights. 41.7.50; pigs, 4u.vj4j 6.75. - -bHEEP AND '"US Receipts. C.COj head; markekt steady to 15c lower; lamos, $6.5068.50; yearlings, $4.76S.U0: ' wet. .era, t.ut.fto.uo; ewes, ei.j0iij4.2o; stockers anu feeders, $3.004.00. St.' Loals Live Stock Market. ST. 1X)UIS. June 26. CATTLE- Re ceipts," 4,500 head, tnctuding 1,60 sotim ei ns;-market. 15c lower; native 'shipping and export 'steers. 8.uw9..ju; dresseu utiu butcher steers, $6.6ui!.ati: Blockers ana lteders, 33.50Jj6.75; cows and heifers. .,5 iiS.uO; canners, $3.508 .50; bulls, $4.26'g6.&u; cslvts, 36.25tjs.Oo; southern steers, o.5u& Vio:-ewWs and heifers, 4.i5(ft!l.so. . MOUS Receipts, ,4uO neau; market 10c lower; pigs and lights. ..357.50; mixed and butchers, $7.357.oo; good heavy, ki.oO 4i.70. ... ! 1 jiHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7,100 head; market 102oc lower; muttons. i.7o t.w, lambs, 35.ouCcc8.5o; culls and bucks, $1.60443.00; stockers, v25&3.25. . 8t. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 26. CATTLE Receipts, 1,900 head; market slow; steers, $6.T3$S.25; -cows and belters, $3.25$.0u; calves, -34.i6S8.O0. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market 5 10c lower; top, $7.65; bulk ot sales, $7.45tj 7.60. ' . ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,400 head; market slow; lambs, $7.0O8.75. Stock la Sight. ( Receipts of live stock at the five Clpal western market yesterday: prln heep. 1...U 3.4U0 . 6.UU9 7.100 28,0U6 South-Omaha '. St. Joseph Kansas-City ... St. Louis ...... Chicago. .. Totals 2.500 14.7H0 , 1,851 6,000 4.500 19,500 8000 lU.tOJ . 8.400 31,000 , 34,300 72.100 . 46,250 AFFAIRS AT SOOTH OHABA Armour'i "Tubes" Are the TaiK 01 j Packing Town Employes, NEW PNEUMATICS INSTALLED Child Burned Severely In Fire Started by Cracker Youa Woman Rider Injured In Collision. If, as Paddy Martins chef says, you would be distinctly "come 11 fault" with Ed Kohansky head of Armour's telegraph and telephone system, the proper stunt is to inquire after his "tubes." Not that the amiable official is at all af flicted with any disturbance of his own tubular system. Not at all. But Ed's greatest pride nowadays Is the new pneumatic tube system just installed in Armour's. As told in The Bee some weeks ago General Manager R. C. Howe has added the pneumatic system to the conveniences and modern equip ment of the plant. Ed. Kohansky, super intendent of the Armour telegraph system, took the word from the general manager and now there are sixty-five hundred feet of pneumatic tubing through various parts of the house. The longest single tube is about 1400 feet and It takes a message just thirty seconds to go that distance. An order comes In through the telegraph department and superinten dent Kohansky just slips It Into the tube and away it goes through the dif ferent departments until thirty seconds later when the farthest station responds and the shippers take charge ot It. There are nine tubes altogether some ingoing that is bringing the mes sages from the departments to the main office and some outgoing bringing word from the main office to the most remote section of the big plant. The peculiar part of the whole business Is that it takes only about one pound of air to drive a leather cylinder from the base ment of one building to the attic of another hundreds of feet away. The system is regarded by General Manager Howe as one of the best time savers in the plant. Also It prevents mistakes in orders, does away with unnecessary de lays. Kohansky looks upon the new system as his own special work and he watches and studies it daily and hourly with an eye to improvement. OorncU by Firecracker. - While playing with a firecracker yes terday in the rear of her home at Thirty sixth and Q streets, Mary Ann Dean, aged 3 years, was seriously burned about the body. The little one had been play ing with the- explosives unknown to her parents. Fire from a burning cracker caught the thin dress of The child and wrapped her In a sheet of flames. Shi was attended by Dr. E. I De Lanney, who ordered her removed to the South Omaha hospital, where her condition Is said to be serious. Scalds Prove Fatal. Almost at ' the same time Calagera Catella of 816V4 North Twenty-eighth street was brought into the hospital suf fering from burns sustained a week ago, when she fell backwards into a tub of boiling water. The little one was 17 months old and was playing about the house, when In some manner she stum bled backward Into ' a tub of boiling water. . Simple remedies were employed until yesterday, when Dr. E. L. De Lan ney was called. Although taken to the hospital at once by the doctor's orders, ' the baby died yesterday evening. Miss Edna Watson of 1603 Leaven worth street, Omaha was thrown from her horse and seriously Injured about the head and body yesterday evening when a runaway horse attached toOrkln Brothers wagon collided with her mount at Twenty-ourth and H streets. Miss Watson is attached to the Mid West Carnival company and was out riding in gypsy costume when the Orktn Brothers delivery wagon collided with her horse. The animal thrown to the ground rolled upon Miss Watson inflicting se rious Injuries to her head, body and limbs. She was attended by Doctor F. . O. Beck who sent her to the South Omaha hospital where her condition Is said to be serious. .Ma (4 If City Gossip. For Rent Seven-room modern house, 1425 Twenty-third street. Call 1472. Superior lodge Degree of Honor meets Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock for the election of officers. Mrs. Fred Evans and Miss Grace Spie of Des Moines are guests at the home of Miss Sple's uncle, J. C. Christie, 1308 horth Twenty-fourth street. The North side Ladle's Aid Society of the Lefler Memorial church, will give a tea at the home of Mrs. P. J. Altman, 1319 Z street, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. P. E. McGovern was host last night at a novel entertainment given to a number of young people who gathered at the McGovern home 1317 north Twentv elghth street. The affair was In the nature of a bachelor's party and the popular post office man carried off ths honors of the evening as an entertainer Refreshments were served and the party concluded with an impromptu dance The favors of the evening were red carna tions. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits NEW yORK, June 26. EVA PORATED APPLES-Steady, with a small jobbing trade; on the spot fancy, 9!410J4c; choice 8(&!lc; prime, 7Vi(d"c. DRIED FRUITS -Prunes, dull and largely nominal. Apricots, choice, lvm Vic; lancy, l14c. Peaches, dull and barely steady; choice, 7fi84c; extra choice. MiSVie; fency, 8V4(5)l0c. Raisins quiet and nominally unchanged; loose muscatels, 56c; choice to fancy seeded SVijec; seedless, oaOVic; London lay ers, 31.40Q1.45. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June 26.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet: middling uplands 1160c middling gulf. 11.85c. No sales. Cotton futures cosed steady. Closing bids: June, 11.10c; July, U.16c; August 11.25c; September, 11.33c; October 1144c November. 11.48c; December, 11.53c- Janu aiy, 11.48c; February, 11.50c; March 1158c April, 11.60c; May, 11.66c. ' ' LIVERPOOL, June 26.-COTTON-closing. spot In fair demand; prices 1 point higiier to 1 point lower; American middling fair, 7.23d; good middling 6 91ri middling. 6.63d; low middling, 6.33d- good ordinary 5.91 d; ordinary, 5.43d; sales. 8 000 bales. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. June 26. HAT No. !. lianaa 14.00; No. 2. 311.013.00; No. 3, 39.901LOO- Sno4l2.0allng' ,14 0015(K,: No' 1 lowland! Oils and Rosin. SAVANNAH. June 26. TURPENTINE -Firm. 4iia45e. 1"n type Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., June 26.-WOOL- ,?y:terr Uo"? and weRtern mediums, 16Wc; fine mediums, 1517c; fine. I015c. Am. lob. it vMK. T. C gea. to-. i