Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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High - Temperatures in Canadian
No th west Cause Scare.
However, the Aercaa Is Very Lareje
and with Good FoHac Weather
, the Early Setbacks Might
Be Overcome,
OMAHA. June 25, 1912.
All wheat markets have more or lew
cf a scare over high temperature In the
Canadian northwest
Late advices, however, from spring'
whfriit states were mostly , favorable.
Harm weather prevalllBS such, as Is
i:edcd after the late liberal rains In
that section. A very nervous market
must be expected for some time, as
tcaien of more or less magnitude will be
In evidence. . .
Ileports from the corn belt are not very
flattering. The crop was planted late and
fcrowth to date is disappointing. How
ever, the screage Is very large and with
fe-ootl forcing weather early setbacks
might easily be overcome.
iry, hot weather reports from the
northwest opened : wheat strong and
higher, llain . Is needed badly for the
Miring wheat crop. Cash wheat waa un
cnanged. Com was strong and higher with
wheat and unfavorable crop reports.
Voicing weather Is needed to advance
ttii late planted acreage. Cash corn was
c lower to o higher.
miliary wheat, receipts were 624,0C
lutht;) and shlpmenu were 430,000 bush
1 b. against . receipts last year .of 806,010
bushels end shipmenU of 42,00O bushels.
1'rlmnry cor receipts were 1,X76,000
bnshels and shlpmenu were 1,131,000 bush
els, against receipts last year of 1.537,000
bushels and shipments of 888,000 bushels.
Clearances were 6,000. bushels, of corn,
none of oats and wheat and flour equal
to 3C,000 bushels. " "'
Liverpool closed 31ie,d higher on
wheat and WPAA higher on corn.
The following cash sales were reported
Wheat: No. 2 hard, 1 car, U.07H. No.
hard, 1 car, 1.06V; 1 car, J1.06. Corn: No.
i white. 2 cars, 77c; 1 car, 7flHc. No. 4
white, t cars, 74c. No. 4 color, 1 car, 74c.
Ne. t yellow, 4 cars, 72Hc. No. 4 yellow,
1 car, 70Vc. No. mixed, 4 cars, Tlfec.
No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 70c. No grade, 1 csr,
Wic; 1 car, 65c. Oats: No. S white. 1 ear,
41e; 2 cars, 4c. No. 4 white, 1 car, 484e;
1 car, 4Vjc.
Omabs Cash Prices. .
WHEAT No. I hard, I1.W1.08; No.
hard, $1.061.7; No. 4 hard, fl.oa81.04.
CORN No. 2 white, 7777V4jc; No. .1
white, 76H477c; No, 4 white, 7MrS74c: No.
3 yellow, 12&nc; No. S yellow, 72
7:Hc; Na t yellow, 70jWMei No. 2,
72c: No. s, 7H47lHc; No.. 4, WyHilOe; no
grade, 466c.
OATS-No. 2 white. 4W,(5H9;c; standard,
4!H4fttc; No. t white, WgMici No. 4
white. 47H484e.
BARLEY Malting, Stc1.18; 1 No."
feed, 60070c; heavy feed, 70H0o.-'
, RYE-No.f 2, 80681c; No. S, 7980c ,
. Carlot Receipts..
, Wheat , Corn. Oats.
Chicsgo .......
Omaha "..
Duluth ........
... 17
... W ,
.'.. '63 y
reatnres of the Tradlac Clealac
- Prices Board of Trad. '
CHICAGO, June 25 VV neat prices rose
today In response to crop damage news
from the northwest on both side of the
Canadian Una. The close waa steady,
,t$c to KUo higher than Saturday.
Cum finished unchanged - to Ma up,
uata varying from a shade off to a shade
advance and provisions at 60 to !0UMrC
decline. .
Although bullish sentiment prevailed In
the' wheat pit, the orowd did not seem
much inclined to add largely to previous
holdings. In fact, It took only a little
in the way of realising of profits to bring
about quite a sag from the high point
of: the bulge, iixcessivs heat and the
absence of moisture were held responsi
ble for the alleged deterioration In the
ern wine wheat northwest. - One dispatch
stated that , the damage amounted to 10
per cent In tla Red river, valley, Minn:
suta. " . t .
On the other hand, there was good har
vest weather for wheat in Kansas ana
Oklahoma, so that the market . proved
by no means a one-sided affair.
Corn advanced in sympathy with wheat
The weather, however, was nearly per
f.uit in all directions, a fact that tempted
sufiie prominent holders to unload. Sep
tember ranged from n71le to Ti'A
Tj.c, closing easy at 72c, unchanged from
Saturday night. Cash grades were In
better demand. No. 2 yellow was quoted
. mi ;Mf7alc. . 1 .!
Accumulated receipts made the oats
market relatively wean. Beptemoer
swung between 4040ttc and 40MC with
Rather free selling on the part of a
big' packing concern had a depressing
ertect on provisions, wnen me day enaea
pork was expensive by 10fljVo and
the rest of the list down oc to iwiw.
Futures range as follows:
Article! Open-I Hlgh-I Low. Close-! Tss'y.
Wheat ' T - I I
July. 1 OTHH 1 07 1 WH 107106
Sept. 104H61 1 044 1 044H 1 08V. 1 04's
Dec.. 100W 108 1 0510&Mi 104
Cotn 1
Jflly. 737St4 'SVil 7273Mi , Wk
Sept-hm. 72W 71 72 ' 72
Uea.6S5J3H 63l 62 63 Cl
Cats 1 ,
JUIy. mm 49H 4S 48' 49 "
Hept. 40 4OV404O 4H404
Dec.. UV 41H 41 41la 41
Ftk . I -
July. 18 62-65 18 65 18 47i 18 67H 18 87-70
Sept. 18 80 18 86 18 82Vi 18 80 19 08-02
Oct.. U SO 18 80 18 76-7718 75-77 . .......
( Lard 1 .
Jply. 10 80 10 85 10 80 10 82V 10 90-82
Sept. 11 06-07 11 0754 11 00 11 02 11 10
Oct... U 16 11 15 11 10 11 10-U 11 174i
Mos r ' r -, -
July . I 10 40 110 42-45 10 40 . 10 42ft 10 47-60
Sept. 10 60 I 10 65 10 60 10 60 10 66
("ash Quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 85.00
J.3t winter straights, t4,096.86; spring
patent. t5.05&50; spring straights, t4.80$
MHk' bakers, n.wan.w.
KYE-No. 2. KfiSSc
. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 6073o; fair
to choice malting. SOcSf 1.06.
BEKDB-Timothy, tV.OO&8.60; cloover,
FROV18ION8-Mess pork, tl.62Vi18.75
laid (In tierces). tlO.80; short ribs (loose),
Lje.00 lew:
Total clearance of wheat and flour
were equal to 366.000 bushels. Primary
Were eaual to 34i.000 bushels . Prinamv
receipts were 624.000 bushels, compared
with 806,000 bushels the corresponding
day a year ago. The visible .supply of
wheat In the united HUtes decreased
1,618,000 bushels for the week. Estimated
receipts for tomorrow, wheat. 80 cars
torn. 657 cars; oats, 844 ears; hogs, 28,000
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
tl.0iHl t '. no. red. ii.uMtwi.w; no.
2 hard, .S1-06M&1.08; No. 2 hard, tl.04&
1m:-. No. 1 northern. tl.144Bl.17: No. 2
nurthwn. fl. 13(61. 15; No. 3 northern, 81.07
fa.1.11: No. 2 sntint.; No. I soring,
It.u4ft-I.12; No. 4 spring, tl.00fil.lo; velvet
chair,. fi.wQl.u; flurum, i.wrgi.t. corn
o. i, 735.4c; no. z wnite, 7.W77V4C; no.
.. . . ..... -r.;,.-fcii- -Ma s nAt7jri v
white, Ttstt'c; No. 8 yellow, 744f74"c;
lio. 4. 6!rh70c; No. 4 white, 72H.5c; No.
yellow, 71&734c OaU: No. 2 white, 63
b,4vc; No. s wnite. azwjMW'c; o.
wnite. oiai2Vic: atandafu. swtiatc.
Rye. No. 2, 82SS3C Barley. 69ctl.05.
Timothy seed, t..w-5a' Cwver seed,
BU'tTER-Steady; creameries, 23026c
dairies, 2124c.
VEAL Steady. 8Uc.
EGGS Firm; receipts, 23.41S cases; at
mark, cases Included,. 16Q17; . ordinary
tlrsts. 17c: iirsU. I8K0.
CMEKSB steady: daisies. lS&lSUc
- twins, 1414c; young Americas, 14)
Lc; long horns, 1WJ16C
r-OTATOES-K&sler: receinU: old.
cars; new, 40 cars; new, H.2O01.S0; old,
fww; imrreied stock. Hksa,e.
POULTRY-Allva, steady: turkeys, 12c
vmcens, Uftc; springs, waaic
'-. MiaaeapolU Grata Market.
July. tLUH: Beptember, 8106; Decern
bar. tl6; cash. No. I hard, 81 U; No. 1
northern, tLUt; No. 2 notrbera, tLU
o. 6, tuafl..
CORN No, 8 yellow, 72y73,
OATS No. t white. 4Mj4Be.
RYE No. 2. 78ty74c
', Mllwaake Urala Market,
-No. 1 northern, No. 1 north
ern, tl.UM91.16K; No. 2 hard Inter, VSM
11; July, il.w; septemDer, i.'Jo"7 w
OATS No.; 3 yellow. .7ici No. 3 white.
6fl76i4c:.No. t. 72fl73HcLjuly, 7Se; Sep
tember, ,.72Hc.., . ... -
OATS-tandard. 63W4c. .
BARUSr-llaltlng, 88ctl.06. .
Qeotatloas - of the JDay-ea VA-ftwas
, - Cossmodltles.
N-rv r Tnntf . inm 25. FLOUR
Steariy;spring patents, tC60(ft5.90s winter
straights. $S.16625; winter patents, 1.40
CS.60; spring "desrs, HWt-W:' ' winter
extras. No., 1, 4.304.35; winter extras.
No.' ,2, 'tU04.20; Kansas straights, to. 10 Rye flour steady; .fair , to good,
t4.7lS0O; choice to fancy, tS.106-2S.
CDRNMEAL Stead y ; fine - white and
yellow, $1:701.75; coarse, tL621.70; kiln
dried, U.Q .
IjARLMT tjuiet; malting, fuumi-a; c.
f Buffalo. ' - -
TV'iHEATvSDOt market Irregular: No? t
red, 1.18, . elevator, domestic, basis, to. ar
rive, and export,' tl.HK, t. o. , b. afloat;
No 1 northern Duluth, . 11.24V, t. o. b.
afloat. .-Futures market was. easier under
profit-taking and Influenced by prospects
of 'mare, favorable weather In the north-
wkt.h, clnalna- lifiMLc - net ' lower.' - Julv.
tl. t-imi4Vi, closed at .14i4; Beptem-
her,,; closed at n.iu; epiem
ber,dOed af tl.lOH. Receipts, 45,600 bu.;
shl8mJitii,.60,7r bu. f 4 x .'
CHEESE-Steady: receipts. 6.792 boxes:
statt, whole milk, new, white or colored,
specials, 15e; skims, 3sjl3c.
KQOB Steady;, receipt, 27,201 cises
fresh? gathered, . extra, 22Kc; extra
nrscs, , zw2io;. rims, lamvw,., western
gathered whit,' tSQtSc ' ' '
BUTTER-Steady; receipts. ' XOi tubs;
26Kc;, seconds, 25Q2Wc; , thirds, U&W.te;
prihie(M92Sc.f - 14 ' . " '
liQULTKY Dressed. firm: , ' wesUrn
broilers, 232c; fowls, 1315;. turkeys,
,1- - . f . II- '
Cora and Wheat Recto BtilletU.'
United' SUtes-DeDartment' of Asrrioul-
ture, .weather bureuu bulletin ; for th
twenty-tour hours ending at 8 a. m.. 74th
meriaian ume, 'Tuesday, June ,'isu:
' i -Temp. Rilh- '
Stations. High. Low. tail. Sky.
Ashland,' Neb.. 85 66
Auburn. Neb... 86 66
Clear '
Clear .
Clear ,
Clear -Clear
Clear ,
Clear "
Clear .
Broken-Bow .. 85 6i
Columbus, .Neb. 86 . 63
Ctilbertson, Nb. 86 ' 60
rairnuryv neo. m m
Fairmont. Neb. 83 x 63
Or. Uland., Nb. 86 , 66
Hartington, now -Hastings,
-Nell.. 84 1 62
Holdrege, Neb. 84
Unooln. ti Neb... 86 68
Nd. Platte. Nb 86 .64
OakdfiJtf Neb.. 87 ,' 68
Omaha,. Neb.... 86 64
Te'aitiah,.,Neb. ,88 v w ;
Valentine, Nb. 82 , 60
Alt&, Ua... 86, 67
Cftfroll, !..."8t- 66
.00' .Clear
.08 Clear
.Op i Clear -i k
.00 Clear. .
. ClsAr .
.06 Clear
.00 '..Clear -r
.00 Clear .
Ciarina,..u.... w ,64
Sibley.- .la....... 85 ' 63
Sldux City. la- 88 ' 64
.00, .. Clear
Sfkiimdm temperature for twelve-hour
period" ending at t p. 'in. ' ot niUiUJiil.
n , averajes., t v ; . s n;.-. , .-.. .
CantriL-'. BtatloWHIMh,
Columbug, .0.'..;. 18 v SI'4 M
Louiviiw,vy...Jz, tei i.n
84.'. f-Bt' ? ...5
U ' W .00
St.'Loul. Mo... l .84 ' -6 "' ,.
Desnoines,-la. 28 -- 86 -M . .
MmntapotisJ .... 4 w -, w ' '..w
ltan.. city. Mo. 88. . .00
Omaha,-, N4b..... 17 - 86 f, ; J. .09
Thf? 'weather is . slightly'" warmer
Shrduthout the corn- and wheat region.
Jgw hoersoccurred ln the Louisville
liatrlet,. '.., ..;';. '.'Uki-t
: L'dcal Forecestor. Weather Bureau. V
. . .
lt. I.oals Geaeral Mark., i i
bt i miiii l,i. c WURl AT T'aah
Steady;-track, JNo. 2 red, tl.0S1.0(rti; No.
hard, ti.OTW.iWfc. ' .
CORN-Hlther: track. No. 1 ,76c;tNo. 2
white.-W981c.' .- : ' ".-j. 'v."'
OATS-Hlgher; . track, no. 'i,.4wvio;
No.-' 2 white, Mho. - - . .
RTS-Unctianged, at kc. x i
Closlha nrtces of futures:- .
W1TEAT Lower: July. nTiiiSeptem.
r, u.ayjBWi.wnk.'.
coRN-steaay; juiy, toc; Bepwmoer,
Oat a Lower; - July. 47o; September,
FLOmu-Domestla trade light:. red win
ten patents, 85.108. 60; extra fancy and
itraight, t.80(S6.O0; hard .winter, clears,
SEBD-Timotny.H iro.w. -
mRNMHAL-83.60. ; ..
BKAN-FJrm; sacked, .east.track, 9L06A
HAT - Declining; timothy, ; ti.i5i.B;
prairie,. buwkw,,. , ) . j -.
PROVISION'S-Pork. , unchanged;. Job
blng, '-UMb.' 'Lard, unchanged t. prime
steam; flO.10ilO.lK. Dry- meats,' un
changed; .boxed extra snorts, ioc;rcJear
rlbe, 04c;, short clears,- lie. Bacon, un
changed;, boxed extra shqtt,(ll4c; clear
rins. (Hk anon clears, ijc.
. POULTT tjuiet; cnicnens,'i tiic;
ipMntt,' 2224c;- turkeys, , 14H; ducks, ( 11
rJi'Trrjn uuiet; creamery, iuta-ns.
EQGS-Steady, at '17c
Recelbts. Shipments
... .6,500 ' 8,000
... ' , ; lt.floo
... 66.000 ' 40,0i
Wheat ?..V.
... 87,000 . . 66,000
Kansas City Grata and Provisions.
KANSAS "'.CITY, June ' 25. WHEAT
Unchnea:.'No. z nara. ii.wvjWi tiiH. no.
I ti.88mn.l34; Wo.! red,' tiooM'MOH;
CORN-Uhchanged to ML higher; No. 2
mlx-ea,"7!m(B76c; No. 8, -71&74c; 'No. -2
white, wiiWTSc; no. i.'Tio: - - ,
. OATS-MJnohahged; Nd.t I .white," 480
50Hc;, No. -2 mixed,-. 4747c.r . !
HAY-StrOnger: choice timothy, -21tt22e;
choice prkirie, fl4.00$ti6.oo.
1'ioainSvDrices or ruturet:
WHEAT-July. 99'4ctl.00: September.
98c; uecemoer, .
fnHN-Julv. . , ' September.
68f 6e: , Decemher, Ni8VjC. : .
uats juiy, H(B,'ic; 4 Beptemoer,
two: .--. . ' .'
butter creamery, ic; firsts, ao;
seconds,; 20c; '.packing stock, 80c.- ' .,
KGOSr-Extras, 20c;. firsts, 18c; .seconds,
14C. . ,1 4'i - S
. -. RtiMlMa. Kh!nnta.
Wheat. -bu'. ' . . -28.000
Corft. JU,........... t.l7,000 ; 28.14)
Oats, bu.V..'.......... 8.000 - ,.
' , .IverYdorOrath '9fre. ' " s;
hjfrvv sy.v wiua ,nvuiin if mvi
8s 6Vid; NO.'Z Hamtota, m sa; ncv i Mn
ituba7s ll4d: futures. Itront: JulV.- U
rid;- October, 7s 6d; December, 7 bi. -
. cORN-spot American mixed, no stock;
new-American, kiln dried, easy; 6s
futures steady;' July, 6s Sad; September,
jaj.-.. ,-, r - i -v.
i ','' :' Cwttoa Market.
: NEW: YORK. June 25.-COTTON-The
mai xei was teas .active late in tne rore
noon; but while realising was heavy
enough to send prices off ,2 to 3 points
irom tne oesi, tne utiaercone continued
very s,tady and active m8nth! were
10 points, net higher at midday.'. Bpot
8 . ' quiet ; . middling uplands, - 11.66c,
mtnal. -' 1 - . .
no ml
COTTON Futures closed' steady. , dir..
ins1: bids: June, 11.14c; July. U.lbV;t Aug
ust. u.jic; Ptptemoer. ii,ci . Uctober,
11.48o: November. 11.53c: December, nine:
JatiMary. ll.54c' ; February, .1168c; March,
H.56fc;r May, U.78c... ,.;. ,:.'.;
-. L.1VERPOOU Jpne 25.-COTTON-pot
in itstr demand?, prices 4 points higher;
American middling, 7d; fair, 7.24d; mid
dlihtf, 90d; .rplddlint, ItWd; low m d
fllmg, 8.84d; . goodc brdlnafy; MU;', ordl
boiy. 6-44d. Sales. 2,000 bales. t
v " 'l " 1 - V-
.l h - ml. -HnrlttC -- ."'.-''! '.
BpSTON. June S5.-WOOL-The cite In
the price of domestic wool oontlnuet bfttlt
in the east, and In the, west. TradlhgMt
reported in ' ail - grades, ; especially in
Ilee. . In. Ohio . and '. Pennsylvania
medium, fleer are soiling at 87c - while
Montana brinks ' X8c DeeJerm,. hOwereN
report ths . nwket choUc as to prices-The-ne
Clip. Is being, closed top in short
order tmhi iskaflufaRtureni are. bidding ae
Urely,. In .the v belief , that 1 higher .prices
soon wtll prevail. Dealers estimate thut
Lbe shortAge of this year's .clip will reach
lit cent J- ..,. rv . ' ...
' ST. LOpia,. "Mo.,' Juhel .-tOo,
Steady;' territory and wfestem mediums,
16t18e;.nn mediums, 18417c; fine; WtJlic.
; Key' to thV ffituaUon Bet Advertising.
' ..... .... , .. '.-,,- r. . t
Movement Even More Dull Than on
Previoui Day.
Copper Shares Oaee More Uader
Pressare by Reasoa of Highly
gpeealatlve Conditions la
Metal Trade.
NEW YORK. June 25,-In practically
every essential feature today's stock mar
ket repeated yesterday s periormam:c,
with the exception that the movement
was duller and the undertone more heavy.
Lowest prices were registered In the
morning, after which some slight hard
ening was observed, but the outcome war
relatively unimportant
Less attention waa devoted to politics
and more to crops and general trade con
ditions. Continued sunny weather in the
northwest is benefiting all cereal growths
in that section, and Uie railroads are
making ready to move the expected heavy
tonnage, x Copper shares were once mom
under pressure by reason of the highly
speculative conditions now prevailing In
the metal trade here and abroad. i
The Atchison road submitted a very
fovtrahi rsnnrt nf sai-nlnes for May., the
net increasing by t61,O0O, which was made
possible to a great extent by a saving of
J 230,000 In operating expenses. The South
ern railway made a net gain for the same
month of t3,000. t.
k ..nnmMt was made after the close
of the market of the declaration of the
regular quarterly dividend on Anaconda
RnnHa were lrresutar. Total sales, par
value, t2,074,000. United States government
bonds were unchanged on call. "
Number of sales and leading quotations
i stocks were as follows:
gWtatsW falfcla. iww viv-i.
Alili-Chlmri pfd ...
Amalsaatatad Capper ,
li.MK 1&14
Amarlcau Arieuluira! .. ...... .....
Aoxricaa boat Bus.... l.u 1i
Amwhan.UM fclW .
AmarlcLn C. a. 3
America UXtua Oil.....
AmwIcAs M. 4 1 pie
et 6ta
..... 24
41j 414a
Am. tt SMurltlM
Amtrlcu loooraotiM ...
Am. . . K. pfo ....
Am. '8u Hiadrta
Am. Sugar kenning......
Amarlcan T. T. .......
1,200 04 - 04 S4e
ieo i7Vk wi '"
loo M M sa
1,100 la 1
M 144 146 1
4.900 44 Vk 3
1,700 1IM Vhk
..... iaa
00 10814 laVt llMfc
IDO Uta U i
1,000 t?t4 av
l.ouo ItHi Z6t M
lot K 34 . '.I
toe n 771 rn
00 17 17 17
, 1
MO 104ti 103 104
",'ioe 'iiii tiv t
M0 140 140 140
700 It 16 1
loo . lot 1" . 17
700 It 18 It
200 t6 t6fc tt
XOO U t . 8
t.000 4 Ml M,
' 41
400 171 1.1 1.0
1,000 US Itt 13H
m 41 41 41
I, 100 SO 1 '20
400 M 67 W
SOP 117 117 117
.) 1 lw
....u It
...... ..... ..... . ao
...... .... ,.. is
...... ..... ..... '
' tOO 168 167, 161
S00 144 144 144
tOO S7 17 18
...a W4
'tooi 'si 'iiii; t
, 164
tW 63 17 7
' 80
1,000 117; 114 117
100 S4 4 t4
II, 000 lit US 113
600 : 12 m
l,ooo lto u lit
tot u tt ts
l.loo us s lis
200 us its 11S
601 10S 1M 107
Amiric4Ui TuMeoo pra...
Americaa Woolen
Anaceoda Mining l
Ateblaon (
Auhlaos pt4
Atlantic- Uoaat Una......
baltimora onto
Bethlahem iKiwl ...
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian pacific
Caatral -Uatnar
Cantral Laathar pfd
(Antral ( Near Jeraay....
apeak Ohio
Cnieago Alton
Chicago 0. W.....
Chicago O.'W. pM
Chicago 4 N. W
Chicago, a. Bt- r...,
C, J., C. St. It
Colorado K.- it. I
Colorado a goutban
Conaolldated Oas
tent Froducte
Dalawara Huaaon
lMnrar ft Hlo UrSnde...
v. a n. a- pi
Dlatlllara'- securttlas ....
Krla lit ptd
Krl pld....
Oanersl Klactrlo
Onat Nortbars ptd......
Oraat Northarn Or etta..
llllaola Cantral
Interborough Mat. .......
InUr. . Mat. p!0
lntarnaiional HarraaUr.
Inter-Marina pM -
International Paper ......
International rump .....
Iowa Cantral t.
Kanaaa City Southars....
K. .C. so. pld
Udada Gas
Loulavllla waenYiiie..
Minn. St. Laula.......
hi., St. p. 8. S. M....
Mlaaourl, K. T
M , K. T.i pt..r
Idiaaourl Pacilla ,.
National Blaeuit
National' Lead
N, It.' K. of M U pfd..
Ntw York Cantral
N. Y.. O. W ....
Norfolk Waatars
North American
Northarri Pacing .
raoUlo Mail
People' I Oaa
p., c, u. t. u.......
PltUbuVgh Coal
Preaaed' Steel Car
, ftuO IS , 31
,, i ,.; 16
'400 ltl 11 160
" 100 S6Vs S6 36
41,600 1M IMS 106
. 100 14 24 24
Pullman. Palaaa Car......
Hallway Steal spring....
Rapubllo ial
Republic Steal pfd
7 7t s
14 14, 14
84 It S
Rock laland Oe.
Rock laland Co. pfd
St. U a S..P. 84 ptd...
St. Louie 8.' W
St. L. 8. W. pfd V..
Sloaa-Shedlald S. I ...
Southern Pacific
,., ss
..... 7t
64 64 64
100 10t 10H 109
Southern Railway .......
So. Railway pfd..........
700 17 17 "27
' :71Vi
IMO 4t 41 ' 43
Tenneeeee Copper
Taxaa Pacific
T.. St. L. W
T.. St.- L. ft W. Ptd
I'nloa Pacific ........
Union Paclfle pfd....
United SUUa Realty.
ll.tOO 141 147 148
1 10
tt - 46i t6
United . 8Utaa Rubber. . - tOO
United Btatea Steal 18,600 tt tt t
V. S. Steel" pfd...., 70S 110 110 110
Utah Copper 8.600 03 tt - tt
Va. -Carolina Chemical : .. ttm 41
1,700 4 '. 4
Wabaah pfd
Waatarn Maryland....
Weatlnghouee Klaetrle
Weatarn. Union ........
Wheeling, ft U 81
Uhtgh Valley
Chlno Copper ....,
Ray Conaolidatad . ...
Arterloan Tobacco'....
Seaboard Air Una...,
1,100 14 13
,ea. aa ,... V .
too ; 7S 71.
, 10.400 174 173 174
, 1.700 11, 13 13
1 0,600 11 11 11
, 1,400 8 116 ItS
, 100 16 16 St
Seaboard A. U pfd
tOO 64 64 64
Total aalaa for the day, w.eot aaam, ,
eidlYtdead. .
.Hew York Mooey Market.
rail ataadv. 2(S4 ner cent: - ruling rate.
2 per cent; .closlrig bid, 24 per cent;
offered at iV, per cent.
, TIME LOAN-nrmtr; 60 days, 8 per
cent; 80 days, 3&3 per cent; six months.
1. ner cent.
Der cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at 24.8475
for sixty-day . biiis, and 14.8720 lor de
mand. ,
SILVKR-Bar, 81e Mexican dollars,
48C. ' "" ' ' "
BONDS-Oovtrnmtnt, steady; railroad,
irregular. -Closing
quotations on bonds today were
as follows. -
V. S. ret. tt, rag... 100 'Japan 4a tt
do.counuoa 100 do 4a .'....!
V. 8. Sa. rag 101 K. C 80, 1st la... 71
do coupon 101 L. S. dee. 4a ltU.. 13
V. 8. 4a. rag 114 L. N. ant. 4a.... 8
do coupon U4 U. K. at T. 1st 4s.. M
Allla-Chai. 1st ta.. 41 do gen. 4a 17
n.. As. ta.. 101Mo. Paolflo 4a...... 71
A. T. a T. ct. 4a..U3aN K R of M 4a. t
Am. Tobacoa 4a.... MN. T. C g. ta.... S7
do ta dob. 4e IS
Armour Co.. 4t.. tt H. T. N. H. H.
Atrhiaoa aen. 4a.... tt . a ..Ill
do ct. 4a iwa.N. w. let a. 4a.. 08
da t.. ta..... 107 do ct. 4a... lit
A. C. U let 4a...., t4No. Pacific 4. , M
Bal. Ohio 4a...... 17 do ta tt
do Sa s. u. rrag. 4a.. St
da a W. 3a ... 10 Peas, e. ta Mil.. 17
Drank. Tr. ct. 4a... t do coa. 4a 10314
Can. of a. aa.....iwKeaain( sen. 4a..... tt
On. Leather 6a..... L 8 F fg 4a. 7
ai Sf N. J. s. la.. ISO . do gen. 6a 17
Cats. Ohio 4He..lO S. L. a. W. e. 4a. U
do ret. 6a da let gold 4a....
Chicago a A. SHa-. 8. A. L. 4a 0
C 14. a I. .... aeno. rap. eai. ..... 10
do gea. ta... ...... M do e. a ,... M
C M. A 8 P. e. ta let rat. 4a H
r. R. 1. P. . 4. so. Railway ta 107
oe rfg. 4a. t do gaa.V 4a.. 7t
Colo, lad. t. tt tnron Paclfle 44... .100
Colo. Mid. 4a tt do ct. 4a. 101
C. 8. r. a e. 4e M de let rat. 4a... to
D ft H. ct- 4s.'... tt O. 8. Rubber la..,.104
n A R. O. 4a MU. 8. Steel M at.. .101
dn ret. 6a.. ttVa.-Oar. Chra. 6a.. M
IIHIllera ta" T4 Wabaah tat ae. .107-
Brie 'a. I. 4a tt te let ft ax, 4s.... 71
do gen. "4s. Tt Warteril Md. 4a. M
de ct. 4a. aar. A.. at Waat Blec. ar. ta.. 4
earlae B, ...... TSHWie. Central ta 1
111. On. let r. 4a. tMo. Pc. t. ta.... 14
later. Met. 4a tt Panama Si 101
Inter, at. M. 4. tt
. Did, "Offered.
loadHleai of Treaaary.
' W A ?M I NGTON. D. C, June 25.-At the
beginning of business today the condition
of the United States treasury was: Work
ing balance In treasury offices. 8oO,47,962;
In banks and Philippine treasury, 8S0,
764.118. Total, of general I nited States
fund was 8136,906,&ia. Receipts yesterday
were 81.192,750. DUbursements -were 1T24.
745. Surplus to date this fiscal year is
86,860.333, sB against a surplus of 818,384,386
at this time last year. . These figures ex
clude Panama canal and public debt
' Boston Closinar Stocks.
BOSTON, June 25. Closing quotations
on stocks today were:
Allouei .. Mohawk 7tt
Amal. Copper ...... i Nevada Con. 2144
A. Z. U ft S. 32Nlplaalng Minea ... 7
Arizona Com h North Butte 11
B. ft C. C. ft S. M. 7 North Lake
Cal. ft Aiiiona 76 Old Dominion St
1. ft Hecla........6B Oeceola 1
Cantannial X Qulnoy ,....!
Cop. Range C C... Shannon 1("4
East Butte C. M... ISUgupartor 47
Franklin 12 Superior ft B. M... 1
Gtroux Con. 514 Tamarack 44
Oranby Con. I. U V. 8. 8. R. ft M... 44H
Oreene Cananaa .... 10V do pfd io
tela Royele Copper.. MUtah Con , 11
Kerr Lake
JltliUh Copper ua
SiV4Wlnona - ti
714Wolyertne U4Vi
n -
lake Copper
La, Sail Cbpper..
Miami Copper ...
Kew York Mining; Stocks.
NEW YORK, June 26.-Closing quota
tions on mining stocks were:
Alice UO Little Chief . ,
Com. Tunnel stock.. 10 Mexican
do bonda li Ontario
Cos.. Cal. ft Va..... M Ophlr ,...
Iron Sliver 1M Standard
LeadrlMe Con. .... 10 Yellow Jacket-
... I
... ae
London Stock Market.
IjONDON. June 25. American securi
ties were quiet and featureless through
out the session of the London stock ex
change today. Price movements ranged
from above to 4 below parity.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, June 25. Bank clearings for
today were 82,264,201.66 and for the corre
sponding day last year 81,861,840.86.
BUTTER No. 1,' 1-lb cartons, 27c; No.
1 in 60-lb tubs; 27c; No. 2, 25c; packing,
25c. "
OHEESB-Imported Swiss. 82c: 'Ameri
can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins,
17Ho; daisies, 18c; triplets, 18c; young
Americas, 20c; blue label brick.2 18c;
umnerger, Z-lb, Be; 1-1 D., 22c;
r'lati iiresn iroieni ncKerei. k;
white, 12c: pike, 12c; trout. 14c; large
crapples?. 12 15c; Spanish mackerel, ,18c;
eei, lac; naoaocKs,.. i&c; iiounaers, isc;
green. . cauish. ibe; rose shad 8bc each:
shad roe, per . pair, 46c; - salmon, 84c;
halibut,- 12c; yellow perch, 8c; buffalo,
8c; bullheads, 8V4c. v
TOULTKY-Broilej-s. I5.00O7.60. per dot.:
springs? 20c: hens. 15c: cocks. S(ti0o:
ducks, 18c;. geese, 15c; turkeys, 23c; pige
ons, per, aos. 11.60; Alive: Hens. 10c: old
roosters, 6 Vic; stags, 6V4c; old ducks, full
leatnerext lie; . geese, full ' feathered, 10c;
lurneys, mc; pigeons, per. dozen, wc;
homers. Per doz..- 82.60: sauabs. ' No. A.
81.60; No. 2. 60c. ... , v . .. . ,
VEaETABLES-Cabbage. California, lb..
20. Celery, . Michigan, per dos., SOo.
Cucumbers, , hot .house, . per box, 11.00.
Egg plant,- fancy Florida, per dos., 22.00.
Oarlic, extra lancj,- white, per dos., 15c.
Lettuce, extra fancy, leaf, per doz., 25c.
Onlnos, white Iff crate, A1.36; yellow, per
crate, turn. - rarsiey, . ranvy soutnern,
per dos. -. bunches,. iO&lio.: Potatoes.
Texas, new, per lb., 2c; Wisconsin white
stock,- per bu.,. 11.40. Tomatoes,. Texas,
per 4-basket carrier. $140. , . , s. -MISCELXANEOUS
.- Almonds, tarra
gons, per lb,, loflc; m sack lots, 1 less.
Cocoanuts, per sack, 84.00. Filberts, per
lb., 14c; in sack lots, lc less, feanuts,
roasted, in sack lots, 'per lb., 7Vo; roasted.
ess man sac iota, per id., sc; law, per
lb., 8c. Pecans, large, per , lb. . 17c;. In sack
lots,- lc less. Walnuts, new crop, 1912,
California, ner lb.. 17c: i In sack lota, la
less. Oder, per gal. Tod. '
BEEF CUT PRICEli-No. 1. ribs. 20o:
No. 2 ribs, 16c; No. 8 rlbt,' 13c; No..l
lotns, zzc: mo. 1 loins. uc: No. 8 loins.
16c; No. 1 chucks, c; No. 2 chucks, Sc;
140. s tnucKS, sc; no: l rounds. uc: No.
2 rounds, 13c; No. 3 rounds, 11; No. 1
plates, sc; xno. s piates, 7c; No. i
plates, 6Vc. -FRUITS.
ETC. Bananas. ( Vancv a.
lect, per bunch, $2.2o2.50; Jumbo, : per
bunob, J2.7&JJ3.75. Dates, Anchor brand,
new, 80 1-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, 82J5;
Dromedary brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. in
box, per box, $3.00. Figs, California, per
case of 12 No. 12 pkgs.. 85c; per case of
86 No. 12 pkgs., 82.50; per case of (0 No.
4 pkgs., $2.00; bulk, in 26 and 60-lb., boxes,
per lb., 10c; - new Turkish, 6-crown, In
20-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; 6-crown In 30-lb.
boxes, per lb 16c; 7-erown In 20-lb. boxes.
per lb., 17o. Lemons, Llmoniera selected
brand, extra fancy, 300-86U sizes, per box,
$6.60; Loma Llmoneira, fanCy, 300-360 sixes,
per dox, ao.wi wi siaea, uuo per oox
less; California, choice, 800-360 sizes, per
box, 84.50Q5.0U. Oranges, California Uon
brand, Navels, extra fancy, 86-120-160 sizes,
per box, 83.26; extra choice, all sizes, per
box, $8.00; Valencia oranges, all sizes, $3.75.
Pine apples, 80-86-24 sizes, per crate, 83.60.
Strawberries, Hood river, per case of 24
qts $300. California peaches, $1.60; Cali
fornia -aDrtcota. ll.o5. California cherries.
$1.60; home grown cherried, per crate of
24 jts., 11.76; home grown goose berries,
per crate or zt ots., b.z&. .wax Deans.
per bskt., $1.00; green beans, per btkt,
$1.00. California cantaloupes, 64-stae, $3.25.
California Watermelons, per lb., 2c
- . ' " r ..'.-'
Mertal Market.
per, dull; standard, spot and June, $16.76
(J17.S0; July, 216.87Vi17.S7; August and
September, 817.0017.S2H; electrolytic,
317.76, nominal; lake, $17.7517.87Vi; oast-,
Ing, $17.12H4317.25. Tin. unsettled; spot,
$47.2Sj8.2S; June, 247.0048.25; July, $46.26
146.76; August. $44.00(844.76. Lead, steady:
84. 40(4.50. Spelter, firmer; $7.06r7.3oV Anti
mony, quiet; cookson's, ss.oo. iron, steady
and unchanged.
copper arrivals at New .York , today
were 896 tons; exports this month,' 18,901
tons. London copper,, firm at 77 2s 6d;
futures. 78. Local sales of tin were 75
tons, spot and July.. London tin, firm;
spot 207 10s: futures. 188. Local sales
of lead were 260,000 pounds July. - London
lean quoted at 18. London spelter
quoted at 25 10s. Iron, Cleveland war
rents, 66s ld tn London.
ST. LOUIS. . June 26. METALS Lead.
firm, at 84.424. Spelter, strong, at 8s.9fVu)
Coffee . Market.
tures market opened steady at a decline
of 13 points In response to easier ca
bles. The Close was steady. Vm Points
net higher. . Sales were 61,600 bags. June,
1170c; July, 13.74c; August, 13.84c; Sep
tember, 13.94c; October, 13.89c; November,
14.0Sc ; December, 14.08c; January, 14.12c;
r eoruary, it.ooc; saarcn,- i4.ito; April,
14.17o; May, 14.19c. Havre unchanged to
i f. - lower. Hamburg unchanged to 4
pfg. lower. Rio, 50 rels lower, at 83726;
Santos, steady; 4s. 5 rels higher, at
$;; 7s, 60 rels higher, at 88000. Brazilian
port receipts lor two days were 24.U0U
bags, - against 17,000 bags last . year;
Jundlahy receipts for two days were 15,
000 bags, against 10. WO bags last year.
Today s. Santos came reported the mar
ket firm and unchanged. Sao. Paulo re
ceipts were 13.000 bags, against 18,000 bags
reported yesterday, spot coffee, steady;
Rio Na T. I4kc: No. 4. lc: mild, aulet:
voraova, ibvibc, nominal.
. x VIM hie Snply of Grata.-
NEW . TORK. June 25,-The visible
supply of grain in the United States
Saturday. - June 15, as complied by the
New xork Produce exchange . was
Wheat, 24.649.000 bushels; decrease,- 1,-
718.008 bushels. Wheat In bond. 3.464.
bushels; decrease, 741.000 bushels. - Corn,
8.781.008 bushels;- increase. 619,000 bushels.
Oats, 4,631,000 bushels; decrease.. 656,000
bushels. Oats in bond. 1,104,000 bushels;
decrease, 428,000 bushels. Rye, 459.000
bushels; decrease. 36,000 bushels. Barley,
586,000 bushels; decrease, 47.000 bushels.
Barley in- bond, 22,000 bushels; increase,
10,008 bushels,
The visible supply of wheat tn Canada
Saturday, June 23, was U.836,000 bushels,
a decrease of 841.W9 ousneis.
- v Sagar Market, '
NEW TORK. June 25. SUGAR Raw,
steady; muscovado, 88 test, 3.86c; centri
fugal, S3 test. 3.86c; molasses, 88 test, 3.11c;
rennea, easy. ' . ,
OmaJia Hay Market.
OMAHA. June 2S.-HAT-No. 1, $18.fl0ft
M.00; No. 2, 311.009U0O; No. '8, $8.(ttfi11.0f.
mo. l middling, H.(Wii5.rjo; No. 1 lowland,
$11.00112.00., ; , ...
Reftaed Saajmr Aaraln Hedaced.
NEW TORK. June 2E.-A1I grades Of
refined sugar were reduced lo cents a
hundred pounds today.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Beef Steers Steady, Other Kinds Ten
Cents Lower.
More aad Better Springe La nabs
Sale . Tkast' lot Sereral Daya
All Klads of Sheep and
Lambs Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. June 25, 1912.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Official Monday. 3,846 8,478 4.787
Estimate Tuesday .... 2,400 17,000 4)00
Two days this week.. 7,245 26,47s S887
Same days last week.. 8,023 13,433 2,371
Sdme days 2 weeks ago 2,507 ' 28,746 . lo.Si).
Same days 2 weeks ago 6.062 13 9M 11.406
Same days 4 weeks ago 7,724 27,320 1..5t4
Same days last year.. 7,644 18,431 10.7
The following table shows the rec-Vts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaiit
for the year to date as compared wuu
last year: ' - -
7 1812. r ISM. Inc. Pec
Cattle 417.088 480,013 .......' 62,126
Hogs ....... .L78,6be 1,843,426 '448,240
Sheep 881.314 . 747.W1. 143,383 ......
The following uble shows tns tange of.
prices for hogs at South Omaha for
the last few days, with comparisons:
Date. 1812. im.mO.lia.19oi.190;.1808.
17.1 7 IS
tttt S88
6 81 SSI
I 8 30
SS0 S42
6 a, 8 17
6 30 S 16
14 S 24
S 26
7 56 6 64i
7 63l 6 63 6 I
18. 7 2854
7 61 6 6j 6 W 3D
7 W 5 Ml 5 93. ti Jo
j S 66 6 8l( 30
7 63i i 6 i t
7 6S 6 77 6 91 6 3o
l.j 7 2
v.i i etw
21.( 7 4i
22.1 7 4Ti
i oo 9 ii
7 451 5 8i
7 N 6 82J 6 S
7 48 6 87 6 8
80) 6 35
; suuday. ;.:... -Receipts
and ' disposition of live stock
at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
for the twenty-tour hours ending at i
o'clock yesterday: . , . .
....... - RECEIPTS CARS. " '
.Cattle." Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. M. A St P...... . 8
Wabash 2
Missouri Paclfle... 3
' 66
17 '
6 -
: 244
Union Pacific...... U
C A N. W., east., 12
C. & N. W., west..- 7
C, St P.. M. O. 13
a, B. k. Q.. east.. 2U
C, B. & Q , west.. 25
c, k. i. At r., east 23
C, R. I. & P., west 1
Illinois -Central ... 1
C. G. W;.... 2
1 Total receipts.. 168
Omaha; Packing Co..'..,s 664 ' ' 2,437
Swift nd Company... 757 ,4,052
i,m . i,m
il03 1,123
845 : .....
Armour' & "Co.........
Schwartz. & Co......
Murphy ...............
Morrell ...............
Sinclair -...:....'......,
Armour, from K. C.
', ii
. l
endahy, from . K. J..
Benton; -Vaneant He L. 90 ..
Hill & Son ,. 103 .
F. F. Lewis .....f... ...... 62 .
Huston & Co...:...;.... - 71 1
J. H. Bulla 32; l.
U F. Htisx...:..-. v.;,-.. SS- .
Werthelraer eV Degen..' 13 -' .;
Sullivan Bros.'. 24 .
Krebs JO-.-
Other buyers 83 .
- 100
i Totals .4.157 !15,44
CATTLE Cattle . receipts " were quite
liberal again' today' making the total tor
the two days 7,246 head, . the largest' of
any similar period since four weeks ago
and only ' slightly smaller ' than' a year
ago;' '- " . ', '''. ', V '., .'".. ,
There were more fair to ' pretty 'good
beef steers ' on sale this ' morning ' than
have been seen .here for some time back
although there waa-nothing really choice
ur tancy' to make a hlgti. top... The de
mand tor this better, class of beef steers
was good' and the market opened steady.
After the first round or two, however,
It eased oft becoming a little lower even
on the best grades, while' the fair to
medium grades of cattle were slow to 10c
tower all day.-
Cows and, heifers being In more liberal
supply and the .market at this point be
ing very high as compared with other
points gave buyers au opportunity, to
bear prices with the result that the trade
on all classes of cow stuff was very slow
and dull and at least 10c lower than yes
terday. '
The receipts of feeders during the two
days . this - week have been somewhat
larger than was the case last week and
as there has been no appreciable Im
provement In the demand there has been
a tendency toward accumulation in the
hands of speculators. This always has a
weakening effect on the market and the
trade today was noticeably - slow 'while
prices were about 10c lower.
. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice
beef steers,. $8.60g)9.26; fair to good beef
steers, ' Sg.OO&toD; fair to . good beef
steers, 88.0W.9O; common, to fair beef
steers, 86.854jis.00; good , to choice heifers,
86.257.76; good to. choice cows, $6.606.3O;
fair to good cows,' S4.wgi(.w; common to
fair cows, $2.604JO; good to choice stock
ers ' and feeders,' $5.26.76; fair . to good
stockers and feeders, . $4.755.25; common
to fair stockers , and ' feeders, 84.264.76;
stock cows and 'heifers, t3.76g.25; veal
calves. K60i8.00;i bulls, .stags, etc., $4,000
7.00. ' : . V '-.',:.
Representative sales: - - --.
So. f," . At. ' - PrV No. .. ' At.; Ft. ;
7..:... .....lost -t ji , ioie'tet-
u. .. lost t oo st.
14S0. I 4
.....ioa t to
...1147 1 70 ,
.....low tn
.....ION S76
1160 t SO
117 I M
48...... OTt 8 00 14
t.,,......M7t. I.H.V .,V,
...... ... .1S0S t 11 .11
it...;.......uot. t it V "
14.. i..'. lilt t 40 4
ss,.. mt tie.; '.it
... .......uoo t te .
to.... ...... .use ttt
4..........1MT I W
14V.........-14SO 100
s4.t.....:...UM tie
it uw t tt
700 t 00 " B.'...
...tit i it
... lOt 8TK
1.. ttt t 40
... Mt t 00
... nt) t ss
... 100 4 K
...109S 4 K
...loeo 4 it
... Sit 4 Si
...1061 4 40
ST1 4 40
.... TTS 4 40
... 114 4 40
,.:.iioo t to
tit. 4 SS
.... 400 i ie
,...1011 1 2f
l....v.... 710 lie
l......10tt I 50 -
l..,..n.. ...liM I 74
. I..........U13I I 75
t. .....UOO I to
1... ...1182 I M
.,.ii5i i oo
8.'...,...... .800 I 00
1...... .0 I 00
I.. ...uw est
I...........Ji I IS
,: 1..V........11S1X I 40
- 1.,. 1100 t 00
8.... 1171, I U
.... S44 I '
...... si 4 It 1
110 4 78 ' 4.....
. til i oo . t..,..
in i it i, ....
...... 4M I 40 I.....
tst'lte - - i..:.,
MS ttv y
i 710 I tf,
111 I SO .
, 700 HA V
,701 171, .
mo in v
......111! 4 40
1190 4 40
......14 4 10
......ION 4 40
......1M4 4 tt
T.:....v.... its t to
.1480 I 7
..1710 I 00
..14SO til
; lilt' IS '
171 4 7t I 171 T K '
10' I 00 - 1 IK IS
178 I 00 .4 .....j 151 7 50
124 I 00 ' 1...... ISO T 10
HO I M - t. 171 7 10
171 4 M 1 ' 10........... 101 T 10
170. I U ' '.I.... 180 7 U , .
157 ItO 7.... 1 7 54 I '
ttt, 4 tO . 4 Ml T 10
191 IH . '1........... T 10
Mt 4 K 1 ..... 100 7 71
100 1 14 - 4 ISO 7 71 '
J4S t S ' I... U0. 7 74
ISO t 71
4 '
too 4 00
....... 110 I 10
...... 131 4 10
...... MT I II
...... lit 1 11
...... HI I St
...... Ill I 41
7M t W
, TO 1 10
, 410 1 10'
' 4....
.i 001 1 10 -
,. Ttt I 00
.. alt I 00
..TOO t 14
.. tat I 10
' I 1034 1 IS
..tot lie
HOGS Buyers started out this morning
bidding 10c lower for hogs. Sellers were
naturally rather backward about making
the concession. 1 at least not without a
struggle and the result was that the
early trade wat' rather slow. In tae end,
however, they were forced to cut kee
the general market being not far from
!0c lower then yesterday. . Here ana then
It was possible to' pick out sales of good
shipping bogs tliat did not look over 64
10c lower than yesterday, but they were
in the minority, the bulk of the early
sales being noted above 10c lower. After
the trade ws once undnr y It became
fairly active for a time but after about
half of tbe receipts had charged hands
and soma of tbe more argent orders
tilled It slowed up tor a time, char was
very little doing. A good mar.r of the
early sales were made inside the range
$7.S0-7.45, with a sprinkling of good heavy
hogs at $7.60 and a top at $7.55.
The trade did not Improve any as the
morning advanced, on the contrary it be
came worse. In other words the later
market was at the very least fully 10c
lower and It closed 1015e lower, quite
a sprinkling of the late sales looking j
fully 15c lower than yesterday.
Representative salts:
:At. oh. Pr.
- No. At. Bit Pr.
75 223 ... 1 SH
88 335 100 T 40
71 23t . 80 7 40
44 270 40 7 30 '
' .....'.. SOS 40 f 40 .
M X8 ... 7 40
M.,.....2ti 140 7 40
t ..338 4 7 40
SO 281 80 7 40
74 US SOt 7 40
78 235 ... T 40 '
71 217 ... 1 40
7S ..Sit 40 7 40
44...... .840 10 7 40
44 144 W 7 40
tt S10 100 TOO
84 S24 40 7 40
71 ..38 M0 T 40
5! 271 tO 7 40
IS 101 ... 7 40
ft 203 100 7 40
41 SIS W 7 42
04...... .348 T 4f
IS 812 ... 7 46
: II. ......271 280 7 46
U.......280 ... T 45 .
Si 29f . 44 T 4.1
. 41..... ..200 ... 7 45
71 240 101 T 41
M 153 80 7 45 .
80., 231 ... T 44
s 54.......137 ... t 41 "
, 41 13 40 7 46 ',
IS ttt 110. 7 46 J
44, 2M ' 10 .7 41 . r
18., 3M 280 7 41 ,
48.......25I 7 4714
. .. 252 180 '-T 47K
70..'..',. .25 M
17.......SS7 . 240 7 50 7
." M ..314 ... 7 10 -,'
04 261 . 48 1 10 .
- 21.' 271 ... T 6
71.. . ...245 400 7 50 r
.. IN
40 T 20
H 1
40 1 16
... I
10 T tt
...111 124 7 10
:..224 120 T SO
...SIS 240 7 SO
...1M ia 7 so
...Mt 80 T 10
...tH SO 7 SO
...lit ...7 SO
...111 40 7 0
...121 40 7 SO
..134 M 7 SO
...171 T.., 1 SO
...101 80 7 10
...Ml ... 1 SO
... 7 SO
40 7 SO
... T SO
80 7 SO
... im
40 7 Si
84. 101 !0v T SI
42 .127 ... T SI
TC 181 IM 1 SS
S4 1 ... -7 SI
T4 lit S00 7 Si
.804 80 7 SI .
.110 200 7 St ,
.110 ... 7
.230 120 . T 85
..204 80 7 35
..235 ISO 7 SI
..H7 - KO-T 86 '
..111 120) T 86
..1st 80 7 Si
.140 ...-T.SI
.844 SO 7 SI
..120 .
7 It
7 85
40 7 SI
SHKfcP AND LAMBS-Supply of sheep
and lamba this morning was pretty much
the same as on yesterday, ' bulk of re
ceipts consisting ot grassy tutf and a
few. scattering loads from the corn belt
area, 'ihere were seven cars of spring
Iambs trom Calltoroia, three . loaas . ot
Idaho wethers, tour loads, of fed west
erns from Iowa, and two or three loads
of mixed stuff from Nebraska. As usual
at this time of (he year, quality of tao
receipts averaged poor and. showed no
great improvement on the shipments ar
riving at the yards during the last, week
or so. . No teeders of auy account showed
up in the supply. -. -, . -'
Most sales were made at a fairly early
hour . and at prices about "steady, there
being very Utue cuiu0 if any nom yes
terday..; As., usual .01. late,, buyers were
out In good time searching the receipts
tor anything , of good quality and picked
up all of tne best bunches early in the
morning. ' Trade and demand waa fair
as long as the good stuff lasted, but any
thing of poor to medium quality .was
left' to' sell in -a more leisurely fashion.
Among : the early sales was a ' load of
spring, lambs at $8.76.. Two other loads
of spring lamDB Drought $s.6t and $8.00.
Three' loads ' of: Idaho wethers changed
hands at $4.75. "
Quotations on "sheep ' and ' lambs:
Spring lambs," $6.758.76; shorn' lajnbs,
6.50&I.85; shorn yearlings, 85.0ovo.5u;
shorn wethers, $4JOQ4.fiO; shorn ewes, $2.5o
4.50. : , - v
Representative Bales: .
... Av.-Pr.-.
80 spring lambs ,
; 60
20 culls
7 shorn ewes
108 spring-lambs............;;
13 snoruewes.....
5 00
4 25'.
6 36
4 26.
8 25
4 74 "
2 60
8 26'
7 eo;
5 25,'
6 00
8 75
4 25
7 25-
6 26
7 00
8 60
8 25
... . 48
... 60
... 68
... '66
... us :
...' 6V
... .70
...1 17
.... 74
108 spring lambs..
678 Idaho wethers. . ..........
201 Idaho wethers, culls...,
10. spring lambs..;........'..,
. 28 spring' lambs.'.....,......-,
, 6 spring lambs, 'culls..:...-..
. 70 Nebraska spring lambs.
'10 spring lambs, culls...;..,
68 Nebraska lambs
24 shorn ewes
446 shorn lambs.
30 shorn lambs,' culls.'.......
36 Bhorp lambs
,21 shorn lambs
,30 wool ewes
' 35 wooled ewes, culls.
Demaad for Cattle stnd Sheep Steady'
. Hon Weak.- )
' CHICAGO, June 25.
, CATTLE Receipts, 3,500 head; market,
Steady, 10c off; beeves, $5,85c9.50; Texas
steers, b.aQ'.o; western steers? $s.40
7.90; stockers and feeders, $4.106-70; cows
and 'heifers, $2.0j7.90; oaves, $5.50S.25.
HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; market
weak, 510c off; light, $7.15017.574 mixed
$7.257.65; heavy, 87.1b7.65; rough, $7.16
7.464 pigs $5.26.95; bulk of sales, $7.5u
SHEEP, v LAMBS Receipts, 18,000 head.
Market steady, 15c lower; native $3.25
6.30; western, 13.506.4O; yearlings, $4.75
6.86; native lambs 84.267.60ii western,
84.6tHS7.75; spring lambs, $5.250.00. . -
St. Loala Live Stock Market.. '
ceipts 5.500 head, Texans Market steady;
native shipping and export steers? $8.50
69.50;. dressed, beef and butcher steers,
$6.50g&60; stockers and feeders $3.60.75;
cows and heifers, $4.76&60; cannera.
$3.504.50; bulls, $4.25.50; carves, $6.29'
8.00; Texas and Oklahoma steers, 15.50
438.75; cows and heifers, $4.758.80.
HOGS Receipts, 9,500 thead. Mitrke
weak to 5o lower; pigs and lights, $5.25
7.65; mixed and butchers, $7.507.75; good
heavy, $7.667.80. t .
SHEEP, LAMBS Receipts, 16,200 head.
Market .steady, to 35c lower; muttons,
84.00il6.26; lambs $6.508.76; .culls and
bucks, $1.503.00; stockers, $2. 253.50.
' V: . '. f. : - i. - '-.
Kanaaa City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 9,400 . head - including 2,000 -southerns.
Market stedy to 13c lower; dressed
beef and export steers, $S.25925; fair to
good, $6.008.16;. western steers, 15.759.00;
stockers and feeders. 84.607.26; southern
steers, 34;608.60; southern cows,' $3.50
6.50; native cows, $3.60700; native heifers,
$5.00tg$5.00&&80; bulls, $4.0Ou.75; calves,
$4.006.00. ...... .
HOGS Receipts, -14,000 head, i Market
10c lower; bulk of sales, $7.457.6o; heavy,
J7.60iSff.72J4; packers and butchers, $7.50
7.70; lights, $7.467.56; pigs, $6.256.7o. .
SHEEP? LAMBS Receipts, 8,800 head'.
Market steady to 25s lower;- Iambs $6.50
68.85; yearlings, 8i.00oi6.76; wethers, 34.00
43.3.00; ewes, t3.bugJb; stockers and feed
ers, $3.004.00.-j (.
, . . . -' i ,
Stock In Slgbt. , '
Heceipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal' western markets yesterday: .
cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha ..
St: Joseph
Kansas -City,' ..
St.- Louis .......
3,400 - 17.000
2,000 11,600
8,400 14.000
6.400 . . 9,500
3,500 2,000
, t Coffee Market.- 1
Consolidated Mortage Bonds of
Tbe Omaha Water Company, hereby gives notice that
' its ' (Consolidated morttraire bonds, dated. July 23, 1896, with
accrued, interest to July 1, 1912; will be paid, on or after
. that date, upon surrender, of tbe bonds with all unpaid cou-
, pens Attached, at the office of the Farmers' Loan and Trust
Company, trustee. No. ,16 to 22 William Street, in the City
of New VTork, from; the proceeds of sale of the water com-
. pany's ATorkS to the City of Omaha received by said trustee.
CertifteaXes of the water company will then be issued,, repre
. tenting tfe five per cent redemption premiums in litigation,
and entiU.lhf the holder of each thousand dollar bond to
fifty; dollars with Interest at five per cent per annum from
July:lrl9l?,'lf. the Court of Appeals 'of the SUte ot New
York shall, d"eclde that the completion of the city's purchase,
does not relleys the company from payment of such premium.
. Dated June 7,- , j'-r President
Otis ad Rost"
TINE Firm at 444c. '
ROSIN Fbrm : . ,
Commoner to Have . -Chance
to Prepare ,
Most of Platform
BALTIMORE, June 25. If Mr. Bryan
should not be temporary chairman of the
democratic national convention he prob
ably will be chairman of the committee
on resolutions. He will be the representa
tive of his state on that committee and
Mw nnaitinn in the party is such that
the place will be conceded to him by
common consent. J1
The general opinion Is that he win
nrenare the sreater Part of the platform.
Indeed, many think he now has much of
It written, but he Is reticent on tne sud-
ject. .'
Delegates were too much occupieo to
day, with the temporary chairmanship to
give close attention to the question ot
resolutions, but insofar as there was
expression on the subject it Indicated a -harmonious
Representatives of some of the eastern
states express apprehension that thero
may be an effort to force approval of
the Initiative, referendum and recall plan
'of government, and if there Is it will
be opposed. Mr. Bryan has. ' nowever.
Indicated the opinion . that' these pertain
lonly to state administration, and it is
not believed he " will contend for arty
radical- pronouncement on this subject" If
for any at all.
There certainly - will be planks pledging
the party in unmistakable terms to the
support of income tax legislation, to the
election .of. senators by the direct vote of
the people and by primary elections.
The protective tariff will be held re
sponsible for the trusts . and the high
cost of living and there will be a posi
tive declaration for rapid revision down
ward.' "...
Probably the procedure by schedule as
practiced by'the present house of repre
sentatives wHl be advocated. The tariff
work of the house will be, strongly eh:
dorsed and-the president's tariff vetoes
as strongly condemned. . ' ,
It will' be a tariff 'for revenue platform.
AU" factions are committed to this plan;
and If there Is any difference Of opinion
It will be on phraseology rather than on
policy,' ;;,..-i' , ' .;v
. . " ' a9ss-SssMaBBBBaaJBBrsaatSa
Mrs." Bryan Meets
: V , t 1 aeja am a ,'
CHICAGO, June 25. Mrs. William Jen-'
nings Bryan and her daughter, Grace, who
recently became the bride of R. L. Har
greaves of Lincoln, Neb., held a continu
ous reception at the Nebraska headquar
ters -tonight .They became acquainted
with most of the leaders of the party tour
years ago when eastern delegations bound
for Denver stopped at Lincoln to pay
their respects to Colonel Bryan. ;
Conferences between William J. Bryan
and democratic leaders were somewhat
disturbed today by an enthusiastic min
strel who insisted In serenading the three
times candidate for president. Tha mln
str.i waa j. w Merin. treasurer of the
Bryan league of Pennsylvania and he
lifted his voice In song in the haU just'
outside Mr. Bryan's room. The chorus of
the campaign ditty ran: ..'
"I'd klnd'a like to vote for' Bryan
"William Jenningf Bryan; - - a -
"I'd klnd'a like to vote for Bryan, - 1
'And that's just what I'll do."
-. ' (ireen Would Cheek River. -. ,
GLEN WOOD, la., June 26. (Special.)
Congressman W. R. Green has Introduced
a bill in the national house of represents-a
tives providing "to take such steps as
rray .be necessary to check the Inroads
now being made bj the Missouri river
upon' the banks of said river In Mills
county, state of Iowa, near the town "of
Folsom,,Iowa, and . to- build such revet-,
rr.ent and other protecting work along
said river as may be needed for the per
manent . protection of said bank," and
asks that $30,000 be set aside to do the
work. . .
- Snapert Proves Alibi.
i CRBSTON, la., June 25. (Special.)
Succeeding in establishing an alibi At
Hamburg, la.,' from June 7 to 11, John
Bohlan who was arrested at St. Joseph
recently , in connection with the Villisca
murders has been released. He was ar
rested -at the instance. of Harlan Burge
of Gravity. It Is now believed Bohlan '
had nothing to do with the murders and '
no new developments have taken place.
sis, Elepnantiasls. ItUkeeoat the
inflaoimaUon, aoieaeas sod dlaoolora
tloiii raliOTea tbe paia and tlreonaaai
reduces tb availing, gradaaUj reabar
in part to normal strength and sjh
pearance. ABHORBINE, JR., la a
nilld, safe, plamaant antlteptis liol
ueut, healing and aoothtna. Serare caaea wherd
valna bare olceratad and brokaa have beea eomi
pletelr aad pannanentlr cured, first few appli
cations of ABSORBING, JR., will aire rellaf
and prove ita merit. UM and (3.08 per bottle ak
drnftiata or deliTared. Detailed directiona, reports
00 recent euea and Book S 43 free on rwqnestk
W.r.VOUNa r-O.F, 104 Teaiale U Jrlart.U, MataT
OHEYto Mil
On . improved , farms and ranches. '
We also buy . good farm mortages.
V Omaha, Nebraska.