Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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THE OMAHA.' SUNDAY te: JUNE - 23. 1912.
.? 'S
1 '
. Contest for City Offices "to Follow
; Commissioner Decision.
City Officials May All Br Involved
.. in Controversy that Penda
SerVlcea to Be Held In
" ', 0en Air.
I'ir Commissioners John J. Ryan and
Joseph Pivonka will have to stand trial
for malfeasance in office according to
the opinion handed down yesterday by
the supreme court. Ag an Inference from
the same opinion, Mayor Hoctor and the
present city administration may be
ousted In favor of former Mayor P. J.
Trainpr and his council who were beaten
at the-, election called last spring on
order 'f the court.
The: opinion of the court merely states
that 'Commissioners Ryan and Pivonka
are still serving the three year term for
which they were elected. It declare the
extension clause constitutional at d' In
conclusion appoints Judge Holcomb of
Broken Bow, a former governor and su
preme court justice to be referee in the
case against the accused commissioners.
As soon as the news was flashed from
, Lincoln, former Mayor P. J. Trainor an
nounced his intention to begin a suit
Monday for the seat of Mayor Hoctor.
"With Trainor will also be aligned former
Councilmen Franek, George . Hoffman,
August Miller, Mat Peterson, Tom Peter
son and Former City Clerk Frank Good."
Mayolr Hoctor, who has been expecting
the court decision for sqme time, de
clared that he was in no wise worried
over the situation. He contends that the
election' was held by order of court, and
that in ' any case the former officials
did not protet the election but partici
pated in it and accepted the results in
surrendering their seats.
The whole affair will, it is expected,
precipitate a bitter fight between the
Ins and outs with annexation as the
probable final settlement.
Aa far as the . ouster suit brought
against the Are and police commission
ers goes. It is admittedly a victory for
Bean Ringer and the men who stood
w.lth him in his long fight against the
bbard. "I am delighted at the news,"
said Mr. Ringer last night. "It is what I
expected of the supreme court of the
state. Now that the referee has been
appointed the case will come to trial and
some startling evidence will be brought
to. knowledge of the public."
Open Air bnrch.
'How would you like to go to church
In the park on Sunday? That is the new
departure In church cult to be adopted
by the United Protestant churches of
South Omaha during the summer. The
open air services will be called union
services and will be held by the united
congregations of all the Protestant
churches of the Magic City. It has been
decided to hold services in the different
parks on different Sundays. Already
Highland park has been decided upon
as the: scene of an open air service by
the united churches In the near future.
The Union services were carried on suc
cessfully last winter when the different
congregations assembled at neighboring
churches on appointed nights.
Cats Cause Rapture,
j Disturbed In his slumbers Friday night
jby 'the amouroui yowllngs of a feline
Rpmed" and Juliette, Anton XapinUs of
Twenty-ninth ana T trtleaped from
hi3 "uneasy couch and hurled a conven
ient lamp through his window into the
night.. He missed the cats, but Joe Sek-orlukQ,-a
'neighbor asleep beside his open
window, bears testimony by a gash on
. the forehead that Laplnus' aim Was not
! wasted. Naturally, If a neighbor passed
'you the -time of day by hurling a lamp
Jnto your boudoir at 10 o'clock at night
you would be peeved. Sekorisko Jumped
from his bed with a howl and took
after Laplnus. Laplnus hastily erected
barricades and called for a parley with
his Irate neighbor. Sekorisko, however,
had passed the time of parley and In
sistently invited Laplnus to come out
and dq battle. Then he sought the as
sistance, of the law, but friends pre
vailed, upon him to follow a milder
course. ' At present all communication is
cut off between Laplnus and Sekorisko,
there being an armed neutrality, so to
speak. '
.'.Salt for Price of Shave.
Stevp Gravich, a tonsorial artist with
parlors at Thirty-ninth and Q streets, has
begun suit against Peter Sar for the price
of a shave. "The suit was started yes
terday in Judge Collins' court and in
volves 60 "cents which Peter Snr says Is
altogether too much for denuding his
classic features of their hirsute decora
tions. Particularly he intimates that
Steve Gravich holds no diploma from the
barber's college and that, in fact, he is
no true artist. He complains that In any
case the price is too much. Gravich
says that the price was based on the
graduated scale of schedule K, and asks
that the court order Peter Sar to pay
the 60 cents forthwith.
Not being a good republican, Judge
Collins admits he is somewhat handi
capped in coming to a decision on tTTe
point. His honor, after perusing the
recommendations of the tariff commis
sion on wool schedules, stated that he
would probably refer the case to the
commerce court at Its next session
Hog Injures Child. ..
Herman Sweetenak, the 7-year-old son
of J. Sweetenak of Fifty-second and O
streets, had the Index finger of his right
hand chewed off yesterday morning by
a large hog confined in a pen near the
Sweetenak home. The child was lured
near the pen where the hogs are con
fined when the hired man went to feed
the animals yesterday morning. An .ear
of corn was dropped outside of the pen,
and little Herman picked it up and at
tempted to feed it to one of the hogs.
The animal chewed the little fellow's
finger off before assistance arrived. The
child was taken to Omaha, where he was
treated by physicians.
Marian Pari.
For fine acre tracts, low prices, easy
terms. Man on ground Sunday afternoon.
Call us. Make appointment. A. W. Jones
Magle City Goxalp.
Harold Hancock is rapidly recovering
from an operation at his home.
John McAdams left Saturday for a trip
to Sa't Lake City and other ohit3 in
the West.
Chailer, Rapp leaves this week for Tor
onto, CVnada,.. where he will spend ti.a
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wurnbach leave to
day for Fremont where they will attend
the Lutheran Orphanage Home picnic.
Miss Zadia Ralston of Humbolt, Ari
zona, was the guest of Mrs. J. M.
Caughey and Mrs. Pinnell.
The auxiliary of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians will meet Tuesday evening
at the home of Mrs. P. J. Farrell to
transact business of importance.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Blankenship of
Peru, Neb., will be the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Majors this week. The
wedding of Mr. and Mrs. BUnken&'.iip
was solemnized last week at Peru.
The Women's Christian Tempsranoe
"union will hold their annuaj ptcninc
Jun. 2 at Florence wth Mrs. C. .
Smith. They will start from Twenty
fourtb and E streets at 10 o'clock. All
are cordially Invited. '
Epworth League meets at 7 o'clock at
Brass' chapel, with Mr. F. L. Gumming
as leader. His subject will be "How
Persecution Has Extended tho Knowl
edge of God.".
Chicken dinner Sunday. Atlas cafe, '408
North Twenty-fourth.. . .
Mesdames Caughey and Pinnell enter
tained at an evening party Tuesday ev
ening for their guest, Mlas Zadla Ralston.
Those present were: Misses McCullough,
Abbott, Conley, Schindel, Ralston: Messrs.
McCnlloch, Abbott, Conley, Foley, Schin
del and Cheek.
Try the Atlas Sunday chicken dinner.
408 North Twenty-fourth.
P. J. Martin, Dana Morrill, Del Pearce
and John Amos returned yesterday from
a week's outing on Dewey lake; in ;
Cherry county, Nebraska. All the sports
men exhibit countenances of a 'decidedly
rubicund hue. They tell stories of . fine
weather, good fishing and marvelous luck.
But it Is all In the .telling!
Family Sunday dinners a specialty.
Atlas cafe, 408 North .Twenty-fourth. .
' The' burial ' of Jaraslow Golda, the 4 i
months old. daughter" of "'Mr., and -Mrs. I
Frank Golda, will be held this afternoon
at a o'clock from the family residence,
SS38 Jackson street, to Laurel HU1 ceme
tery. The deceased was one of triplets.
The surviving twins are healthy.
Cool dining room, fine service. Atlas
cafe, 408 North Twenty-fourth.
A" series of parties were given this
week in honor of Mrs.- D. L. Holmes,
including a bridge party Tuea'iay after
noon by Mrs. J. M. Tanner; Mrs. A. P.
Durkes, assisted by Mrs. W. R. Sage, en
tertained at whist at the homo of Mts.
Durkes Friday afternoon; Mrs. C. A.
Melcher entertained at an evening ratty
Atlas Sunday dinner 11:30. 408 North
Mrs. R E. Schindel assisted by Mrs.
A. Dudley, entertained at bridge Wednes
day afternoon, Tables were arranged- for
Mesdames J. Rose, H. Trumble. B. Hnry,
F. Prucka, Orchard, J. lo-.DVe.ll. O.
Francisco, W. Bavlnger, N. R. T3rycon,
C. Bulla, - Ed Burson, A. Dudley, A.
Flower, R M. Iaverty, T. Pa-kf" R. K.
Schindel, W. B. Tagg, H. O'Shea, H.
To Rent Two furnished .rooms. 414
North Twenty-second.
Mr. and Mrs. George Paddock gave a
beautifully appointed dinner Wednesday
evening in honor of the eleventh wedding
anniversary or Mr. ana Mrs. Harry
aunt V w Tlu,nble by Mrs. Trumble's i ary Uu'rd. A large white
n, ,h . r." vvas hung over the center
Mr V;- were laid for Mr.
Mri o Harr" Trumble. Mr. and Mrs.
v ' , ,iu k,!1- Mrs- Mrv Huxford and
Mr. and Mr5. George Paddock.
f.r S.,Ru;u Atkinson was extended a
lareweli ralt;. Friday evening by her
manj fneiuH Miss Atkinson leaves thl
r, , or, !1" extended .visit with rela
tives In .Miss,,,,,! and Colorado. The In
1, iu Misses Agnes Heavey. Cor
rine rtimpp. i;,lna Soofield. Agnes Der
gan, Urar,. lurking. Azolla Nagle, Mvrtle
.un'.. ,;"U' Ml'en, Huel Beldlng. Dor
othy Millt.u,, k. Huth Atkinson, and Clar
ence ThrHi p rai Wanberft, Julhis Still-iVi?"-'
V,elmt EnRle. Milos Telenka,
Chancy Mullen. Hay IieUlim;, Glen Wig
gins and l. Ad Atkinson.
,.T.L Rem-seven-room modern house.
142 Twenty-thim utreet. fall 1472.
The Kay Slumrock chili saw a party
Friday evening at the home of Harold
aiiui. i ne guest list Imiudrd
juna Lovine. Huby liv
wmteroottom. Ma
jaajnie rtumpei. Opal Hartman, Anna
""wiii iunn .viadlson
urace Wallace,
hfattie, Grace
hards. Katherlne
iper, i iara Ualsehe, Laura
Josephine Vance. Eva Putman.
Amelia Mice.
Asella Naeel. Marie
West MottfA ir.., .
fMkrd B'e,ssln8' Tom O Keefe, James
i n Jvnosm, Kddte Knoskl,
Maris Motor. Howard Baker, Ernest Cur
ran, Joe Bush. Harry Perrln. Walter
Knobbs Fred Heff linger. Roger Kelly.
Lester Robinson, Patrick Radlgan, Wfi-
wuT Hf,Abro"k' Leo v". William
MHIner Orn Wince. William Route, Ed
ward Humpal. Elmer Olsen and Harold
Police Re-Arrest
Peoplem "Hotel"
Although discharged in police court on
Thursday morning by Acting Police
Judge Claibourne on the charge of con
ducting a disorderly house, Sydney Kaa
cer, proprietor of the Royal hotel, 124
North Fifteenth street, was arrested yes
terday afternoon in a raid upon the hotel
by Detective Steve Maloney and Ser
geants Slgwart and Madsen. Four girl
Inmates and men besides Kascar were
When the officers entered the rooms
of the hotel they found the four men and
women drinking beer.
Judge Claibourne discharged Kascer
and the inmates arrested in the raid Mon
day night on the ground that there was
not enough evidence to hold them. De
tective Maloney's star witness, a girl,
was released on bonds put up by the de
fendants, and failed to appear In court
Thursday morning.
The Albert law will be enforced on the
hotel. Maloney said ho was going to
take the matter up with County Attorney
English at once.
Nebraska delegates to the republican
national convention' lost no time In
starting for home after the convention
adjourned last night Practically all of
them left Chicago on midnight trains
and will , reach Omaha at 4 o'clock this
afternoon or sooner.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Clarke and child,
of Omaha, are in New York for a few
days, staying at the Hotel Wolcott
Mr. and Mrs., Hugh Kusti ana tneir
daughter, Helen, of Chicago, spent last
week visiting their cousin, Dr. and Mrs.
A. A. Holtman.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising
Soda Fountain
During tedious shopping hours
drop in at our several soda fountains.
The service is excellent and sur
roundings ideal for an enjoyable rest.
16th and Dodge Street.
16th and Harney Street!.
...... DBUO CO
' TS
m - k a MS
Borglum riano school
9661 Donglas Street
August M. Borglum, Madame Borglum
Pupils of Wagner Swayne.
Leschetlzky Method
Public Performance Ear Training
Sight Reading.
Will Teach Till August First.
"The Best Built Car in America"
' 1 48 ' ' Six Cylinders $4800 to $6250
38 " Little Six $4200 to $5650
"30" Four Cylinders $3500 to $4800
The sole intent and purpose
of the Locbmobile Company
is to produce the best built
car in America.
At one time and another the
Locomobile has been con-,
ceded to possess the "great
est" speed the "easiest" rid
ingthe "handsomest" lines
the "greatest" brute
But today and for fourteen
years 4Locomobilc" has been
synonymous with the best
built car the American
brains, material and skilled
labor could produce at any
The Locomobile Company, ef America
Omaha, Neb.
1818 Faraam St
Unidentified Man
Found Dead in Room
An unidentified rotn about to years of
age rented room last night at o'clock
in the rooming, house conducted by Hairy
Hastel. SIM North Sixteenth street, and
a short while afterwards he as found
upon the floor dead.
The man was taaen to uie coroner
office where ar, attempt is being made
to learn his Identity. At 5 o'clock thl
morniiiR nothing ooulil be learnrd. The
man was dressed like a workingman
and wor a bruwn hat and gray clothing
t'atherin Millard.
Catherine Millard. 40 years old, died
last night t her home, 2011 Webster
Monk Trunimer, eristwhile pugilist and
leader in sporting events, was arrested
yesterday afternoon by Peteetlvea Dunn
and Fleming upon a charge of vagrancy.
The detectives say that the ex-piglllst.
down and out and hungry, was begging
on the street when arrested.
Trummer several years ago had a repu
tation as. a fighter, but at the tinie heo
he became so good that he could get
morw than 10) tor a - figtitframei. he be- ;
gan to dissipate, and his career as ; a
fighter; stopped, soon after. A year ago.
he waa released from the penitentiary,
where he' was serving a sentence fo
highway robbery. . '
Persistent Advertising
Big Returns.
is tbe Road tc
would you pay
Now then,
for a NEW PIANOS oi
tested make; A full 71
Octave Piano in Mahogan
VVc Will iuan.t; tuc piupuaiiiuu utiw sw"
Would you buy a NEW piano of unquestioned make,
at $142, if you had it offered to you on $5 A MONTH
Well, Sir-or Madame we are going to offer just
FOUE pianos at THAT price and on THOSE terms on
MONDAY. It's just a sort of "chip on our shoulders"
a dare to you to buy a piano during our Closing Out
The four pianos in question are NEW. "Hoffman' -v
pianos; beautifully designed and exquisitely toned in?
struments in a glistening mahogany ; instruments that
are selling at $325 the country over. There are only
FOUR of them remember; but remember also that
EVERY other Piano or Player Piano on our floors goes
at an equally close figure; because of the "Close Out"
sale in force.
The Bennett Co.
16th & Harney Sts.
Omaha, Neb.
" - 1 ' ' " """ . , -, . , : j iu . '. f
: 1 n ! .tWA
7 Passenger, 50 H. P., $1800
There is no time like the present to buy a car. ;
The touring -season is like the crops-a full forty-five! days late. It's
just getting good. The woods and meadows are fresh with green -the
country is glorious and you can get a full-seasons use 'of your car. 1 ;
Get out into the country. There is only one real way-an auto- '
mobile. There is only one automobile in which you will want to put
your money when you know an
Guaranteed for Life
In the past six months scores of western Iowa and Nebraska people have purchased this car from the W L.
Huffman agency in competition with the products of the world. No other car at any V$
. their money .: They bought after the most searching investigation-after the most extraordinary tests and demon-
Str1" you can get the greatest pleasure from'
your car.
Come see the car for $1,800, with the $3,000 value. . . '-V'
Come see this great model "44" fifty II. P., 44x5i2 long-stroke .motor, the motor that is actually noiseless.
Wheelhase, 120 inches; seven passenger and room for them all. : ... ' .. : " ,
Wheels, 36x4, with demountable rims. Battery and magneto ignition, with Titeken roller and imported
Shaefer annular bearings used throughout the car, rear axle full floating type with torque rod, strut rod and truss
10(1 AndSfprice of this big, roomy, up-to-the-minute car is only $1,800-think of it!-$l,800. . . "
Never before -never-has a dollar bought so much real automobile value as it does today m the great Abbott-
DetrWhXtrue of the value of the -44" is equally true of the Abbott-Detroit "301' Bulldog' five passenger! ,
PnC wfwUrbc glad to have you make an appointment with us by mail, phone, or in person, for demonstration.
We are ready to your call. Only call quick. ;
We can make deliveries of a limited number of cars now. - ..
Abbott Motor Co., Detroit, Mich., Mfrs. . ' . J
W. L. Huffman Automobile Go.
Factory Distributors r t
- Opposite Postoffice '
2025 Farnam Street
1 1
i 1
77 vrr