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Badger ce Senator Placed in Nom
y ination by Olbrich. ,
Sneaker Think Now lesaos Be,t
Be Met Under he tederhlp
t tk Mu fro rVto
I roaalo.
1 CHICAGO. Jun 21-Mr. Olbrtoh i d
Jrnominattnst Senator L Pollette wm
u follows:
'"ft republican party. Is facs to faoa
"witli th gravtst crisis In It history,
Thera Is mora at staka In this conven
tion than the rise or fall of Individual
ambition. Wa are confronted with no
mej-e matter of temporary party success
r ; defeat no question of winning or
losing a single election. The life of the
party It In balance. - ' ,
"Raised tip by God to work the free
dom of , the black man In America, a
nation ask today, shall that God-given
Instrument be used to further rivet or
burst another bondage that threaten all
men black and while! African slavery
was open, brutally crude, chocking to-th
moral sense. Now we are threatened
with an Industrial despotism Inslduous.
intangible, but Infinitely menacing; beside
wWch th banished slavery waa small
and sectional In scope.
' "Up to th trunk of legitimate Industry
In America, like aom noisome parasitic
tropic growth, the tightening coll of priv
ilege has wound Its way, extending- Itself
into very branch of human endeavor,
strangling Industrial and commercial free
dom, shutting out th light of hop from
the. sods of men, poisoning th air of
liberty. From small beginning It has
grrown' until It Is Interlaced with awful
enterprises that th clearest eye can alone
detect th bastard growth-io Interwoven
Into the delicate structure of our busi
ness life that It cannot be Jerked out by
one momentary spaam. Tariff favoritism,
control of natural resources, monoply
In transportation, manufacturing, money
and credit, are all but tentacles of its
sMfling power.' This monstrous growth
will succumb to the tilting of no quixotic
lance. The lightning of. Invective will
not wither It, nor the thunder of denun
ciation la? it low. ; No brandishing of
battle axt In Chinese warfare will hasten
He decay. No mere attack on symptoms
woVk a cure. The snipping of a tendril
fcer and a tendril there will not retard
Its growth. It can be reached alone by
the keen blade of well directed law scien
tifically laid to Its root. If the republic
would endure except In name alone, not
only must Its further growth be stopped,
but the awful thing Itself eradicated and
Plater rarr Well Eatreactfed.
"For not content with Its conlrol of
Industry, hand In hand, aa a necessary
part of its development, has gon a. Ilk
intrusion into our political and govern
mental Mfe. , Its representatives sit upon
upon the bench and In our . legislative
!!. They ere In possession of seats
on this convention floor. Congresses' and
cabinets and courts hav hearkened to
ks command. It has corrupted govern
meets, defied constitution and in collu--m
with faithless representatives of the
r-pl has sought to Impair the legal
f. riatlon of cJvUtlon Itself. .' "
"The challenge which monopoly thus
ntrfed throw Jow and tnr ac
$25 Cadet Sprinnlield Carbine. $3.00
Made at the XL a armory and so stamped. Cost the gov
ernment $18.00 each to manufacture; are in excellent condition.
The only reason that we were able to buy them so that we could
ell them at this price is because the government adopted a different style v
of carbine for cavalry service The breech loading mechanism is the same
as the Springfield Rifle, and they shoot the same else cartridge. Full
length from butt to muwle, 41 inches; weight about 8 pounds.. Equipped
with adjustable long range sight and sectional ramrod in the stock. These
fine guns are a rare bargain at only $3.00 each. We have only a few left
and cannot buy more to dispose of at this price when they are gone.
For any of the guns described can
be bad at any gunsmith's and sport
ing goods store. We have a limited
Supply on hand, which we will sell
to buyers of guns only.
20 Shells in a Box for 40c
ceptanc of the guage of battle by the
American people make up the Issu of
the coming campaign. Shall the men and
women of this nation tn the aggregate
sctually and effectively control their
government? Shall they 'who bear the
coarse drudgery of the world," aa woll as
the 'eminent feW who sit in Its high
places have a proportionate voice In de
termining their condition of life and the
destiny of this nation? This Is jjo
strange, wild doctrine that has caught
the momentary gust of, a rabble'a favor
It Is but the declaration of Independence
revivified born anew.
"Above the clash of contending per
sonal ambition, above the rumble of the
steam roller, the clamor of the band
wagon, the bustl of the political huck
ster, there, comes to this convention the
voice of an awakened people, that will
not be denied, demanding that further
encroachment by the few upon the rights
of the many be stopped. Asking of this
convention under penalty of death, for
failure, an heroic leadership with vision
clear enough to aee the menace to free
institutions, brave enough . and strong
enough to check the onsweeplng march
of corporate aggression. ' They , will be
content with no sham profession of
loyalty. No chanting of a time-worn
creed will stilt be their cry. Their wishes
scorned and scorned, they are In deadly
earnest now., They cannot ; be misled
again. No party dare Juggle with their
Just demands or trifle with their will.
The time has gone by when they will be
satisfied with a sop of high sounding
ambiguity in a political platform or
strident Hp' service and trumpeting of
loud allegiance by a nominee. They look
beyond the platform and seek assurance
of alncerlty. some substantial eexnest of
performance In the character and the
record of th candidate.
Wtacnnalu Preeent La Follette.
'The republicans of the sanely conserv
ative commonwealth of Wisconsin, unique
In the sisterhood .of states united and
unanimous In support of a distinguished
son, bid me present to this convention
the name ,l.a Fpllette. That name and
that alone supplies the guarantee, with
out which the American people will ac
cept ho party's promise to, perform.
Twice before you set the man In the
pillory and sought to crucify his Ideas.
But the fiery words of prophecy spoken j
from this platform four years ago have!
been fulfilled, and what you then de
rided - as. socialistic and popullstic. you
recognise as true conservatism today, and
th candidacy of th man you told to
take hls democratic 'dope' and go to
Denver furnishes your one salvation from
defeat In dishonor and disgrace. '
Tor his professions have received the
priceless consecration of actual perform
ance. From a feudatory of special prlvl
lege he ' created Wisconsin Into a free
state. Through a Jungle of morass and
marsh that gave no aurety of footing
end eecmed to give no hope of psssage
where rose the foul miasma of corrup
tion for ten long black and purgatorial
years, set upon by slinking beasts, am
bushed ' and beaten and battered . down,
he kept a course that knew but a single
compass. Out of the agony and travail
ot that dark and awful pilgrimage was
born the progressive movement In Amer
ica. Primary elections, equal taxation
of railroads and other corporate wealth,
effective regulation of the . rate and
service reform, Insurance against Indus
trial accident forever monument his line
of march,
i- Jlew RepaMicam Party. -
"Humanity ks , that this convention
I HAVE secured the last 3 months and year from U. S. twenty
thousand pair shoes, 100,000 shirts, 20,000 Hammocks, rain coats,
ponchos, blankets, overcoats, Middy blouses, hoods, leatherstraps, capes, cloth, stock
ings, haversacks, suits, Khaki underwear, suspenders, leggings, ammunition, and thous
ands of other goods to interest men and women. The store is a schooling to every
body, well worth a visit to see things never before seen and perhaps never again. Sale closes Thursday
next, June 27th. Open all day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until 9 in evening, and on Thursday, last
day, remains open until 10 in evening. '.' ;
Mail Orders Filled
, name at Its candidate a representative of
the state that gave the grand old repub
lican party birth, and where, praise God,
has been born a grander new. republican
party. In him the spirit of democracy
has been nurtured until It has become
fibre of his fibre, brain of his brain, soul
of his soul. He conies Into this conven
tion the representative of no class, the
agent of no Interest, 'the deputy of no
principal. He Is no man's man. He
has no combination with any candidate,
no back stairs alliance with the treasury
of privilege. He voices the hope, the
aspiration, the unconquerable determina
tion of the common "people of America to
repossess their government.
"Name him as our candidate and no
flaming ' interrogation point will blase
athwart our path by night, no cloud of
doubt envelope our line of march by day.
But with countenances light with con
fidence In his leadership we shall march
along the great highway of truth Into
that new republic wherein 'are Justice
and happiness and Joy In widest com
monalty spread.' wherein each man in
the 'full heir of all the ages In full en
joyment of the long results of time.
'His inspired eye unobscured by the midst
of, personal ambition, first caught the
vision of that glorious realm and this
thought and influence, whether in public
office or out, whether this convention
vote him up or 'down. will remake this
nation In the light of that vision-will re
dedicate her government to humanity.
"Name him your candidate and In
November next, the . American people
will acclaim hint theirs by the mightiest
majority In history and the twenty-eighth
president of the United . States win be
Robert Harlon LaFollett of Wiscon
sin." Taft's Name Forged
to Convention Pass
v .
CHICAGO, Jun tt-A-typewritten re
quest of "Pleas ' admit bearer to all
sessions," on monogramed paper over the
forged signature of ' President Taft, It
was learned last night, had been the
means employed by a confidence man
swindle more, than a score of convention
visitors during th day.
' Joshua Hartnett, who wore a Grand
Army button and said he was from Ar
kansas, presented one at th Coliseum
and ' later told the polxe that he had
paid $10 for it to a man who claimed
be a personal friend ot th president and
said Mr. Taft was Indignant because so
many of his good friends had been shut
out of the big meeting.
"He explained to me - what a grand
man President Taft was and that I was
making a mistake In shouting for Roose
velt. Then he said be would be unabl
to use the ticket and offered to let me
have It for $10. which I cladlr nM
said Hartnett In explaining the swindle
to the police.
Investigation by th police showed thaf
more than twenty of such "passports had
been presented at th various doors.
AUBURN. Neb.. June JWSneelal.w
J; Dudley Codington and Miss Maurlne
Bales were married at th home of th
(ride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C Bales,
in this city last evening at S o'clock.
Mr. Codington la th freight agant of the
Missouri paetso at Fails CUy, aad Mis
This Sale Lasts for Four
Days Only-Tembrrow, Tues
day, Wednesday and Thurs
day, and Will Close on Thurs
day Night Next at 10 o'Clock
Xy. JS. KIRK, Manager
Majority Members of Credentials
Committee Answer McCormiclj.
Interference of Friends at Host Op
portune Time Prevents a Per
sonal Encounter Between
Bis Men.
CHICAGO, June 22.-Denounclng the
Roosevelt members of the credentials
committee as "Hart," "gutter workers''
and "partisans" the majority members
of that committee today answered the
attack on them made public last night
by R. R. McCormlck of Chicago. Th
answer was In form of a statement drawn
up by a committee of five Devi ne of
Colorado, Estabrook of New Hampshire.
Malby of New York. Lanstrum of Mon
tana and MondeU of Wyoming.
This action followed a session In which
charges of "liar" were hurled back and
forth, and In which the Roosevelt men
were accused of "following orders" and
Ignoring their Judgment on the contested
The McCormlck statement, made pub
Us last night charged that a coalition
had been formed to seat all the contested
Taft delegates without regard to facts
"Any man who charges that the Ari
zona report was prepared In idvance,"
declared Robert E. Morrison of Arizona,
"Is a wilful liar. I wrote that report my-
self, after th case had been derided."
'Ther waa published . this morning,"
said Chairman Devine. "a statement, as
dastardly a "piece of falsification as was
ever published or uttered. No man with
any-regard of th truth would sign or
authorise such a statement
"It Is more than Insult to th majority
of th members ot this committee. Those
who signed It lose sight of th fact that
the majority members ot this commute
are as good men, as honorable men. and
stand as high or signer la th business
and social affairs of their cltlea, as the
men who signed this." '
"The only ruffianly acta, the only das
tardly gutter work In this committee
emanated from the other side, the minor
ity membership ot this committee," con
tinued Devine.
i Deviae Demands Proof.
"This man McCormlck, who prepared
this statement did not spend two fiotirs
In the work ot this committee."
Chairman Devine demurred of Mc
Cormick where his proof was tnat re
port had been prepared In advance.
"Any time a man makes such a charge, "
he shouted, "I declare he la a wiliui, de
liberate liar. ' 1 now demand ot Mo
Cormlck where his proof is that tUes i
pvrt were prepared in advano," ,
"I did not obtua In her t j uav my
acta put under uucaUuu," eu.4 Uuiv,
mlek. r.sUig.
"No biau wu luttBd fctten ehargsa
aisinst ine, ' Uettarsu t)rtt:ti :'tmhtit
liavliij U kustifct' W lni iur ih k Hart I
ear wluthet' be la till fedi Mall:"
IWseWlt members U kite estsimittee de
manded that levins leurg to the
lihaii'. Instead he turned tlftr' Ule tarel
W Lausttem e Mentna and stepped
aewit InW ttie midst bt the tdtattsttefl
Mh Bt Clair et Idaho declared he
thought bbcJi ct tfat sUtamvtt u CMS
$25 Regulation Springfield Rifle, $2.00
Every Rifle made under the supervision of U. S. Government Inspectors
and. guaranteed to ba in perfect working order. Cost the U. S. government
$18.00 to manufacture, never sold at retail for less than $25.00 each.
The Springfield Rifle is a marvel of accuracy, no better shooting gun ever
made. Shoots 45-70 calibre cartridges. Can also be used as a shotgun
' You can load the empty cartridges with shot of any size and use the gun for
birds and small game. It shoots just as straight and hard proportionately
as when ball cartridges are used. Every rifle has a long range, adjustable
sight and is equipped with bayonet; and cleaning rod. Every gun in per
fect working, order and well oiled. , All metal parts bright and
free from rust. Only one hundred in the lot. While they last. .
If They Reach Us
Before Thursday.
"Do you believe that the report for the
Arizona case was prepared in advance?"
demanded Judge Morrison, walking up to
"Yes, I do." he said.
"Then I say you are a liar," said Morri
son. Not Ready to Fight..
There waa a rush of committee members
to the front, but neither St. Clair or
Judge Morrison showed any disposition
toward a physical encounter.-
Chairman Devine demanded that a sub
committee of the- majority memoers pre
pare a statement that would show the
falsity of the charges made by the Roose
velt members.
Jess A. Tolerton of Missouri said , the
McCormlck report had been signed for
him by his proxy yesterday, but that he
endorsed much of its contents, although
he took exception to some of It.
'.'None of us that signed the statemont
are going back on It," sald .H. T. Ha!
bert of Minnesota, "but none of us who
signed It ha's nothing but the highest re
spect for the other members of the com
mittee." , . -
McCormlck admitted he had written the
report of, the Roosevelt members. He
said most of the Illinois delegation had
seen It and that most of the Roosevelt
men on the credentials committee, had
signed It. ;
A proposal for a subcommittee of five
Taft members to prepare an answer, or.
behalf of , the thirty-five members of the
committee attacked was made.,
Blun of Georgia charged that the Roose
velt men had stood "sid by side" on a'l
decisions, without regard to , the . argu
ments, and could not consistently charge
the other members with "partiality."
They All Grow Varm.
Representative Mondert o . vVyomlng
declared that "not any member. ... who
sjgned this, statement voted tor anyon
but. a Roosevelt man," :. -
Soma Roosevelt members, replied thay
bad voted for th Taft. delegates from
Georgia, '; 1 - -:
"A gentleman signed this who bolted
befor the rules wr passed," said Mon
dell, "and who doesn't know any ot th
evidence that was presented."
-Who Is It?" asked several members.
"Henri of Cau.ornia." answered Mon
dell. "He has not been present, he does
not know any of th vldence that was
presented:" ,
"McCormlck Is In th same position,'.'
interrupted Chairman Devine. .
"This wanton, miserable, scurrilous
insult" added Mondell. "is In keeping
wtt,h the avalanche of abuse that has
been heaped on the'republlcan party by
men who claimed to belong to It hut
who, .when they first came Into this
room declared th "party had gon to
anyhow." ',. . . '
End at the Contests.
Th cas of th Fifth Virginia district
waa presented. This 1 a cas of two
Roosevelt delegations. Th delegates are
unlnstructed. - Th national commute
was sustained by th credentials commit
tee; ther was no minority report and the
delegation was seated.
F. C. Bryan, attorney for th Texas
delegates, declared the fight tn Texas
had not been between the presidential
candidates so much as between the or
ganisation and the great majority ot
republican voters who wanted to end its
domination In. the state.
"No on can endorse the work of the
organisation represented by Cecil Lyon,
trtio Is In sympathy .with progrosalvtsm.
Th fjjfct la Texas this raar has not
Cork Helmets
Regulation Cork Helmets, cover
ed; made for the U. S. army; clean, '
sanitary, cool and comfortable;
never been used. Cost the govern
ment $1.25 each to manufacture.
On sale tomorrow 25c each.
been primarily a fight In the interest of
Mr. Taft," said Colonel Cecil Lyon, "but
a personal fight on me." He said he in
tended to carry the case before the na
tional convention.
The twenty-two delegates from con
tested Texas districts were seated In a
single decision, without argument, by the
credentials 'committee. No roll call was
taken. This completed the contests.
(Continued from First Page.)
Charles D. Hllles. for chairman of the
national republican committee. He ex
pressed high appreciation of Mr. Hilles'
work in the preconventlon campaign.
When asked if he would take the stump
this fall the president replied he con
sidered likely that, he would. He was
plainly elated' at his victory when the
complete results became known.
President Taft's routine did not vary
today despite the news from Chicago. He
talked with an occasional caller, signed
a few letters and played golf this after
noon. long after 8 o'clock. He had a quiet
family dinner in the White House and
later with .Mrs. Taft sat on .the south
portico and read convention bulletins.
The president was particularly inter
ested in the news that Colonel Roosevelt
was' holding a separate convention. He
had no comment to offer..
When the balloting began Charl Taft
assumed full control' ot the telegraph
room at the White House. Miss Helen
Taft was the only one of the family
missing and ah was out of town.
UTICA. N." Y... June 21 Vice President
James Sherman at his home in this city
tonight made the following.- statement
when apprised ef his renomination.
"I amnot unmindful of the honor con
ferred by the nomination by th repub
lican national convention as th party's
candidate for . vie president To ap
preciate -Its full significance, one must
6r the daintiest of underwear handled by, us with
more care than if laundered at home.
Washed and ironed by expert operators re
turned in a way to preserve the quality.
Quality Laundry.
Both Phones.
I. A
' .v .V
1 1 ii
remember that not for three-quarters of
a century has a renomination . been ac
corded to anyone for this office.-
"It has long been known to my cIofo
personal friends that my preference was
to retire from public office at the close
of the present term and at no time have
I been a candidate for renomination. I
have been too greatly honored by the
party, however, to decline further serv-'
ice when its leaders and Its representa
tives by their convention action have ex
pressed a belief that that service was re
quired. "My service as vice president has been
both agreeable and congenial and I be
lieve has been acceptable to the senate.
My desire to retire was based on a
wish to devote my time to private affairs
and to have remaining a moderate
amount for rest and recreation. It goes '
without saying that not the least cause
for satisfaction is the added honor which
the convention's action brings to Utica."
Woodruff Resigns
Republican Office
CHICAGO. June 22. Lieutenant Gov
ernor Timothy L. Woodruff tonight an
nounced his resignation as leader of the
republican organization in Brooklyn. In
his letter to Reuben L. Haskell, secre
tary of the Kings county committee,
Mr. Woodruff gays that in his Judgment
the destruction ot the republican party is
Inevitable as a result of this national
convention; -
Mr. Woodruffs telegram says In part:
"The utterly ruthless 'subversion of th
popular will expressed by our fellow re
publicans of the great republican states
by the national committee, the committee
on credentials and finally by this fraud,
ulently constituted convention, whereby
tha destruction of the republican party
Is in my political Judgment inevitable,
as I told my fellow Brooklvn
when tney arrived here after I had care-
rujiy miormea myself regarding the
situation, compels me to take this
course." . .
Wagons Everywhere.