Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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$31.50 Refrigerator, like cut, with
. aide Ice, 90 lbs. capacity, white en
- amel finish, sanitary glass trap.
Special Monday 91 QIS
II only
U rnrasT gas j
1 I xavob zar tee SJ
rnrasT a as
xavob zar tee
A. B.
By special arrangement with the
factory we will put on sale this. week
only, the beautiful Cabinet Gas Bang-
at a special Discount tor casn, or
give you the rc-gular cash price on
term's. Conio in and see us about
this. ,
Good Hardivare Bargains
Here are a lot of good reliable household needs, put on sale
for Monday only at greatly reduced prices.
Wash Boilers Extra heavy,
large size with copper bot
tom and- stationary handles;
$1.85. No 8 Mon-- A I 4Q
day VI 16 V
$2.10. No. 9, Monday
40 Cent Wash
Boards, strong
brass or glass
your choice
Force Cup.
Save plumbing
bills, re g ular
75c, Monday
other shipment of our
. reliable hose goes on
sale Monday, regular
i -inch aise, at, i ri
per foot I uc
Large size, made of three
coated onyx enamel ware:
5c, 8 qt size. OQn
at fcuv
55c, 10-qt sine,
UWI MOWER Ball bearing, 10-inch
size, 4 blades, guaranteed, A Q C
. regular $6.45. Monday fJ"i3U
SAD T&OITS Regular $1-75, abestos lined set. three sizes with
handle and stand, on' sale Monday at
Chairman Mack and Committee
' Arrayed Against Bryan.
Probability that Bitter Contest Will
Open Baltimore , Convention
Chairman Mack to Rap
. for Order.
.(Continued from First Fage.)
, that the Ohio state convention had no
authority in law in , binding by the unit
rule the congressional "district delegates
elected under the state primary law. Mr.
O., Ill l A ,kn. Ml! niiaotiAna fcVl 1-11 llil
oumvtui eeuu men, an iucji.v.. ..v.-.v
be decided by the convention.
Wilson Upholds Bryan.
..Governor Wilson's telegram to Mr.
BryaH in reply to the latter's appeal yes
terday to sever all of the democratic
presidential candidates was given out
here by the Wilson national campaign
' The Wilson reply was as follows:
"You are right Before hearing of your
message I clearly stated my position in
answer to a question from the Baltimore
Evening Sun. The Baltimore convention
is to be the convention of progressives
Vio men whn nr nrneressive in Drlnciole
and by conviction. If it is not to be put
in a wrong light before the country it
must express its convictions in its or
ganization and in its choice of the men
who are to speak for It. Tou are to be
a member of the conventions and are
entirely within your rights in doing
everything within your power to bring
that result about.
"No one will doubt where my sympa
thies He and you will, I am sure, find
jny friends in the convention acting upon
a clear conviction and always in the in
terest of the people's cause. I am happy
in the confidence that they need no sug
gestion from me."
Little Encouragement In Answer.
Those national committeemen aligned
with Judge Parker analyzed the replies
of the candidates to Mr. Bryan's note
and declared the Nebraska leader would
find little comfort in them , and that he
would be compelled to make the fight
with only those delegates who joined with
him. '
: Some of the leaders hoped that Mr.
Bryan could be persuaded to withdraw
from the fight and abide by the decision
of the committee In the interest of party
harmony. There were reports that there
might , be . a . bolt if Judge Parker was
finally selected and a party of progres
sives formed, but none close to the Bryan
leaders would confirm this, saying that
it' was Idle talk to talk of such moves,
especially since the delegates and leaders
had not- threl .ed It out in convention.
' United States ' Senator Martins of New
Jersey was one of the early Wilson ar
rivals today. '
"The temporary chairmanship Is not
worth . fighting over, declared Senator
Martlne: "I am Bryan's friend and would
prefer to 'see a man like Senator Kern
temporary chairman, but that Is all sec
ondary to gating a real progressive can
didate like Woodrow Wilson and a plat
form that Is more progressive than our
platforms of seventy-five years ago. We
don't want to row at the beginning of
this convention."
Boom for Gaynor.
The campaign of lithographs almost
ended seriously In the Emerson, head
quarters for many of the candidates.
Ever since the Wilson managers monopol
ized one end of the balcony over the hotel
lobby with an enormous likeness of their
candidate, each headquarters has sought
to outdo the others by display of litho
graphs, portraits and banners. One
zealous Clark supporter procured a
twenty-foot ladder and was about to
You Owe it to
Your Doctor
To have the prescriptions he pre
scribes for you most carefully com
pounded as only pure drugs can ac
complish the purpose he has pre
scribed them for.- At any of our
stores you are assured of getting
nothing but the best and purest drugs
at all times and compounded by the
most competent pharmacists avail
able. .
Sherman & IlcConnell
Drug Stores
paste a lithograph of the Missouri can
didate far above that of any other can
didate. Just as he was adjusting the
stickers, down came - ladder, lithograph
and man, all in a heap, among the
startled politicians. No one was seriously
injured. -
Friends of Mayor Gayr.or have entered
him In this lithograph contest Last
night about the time Charles F Murphy
and his Tammany Hall followers arrived
Gaynor lithographs appeared everywhere
about the lobby. A gigantlo - banner,
necessarily hiding some of the multitu
dinous pictures of other candidates, was
suspended In the lobby. It read: "Gay
nor for President. A Sure Winner."
The snapshot artists are doing a rush
ing business. This year they are not
only seeking the prominent men, but are
photographing the women. They were
particularly insistent that Mrs. Norman
E. Mack, wife, of the national committee
chairman, pose for them. ' She finally
consented provided they would readjust
her veil after the ceremony." They
promised and tried to fulfill their part
of the agreement, but' a newspaper man
had to come to their assistance.
Iowa Wants a Winner.
An appeal for a "winning candidate" is
being made by the Bryan league of Iowa
to every delegate through an address
distributed among the assembled poli
ticians. . In this appeal it Is argued that
democratic success depends upon winning
at least 1,000,000 dissatisfied republicans.
"What faction-of the republican party
can wo best hope to win away?" the
Iowa democrats ask.
"Unquestionably the radical progres--sives
and followers of La Follette. Name
the democrat whom these men are 'now
ready to vote .for and you have found
the winning candidate."
He Refuses to Comment onBrj-an'i
NEW YORK, June 22. Alton B. Par
ker, who has been picked by the arrange
ments committee o the democratic na
tional committee for temporary chair
man of the Baltimore convention, arrived
in New York today from Rochester. He
is working on his speech to be delivered
in . Baltimore and denied himself to
visitors, v His secretary said that the
judge would leave for Baltimore either
tonight or tomorrow morning.
Judge Parker has made no comment on
Mr. Bryan's opposition to him as tem
porary chairman.
that whatever the complexion of the Bal
tlmer convention, its platform will make
sweeping concessions to the radical ele
ment In the party.
Senator O'Gorman of New York, prob
ably on the resolutions committee, says
that It is the consensus of opinion that
the tariff should be the dominant Issue
and that a vigorous tariff plank should
be the committee's first care. The next
plank In order of importance will relate
to business monopolies.
A universal woman suffrage plank ar
rived here today and several prominent
suffragists already have been promised
a hearing before the committee.
Other planks the committee will con
sider,1 are . as ' follows:
Declaring for regular Increase of the
navy, probably the construction of two
battleships a year.
Permitting postal employes to organize.
Improvement of rivers and harbors.
Favoring a national public health bu
reau. There was talk today of a plank de
claring in strong terms against a third
presidential term. If Colonel Roosevelt
Is nominated to run again, it is said such
a plank is certain to find its way into
the platform. '
Sweeping Concessions to Radical
Element Are Probable. ....
BALTIMORE, June 22.-The democratic
platform builders promise to present1 to
the convention ' next week a document
that shall be short and incisive. The
number of "teeth" in it, one plank
maker said today, will depend-upon. the
outcome of the struggle between the
conservative and radical wings of the
party. On most of. the majority points,
however, the leaders seem agreed.
If William J. Bryan wins his fight to
have the keynote of the convention
sounded by a progressive chairman, Mr.
Bryan probably will be made chairman
of the resolutions committee.
In view of .the republican situation and
the hints that the leaders of a "third
ticket" may appeal for support to pro
gressive democrats, there is little doubt
National Committee Takes Up the
Work Monday.
BALTIMORE, June 22. Plans for the
hearing Monday by the democratic) na
tional committee of rival delegations for
seats In the democratic convention were
completed today by members of the
Death has reduced by one the number
of contests. There will be no contest In
the Sixth Louisiana district. In the same
manner in which the contest was created
it has been solved. The vacancy In the
delegation was caused by the tragic
death in Washington of the late Rep
resentative Robert C. Wycliffe, chosen to
the Baltimore convention some time ago.
A dispute arose as to which of the two
alternates In the district were entitled
to his seat here. Secretary Urey Wood
con of the democratic national commit
tee has been Informed that one of the
alternates also has died.
Up to date the national committee has
received notification of contests affect
ing the entire delegations from the Dis
trict of Columbia, Porto Rico. Vermont
the Philippines and Alaska. In addition
rival claims have been made to the seats
of the delegates from Illinois at large;
the first ten districts of that state and
also the Twentieth. Other contests In
augurated are over three seats from
Rhode Island, one seat in the Seventh
and in the Ninth Pennslyvanla districts
and both seats in the -Seventh and Six
teenth Texas districts.
tl'oh of Its convention. I should regard
It as unwise to agitate a similar cause
of difference respecting action of tha
democrats national .committee.
The democrat party of the United
States stands for three things:
First Opposition to grants of special
.neclal interests.
Second-Opposition to centralization of
power at Washington uy encroaenments
on the rightful spheres of the states.
Third Economy In public expenditures.
All those who believe that these prin
ciples should be iiteadfastly maintained
belong In the democratic parry.
No party can expect or deserve success
In the conduct of national affairs which
Is not broad enough to comprehend many
who differ widely In their views on the
minor points. It will have a right wing,
a left wing and a center, all co-ordinate
parts of one. and the same political body.
X appeal to you as the great leader,
for whom I have, cast my vote in former
presidential campaigns as one agreeing
with you on those points, though differ
ing from you as to some others, to use
your commanding . influence to securo
harmony at Baltimore.
New Tork Chieftain Declares WU1
Win Without Fisht.
BALTIMORE. June 22-Both Senator
O'Gorman of New York and Charles F.
Murphy, leaders of Tammany Hall, de
clared tonight that' there would be no
row In the convention over the selection
of a temporary chairman. Mr. Murphy
insisted, however, that Judge Alton B.
Parker would be chosen, and that Mr.
Bryan would meet defeat before the con
vention opened, at the session of the
national committee which win pass upon
the action of the subcommittee.
"Are you behind , Judge Parker?" he
was asked.
"I am."
"Do you think there is any chance of
his withdrawing?"
"I haven't heard of any."
"Will he be accepted by the conven
tion?" "I hope so." .
Murphy Insisted that the controversy
over the temporary chairmanship would
be settled before the convention assem
bled. "There will be no unseemly row," said
Mr. Murphy, "and no bitterness. I am
satisfied Mr. O'Gorman will not do any
thing that Is not for the better Interest
of the party."
Senator O'Gorman said the platform
would contain a strong plank relating
to the so-called money trust but declined
to go Into details. The most important
planks In the platform, he declared,
would be:
First tariff reduction, and second, con
trol of monopolies.
Mr. Murphy spent the day in confer
ences with Chairman Robert Craln of the
local committee of arrangements, Colonel
John Hopkins of Chicago, Thomas Tag
gart of Indiana and others.
He Asks Nebraskan to Abandon the
Fight on Parker.
NEW HAVEN,' Conn., June 22.-Gov-ernor
Simeon E. Baldwin today sent the
following to Colonel Bryan In reply to
the latter's appeal that the governor op
pose Alton B. Parker as temporary chair
man of the Baltimore convention:
Replying to your telegram forwardeu
from Hartford: It does not seem to me
that the course you suggest would pro
mote harmony at Baltimore.
The republican party hs been visibly
destroying itself at Chicago. The stosm
center has been the action of Its national
committee in planning for the organlza-
Vlg-oroas Conttnnation of Unit Rnle
to Be Considered.
BALTIMORE, June 22,-The vigorous
continuation of the unit rule of the demo
cratic national conventions was con
sidered tonight by the committee on ar
rangements, meeting with its subcommit
tee on rules. Charles R. Crisp of Georgia,
parliamentarian of the national house of
representatives and of the coming con
vention, cited the precedents for the unit
"The committee's purpose was to pre
pare advice for . the national chairman
and for the temporary chairman, during
the respective periods they preside over
the convention preceding the permanent
organization as to whether tha unit rule
of voting In the state delegations shall
be recognized. The issue will be raised
as a point of order In the convention, It
Is expected, and not through formal' con
tests of rival delegations."
No action was taken and the com
mittee will meet again Monday with Mr.
Declares All He Has Done
A Ion or This Line.
FORT WAYNEt Ind., June 22.-WIlliam
J. Bryan, on his way to Baltimore to
night was asked whether he would take
the matter of the temporary chairman
ship cf the democratic convention on the
floor of the convention.
N "I do not care to discuss the situation,"
he said.
"What I have done has been done In
the Interest of harmony. As you will
see from the telegram to the presidential
candidates I did not attempt to name any
person for the place, urged that the con
vention find a temporary .chairman a
gentleman suitable to the ' two leading
candidates, and thus make sure of a
harmonious opinion of-'the. convention.
Instead . the .subcommittee ' selected a
reactionary to open a progressive conven
tion. ' No intelligent man could believe
that such a move Is In-the Interest of
harmony at a time like this. I hope that
the full committee will select some man
In harmony with the majority seatlment
of 'the convention and thus give the demo
crats a united beginning."
Samuel Gompers, president of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, was on the
same train with Mr. Bryan, as were
Governor James Hawley and the Idaho
delegates-at-large. Gompers had no
hesitancy In expressing his disappoint
ment with the action of the republican
national convention.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
:? win
v " -
nnn n i -v nn i -i rrv rarnn
mira mm
Afford to
Miss This
Grand Opportunity
Just think of it! A Gold Watch
(Ladies' or Gents' size) given ab
solutely FREE with every; Piano
sold during the month of June
whether it be ($65 or $500) . New or
used pianos are included In this offer,
too. Don't wait any longer, as this offer
will positively be withdrawn July 1st.
We made this extra Inducement to make
this June the biggest In our history and it
certainly has proved successful. We present
below a brand new lot of bargains for your
Make Your Own Terms on These
No store . tat the
country ever offered
better Piano ' bar
gains than those
quoted here today.
Read them care
fully, and remember
that a small par
ment down and
little each week
($1.00 a week ' will
do) secures one for
YOU. Come tomot
row early.
$300 Mueller.'-Upright SlOO
$376 Arion. Upright 8125
$350 Vose & Son, Upright. . .$140
$400 Everett, Upright 8150
$350 Kurtzman, Upright. .. .$185
1450 Ivers & Pond, Upright, $103
$350 Piano Player
$600 Player Piano ........ .$290
$325 Marshall & Smith Practice
Piano $18
$4 0 Vose &Son Prac. Piano, $27
$350 Hardman, Upright $70
$250 Kimball, Upright $75
$325 Boothe Bros.. Unriht. 1 n
$300 Steck, Upright ..$70
In sdditlon to the above Bargains, you'll find the World's best
makes of Pianos and Piano Players to select from such as tha
Steinway, Weber. Hardman, Bteger A Sons, Emerson, McPhail and
Schmoller & Mueller Pianos.
The Piano Players Includes the Steinway, Weber, Stuyvesant.
Steck. Wheelock, Technola and our own Schmoller & Mueller Player
Pianos made in seven different styles. ( '
With Each Instrument Sold.
One Hundred Pianos will be rented for $3.00 per month.
Free Tuning, Free Insurance and Free Drsyage, If kept months.
Schmoller & Her
1311-13 Farnam Street
Msnufaetursrs. Wholesslers
Crowds Around Bee Bulletin Board
Applaud Nomination Bulletin.
Several Hnndred Men Stand Before
Bulletin Board When News
Comes Many Arguments
on Sidewalk.
Announcement of William Howard
Taft's renominatlon on The Bee bulletin
board, Seventeenth and Farnam streets,
was greeted with prolonged applause and
cheering and some hissing and cries of
derision by a crowd of several hundred
men last night.
Despite the talk of overwhelming'
Roosevelt sentiment In Nebraska and
Omaha, the demonstration In front of
the bulletin board Indicated that 'a ma
jority of those present were either
pleased or not greatly displeased with
the result of the week's battle In Chi
cago. For several minutes the crowd
cheered and clapped hands; a few hats
were tossed Into the air. The few men
who gave expression to their 111 feeling
over the collapse of the Roosevelt move
ment within the party soon exhausted
their dispositions to hiss and deride.
Until a late hour a crowd stood In
front of the bulletin board. The Indi
vidual members of the gathering
changed from minute to minute, some
moving on and others coming to take
their places. They scanned the board,
commented upon the Information It dis
played, discussed it briefly and passed
on to .give place to others.
All last week convention bulletins, fur
nished by the "A. P." appeared In many
store windows and before each such win
dow there was a constantly changing
crowd. Because of the larger number and
more frequent changes of Bee bulletins
the largest crowd congregated before tills
board. Since Tuesday morning there has
been no hour between 9 o'clock In the
morning and 10 at night that at leaBt 100
men were not on the walk in front of the
board. Most of the time the number has
exceeded 400.
Remarks of Interested perusers of the
bulletin all week have resulted In heated
arguments. Almost any hour one might
visit the corner and find more than 100
men scanning the board and anothe
group of a hundred or more gathered
round some ardent partisans listening to
the debate. - -
Two Men Injured
When Car Strikes
Wagon on Track
A rear-end collision between a Farnam
street car and a beer wagon driven by
Fortunato Zancanella ana Tony Alders.
both of 1024 Dodge street, nearly resulted
fatally for the men on the lighter vehicle
last night at Tenth and Jackaon streets,
about I o'clock.
The men were driving north in the
car tracks and the street car came along
behind, striking the wagon before It
could get off the track. Both men were
thrown from their seats to the ground
and painfully Injured. Zancanella sus
tained a broken left arm and bruises
about the face and body, and Aiders suf
fered a scalp wound several ' inches In
length, besides a bad wound on the
right forearm. Zancanella was taken to
St. Joseph's hospital, but Aldera was
able to go to his own home. The wagon
upon which the men were riding was
demolished. It was the property of
CantonI and Bertraclnl, proprietors of
the Roma hotel at Eleventh and Dodge
Formation of Third Party in Dakota
Gives Opening. ,
All nominees on TloUet BoeMvelt
.Men and Mast Deelav taw'SM
Leaving Resralar TleltatJWUn-
oat Any Representation.
Police Make More -Raids
on Resorts
The police and sheriff's men kept boot
leggers and keepers of disorderly resorts
on the Jump yesterday afternoon and
night The police raided two places and
the sheriff's deputies one. Those visited
by the police were the St. Elmo hotel,
1617 Howard street, where the proprietor
was arrested, and the resort conducted
by James Lewis at 920 Capitol avenue. At
the latter place all of the male Inmates
arrested claimed to be base ball players.
The heuse conducted by Charles Stiller
at 424 South Thirteenth street was raided.
An express wagon load of beer and
whisky was confiscated and Stiller was
charged with breaking the 8 o'clock law.
Eleven inmates were also taken, but were
released on bond.
Coming and Going in Omaha
DEAD WOOD, S. D.. June a-tSpedal
Telegram.) The formation of a third.
party ticket by Roosevelt places Bout,
Dakota In a peculiar position and leaves
a chance for some speculation, particu
larly in the senatorial question.
The state went overwhelmingly for
Roosevelt In the primaries from governor
down, all nominees on the republican
ticket are Roosevelt men and each will
be obliged to declare himself with tha
strong probability that most of them will
declare for the Roosevelt ticket, Including
Sterling for senator.
This leaves the republican ticket with
no actual nominees and gives Senator
Oamble, who was beaten by Sterling, a
good chance to go before the next legis
lature as the republican candidate. ,
Gamble's friends here claim to see a
good chance for his electlpn In this
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
My Life Saved by Pe-ru-na.
Mr. S. S.
Job. nson,
O reenvllle,
111., writes:
"I was for
five years
t r oubled
w i t h ca
tarrh. Two
years ago I
had one
foot in the
g r ave. I
had tried
seven doc
tors and al
so went to
a catarrh
s p eclallst
in St. Louis
and took
s e v e ral
kinds o f
medicine a - Mr. 8. 8. ohnson. '
day. i could sot walk more than a
dundred yards without resting.
"My friends told me to take Pe
runa, and I did so. , I bow feel that
Peruna has saved my life. It is the
best medicine on earth, and I would
not be without It.". , ; r'