THE OMAHA SUNDAY" REE;. JUNE 23, 1912. iremendous M Even's Greater bargains were never offered to you than those awaiting you here Monday and all next week in our mighty clearing sale. Our entire $200,000 stock of men's, wo-s men's and children's clothing, shoes and furnishings at half and less ; REMARKABLE MEN'S CLOTHING VALUES MEN'S $15.00 ALL WOOL SUITS, at.. MEN'S itAXD T4ELORED WOOL SUITS, worth to $22.50, At ROYAL BLUE SERGE SUITS WORSTEDS, worth $25.00 and $30.00, at. . MEN'S ACME TROUSERS, worth to $6.50 splendid all wool fabrics, all col- 5Jf A A , or, at $2.69 !.' MEN'S AND WOMEN'S OXFORDS, worth $3.50 and $4.00 ! etyle; leather and last, at...'..i..i.i;,' i ..I , i'i i i i i ii i 1 1 All Women's Ipparel Must Oo Regardless of Price WOMEN'S $15.00 TAILORED SUITS, at &.t. ...... WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS, worth i to $22.50, at..:. ,. , ANY TAILORED , SUIT, worth to ; $45.00, at,.v. ........... ALL OUR LONG CLOTH CO AT, worth1 $40.00, at, 230 Lawn Dressing Sacques at; . ' liU't Woraen'a Hose at ...... . 5c Hair Nets at. liaWfl AVeraea'i fill bed Vete-T ... ! M M mi i'i i ii Sy flOo Gingham .L'ndeft skirts; at . . . . .19 TAFT HAMED ONFIRST BALLOT president - Xeceivet Twenty-One i Votes Kore Than Majority. !' v Hi- --. . ; ' ' ; 0FP0SXNT8 JST SILENT REVOLT Majority of ' Roosevelt Delegates from Illinois and AH from , ' Missouri and Idah Decline to Remain Heat. ' (Continued from. Second Fact.) ' syWanla,. Maine, and Norths .Carolina 80t m.... p.',.".'?"'"?- "77". . 1ltUf.'Tittany':thrVooSontan into a - Tfl standard barriers., were Jammed in a tRi standard Wrlers4were Jammed aide aisle and finall,. dispersed, finding further progress. Impossible, Bat ..the etiaortng, flag waving andwhlstllng wnt on unbated. . , . " . Hie demonstration was In progress twenty-two. minutes when, Senator Boot at last pounded , for order. Mr. - Allen when ho . had . obtained attention asked that the delegate! keep.qu,et; that what he bad to say was "not intended to start demonstrations, but to Set out the pot altlon . ot progressive 4, republicans. He was listened to attentively . for a , time and. first read the Roosevelt statement.-.,, The' statement was interuptod. at one point by groans, and hls?s. XMs was renewed "when "tijo, Roosevelt followers were asked not to vu.ta on any proposi-' Ions '.In the convention.; Mr. "Allen pro-1 needed vHih nla own staiement. . ' bays C'oaventtod is Kra-adalent. Mt. Allen a4d: ' "N'S "Gentlemen of the convention: Ws have reached a point where a majority of tha "fiobsevelt delegates feel that they can no longer share in tb. responsibility tor the acts of this convention. We have eontsnded with you until we have ex- 91 Year Old 8 Dir. William Losa Is a Remarkable Man. He is a Veteran ot the Mexican and Civil Wars, has Worked Hard all His Life, Yet at This Advanced Age Is BUU in Full Enjoyment v : of all his Faculties. ' Ona'of the west wonderful-cases on record f healthy and vigorous old ags t tha.4;of Mr. .William Losa, ot Harrl sonl idahaHa; was torn in l?21. and Is past his lst birthday, and yet he Is thit -c rsad and writs witnaut 'ths aid of - WILUAM LOSA, 1 Years Old glasses-Sod' Is la' foil enjoyment of all his other facultlca ' ' Mr. Ixi is a veteran of ' the Mexican aqd Civil wars and recalls' many of this country's ' early struggles along ths frontier. - Ha rtovef to Harrison, many years so ad is well known to prac tically every ,one 'lp 'that part of the . cewntry.' ' ' '-' ' ' ?. Mr, L-osa attributes a considerable tart " of Uia long length of bis life to -f? - -. .-,' --.. Slashing of P and $6.98 9.9S and FANCY $12.50 $5.00 $7.95 $10.00 ! $10 and $7.50 ' ' " ; 10t .'. . . . -v 5 yomen s Ann 30c Muslin Drawers 12Hc Huck Towels 50c Children's Dresses at. e No jex sr OMAHA 1 hausted every parliamentary privilege in tbt effort to have placed upon the roll the names of men legally elected. ,y", "When by using the votes of the dele gates whose rights to sit in this con vention are, challenged, you took the po sition which places the power of a polit ical oommlttes above the authority of 77,000 majority, elected In a legal pri mary In California, we decided that your steanr roller had exceeded 'the speed limit. Since .then we have not asked for a roll caU. You have now completed the seat ing Of all contested' delegates, using the votes of the, contested delegates to ac complish your purpose. We cannot In tuntlce to ourselves share the responsibll- Uy ot ,,. convention which has said to Ohl-4 home ot. r re motAtj ot W.o00 votl . . .,, President Taft that Voters, obtained in a must stand aside tar .rn relitteal dlctutn- ot . national cohimltteemah1-discarded by that sains majority. We cannot beoome parties- wltfi you In" a dociaratiort to' Pennsylvania that a defeated committeeman, seated In an obscure .room or this cunning must nullify ths 130,000 'majority' by which Pennsylvania gave expression of hcf wlshesv Ws will hot'put ourselves in a, position to"b's bound by any act in Which you say to ths majority which re jected him in Wisconsin;. to ths major ity that rejected him in Maine; to the majority that rejected him in Maryland; to the majority In South Dakota; to the majority in North. Dakota.hlcb gave him only 1.600 votes out of S'J.OOO; to the majority which." rejected h?m Mn Ne braska, in Oregon, -Minnesota, Kansas, Oklahoma, West Virginia and North Car olina, that all thsse majorities added to gether went. down under ths mere rulings of a political commutes. - . v: Ws will not Join you in saying to ths horns stats of Abraham Lincoln that ths 150,000 majority with which ws defeated Mr. Taft and his managers In Illinois was overruled by those very managers with oldier Injoys fine Health Duffy's Purs Malt Whiskey, which has been consistently used by htm whenevsr he fU ths need of a tonlo stimulant. In a recent letter, which be wrote, without tbs aid of glasses, hs said. In part: Tak pieasura In writing to tell you how much good Duffy's Purs Malt Wblekey has done me. I have used this valuable medicine for a great many years, and now, at si years of age, am is full enjoyment of all my faculties. I am a Volunteer Veteran of the Mexi can and Civil wars and have lived in Harrison for a long time and am vary well known." , 1 When men and women get along in Ufa they need a remedy that will quick en ths circulation, bring restful sleep, invigorate ths brain and prevent decay. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey la ths best agent to produce these happy , reeults. By Improving ths digestion and assimi lation ot the food, it drives nourishment into ths system and gives tons and vi tality to every organ in ths b4dy.' It has been used with rsmarksble re sults la the prevention and relief of all throat, lung and stomach troubles and all wasting and diseased conditions. It is Invaluable for ths ' overworked; it makes the old feel young, and ths young strong and vigorous; rscognlsed as a family medicine and prescribed by phy sicians everywhere. The genuine la sold In sealed bottles only by sll druggists, grocers and deal ers. $l.0 a large bottle. Be sura you get Duffy's and that the seal ovsr ths cork Is Intact. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us and ws will tall you how to get it Medical booklet, containing rare common sens rules for health and testimonials, also doctor's advice, sent free on reqtiest Ths Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. K, of noes are! FURNISHING BARGAINS 25c Paris Garters. ...12" 12 He Men'a Hose. 5 75c Work Shirts. 39 10c Handkerchief s. .3 50c Silk Hose. .19 45c Suspenders at. . . 21 it 75c and 50c Silk Neckwear.'. ... ... ; 2o SPLENDID DRESS SHIRTS, worth to $1.-39 $1.50 DRESS SHIRTS....... ...... V.Oii $1.00 UNION SUITS, at. '.48 50c Shirts and Drawers at .. -25 ;(cvery new M ft jr. .V ".; Beautiful Silk Dresses, worth to $25.00, t $0.98 "1 $4.9Su White Lingerie and Pure Linen Dresses, worth to $10, at. . .$3.98 n $2.98: Wash Dresses, all the newest styles and fabrics', worth to $7.50- : t..f. $1.98. $1.48 98tf Dress Skirts, worth to $10 . at....... $3.98, $2.98 d gl.9S $2.00 Linen Wash Skirts at .... . -69 aty. . . ... .......... 15J ; at. ..................... ,5 19 White Ratine Hats f worth to $2.50 .' ", t . y.85 Pretty Trimmed HaU, . worth to $3.50, at: 48 d 98 th consent of those who have arrogated powers never intended to be there. ; Points t Tatt's Record. "Mr. Payne sought to question the r publlcanlsm of these great republican States yesterdayl. 'Until he can show a better. record than is shown by the re suits ot bisjtlnd of conservative leader ship he is estopped from criticism. "When . Theodore . Roosevelt left ihs White House four years ago he loft yon an overwhelming majority in both branches of congress, and left you an overwhelming majority In all .tha great republican states; he left you a reoord on which you could elect Mr. Taft; he left you a progressive program to carry for ward. That program was buried beneath an avalanche of , words at -Winona and eighteen governors were burled "beneath '".avatauoha otKotea.wuloh rebuked rec reancy to party pledges. , "A big majority .In the lower house gave. way to democrats and in the senato was reduced to a mors majority. "So much for your conservative leader ship, Mr. Payne. '"Ws will not participate with you In completing the scuttling of the ship. We will not say to the young men of the na. Uon, who, reading political, history with their patriotism and longing to catch st?p with the party of their fathers, that wo have nothing better to offer them at this hour than this new declaration of human rights, .and we refuse to be bound by It "We have' pleaded with you ten days; we have fought with you five days tor a 'square deal." We fight no more. Vg plead no longer. We shall sit In protect and tliu people who sent us hers shall Judge us." ' Root Pleads for Order. Mr. Alien was interrupted many times. Finally Chairman Root made a personal plea for order.-. . Tha friends of President Taft,". he said, "should give to those speaking for Mr. Roosevelt the same attention as the friends of Mr. Roosevelt give to ths speakers of President Taft" Mr. Allen was followed by a storm of cheers as he concluded and left the plat form. Then cams a. distinct and surprising coup by tha Taft leaders. A big tight had been expected on the report of the rules commute which sought to change ths rules in many respects, giving greater power to the national committee and perpetuating. In the minds of ths Roosevelt followers the methods of the present convention, When ths committee reported, Watson, the Taft leader, moved to lay It on the table. This was carried with a whoop, leaving the convention' operating under the' rules of tha convention of im. A resolution to so proceed "until the adop tion of new rules'' was adopted the first day of the convention. A minority report troru the committee on rues also was laid on ths tabl. Ths proceedings were moving along rapidly now and former Vice President Fairbanks, chairman of tbs resolutions committee, was introduced to read the platform, Hs was greeted with pp!&u.. The reading of the platform was Inter rupted by a demonstration to William Jennings Bryan, who left bis place in the press stand. Fairbanks was forced to suspend while a section of the gallery cheered the democratic leader aa he made his way from the hall. Bryan planned to leave for Baltimore on a 1:30 train. "We have been greatly honored." said Fairbanks when ths excitement had died down, "with the presenco of several of our friends in political opposition, some of whom have business now in Balti more. " , The reference to the administration ot President Taft was received with cheers, but ths demonstration was over in a moment As ba concluded Mr. Fairbanks moved tha adoption of the platform. Delegste Walter C Owen of Wisconsin waa recognised to present. the La Follette platform, offered as a complete substi tute. The North Dakota delegates joined with Wisconsin in urging the La Follette fcleas.' . Mateo Farjodo, a delegate from Porto Rico, sought recognition, claiming that a Porto Ricsn plank had been overlooked in ths report ot the committee. He was beld out of order. After the reading of the La Follette platform Mr. Fairbanks moved to lay it 1 on the table, twenty n.inutes in the mean- j time being allowed the La t oiieue aavo- , rates to make arguments. j Samuel H. Poriv r,f Wisconsin said the present convention had thoroughly dem- j Castrated the necessity of presidential preference primarl. He denounced the old system of national conventions . as "one-of the1 greatest trusts in the world," and said the people might well question the sincerity of a man, beneficiary of such a convention, when he went abroad, denouncing trusts in general. Mr. Cady discussed various planks In the La- Follette platform, characterizing theni as representative of the true pro gressive movement. J: J. Blaine of Wisconsin closed the debate with a tribute to Senator La Fol lette. V ; Roll (all on Plntform. . , The La Follette platform then wa laid upon the table. Mr. Fairbanks reported the Porto Rlcan citixensnip plank, left out by mistake,- and was accepted, On the adoption of the platform. Barnes-, ths.Taft leader from New. York, demanded a roll call. It was ordered that there was great" in terest in watching the action Of " the Roosevelt delegates. j The twenty-two Taft delegates voted ay. The . two Roosevelt delegates re- j fused to vote. After Arizona and Arkan- as had voted the clerk tnen called: 'California?". "California declines to vote," shouted .vleyer Lessner. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A storm of applause interrupted the roll call. . When order had been restored Chairman Itoot announced: "The vote of California has been chal lenged and the roll of the state will be called." ' Silence greeted the names as they were called until Tryon and Meyerfleld, the Taft- delegates from the Fourth district, were reached. They voted aye for the platform In a chorus of "boos" and cat calls. Idaho's eight , votes in the Roosevelt column up to this time shifted and were cast aye. When Illinois was reached Governor Deneen : asked that the delegation be temporarily passed. . , Indiana voted twenty-one aye, two no, seven of the Roosevelt adherents not voting. Iowa also was passed on the first call. Kaaiu and Kentucky. Kansas' eighteen . Roosevelt votes did not vote. Two voted aye. Kentucky cast twenty-six votes aye, three Roosevelt delegates voting. Louisiana voted twenty ayes and Maine's twelve declined to vote. . In Maryland height voted aye; six pres ent and not voting; two were absent. The vote was challenged and oh a roll call it stood: Ayes, nine; not voting, six; ab sent, one. Two of the Marylanders an swered "present, but you csn't make me vote." . The poll of . the Illinois delegation showed forty-six ayes, nlns not voting, three absent.;. .. . ."Iowa. gave sixteen ayes and ten noes, the Taft and Cummins lineup. - Massachusetts asked -to be . passed. Michigan voted to. be passed, Michigan voted twenty-two ayes, eight not voting. Minnesota's. twenty-four Roosevelt dele gates declined, to vote.. Three Roosevelt delegates from Missis sippi declined - to vote and then cams Missouri. As the. clerk. called the state there . was a sudden . hush. ... Missouri caits thirty-six votes ays," called the spokesman, .o' the delegation as the Taft people gavo' a great cheer. Missouri had also! served notice of 4 re fusal to bolt ;'r-' j ' . u. Mdntaljia''s efgW Votes' were cast - aye.' ' Nebraska's" sixteen declined' to vote. - ': Governor" Fort - declined to vote tlie twenty-eight New 'Jersey Roosevelt' sup porters. ' ;VV ' New York-; which divided seventy-five to fifteen yesterday. in, favor ot the Taft people gave eighty-five votea for the plat form, only five members declining ,to vote. North Carolina's vote was divided, six ayes, twelve not voting, six absent North Dakota's ten La Follette dele gates ypted no. v i ' In Ohio thirty;lour stood by Rooseveit and declined to. vote.' Oklahoma voted, four aye, one no and fifteen not voting. Oregon divided four ayes,- two not vot ing and two no, and two obsent. Fllnn announced the vote of Pennsyl vania: "One absent, 12 ayes, (3 present but declining to vote." The galleries cheered the .announce ment. When Massachusetts was called at the end of the roll call. It was necessary to call the roll Qf the delegation. The. vote stood, 20 ayes, 14 not voting, I absent A Maryland delegate who bad been ab. sent voted aye, making Maryland's ayes 8; not voting, 6; absent, !. Before the result was, announced Wai ter L. Houser, campaign manager for Senator La Follette, waa given permission to make a statement. Senator La Follette," be said, "has not had an opportunity yet to examine the platform drawn up for adoption by this convention, but as a candidate who will be presented to you desires me to say for him that In this crisis ot the re publican party be is Impelled by a sens of obligation to state to the convention that whether, nominated or not he can't consent to accept or support ,ti platform that Is not thoroughly progressive and which does not substantially . cover the main provisions presented in the minor lty report submitted by the Wisconsin member of the comrnlttee on resolu tions.'" There was an outburst ot cheering when the total Roosevelt strength was . an nounced as 343, a number of delegates not voting, but a general outburst followed the announcement of 668 votes aye. The noes were fifty-three and sixteen were absent ' ' Immediately Chairman Root announced a call of roll for nomination of president Taft's Name Comes First. Alabama was passed, Arlsona was silent Down ths list silence followed ths calling of each state until Ohio, was reached. A cheer greeted the state and Warren O. Harding arose to place Pres ident Taft In nomination. Then It waa discovered that Iowa had forgotten to nominate Cummins and Root ordered that the state be called again. Silence greeted the second call, for the lowans had de cided not to nominate Cummins but to vote for him. Then Ohio was called again and Hard ing took ths platform, greeted by scat tered cheers, to nominate Taft When New York was. called there had been a murmur of- disappointment, for William A. Prendergast sat still In his seat, although he had been expected to nominate Roosevelt , ' Frequently during his Speech Hardjng was Interrupted by applause and cheers. When finally he reached the name of "William Howard Taft". floor and gallery burst Into life. Hats and handkerchiefs were swung in the air and a steady roll of cheering swept through the halL In the galleries women as well as men joined In the demonstration, which redoubled In! Union . mm . lrttittincrt o Wfer "TIT ' 'jjf OMAHA SE.COR.I6ivJACKS0N5T2 CONSOLIDATED WITH June Marriages-Tben the Dnion! ... ' " - v Half of the romance would be taken out of a "June Wedding were r it . not for the prospect of immediately arranging a home of one's own; r: a domicile; a haven; a retreat from the cares of the world, and the r. "Union" will arrange as pretty a one as you wish, on this scale- of prices: THREE room home outfits at $59.50; FOUR room outfits ': at $79.50; FIVE room outfits at $99.- No need of losing the ': "romance," is there? ; ; :: IyC1 i iv :;7:)j I ? Buy tlie Chitta f jIIM: M Oose . W ' - 'm- Dinner;SeMo- 0 m -f Isa if t "9 Easy Payments V .$ !f One may always pick UlliOH- - a special value on our MmMmS'llil HirCf d One may always pick a special value on our Rug Floor. Many of such values are being offered right NOW! vigor when Harding stepped to the front of the platform and tried to quiet It It soon became evident that Mr. Hard ing accidentally had precipitated the nominating demonstration, for he still kept the platform and tried to makelUm self heard. He had not placed Mr. Taft in nomination, but the crowd thought so and turned loos Roosevelt Men Are Silea. Through the tumult California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the Roosevelt states sat silent . . ' Suddenly from somewhere came a flaming red banner bearing picture ot the president. The demonstration was renewed. One Illinois delegate stripped off his coat. to have something to wave. Some of the delegations started march ing and then began the scene that always accompanies the culminating point of a national convention. The bearer of tha Taft banner climbed upon the stage, tearing away ths railing as his comrades hoisted him up. Waving the scarlet flag from side to side ne iea cheers for. the president An aged woman took the platform and Insisted on leadindg a cheer. She herself was cheered. She said her name was Mra Gardner of Philadelphia. Aftr h Tift adherents had yelled themselves hoarse for sixteen minutes they began to pay sojpe attention w tor Boot's gavel and order was restored Mr. Harding then proceeded with his speech., His sallies at Colonel Roosevelt were loudly cheered by the Tart peopie, but there were groans and boos from the Roosevelt men. During a demonstration of groans that followed Harding's tribute to Taft as the "greatest progressive of bis time" there was a fisticuff between two delegates over where Maine, Oregon, North Dakota and Florida mingled. - A score of policemen rushed to the scene and for some minutes further proceedings were suspended. ' It was said that Dalegets M. B. McFVr land of Tampa. Fla.. had been struck by a delegste from North Dakota. ronvmtlon' Impatlea. The convention became very Impatient as Mr. Harding continued to speak at great length in behalf of Mr. Taft and he was interrupted again and agal. ,' -. I Chairman Root had to taks a nana ai last, appealing te the Roosevelt delegates, who bad announced their intention io re-1 fr 1 THE PEOPES STORE. OMAHA II- ..-.44MaaW &E.COR.I6frJACKS0N STS CONSOLIDATED WITH main mute in the convention to preserve their self-restraint " ' A delegate, made the point that most of the disturbance and Interruptions were from ths galleries and Senator Root ap pealed to them for quiet. The plea had Its effect and Mr. Harding was permitted to conclude. John Wanaroaker, when he appeared on the stage to second the nomination of President Taft was greeted - with ap plause. Mr. Wanamaker paid a' tribute to Mr. Taft as a roan in whom he had the great est confidence and as a "man who would not. abuse, a confidence.". Mr. Taft, he said, by birth and training was "tremen dously fitted", for the work ot the office he had occupied the : last four years. Mr. Taft had held to ths courage of his convictions "under the most difficult con ditions since the days of Abraham Lin coln." Mr. Wanamaker was courteously heard and abblauded as ' he" closed. Nicholas Murray Butler of New York followed, seconding Taft's nomination. . The call of states proceeded until Wis consin waa reached. Michael Oldrlch of .Madison pre sented the name ot United States Senator La Follette. Wisconsin gave him a mighty cheer. . ' Indications at 8 o'clock favored the nom ination Of Sherman ot New York for vice president. g There was a rumor that both Hadley of Missouri and Deneen of Illinois had de clined the nomination. " - Later both ' Hadley ' and Deneen con firmed the report that they had declined to permit the use of their names in con nection with the vice presidency. Judge Says Many Refined Women Smoke NEW TORK, June 7S."t will take Judicial . cognises that It Is quite a common custom among many refined Wo men of the world to smoke clgaretes," announced the court here, sitting In the case of H. W. Thome, a broker, against his divorced wife, an actress, now Mra Charles H. ope.- The controversy is over the custody of a small son. Mr. Thorns claiming that the child had been practically abandoned by the mother. 232 5 A Timely Tip to Team sters - the "Union'! is selling an extra large, ; leak proof, $2.50 Wag- on Umbrella at 50c. THIS VERY I Slocked with a 51-Piecc Genuine Austrian DlnnerSet BOTH FOR ' The China Closet exactly like-illustration;' select Quarter-sawed oak of extraordinarily handsome grain; with- bent glas .--ends of double strength glass; . the piece standing is. 5 feet high and 3 feet wide; the shelves grooved for , plates; door dust-proof, A thins, of beauty in every respect. . .. " The Dinner Set that goes with it is of genuine Austrian make, with a pattern that has been ad judged artistic by the critical. ' buyers b-f the- nation. The China Closet alone would sell ordinarlly at $27.60, The Dinner Set at $10, making a total of J37.50-- yet '.' -both China Closet AND imported Dinner Set may . now be had tori only ,$22.60. . , ;,. 'j.-. .' '.s ' June brides should take' ftnme-t diate advantage of this;. .In fac-t, the offer was planned as' a.."June Bride Special." ..: Now read . this right China Closet AND China for $25.50. Pay$2Casfi; 1 -Hff L mo: THE PEOPLES STORE. One of the reasons urged : why : M'rs.: Pope should not continue in charge of the boy, that she smoked cigarettes, drew forth the opinion Of the Court Orozco Threatens to Close Smelter Plant EL PASO,' Tex.. June : 22.-General Orozco, the rebel chief, today demanded of the American Smelting and Refining company at Chihuahua, according to ad vices reaching here, that they purchase five carloads of gold bullion, from him, and on Its refusal he threatened to close' ' the plant The company's officials ere. reported to have declined to buy- what tney neueved to be stolen goods. Clos ing of the plant would throw 6,000 men ut of employment probably forcing ihejii Into the rebel army. The company Is re ported to have applied to American Con sul Letcher for protection. ,. German Aviator is Killed by Fall DOEBE.RTZ, Germany. Junev22,-AB-' other army aviator was killed ' here 'last evening. Lieutenant Von Falkenhayn of the German army, after making a flight on the military aerodrome, attempted to land, but made a false movement with1 one of the levers, which caused ths ma chine to fall. . PHYSICIAN Dr. C. S. Shepard, 1018-19 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Hose, Throat and Ear Dlatatei; Affsotlons ot the lunge and Diges tive Organs; also other ehronle (seated) ailments requiring Sjt tematie Conrse of treatment. Elec tricity employed in nitable cases. Hodsrate fees. Established in issi Out-of-town residents invited to write for information. Offloe hours: 10 to 4; Bandars is Tuesday and Friday ETsaiaga, 4 t A ntniv