. S .
Mutt Evidently Didn't Think
,. V ' I ' I II I II I I II I M I I I .1 I I I I ' I I J II I I II 1
"' " V- - '-'----- ' ' ' ' "" ' ' ' ' :' " " . . " : - '. '" " ' -'' -; JTifru' 'cBKmreMrjrwaty Jrrvteo
' - - -' t - ' . ' !, -v , .. . , .... .... .......
- ti.V..'. H'7'ii. ...."T1 I'.rTT-fV'r " "T'-T ?-" 1 r" . 1 ' '' . , ' 1 '!l I' i 1 1 1 1 1 1U. .m ..,,., .,
pHB Giaftts tiiu fftf hare rtrtoply
,:. : I , saown tip the" rest of the league.
.1 Thel wonderful lead Is ascribed
to tfteir splendid condition. It
has always Seen McGraWs forte
to put hi team on the field in the first
gaihe fn better condition thari tla othpra.
if possible, and this year he did It The
result waa; the team, mtioh the same
bnnch the Athletic showed up last fall,
ran away from the gong' and has been
rnnin since. And yet as good a friend
ot the Giants and as good a critic of the
game as old Sam Crane, himself once a
great fclayar, fears that the breakneck
speed of the Nw Yorkers may hurt
them. They haVe evidently been driven
Into the fight by McGraw under eat-'em
alive orders and as Crane fitly points
"out this method of warfare Is not with'
otit its hazards. Tiere is a chance of ex
hausting Speed and strength too early
in the season. The ten-lap foot race is
not w6n on the first or second times
atonnd. Often the winner finishes last
on the early laps. In base ball, of course,
' we do hot mean to. say that a late start
offers any particular advantage, out as
" experience has frequently shown, too
much dash at the outset may bring a
reaction; It would be strange, of eourse.
for the Giants or any other team to
get through the season without Its run
of hard luck. ' Yet we are disposed freely
to admit that as' things now stand,
Jilsther Maggsy McGraw has It on the
other fellows for the sayson of 1912 Just
a trifle. It will be a surprise to us If
h does ndt wind up where he did In 1911,
although, of course, we're mindful of that
ode about the cup and the Hp.
' Umpire Johnson, doubtless, Is not the
Worst un4pire In the world, possibly not
eVen the worst In the . Western . league;
he strikes us as a very hard working,
conscientious man,, but that did not pre
vent him from making one of the rawest
decisions in Omaha during the week it
,was ever our lot . to witness. When he
called Rogge safe at the plate the Des
Moines pitcher Was tip In the air a dis
tance of some five or six feet from the
Blate and. Arbogast holding the ball
eecuredly against his person.. Rogge was
on second when a hit went clean to
center. He rounded third and tore for
home as Thomason whipped the ball In.
' It pasted Arbogast's glove hand smack
, on the fly as pretty a throw as ever
was made and at the very same second,
Colonel Rogge also hurled his husky
person Into the hand holding' the ball,
There, wasn't a chance for an argument
oa the play. Rogge wait out so clean that
even Des Moines was surprised when the
- vmp yelled safe. But so It goes. W emay
get the long end next time. Batter tip!
The worst of It was that It tied the
score, enabling es. Moines later on to
' Big Gu Williams has jumped the
Montgomery team because he objects to
playing ball in a country heM it
tikes two frogs ' to live one , summer.
; Augustus" will find... however, that base
ball law is no more a respecter of cli
mates than of persona and that whether
he likes to shiver with chills while baking
In the sun or not, his contract calls for
continuous performance or until his em
ployer decrees otherwise. With all this
In mind, we find It difficult to accord the
same meed of praise to Augustus diplo
macy As we have' at times bestowed
'upon his work on the diamond.
Thrc big leafue clubs want Winne
bago Johnson, says Jack, Holland. Are
they the same three that went after
Kelly, CiwlUlng, Borton, Jones and the
rest 6f Jack's team last fall? Jaek plays
this old . wolf trick on us so much we
hardly know when to take film dead. The
Indian is doing good work this year,
and we hope he keeps it up. But St Joe
is the third Western league team that
has hid him away from the majors.
'The difference between Det Moines this
year, and last la chiefly, though not en
UreK inilsbell. The old WWte Sox fav
oriU is getting lflO per cent out of every
man on the team, even Jack Thomas. It
Is really amusing to see Jack hustle, but
he will keep on hustling or hustle for
another job. Isbell ts not handing out pa;
envelopes to dead heada . '.-.!.
Washington must have got seasick
with dizziness after those sixteen or Mxty
straighU. Tet after falling for two
double-headers, the Senators come back
and wallop the Athletics. Griffith has a
team and the Old Fox la not going to lie
down at this stage of the game.
',... " ' :' i , ... .
. , --f , v . . ..-5. ...,v..- -
Catcher -Block has tilled a big gap for
fitiver. A steady, heady ; catcher was
what the Grizzlies needed as bad at
more pitching material.! Block Is a hitter
" as well, as m catcher. - '
"That federal grand Jury In Chicago Is
jiot -' friend. of Fireman JFIynn. LI1
ArthA m need alt he can get at Lai
Vegas to redeem that bunch of hot rockj
from Cel.8am." ' .. ' .
Tex . Rlokard - on a 1,000,400-acra cattle
" ranch la'; South America will not lose
much sleep over white hopes for a while
Annyhow, ' as" IVooley says, there's no
' uca place as Armageddon on the West
ern leagusf ctrcutt . 7 v: ' " V
Eddie-Uhn and old Ira Batden are
pUylng ball. " '." ' ; ' ",.
Interesting Garnet Scheduled for Va
rious Parks Today, v
. a ..(.v.., ,,r. . v, ,
Many Team Wifl Ply on Hm
6rttnd, Wlltl Other Ven
ture IBf th Jtnglrm M
. Big (fame. ,
As customary a pair of good duels are
on the bill of fare at fort Omaha for
this afternoon. The first game is be
tween the Blats and Alamltos; second
between Townsends and Ltixus Both
the Val Blatz and Alamltos are traveling
at a fast gait so a classy eer.tect ahduld
be the outcome. Already this seftse-rt
the Lnxus tribe, sllppxwi one art tfte Gun
ners but the Townsends say they can't
repeat. Anyway a battle for the grapes
is anticipated. Cunningham or Dyke will
heave tor the brewer while Morearty,
Young or Adams will be on the mound
for tha Townsends. .
Blatz Position. -Alamitos.
Kelly ; Ptrst ............. . Roberts
Chamqulst....... 8emd .cross
Mlnlkua Short Eastman
Mccormick ..Third ....Jenkins
Williamson , Left ; . ; . ; Mccreary
Fahey.i........... Center Lynn
Stacey.... Right ....Caughlan
Gillespie.. Catch .,.,.... O'Connor
Karbownkle...... Plteh j..., ...Riley
Guthrie...... .....Piteh w..;i.i....Kernan
Lux us , Posltioti.- Townsends.
Hochten.. ...Hret O'Connor
Rapp. ............. eoond ............ ...Hall
6mlth..........,.f Rhort ,. ..Woodruff
Tracey Third Jenkins
Denny.,...-. ...Left ............. ...Malum
Melady. ....... ...Center ........... .Murray
Vanous...... Right ....... ........Fafextr
Dan -. , CatcH , , . Coe
Cun h Pitch Toung
Dyk ;...) j......Pitcn .Worearty
At Atlantic park, Council Bluffs, two
arguments will be pulled eff. The first
game will e between the Cooncll Bluffs
Cubs and the Spaldings, and the second
event the Holly against Council Bluffs
Merchants.' This wijl be the third time
these two teams haw met this season.
The other two games resulted fn vic
tories for the Omaha combination, ' so it
is a lead-pipe that the Merchants will
turn on tha high speed today. Kelly will
twirl for the Hollys and Brick Top
Peterson for the Council Bluffs Mer
chant The lineup:
C. B. Merchants, Pdslttbn'. Holtya.
wani ...First.,.,
Hodge ...Second..
McLean.... Bhdft...
Phillips.... ..Third...
Scanlon.. .......... Left
Elliott Right...
Payne.... ...... ....Catcher
Duff ........Catcher
Peterson........... Pitcher
Crowe ..Pitcher.
..j. Ddugnerty
,.F. Dougherty
........ Kronek
........ Faloeher
A pair of debates are booked for Flor
ence park. First game, Florence Ath.
letlcs against Alhambras; second game,
Workmen against Baum Iron company.
The Florence boya are In tha pink of
condition ow and they claim' that they
are going to start climbing to th hall
of fame today, Swanson, the strike-out
wonder, wilt b on the hill for the nor
ence children and as the boys always
play a steady game behind him they will
probably slip in the limelight today. The
second contest ough to be a humdinger,
as both gangs are going up speed avenue
a mile a minute at present, so a game
full of thrills should be tossed out for the
benefit of the fans. Cass, whe heaved a
wonderful game against Nebraska City
last Sunday, will be on the firing line for
the Workmen and 01eon will in' all
probability .wing' .'am. for tha iroo men.
First game called at l:tO p. m.; second
game at i:w p. m.
The lineup:"
Peeitlofl.' Baunus.
First Krlgler
.....Beeond...,.,,..... Coady
......8hort,w,,4,.,.v Parish
Third, ,.... Nickle
...... Left.,,. .,,.,. Hansen
iiisoi(u,M.,.,,vtiiw. polski
Wrtght. ..Right 1... Wachtlnr
Cass... Pitcher,.,.,,.,,.. Oieson
Eiaenhart ..Pitcher .Parish
On the green Fort Crook a Uvaly
battle Is . expected when the Hahscem
Parks and the Sherman Avenua Mer
chants get together.. Leal Sunday suc
cess flirted With both, of them, and ai
they are ; both desirous 0f keeping up
thelf Winning; streak, sTWano fuss win
surely be the outcome Pike of profs,
sidtial fame will sail his shoots for the
Merchant and Lflft Winger Bogatts wlU
shoot 'em for tha Parks. The lineup:
?m-Karfc Sherman Ave.
Cavanaugh. Fl . M Batty
twoboda Scond ........ MySrs
ando. ...... ...... Short Stone
Collins Third ............ Ritchie
leann..., 1x11 h.
...... Center
i"""-"' ........ Mawman
B. Bogatts Catoh ., " r0t
H. Bogatts ...Pitoh pti
At Farrell park two games are on tha
menu card. First game: 0. D. Kiplingers
versus Grain Kacbanga., Eaeoad game:
Stor Triumphs versus Farrell Syrups.
Th Syfup Mixers, have atrengthened
their Itneop aftd they Intend to make the
brewer? . JUk today ..la; order to
walk away with th w&et meati bach
ten or Probst lt lip. OVar for tha
suda .crowd and Graham pr Travis will
sung tlieni for thl WotMSei kids. Tba
llnevp: . .. -. ' ; . ',. k-
Stora Triumph.. Position,
Drummy. ......... First ...
Graham........... Second
Mlnikus... ........ Short ..
. Michel
Durkea... Third .....
.. KucAra
....... etro,g
Dougherty ... ijert
Welch... .....Right
Clair Catch
Probst ......... Pith .......... GrahS
. '"' -iravi1
Tbrovan tk Knotkolc. . .
So Much of Jeffs Idea
4 v
, No. 1, Don Morton, pitcher; No. 2, Roy
Wright, catcher ; No. 3, Plnkney Gardner,
fJrHtj basi No. 1 Eugene, Gordon, second
base; No. 5, Jeasa Hatten, shortstdpi No,
6,. Hsrry Bauckmkn, third base; No. 7,
Avoca, la., today and twirl for their con
gregation, nt will get ten ringers and
Minor; the center gardener" for the C.
& Cubs, is snagging them all in his po
sition. Rathke quit the Grain Exchange lat
week and joined the fast A. 0. U. W.
Hofer and McCoy have been glued to
the Spalding herd. They will strengthen
the team.
Madam Rumor haa It that Oieson of the
Baums is going to hitch on to the Btors
Triumphs. . .
Since Peterson started to heave for the
c. B. Merchants they have only dropped
one game,
t.t WAAnokdAv the All Stars whipped
Tekamah In a very decisive manner, and
they turned the trick on me ooiuwr um
week before.
At Fort Omaha a lively battle la ex
pected July 4, when the Luxus and Holly
gangs get together. .
You boys will have to tip your ltds to
the All-mars, aa they are potting it all
over their opponents. .
Say, but Edward Spellman is getting
away great at Kearney. Neb. He la hit
ting the pill at a .360 clip.
On July 4 the Townsends wilt play a
double-header at Tekamah, Neb. As an
incentive to win $126 is up.
Blmwdod park ia the place where the
Jordan a and the Independents are sched
uled for a nine-round- bout
" The Townsends gtot their lonchhooM
on Murray of the Grain Exchange. He
made a good switch at that.
Casa of the A. O. V. W. only allowed
the hard-hltqng Nebraska City Mink
leaguers two hits last Sunday.
Wednesday Joseph Gillham of the Hol
lys joined the Nebraska City aggregation.
He will hold down the shortstop poslsh.
Somebody said that Hoye quit the
Townsends last Sunday. He Is a good
clubber, ao It Is a cinch he won t be Idle.
Th. Rurifnsrton Headauarters band hiked
in nnrMnirtniL Ia. and WhtDDed an-
other Burlington aggregation last Sunday.
On Pa Rourke's pasture July the team
representing the Chicago, Rook island
from Chicago win
Triumphs. .:, ,r'
Guess ,the Haascom Parka haya got
that Luxus team hoodooed. .In the last
four years the Parks have trimmed them
seven times, ' :'r; "''
n,A r fi. Cub have soma open dates
left which they would like to fill up. Ad
dress George Putnam, 8702 AvenUe A,
Council Bluffs.
K tlOO piirae will be put ' o?the
Pourtn of July committee at Wtoodblne.
Ia., for tha town boys and the A. O, U.
W.. team to fight for,-
Gus Williams landed In tawn last
Wednesday and immediately Manager
Bradford of the Stofz Triumphs was en
hi trail to aiga htm ap. - ; ' f -
That boy Janklna tiatf ta tha Towrwanda
is some hit comer artist. Ha haa a graad
arm, picas m ait up, oiovbt vu juj
anToma nt iih tha stick.
Guesa that American Loan company
gang are sura Climbing the ladder. Tau
Saturday teams will have to ramble tf
you doa't want that fang to grab tha rag.
Ducky Holmes says Clink Clair Is
olayJng the legs off ot the game for him,
and if be keeps np the good work he will
be a candidate for faster company next
term. . . 4. ; v'- "; " ' r'- '.
That was a great fight the Townsends
and Hollys had last Sunday. , The tussle
lasted for eleven Innliigs, tha Hollys fi
nally pushing tha Winning pearly aetosa
the platter. ' '; '. ' "
Back of 'tha Wt tatidn tha Alamltot
hare a weW getrt tagged Riley. From ail
appearance h looks like the real article,
HelJ also a pltcbar. He Will probably
t wlrt today.
Lynn Toung Is hitting the pill at ter
rific rate this summer.-- lit every , tussle
i.. whuin twa or more on the smeller
and they are generally good tor ao extra
pillow or two. ...
tferaaftar O'Connor win hold down bag
one for the Townsends. He Is a regular
doodle on that pillow. Keep your glims
fastened u Dim u yeo time w sea tos
Ttexpaetad happen. . . ,,
Bkytlckler McCreary .was aura, tftwra
Omaha Giants,
Octave Davis, right field; No.vJ, Frak
Nolan, left, field; No. 9. Edward Boyd,
center' , field; No.pl, Earl Hamilton,
pitcher; No.1 1L Frank White, pitcher; No.
12, Virgil Williams, pitcher, utility.
with the big stick during the Townsend
Holly mix. His two-sack swats tied the
score in the nluth ahd he belted another
one that pushed two runs across the plate
In the eleventh paragraph.
The Brodegaard Crowns will skip up
to Herman, Neb., today and do their
darndest to Whip the ball tossers sta
tioned there. Herman has been playing
grand ball to date, so tha Crowns will
have their hands full to land tha grapes.
At Twenty-sixth and Dorcaa atresia the
Stars and Stripes and the Hanscom Park
Ramblers will collide in What la anti
cipated to be a battle royal for suprem
acy. Between these two herds oodles of
rivalry exists and the sour stuff will
sure show Itself during, this wrangle.
The AU-Stars certainly have got some
team, composed of some of the bt semi
professional men of the city. Quigley,
catch; McCreary, pitch; Moriartty, first;
Young, second; Fox, shortstop; Jenkins,
third; Houts, Byrnes, Coughlan and Mul
len in the field, composes the All-Stars.
Young sure plays that sationd base game.
The Slsc team will play the 8. A. C.
nine on Crelghton field.. It ia expected to
be one of the best games played oa
Crelghton field this year. The Slss lineup:
Miller, catcher; Maher, pitcher; Dineen,
first base; Kennedy, second base; Moran,
third base; Moore, shortstop; Hasford,
left field; Morrison, center field; Green,
right field.
At Armour park, located at 'Fortieth
and Q streets, South Omaha, the Advos
will tangle with th Armour aggregation.
Both taama ar playing excellent ball
at the present writing, so a fast game is
predicted. The supposition II than many
a dollar will Change lunch hooks over
this wrangle. Bitter rivalry exlata and
a both teams think they have soup they
will pluck all their nicks. This game
will be worth walking blocks to see and
country blocks at that.
Saturday July 6, tha Stor Triumphs
and Ancient Ored of United Workmen,
teams will clash at Rourke park. This
game will be for the benefit of the Union
Pacific strikers. Pa Rourke donated the
park and tha warns their services. This
game will have oonstdera ble to do with
tha amateur championship of Omaha
because i these two teams ar th head
liners and tha winner of tha fame will in
all probability grab the fag at the close
of this term. Last Bun day th Ancient
Order United Workmen team showed
their caliber when they "fought Ducky
Holmes' Mink league Nebraska City
team to a standstill, and if Mr, Luck had
been on ' their side ot the fence they
would have walked away with the grapes.
As it was they got the short end of a
1 to 0 score. Th Ancient Order United
Workmen got four hits and Nebraska
City two. The Ancient Order of United
Workmen boys didn't maks an error
and Nebraska City mad twa.Nebrgika
City got their two hks and one run in
the third round. Our Omaha boys wer
well satisfied with the treatment they
received at the hands of Ducky Holme
and thay arr willing to trot back to N
braaka. City any old time to ban! with
his colts. One of our local comets tagged
Corcoran", who is twirling for Nebraska
City, umpired the contest and his work
was faultless. If h can pitch as good as
h can umpire th big show scouts ought
to be on his trail. The Stora tribe hav
only lost one gam this season and a
they ar . going extraordinarily food
now th , prospect are not very bright
for them to do th dropsy stunt. It la
a cinch that Frank Quigley, the manager
of the Ancient Order unltfd Workmen
squad, will do all in his power ta whip
th Storzs, as It is hts baae ball ambition
of th 1912 season to again win the cham
pionship, - He put fhe Stors team on th
map In 1610 and 1M1 and now he want
to put th Ancient Order Untied Work
men gang ot th top of th ladder. .
. . ' ' ' ' ' . .". -t
; ' Many .Buy Canorn.
Six canoes bar been sold by Harry
Townnend during the last two weeks, five
of which will be used at Carter lake and
tha other at Lake' Manawa. All' of the
boats were eighteen-foot models. ' ' r
Persistant Adterttflng ia tha Road to
Big Returns,
v. v-v. '..'. : 'T.Jsi., . , ,'...w. m .. . wa a-y.i k irr i i .o -to . v-..: ,...;. . .. -
. 23. 1912.
Crack Colored
m. V ,vv.
This aggregation has . been carefully
picked front tha leading colored clubs of
tha country And ia considered the fastest
bunch in the middle west. They have
plpyed twenty-three games and won
twenty. They have Just returned from a
English Ifewfpapers Are Inclined to
' Eldlcule Them. ; .
British Critic Charge that the.
Ipectaeie ot Women Playing ,
Folo Would Be a Laugh'
able Oa. .
NEW YORK, June 22,-The announce
ment of a pole team, composed of women,
haa been hatted by English newspapers
With 'ridicule, but the society women ot
this country who are forming th team
ar standing plueklly by their gun, that
la to say, their polo mallets, and fling
th taunts of tha Britishers back Into
their teeth, !" ;
The ssveral charge made by tha Eng
lish critics, after lumping the whole Idea
as "an American absurdity," Is that the
spectacle of woman polo players Is a
laughabla one; that the participants in
tha earns don't ride their own ponies, but
ar forced to borrow thoe ot their men
friends j that they don't dare to ride at
speed, but walk around and around eaoh
other tamely In the middle ot the field;
that the goal line must be widened to
th entire width of the back line, to per
mit of any foal being scored; and, worst
of all, thai no woman could hold a gal
loping horae wtlhout using both hands,
much less strike at the ball successfully.
The American women who have come In
for tha gibes of the Britisher ara the
fourteen enthusiasts who recently formed
tha Meadow Lark Polo club of Long Is
land. LThe dub la managed by a man,
strange to say, but he is In that capacity
mainly a a coach, who Is already learn
ing from some of hts fair pupils. H I
Mf. Lenwood Favla. v 1
The women who beldng to the Meadow
Lark elub .art Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock,
wh ia president; Mrs. Ambrose Clark,
Mra. C. C. Rumsey, Mrs. Harold Phlpp.
Mrs. J. S. Phtpps, Mrs. Reginald Brooks,
Mra. Joseph E Davis, Miss Phoeb Carey,
Miss Emily Randolph, Mlis.arlon Hol
Hna, Mlea Flora, Whitney and a.s Helen
Httehoook, They practice every day in
tha week and twice a week the new West
bury Garden field at Westbury, L. I.,
Is reserved exclusively for them.
When, th aspersions of the English
critics were repeated to tha American
women they, scoffed at the cnarge mat
theirs was not Just as serious a game of
polo as that of the men.
"Tha ideal" ald Mrs. Thomas Hitch
cock, who ta captain ot the women'
team, "Why, of course, we don't expect
to beat the men's teams just now-we
haven't been playing long enough-but
the game that we women are capable Of
is faf from child's plfty, I oan assur
you: 'An American absurdity Indeed.
I'm aura I don't know how unskilled our
English aisters may b. bat I'm certain
that we do play a game her at West
bury that nobody need be ashamed 6f.
W bad a practice tussle with a team of
gentlemen the other day and they didn't
beat us at alt badly. And they didn't
ply gently, either. One man told me
that he had never been forced to ride
so hard In hi lit. And I'm sura he
waa not just bMng polite."
.Mrs. H. C. Phlpp, on ot the fastest
players on th Westbury team, was
VV ' i Him i iiiwwimiiwsins.iMi ni...iiiiimammi. ii"i
l?.'- a - jis 1 1 ii ji sawsMi
for The Bee by
X'fif & JAs5 tX. fj)
ten-game trip, winning nine, and are open
to play any semi-professional team for a
side bet or 75 par cent of gross receipts,
winner on the long end. For games call
Douglas im or Independent A-iPW. Jamas
Louis, manager, ; ,
squally Indignant when ahowa th neri
ot the English preea., 1 r
"Very possibly English women can't
play polo, but I can say without boasting
that w can put up a very fair article
here," she said. "There's nothing funny
about the game. Bach one of us has
ridden for yean and each waa thoroughly
at home In the saddle before we even
thought of organising a polo team. Wa
don't all of us ride cross-saddle. I my
self prefer the side seat and find that
it doesn't hamper m$ In handling my
club in the least. And as to our mounts,
we don't borrow them from our men
frlends-they'r our own and t her know
us as well as w knew them. Borne ot
u have a completa string of ponies, and
w all expect to buy from four .ta a
dozen fast mounta a w grew mora pro
ficlcnt and the game grow gruUlng,
But lt'a nonaens to aay that w don't
ride them hard evn now.'"
"All I say la that 1 should Hka to bar
som of thole Englishmen come over
her and try a match with us," said Mis
Marion Holllns, apunklly. Wo ask no
favor In a match With anybody, W
don't widen tha goal nor di we dawdl
about on tha field. How silly to say a
woman is" obliged to u both hand to
control her pony." Every woman on- our
team had learned to eit her mount with?
loose reins, it necessary, - and it's seen
a long tlm sine w had to gW any at
tention to tha pony hoaaatw-
Mis Helen Hitchcock, Mil Emily Ran
dolph and Miss Phoeb Carey ar ether
of the feminine centaurs who uphold th
honor of Amerieaa women as polo players
against the gibes of the, transatlantic
It has the taste that
longest because of its
j f
L- i . ... .... ' Vr
nesB. It contains the choiceBt gifts
of nature, skilfully Mended by mas
ter brewers.
In Sterilized 'Amber Bottles. '
Family trade aupplled by:
2502 N Bt. T!. SoatB 868.
1824 DottsjUu Street,
Phone Doug. 1842. -
Jcttcr Brewing
"Bud" Fisher
sceptics. Each fin has glverV ample ex
hlbltlon of her prowess as a horsewoman
and a aradttable handler af the mallet.
The women's team I rapidly gaining
confidence upon the field, and when Hi
team play ha reached a greater perfec
tion there ia no doubt but that It will
furnish an exciting battle to the men ot
the Meadow Brook, Piping Rock and
other elub and to the young collegians
from Yale, who have already intimated
that they woutd Ilk to try, conclusions
with the dashing representative ot U1
Meadow Lark etub. . .
Water Sports Are
Planned for July
- Fourth at Carter
Tha annual water regatta and athtetlo
carnival of Carter lake slimmer clubs
will be held in the afternoon of July 4V
Tna Rod and dun club, "I" association
and Diet club are planninf to take part
A card af water sport tor the after
noon will be arranged, Including canoe,
rowboat and iwlmming race, cano tilt
tn eon tests, and motor boat races. Sev
eral termli matches and baseball tame
will also be played. ; , .
The elub raaktnf tha bt showing In
water sports will receive the C. B. Brown
silver trophy cup Which la competed for
annually by cluba at Carter lake. The
Rod and Oun club won the eup hut year.
Coach for the H; S. is
Under Consideration
The all-year atntetie ooach question of 'i
tha Oman, Hlgk school is still "up in the
air" and a yet Athietie Director 0. e. .
Reed has bee unable to Make e-rnlterf .
arrangements for- a man who wui tvvj. '
charge of alt branches of sport at pVi
Capitol hlll ' scheol, C sMr."- SeVf-,
eoMpetent men, Bava been under consid
eration for th position, but none havo
signed up. ." " 'WV- .-A:
dor Reed of the University of Nebraska
and I tk Toutort, physical director of
the Kansas a ty Central High schoot
war both likely men for' the job, but
neither wa willing to com to Omaha
next yea. ."-'
The new coach will have to assume tha
duties of training th tadi of th school
In foot ball, basket boll, track athletf.ee
and tennis. . ;
Just when tha matter wilt be taken up
by the Board of Education ia not yet
definitely known. . '
D.. M- Martla and Frank Martin vt
Omaha, will Uave about tba middle of
July for a six week' hunting and fishing
trip in northern Minnesota and nearby,
lJr points la Canada ' ,
They will use a twenty-foot "Old Town"
canoe of tha Sponaon model, which haa a
carrying capacity ot 1.200 pounds. Thla
boat Will be ahlpped by rail to th atart-
In point. of. the six weeks' trip. The
oaiyie to be used on the trip waa received
in Omaha' Friday.,
jack mm SHOOT TO
A - onehmdred target afloat, with a
"Jack rabbit" division of money, wBI bo
Meld under the" auspice of tho Omaha,
Gun club, at the club ground acroas th)
river on tho afternoon of July .
The Seymour Lake Country elub and
the Rod and Oun club will also hold
shoots on that day; " " '
superior. '
Keep a case in
your home.!
JhL iw '
I .