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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1912)
V -AW UNDAY B . PART FIVE HE - SBORT SECTION : ,ages one to FOUR , . VOL.: "XLLI-NO. 1. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1912. ' SINGLE COPY, FIVE CENTS.- Ohiaha Loes TenJnning Battle of Pitchers to Hurtling Sioux Braves RODEKES LOSE IN TEN1NNINGS Rhodes Pitches a Remarkable Con - test, but Fails to .Win at FORMER DEFEAT Team Topeka Supports in the We&ern League Ip1 EE , , , : : : -7 v, v II s . - AVENGED BY SOX Chicago Drives Powell from Box After Losin; to Him Earlier , ' i . , in Series. BROWNS LOSE, EIGHT TO ONE Eleven Safe Hits Made by the Local . Team'. A - 1 ' . . .' .( , , ... .... - . . ,. . , , - .- . .--,. the Finish, BAD ERROR IS MOST COSTLY 1 W S." 1 j, Sioux City Braves Make1 but Four Hits During: the Game. CAMPBELL ALSO PITCHES WELL Has Won Three Games from Omaha 1 by Two to One Score. DOUBLE-HEADER v FOR TODAY Gonding Catches Yesterday and Will Be Back la the Fray for Both ' Games This Afternoon Ryan to Pitch First., . "Dusty" Rhodes' remarkable pitching went for naught in the first game of the series with Sioux City yesterday after , noon, when- Manager' Arbogast, who was playing first base in place of Jim Kane, allowed "Red" Andreas to' score the win nlhg'run in the tenth inning on anserror. V.hodes had everything his own way until trie, error gave the game to the Indians by .. 4 tfrt score. - '. . .- : -, ? Omaha -had tied up the score in the eighth i mnlng after a hard uphill fight. , In 'the' tenth Andreas -opened with a L- single to center. . Reilly, the next -man up, . i eiammed the ball .down to Niehoff, who threw him out at first. Andreas managed P -. to get to second and made a break as If : to go to third on the play and Arbogast heaved the ball into the bleachers, while ;Andy . romped home. Johnny Gonding, who caught his first game of the season (yesterday, opened Omaha's half of the , tenth with a double to center, but after. . Rhodes had gone out a double play fin ished the melee. i ,' ! - , i Cheers for Goading. Johnny Gonding demonstrated that he could "come back." Not a Sioux City -man could steal on him and he caught a beautiful game. At bat he was the sensa 'tlon, of the day, getting a single and a , double in . four .times up and scoring the only run Omaha got. The old timer was given a great hand when his name was t announced as a member of the Omaha battery and when he went to bat for the I first time he was greeted with an ovation. I Barring the error made by, Arbogast, 'yesterday's game was a peach. Sioux f City got the first run in the fourth in ning on a walk, a single and a sacrifice. "Red" Camobell heaved a creat earns and ths Rourkes could do nothing with him for two hits and the. first run. "Dusty" Rhodes pitched one of the best gatfies at the - local grounds this year, and deserved a victory. Only four scattered hits were made off him and his t control was superb. He passed but one nan ad this one player brought In the f first run tor the Indians. ttat three error back of the old timer were too many. 'With Rhodes pitching and Gond ing catching the fans were treated to a sight which was ordinary several years ago, and the, two old timers certainly did .work fine together. . ' Weak at Bat. 1 'About one-third of Omaha's hitting power was out of the game with John son and Kane on the sick li it. , It was patched up team which played and it is demonstrated that Johnson and "me are essential figures in Omaha's Arbogast played first e In a good manner for a substitute one not used to the position. aaith' started the scoring in the third. drew a walk, went to third on Ten- it's single to center and scored on a rtflce. fly by Breen. " ' ," maha deadlocked in the eighth. Gond ii singled to center. went to second on i( ode's sacrifice hit and - scored on n the' tenth -Andreas singled to center Sid .scored on Arbogast's- error. OMAHA. A - , I" ' - ' ". - ' " AB. R. H. O. A K Justice, ss. i-4 - 0 "0 ' i 4-0 kceyie, ............... 4 o s 1 1 1 o IThomason,- of. .,..... 4'. 0 1-0 0 0 KJcsttuqn,, zr. J 01 1' 6 0 frieboff, 3b . ,0 12 0 1 kxvidson,. If 2 a 0 0 2 . 0 0 rbogast,, lb.,.,....4 . 0 .; 0 16 2 1 tiding, C .:..4 "1 , 2 SO, 0 IWles,, p.'. .... 9 - o 0 1,2 1 "Jrotal otals 30 1 7 SO 14 ' sioux crrr. ' AB. R. O. 2 S 2 10 1 7 3 1 0 lion, cr.... 4 Ath..,S8..W...a... S Vers, If... .. 4 .want. IB. 4 nnn. rf.... endias,- 2b., Illy, &t..,. idman, c... mpbell, p.. Totals .. , is. Arbogast out, bunting on third strike. Vnaha--' ' kkuns ...0 00000010 01 Hits .... w4 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 .11 t oux uity .. -:' -Ftuns ...........ft t o 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 iits :.. o o ' i ' o o i o o,i-4 Two-base hits: Gonding. Smith, double p iy: Smith to Tennant. Bases on balls: o t , Rhodes, 1,- off ,C!ampbell, J. Struck o n: . By Rhodes, & 8toien base: David p i. Sacrifice hiU: Scanion, Davidson il Rhodes, Breen '(2). Left on bases: omana. e: bioui city, 4. Time: 10. luuires: ICissane and Meyers. u nil r 'I Notes of the Game. That, double 4fuI. :. play in . the tenth VI The first double-header of the season on the local grounds today.. It looked tike old times with Rhodes .4MSX tfcNtiUnt tor a. battery.t -t Manager Andreas still seems to be the thorn in the side of the Rourkes. -:,. That second hit of bonding's was a peach. .It. went to the centerfleid fence Sc&nloa and Justice both played great balr yesterday, fielding their positions like veterans. J" '. ":. . Arbogast had nineteen chances yester day, and his only error lost the game. Hard luck, that. v. A :-s v ' s.; - "Red' Campbell Is somewhat of a Jonah to Omaha, this making his third victory by -a I to 1 'score. ..-'.v- 'A-A-A-A-;,' Kyan and Gonding will be the battery for the first game, and HaU and Gonding fop the second scrap.' - ; ;. .y . Coyle was there himself with the hits yesterday, getting two In four. times up. The first on A beating out a tiuat. ' ' . , - . r --j. t 5'tjV ' t ,Vf Vv iK f'WlPJ-. 'M '"I yl'K ' -A T -' V ' ) C .ts-rrx . 'iii4n 2A7 .t7" viS Vr--U ; h 7i Tf n W 5 n n iti .v v"t 4aXA , vvVv a i 1. 5" A-i-i a"" r- -: - i , - ' . I -. s -v . , ' .. t ..: . ' ' - A .... . . . -r-r : : ' : -r: ,' ," " LINCOLN Haws Get Onlj ' Base in Game. EMORY'S SmSSjOFF PALMER Rain and Dajrknf ss"Stops Game In Seventh InnlnidV with Ante lopes Seve ieores to . the wood. TOPEKA, June 22. 'opeka got only one man to first when ' lory singled In the fifth for Topeka's onj hit of the game off Palmer. Rain an! darkness stopped the game in the seven th. Score: tA.f'i TOPE H. O. A. E. 0.1 0. 0 0 110 ' 0 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 Lee, rf , Walsh, 2b King, cf .-. , Frants, lb Rlckertv if Emory, 3b , Ryan, ss Schmidt, c Fugate, p.......,. Voting, p........... Totals..... 1. 21. v . 2 LINCOLNl- - AB. RV Berghamraer, Cole, 2b....... ss...5 11 2 Dwyer, of... .. McCormlck." If i ( Barbour, 3b Mullen, lb. Miller, rf.. Carney, c.-. Palmer, . p. . Totals .34 21- 12 .0 10 0 0-0 111 0 -7 base hits: Topeka .....X ....'...0 0 0 Lincoln ...2 0 t Three-base hit: Miller. TW Dwyer, McCormlck. Sacrifice llts: Bar- bour,. Cole.- Stolen bases: Be ghammer. Cole. Hitft: Off Fugate, 1 in1 two and two-thirds innings; off Youngl four in four and a third innings." Baslon balls: Off Young, 4. Struck out: By Wugate, 1; by Young, 4; by Palmer, 4. Wilitt pitch: Young. Passed ball: , Schmidt. Haskell. - ;, Umpire; DOUGLAS SHUTS OUT DRt SRS St. Joseph ITaRble to Connci with : - His Curves. ' ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. June 22.-Des lolnes won a pitchers' battle. from St J! seph. t to 0, the. pitching ; of Woldrii and Douglas being the features. , Score ' DES MOINES. AB. . R. H.. O. E. Hahn. rf. Curtis, ct ...8 ,2 . 4 . S . . 8 .2 .. S . 4 Kores, ss. Claire, 2b. .. Belden, If. . Colllgan, 2b, Thomas, id. McGr&w; c Douglas, p. Total ... 4 27 ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. H. Kelly. 2b. ... ...... 4 3 2 3' 3 8 3 ...... 1 0 Powell, if. Watson, rr. .. Zwllling, cf. . Borton, lb. Reilly. 2b. ... Melnkei ss. .. - 0 0 0 0 e o o Gossett, C ... Castle, c. .... Woldring, p.; , Total ...28 0 2 27 11 Des Moines .....A 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 St. Joseph ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"M Two-has hit.: Coliican. Sacrifice hlt- Curtis, McGraw, Watson. Stolen bases:! Harm, . coiiigan, xnomaa ii). uossett. Deft on bases: Dee Moines, : St. Joseph, 8truck out: By Woldring, 6; By Doug las, 9. First on balls: Off Woldring, ; off Douglas.. 3. Wild pitch: Woldring. Hit by ' pftrlier: By Woldring, (Hahn). Double plays: Zwllling to Melnke . to) jaeiiiy,. Time; 2:00, Umpire: Johnston. 1 'MIS TOPEKA YORK AND KEARNEY. DIM I 0.J;, m. I SCORE THREE IN THE NINTH 1 WXJC JIU1U w xu Ten-Inning Game Required to Settle Last Contest. J0BST ' KNOCKED FROM BOX First Contest Goes Four to Nothing for .York,. While Second Won by Kearney, Six to Five. ' ,.- KEARNEY, Neb., June 22. (Special Telegram.) York and Kearney broke even in the double-header played here today, a ten-Inning game being required for the winning' run by Kearney. In the second, for the visitors Jobst was knocked out in the second inning and Wilkins completed the game after having -won ' the ' first game." .. : . ; ; :" 1 A' i Outfielder Bechtold was relieved in the early part of the first game to go- Ui the bedside of bis mother, whose death was announced shortly after the close of the game. Score, first game:: . t .A REE, York A...?. 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 0-4 , 7 0 Kearney ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 1 Batteries: York, Wilkins and Kelly; Kearney, Lots, Wright, and Gray, Spell man. Struck out: By Lots, l;,by Wright, 7; by Wilkins, 5. Bases on balls: Off Lota, 3; off .Wright, 2., Time: 1:45. , t Second game: . : - , ; . YW J.f...0fl'0,l'0 t"ll 0 0-6 rift 9 Kearney 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0-1-S U 1 'Batteries: " York,' Oobst, Wilkins and Kells v Kearney, Trimble, and Spellma. Two-base ' hits : Malmquqist (2), ' Gray, Wilkins.; Herrlott, Schueren. Struck out: By Jobst, 1; by Wilkins, 2; by Trimble, 1, Bases on bails: Off Jobst, 2; off Wil kins, 3; orf Trimble, i.' Time: i:te. " Um pire: McDermott.( , . HASTINGS - NOSES OUT AHEAD McCalloa'sh Fhs Sixteen Men " In tA'''-i " '.-'.' Game.'-.- , ; :'l '. A ' 'Hastings Noses Out. HASTINGS, Neb., June 22. (Special Telegram.) Fortman's single, Bromley's sacrifice and Harm's drive to center won for Hastings In a hard twelve-inning struggle,; McCullough'a fanning of six teen being a feature. Outfielder Downey played his first full game as catcher, per forming splendidly. , Catcher Cos ftus pended yesterday, for insubordination has been sold to Grand- 7 Island. Catcher Eachant recently released by St Joe will Join Hastings tomorrow. Score: RH.E. Fremont , 002200000000-4 7, 4 Hastings 200002000001-5 3 ' Batteries: Fremont KIngdon and Neff; Hastings, McCullough and Downey. . DOUBLE-HEADER TO SUPERIOR Cement City Clts Appear In Stronger Form. ' . Donhlc-Hender to Snpwior.' SUPERIOR, Neb., June 22. (Special Telegram.)-Superlor took a double header from Columbus here today. In the first game the score was 7 to 67 The Cement City Colts were playing a good game and have been greatly strengthened by recent recruits. Score: . R.H.E. Columbus .....I 0 0 1 1 0i0 M 4 Superior -.. 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 -7 8 4 Batteries: Palmer and Harrison, Gibson and Miller. A: s, In the second game Superior fattened tip Its batting average, gathering in twenty safe hits, which counted them sixteen runs, , while Columbus only landed sate on six and made three scores. ' Score: , . " - R.H.E. !olumbus ... 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 O 0-8 8 2 uperior ......2 I 1 '1 7 8 1 0 -! 20 4 Batteries: Green, Justus, H. Green and Harrison ana Meu; xrwm ano Miner. wo-base nits: tiarK. nuicmnson, onai r. Double plays: Orr to Smith to Mul- (Continued on Scoonl PasjsJ; WEST. LEAGUE.5 1 NAT'L. LEAGUE. , W.L.Pct W.L.Pct. St. Joseph.87 26 ,&87New York.. 43 U .738 Denver ....81 28 .M4 Pittsburgh ,m 22 .686 Omaha 82 23 .633, Chicago .... 22 .6b9 Des Molnes.81 28 .626! Cincinnati .31 11 .634 Sioux City .80 20 .608PhUa, ......21 28 .429 Wichita ...80 32 .4841 Brooklyn ...21 81 .404 Lincoln ....26 82 ,4E8st Louis.. .,24 36 .400 Topeka ....21 87 62 Boston 18 41 .805 AMER. LEAGUE.! AMER, ASS'N. W.L.Pct. W.UPct. Boston ....40 1 .678; Columbus ..46 21 .667 Chloago ' ...86 24 .600, Toledo .....43 24 .842 Wash'gton 36 26 .680, Minneapolis.40 26 ,606 hUa. 82 24 ,571Kan.' Clty...84 33 .607 Cleveland .26 SO .464, Milwaukee .28 40 . 412 Detroit ....28 88 .46St. Paul..... 27 41 .397 New York.17 86 .821, IndianapoUs.26 41 .888 St Louis... 16 40 ,2S6 Louisville ..24 39 . 381 NEB. STATE. MINK LEAGUE. , ' . W.L.Pct W.L.Pct. Falls City... 24 12 .667 Neb. City.... 24 IS .616 Auburn .....19 18 .514 Fremont . . .24 12 .667 Hastings ... 17 .628 Seward 21 IB sm Columbus ,.18 16 .629 Kearney ...18 18 .4S71 Grand Isl'd.19 16 .669' Beatrice ....16 22 .421 ,.18 IS .4671 Humboldt 14 23 .378 ,16 22 .406 ! Hiawatha iorx ....... ,M 19 .424, , Superior i.;jt 26 .235 , ' A Yesterday's Results.' : - WESTERN LEAGUE. 'Sioux City, fc .Omaha, 1. -Des Moines, 2;' St. Joseph, 0." ' " Lincoln, -7; Topeka, 0. - , Denver-Wichita, rain. . ' , I : . NATIONAL LEAGUE. - Philadelphia,' 8;' Brooklyn, 9.' NewYork, 17-14;f Boston, 6-12. " ' , Chicago, ,10;, St Louis. 2. . , . Pittsburgh, 41; Cincinnati, . 1. , ' AMERICAN LEAGUE...11 " Washington,, 12;, Philadelphia,- 4.v Boston. 13-10; New York, 2-3. '. Cleveland. j; Detroit 8. - . St.. Louis, 1; Chicago, 8. " AMERICAN ASSOCIATION.' ' t Columbus.i 6; Indianapolis, 8. . , Minneapolis, 8; Kansas CJty, 4. , St. Paul, 4; Milwaukee, 6. Louisville, 6; Toledo, 8. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. . York,' 4-6; Kearney, 0-6. , , Seward, 1; Grand Island, 2. . Fremont, 4; Hastings, 6 (twelve Innings). Columbus, 6-3; Superior, 7-16. MINK LEAGUE. , Nebraska City, i Beatrice, S. Hiawatlia, 0; Auburn, 3. -Falls City, 0; Humboldt, J. A Games Today. Western League-Sioux City at Omaha, Des Moines at St Joseph,-Lincoln at To peka, Denver at Wichita. ? . . . National League-Wltsburgh; at Cincin nati. American . League Cleveland at CH1 cago, Detroit at St. Louis. - .... American Association-Columbus at In dianapolis, Minneapolis at Kansas City, 01. raui at Milwaukee, Louisville at Nebraska State League-York at Kear ney, Seward at Grand Island, Fremont at Hastings, Columbus at Superior. COUNCIL BLUFFS ELKS TO. PLAY REDMEN TODAY . The Council Bluffs Elks and the Council Bluffs Red men base ball teams will, play at the Invlnclbles' ball park this' after noon at 8:80 o'cloclcT , BatUrJes: ' Elk Peterson and Smith; Redmen Winkler and Buquette. . ' The game will be pre ceded by one between the Invlnclbles and the Boosters. , , , , ,' Edigar Wins from Deweese, EDGAR, Neb., June . 23.-rf8peclal.) Edgar beat Deweese here, Thursday in a very uninteresting game. Lee pitched shut-out ball for Edgar, and should have had a shut-out to his credit only for an errsr. Shlckley plays here Thursday and there will be. a doubl'header, here the Fourth ot July. 8core:' . . H H E Edgar .......1 S 0 0 1V12 1 0-J111 I Deweese A... 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 0-1 6 1 TtKtri: Edear. Lee and HuglieS: jjDeweetcu Georo Frtce?ana Hedrick St Paul Ties Game, but Milwaukee Comes Right Back. . FINAL RESULT. FIVE : TO FOUR Home Club Scores Hon In Its Half on Jones' Single, ; Two Passed Balls by Marshall and ' ' ftchalk's Hit.' - ., MILWAUKEE. June 22. After St Paul had tied the game in the ninth, the home club scored a run in their half on Jones' single, two passed balls by Marshall and Schalk's hit Score;' ;, ' ; MILWAUKEE. 8T, PAUU- , AB.H.O.A.E. ,. , AB.H.O.A.B. Llebold, cf..i 1 t ft 0 Butler, ... ( 10 11 Charles, lb.. 4 tHofttcw, ct 8 0 Fly rm, rt..,. 4 IMcCm'k. Ibl SAutrey, 16... I lHoward. If.. 4 SHtnlMll, ft. I OLewle, 2b... I 0Krgr, p... 4 OQoodman, 3b 9 4 t 1 1 0 0 010 I 1 I 1 I 1 0 t Randall, rf. 4 Chap'alle, U 4 Clark, 8b.... 4 Lowli. u.,.,4 Jonaa, lb.,., 4 8chalk, c... 4 Blapnlcka, p t Marlon, p... 0 Totals.. ...83 7 17 11 . Totals.;.. .83 12(10 1 Two out when winning run was made. Milwaukee ...V.....1 0" 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 St. Paul....,.,ii.i..l 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2-4 -Two-base hits: -Bandail, Clark, Karger. Hits; Off Siapnicka, .8 In . eljfat . and a third innings. Bases on .nails: Off Karger, 2; off 81apnlcka,.4. Btruck.out: By Kar ger, 7;. by. Siapnicka, -6. Passed, balls : Marshall 2. Time: SiOO.' Umpires: , Fergu son and Hahdiboe, - MHIERS SECURE SIXTEEN HITS Kansas City Meet. Defeat by Eight ' -i, to .JFjnr Score.,- .r , ., KANSAS CITY, June 22. Sixteen hits, with five errors.'by the locals gave Minne. spoils eight runs and a victory over Kan sas City here today. - Score: 1 . MINNEAPOLIS.' "'.-' KANSAS CITY,.' AB.H.O.A.t). AB.H.O.A.B. Clrmer. el,. 110 IBarbaau. 3b. 1 .1 1 14 Altlier, ss.,6 Williams, lb 4 Rosiman, rt. 8 KHllfar, 8b.. 8 Ds'hantr, It. I Unglaub, lb. 4 Owsna, 0.... S Olmsteai, p. I iscballer, " 1 0 Loir a, ct..... 4 1 I OCarr, lb t I W OCorrtdon, is. 8 1 1 00' Connor. H I 1 OCoulton, rf.. 4 0 1 ODoviMT, 8b. 1 0 0 Altrock, p... 8 0 0 .0,HU. P....0 0 1 Totals. -.'.44 ttST S:4' ;. ' A ,-, : A- ' -ToUIs 83 7 IT 18 I Minneapolis t.. 7.. I H 0 10 0 i M Kansas Cltf .....,..0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0-4 Sacrifice fly. Corridon. Two-base hits : Carr, Corridon, Clymer. Three-base hits: Owens, Clymer. Double plays: Bossman to Unglaub; Barbeau to Corridon to Carr; Williams to Unglaub. J Hits: Off Alt rock. 12 in seven and one-third innings. Bases on balls: Off Altrock, 2. Time; 1:60. Umpires: . Hayes and Anderson. HOME RUN IN TENTH SESSION Perrlne's ' Fonr-Baae ' Drive Scores Hlnchman Ahead of Him. INDIANAPOLIS, June 22.-Perrlne's home run In the tenth, scoring Hinch-, man ahead of him, won for Columbus in the, opening game. Score: ; ' ' IND1ANAP0US. .-. COLUMBUS. , AB H.O A E AB.H.O.A.B. Kslisr. ct.., I'll J OSJielton, at. 8 0 10 0 Woodruff, 1(4 1 0 4 OHlncbman, 1(8 1 2 0 I Hallman. rt. I 1 I t OCo'salton, rt 8 0 1 0 0 Inaertoir, lb. 1 1 1 OMIIIar. lb... 1 0 14 0 0 Oscular, 0 4 IParrine, lb.. 114 0 Huntar lb.. 4 0 11.1 OO'Ronrka. ib 4 I I 8 0 Williams, lb 1 0 I I OGarbar, as... 4 1 110 CUrk. : e.rf. 1111 lSmltb, 0..... 4 11 0 0 Robartaos, pi 0 1 ORysn, p ,0 00 0 0 Hrxoa ..;. 1 0 0 0 0McC'abn p 4 1, 0 4 McCarthy 1 0 0 ,0 0 - , . ---, Touts 88 1013 1 Totals.. ... SM , .... , 'flatted for .Williams In ninth. -fcattd for Robertson in- the ninth. , SwUli -out lor interference. Columbus O..-..0 r 0 02 0 0 1 9 2-6 liuUanapolia A? 0,1,0 0 0 1 ,0 0 0-8 Two-base hit:' Ingertoh. Home run: Perrtne. Srtuck: out: ' By.' Robertson, 1: by McConaughy, 4. Bases on balls: Off Robertson, 8: of Ryan. I: off McConaghy, iContlnued on Second Page.) CUBS FOUND PITCHERS HARD Three Cardinals Are Given a Hard - Lambasting by Chicago, ZIM ; WIELDS . WILLOW FAST Makes Two Doubles, a ' Triple '. . Slagle In Flv Times ' Up- Teammates Follow His . .. Lead. . .' and , ST. LOUIS, June ,217-Chlcago hit three pitchers hard and won from St Louis. Score. ' . r .;' .' , ' CHICAOO,' 1 A ST. LOVtS. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Shackard, It. 8 Bobulta, rt, I 0 I OHuntns, lb, 8 OMagee. If.,,. 4 OHouser, ss,,, I OK'netchy, Ibl OEvine, rt..., 1 0 Smith, 8b... 0 OOakes, cf.,., I' OWIngo, 0..,, I Tlnkar, sa... I Ztm'mso, Ib I Laacb, ct... 4 Baler, lb.... 8 Evsrs, lb.... 4 Archer, 0..., 4 Cheney, p... I Good, It.... I I I 4 I, 1 1 0 11 1 I 1 I 1 0 0 1 CHsrmoo, 08!Mle, p., ODale, .p O'Ellls ..... Moronex, p, 0 0 0 110 Brown Millar, el.., 0 0:0 0Wllta esiowrajr .. Totals.. ...80 It 27 18' 0; : " '.V ,' To'al... , 'Batted for Cheney. In ninth it l10 1 Batted for ..Harmon in, second. ' Batted" for Steele -In seventh. A Batted for Dale in ninth. Chicago- 1. '8 0. 0 6 0 1 ,0 0-10 St,- Louis.. ,..,(4.10 0 if 0, 0 0.0 0 1-2 Two-base hits: j Zimmerman (2), Shock ard, Hugglns, Konetchy.v Thi'ee-basa hits: Zimmerman,' Mowrey. Baseo on balls: Off Harmon, 2; off Dale, A; off Cheney, 8; off Mowrey, i; off Steele;. 87., Struck, out: By Steele, 4; by Cheney, 2, Hits'. Off Har mon, S in two Innings; "off 'Steele, 7 lit five Innings; oft Dale, 4' in two. Innings; offC.hen,ey,7,ln eight innings;, off Mow rey, 1 in -one Mnning. Time: S:03. . Um pires: Klem and Bush. . . - HOUBLE-HEASER GOES TO GIANTS Total of Fortr-ElRbt Runs Made In . Games with Boston. NEW YORK. June 22.-New York took two more heavy-hitting, high-score games from the locals', cleaning up the series Score, flrsf game;' ;'" 1 A BOSTON. '" ", NEW YORK.' ' AB.H.O.A.B. . AB.H.O.A.B. Datltn,' lb. I 111 osn'dirasa, o( 8. 4 140 CamDbell, ct I 1" lT" i , l I I l-i2?JS !.? I 2 gweenr. lb. 4 Klrka, rt. .. 8 Jackson. 8 Houasr, lb.. 4 O'Rourke. ss I Kilns, e I Dlcksoa, p... 1 Brown, p.,. 1 t OMurrav. it!! i i a s 0 I) Devon, If,.. I 10 0 I Ojiorker. rt... I, 1 I 0 0.lMeCorek, rf 1 0 0 0 1 Osnaefer 3b.. 8 8 10 I Orh. lb ..., 0 0 1 0 Maw, C....4 0 0 1 ,41 It 17 II 4Hsrtlay, t .ll 01 0 : f ieteher, si 4 1 0 1 ' Math's'n, p. 110 0 v . , - W!lion .....1 0 0 4 Totals. . ' 1 ; ToUls.....4T 17 I 4 , Batted for Meyers in -tne seventh. ' , New York 2 0.10 0 rf 10 0 2-17 Boston .W........1 "0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0- 5 Two-base, hits: ; flchaefer, Meyers, Snodgrass, Merkte, Devore, Fletcher. Three-base hit: ' .Becker.- Home , runs: Kllng 2). 'Hits: Off Dickson, 17 In Six and two-thirds Innings; off Brown, 6 In two- and one-third innings. , Bases on balls: Off Dickson, '1: off Mathewson,2. Struck out: By Dickson, 2; by Mathew son, 8. Umpires:; Brennan and Kmsile. Soore, ' second game i f ,;' , . ' y . i , . , BOSTON. ;V- '.A KBW YORK. AB.HO.A.E AB.H.O.A.B. Devllo, lb.. 8 III 0Sn'dfrii, e( 4 I I Campbell, et I I 8 0 ODoyla lb... I 1 4 Sweeney, lb. 4 4 0 I I Mark le, lb. I 1 0 Klrka. rt..;. 4 II 0 0 Murray, H.,. 8 I I Jackaos, K.. Ojl'lt 0 Backer, rt... I I I Hnussr. lb.. I 1 It 0 IShaefar. 8b.. 110 O'Kourka, ss 1. 1-1 4 .OMeysrs. c... 5 8 0 Rsrlden, .c. 4 I I 1 ,1 Fletcher., p, . 8 0 1 TyliK p. . 10 11 OCrandall, p. I 1.' 0 Donnelly, p. 1 1 0 1 OWIltaa, 0 0 ., . ..... j .i-w m. Ames, .p..,-,. 1 I I a a s . j A 0 a 0I j 0 i 0 9 1 j j t. a a a Totals.. .... 47 1137 1 ' . - . : ' t Totito. .'... 14 IT 11,1 New, York. .A.O 0 2 l 2 3 3 ,2 1-14 gostbn' i..:.,.A..O 0.1 0 2 8 4 0 2-12 Two-base hits: ' Snodgrass, ' 1 vin, Crandall, Doylei Rariden, h- Becker. Meyers. Three-bus bit: S-w'"". Home CCoutiiiuad OA, Second ifie 4 rSHOITEN SENDS OUT HOME RUN Bens Strikes Out Eight Players from St Louis. LORD MAKES PAIR OF TRIPLES Powell Allows Eight Hits la Two Inutna-s and Brown Permits Three In Remainder at ' o : Game.'.,. . , CHICAGO. June 22. Chicago won by driving Powell from the box and took revenge for the defeat he administered earlier In the series. Score; . THICAQO. i ' "' ' .AB.H.O.A.B. ST. LOUIS. ABH.OA.B. Rith. 5b.... 4 13 4 OShqtUn, Of., I 1; 1 10 hJid, 3b....: I 1 DKutlna. If... 4 I I Bl'kburn. lb 0 t; lit hn. if 4 i:oila. K.. 4 0 OStovall, lb. OPnct. !b,... Heu, rt., OAunln. lb.. flWtlUc, u. Osuphmw, 0, 0 Powell, D... t a ft I ft Uudlo, c(.... I 1 Mftttld. cf. 'O salilar, lb... t Wivr,, w., 4 Kubn, 4 Bent, p...,,. ( 0 1 1 0 ft t S. Brawn, I . TateJt.. .11 4 I1T I Tot.,... u n i ' Ht. Mollis ..,.,.,..0 0 0 0 0,1 0 0 O-l Chicago , ..2 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 - Two-base hit: Stovall. Three-base hits: Lord, 2. Home run: Shouen. Hits: Ott Powell, 8 in two and one-third Innings;-off Brown, S In five and two thirds innings. Bases on balls: Off Pow ell., 1; off Brown, 3; off Bens, 1. Struck out: By Powell, 1; by Bent, 8( by "Brown, S. Time. 1 1:52. Umpires: Cton noliy and Hart. . FIVE STRAIGHT , FOR BOSTON Both Games of Donble-Header Won , from New York. NEW .YORK, June 22,-Boston mads It' five straight over New York, taking both sections of .a double-header. Both Hal) and Collins pitched well for Boston Score, ' first game: , ''A " "'.'".'"-,'',' 1 '.BOSTON.' ' ' . NEW .TORX.-- ' ' AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Hen'ksan, rt 4 0 1 0 OMalnney, f. 8 18 0 0 Yerkee, 3b... 1 1 1 I OMartln. SS..4 0 4 1 1 fipaaker, ct.. 4 110 OChaaa, lb..i4 0 4 0 0 Uwle, It.... 8 8 1 1 it. ...,4 lit LOart'r, Ibl I I I OZInn, rt.....8 0 1 Oft SUbl. lb.,.. 4 1 I I OW.Oart'l, " til Wasiiar. as,. Ivt I t lU&rtsaU, lb. I 1 11 Cady, a. 4 8 4 1 OBwebcey. I III! - . nn,.uju . , a AT: nan, y. ..1111 OStsrreM, 1 . .1 V.V1 -McOoit'M.V'' I Totals., .17 H 11 ITsompsoa. pl I 1 1 ,.!,' , Totals M f 8V U Boston ....... A.. 0 't 4 01,8 0 0-1S New York..... 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0- 2 Two-base hits: Speaker, Lewis, Stahl, Cady. Hall. Three-base hits: Hartsnll, Crea, Gardner. Bases on balls: Off Mo-, Connell, 2; off Thompson, 2: off Hall, 8. Struck out: By McConnell, 8; by Thomp son. 8: by Hall, 4. Hits: OXt McConnell, 10 in five Innings, none out in the sixth; off Thompson, 6 in four Innings. Um pires: .Westervelt and Evans, f . Score', second game: ; . BOSTON. KBW YORK. - . AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. H'dr'kaen. ill 1 I I OMalooej, c(. I I 1 0 1 Yarkae. Ib... 4 HIRig, SS....X OChaaa, lb... I OCrae, If 4 OKInn, rf I 14 1 Speaker, ie(. 4 Lewi., It.... I LtO'dner, Ib I Stahl, lb.... 4 Wsinar, ss.. 8 Carrlsas a.. I Oolllna, p... I 111 10 0 too 110 II lie tB.O'4nar, lb 4 OHartssll. lb. 4 OStarrst, a.... I 0 War hop, p.., I lit WolTarton.. 1 000 0 Totals.. ,81 I IT 11 IQulna, p.. Totals 14 I ITU I Batted tot Warhop In eighth. Boston 1 0 1 e 0 s 1 a 2-10 New York......, 1-0 0 0 S 0 0 0-8 Two-base hits: . Speaker; StabL. Threo base hit: .Wagner. Home run: Lewis. Stolen bases: Martin (8), Chase, Cree, L. Gardner, Speaker. Bases on balls: Off Warhop, 9; off Qulnn. 2; off Collins, 6. Struck out:. By Warhop, 4; by Qulnn, 1; by Collins, 1. Hits: .Off Warhop, 1 in eight innings; off Qulnn, 1 In one in ning. Umpires: Evans And Westervelt :., -'Z- , t ,1.11 II. 1 ,11 'V . , 'I SENATORS DEFEAT - ATHLETICS Fato of Contest Settled In tb Sixth: , j i innints. .1 -.. PHILADELPHIA,- Juno. 22.-Washington, won'. ' The fate ' of ' tlie contest was settled in 'u sixth when. four hits?, three' passes arid three errors netted the visitors Mvn rtini. - Score: " ! , " , . , ' - ' , 1 1 ' WA8HINOTON. . . PHILADELPHIA- . 1 .. . i AB.H.O.A.B -AB.H.O.A.B. Moeller. rt..l I I 0 lLord, rt..... 8 0 10 1 Fcater, lb. Mllsn, cf.. Oandll, lb, Bhsnks. If. vuionns, a a OColllM, lb.. 4 0 0 0 Baker, lb.... 110 IStrunk, If.., 4 9 1 0 Mclnnes, lb. 4 1 11 0 Derrick, ss.. 1 04pp, c... 4 1 T 0 Coombs, p.. 1 O 0 IPennock. p.. 1' 1 0 O'Masiert I 10 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 s 0 Morgan, lb, Knight. 3b... 1 Wc Bride, 1 ss. 4 Henry, c... 4 Hushes, p.,. 4 Mauser, . 1 ; Totals.'. ... H 10 17 10 I Totals. IS 7 87 10 4 I 'Batted for Pennock In ninth. Washington. 0 0 0.1 2.7 0 2 0-13 Philadelphia 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1-4 i Two-base hits: Milan, Mclnnes. Thre. 0 I base hit: Lapp. Home runs; . Mcunae, 0 j Baker. Double playt Milan to Henry., 0 1 Left- on baees: Washington ' 6; Phlla-. O'linlnhln. 7. Bases on balls: Off Hughes. 2; off Mauser, 1; off Combs. 8. Struck out: By Hughes, . 2; by Coombs. 8; by Pennock, 4. Hits: Off Combs, 7 in six innings; off Pennock,, S In three innings; off- Hughes, In seven - Innings; off Mauser 1 in two innings. Time: 2:20 Umpires: O'Loufhlln and Egan. CLEVELAND LANDS ON DUBUC Detroit Takes Dmwblng, with Score Eleven to Three. 1 DETROIT, June 22,-Cleveland knocked Dubuo out of the box in six innings. Score: '-.-'- ' 1 - - A DETROIT, - s CLEVELAND. - 1 6.. AB.H.0.A.B. AB.H.0.A.B. Tmms. If.... 4, 1 I 0 OfTranay, If... 4 0 1 0 S ! Cobb. - ei. II II 1 1 I ft 0 I 1 r- 0 1 0 0 , 0 vuiSOD, sa.... east v I 'Usekaon, rf.. 4'1 0 e 0 OLaiole, lb... I I I I I 4 lOrasss. lb. . I 1 10 0 1 .rawioro n o Deleb'tr, Ib I Oatnor, lb. . I Morlarty, Sbl 8tanage, .. 1 Kocher, 0... 1 Du. P - 0 .OBtm'h'm. ef 5 1 0 0 1 0 Tamer, lb.. 1.8 1 0 1 00' Neil. c... t 114 0 Krapp, P 1-0 10 Totals., 0 0 0 0 .'" . 4 i T-rv .42 14 IT 24 i wiliaii. i p., tf. J "luouoen Mllln. 0 0 4 10 0 V 1 J i s f tm ! Batted for Willett In the nirttl2 . Batted for Cobb in the ninth. -. Cleveland .,....' 1 0 0 5 B 2 bAll Detroit . ..j.. . 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 18 I Hits: Off Dubuo. 10 in six Innings: off )riing:oii . Two-bat Willett. 4 in ' three innings. (Continued on. Second Fars.) r f t : 1