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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1912)
tnim nm nnAMinn iiinimm .UUfl AflU rttUUUUfl MAKIUil New Wheat Movement About to Be gin in Southwest CCSN tS SHUSG ON BULGES TfcU May Be Risky, Oniif to the Ut Start the Chaaees , for Aeeideats Dai-lac the Xnt T Moataa. OMAHA, June 22, 1912. The new 'wheat movement la about to rgin m the northwest. Conditions In the northwest continue nearly perfect, while tbe bullish conditions In the soft vhpat states is being overlooked at prea ent. It U t food trading market with plenty of action each day. The trade Is I figuring on receiving material aid on . the buying side from some lowering of i the spring wheat crop outlook, which a i-fsc; nas not materialised. V" Thft trori in t-rtrn f lnllv,A t lli. late months on bulges. This may be risky., owing to the late atart the crop nas una me cnances . tor accidents., dur ing the next two months. i he extent ' of cash demand and the country selling of reserves will govern 'uts ior a urns. ... i Alter a wean opening due to weak oaoles, shorts covered freely on reported lains In Oklahoma where harvest is in itrogreas, Caan wheat was Ho higher, t orn was rather dull but steady, News is lavoraoie on tne growing crop but the critical period has yet to be found. Cain corn was fcc lower to fco higher. Primary wheat receipts were 282,000 bushels and shipments were 223,000 bushels against receipts last year ot oa,K)0 ousa ei and shipments ot 486,000 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 761,000 bush vis and shipments were H,uuu ousuels, sTainst receipts last year of eis.Ooe bush es and shipments of 641,000 busnels. Clearances were li.OOO bushela ot corn, 138,ou bushels of oats and wheat and lioureaual to iul Oft bushels - . Liverpool ' closed Hd to Id lower oh ': wneat and 14 to 4d lower on corn. . TPh followine? A&jih uIm wr rmnttrtnA Wneat -A o sales. Corn No. I wnlte: i cars, 77c No. 8 white, cars, 76c. No. wnlte: 2 cars, 74c: 1 car, 72c. No. J color: 1 car, oiic: l car, 74c; 1 car, 73. No, 4 color: 1 car, 71c. No. 3 yeliow: 1 car, Jliac No. 3 yellow: 1 car. iHo. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 7Hc; 1 cars, 71c; 1 car, 70Hcj 1 car, 70c No. 4 yellow: 1 car, tvc; cars, wo; 3 cars, oso; J car, sue. rso. i mixed: 3 cam, Tie. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, :W5e;. I -rs, 70HPI J cars, 704c; 1 car, itw. No. 4 mixeii; cars, t4c; j cars, io. &9 grade: 1 cr,,3c. Oats-.No. 2 whits: 1 car, 4Uc. j . . . . Omaha Caa' Prices. ,' ! WMEAT-.o. 2 hard. fl.Otl!41.07M; No. 3 hard, Jl.OOfejU. (,,; No. 4 hard, ll.fcS' i.of " , . . CORN-No, - J . white, 7fi77c; No. J white, 7&Vp.'Hc: No. 4 white, 72974c; No. t coior, iwti.ovac; no. x yeiiow, uftift 71lc; No. 3 yellow, 70tlc; No. 4 yellow, . toi'itvVftC!: ' No. t.'-Wi&ilt; No. 2, (.ivo; io. 4, tWV&i!7Hc; no grade, 3o. OATS-No. 1 white, iVAtWiic; -standard, ii.'iii No. I white, 4SValc; No. 4 white, vhv,c. ; . , -1 : ,. BAEL.ET-lIaltlng, 93c&l.M; No. i feed, &.?; heavy reed, 7utvc. KVK-No. 2, wfeSlc; Jko. 3, 78 80c. Carlot Heoripts. . v Wheat Corn, Oats. Chicago 21 ai 101 lUnneapolls ,164 Omaha ' 10 jUulutli '.36 'ij CIIICA60 GRAIN AKD TROVlSIOKS Featares of the Trading-1 and Closing Prices oa Board ef Trade. CHICAGO, June 22,-In .attempting to guard against the possibility ot an up heaval of prices Monday wlien the Chi chko Board of Trade will not be in sea (ion, wheat aborts competing today forced a material advance. The market closed xtcady at a rise of c to V) over last at. Corn finished Vc to Vkcc up; s, dearer by a shade to Hc and pro - varying from SHc - decline to So e in cost. - i.. . i'Wiment ot the board until Tuesday taken In memory of Oeorae 7. Htnn retary of the board, who died yester- September ranged from $L02'4 to .ui wiiu iasc saies ii.viw.imk, a net tain of i to o. . , Keports of chinch but damage in Illi nois alde4 corn bulls. September ranged " from 71&0 to 72c, closing steady, ,Mta ntt higher at 'c. . Cash grades wars only in slim demand. No. i yellow was quoted at 7544jo. September oats ranged from 40o to 39 dtic. with the close H4H4c, . just Ho over last night.1 , rrovisions stuady. In the' end changes either way did not exceed 6c, Futures range as follows: Aitlclel Opan. Hlgh.l Low. Cio.j Yes y. vnwi I.I. I I. juiy.iiM'ii govi I T41 08HH1 06HH Sept, X 0S'04 1 02l 03VAI 1 m Dec., Corn 105 i 1011 ItM'Al 104i July.p2S72WI ".7314; TIT, . 72: 71 .72 mm Sept. 7JHHI Dec. 63 2Wl '2T uats i ml 49 July, mm Sept. H04uH 39M40iM4i4Oi4tH Due. Pork July. m7h! IS 6JHI1J 87-70 1 62-g 18 97 10 90-93 11 10-12 Sepl.J 1906 18 82-861 1 00-021 una July. Hept. 10HS 11 10 11 u 10 90-92 10 KHflO 90-92 U 13V 11 12, 11 10 , U20 IU12 U17H Oct, U 12-30 Ribs July. ....... Sept. 10 60 10 47-50f 10 43HI10 47-S0i 10 46-47 10 62 10 KttllO 67-60 10 66 Cash quotations were as follows:' FLOL'R-Steady; winter patents, $5.00 S.80; winter straights, $4.40tt.; spring patents, $3.05f 6.60; spring straights, S4.S&0 6,00: -bakers, $4.2Ogi40. - KTK-N. t SJtJSJc. . . BARLKT Feed or mixing, 0SKJe; fair Ho ciHilce malting. 85c$1.05. ' , SIOKDS-Trmothy, $7.0O9.60; clover. S14.00 30.00. - PROVISIONS-Mess pork, $18.76llt7: lard ln tierces), 110.87; short ribs (loose). $10.45, , V. , " Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 703,000 bu. Primary receipts were 3&.O0O bu., compared with 393,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Esti mated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 14 i-nrs; corn, 113 cars; oa is, us cars; hogs. 1'hicaro rash BrirM' tmiut V tt.07i.tts; No. 3 red." L06LI; No. - 3 raro, i.tws.u; o. s naro, $l.Ott06; fv, i iiurtuviu, i.iiia'i.jB; rso. z north ern. 1.12fgia4; No. 3 northern, $1.071.12 Xo 3 spring, $1.081.13;. No. 8 spring. $1.04 3i.ll; No. 4 spring, $1.00i9.10; velvet ui, s.wgi.ii; ourum. Sl.wl.09. Corn. 1. S. 73fi74c; No. 3 white. 7778c; No. No. 4 yellow, 71673c, Oats. No. z Mt." M.J64S4C; No. white. 62$6:Se; 4 iviih, biwv; aianasra, tilkwbi'Lc. RiE-No. 3. 837e... , mv"7V" l-;APLET-c&1.60. rK.D Clover, S14.004J20.00; timothy, 37.(0 EGGS Steady; receipts. 18.148 cases! at mark, rases Included. 15fil6c; ordinary firsts. !; firsts, 170. 1""7v' eu 1 1 e.k eteaoy; creameries, 2Si2i25c- WBI. .... - ' ' .t, steady; daisies. umrjj.r- twits, 144SMc; young Americas, lb loic; long homs, - POTATO ES-Weak; rec-elpts. old, 10 J"".'- new' cars; oia, Wo; new, ic .TRT-Allve, weak; turkeys! Uc: ..r ieaiy, S llc. t , . i h, . r Grata Market. 1UAEE; Wis.. June 22. WHEAT v i -thern, $1.18147: No. 1 north- .1.16; No. I hard winter, $1,100 . w.wi'a, copicmoer, li.w. o, 3 yellow. 74V4c: No. k white. . 3, 72c; July, 22&23c; Septem- -"'tndard, S3i?64e. ' ,i iJalting, gJaiKc. - 1 Grata Market. -,.L. June 22.-WHEAT-8Dot. i. 2 red western winter, Ss4d; :00a. ; ao. t Manitoba, , weak; July, 7sgS); Oc "; tecember. 7s USd. . t A-ri 1 mixed, old : i ' l 1. new, kiln u'urea, easy; ; . r, tsii'td. ) C nla Market, . . . " '!if j;.-VIiEAT i'northern si.iiiifttiiC: xr : 2 " noitiiern. iv6tio; .no. . nmst.'. C'OrtA Au. S yellow. '.L,-ta,- c. OATS-No. 3 white, tS'jftfjc; Na 2 red, S6c -- ' BRAN In 109-lb. sacks, 200g.SO. FLOUR First patents, 15.405.00: -second patents, S3.1O0.35; first clears. 13. 4 t;' second clears, f2.SO3.00. KEW : YORK GEXKRAi, MARKET ttaatatioas of the Day m Varieaa ) ' ' . ' .. Commodities. KEW TORK. . June 22.-FlOUR-Quiet: SDiinc natents. t5.04i6.90: winter strelshts, 5.15i&6.25; winter patents, So.40 spring clears. I4.804.9o; winter extras. No. L l4.axS4.25: winter extras. sso. z, S4.104.m; Kansas straights, o.iu t!.z5. Kye flour steady; ratr to gooo, st.7tB8.w: choice to fancy. o.wm.s. COKNMEA Li Steady : fine white; and yellow, $1.70L7B; coarse, 1.6L70; ) kiln a tied. H.Z0. BARLEY Quiet ; malting. L12fl.35; c L f. Buffalo. WHEAT-Spot, market steady; No. "i red, 11.18, domentlc basis and export; $1.17 t o. b. afloat. - No. t northern Duluth. tl.234 1 o. b. afloat. Futures. market closed tt$c net higher. July, Closed, ua 1-1; September, ilwi; December, $1.09. . CORN Spot, market steady; export, Mttc f. o. b. afloat. OATS Spot, market' ' quiet; standard white, 0c In elevator; No. S. (0c; No. 3, 6tto; No. 4, 69c; natural white and white dipped, 69e03c on track. HA V Quiet; prime, 11.66; No. 1 No. t, Sl.4001.46; No. I, 1.201.25. HIOESFirm; Central America, 2 m&; Borgota, 2426c. LEATHER Firm : hemlock firsts, 26 17c; seconds, . 24c; thirds, . 2t22c; . rejects. 16C. i PROVISIONS-Pork. steady: meSs. S20.60 21.00; short clears, $18.252100. , Beef, firm: mess, ii5.oowib.w: family. lis. bo 018.00; beef haras, t28.0031.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. W to 14 lbs.. 110 llttc; pickled bams, 12K&12UC Lard, barley, steady; middle west prims, $10.60 10.80: refined, steady; continent, $11.26;' South 'America, $10.20: , compound. $8.76 (J9.0C. Cora and Wheat Regloa Balletla. United States Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau bulletin 1 for- the twenty-four hours ending at S a. m.. 75th meridian time, Saturday, June 22, 1912: , OMAHA DISTRICT. ; -TemD. - Kaln. , Stations. High. Low, fall, f 6ky. Ashland, Neb.. 7 66 . ' .00 Clear" Auburn, Nb It 61 44 4 68 .00 Clear Clear Broken Bow .. 7$ Columbus, Neb. 79 Culbertson, Nb. 81 Fairbury, Neb. 8 .00 .00 .00 .00 ' .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 , .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear , Clear ' Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear , Clear' : Pt. cloudy Clear Clear: 'A Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy 54 Fairmont, Neb. 7-7 . 4 Gr. Island, Nb. DO 64 Hartington, Nb 7$ , 4 Hastings, Neb.. 78 62 Holdrcsfe. Ntb. 81 64 Lincoln. Neb... Ho 64 No. Platte, Nb 7 , S3 Oakdale, Neb.. 78 42 Omaha. Neb.... 78 r7 Tekamah. Neb. 78 ' 60 Valentine, Nb. 78 60 Alta, la........; 77 ' 60 Carroll, la...... 76 49 Clarinda. la.... 84 62 Sibley, la, 78 48 Sioux City, la. 74 62 Maximum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 p. m. "Not included In averages, - ', , DISTRICT AVERAGES. . No. Temp. Rata Central. " Stations. High. Low. fall. Columbus, 0 18 , 72 - 60 ..20 Louisville, Ky... 22 . U . 66 .80 indla'polls, Ind. 12 74 , 60 - .30 Chicago, III....... 24 , , 74 . 60 ' ', .00 St. Louts, Mo.:. 19 78 - It'- V .30 Dea Moines, la. 22 ' 78 , 63 ' .00 Minneapolis ...,. 4 '78 62 '" .00 Kan. City, Mo. 25 83 ; 6 .60 Omaha. Neb..... 17 ' 78." .62 ' -.00 The weather Is slightly : warmer throughout the corn ' and wheat region. Light but appreciable showers occurred In air except the Chicago, Minneapolis. Des Moines and Omaha districts. A fall of ISO inches occurred, at McPherson, Kan. L. A. WELSH, , ' Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. ' I 84. l.oals General Market." - 8T. LOUIS. June 22.-WHEAT-Cash, firm; track NO. 2 red. $1.071.07; No. t hard. 81.08(&1.15. - " .CORN Firm; track No.. J t6c; No. 3 White, 80C. , - ' :-' i- - . 1 OATS-Lower; track No, .2, 61c;. No. 3 wnite, Bze. -. - , t ": . , , v RYE Nominal, 83e. ' ' - ,,r Closing prices of futures: ' WHEAT Higher; July, $1.041.04: Sep tember, ' - - '- - CORN Firm; July, ivawtxi Septem ber. 71V.C OAis r irm; . juiy, 1 tw: eptemter. 39C- ... :. . 1 : -J FLOUK Quiet:, red winter patents, 85.10 5.60; exva fancy and straight, $4.30 5.00; hard winter cieara, t.w. sked T.motny, iio.w. C'ORNMEaL-$2e0. BHAr-rull; sacked east track. $1.03 Q1.0S. HAT-Unchanged; timothy, $18.0025.00; prairie, $17.0O20.O0. , .... fMOVHiuwB-rorx, . unonangea; jo- blnx. $16.7&. Lard. ,, unchanged;. ' prime. 110.W10.15. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra sorts, $10.76; clear ribs, $10.76; short clears, iii.w. Macon, unchanged; boxed extra short. $11.75; clear ribs, $11.76: short clears, itw. Receipts. Shipments. 7,500 6.090 8,000 1 18,000 3.900 ' 26,000 ..... 9,000 . ' 22,000 Flour, bbls. ........ Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. Oats, bu. Kaaaaa City Oral a aad Provlsiona, KANSAS CITY. June 22. WHEAT Cash. lo higher; 'No.- 3 hard, $1.00 1.13; No. 8, $1.0X111.12; No. t red. $1,0841.10: No. 3, $1.081.0S. . i. . ' uk unonangea. to -10 sown; wo. a mixed. 76o ; No. 8, 73c;N6. 3 white, IScJ No. 3,. T7c. :. OATS Unchanged, dull; No. 3 white, 606c; No. 3 mixed, 4748e. RYEUnchanged, 8S35c. t HAY Steady; choice timothy, 321.00 22.00; choice prairie, tl4OO16.00. Closing prices of futures: ' - WHEAT July, 99c; September, 97c; December, 9c. - , , CORN-July. 73o; September, 68H S8c; December, 5858c. - . OAT-July, 46c; September, tO'ic BUTTER Creamery, 34c; firsts. 21c; seconds, 20c; packing stock, 19 JOc. EGGS Extras, 20c; firsts, 18c; seconds, lie. - . . . . Receipts. Shipmenta Wheat bu........... 13,000 a.OOO Corn, bu... 63.000 20,000 Oats, bu 13,000 1,000 ' Cottoa Market ." . , NEW YORK, June 32.-COTTON-FU-tures closed firm. Closing bids: . June, lU4c; July, 11.19c; August,' il.28e; ' Sep tember, 11.36c; October, 11.47c; November H.64o; December, 11.69c; January, 11.66c; February, U.6c; March, U.6o; May, 11.72c; spot closed quiet; middling up lands, ll.66e; middling gulf, ll.0c; no sales, LIVERPOOL. Jtme t2.-COTTON-6pot, moderate business done, with prices un changed., American middling, 7.27c; good middling, 4.89c; middling, 163c; low mid dllng, .S3c; good ordinary, 8.91c; ordi nary, t.46. Sales, 7,000 bales. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 32.-COPFEE-Futures market closed steady, net S to 12 points higher. Sales. 72,500 bags. June, 13.75c; August, 1177c; September. 13.95c; October, 1198c; November. 14.03c; Decern ber and January, 14.08c; February. 14,05c; March and Apt-It. 14.16c; May, l4.17o. Spot cofee. firm; Na. 2 Rio, 144c; Santos No. 1 16c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 181Sc nominal. -; . . . ' Dry Gods Market. NEW YORK, June 32.-DRY GOODS Acttvtty In dry jods continues, sales m Fall River last week , reaching 260,000 pieces. Jobbers are doing a light hanl-to-mouth business for quick shipment, but the advance fall business continues steady. Linens and burlaps rule firm Yarns are in light demand. Omaha liar Market. OMAHA. Juno St HAY No. 1, moo No. 2, $12.00tfl4.00; No. 3, $8if 12.00; No 1 middling, $14.00 1500; No. I lowland. P3.S0f 1100. ; . V : .... . - . "' ,;''VroilsVel' Resta. SAVANNAH. June 22. TURPENTINE -Firm: 44(g44C ' HOSIN-Flrm; type F, 17.25; G, $7.25f 7.3 -- , i ST LOl'lS. June - territory and v tMe. n mctiluni!. loalbv; ll-s meJiWDS, i::.c: fine, Wjlic. "itnnr vAfiir nmnnu utnvvm flfiH ; IUitlV. MIM fflMAIil Complete and Utter Stagnation in Short Session., v ; PBJCE . CHANGES "ABE N0MEJAL Baak Stateaseat" Shows Artaal Loaa .Decrease of Almost Twelve Uillioas Cash Loaa of ' ' One MiUloa. "' " ? 'NEW YORK, "June ' 22,-For complete and utter stagnation today's two-nour ses sion on tbe, stock exchange has not been exceeded in some years. Attendance of members was unusually, light. Affairs at Chicago again engrosEed attention to the exclusion of all other matters. Trading In -the first hour amounted to scarcely 15,000 shares and tbe total for the session was 81.000 shares . Price chances In the soeculativs favor ites were nominal, with a -downward tendency. Various issues were not quottd at all. The bank statement showed an actual loan decrease of almost $13,000,000, compared with an averaae decrease -of $5,749,000. Instead of an actual cash gain a loss of almost f 1,000,000 was reported. The reserves showed a very nominal in crease. ..;...-.'...-. . - . . The bond market waa steady, with total sales, par value.. 8387,000. Panama 3s lost m per cent on can or. the week, v Number of sales and leading Quotation today wars as follows: , Sslaa. High. Low. Clot. Alllt-ChtlOMrs' pt ... Amalfamstod Copper ABrlca Ssrlcuitural m a ; a 4.XU K , 17. . 41 Aiwriui But Sugar.. AnMrlcsa Cta 1,101) u two 37 71 'A 74 17 AmorioM C. A F. .... AmMl(a Cotton Oil.. 10s n .ti, Anurias H. A I pM... ...... Am. ico socurltiM........ K0 t1 ADMrtesa tiioMod ....... Aaxrlesa Looomotii ... 14Vi Amorieaa 8. Hv... Am. 8. a R. pfd MM, U Am. stool ronndrlM. . Am. Su(r, Roflningv. AmerieM T. A T ... , -.... s ' 12 WO 1V Ui 144 ..... V Amorieaa Tobacco pfd. Amorieaa Woolon Anarasda Mining Co.'..., 1,700 41 44i 44 Atefclsos w un iwm lOlVa ... ..... ..... 10D Atcblaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Uao, Baltlmoro V Ohio. BothloSom StMl .... 200 1W 108 D 1H 17 14 Brooklyn Rapid Tr..'..i... 400 II tl Canadian Pacific , ' Contra). Leather .....'...,. ".,,, ..... Central Leather pfd...... ..... Central of New-Jeraoy... ...... Cheeapeako 4V Ohio...... .t.. ,.. ..... Chicago Altoa..,,.,.... .. ....! . , ' '... K ... ..... ..... m . ,. 78 ... ...,. ,.. 18Vj II IN 100 104 104 104 Chicago O. W.. ,... Chicago a. W. pfd ...... ., .. Chicago W.. Chicago. M. A St. P C, C, C. a St. L....... Colorado- r. a I....;. Colorado A Southern Consolidated . 0a 1'. ..... . Corn Predncts .......i..,. K II 11 n ti MS 141 WO 1 14044 140 Delaware ft Huduaon.... .....147 DenVer a Rio Grande..., D.,4t R. O. pfd 19 II : 11 14 14 ' 11 II Diatlllerv Becurlliee Brio -,g,. M0 . I34 KM 14 100 ti Erie 1st pfd....;. , Brlo'Id pfd., ....,.,',.;, i.w. 41 00 171 171 1T1 General Klectrle ......... Oroat Northern, pfd..'...., Great Northern, Ore etfs.. ................ 181 ..., ...... 41 imnnie vnirai ..,,.. Interborough Mot. Inter. Met. pfd,......,,,, International Harvester Inler-Marlno pfd ,. International Paper ...... International pump Iowa Ceatral Kaaeaa Cttr Soutfeora..., K. C. so. pfd... Laitefle Oas (. Louiertllo ft NaehTlllo.... 1M im ; ju zoa ' lou 400 M UTi M ..... ..... ..... 110 17' 1 14 at (0 109 in " Minn, ft It. Loula.. ...... M . St. L. ft S. S. M.. MlaSonrl. K. ft T... ...... 400 141 141 17 M , K. ft T. pfd.,..,,.., Mtsooari Pacific National Biscuit ....,.. National Lead ............ ..... so 400 1714 400 1S7 , 100 M 100 II 17 l IM 1M el (I II 11 N. R. R, of M. 34 pfd.. Now Tors, Central.....,,. ..... ' ii7 K, Y.. O. ft W Norfolk ft Wattora...v,. North American .......... Northern Pacific Pacific Mall .............. PennsrlranU Peoplo'a Oae ............. p.. c. c. at. l....,. Plttabtirgh Coal P reeled Iteel Car......... Pullman Palace Car...... ' 14 100 '111 111 lUK ... IJ 7 130 II 400 121 lMtt 111 IW 1U 1114 114 .... ..... ...... 107 ,, ,,. ,... II .; ,.. ..... 169 Railway Steel Spring.. itU Readlier .... 11,30 117 1T 147 Republlo Reel I TO I4VS I4V 14 Republic Steel pfd......i . KI0 M 7 U IS Ttock Island Co....... 0 H Mn -jniH H(i..., . St, L. ft g. F. 14 pfd.... ' St Urale S. W, St. Louts S. W. pfd...... ... Stess-Sbeffteld S. ft I....'' southern Pacific .......... , Southern Hallway ....... so. Railway pfd..,...,... Tsnneseeo Coppor Texas ft Pacific.., T.. St. L. ft W......W,.; ., '100' 'i w M l 83 7 m 14 100 Hi (4 ..... 11 M 100 74S4 100 44 , 44 44 ....,, ,..,.,. ,. 14 T., 8t.- U ft W. pfd.. Union Pacific Union Pacllle pfd United States Realty.. United metes' Robber. United Bute Steel, .v. U. S Keel pfd. a.;... Utah Copper .... V a. -Carolina Chemical Wahaah Wabaih pfd Weetern Maryland Weettnghouee Electric Western Union Wheeling ft L. 1 Uhlth Valley ........ Chine Copper ..V, ...... Ray Consolidated Amorieaa . Tobacco , . . . 4,101 1. 1 1 100 M to to 1 ' 74 700- M t ; M 10,100 70 - 48 4 M0 110 110 110 SM 44 14 14 ...... .... ... 44 , MS 4 4 4?t 400 11 ,U , U , ..... 17 400 71 71 73 .88 ' ., 100 17 174: 174 400 , 14 S4 14 1,100 tS 11 . !i 24 aboard Air-Line. 100 ti 36 14 .Total sales tor the day, 78,100 ahares. New Vork Mosey Market. NEW YORK, June 22.-MONEY On call nominal; time loans, steady; sixty days, 3 per eent; ninety days, 83 per cent; six months, 8p per cent. - PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-& percent. - , STERLING EXCHANQE-Steady. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8475 for. sixty-day. bins and at 84.8785 for de mand. Commercial bills, $4.84. - t SILVER Bar, wc;. Mexican dollars, 48c BONDS-Oovernment, railroad, steady. ' Closing quotations 011 Bonds today were as follows; V. ret. Is. rg.lMInter. M. II. 4.. 44 do ooupos mMapaa 4 6u C. t. la, rg.,.,....lH do 4a 1114 do coupon K. C. 80. ut la... 711 t. 8. 4a, reg-. h. t. deh. 4s Mil.. 4tt do ooupos l" L. ft N. nnl. 4e:.. M Allll-Chal. 1st Is.. 11 M. K. ft T. 1st 4s.. M Amer. Ag. 8s.....01 do gen. 4e...... 17 A. T. A T. e. 4a..ll4Mo. Paclflc 4s 71 Am. Tobame 4a M. R. R. of M. 4a N do sa V- C. g. svta... 17 Armouur ft C. 4s l d0 deb. 4a n Atchisos gwa. 4a....'. ITN. T. N. H. ft H. So e. 4s....... e. ta ;....1 '. do t. U ....I7N. ft W. let e, 4s. H A. C. L let 4a..... JtV do c. 4a...., Uli Bal. ft Ohio to..... 17 No. Pacific 4a n , do la M do 8s ,,,. do S. W. 0. 1 L. rfdg. 4s... K Brook. Tr. ?. s..i. Pln. e. 14. uu.. P7 Csa. ot On. 8s....i0 do eon. 4 10m Com. Leather 8s.:..i Readlng gen. 4a , C ot N. i. g. 8S..1IJ i. L. ft 8. p. tr 4, n , Cnas. ft Ohio 4s.. 100 gMk Is...,..;.., 17a. do ot. la........... M8t. L. 8. W. o. 4.. 1744 n. , . , m, MM A , . - C. a. Jd- 4e do gen. 4B....I.... 48o. Pac. col. 4e. C. M. ft . P-. s do er. 4t I' B 1 a Pj. a. 4a. tV4 do l rmt I. SO 10 4 H do eol. la.;.. I0. Railway "!!'.W7u . An rim. tt 11 da III la --.,7 Colo. Ind. Is.,.;... 41 Union Pacific 4... ioo4 Colo. Mid. 4a. M do e. 4a m C. ft 8. r. ft e. 4s M do 1st ft ret 4a... D. ft H. vr.- 4a.... 14 V. S. Rubber ta.... 10414 V. ft R. O. 4s...... U. 8. gteel Sd la....lo;i do ret: Is.'......... J4Va.-CV. Chen. la.. W Dietlllers' 8s-. ....... Wabaeh Ut ta 107H Brio p. L 4....... 7 1st ft ex. 4a.... 71 do gen. 4s.... ...., M Wester lid. 4a aau ; do, c. 4a. ser. ki 7SWest. Klee. ct, ti., h Sen. Bloc. or. Is... 78 Wis. Central 4a 1U III. Con. let.raI. Ss W Mo. Pac. t 5,. MZ Inter. Met. 4e...,. MPanama Is wiu Bid. OHorod.. - .,' ' '; ' Rnntoa ' ClOotna Stocks. '- i BOSTON, June 22. Closing quotations en stocks were: AUoues 4 .Mohawk Amat Copper ...... 17 Nevada Con. ,. A. 1. L. A ........ M 'Nipiiaing Minea Arinsja Com. ....... I North BuutU , B. C. C. ft S. M. I North Lake ... Cat. aV Arlsona..;... 74Old Dominion . Cel. ft Hecla......,-ll" Oeceoia Centennial ........... MQlncy ... 70 ' ... ... T ... ti ... I ... ! ...lVi ... 4H Cop. Range C. C... MSi Shannon Kaet Butte C. M.. rretklln Olronx Cba. ........ Oranby Con.' ...... Greene Cananoa.... 14 Superior ft' b!" it"'! iu ts f V. 8. S. R. M 44 10 " 114 ivt oo pio bio Boyaie Oopper.. 151'Uh Con. Kerr Lake .......... 1 Utah Copper Co.. Lake Coppo. , v ..... 4 Winona La sell Copper 7Worforrn Miami Copper ...... US 1 Ilaak Clearlaa,. , OMAHA, June 22.-Bank clearlnaa inr I ri-j.lHn.ding dav laid rear II loi 93. M ifl cleaiings for the wk amounted rn lit- THE OMAHA SUNDAY BF.E; JUNE !ci."s2.s and tor the same laSt ear ' I.CtC.12. -- I,e)nd,a. Stork Market. . LONDON, June 2i-Am?rican securities were dull and featureless here today. Prices opened around parity and later moved irregularly. The closing was du.i. with values ranging from ' above to ,3 below Friday's New York dosing- - London - closing stocks. Ckmsoh,-nwney ...... 7 Lou!eHle J.... 12 do acconnt...... 74 7-14 M , K. k T. ........ Anul. Coppor... SN, Y. Central. ......IK Anaconda KiiNorfolk ft W J A tciieon 1M do pfd w do pfd.,..........10itOnUrio W.. L'a'liraore ft Ohio...lllV.Penni'mnia eJ4 Canadian Pacific.'... .xTIHRand Mlnea.. Chesapeake. ft . O.j... MHReadlng J Chicago O. W 17Bouthern Ry Chi., Mil.. St. P.. 107 do Pfd 7 De Beere... .......... 114 Southern Paolfic 113 DooTer ft-Rlo O.... MHl'nion Pacifie do Bid....... 34 do pfd.... - BriS Mtil- 8. Steel 71 do let pfd......;... (414 do pfd u do Id pfd...... . 44 Wabaih . . do pfd..-, " Grand Trunk.... Illinois Central'.. SlLVERBar, firm at 28-16d per ox. MONEY-2ia2V4 ner rnt. The rate of discount In the open market wr snort Diua Is. 2 15-13 per cent: tor three months'- bills, 2 18-18 per cent ' " .IVew Vartr Mtnlas Stocks. NEW YORK. Junn Si-CTIosing auoU- tions on mining stocks: Alice . 171 oijttle Ch ef i Oematock Tnnne! 8tk IS . Mexkas i5 so Bonos. ... li-onurle IW Con. Cal. ft Vs..... 1 Onhlr ...110 Iroa SllTor.. iga u.... so LoadTlllo Coa'.... is bellow Jacket 4 -uuereo. , ... ... ... ..-.. OKA HA GESTEItAI, MARKET. BTJTTER lio. 1 l-IK Vertnna S3c Nv 1 In 60-1 h. tuba 23i. Vn t 3i". narklnm tsc. , ' CHEESE-Imported Swiss, J2e; Amer Jean Swiss, 26c; block Swiss; 24o; twins, 21o: . daisies,- 22c; triplets. 23c; young Americas. 22c; blu Ubel brick, 22c; lim- oeraer. -io.. Z20; l-lb., CO. FI8H (fresh frosen)-Pickerel. c; whits UC! Dike. 13c: trout. Mn- lare-a rrnnnia. 1215c; Spanish mackerel. 19c; eel. Bo; naaaocHs, wc; riounders. 13c; green cat fish, Uc; roe shad, $1 each; shad roe, per pair, 33c; salmon, 10c; halibut. Uc; yel low perch, 80; buffalo, 3c; bullheads, 11a ruuuiti-orouers, $b.00!. per aos.: springs. 20c: hens. I&ffii7c rocks. 11c: ducks. lS20c: aesse 25u: turkevs. 23c: pigeons, per dog , 81.20. Alive: Hens, 13c. old roosters, 6c; stags, 10c: old ducks, full leainerea, mc; geese, full feathered, oc, turkeys.., 14c: pigeons, nor dos.. bOc. homers, per dns., $2.80; squabs. No. L I1.B0: No. 2. 6O0. - ' . VEGETA BLES Cabbare. California, lb.. 2c. Celery, Michigan, per dox., 30c. Cucumbers, hot house, " per box, $1.00. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per dos., $2.00. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per dos., 16c Lettuce,, extra fancy, leaf, per dos., 25c Onlnos, whits in crate, $1.35; yellow, per crate, tx.zu. raraiey, rancy soutnern, per dos. bunches, !fi&16c. Potatoes. Texas, new, per lb., 2c; Wisconsin white stock, per bu., 31.40. Tomatoes, Texas, per 4-basket carrier, $1.00. MISCELLANEOUS - Almonds, tarra gona, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lo less. Cocoanuts, per sack, $4.00. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lc less. Peanuts, roasted, In sack lots, per lb., 7c; roasted, less man sacx lots, per id., sc; raw, per lb., 6c. Pecans, large, per lb., 17c; in sack lots, lc less. Walnuts, new crop, 1912, California, per lb., 17c; In sack lots, lo less. Cider, per gal. 75o. BEEF CUT. PRICES No. 1- ribs. 20c: No. 3 ribs, 16c; No. 3 ribs, 13c; No. 1 loins, 22c; No. 2 loins. lSc: No. 3 loins. 16c; No. 1 chucks, 9c; No. 3 chucks,' 8c; No, 3 chucks, 8c; No. 1 rounds. 13c; No. 2 rounds, 13c; No. 3 rounds, :llv; No. 1 plates, 8c; No. 2 plates, 7c; No. i plates, 6e. 1: FRUITS. . ETC. Bananas, fancy . al lect, . per bunoh. t2.25i92.S0; Jumbo, per bunch, $2.753.75.- Dates, Anchor brand, new, SO 1-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $2.35; Dromedary , brand,- new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $3.00. Figs, California, per case of 12 No. 12 pkgs.. 85c; per case of 86 No. 12 pkgs., $2.50; per case of 60 No. 6 pkgs., $2.00; bulk, in 28 and 60-lb., boxes, per lb., 10c; new . Turkish, 6-crown, in 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; 6-crowh in 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; 7-crown in 30-lb. boxes. per lb.,, 17c. , Lemons, Llmoniera selected brand, extra fancy, 300-360 sixes, per box, $6.50; Loma Limonelra, fancy, 300-360 sixes, per oox, ao.ov; atv-tso sixes, owe per DOX less; uaiirornia, cnotce, juu-360 sizes, per box. $i.505.00. Oranges. Calif orn la Lion brand. Navels, extra fancy. 96-120-150 sizes. per box, $3.25; extra choice, ail sixes, per cox,; v aiencia oranges,, au eises, 83.75. Pine apples, 30-36-34 slges, per . crate, $3,50. Strawberries, Hood- liver. ' per' case of 24 qts., $3.00. 1 California peaches, $1.50; Cali fornia apricots, $1.65, California cherries, $1.5Q; horns grown cherries,' per crate at 24 qts.. $1.75; home grown goose berries, per crate of 24 qts., $2.25. Wax beans, per bskt., $1.00; green beans, ner; bskt. $1.00. California cantaloupes, 54-slse, $3.25. vautornia watermelons, per id., 10. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK ', MARKET Demand for Cattle and Sheep Steady Hosts Weak. CHICAGO. June 22. CATTLE Recelnts. cloae. 200; market, slow and steady; beeves, $6.109.50; Texas steers, 36.4098.10; western steers. $6.604i$.lQ: stockers and feeders, $4.20.76,; cows and heifers, $2.70 s.iu; caives, jo.tjoign.w. . Hogs Receipts 11.000 head: market. weak to Be lower: light. 37.207.67t4: mixed. $7.S07.72: heavy. 87.20B7.76: rouah. 37.20 07.40; pigs, $5.257.00; bulk of sales, $7.56 .70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 8.000 head; market- steady;; native, $3.2055.60; western. $3.505.60: yearlings. $4.76(6)7.00: lambs, native,. $4.2u7.oo; western, $4,604 B.W, . . - . . . . - , Kanaaa City Llv Stock Market, ' KANSAS CITY. June 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head, including 100 southerns; marKec steaay; aressea Deer and export steers, $8.35i&9.50; fair to good, $6.166.25 western steers. 36.00iS9.00' stockers and feeders, $4. 366.O0; southern steers, $6.60 70:. southern - cows. : native cows, $3.25; native heifers, $5.O08:5O; bulls, i.utj?j.s; caives, st.cwsw. hoosj Receipts. i.wo nead; market. strong to 5c higher; bulk of sales, $7,269 i.ih; heavy, fi.wgn-; pacKers ana Dutch ers, $7.60417.761 lights, $7.4007.65: pigs. $6.00 7.00. : SHEKP AND - LAMBS4 Receipts, 600 head; market, steady; . lambs, $7.0iHg8.8o; yearlings, $5.604J.25; wethers, $4.0000.00; ewes. $3.6Q&4.2S: stocxers and feeders. $3.00100. - : ' ; St. Loole Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,500 head, including 300 head of Texans. Market steady; native beet Steers, 36.009.35; cows and hstfers, $3.759 6.50; stockers . and feeders, $3.756.25; Texas and Indian steers, 35.258.00; cows and heifers, $3.75gS.00; calves, in carload lots, $S.00)8.2S. . ' , HOOS Receipts, 3.800 ' hsad. Market Steady; pigs and lights, $5.257.40; mixed and butchers, $7.65f7.75: heavy. $7.707.75. SHEEP AND LA ai3 Receipts, 100 head. Market steady; native muttons. $4.0&i25; lambs, $5.5O9.0O. . St. Joseph I.lwe-fltock Market. ST-. JOSEPH. Mo..- Juns 22. CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; market steady; steers, $6.60.S0: cows and heifers, $160rS9.00; calves. - $4.008. 00." .:,.; .: HOGS Receipts', , 5,000 ' head; . market steady to 5c higher; top,- $7.80; bulk of sales, 37.W7.75. : SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market steady; lambs, $6.8O9.0O. . . ' Stack la, MgHt. ; , ;.l Receipts of live stock at the fivs prin cipal western markets: . . v - r ' Cattle. Hogs. "Sheep. South. Omaha, 490- - 8.30O ; St. Joseph... ,...... 1 100 i 5.000 ...... Kansas City.... 200 3,000 BOO St. Louis.... ...........3,500 3,500 ' 100 Chicago 200 11,009 v 8,008 Totals ...... .3,430 30,800 - 8,600 LEFLANG BUYS PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY BUILDING - E. " If. ' F. Leflang has -purchased an other business , block, being the . Pacific Express . company building, corner Four teenth and Harney streets, as aa In vestment to be rented in 1U present con dition or 'to 'be remodeled to suit. (This property was purchased from the Pacific Express company by Thomas W. Haxen and W. P.tHoman. their agents. - This building is entirely . fireproof. This- in creases Leflang' s holdings In this city to seventeen 1 brick business buildings with an , annual rental Income of about Howl- ' Jv 23, 1912. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Beef Steert Higher and Cow Stuff Lower for Weei. . HOGS ADVANCE, DURING WEEK Pat $beep aad Laisiba Scarce All the Week, rith Desaana Good aad Closlag PHeea Te Ceats to Qaarter Higher. : " SOUTH OMAHA. 'June 22, 1912. - Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Ofliclal Monaay Official Tuexday...... ' 1.921 2.060 2,461 1,708 S31 Official Wednesday.. Official Thursday .. ot tidal iTiday s Estimate Saturday i. Six days this week.. 8,702 : 46.oi9 - 8,648 Same days last week.. 9,57 81,446 U.lii Same 2 weeks ago 8.844 64,134 17,411 Same 3 weeks ago.. ....13,071 , 76.4H7 . 13,974 Same 4 weeks ago.. ....12,614 . 69,581 20.027 Same days last year.:.15,419 . 58,707 10,637 The following table showa the range ol prices for hoes at South -Omaha for the last few days, 'with comparisons: DaU. I IM. lilll.mO.lin38.13u.l07.19U6. June 13i June 14. 131 i 7l 23 5 79 27 1781140 5 85( 1381 S 911 21 6Uj 6 79 4 31 7 U T62 i 6 38 June 1&- 7 25 II 7 271 1601 18416 35 June 16. June 17. 7 66 ItW 38 716 7 631 oil 6 91 o June m 1 231 I 3 30 7 611 7 631 167 6 64 5 65 6 97 i 93 139 6 38 630 June U. I a 5 92, June 20.1 7 34 5 99 19 42 I91 june 21. 1 7 4tH 6 13 9 04 I 6 8s June 22. 1 7 46 6 i3j 9 17 7 58 6 77 6 91 6 38 Sunday. .-.--v, f. ...; ', , , ",'..( Receipts and disposition, of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four- hours .ending at . 3 o'clock yesterday: " - RECEIPTS CARS. . Cattle.Hogs.Horses. , 3 C. M. & St. P Wabash Union Pacific...:........ C. & N. W., east.....;.; ... 1 3 16 9 ' 36 -6 6 15' A : 6- - 4 125 C. & N. W., west 16 C, St. P., M. & u...... C. B. ft Q., east........ C, B. & Q., west ,, 10 C, R. 1. ft v., east..... Illinois Central.. Chicago Great Western Total receipts..,..... 11 DISPOSITION HEAD. ' ' . : -Cattle. Hobs. Omaha Packing company...... .. - " 787 Switt and Company - 2,267 Cudahy Packing company......',.. ' 646 Armour 4V Co........i... .... 3,906 J. W. Murphy........ ........... .. . 239 F. B. Lewis .-...v....;.....- 4 Other buyers... 9 Totals.... 13 .6,803 CATiLE There were no fresh receipts ot cattle 01 any consequence except a lew cars of southern feeders, . halted here on their way to a northern range. - The re ceipts tor the1 week have been very light and lighter than a year ago by about 6,uuo head. - v- With very few beef steers in sight any day this week and with the demand good. the market firmed up rapidly during the first half ot the week ana during the latter half remained tully steady. At tne close of the week it was very conserva ttve to quote beef steers as W15c higher than last week, and the highest that tney have been any time this season, or lot' that matter, the highest on record. , Cows and heifers and most all. classes of butchers' stock sold to very good sd vantage during the first half ot tne week. , the better grades ot cow stuft being quoted Mxftlfio higher on Thursday morning, in the meantime Chicago, which had been receiving a good many cows and belters, broke - badly, - being quoted oUci8l.o0. lower' for the week,- It was to be expected that such a. severe break as that would . be reflected sooner or later In western markets, and on Fri day It reached here. The local market broke that day 26c, and In some cases sales actually looked 60c lower: It is safe to say that the week is closing with the market all of 26& lower than last week.- ' '.. .' 1 , - v -' ' - Stockers and feeders have been in light supply all the week, but not -many have been wanted, so that supply and demand have been about 'equal. The trade has not been st all brisk, but still there has been sufficient movement to keep supplies well cleaned up and maintain a good, strong market- - -' ' ''; ' ' - Quotations on Cattle Good to choice beet steers, $8.609.26; fair to good beef Steers. IS.0oe8.60; common to fair beet steers. 86.85to8.00: - stood to choice heifers. $6.267.60; good to choice cows, $5,603)6.50; fair to good -cows, $4.205.40; - common to fair cows, $2.50)4.20; good to choice stock ers and feeders, $5.2oti.75; fair -to. good frv-Ur and feeders. 4.76a6.25: common to fair stockers and feeders, $4.254.75,;, Stock cows and heirera, 3.7bs.; vest calves, $4.508.OO; bulls, - stags, etc., $4.00 7.00. ' - v - - HOGSHocs claimed the highest, mar ket of the week, opening at prices fully a nickel above those paid yesterday ana closing- with most, if not an. 01 tne aa vanee lost. , It was a fairly active session early while the demand lasted, weakness being due entirely to the fact that one or two of the regular buyers stayed out during first rounds, steam rouer metn- ods were used by these same buyers late, sellers being compelled to settle at weaker figures or look up their stuff for the Monday .-trade. Closing business was very dull. - '" -' - ' ' ' . - . " Shippers and speculators furnished some extra large ordors In view of the fact that shipping needs at the week-end are usu ally very modest. Something likes 20 per cent of the 8.300-head crop sold on out side account, the supply showing no ma terial change when compared, with present-runs. . -, - - ' Best heavy hogs on sale brought $7.60, aa comDared with vesterday's top of $7.76, while bulk changed hands within the !7.40Jy7.56 snread.. Ught grades ranged at 7.40 and, less, common lights and smooth heavies selling about 35o apart. -unmnared with last ween's close, cur rent prices show a general advance of ISPC the upward trend being prompted by a sharp decrease in we receipt, mi week's run, it will be . remembered, - In vnivori nvr 81.000 head. 'while this week's total will not exceed 47,000 head. The demand throughout has been active' with clearances easy ana eariy, Representative sales'. No. A. Sh. Fr. .-'No.; II. .......1M II 7 K 70...... At. 8h. Pr. .114 120 7 45 .161 140 7 44 5........m 4 i 7 . 7 41 ie 74.'.......lt4... 7 44 . 67 .. .147 90 7 41 41 ..140 10 1 44 i 71 341 "0 -3 41 (4.. ...... 141 10 7 4S 44 13t 110 7 41 t 343 W 7 41 41 33 .. . 7 45 M........3I4 140 7 41 V 74 ...323 40 7 41 74. 33 ... 7 44 77...... ..337 '... 7 41 10... .....33 ' M 7 41 71.. ...... 330. J 7 45 4 ...344 19 7 47 71 .V33S 24 7 47H 47. .A.... 34 40 7 47H 77...r..l 144 7 44 , VX 7 40 !M 7 40 IM 7 40 SO 7 4 0 7 40 M 7 43tt .... !.... 74.... 71.... 0.... 8ft.... TI.... T.... 14...-. 41.... II.... .... !.... 41.... 4.... 14.... 0-.. 41.... .iu ...IN ...rot .im .IM ...111 1 7 43 ..III 144 T 41 ..114 40 7 414 ..14 KM 7 17 7 10 ..18S IM IW. ...IM ...1ST ...117 ...W ...SOS ...Ml U J M . ...7 40 . 7 40 W 7 40 - ... 7 4 , m ,7 4 - ... i 40 140 7 40 . M T 44 K 7 40 SO t 40 140 7 40 140 7 40 ... t4 ... 7 4I4 57. WO ... 0....W..34 10 7 47 V 7 10 T 50 7 50 714 74 40.. 71.. .. (.., M.. .. .. S.. 71.. .7.. .. .-. .. ti.. M.. 74..: I.. 0... 71.. (4... (.., 17.., 71.., 42... (3 ., ... .. ,3J& II. H. t. M. n. 11. .I...H1 m IM 171 174 ....M7 110 Ill ..333 ..m ..161 ..37 ..37, ..:it ..371 I M 7 130 W 7 N IM i. 171 30 7 SO A 33 13 7 5 - 33 SO 7 50 .....J 110 t SO; .....! 1 7 (0 .....135 ... 7 60 .....147 N lit .....14 It tH .....171 40 7 HV4 .....344 -10 il!S .....14 T MH .....37 IN 7 56 351 ... T 55 -....3S 7 55 354 40 7 55 H 41 7 55 . 171 110 7 55 34 ... 7 5J .....3S 39 75 IS. ...... .MS H... Ill 1 . ...... .Ml- 1 7 41 70 Ml 140 7 41 ft 40 7 44 &....,.. .Ill 1 7 41 TJ........I17 140 7 41 H........IH IS 7 48 ta St 240 7 48 tt. ...... .331 7 48 71...... ..3 71 ...101 TI-, HI 44 ..,201 43 ..M 7 It 4. ....,.. t4........IOT ........te 71 ...;....K m m 71.;..... Ml 77........I1I n........tu 74. ....... .Ill .130 7 45 ... 7 41 .:. 7 4i 44 7 48 7 45 IS 7 45 130 7 41 IN 7 4 140 7 46 " 3 7 41 It 7 4 30 7 46 7 45 MO 7 45 340 7 4 130 7 41 4 7 4i 41 311 4 ..3t 4 ...i;s el. 14 W 7 16 IU , .. 7 H , .. 7 6 , ...KT ISO TIES . ...17 4 7U ...3M T ... It 7 I7H ...m ...n .. I.. II..,. ..,.! 54.. 12 7 7.....,7 ... 7 4 rhf.KP Live stock receipt included no hn or lamba. as is usually the case on a Saturday, ana prices tor tnese ciswaw of stock remamea nominauyaieaay. During the week rxtn tna tocai ano ge- oral trade presented few new features ovnrth mf ntiosiins. tne marKet Dema mi firstly characteristic of au.J'inft marKeri IJ .B.ZXl . 3,144 8,222 , 3,07 ... 8,672 .1,296 8,034 . 878 - 8.10U . 432 . 8,388 At tni time ot tne jear,. wnsa win" have practically quit running and grass-' era have not : started, receipts seldom prove large enough, to afford a fair test of -values. . Such a ' trade prevailed- tnts week and although the trend to prices waa slightly' higher, advances were not clearly defined. - Late sales showed net gains ranging from a dime to a quarter. good quality stock getting tbe .long. end of the rise. ." -. ' ' .' , , - , - Offerings on most days were rather un attractive, and meager at that.. Excepting two strings of Oregon wethero that sola at $4.75, shipments : were billed' from the corn belt, the average dally run for the week being less than 1.500 head. 1 Strictly good shorn lambs sold as high as $7.8J, with spring lambs claiming an $8.65 limit. The feeder market has not been large enough to deserve the name: the dutmit- being limited to three double decks. Ac cording to local traders, few orders have ben filed this far and business Is not ex pected to take on such volume - until along in . the middle of July. Current prices for -feeder stock, especially ewes, are very reasonable, thrifty . classes of she stock selling around xz.50. --. . . Revised quotations on sheep and lambs: Spring lambs. $6.7598.66; jhorn ' lambs. $6.6007.35; ? shorn yearlings, t5.00go.50; shorn wethers. $4.5035.00; shorn ewes, $2 53 6140.. . .. - . . . -, . . - - - , V f- fiusenettef Finds ?; - Poor Gasoline Sold vx - '" : --?-r' - . (From a Staff Correspondent.) z LINCOLN, June , 22.-(SpecialJ-State Inspector of Oils William Husenetter has returned from-northeast Nebraska, where he has been making some investigations 'in the oil business on the; quiet in- the smaller towns where storage tanks are not maintained and his deputies do not visit' .,;V--'o ,, -v. . At Wlnside, a village on the Chicago ft Northwestern between Norfolk and Sioux City, he discovered nine' barrels of gaso line ' falsely branded and marked 63 ttrav- ity.. This gasoline was purchased by the Brune Auto company and is said to have been purchased from the Independent Co operative Oil company, of Sioux City, la. Tbe Brune Auto company has resold , a considerable - portion of these- goods to other parties. , Four barrels , were found at the Brune Auto company's garage, four barrels at -the hardware store of George Gaebler and one at , the grocery store of George Gable. Some of this gasoline .tested as low. as 58 degrees gravity and none of It over 60 gravity. ' . 7 ' The Nebraska oil law allows no gaso line to be sold carrying a gravity of less than 62 degrees. . It is not yet known what action will be. taken in this matter,' as the -parties selling the same ; reside in Iowa, where the oil inspector of Nebraska has no Jurisdiction. . ; This gasoline was condemned by Inspec tor Husenetter for a low grade 'of gravity and ordered not sold. v ; , ' . Receipts of the oil Inspector's office for the month closed are $5,844; disburse ments, $4,849.14; balance, $1,200. '--.- Ryan and Pivpnka Must Stand Trial . (From a Staff Correspondent.) - U LINCOLN, June 22.-(Special.)-John L. Ryan' and Joseph Plvonka, fire and police commissioners of South .Omaha, . must stand . trial; under .the ouster proceedings brought against them under the Sackett law. ,The supreme court, today overruled their, objections to jurisdiction, held the 1912 election In . South Omaba to be in valid and appointed Judge Holoomb as referee to hear the case. , 1 ? ' In" the action ' brought ' by", the , state Ryan and Plvonka questioned the juris diction of the 'supreme court on -the ground that their terms of , office had expired and they' were re-elected in April, 1912, and-were serving a new term, and therefore"; could not be; tried .'and iousted for any alleged offense committed during a term which had expired. , They claimed that the amendment to the' South Omaha charter , passed by . the last - legislature and extending their first term of . office to 1913 was unconstitutional. ' ; The court holds that tho amendment to the - charter - is constitutional and that therefore the men are holding office con tinuously from 1910 and are not serving their second terms, the election of this spring being consequently, in valid. . England Declares " T. R. is Discredited (From a Staff Correspondent.) . y LINCOLN, , June 22.-(Speclal.) Judge W.-H. England has returned from Chi cago and says that "Theodore Roosevelt now tands a discredited man. He Is discredited even in the ."eyes of his friends.". The judge says there was tre mendous enthusiasm . for Roosevelt , on the start, but principally' on :the part of those In the galleries, ' and . this-, has waned and Is now at a low ebb. "They are on to him," ' said ' Judge - England. "They realise now, tliat while he .was raising, the cry of boss' rule, against his opponents he was fighting - and using ; a mint of money furnished by Frank Mun sey of the magaiine trkist and. the steel trust fellows witri .a lot of other trust money besides V--" ',;',- ' ' ; .:The Nebraska delegates said Mr. England, "were considerably disappoint ed because La Follette did not cdme- W their aid and help the Roosevelt support ers in the. organisation of. the 'conven tion. But La Follette was on to Teddy and would . not fall into the trap set His demand were too unjust and too unfair."- "v. ; , : ',-..;- ' . .,.. ;,'.. DRYS VVIN SUIT AT TABLE : ROCK; WETS WILL APPEAL ' TABLE ROCK, ; Neb., June. J2(Spe dal.) In the district court at Pawnee City yesterday Judge J. B. Raper decided for. the "drys" in the petition of Norris Ay lor for a saloon license at. Table Rock, which was recently granted by the village board, from where an appeal was taken to the district court of Pawnee county. There were four points-that the attorneys for the remonstrators argued, which were as follows: t .-.i. .-'',,'; f- The signers on the petition were hot all of them legal freeholders. . On this point the. Judge decided they were legal free holders. , : No bond filed. -. '' '.' 1 ' ':' - No ordinance on the ordinance book, giving to the village toard of Table Rock inn Tixni to grant a saioon iieensc. . There bad not elapsed the fourteen davs required f0r the town board "to act from the time of publication of the notice. . ' -, Oil lb last three propositions the de cision of the judge was based. ' No notice of appeal' to the supreme court has as yet been given. ..''- -. - - . V - V-V 1 1 ' - . "-. - . ' Ksworth Leaajae ConTeatlaa. FULLERTON, Neb., June 22.-(Speclal.)' The annual convention of the Grand Island dlstriot of "the. Epwortn" leagiue dosed here ; this J evening. ;The . evenlpt; lecturers were Superintendent H. F. Car. (on of Lincoln,, Chancellor Clark A. Ful iner of Wesleyan' university and Rer.' S. t1- Bartle of Grand Island. Much of the Access of the convention ia due to Rev. G.1 Me Vay, pastor of the Fullerton lurch, and E. E. Dolson, president ff tt local chapter. . Over sixty out-of-town delegates .were In attendance .'and were ....... . ... .. , . .w. r..ii.i.. , , . , too chapte kl iGli YE TELLS OF FARM li' i,- , - . . -. - - 1 .- i ibor Commissioner , Gives Info n v tion Concerning Homesteads h 0VEE MILLION ACHES DT Sli Oetalla Givem Showing How to ,-' Where Land Llea aad What is . Most Desirable ot Tracta : 1 that Reaaaia Opea. - : (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, June 22.-Speclal.)-Labor Commissioner Guye has prepared a set ot letters which he is sending out to those who are -making inquiries regard trig the land , opened to homestead entry which was made public in The Bee a few o days ago. Since the publication of the -article a large number of people have written the commissioner asking for in formation how. to . proceed in .order . to secure any of the land and the, follow ing letters-of , Information ar given for their' benefit: ;.;, , ft Thereare at present, 1,192,324 acres of vacant government land in the ten north- western counties in Nebraska, which are as follows: Cherry, 625,429; Garden, 151,-' 728: - Hooker, 7S.960: Sheridan. 76.800: i Thomas, - 76,8000; McPherson, 68,402; Mor- - rill, 59.255; Scott's Bluff, 65.220; Sioux. 57,180; Grant, 44,930; thus giving us L192, 624 acres in one district. This vacant land is scattered alt - over those tracts , In tracts which embrace several adjoin ing sections down to isolated forties. It -should be - remembered that fair land near A town, a railroad, a river -or a lake -is generally filed upon before some ;of the better land at, a distance from these points is taken. Therefore Intending settlers will understand that the greater part of - the government land 1 near - the , towns and along the streams and by the -lakes of - .these counties has already been ' filed upon. This does not mean that all of the best land in such counties has been taken, by any means, for new set tlers; always hesitate to go-any-. further -away from, the towns than Is necessary ' and therefore are often content. to take -land near a town which-is not as good as some , of that further out. - - - ,,. - The. land now open to entry .under the Kinkaid act is not farming land as the , term . Is generally used. If It were ' it could .not be homesteaded. In -section tracts. 'It Is-largely sandy grasing land. Interspersed, in many - cases with - small "dry valleys." The dry valleys are suit-" able for' cultivation In most seasons or may be .used to produce hay. The intend ing, settler should not expect to .make a living for' himself .by farming a section homestead. - He should have some capital to start with, say from 3500 to 31,000, with which, to erect a house and bay a few head of cattle, and he-should expect to make his living by cattle raising. Who Mar Take Homesteads. J Any head of a family- or person who has .arrived at- the age of 21- years snd 5 Is a citizen of the United States or has . tiled his declaration of intention to -be- come such Is entitled to enter a home stead. , . .'1 -.- .". Persons who have relinquished or lost a homestead without receiving a con sideration - or ' whose former entry ' was not canceled for fraud.- ; - v - . Persons', who commuted , a homestead entry before Juiie 6. 1900. Any . unmarried woman-21 years of age . may enjoy the benefits of the homestead law. -' -.' -3 : ., - - -.- ; A. deserted wife may also take a home-., stead.:--- " : . s. -"' '''-: Term 1 of . service (not to exceed four years) in the army or navy of the United . States 'during the civil' or Spanish-Amerl-', can wars, or during tbe Philippine lnsuri recUon. may be deducted from the five years'-residence required on a homestead. . Settlers have six months from date of filing- to -establish residence. The five years'-residence required dates from the ' time of filing, if residence is established within six months., '- : ' 'Western ' Nebraska.. Lands. ? - ' i There Is. yet opportunity : to obtain 640- . acre Kinkald homesteads - in : western Nebraska: that ' are valuable . for mixed . iarmmg, . aairying and poultry - - raising. Generally , speaking,-, these - lands , are rough and sandy, but , section nome steads may yet. be taken that will con tain, from 80 to. 160 acres-of valley land; r the rest being hilly, but well covered with. grass. The very best water for domestic use obtainable at shallow depths. - 1 , Some of the old entries t'nat were taken years ago are being, canceled by the government..- ' :.-..'' ' ' . . . ' ' How Filings Should Be Made. K ' 1 Under the Kinkald act a person with" a full homestead right may enter 640 1 acres of land. The filing fee is 14; the entry ' cannot be commuted and only a f IVe-year proof can - be made. Exception is made In favor of persons who have military service m time of war to their credit When proof . is made the settler must also show 'that lie -has placed on ' the land .improvements costing 31.25 for ' each acre,- or SS00 for. a section. A. per--son who had a 'nomestead , in this terrl- , tory before June 28, 1904, or who has had a homestead, elsewhere at any time, may enter 480 acres under this act. , . i The United .'States does not supply state or county maps .snowing the loca tion and. character of vacant lands, but ' the local land officers are authorized bv -section 2 of the act" of March 3, 1883 (22 Stats., 484) to furnish township plats and diagrams. - The fees for making and fur-" nlshing- same are aa .follows: ' "For a township diagram. showing. en- , tered land only, 31.00." i "For a township, plat showing form' of entries . names . of claimants and' caarac- ter of entries, $2.00. . . , v- . i ''For a township plat showing form of, entries, names, of - chalmants, character of entry and number, 33.09. , i : . V'For a township , plat, showing form of -entries, names, of chalmants, character of entry, number-and date , of filing .or entry, , together with -topogi-aphy, etc., K00. ' . . . ',.' ".; . . "Applications, should be. accompanied by remittance of the proper ameuntea to the ' receiver -of the land -office,, and should state tbe numbers of the townships-and ' ranges' for which- plats or diagrams are . desired." . - - Filing 'should be made at, and town shit) dlsurrams secured from, the various frovernment land, offices for the follow- -ng -counties: -- ; . ' - Cherry .county, valentine and Broken Bow;. Garden, North Platte and Alliance; Hooker. Uroken Bow: Sheridan.- Alliance:. Thomas. Broken Bow;' McPherson, North Platte and Alliance; Scott's Bluffs. Al liance; Sioux, Alliance; and Grant, Broken Bo. ; , (-.' ., ;v.-; - . . Sopr.Vrae . Coart Opinions. In ' the- supreme ' court; these opinions were f lied : Prucha agiainst , Coufal.; Affirmed. Hamer,- J. . , . . i . ;' r First Nationa-l bank of Superior against Bradshaw. Reversed and remanded. Sedg wick. J. ".Hamer,.; J; concurring sepa rately. Letton. J., not sitting. - . . Latta -against :Button Land company. Affirmed. Letton, J. . Uhlon State-bank or Harvard against McKelvle. - Affirmed. - Hamer. J. -Letton and Sedgwick, J.-'Ji, concur in conclusion, i well against irtngweu. vuasmeni 01 aw trlct court modified and affirmed. . Faw- -cett, J. Sedgwick. J., concurs in conclu sion. -,. - - .- ' ' "- ' Stat x -rel Martin against Kyan. on oWeCUon to Jurisdiction., Objections over ruled, Rpae,.Jv : -(-,. ( ! ' ..- , ,v , Followfhg t kre ' rulin.w bn- motions for rehearing: "', ' WAtM inr 7'- A W. R. company. Oral argument ordered on motion for re hearing -at session coirtmencing October . 7 1912 ' - ''" ' '': " ' ' 'State ex rel Benson aStslnst mayor and :. council of the city of-. Hastings. -Oral . argument ordered on- motion - tor rehear ing at session commendnit October 7, 131-!. .. . ' r- ." - . !-'--' ':"' ; :'-vrW ! ' '. BEATRICE, 'Neb., June' 22.- Special. , A . JerseJ't w I owned by! Joseph Mler of -SlenoVeri. a suburb of Beatrice, and . valued at J5 was "seised wlh rabies Fri day and - had to be' shot1 She . went into convulsions and before belt ht tor her.: horns off : and : eut her head on the manger In a frightful' manner. Mrfc Aaderaeei Vated Wlrorce. --NEBRASKA, CITT. Neb., Jfune 22.-(Speclal.-Mrs. , Laura. Anderson, - daugh ter of -Mr. and Mrs. A." J.- KuUlnutn o this city, has secured a dlvorce'lrom her huaband. Robert J. Anderson of Pman?, on ' the grounds of cruelty and , nonsup -port The plaintiff has been, restored to hermaJdea name.Laura Kuhlman.- m e em - f 4