Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1912, WANT-ADS, Image 29

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    w,, ....s.Ai A aLM. ,saa. .
$3,500. . .
almost Vnew !.mnm 'ill mhd
v.. uuiiueu in oan ana uinu,
DUilt D owner himself with
U . . ! .
'w ann tn near nmrpiiHi.
er has tn cut ntii iiTns fni
uum in nr 1 1 i ill I rna Liiau
H. Must bo sold tblB mouth,
n t let thia bargain get away from
ifc.1.000 '
For a new' 5-room bungalow on 30th
w omi bouuj or Miller park, . all
modern floors In all rooms. Be sure
van noors m all rooms. Be . sur
wna see tnis today, and make your
uiier ai once.
- a Smideii &Co.,
Douglas 3293. 217 McCague Bldg.
Cozy Bungalow .
la Grand Ave. (paved) and 32d 8t We
riava a very neat little bungalow with
Jarre living room, finished in nak and
with fireplace; . a good bedrooms, enameled
room, up-io-aate plum Ding;, ce
mented cellar, with laundry and outside
entrance; stairway from rear hall to
floored attic; electric lighted: pretty fix
l turee; everything aa complete and good
aa in a Jlti,00 uouse, only there Is less of
i. nouseKeeping woiua oe easy a real
pleasure. Gas rang In the kitchen, win
i flow; shades throughout ready to move
Into. Yours for S3.ekX oa monthly pay
ment plan. No. 2121 Grand Ave. House
open. . .
Harrison & Mortop
A home you'll like and be proud
of; six large rooms, besides sleeping
porch; liring room arrangement with
fireplace; decorated throughout;
built last year; full south front lot.
handy to car; paving taxes paid in
full for both streets; ideal rrange
raent throughout and Tery attractive.
Can show by appointment only. ,
Doug. 3963.1219-23 City National.
$600 Below
'2903 Ellison Ave.. 6 rooms and
bath, full basement, oak finish, com
bination fixtures, one block from car,
built for a. home; corner lot 50x117.
This is a bargain. Price." $3,200.
-O'Neil Real Estate & Ins.
Agency. ; '
7 1505 Farnam, St- 7 7
Tels.: Tyler 1034; Ind. A-331S.
For You
A seven-room house ..thoroughly
modern, with complete system of hot
water heat: fine cmbination electric
light and gas fixtures; bouse is beau
tifully decorated and is first-class
condition; full , lot, one block, from
car. Owner ia leaving the city and
Is bound to sell. Our price is $3,500,
which is under its value.? Would
like an offer, See us for particulars.
'77. Peters Trust Co. ; J
1623 Farnam St r:
x6 feet. Rent, $60 per month. Price.
SjjOdk Act quick. .
34 Brandels Theater. ; TjSer 1321.
f"" 71 RENT TALK NO.. ' 2. '
Ca '.:.V. ,:
1 here is a chance In our offiek' for. every
man who la now paytng. rent. to. pay the
same amount towards a roof of his own.
Ko one is. too poor to be interested "In a'
real estate proposition If the property
offtered can be bought on thf-easy-pay
ment plan; rent payment plan. ' We have
y Near! 26th and Poppleton.
New, all modern bungalow, S very nice
rooms, two large clothespresses, bath;,
pantry and Ice box room, floored attic;
cdmbination lighting fixtures, full base
ment, furnace heat, laundry connections,
rooms all newly decorated, south front
lot close to school and car. This house
is, .cheap at $3.Mu, but must be sold, so
have a price of only $2,950. Easy terms.
RASP BROS. . : 7 v
. X McCague Bldg. Doug. 13. A-2S58.
REMEMBER we give free a $100 acci
dent insurance policy with any property
Bold while they last. Chas. E. WUIlam
feqn Co., 101 (Cor. Dodge) a ltth St '
araaon. carpenter or paper hanger ffor
repair and new work) can get a small'
house and lot or several rots lor garaen r.
ing or poultry raising wlhout cash dowi
payment, if he will do some repairs": jt
once and more later on. $G6 or more
ready to do now. Write at once. Ad
dress G-835, Bee. t
rooms, modern but heat, at 26th and
ratrlok. $18s0.00.
I rooms, modern but beat, 3617 ErfWne
6t. $2S0;O8.. - ; m
rooms, modem . but heat, at 304 N.
25th St. $3000.00.. .-;
8 rooms, modern, hot water hesJ, 2416
Binney St. $3600. All bargains. ;
tarn; sement cellar; fence for thickens,
near car. t $1,250. Call 268& Webier Ave.
Tel. Webster 2578. . .
A new all modern cottage, fijje location,
overlooking boulevard and only one block
from Hanacom park west slfle car Hne.
Tiv Noma and bath ; stri ctly : modern.
Can be bought with small tiayment dowh
- ana oaiance on iciiito.; j.l iuLfiri.c;a
don't delay. Phone Harney 2769 Sunday
or Douglas 3323 week days and we will
show you. 5 - ' -:--. , . ,: -
FOR SALE 6-room hou.o, cellar, walks,
city water, gas and good outbuildings, on
S6-f oot lot, 3 blocks from Omaha and
Council Bluffs Una .'$V?00. " Balf cash,
balance on monthly payments. Might take
less for all cash. Causfe for selling; ac
count of leaving city ,'oy June 26. Call
and make offer. H. Trf. Edge, 2m Ave.
D. Council .Bluffs.- Phone Black 1794.
smap s-room- boufw.. strictly modern.
garage, on street car .line, nearly new, for
S3.900; terms to suit-the buyer; also va
cant lot near car lltta cheap. See owner.
1023 N. 40th -St.- - .' - - ' '
A reliable party (having a steady posi
tion can buy a brajyd new strictly modern
mttaire on tne- north- 4A& tor ' $140 cash.
balance $27.60 per month. One of the pret
tiest .cottAges. m tne city, uut owner,
Webster 1239, . - f ' '- -' ''''
Am leaving the, city; want an offer on
a T-room strictly modern home In Dun
dee; beautiful luxation : no reasonable of
fer will be refused. Harney 2628.
6 $.4 .iM AHA , NATL BANK. BLDG.
;j- RHONE DOUG. 1294. 7 -
SliSOOr-Crooni . house, bath and gav on
.uioy, warn aiu.
$2.000-S-rooirt house, 2864 Ohio Str
I2.O0O J"roonl' house. 3621 Decatur St'
2,600-6-rooD bouse, bath and gas, at 1(23
,' C r C-4 '
3,000 f-room modem bouse. hSl 31xU7,
. near . Haraer- car- line.- - - . -
13,605--rocia jnodeca house, 2320 &' ::b
1 &t. ; . . , .
7-r,"n m jdern hoitfe. 'In FIELD CL'JB
-diritet, Hrt -SBxia,-. price $3,750.
.'i ; T BUT' THIS SNAP. .
36,660 tiuys new double flats, rent 130:
three bljjeks front catbedrai. ..Noraaulst.
mi l rnurniti i "-
Development work is progressing
rapidly in this new addition, wwa
enea nn ul SntnrrtaT. JaDO 29.
You can afford to wait tor It Our
prices will be much lower tnan aa
jolning property. Our terma most
liberal, being $5 CASH and balance
$5 PER MONTH. No interest nd
no taxes. ' " ' ' ,
Plats and price lists will 1e out In
a few days.
W. Farnam Smith & . Co.,
; Sole" Agts. ": ' . "'.7
Manager Real Estate Dept., t
x 1320 Firnam St
Tels.: 'Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064- .
Field Club $6,250
STUCCO house; one of the pret
tiest in that district; .new,, modern
and tip to date; seven room and a
sleeping porch;- living room, dining
room, den and kitchen first floor;
oak and birch finish throughout; tile
l i-i-
Ladies, it s a-dandy. Owner com-
pel led to sen account oi BicKneus.
Doug. 3963.1219-23 City National.
$3.50-for a dandy all modern- six-room
house on the southeast comer of
30th and Doge Streets, with room
on the rear facing 30th Street for
a double flat, rne nouse is in am
shape and will rent for 3U per
month. ' . ,
2,750-Jok at 121 South 27th Street. TWO
story square house, strictly modem
In every way, In good condition,
. and In a location where values are
increasing every day. inese are.
not old, run-down properties), but
. are good, up-to-date houses. $9X1
' cash, balance same as rent. ;
Douglas 1781-A-1188;
8. B. Corner 18th and' Farnam Sts.
Will trade my 13.000 residence property.
renting for KO.uO a month, advantageously
located, lor a new automobile and casn
balance. This property is clear; paving
paid for; gas. electric light, water. I
mean business and will carefully consider
your oner. Address J 3& Wee. - .
Beautiful home, brand new; lot 65x156;
oak floors, with sideboard and china
closets built In solid oak; plate rail, gas
mantle, with built-in book cases. Btrictiy
modern and has everything that adds to
the beauty and comfort, of a home. Call
us Sunday. Webster 6421. 11.000 cash
handles this. -.-r'. ...
' m Omaha National Bank Bldg." i
i Australia, j - '
' Tracts frohi 2 to 200 acres on 814-year
payments; price $36 to S66 an acre; set
tlers can pay off land at any time and
become absolute possessors; abundant
supply .of water; climate same as Cali
fornia; lands clooe to thriving towns with
free schools; government-wants settlers.
Write to government agents: Peck-Judah
Co., 887 Market . St., San Francisco, . for
full particular as to fare and conces
sions offered to settlers." ' '- .
; - , CALIFORNIA LAND. : ' ';
For sale .on. easy terms 21,000 acres of
the finest' Land In the" San ioquln'val
ley, California. ' In tracts of 320 acres or
more. Ftae' 8011,' plenty of 'Water. Price';
Wi to $80 p4r acre. wo'rlh'. 1150. per1
awe within three yearsiV.Senu for..pan.
phiet ; '';.
Wholesale Land Deparent ' 'j
596 Market 8t.,' San Francisco, Cl.
1(0 ACRES creek bottom land, near good
town of, 7,000 Inhabitants In Sacramento
valley; running water the year round in
creek, besides ample water In Irrigating
canal; best possible alfaifa conditions; no
better trult land in California; 39 busiiels
wheat i to acre, this year; old house ol,
little vnlue, but comtortable; 2 barns; a
choice property, but.. must be sold;, own
nearby 160, partly in alfalfa; and cannot
finance both. Will pay R. R. fare to. in
vestigate if not as represented. .Worth
ever' dollar asked. Price, $16,009, with
free, water right Write owner, F. L.
Darrow, 1629 Broadway, Oakland, . Cat ,
; FIIEB LITERATURE will be sent to
anyone Interested In the wonderful Sac
raaiento Valley; the richeat In the world.
Unlimited opportunities.. Thousands of
aci-es available at right prices. ,The
pace for the man wanting a home In the
finest climate on earth. Write to a pub
'io organization that gives reliable infor
mation. Secretary, Sacramento Valley
Development association, Sacramento,
Cal. : . - . '
Unusual Especially attractive because
Its trees are bearing NOW. Why wall?
rruit ana aimonas. On v 190 cash. 1 per
Cent per month. By best town north of
Sacramento. Go with us next trip while
they last. Ask for attractive literature.
"We have a fine little Dartv of three co-
Ing and want two more. Transportation
paid both ways on THIS trip. Can v buy
now ana go inter, tor "money back If
not pleased," ig guaranteed. CHAS. E.
WILLIAMSON CO.. Omaha. Neb. (Bank
and business house references.) -
IF you want to know anything about
Farming by irrigation offers many
profitmaking opportunities.
'ftRAIN. FARMINft In k. T.,,1.
Valley brings splendid returns, fifty
bushels to the. acre, and loo bushels of
oats to the acre are common and very
profitable. . , , .
Hogs, sheep and cattle, offer equally
good profits. . Two hundred thousand
acres of field peas -are- annually raised
and fed to stock.
Sugar beets Potatoes and garden truck,
bring from $75 to $300 per acre
You can buy land from us" that will
produce such crops at from $T6 to $125
pes acre.
.Easy terms if desired. . ' .
The Charles E. Gibson Company 1017
First National Bank Bldg.- rJenvColn
7. ,- 'FARM; .-V- :
Bargain. One of the ht m .u' ....
Slope, splendid improvements, no hetter
land anywhere, plenty water, 17 rs
potatoes. 126 ; tons alfalfa. : beswL i,
gram and fruit crop last, year; oniv a
little ever $80 an acre. H cash wm han.
die It, If" you new just what U
would take the fjrst train, to sJ it m
to buy it. I mean-Just what I y and
you w 11 thank me for telling you .ut
It. It Ui an estate that must i S
soon, wlU. give full description for k
ing. W. w.. Mitchell. 411 . j5. r,ff?
Omaha, Neb." .... . j
7 - ,. ,INP,.1V-;' ; v
new tracts. SoB; v black loam, xlav ? 'Lp
soil; fine water, level roads., good mruiJ'
Wheat yield from .25 to 40 bushelstand
pays for itself in two years. - na
606-19 City National Bank Bldg C0
Omaha. Neb.f - , - .
7 . . . CANADA
Offers opportunity to all.
rom 1 a nil a ar fAacAnnh U nsn. 1 .
tlon cheerfully given, OUR SPECIat
JL'bLZ. -'. . . V- t
r- wu.i Lta..'
Attl, District Manager.
601 City Nat'l Bank Bids., Omaha, n.k
rm ' v Frank Crawford, KB Cotton
ti!JLjjuvr or Omaha.
... .,.. Traversed by the
.r. .!,dat'led to the widest range of
ni.nti'r v tn '"oney trops of the south
r . "wucea. t or literature treat'
lis coming country.
lta soil,
wrlttt tuucci nd school
General Pasnenger Agenu
. MOhT productive. hy and grain land
in the world-Long Valley. Idaho. No Ir
rigation needed; fins climate, fine water.
Cheap iuei, telephones, railroad, elec
trlcitj. Improved land Ui to M par acre.
Also finest orchard land proportion in
Idaho. For Information write today. Pay
ette Rer Colonisaiior Co., Nampa.
THE easiest tiv tn flntl huv'er for
your farm is to. insert a small want ad
ln,tUe Ds CapltJ. ingest cir
UulaUon m the state ot lowa. .twu dally
The Capital is read by and believed la by
the standpatters of lowa, who simply re
fuse to permit uny otLer paper in their
homes, Kates, 1 tout a word a day; U.2
per hue per month; count six ordinary
words to the iiue. Address Lmm Moines
Capital. Pes Moines, la.
v - Mtaoeaota.. '
In Vest Central Minnesota. I some
wonderiuUy good bargains.- Easiest
terms. Write for particulars, J, S.
ULLAKD. President Fergus i illa Na
tional bank, Fergus Falls, Minn.
120 acres in .Murray county, . Min
nesota; So.Urtl worth of miprovemeots; toi
per acre, worth 170. Charles Brockniau,
Jolley, la. ...
WRITE today tor descriptions and
prices of our "Big SO" choice western
Minnesota moneymaklng farms. Ander
son A Davis, Palace Building. Minneap
Price from $lo.uu to 30.00 an acre, on
easy terms. Best wheat land In the
world. Good agent wanted. Easy to
sell. Weekly excursions. Tompkins . Land
4 Immigration Co., m Jackson St., tit.
Paul, Minn.
RANCHES 42.000 to
list Shopen & Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
1100,000. Send for
Ranch Dealers.
DEER LODGE, the last best valley in
Montana to be developed. Wonderful op
portunities for the home seeker and In
vestor. Bumper crops of winter wheat,
alfalfa, truck farm products and small
fruit. Low priced rich land. Local de
mand for everything you can raise. Get
In while prices are right. Free booklet
and information furnished by the com
mercial club, Deer Lodge, Montana.
RANCHESt2,000 to 1100,000. Send for
list, ; Shopen Co., Uanclt Dealers,
Omaha, Neb.
r FARM LAND. 7 '7
FoT'ale, M0 acres all fenced; 80
acres under cultivation; 6-room house, 32
xSl barn; 16x20 chicken house;; 16x16 gran
ary; 10x13 stone milk house, wind mill
and good water; located five miles from
ChappelL $40 an acre takes this bargain;
balf down and mortgage tor balance.
Address Mrs. Christie Jacobs, Cbappell,
Neb. v
HOMESTEAD 320 acres rich farmland
at $17 filing fees and ail. Not rough or
sandy. J. a. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. ,
FOR SALE East half section 2S-11-3&.
Perkins Co., 6 miles from two good trav
eling points; alt level, rich, dark soil.
This county has been soaked with rain;
crops look fine. Prloe,- $17.60 per acre.
Address Fred Blake, Jr., Hastings, Neb.
' ' "' CUMING COUNTY. ':
130 acres within -fire miles ol Wiener.
Neb. - Borne buildings, land slightly sandy
cast fine corn and alfalfa land.
Price $65 -per'acre lor the next thirty
days. Cash up to $4,800 preferred, how
ever part can be carried; $&0 Incumbrance
which can be carried; For the remaining
$2,400 a slightly used , or hew 1913 auto
mobile Is acceptable. '
: Wlsner, Neb.
,7 v FARM 7
BARGAIN, good buildings, orchard.
grove, all good rich productive level land,
a money matter; no ianure or crops, two
or three crops will pay for the farm.
owner' getting' old and wants to retire.
Price an acre, half cash, balance to
suit. W. W. Mitchell, ' 411 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha. Neb.
' Splendid farm of 160 acres, 4 miles north
of Blair. Over half In cultivation, good
set of improvements, the location only
twenty-five miles from Omaha. Can't be
This' land Is as fine as any in the state,
not a slough, hill, hollow or, defect In it
To settle a partnership, we' are author,
lzed to sell it for $106 per acre, one-third
to. one-half cash, balance long time. '
As good a farm as that, so close to
200,000 people, is bound to bring a whole
lot more money Within a very short lime;
and the first man who sees it wil" buy
It at the low price now offered.
Ware Block, Omaha.
Near South Omaha, 20, 30, 38, 68 and 30,
slso a fine Improved 122-acre. close in.
Bee us. A. W. Jones Co., South Omaha,
Farms Farms Farms
Driving distance of Omaha.' Bargains.
Let us show you the goods. All sties,
all prices, all terms.
Rooms 1213-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg
North Dakota.
Bargain in
North Dakota
' Fine improved farm of 660 acres
near good town in the lake region of
North Dakota; practically all into
small grain; pries $aS per acre, In
cluding all crops, machinery,1 horses
and cattle; terms arranged. :
Fred Clark
9 East Grant St., Minneapolis, Minn.
A poor man's opportunity to get a rich
North Dakota wheat farm. $20 to $30 an
acre 30,000 acres to select . from. 320
serfs In Morton Co. for $20 an acre. Low
Rv rates. Free maps and facts about
our lands and business sites In new Ry.
towns Reliable agents wanted. See or
,Hte Wm. H. Brown Co.,' Haynes.
Adams Co., or Mott Hettinger C., North
Dakota: - -
! DELIGHTFUL Oregon. Famous 8uth
iriin Valley Orchard lands offer wonder
fu opportunities. Illustrated literature.
P' S r.lnmnent Co.. Ltd.- Kt P.u .
"n- - : - 1
Soata Dakota.
WE have some choice relinquishments
located in the Rot,ud, untry of South
Dakota: can be handled from $S50 up.
Call or write for particulars. Shuler ft
t'nry. Agents.. 110 City National Bank
FOR SALE At' a bargain, 100 acres
timber land. 0 miles north of Houston,
in rain belt ",le f,om county seat;
rallroad runs through land. C. C. Noif,
Owner. OrangvlH.,I'l.
; ..... ...... v, Wyamtnr.
5TJ ACRK free homesteads. Level rich
land. Address W. F. Fox. Olllette, Wyo.
REMARKABLE CROI'8-Our crops tx.
celled nowhere. Irrigated land. $40.00 an
acre.- Eight-year payments. Transports
tlon 'refunded purchasers. Write, Wyo
ming Development. Co.. Chyenn. Wyo.
31,000 acres Wyoming range land, $2.25.
15.000 acres ranch Wy.; tnt proposition.
17.50 par, aora." - ;' .
10.000 acres finest lm. ranch for the
money 4.000 a. under irrigation; full water
right Prloe. $& per a-re. Terms.
; S00 a. Weld county, Colo. Level and
good , soil, $t.0 per a,
880 a. Lincoln - county, Colo. Imp.; ia
settle seca
523 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Denver.
The Board of Education of the School
District of Omaha offers for sale under
sealed bids the old Castellar school build
ing, together with Its foundation,, located
at Eighteenth and Castellar streets. The
board reserves all. furniture and movable
fixtures now contained In the building.
Terma to be cash, payable at the office
of the secretary, SOS City Hall, before
any operations are entered into for the
removal of the building. Building to be
entirely removed from the premises
within thirty days from the time the sue
cesful bidder is notified of the acceptance
of his Wd. The Board reserves the right
to reject any or all bids. Bids to close
on June ZSth, 1912, at 2 p. m. Send bids
to the undersigned In a sealed envelope
marked "Bid on Old Castellar School
, . J. F. BURGESS, V.
Secy. Board ot Education, j
SOS City Hall, Omaha, Nebraska.
ORS. Notice Is hereby given that the Board
of Education of the School District of
Omana, Nebraska, will receive bids for
the Electric Wiring and Gong System In
the new Miller Park School Building lo
cated on the block of ground embraced
by Twenty-seventh Avenue, Twenty
eighth Avenue. Clinton Avenue and Elli
son Avenue, according to the drawings
ana specifications on rue in the office
of tne secretary or tne Hoard of Edu
cation. Bids will be . addressed to J.
F. Burgess, Secretary of the Board of
Education, enclosed and seated In en
velopes endorsed ''Bid on Electric Wiring
and Gong System. Miller Park School'
and - filed- with him not later than two
(3:00) P. M., June 18, 1912, at which time
all bids In the hands of the Secretary
will be opened by the Buildings and
Grounds Committee In the presence of
the public. Copies of the drawings and
specifications can be obtained from the
architect John Latenser. 632 Bee Build
lng, .Omaha, upon application.; A certi
fied check for $25.00 must accompany all
applications for drawings as a guarantee
that bids will be submitted on same, the
check to be returned when the drawings
are returnea. Ail bias must be submitted
on blank proposals which will be fur
rlshed on application by the architect.
The Board of Education reserves the
right to reject any and all bids and to
waive - irregularities in the bids If in
the Interest of rne school district so to do.
v J. V. BURGESS, Satfsv.
v'y " - 605 City Hal I.
JZldut. Omaha, Nebraska,,
Dmos (lied (or record Jun II. Mil
li. A. Oihkra to B. Flcotts. lot 14, block
4, Ctrthass 4d, and strip adoialn I 1st
M. Gshlon to a E. -Nlv lot 1, block 4,
Carthago add, and atrip adjoining , 466
tUltton Townaito Co. to D. K. Harding, lot
T, block 14. Ralston t
United States Real Eitato and Trutt Co. to
A.."H:-,;oiBStad;- wt 7,'.40 tt'-M .,. '
brock 4, Kountie Place ; 1.(60
M. t. O'Noil to V. T. Walker, lot t and I,
1, Parian Place , I.Mt
South Omaha Und Co. to J. Nbrris, lets 7 '
and 8, Mook Ml, Booth Omaha m
L Gledhill to P. J. Boat, lot 10, block ti,
First add to Corrlgan Place add.......... l.ITi
J. H. Levy to Thomai Blaja, lot I, block 1,
Levyi add
Frank R. Whltosldo to M. i. Hart, lot ,
block f8, Dundee Place ,
B. E. McCague to U, I Grant, lot 41,
Flrtt add
Electrical Club
Samson's Guests
Tomorrow Night
Eectricity will run wild tomorrow night
at the Ak-Sar-Ben den. The Omaha Elec
trical club, together with electrical men
from all over the state and special dele
gations from Iowa, wil be there as the
guests of Samson. '
Gus Renze, the Ak-Sar-Ben artificer,
has spent a week In. fitting the den (or
the speoiat initiation stunts, and the elec
trical experts are due to be shocked (not
morally), Waldemar Mlchaelsen has been
assisting Rense in preparing the surprises
and some things are scheduled to be done
with the "juice" that will - be difficult
for the experts to fathom. Just what
these are, of course, Is being kept secret
Among the acceptances of invitations
received by Secretary J. D. Weaver is one
from' W. E. Flshcl of Dow City, la.,
who will bring fifty men In automobiles.
' Many other cities ot Iowa and Ne
braska will be represented by delega
tions. -.. . '
Because of the ever Increasing number
Of young men who want a college train
ing without spending their time studying
Latin and . Greek the authorities pf
Crelghtoii university hare constructed a
special course which will omit these
studies. The completion of the new course
of studies will entitle the student to the
degree of bachelor of science Instead of
bachelor of arts.' The essential difference
In the two courses is the substitution In
the new course of German and French
for Latin and Greejc. '
The degree of bachelor of arts will be
conferred for practically the same course
as now prevails and the new course Is by
no means a change In the old, but rather
an addition. . .
A third course, which will entitle the
student to the degree of bachelor of
literature,, will also be started next year.
This course omits Greek and Latin, sub
stituting - a modern language, . and drops
an science and mathematics. It spend
four years on the classics of literature
and alms at an advanced development in
English. :
Perhaps the most radical change in the
course at Crelghton Is the addition of
one year to the' college course, making
It four years instead of three. The nigh
school course remains the ' same." four
years.. -'".-The
student who enters Crelghton uni
versity hereafter will have his choice of
the three courses. Their difference is
apparent upon comparing them. - " ,.
' The Persistent and iutfrwou Use ef
Newspaper Advertising Is . the . Road te
business Success,
Delegation to Portland Convention
Will Be Kept Very Busy.
News Service Will Be Provided Dar
ing the Journey and Everything
Will Be Plaaaed for Corn-
The movement ot Elks to Portland
promises to be much larger than was
expected and when the special pulls out
from Omaha, July 1 Indications are
that It will have 100 persons on board,
many ot them being wives of the mem
bers. , ..
Gus Remt, chairman of the commit
tee In charge of the arrangements de
clares that nothing Is being left undone
to make the trip one, of the most eu-
joyable that has aver been planned for
Omaha people and according to his state
ment, most everybody is going, though
there are some reservations on the train
that have not been taken.
The journey to Portland Is to be made
something of a boosting trip for Omaha.
At Portland, during one day the Omaha
Elks Will keep "open house" and bars
made preparations for handling &.O00
guests. There will i eatables and drink
ables, souvenirs wilt be given away.
Then, too, the Omaha Elks will distribute
thousands of pieces of Omaha literature,
Omaha post cards and other things call
ing the attention of the world to the Im
portance ot Omaha as a market town
and . the most prosperous city of the
The Omaha contingent will go on a
special train over the Union Pacific, It
will depart from the Union station ths
'' J Flereaee.
Mrs. John Lubold spent Thursday In
Harry Brlsbin returned Sunday from
Chicago. .
Mrs. Fred Young, who has been sick,
la improving.
. George Roose of Denver Is visiting the
Lowe family.
Mrs.' William Kindred har oeen on the
sick list for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Grimm visited friends
in Papllllon Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mattox of Omaha
were Florence visitors Tuesday.
Miss-Hilda Eiiosln and Charles Cham
bers were married the last week.
'Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton spent Sun
day evening at the Rogers home. -
Rev.' Mr.- Hastings of South Omaha
spoke at the Christian church Sunday.
Mrs. John Engabog has been the guest
ot Mrs. John Peterson for a few, days. .
G. O. Carlson has been visiting his
mother, Mrs. Stranburg, the last week.
Mrs. Tut tie will leave soon for a six
weeks' vacation to be spent in Oregon.
Mrs. Herbert Johnson, who has been
sick for the last few weeks, Is Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Grimm spent Sunday
with Mr. Grimm's sister at Chalco, Neb.
Mrs. Walter Sheperson spent Saturday
and Sunday with Mrs. Adama in omana.
Vauahn Bacon has returned from col
lege to spend the summer with home
folks. Mrs. William Powell of Irv
Ington spent Bunday .at the Big Springs
farm. 1
Rev. Mr. Butter will preach at the
Ponca' church' Sunday afternoon at 3:30
George Petersen, of Omaha was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Parks Monday
Miss Millie Griffin wlU leave Thursday
for Twin Falls, Idaho, oa a four weeks'
vacation. V
" The Misses ' Laura and Sarah Craig
spent Tuesday at the Pliant home near
irvingron. ,
Mr. and .Mrs. Ed. Peterson are re
joicing over the arrival ot a bouncing
baby boy, .. ,
Miss Mildred Bacon entertained a few
friends at . her . , home north of . town
Mr. Jf C. Rennlnger, Who was oper
ated on In Omaha last week, Is recov
ering rapidly.
Mrs. Swan Anderson, who has been at
the Swedish hospital for two weeks. Is
Improving very slowly.
Miss Helen Nichols expects to leave
the last of the month for a visit with
relatives In New York.
Florence camp, Modern Woodmen ot
America, will attend St. Mark's church In
a body Bunday. June W.
1 Mrs. Emll Kaufman has returned from
Beatrice, Neb.; where she spent several
weeks with her parents.
Mrs. ' Edward Petersen has returned
from a two weeks with Sunderland
family In South Dakota.
Geora-a Bird and family came from
Canada to attend the funeral ot Mr.
DIM'. mtmt XL, Mnlhrnll
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown left Tues
day morning on a ten days' fishing trip
among the lakes ot Minnesota. ,
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Hlnes, Mr. and Mrs
Ed Luellen of Blair were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Fox Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Smith snd family of
Falrvlew will go to Twin Falls to spend
the summer with their son, Sydney.
' Miss Mary Mann of Bryan, Tex., Is
the guest of her grandparents. Mr, and
Mrs. F. S, Tucker for the summer.
Hugh Suttle wae a guest at the
farewell banquet to James Walsh of
Benson given at Omaha Tuesday evening.
Miss Lura Koltsman and Miss Rena
Fox spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss
uiga jorgensen at her nome ironn 01
Henry Anderson, John Lubold snd
Georxe Gamble left Wednesday morning
for Grand Island to attend the state con
vention ef Eagles,
u Hifr Ttihin rtnmd Sunday
from a slg weeks' trip to Vermont and
New York, where she hss been visiting
friends and relatives.
Mlse Florence McConnell and Miss
Fdith Arrhp it,i,niu tn the state Sun
day school convention, are visiting with
the E. C. Jensen family north or town.
The wddln nt fi.. sicna Bondesson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bondesson,
and John Brengle of omana win hs
place at the home of the bride Tuesday
The Misses Hattle, Lettle and Helen
Kindred, who have been attend ng the
School for the Deaf, are spending the
summer with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Kindred.
Mrs. Klrklsnd, Miss Rose Prather,
Miss Wakefield of Omaha and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Preston and daughter were
guests ot Mrs. M. A. Pliant and Miss
Pliant Sunday.
Mrs. W. B. Parks left Friday for Sur.
prise. Neb., where she will be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Coleman - She
will visit relatives In other near towns
before returning
Mrs. J. M. Griffith gave a luncheon
Tuesday at her home, Cosy Corners, In
honor, of her sister, Mrs William W.
Beebe of New York. Pansles formed the
table decoration and those preent were:
Mesdames John Battln, W. W. Beebe,
Frank Porter. H. U Porterfleld. Joslyn
ot Minneapolis, W. J. Bradbury, Frank
Barret, W. E. Palmatler. Davis of Mill
neapolls. J. M. Griffith and Miss Helen
Miss Orpha Lewis eave a lawn party
at her home, "The Willows," near Beile
vue Tuesday for a party of Florence
people. After a ride on the river boule
vard and games on the spacious lawn
a delightful lunch was served. Those
present were Misses Elizabeth Johansen,
Florence Faria, Fay Fratt. Hannah
Jensen. Hazel Nelson, Naoma Low,
Messrs, John ' Butte, Mark Low, Blaln
Far is and Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft.
Mr. A. B. Hunt entertained Informally
at her borne Minna Lusa lodge Wednes-
id iA Jacuuis as MzaST. W. Beeba of
Notes and Gossip from Omaha Suburbs
car, one diner, one observation, buffet
and five standard sleeper. The train
will be electric, lighted from engine to
rear signals, and will run solid from this
city to Portland.
Receive Latest News.
At all stops, the latest telegraphic
news will be received, arrangements hav
ing made for a complete news service en
route. Then, too, there will be instru
mental and vocal concerts given In the
observation car each afternoon and even
ing. The train will be under the per
sonal direction of Louis Blendortf, an
Elk who Is chairman of the 'railroad com
mittee and also city passenger agent ef
the Union Pacific. Upon him, to a great
extent will fall the duties of looking
after the comfort of the passengers or
at least those ot the n.ale sex.
The comfort of the women of the party
will be looked after by Dan B. Butler,
a member of the Omaha city commission
and a man who is said to never be se
much at home and so happy as when
associating with the members of the fair
sex and making them happy.
That they may be distinguished from
other Elks when they are tn Portland,
the members ot the Omaha herd will be
provided with magnificent badges. One
thousand ef these have been secured and
they will be distributed on the train.
Mrs. John D. Crelghton has presented
to the Crelghton University band and
orchestra new instruments, valued at $630.
The gift makes the band one ot the best
equipped In the state.
Key to the Sltustlon-Bee Advertising.
New York, who Is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. J. M. Griffith. A mustoal
program was rendered by Miss Elisabeth
Underwood and Mrs. Hunt Mrs. Hunt
recited from Ella Wheeler Wilcox and
Shakespeare. The table decorations were
branches of cherry trees and the place
cards bore quotations from authors.
Those present were: Mesdamea W. W,
Beebe, H. l. Forterneid, w. E. paimatier,
F. E. Underwood. A. C. Griffith. Ell
Gramllsch, Harold Reynolds and A. B.
Reason. .-:'
Gus Wulff, left Saturday , for few
days' stay at Minneapolis.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mason, left en
Monday for a stay at Lake Okoboji.
I.vnn Colson has returned home from
Chicago, where he has been studying.
Maurice McMlcheal left test Sunday for
, visit with relatives In Seattle, Wash,
Mrs. M. C. Berry, has returned home
from the hospital with her sight restored.
Mrs. Charles Beavers is entertaining
her brother. George Uhllch of Nebraska
Andrew Lowe Is recovering from two
fractured ribs, received by a fall, a week
Local grocers attended the annual
plcnlo held In River view park, . last
8. L. Boner and children, left on Thurs.
day for a three-weeks' visit la Hous
ton, MO. r . i - ' ,
Dr. and Mrs. Loechner returned on
Monday, from a few days' stay in Min
neapolis. . i . ,
Ed. Kuerton and daughter, have re-
turned from a visit with relatives la
Todelo, O.
Mrs. A. Davenport of New York City,
was ay guest last Sunday at the home ol
E.-.C. H odder, a , ,;,.., ;....
William. Marsh of Paola. Kas., ig visit
ing at the home of his sister, Mrs
Charles Simons.
Dr. Claude Barron of Hagerman, New
Mexico, was a guest at the Stlger home
during the last week.
Mrs. Behn has returned te her nome
In Denver, after a six weeks' visit, with
ncr aaugnter, Mrs. Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Selley who have been
guests at Dr. Hall's home, have returned
to their home In Vllllsoa, la.
The Odd Fellows' lodge held its an
nual memorial services at Mount. Hope
cemetery last Sunday afternoon.
During the last week two mall boxes
have been Installed on Main street, one
atLe Roy avenue and the other at Rose
The Benson Eagles' drill team returned
Saturday evening from Grand Island,
where they attended the annual con
vention. The next regular meeting of the Wo
mens Christian Temperance Union will
b held at the home of, Mrs. Gordon
Roth, next Friday.
H. C. Covington of Valley. Neb., and
Alee Smith have taken charge of the
Orphanage avenue barber shop, formerly
owned by Mr. Smith.
The annual district Epworth league
convention will be held in the Methodist
church on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of next week.
; At a special meeting held by the Board
of Education the contract tor the addi
tion to Rose Hill school was given to W,
D. Edmunds, whose bid was $3,300,
Announcements of the marriage ot MiSg
Minnie Lind of Wausa, Neb., and Her
man Oleson ot Benson, to take place here
next Wednesday, have been sent out to
Probste County Clerk N. W. Wester
gaard agji bride, have returned from
their weudlnc trio, and are now mania
at the home of his brother, oa Burnaa
avenue. ,
James Walsh was given a farewell din
ner last Tuesday evenlnsr bv about tliirtv
Omaha friends, the occasion was a Tare-
wen, oeiore ne leaves lor an extended
visit to Canada. -
. Mrs. Luther Hoyt was hostess to the
Maple Leaf ChaDtsr. Order nf tha Rm.
era Star, at a porch and lawn party.
Guests rrom Benson were Mesdamee
Rewey, Hotchklss and Howard. .
The Degree of Honor lodge Installed
the following officers at Its last meet
Ing: Chief of honor. Mrs. Minn: la,lv
of honor, Mrs. Kills; chief of ceremonies,
vrnle- A team wa organised,
with Carl W. Anderson as captain.
At the last city courlrtl meeting bids
for sewer Plans and soodficattons
read and P. A. Elqulst's price of $1M was
accepted. Ordinances were read and a
protest against a sidewalk at Surnsm
school was read. Bills were allowed. .,
A mass meeting to protest against local
taxes of Benson was held Wednesday
evening. A committee of twenty-five cit
izens was chosen to represent the ma
and a committee of three waited on the
county commissioners at Omaha on
The annual election of officers of th.
Woman's club was held last Thursday,
as follows: President, Mrs. Charles
Tracy; vice president. Mrs. C. Robinson;
treasurer. Mrs. Cuyler: secretary. Mr.
El A. Mason. A picnic at Rlvervlew park,
July .26, was planned. Six' new names
were added and a dalntv lunch w.
served at the meeting.
Last Wednesday evenlnr at a ovinnk
Miss Lvella Wilson ef Benson and F. A.
Schiller ot Omaha were married at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Beattie,
Rev. F. I. Bastel of Chicago officiates.
Mrs. Wilson, sister-in-law of the bride,
played the wedding marcb. Mr. and a.
Schiller will reside In a newlv-erctMl
bungalow In BcnsonhursL
Mrs. H. M.-Simpson Is vf si tins friends
In Larauite.' .
Miss Edna Opper has spent the weak in
Falls City, Neb.
Mrs. C. L. Dolah has gone to lm
Angeles to spend the summer.
Miss Margaret Metsger of Lincoln Is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. E.
Rhoades. ......
Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Miller gave a laree
dinner at. the Happy Hollow club last
Saturday. .. .... .? : ... . .. y
, Mr. and Mrs, W. .O. Crock have ire.
turned to , the borne of thalr daiuM
Program, of the Finn's band concert;
to be given at Hanicom park this after
noon from $ until 6 o'clock, is as fol
lows: March-My Dream of the U. S.'A...Ul
. ......'..Snyder
Excerpts from "His Honor the Mayor"
(a) An Intermesso A Shady Lane
, Eugene
(b) A Pepperette Persian Lamb Rag,..
... Wenricb
Concert Waltses-Flight of Fancy
, i...Rolfe
Overture Poet and Peasant .Suppe
(a) Serenade The Blushing Rose
(b) Intermesso Hula Hula WenrlcB-
Patrol American Meacharo
Scenes Populalre Harris Hits
,.Arr. Tom Clark
(Introducing a dosen popular song sue-
cesses.) y.
Selections from Julian Edward's ro-, .-.
mantle opera ' "The Jolly - Mus- '
keteers"' Arr. Langey
Characteristic Cocoanut Dance. .......1
Waltses-Wedding of the Winds.. ..Hah
.....I UN
March Red Domino ....Heiwy, .
J. M. Opper, local manager of the
United Motor company, Omaha, reports '
a most flourishing business In autoa, es
pecially to the western trade. This com
pany handles the Columbias, Maxweila
and Barn sons for Nebraska and Western
Iowa, "It la no longer a problem to
sell cars but It keeps ua bustling to
get automobiles in quantities enough i
fill the orders that are coming in tot' '
these popular cars," said Mr. Opper. "I'
look for the demand In ears to continue
and the factories will have to keep -onu
adding to their capacities to handle . the
business." , v
Mrs. T. I. Elllck. after spending several .
weeks traveling In the east.
W. R. MeFarland la building a' new
home on California street in Happy Hol
low circle. i '. . . -
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polcar era nwvtnsr
Into their new home in Happy Hollow
circle this week. . t-
Mrs. R. R. Evans and the Misses Evans
gave a musical at their home on West
Dodge street Tuesday. . '.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. hepard. enter
tained twelve guests at dinner at the
Field club last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Warner and fam.
II y have gone to McGregor. Minn where'
they will spend the summer.
Herbert Mayer la at home from Oberltn
college. Miss Ada Klopp from the Con
servatory of Muaie at Evaneton, 111., and
Miss Edna Bartiett from Wellesley col-
lege. .v...... , . .. . .. , f
Miss Hasel Jenkins has been chosen by
the Dundee school board to teach In the
second ana tmra grades the coming year,
taking the place ot Miss Nellson, who
will become assistant principal.
Mlss Edna Bennett entertained Tuesday'
in honor of Miss Harriet Swensy Of Chi-'
cago, who Is visiting her grandparents,
Mr. ana Mrs. wiinam gweesy. Twenty
four young women were present
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Cutler had as
their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. An-'
drew Bowman of Marshalltown, I a., and
this week their guests are Mrs. C. J,
Cutler and Mark Cutler of Models, la. '
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Straight entertain. .
at dinner at their heme, HUM Cnr" i
street, last Saturday In honor t ;
Misses Marts of OreenvUie, O., H I
Been tne guests of mi. ana r. w j. .
ot Omaha. Fourteen yesU
and after dinner all repaJredo JfiV Happ '
Hollow club, where the eVvf nlng was spent.
11 uanomgf f t
Italatea. ' , -. . '
Mrs. Vols snd son, MathJaa, were visa
ing in Omaha Sunday. ,
Mrs. F. M. Skinner and children spent'
Thursday in Council Bluffs. .
Miss Rlarden of Omaha spent the last ,
two weeks at A. F. Moran's.
Mrs. Mlllus departed last week for Cali
fornia, where she will visit her son.
Roy Yonkers of Union. Neb., was visit
ing at the Tillman home last Sunday,. 2. 1
Miss Goldle Ward of Ashland. Neb., isr
visiting . this week . with . Miss Hani
Hooker, . .. '.- . . ,. ..
Mr. and Mrs. Aoraviok at Cheater Men
arrived Thursday evening for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Ham. n;.,
Mrs. MoMahon and daughter. Marwarsr-
and Miss Hennessey are visiting at tie
home of A. F. Moran. . ; '
MattiS and Walter Phflua-. realdlnsi
south of town, attended the Children's'
day exercises last Sunday evening. -
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Pronst antartalnail
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ham and Mr. and. Mrs..
Alexander at their home Monday evening.
jure. Margaret suiser and Mr, and Mrs,
. H. Pilgrim and family of GrlnnelL re..1
are visiting at the home ot J. H. Parratf.
P. T. Mltterling of Fremont. Neh.. snt"
last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hi
Parratt pf the Seymour Lake Countxr
OlUb. . - , .1
Mr. and "Mrs. Ewait of Aumn. .mA15. ,
visited a tew days here last week, arxi
we are glad to learn will soon make th'ar,
their borne.
Miss Ethel Taylor and Miss Edna
Of Omaha spent last Sunday at the for- .
mefs home and later in the day took'ii
car ride to Papllllon.
Mrs. William A. Tavlor at P1atamArh
spent Thursday afternoon and evening
iioib, navins jusi reiurnea irom Cllrton
Kan., where she attended th run.i
her sister. , , .,, -
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Beloveraek de-.
parted last Saturday for New York, from
where they will sail for Germany. Th.v t
expect to spend the summer there visiting X
their o d home. Tfl
L. Howard, accompanied by Me wife
and mother and Charles Savell, motored
to L!n!n last Saturday afternoon, re
turning home Sunday evening, where
they visited Veora and William Howard J
lil . .t , weoieyan univer
on at uiai piace.
West Aaklei.
i has sold his immense crol
of oherrtes to one firm down town vl
-'' f"?.1' T- h. Bfar re entertain.
... iMuni roin uumap, ia., this week
Miss Margaret Gross r.iurn( ,
two weeks' visit in Chicago on ThursdavT
-ML,-.C1?,1 l1"' heen the guest
wee? jS",wortn Jn South Omaha this ,
JL'-tF.: 3 JTr 4 W', sons and
Mlse Mary Oleson were guests at the
Hall farm near. Millard on Thursday. .
Mr. and, Mrs. O. C. Mead and little '
daughter left Saturday to spend their
two weeks' vacation in Western. Nebraska.
Miss Alta Heater gave a birthday prty
iS.?er spnooimates at ner nome , Ftirty-
Hill, . n tfAn.AM . . , ... M J
aum veiiiu tiqwe, x naay aiterj
The Society ot Willing Worke
a pie social at Elmwood nark
young people of West Side on
evening. . . ' t
The funeral services of Judson
were held rrom tne family- home
seventn ana ' i'ecirio streets,
afternoon. ; j
McDermott left TtiunAlv ,
vacation with his uncle, Steve Mcb rmott.
an his ranch. -. , .
The Society of Willing Workei s wtir
hold an all day meeting at the h me of
Mrs. H. 8. Miller. In West Amber on
Thursday, June 27. . . f
Mrs, Peart Conkllng and little daughter .
Hasel, who have spent the last season
with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
L. Lemming, left Saturday for Denver, '
where she will reside. v .
Mrs. John Fehse and daughter Helen
and son Robert arrived Friday from Bur
lington. Ia., on a two weeks' visit to
Mrs. Clay Petersen and Mrs.. J. Gross
of East Aihbler. .,. ,
Richard Shandy7 youngest son of Mr.;
and Mrs. Daniel Shandy,, wae smarrled
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock to Mi ,
Anna Johnson of East Ambler at V
home of the bride's pareuts. Th
on the 11 o'clock treia tat Penvr
" v V,