Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1912, WANT-ADS, Image 28
- REAL- ESTATE CITY PROFEUTV FOR VALE ; West Farnam Home $ 3,500-333 HARNEY ST.,' lot T7 feet front. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION. VERT .. i bust of CONSTRUCTION. UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE -Inside, BEAUTI FUL large LIVING ItOOM and LIBKARV, with built-in bookcases and coal or wood grate; handsome dining room: five good bedrooms, two oat ha, good plumbing and heating. A REAL GEUNINB BARGAIN. INSIDE SNAP ; . :' GET BUSY $. 500-101 South 29th St, (Cor. Dodge). Hero la a' Joe DANDY HOME. It la first class In every particular. BEAUTIFULLY arranged, FINE HOT ' WATER HEAT. TWO complete 3ATHS, on tiled vestibuled. fine oak ana hardwod throughout NEARLY NEW. Corner lot with Iron fence. -- OWNER. THREATENS Instant-death If we fail to 11 THIS WhKK. W " DON'T WANT TO DIE YET,' GO TODAY AND BEE IT. MAKE US AN OFFER. WE WILL MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE rather than be shot GO TO IT. $2,000 to $3,300 cash, balance Hue rent. 'r ' A ONCE FLORENCE MANSION ,000-SrX targe 6xl3:-foot lots, beaidaa part of street on three sldM nar '. rowed, ahd closed alley. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS, ons Wort WT or r lino, looking up and down tha river and aero to low Bluff; GftKAT BIG 12-room house that cost $14,000. IT Is run down, but frame and foundation as good as new. and could be made Into an Ideal home, wun room left to build for tha kid. -Se it and oake a offer. . . . CATHEDRAL t 1 7VWVTvr" .nam virvr vat.Tr a k.. ern and not old. On tha car line and pared m- eaaad good; looks go, and Is aiOHTy good for the mun. ; ' . I 4,200-Here !s one 50 fet off car Una. 5lafiat tot. Be C- L"1 good ROOMS.- Two are finished Im timet. Mrd'soje iate. ; . .Quarter-aawed oaR.f.some In cherry: sMtMrtra , tjsaCW.-- hs aoi " grates, sliding door, tiled vest! bait. and. fci tect. vsmrwis Jvvt msx eral rooms In be semen t with laundry txim to WW sSgW aw to L ' Jians" alone cost $7,000, Lot 1 worth twav 0r reason tar efcJJ for two old people. All you have to ate as to KBJ VY-mx PKJUaro-CHAjj. ; YOU. BUY IT. ; A '.very impl pratli if Jfow save the tnrmnrlm au to price, '. 7 s .;,.:?." .,. :. CHOICE HELD CLUB HOME 1S.OOO-ALL CEMENT, wall built, VERT ATTRACTIVE' OUTSIDE, large nd roomy.' The Insid of this Is a marvel of beauty, from the large hand-; soma living room, dining room, ot c, to. the maid s room.. Fin ' oa WATLK, EXTRA. FiNB TILED BATH and FIXTURES, besides one ex - - -tra shower BATH. EXTRA ln hardwood finish and decorations , . CLUB SNAP K" - 1; $ 8,750-1325 South 33d St.. about block North of" Wool worth' Ave.. Ideal location. " lot 80x183 with paving paid, ston walk and step, fine snade.. Houses ruiiy . modern, has 7 great big rooms, S and bath down and two up; Oner mw ing to California. MUST BE SOLD for cash or- Wrm.; NUFF SAID. GO AND SEE IT TODAY OR TOMORROW, TUESDAY MIGHT FIND IT '' GONE 1 , . . ; j ' V l V, ,'. ; ' DUNDEE . . V 7 - ' V -u ,200-$:,000 and $7,250. Her ar what WE think are the BEST 'BUYS 1 in BON. NIE DUNDEE. Thay ar all NBW. THE. LOCATION IS OlCE. On ha 7 rooms and two have rooms; they are modern and up to the minute. Wo would be pleased to show them thl wosk.--. - LK0-A CHOICE.. South and East Corner lot, right on tha car lino with the pav- ln " Pl "P. and walk ll around. THIS. IS A OOOD LOT-CHEAP. ; fi t-X WEST; FARNAM VA0ANT;,yr v;v , teOO-Eait front, on 3Stb It., 44x110 ft with etoni diiv In addition, stone walk and pavin UXaJ3 paid, high and sightly. . . j , : , . f, $ FARNAM, STREET INVESTMENTS,; :ORNER U7X18 ft., strset on l Harney St, side, leaving Farnam Bt. front vacaft Fin business corner left for store and flats. Iqcoma now (3,O0Ob ravlnf paid on all threo tmta. TERMS. . $8B,09-Anottir CORNER, &xU4 ft.. CoVared with pod brick Improvement. Kentai h.w 10 par year. n is prvuauijr im cv m-j .ik... ' ' St. today. . . .;': j ' : D. V. SHOLES COMPANY m air Kational Bank Bldg; ' ' 1 Tel Douglas 49-Indepandent A-201!. Burgess-Granclen Co. LIGHTING FIXTURES ar reaj Uilaig pointa in selling1 property. -They add char- aeter and refip cment to the property, and, create confidence, in all the otier furnishings. ; 'jNot:how cheap, but how well we can raake your home appear 1 is our motto. Real egtate men, who build on honer,, buy their 'lightning Fixtures from . Burgess-Granden Co, Investigate 4 t.. THIS HOUSE MUST BI SOLD AT ONCE.:- ;:.: MUST BE SEEN TO BE3 APPRE CIATED. BPLBNDID, STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM house buUf, I YEARS. Or THB BEST MATER 1AL. , Has foundation 1 foot thick, and double floors. c -. , Four large bedrooms, - storeroom and bath, kitchen, large paatry with slldiuf glass doors; drawers tor lin en. Dining room 16x16 ft .Parlor, reception all, cement cellar, large froc'i and. side porch; souths front,1 nice lawn and shade; cement walks r paved streets: fine 'neighborhood and looatloa. NEAR BEST CAR LINE IN CITT," " PRICE ' VERY HKASONABLE-. MAKE ME AN OrfER. ' ' BIO BARGAIN. ' " ' ' . VERY EASY TERMS. ' - Phone Ycbster 5446 2412 Spaulding St. CLOSE IX . - 509 cash sad 149 per' -i will hny a 6-roora. all modern oak : -i-h; bailt Iat year; price, .,5C0. P. O. NIEIXnN; ?,''::" . v 497 Omaha Kat'l Bank. This REAL ESTATE PHOPEHTV KOH SALK CITY SPECIALS fkti raratr lot. aaw XOiiT sides, a- room, pnctt woaem nouses on - ' An Up-to-Pate Home .As complet a f-room houss as thr I In th city. novi ana attractiv. vtsu- bul with nle hall sett. Columns and MdsAtal. r Ins iars parlor and d'nins room. . Oood 1I kitchen with bo'lt-ln oupboarct Two line siepirif room ana complete sanitary hath. Floor all var nished, in splendid shape." Combination 1 Khting fixture. Elegant art dome U din IPS room. ui iiourea iius, in wnmq i rooms could b flnlshsd at very little ad ditional cost. Fin cement iaement. Flrst-c as furnao. laundry. s'nK. hot and cold water. On a ftn corner lot.' 50x Vl. touth front New fence. Fin lwn. On ear Una. Near church ana school. Pries U, m cash. Uest W per Month. . - - WALKING DISTANCE - .-r'; $4,000.: , Seven-room hotue, ,, finished in oak. Built t years. Has . bath, oomblnfttion lighting fixtures. Three rooms nd re ception hall on th tlrst floor, with four bedrooms and bath on th second. full cement- basement, with up-to-date tiat Inf plant. On south front lovioL40. Can make terrni. . . FIELD CLUB DISTBICT " . $7,250 " : : Elht-room 'dwelllns . facing the' Field club. BulK t year. Beautifully finished In oak and Is one of th finest home In th Field Club District. Must be seen to a a ucr Dialed. Lot at erf oo Lu-ee int mnrt paved street Oarsna and driveway. , CHICKEN. RAISERS TAKE . ! NOTICE. .V 5-EOOM HOUSE AND 5 DOTS :;:7 T';&,4M. Th owner of thl property I leaving th olty and very anxlou to sell Good - bouse. Barn. Waon shed. Buy abd. Chicken hous. plenty of fruit NEAR BEMIS PARK .S,lS Ji?' mw1 heat Within half block of car. Four room and bath 0B-flt floor- Two nice bedroom on the econd. Fin larn lot. WjISL This Is a barf a)n. and uuiLha sold this week, Gtooa term. AMERICAN SECURITY COl m a 1TU 8t . f?hones 3S7. Open Saturday evening until o'clock $5,800 Creighton's First Addition Seven-room, hot water heat; fin ished ia oak and Mrch; Urge porch, with hrlek pillars; east front on 33d EL It Is a beauty and the best bar gain In the district for the money. Arastrong-Walsh ' Company Tyler 1.86. .10 Booth !7th 8t. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, Indexed. Mailed free on application. Chas. E. Wil liamson . Co., Rental Estate. Insurance, Keatals, car of property, Ornah- REAL ESTATE : flTV t'ROPEItTV FOR SALE. Dundee Happy Hollow Go out today and see the growth and developments which are taking place n this residence district. Work is rapiW progressing on the new outer boulevard ysiem SKininK uunuco --. low on tha west, which, when completed, will be one of the beauty spots around Omaha. Property near this fine drive is bound to substantially increase In value. The contract haa been let for the pac ing of the north part of Dundee glMng Dundee the Improvement of the nesi residence districts. . Whether buying for a home or ail in vestment, buy where property is actie and where Improvements are Dnu which directly benem mi proper Dundee and Happy Hollow have these advantages, besides the jwura. and surroundings of a high qlas resi dence suburb. th. Value are still low and now I th time to select an attractive spot for a home and profit by the Increase in values. Dundee Houses $3,800-For a J-story. s-room. moaem square nou.', - l tlon. having hot water heat: S bed r rooms, on- second floor; only one . block from the car line. Lot fiox 1 toot ji.2vu.For a 2-tory, new, modern, i-room . t". n.i, nni.h first floor: two bedrooms and bath second floor, decorated. Convenient to tha car line. Eaay terms., ' M.S00-For a stcry tnctiy moo em nouse, navina iaro with pressed brick fireplace,; four s. attractive bedrooms, second floor; full cemsnted basement: furnace , heat. A well made, substantia! L . house. .Reduced $600 for immediate $4,600-For 'an almost new, 6-wom bunga- ih nd oakHHoors-in the vlng room and dining room; large living ' room, decorated throughout. . Con- venlent to the car Hne. Full sized 1-.a ' $4,650-7-room modern bungalow, oak finish nrt floor, mreo iwiiuui - second floor. One block ; from car line. South front lot, 60xU5 feet. Reasonable terms. $6,000-7-room, modern, square nu"ef.w';!' quarter sawea un uuu; j first floor; hard pine finish, second floor: combination electric light and gas fixtures; full cemented base- ment furnace heat. A well located and well built house. , - . $T,75r-For a good 2-story. tnst'y m- . hard woods and exceptionally well built. Full cemented basement i not ' water heat; stairway to large . floored attic. This property could . w AwnWratfA for the price at which It is now being offered. It I. iu.i at one of the highest . points In Dundee, in a district which, will toe paved this year; all Aih.. mrMiii In and . paid tor. ? Grounds 100x135 feet. South front. Reasonable terms. , George & Company 902-13 City National Bank Blag, phones: D. 756 or A-17Bt. $11,500 Buv the southwest corner 17th and Clark two store buildings, two flats and four houses; renting for 11,860 per year; $5,000 cash will handle. $19,000 Buys three stores, with rooms above, on west side of 16th St., between Burt and Webster, renting for 12,100 per annum; one-third cash, balance 6 per cent: ,y :7' :W.r: , $29,000 . Buys a business corner on Douglas St.," renting for 13,10,0 per annum to first-class tenants. yy J , . v J. BeiRbbinsonS Douglas 8087. . 442 Bee Bldg. Field CluK Bargain 14,000 Next to corner 85th avenue and Pacific new wix-room, -all modern, oak upstair and down, large living room panelled dining room, beamed celling, solarium, sleeping porch, paved street, overlooking boule- $4,80Q"-Northwesf corner -5th avenue' and ' Faclflor-- slmlla;--4HTanKmnt to above, but larger, equally well fin ished? corner lot. '. 15,760 Three-year-old eight-room house, modern, hot water heated, finished tn oak, newly painted and deoo ' V. rated; beautiful east front corner - ' '. lot tn the heart of Field Club Dts trkst . 10,000 On 33d treet near Poppleton, new . seven-room and extra large sleep . ing porch, oak up and down, pan eled dining room, beamed ceilings, i fine fixtures, laundry with tube! lot 60x160. Tou'll regret U If you buy before look ing over our list ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., ' Tyler 1SS SIO 80. 17th. St. 5-Room Cottage $300 Cash. $15 a Month ; 2S0S North 28th St., large lot, east front; , price $1.600.. This Is your chance to set a home of your own and stop paying rent by making a small payment down " and easy monthly payments. Owner lives In the house and will show you through. 1 HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. N. E. Corner 20th and Mason . M feet, west front, 151 south front, 9S east front on 19th Ave. Fine for close-In apartment; vry foot of the ground can be utilised; chance for speculation In trackage property; Joins right-of-way of C, R. I. P.! also suitable business corner for tore. ; .v.c O'Keefe Eeal Estate Co., 1016 Omaha'etloi)Al Hank Bldg. . Douglas 6r A-Ett.. Rvanlnsra: M. t8U or H. M24 . $200 Cash, balance monthly will take one of those neat, brand new cottages, near 4M and Grand Ave.; reception hail, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor, with opa stairway to Jd floor, contain ing two nice bedrooms and bath; all modern except heat; large east front lot: permanent walk: close to school; In good netgnnornooa; price to U.m. Open for Inspection today from t walk H block south. - BEMIS-CAKLBEKQ CO. I10-4JJ Brandeis Theater. D. SS5. TWO SOUTH SIDE HOMES Oood six-room cottage, modern except heat, on South 11th St., near Center St Price. It.efc Term. 600 down, balance like rent ' , Eight-room house In rood repair, mod ern except heat, on South 11th St. Price, RM Term, $0 down, balance like rent At th prices named: these properties should tell very readily. Aak to see one or both of them Monday. ... , : SCOTT & HILL Both phone. M McCagu Bldg. ... U.SfA TERMA. CHANCE FOB A NICE HOME ! Seven-room, house, oak finish, ce mented basement, laundry tubs, hot water heat, barn or 'garage, plenty shade and snruDwsry, corner lot 65x 140; paved a street :' paving nJd. Owner, 2403 K. 18th St Tel. Web. 3358.' -;-jv: - v . ......... .760- but A,59-ft. lot tn Fioulevard Fafk, nth and Sprague. This 18 a snap. V. g. Frank, lto City National BanX' - -. - HEAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. N0M1 Tb safest and most profitable investment on the market today are n and the wonderful development going Kountze Place $1,000 to $1,250 A few lou left in this beautiful reBtricted reeldence addition, ly ing west of Kountze Park, on 21st street, Pinkney street and Evans street We Have Sold $40,000 worth oft these lou In the past X2 months. : . -.. Take a walk around -. this neighborhood and see what is go- ing on. ' Paving r Is ordered on. all streets this year and all other Improvements In and paid for. ' are 400 BEE) BUILDING. $2,400 WILL BUY, 5-ROOM MOD ERN COrTAGE, FURNACE, HOT WATER - HEAT, SCREEN S, HARDWOOD FLOORS, FULL BASEMENT, BUILT BY OWNER. ; WST SEli' ON& ACCOUNT OF HEAITrHrT TekBenoi460 OR - WRITE P. 0. BOX 404, ..u.'. BENSON. '. ;. SOME GOOD ONES i $2,100 . : Buy 2618 Franklin, a good T-room house, with bath, cement walk in front, paved treet, all paid for. Thl ta not a new house, but will make a dandy home for some one that know value when they see It Will easily rent tor , min ing good investment Near J4th and Brown, w have Just lilted a brand new (-room stnctiy rooa ern cottage, nice lot. lawn, cement walk, etc. If you are looking for a new hom worth th money, look at this. a LOT AND MUUBJV .ow. Near Hanacom Park and Field Club we have for sal, a T-room. VA story, well built cottage, all modern ex. heat, also good barn, shade trees, cement walks, two lot. 60x140 each. One being a cor ner; both street paved and paving all aid. Lata of room lor several - more ouses. ' BIRKETT & TEBBENS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. 43 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 754or A-1754.' Field Club . A splendid - a-room. thoroughly modern house; ' large living room, with fireplace; fine dining room and kitchen: four bed rooms; large attic; hot water heat. A fine . bny for $6,500. Lot 56 feet front, Dundee A now 7.rnntn. all modern house: has sun porch, sleeping porch, etc.; living and dining rooms finished in oak; oak floora up and down; corner lot; only 15.750, ; . ... A dandy 6-room, all modern, two story cottage; large living room 15x 26 ft., with fireplace: - .fine "porch; corner lot; only $5,150. : A fine north rrom ioi on spieuma street, only $1,850, , ; : , i; E. W. Stoltenberg 436 Board of Trade Bldg. .51,800 Cuming Street Lot - Near Trackage " - SixlSS, north front on Cuming St., hot ween 15th and 16th BtB.i trackage can he secured; lot next east cannot be bought for $4,000. Eastern owner makes above price for quick sale. . j. .' .;.h-y l-: - ' ,' The Byron Reed Go. Both "phones. ,12 South 17th St. Brick Flats R4.O0O, rnt ti.728; yearly leas and rent low; four apartments; on, of tno lui'Ul anil Ke hllllt flMtS In tRO City, permanent construction and a fe per cent net nvetment. s than fly blocks of our office and undoubtedly sum tit an InrrMsad value. I7.W0. tent 900; double brick flat two t-room apartment; aDout . yew ra, nn-nt 'thrMiffhnnt and rent reasonabl-. Owner very anxious to sell at once, needs the money; and tht l reauoea pn. - nr.nrrn rkai.TT STNIHCATBJ. Ult-22 City National. Phone Douglas am. BAVH COMMISSION ANP BUT, OF ' - n' OWNBR. - - Rlrht ' mnmi- aivhHV lot OD "BV treet and car line. All tx PJd an no Incumbrances. For further parttauars phone Webster Xm. - . REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY B-QR Ai,E on In this section of the city ia a Oak Chatham $475 to $700 Ames Avenue to Sprague ; 20th to 24th We are selling these lots for the Redick estate at bargain counter prices, less than they are worth.''1 ' ''i Fifty new, homes will be huilt, this year. ''". ' ' . . 20 Already Started . $20,000 :, , Worth1 of these lots sold in sixty days.'... r.:. Buy Where Others : Are Buying : : . , Salesman on the ground, 2 to 4 ' P. M. today. 7 .. " ' i ; Gome out and make a selection.. NORRIS & All Bargains " . $2,600 " . A new 6-room, all modern bungalow en Lake St., only short distance from Sher man Ave. car line. Easy terms can M secured. " - . . ' v..- w . s Aft 1 i $3,100 Just comnleted. a new t-room. all mod ern bungalow on 14th fit, near Spencer. Oak finish In all rooms except kitchen. A beautiful home at a moderate price, , $4,000 1630 S. 25th Ave.,- a new, (-room, all modern residence. - Oak finish downstairs; pine, white enameled, upstairs. - Rooms are large and well arranged, complete with fixtures, cement walks, yard sodded, etc Tou can pay down H00 balance In monthly payments like rent. $4,250 A "close In" home on 17th Ave.. Just north of Dodv 8t Six rooms and sleep. Ing porch. When completed will be all modern In every detail. $ Oak finish down stairs. : If you want to see a well built house look thl on over today. Only 1409 cash required, balance monthly. - v.. , $6,000 Buy a 9-roo'm, all modem' house In the Hanscom Park district, one of the finest residence locations In this -district Lot Is 100x186. "east front, on 82d Ave. Over looks Hanscom Park and a large part of Omaha. The lot alone 1 . worth SM00. There are S3 large shade tree on tt. $7,000 For aulck sale we offer a t-room. all modern residence on 83d Bt., west of Hanscom, Park. Houe is good as new. Hot water heat Barn or garage in rear. The Byron Reed Co. Both 'phone. 212 S. 17th 6t - $200 CASH 4-room house, large lot; Price 6650.00. , 4-R. house, gas. good location, close to ear; 11.450.00. 5-R. Mdr., near 30th' and Ohio Sti; pile, terms right. . t-R. strictly (ndr.,- laundry, bath en both floora, large lot; good location, close to car; an Ideal hom tor someone. Sac rifice price, 13,260.00. . 4 ACRES, a-R. house, barn, granary, chicken house, well improved, close in. Price $4,500.00. Will take vacant prop erty to value of $1,500.00. What have you: ' Want vacant lot for 1st class rooming house. " , '( a Grocery store, handling bakery, confec tionery; good location. Will take vacant lot or equity tn hous and lot in ex change. Price $1,000.00. Want Wisconsin land, prefer near Madi son, for strictly mdr. hom in Council Bluffs. ' Deuel & Hankinson 801 PAXTON BLK. DOUO. T7. 3- Rpom Bungalow 4- Room Bungalow v " - - ".. ' - with nice chicken hous and woven wire fence fof each property. Near' the new $85,000 school at Forty-second and Grand Av. Just th place for raising ohickn. Handy to good car service. The bunga lows are well built and can be bought on eaay terms; $1,500 buys th ' three-room bungalow; $1,750 buys th four-room bun. galow. Will be pleased to show either of these. .? SCOTT it HILL . Both phone. 8U7 McCagii Bldg Live in One Rent the Other On strictly modern, up-to-date J-roora and hall, pressed brick house; built In im;. large barn. .Would rent for $460 per year, trice. $4,500. One S-room frame douse modern except furnace, rented for $240 per year. Price $1,750. These two house and oarn are suuaieo on an east front lot. 67x1.0 feet, on Harney car line: Dircn ' v km. . n w..w - ww. v. w gether will take l.0w. . See us Monday if you warn m wjaiH. ; ' J H. Dumont & Son is. ''.La. . w . .. C - . . . . , , $175 CASH -NOBTH SIDE HILL High ground, near SSth and Pratt, beat view of north side, sooth front corner lot; big cherry tree, other shade, small barn, and very well built house. Ha 4 room and hall down, and 3 upstairs; not modern; plenty of lots close by to rent cheap; $175 cash, balance $15 per month. Include interest . - . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. ' : 101. Omaha Natl. .Doug, or A-21S3. Evenings: H. t?43 or H. 5X34. DUNDEE SPECIALS $3,700-PART TB1RM8 Mil Cau St;, choice location. I rooms, fee p. hall; 'mod ern square horn, full lot, good barn; treet paved, will submit offer. ' $3,500-010 N. 60th Ave.. S room, full lot; room for another cottage; owner leaving city, ' will aacrtflcr: owner an premise, will show you. or phone office. Doug. 147. 8unday and evenings K. H58. GEORGE MARSHALL, ' , S33 Board of Trade Bldg l-J- REAL ESTATE . ,-.., . ; . 1 " ' . . , , f ortta aide lots in Omaha. They are cheaper than any other lota In Omaha.. ura to make them double In talue In a " Newton . on the 'Prettiest Mile" $700 to $1,000 For large . lots . on ' Ogden street and the Florence Boulevard, east of 24th 'street.' These lots are selling rapidly. - , New Homes Are Being Built For $700 v Tou can get a lot on Ogden street, 5 0x15 0" feet," sewer," water, gas, cement- sidewalks and the street ordered pared. This la go ing to make a very fine residence street Don't overlook ft. MARTIN ' TUKEY FOUR MORE the northwest corner of 84th and Decatur, on block, from the 33d and- j Harney St. car line. Theee cottages are only four years olct tinted week and ttewly papered inside; they ever bad; small entry ball, living room, dining room and kitchen and two bed rooms, with hall and bath room; all front .east .v;rv ' v For this week we offer them as follows: ' . ' -if s':::;'l?;!;!:'i'v:: 1802 North 34th, 1804 North' 34th, 1806. North 34th, 1808 North 34th, On payments of $300 cash and Jb0tber.Jtlia .tenants,- but let us show you ihrougb. vrftelephonj and we will meet you. . i t;;. :.'. '. - . 5 ; :ry:.:-' 'A. R Tukey &$on Phone Douglai 2181. Wolfs Bargain Counter $2,300 s-room hom, comer lot, all la good repair, near O)ilo and Sherman Ave.; $300 calt $2,500-3 cottages, walking distance, on 20th St, near Charles; $250 cash. $3,BC0-$-tory brick flat, good rooming hous, 10 roort. 6 blocks from . post of flee; $300;' cash. K350-T-rooin new bojn on California and , 38th Bt; eornar lot. $4 00-10-room all modern home and full lot, on CaMfojrnia nar 30th Bt iiSwO-lO-room all in.dern, do In, corn. , lot, 21st and phicago St. $6,350-$ good housfa, rented tor $63 per month, on 17th St near California ikh. 4i St Terms. $7,3503 $-room hots and smaU cottage, rented for 9i par month, near Uth and Ca St. $14f75 ror 36H feet on 4th"Bt near Charles; good location. i Harry Wolf ' ! j 433 Brandei Bldg. Doug. 8068. A-3571 ' BEAUTIFUL CORNER -HOME IX BEMIS PARK Larg- reception hall, parlor, dining room, with full bay window finished in best of oak; kitchen and large pantry, with built-in cabinets, drawers, etc.; also rear entry for refrigerator all on first floor; open stairway from reception hall, which connect with stair from kitchen to Id floor, containing 4 elegant large bedrooms, one having bay window, fin ished in birch with maple floors, clos ets in all bedrooms and linen closet in ball; bath room and large sleeping porch; stairway to floored attic; combination llgnt fixture; full cemented cellar with outside entnnee, laundry sink; A-l fur nace;. hot and cold water and gas water heater; fruit cellar and coal bins, corner lot wtlh south and east fronts; paved streets, elegant shade tree and lawn; owner leaving city and ha eut price from $5,500. which It Is actually worth, to $4,800 for quick sale. This place was built by owner for a home and must be seen to be appreciated; only 1 block from car. Make an appointment with us to look this over, as it won't last long at thl price - BEMIS-CABLBERG CO. . W-3U Brandeis Theater. p..68S. Offer Wanted Nonresident owner says to get the best offer for his 250-ft. east front age, with a 7 and 10-room house, on J 7th Ave., north of Cuming. Here is a chance to make ye-nr own: price on close-la property. See me for particulars. , - J. .W, BOBBINS, SOLE AGT. iu- r&HniH Bt. 'PHONE a 5I. , .' FINE HOME 18!t tAthrop Street -Three year old. : Now vacant;,'. , ... go out and see it W. H. GATES 044 Omaha Kat'l Rank Bldg. - Phones Doug. 1294, Wafc-wS-w, REAL. ESTATE CITY PROPERTY TOR SALE. short time. . J Norwood On the V "Pettiest Mile" Large Lots .Low S750 to 51,000 . ... ' , . ..j.Lj Atiw.'i . j or large resiaence iota ia. -ui . beautiful addition. ' . - .1 24th Street . Is' to- be pared;, i Florence - Boulevard .to .: be . ma-, cadamlxed. Street Car Lin? f Will be extended to the east en trance to Miller Park. When this line is completed, there will he a scramble for lots in : ; ; i J.-rJ ? Norwood Because they are the cheapest high class residence lots offered for sale today. Only a few left Come out today. --1 DOUGLAS 70; BUYS 111 COTTAGES in ij 1& v.:-: are the best planned one we .haW $2,000 $1,850 $1,850 $1,900 .v. -.;'. the balance $20 per month; of Trad'C v; Charles Strei Hrsiicoc ' . a. Rap Of the seven . houses' bought last! week we hare sold four of them; the balance will go this week.' A sta'ail; gmount of cash and the balance aameu, as rent. They are six-room, all mbd-l ern houses except ' heat, for only? 11,500. and f 1,-00 each. See the ; today. These houses are located og the south - side of Charles, betweel' 17th and 2 8th. Mr. H. MMDahlef" who lives at 2727 Charles, will'' lvV you full Information 'about the pr'op A. Jr. l ukey oc oon 444-5 Board of Trade Bldg, 'Phone Doug. 2181. . On Lafayette Aye. Boulevard The beautlfal, strictly modern bungalow. at 3032 Lafayette Ave., with larg Uvtn room and dining room, t bed rooms an Hied bath, kitchen and pantry on -fir floor; 3 bed room on second floor; fu south front lot with natural forest tree paved street permanent walks, etc. Prlc(eal $5,700. Easy terms If desired. Thl la njae. a trading price, but the owner would tai per a good, well located vacant lot at Its cat value as part payment. It you wants t . -see this house today call at $643 Lafayettt for key. s.f,.t If this house doe not suit we have aa other beautiful 8-room house In the same neighborhood, with OOxlM feet of ground price fi,m, wnicn we would use to Jiao vou. . ' I H. Dumont & Son rhone Cuuia vm. iuu3 Fuinam-ht.- LARGE HOUSE.AND BARN $300 down, balance monthly. 4524 Charles St.. an t-room house, all modern except"' heat; large south front lot shade.. andT fruit trees, near Walnut Hill and Benson -car line. House has been decorated . throughout and is in excellent' condition. I This is your opportunity to stop . tha wasteful practice -of paying rent Start now and in a few years you. will own a home. Omaha is rapidly becoming i city of .horn owners. Start now and . av time and money. Price '$2,200, . 4; . , PAYNE & SLATER CO.", Sole Agents. . . - - ; Both Phones. 410 Omaha Nat. Bank BMg . . -TWO: SNAPS,; . For a few day only.-we ve offering a good four room house -and three big , lot at 36th Avenue and Gold, at $L50Q, The lota are easily worth $400 each. Also a big seven room .house and one ' large lot on the N. El Corner of Uth 4z Gold. Hous is. solid as a. rock. There . is a new well and cistern and tha city water only two block away. .iThl ptop -r erty I priced at $2,000.-which i very-", cheap. , ' . .- ' PAYNE INVESTMENT- ' COMPANY K 1 JL4 , t-KOOM BUNGALOW, All modern, oak finish, south front lot, block to car. Thl house Just completed.y. j Will sell zor ou casn. oaiance monteiy.'i Located in Jthe north part of city. . P. O. NIELSEN. " : ; 954 Omaha Nat l Back.-, -iB. .5131. " Selling XL r It i' VI i i' r l i L