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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1912)
V V .h4 - THE OMAHA SUNDAY WLE: JIMi JJ, 19i2. REAL tSTATE. . . REAL ESTATE - CITY I'HUIER'i Y F.Oll SALE v KKAL ESTATE riTV PKOrEKTV-'-Ull SALE ItfcAL KSTATL. CITY rnoPRIITV Vtui SM.K. cmr FRoreBTT for saib FEAL KSTATK CUTY PROPERTY FOR SALK. REAL ESTATE . CtlTY PROPERTY FOR SALE. lii!ROERTY pH HAS THE ENTRANCE vJ TO mm V mm 111 culiffef'1 " Up . i 131 North 35th Street.; . , Just Completed. sOpen for Inspection.- V, , The picture looks good but iu-vtc. nc uavc uwuaii H uixuuguuiu ,aua weininit H,1S r tistic. We have no patent on the pilan or the scheme of decora tion, and if you are going to build" use any of these ideas you like, On 35th St. north of Dodge Street in .that block of new homes. We have 4 east front iarnam car line. The price of tlnV house-is .$7,500. ' Harrison & kdrtoh 916 Omaha Nat'l. fioug.iki' ' " . - n,.r in iw"-- 1 s ?" 'la ffH " III! This beautiful fourteen room v modern - home in one of Omaha's best residence1 districts. : Will Itrade ; for , smaller houses or farm land. Telephone ;W.'L. Huuman, Douglas 10i8. This if- an exceptional opportunity for some person wanting a strictly up-to-date home in Omaha i f . t v STOP PAYING RENT i nn a out r Balance $30 Monthly ; Brand New Home, Never Occupied ONE BLOCK FEOM OMAHA'S PRETTIEST MILE THEEE BLOCKS NORTH OF KOUNTZE PARK NO. 4118 NORTH 21ST 5TREET Actually Worth $4,250 Our Price, $3,650 , . OPEN ALL DAY TOD'AY This home is full two stories, strictly modern, oak finished on first oor, pine, with maple floor, upstairs; collonade opening; fine dining room, eat den or Bewing room and handy d-back stairs; three good bed roo ms; screened-in- sleeping porch, -tiled th and plenty of closets on second floor; easy stairway to, store room attic; full cement basement, with, cellar, drain; cement walks, sodded rd, and screens; guaranteed furnace and guaranteed (plumbing; nifty tabulation light fixtures; large east front lot 43x124. V - - - - Well Built in This house is exceptionally well rial' used, i You could not build it The location is choice, near" car, omes are being built in this addition at it is of the very best. This home will be open all day any time. Make arrangements to anfireciated. ' And we are sure this For more information -pnone DY- 6210. i Attractive Country Homes i00ft-ror an almost new 7-room house, Btriotly - modern. This nouse is well built and Is finished in oak, with oak floor on first floor. Elec trlo light and gas and heated by ' hot water. There Is a floored attic with ample space to finish two more rooms. '.Good barn or - garage. The grounds consist 01 acres, well developed, with trees, . shrubbery and fruit. This place Is located ou the West Dodge St. paved road, only 4 miles west of the Omaha postoffice, and is one of the best propositions of Its kind, offered around Omahs. ' $14,000 For a 9-room, 2 story and attic, frame house, substantially built and completely modern; large living room, 25x15 feet; hot water , heat;- large porch. Eight lots with brubbery of all kinds. .- located . near Benson on paved road, near car line. This place' must be seen .to be appreciated. George & Company Phone Douglas 756 902-12 City Na. or A-17B8. Bank BIdg. BENSON ACREAGE A beautiful 6 1-10-acre tract, ' Just - a . mile 'west of Benson , all In ; alfalfa; very tightly building location. The owner Is diuposing of all his Interests in this locality and will seil right Kistler Realty Co. 304 McCague Bdg - - INVESTMENT BAXOAlN For M,a) i vou can buy nix modern briek hoi) 1 good repair, that will poY Inter houses, m oj $15,(100. Q. E. Turkington, W2 Bee L'ldg-. tfie house' itself will please?ybu lots left there; 2 blocks from the has large living, room 23x11, with with window seat; and plate rail; kitchen and refrlgef&tor room;-front Every Way- - built; nothing but lhe best of! ma- better if you had it ione yourself. church and school; Wer fifty new this summer.- Thfe sure is proof .-.-. v-i -.- today, or can be, seen by appointment see this, for it must be seen to be is a home you'will like. ' " UHAKLiHiS iuu, , OWNJSRv HAR Boulevard Park ' .":LotsV: V.;... Between 'Laird and Sahler Sts. and 20th St. Boulevard and Sherman Ave. , . :. ;:' j . .'. ' Since November.. 1st bf . last year, we have sold over twenty lots in this addition ana more than fifteen houses have been - built- since that time. . - : " ! I ;.: ,' ,. We have a few lots left ar original prices, which can be:bought on terms of 100 to $150 down, the balance 1 10, a month -and interest.- " We have. four lots left ott the boul evard and we have: choice lots on 19th St. Buy now and get the bene fit of the advance in pricei -Prices, $650 to $925. ; - . ; v- Payne & Slater; Co. - - - Sole AgenU, . ,4 1 ' 616 Omaha. National Bank-Bldg.' ' . - Both 'phones. 7 1 ' $6,750 " 7 Near;35th.& Farham Nine rooms, only two yeari old; large living room, with fireplace; built-in bookcases' and beamed ceil ings;' paneled 'dining room; fine kitchen, with built-in cabinets-, four large .rooms-on second floor;' two rooms -on thirds first floor iV oak with canvassed , vails; '.handldeco rated; second and, third n00 A in gum wood-and -white enamel; 4kiled bath room; toilet' in basement -A hot water neat, tuuiu iront lot 44vi9- l l. ..Ill 1 Jl. o, ARMSTJtQNG-FALSH 6 Tyler iowi?$iv south 17th Stl lliis put shows exterior of one of the finest 6-room homes in north part of city, being No. 3415 Sherman Ave. It is new and modern throughout, has sleeping oorch. enamel X T tile bath, tile vestibule, best oak finish throughout, front room is dV2Xi, witn open stairs, large lot 50x126, shade, permanent walks and paving all paid; can not be.duplicated for price asked; house was built for a particular party and no expense was spared in build mg. rnee !H,(xu. .treasonable erms. V " Telephone.owner, Web. 2263. Her Addition $10 Down, $5 Water Question Settled oodLotsGheao Thiis property lies each side of 32 d Ave., , between : Wright and Spring Sts.; paved street and street cars through the center of the addition. A petition is now being circulated in this" district asking the Water board to make thiB one of the first exten sions made after July 1. Prices range from, $360 to $450 for 50-foot lots. -.' , t - A. R Tukey & Son Salesman on tne grouna Monday and Tuesday from 3 to ,6 p. m. 7 444-5 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug.-2181. , Look Here Mn Renter! You now have no valid excuse for remaining in the rental clasB, when we offer you a nearly new- 8-room, all modern house in a district where everything is new and values increas ing .for $3,300, on terms of $300 cash, " the balance monthly. First floor has reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, bed room and bath: second floor four bed rooms and plenty of closets; combination lighting fixtures, furnace neat, large corner lot 50x120. - Look at 4101 North 19th St. ' Open today for in spection from 3 (0 6 p. m. Payne & Slater Co. soie Agents, 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Both 'phones. New 5-Room Bungalow 2852 Corby St. This is a well built, well arranged bungalow- of five rooms,- on a south front, 40-ft. lot, where many new houses are now being built. It is within one block of car line and two blocks of school and stores; house is beine nlcelv napered, has city water, ewer, , gas .electric light and hath. If you want to see a weii arrangea well built cottage you should be sure and look this over. The bouse win be open from 3 till 6 o'clock today. Terms, $500 cash, $24.75 a month, including interest. The owner might consider a small payment down to a good party. ; - Hastings- & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Best Bargains 21t and Howard, 8-room houe, only Tand George Ave.. -room house, only 12W No.'Sth St, 9-room house, 2,900. See me for other bargains. . . J. N. SNITZEB 9-ROOM houne. Kounte Place, on win St.. strictly modern, laundry ana cellar. Price, $4,600. McEACHRON B. E. CO. 20th and Lake. - 1 Tel. AVeo 1151. BEAUTIFUL BENSON . .HOME Not one tf these built In a day affairs, but a strictly modern, solidly constructed 8-room bungalow, built by the owner for a home about three years ago. His family has grown smaller and he wants a smaller place. Two large lots lull of fruit and well kept flower gardens go with th house. It Is certainly a beauti ful home. Price fiaa been reduced to $3,909. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Douglas 1781. ' - A-118g. ONLY $1,800 SIX-ROOM HOUSE, BATH AND GAS. - PAVED STREET, 18TH ft CORBY STS. . W. H. GATES, ' 644 OMAHA NAT'L BANK BLDG. PHONE DOUG. 1294. m New Cottage $3,350 41st Ave. and Burt Si.. , cathedral; five rooms. all mooVrn fin ished In beautiful oak. Kedrooms and bath in white enamel; full cemented basement, with Richardson x- furnace; laundry and floor drnin Kn closed to large attic. One-fourth "rh balance easy. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tel. Tylor 1531!. 50 S, i;t, St , Two Beautiful New Close in Homes .Located at 1B20-24 S. 2ith Ave. laJO has large living room ilmi,, mn.n extra large kitchen, nantrv uni ,iu entry on the first floor. Three excellent bedrooms and sleeping porch on the sec- Sfli.f ?T; Pow8ilr- X''ePt kitc hen, is finished In beat of oak. imwiji.. ..i. floora, white enamel finlshliiK with two panel birch mahogany doors. This house has everything in the way of beamed celling, panel walls, built-in bookcases, full size mirror doors, everything to make the house aHmrtlvo nuiiniu. ..- date In every respect, beautlfullly dec orated. It will be necessarv to mk, personal Inspection of this home to an- reciate same. House Is strli-tly modern 1 every way. first class mm.ri.i Workmanshio throuahoot. sitn.i east front lot. beautiful lawn, permanent steps and walk. Can nrram.. , vi.vuu uuwn ana oaianre monthly nv. 1 Ann j j iT" "" ment The owner will show you through this property at any time. 1524 has 6 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, large llvlntr room. ih,.!., . " t 1 - - j muuni 11 In every way. oak fliyshlnc duwnniptrn nicely decorated, situated east front lot. Yard Is niwiv ..h.i permanent steps and walks. Thi erty can be bought for $400 down and i. -i . . ; . " mm uaiance aoout inn nm mv.. tm. ir y tlracl,v two-story house, warning oistance from the retail district Js complete In Mrv "'i1' joo-ujt iu inuve into Without any farther expense. Get key next , door HASTINGS HETDKN. 1614 14 iii 1 arney St. T J i ln xueai nonage nome $500 Down Balance Monthly Owner, a. railroad man. baa hepn transferred to Denver and offers his new ana complete nome at cost. It naa 5 good-sized rooms on one floor, oesiaes bath, etc.; the living rooms are unisnea in wax-finished oak and artistically decorated. ; We . know that you will be pleased with , this property if you take the time to ex amine it. The lot is a corner, hav ing nne snaae trees, fruit trees and lawn j the plumbing and heating are nrst-ciass and guaranteed. Come out today and look at 3930 North 19th St. You will be convinced that this is the place to buy a home, be cause there is more development in tnis district than any other part of tne city and everything is new and uniform.' . ;. , t ; Payne & Slater Co; Sole Agents, 1 ' y 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , Both 'phones. A Good Investment Price, $9,500 Rental $1,152 a Year No. 2308-10 South 24th St.. a new. substantially built brick flat of four 6-room flats, renting at a very low rental and located in a good residence district, on 24th St. cross-town car line, where properties will advance; on paved street; paving all paid. The first floor, flats rent for $25 each and the second floor flats rent for $23 each, ft will pay you to look this over at once, as someone will get a good bargain. Can arrange terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St, "Prettiest Mile" Building Site 824x300 Just north of Fort St.,' facing east on the Florence Boulevard, we have most beautiful building site, with 4-room house and grand old shade trees, with all improvements in and paid for. It can be bought for $3,000. If you want a large ground on a fine boulevard, look at this. Our sign is on the lot. Norris & Martin Doug. 4270. 400 Bee Bldg. 31st Near Farriam Brand new, full two-story house; six large, well arranged rooms and large sleeping porch; oak and birch finish; tile and enameled bath room; house) modern in every way; full ce mented cellar; on fine lot. Homes and locations like this one are scarce. For full particulars see RASP BROS. 106 McCague Bldg. Doug.. 1653; A-2653. West Farnam Home We are Instructed to sell within next two weeks a beautiful 8-room, fully mod ern east front home in choicest part of West Farnam district, built by present owner by day s labor, quartered oak finish;' stairway and floor 1st floor; best enamel work 2d floor; attic floored and finished; fine trees and lawn; cement walks and steps; owner leaves Omaha July 1. This Is your opportunity; can be seen Sunday by Telephoning Harney 2352 for particulars. See Harrison& Morton m Omaha Kat'l Batik Uldg. IV 311. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME FOR SALE Eight rooms modern, hot , water heat; 4 large bed rooms; oak finish downstairs; house can fie seen any time after today. Call owner, Web ster 1125, at 1811 Wirt St. WEST FARNAM HOME Almoftt new "-room modern corner lot; paved streets; owner living In. property: wants to leave city; can be bought at bargain. Fhone Harney 11. . Glenn Is 3 blocks west of Krug Park. Take Benson car. Wait until you see sign; Watch for the entrance of concrete pillers with floral design between driveways. Lots from $350 to $450. $5 Cash FOR TODAY ONLY ' ; Glenn Park Addition Is right on the car line don't need conveyance to take you to it, but will have autos and carriages to drive you through the addition. Remember this beautiful addition is right In the central part of Benson; it'a right in the heart of a fine residence district. It's a place to start a home right now. You do not have to watt for, City Water, Lights, Grading, Concrete Walks, etc., they are here now. Prices Include all these improvements there are no extras. You get a complete abstract of title at once, without cost; When you have the lot paid for, will build a modern 5 or 6 room cottage or bungalow to your order, and it will be built right, too. The prices and terms named above are positively for today only; get'your lot today; this will not be made again. THE OPENING LAST SATURDAY AND SUNDAY WAS A SPLENDID SUCCESS. 62 OF THE 197 LOTS ARE SOLD, SALES AMOUNTING TO $34,875.00. . GLENN PARK IS ALL GOOD; ITS HIGH AND SIGHTLY WITH A BEAUTIFUL VIEW. SEE GLENN PARK TODAY. TAKE THE CAR RIGHT NOW, AND COME EARLY. ; 7 v V.'?.' F. S. TRULLINGER, Benson . .PHONES BENSON 122 AND 202. ; . - ACREAGE SNAPS. 20 acres. 2' miles north of Florence; 7-room house, new chicken house, new bsrn, 30x 40; good well, cl tern, spring water and - lots of ' fruit; 300 apple trees. 100 plum trees, 1(0 peach trees, M pear trees, all bearing; two acres blackber ries. 2 acres Of black and red rasp berries, 1 acre strav.-berrles. 1 si'ie gropes, 100 bushes of goose berries. 78 bushes of red and white currants, 200 bushes of asparagus. li acres hi alfalfa. 1 acre In tim othy hay, 3 or 4 acres of plow land. Price. JS.5O0. . 6 acres In Benson, 8-room house, 1 acre In fruit: easy terms. Price, $6,600., S acres. Improved, In Florence Uelghtsi a fine place for a suburban home; high and sightly, overlooking the river and the surrounding country. , Price, $2,750. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY, 1506 Farnam St. , Tels: Tyler 1024, Ind. A-3313. 6 Brick Flats Income $1,400 Price $9,500 There are six of themwith seven rooms each, modern except elec tricity, rented for 20 per month; only one is vacant. The building in fair shape; the walls are sound, roof tight, plumbing in good condition and the rent is very low. Would bring $26 each if put in "apple pie order. These houses are located on a paved street ,one block from car line and are much better than the price would indicate. Eastern owner says sell. See us Monday if jou want a bargain. Three Fine New Houses No. 20th St. Blvd. ; Each $4,000 Terms Easy We have Just finished three fine mod ern home located on the "t""' 20th St. boulevard, each having large liv ing room and dining room 'lnlshdJ" oak. kitchen with built-in cupboards, three bedrooms and sleeping porch, car ton furnaces; best of plumD ng; menu; laundry na; nne Jestlc maple shade trees; no Pv'n nay on boulevard; locality where values are Increasing; more building inn part of city; close to Omaha s best park, considering natural advantages only - a short street car ride from heart : of bust ness district on two quick line: n& location in um -v; ter homes for people in ""J cumstances. Our terms are within reach of your pocket and we make It possible for you to abandon the wasteful rent hTwo week, ago we had six of these house, for sate. Three , haw been , so I to people who have looked the city ovfcr. Come, out today between snd p. m. and examine KM. KM na 4117 ' 20,11 St. Blvd. Payne & Slater Company . Role Agents. ,. ,.' Both phones. 618 Omaha Nat DEAN PLACE Only one lot left In this beautiful addl- Including paving. Served by both East . . . . i . .ii n 1 a arm ill nu ' nil WhI Side Park car linea South front on PODDleton Ave., betwen ParK Ave. and 30th Ave. rn ' "- , . ... $1,850 to-'$1,600. Adjoining within 60 days for $2,750. Only one block from Hanscom Park. . .. Many fine homes ere nu here. . . , . . Lmrm Terms, cash, oaiancc i. - - W. Farnam Smith & Co. V SOLE AGENTS, H. M. Christie, Mgr. liesi r-ww 1321 f'AKM" -Tel. Poug. 1064-lnd. A-10ft4. $1,000 Cash Balance Monthly New, seven-room modern house, lot 40x128 ft., one block irora awuu 24th St. car line. Price, ?4,2o0. I HDumont &Soh; i'titmo mh. iMi faruaiu c." Fort RAI.K bv owner, brsnd new, rtrictly modern -room house $2,800. 14 Corby St. Call Webster iw aner p. m. Park Addition $5 Per Month Marian Park Addition On both sides of Bellevue car line, between Bellevue and South Omaha. Go down this afternoon salesmen on the ground at Marian Park sta tion. , , , Dest and cheapest of any suburban acreage offered. " , , Size of tracts from 1 acrea up. Ideal for country homes, garden-, ing. fruit, chickens .etc. Part of it covered with large oak trees and fine blue grss sod. Prices from 150 per acre up. . , Easy Terms Go today and make your selection. Several tracts sold and lots of others figuring. r.CT'-i.H .,. D. V. SHOLESCO. 913 1 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. , : Tels.;.!;Doug. 49; ; lnd.v A-204T9. A. W. JONES & CO. 513 North 24tn St., South Omaha. : :: Tel. South 683. Two Strictly Modern Homes in First Class Location One 8 rooms and sleeping porch. One 7 rooms and sleeping porch. Good cellars. Al furnaces, best of plumbing and bath room fixtures; hot and cold water connections, com bination gas and electric fixtures; all special taxes, grading, paving and sewer paid. These houses can be bought at their actual cost on terms to suit purchaser, Owners will be on the premises on A St., between 35th and 36th Sts., South Omaha, between 8 and 6 p. m., Sunday, June 33, when premises wil! be open for inspection. Phones; So. 1037, or So. 1981. BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL AMONG THE' SHADE '. TREES . New, strictly modern, six-room bunga low, having vestibule, den, parlor, dlnlntf room and kitchen on the first floor. Par lor has beamed celling, also bookcase In pedestal: dining room has beamed ceiling, plate rail, panelled walls, bulit-in buffet, ehlna cabinet In pedestal; vestibule, den. parlor and dining room finished In oak; ?ood-slsed kitchen with pantry and entry or refrigerator. Upstair, room consist of two good xtaed bed room, and complete bath room with Imitation tile. Iarge. roomy porch. Thla bungalow Is very attractive both Inside and out and h built of first-class material, and by skilled mechanics. Fine shade, east front lot, convenient to car, close to school, In good neighborhood. Can be bought on easy terms. ' SCOTT A HILL . Both phones. 307 McCague Bldg Business Chance ONE of the oldest and best located job printing plants in Omaha, for sale at a discount of 25 per. cent. This is an ideal opportunity for . a younger man; it is the best located, has best class of patronage and will command the best prices. . Reasona ble terms can be secured by . pur chaser. If you are interested, .see the " . : Kistler Realty Co. 304 McCague Bldg. Three Rbom Cottage Free At 815 South 28th St., lot 56x140; paving paid. Would be a bargain at the price if vacant 11,500; . 3500 cash will handle. , ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1536. 210 South 17th St. TTiEVV COTTAGE EASY TERMS. Jut as. modern and Just as nice as tt could be made and on very easy terms to a party with good references. , Call Owner, Webster 123. ' 12 PER CENT ..:.; fouhl brick bungalow flats. Rent. $72.30 prr mo. Price, $,.- .IKFF W. BKDFOftO SON. -SU Brandcl. Theater. Tyler 13il. Well Located: Resi dences at Moderate PHces $3,7o0 For a new 8-room, modern house, located near 26th and Fort St.. Combination electric and gas fix turaa. hard pine finish throughout, well built. Immediate Doaaesalon. $3,S00 For 8 good 6-room modern houses. , , Located l block from iota ana Hamilton Sts. Close to . the car line; always rented, now bringing In $480 a year. Only $700 down, balance $25 a montn. . . ' $4,009-For a new 2-story, 7-room, strictly . . tnoaern house, on. 24th. bu, near Miller Park, oak finish on first floor; large sleeping porch; decor- ated throughout: , only $600 down and $40.20 a month to purchase this house. Investigate. " ' $4,150 Now S-room bungalow In Kounte . . Place, located on corner lot, paved ' street, 1 block from the car line,. Thla bungalow ha a large living, room with mantel and grate; built in bookcase, stationery settee and beamed ceilings, panelled dining room, built-in buffet, decorated and finished In oak; t bedrooms and bath on aecond floor. $4,So-Two-ory modern house, located . near tpe Omaha university; con venient to the car line. This house has I rooms and reception hall, ' decorated throughout and In ex- oellent repair.- Immediate posses ' alon. i , .' . $5,200 Eight-room strictly modern, 1-story , houM, In eaoettent . condition. , t decorated throughout; 4 bed rooms :. ana bath on second 4 floor -.stair way to floored attic, rpff f'nlf.- , on first Jloor:rrEyTn thfeW7 ; " paving paid, focated on Blnneyi ' Kt., near Sherman Ave. 1 $6,300-For a well built ( i-story modern '.house on corner lot, near 24tli and Manderson SU. This house , haa T rooms, finished in selected oak, with oak- floor.; hot water heat; large cement porch! well built and in excellent condition. $7,600-2001 Bt. Mary'. Ave. This Is a 19- room strictly modern, . frame house, ,x with two-large rooms finished oil' the third floor; oak finish on first floor; four large attractive bed . room, on second floor, decorated throughout. Lot 66x107 ft. Paving paid. Walking distance. . George : & Company . Phone Douglas 758 or A-I166. 903-12-Clty Nafl Bank Bldg.' A Beautiful New , Home on Florence- Boulevard This 1. a' very attractve, well 'con structed, conveniently arranged, new, up-to-date, jtrlctly modern, 2-story, square house, having large reception hail, . Hy ing room, dining room with panelled walla and plate rail and extension win dow with stationary Mat, complete pan try, kitchen and large rear ve.tibule, plastered with Keen cement,- all fin ished In oak except kitchen, with sand finished walls, beautifully decorated In flat oil.,. on the first floor; 4 attractive bedrooms and complete bathroom, with pedestal lavatory, vitrous china flush tank, all finished In white enamel with mahogany doors and glass door knobs; all bearoome and upstair, hall beautifully decorated with the most expensive paper; oak floors in every room in the house; expensive brushed bras, combination lighting fixtures. Shade. ' and curtain rod. to all windows. Full cemented base ment with laundry, hot and cold water and sewer connection. A first class fur nace. Double floor, throughout. Thta house is a. welt built aa it-Is possible to construct It and must be seen to be appreciated. East front lot, 44xltt ft., with fine sodded yaad, 8-foot , cement walk In street and 4-foot cement walk In front of house. Price $5,000, which is cheap for this claw of property. Very reasonable terms. Investigate at once if you want a good home at a right price, in a new and coming neighborhood. No. 610$ Florence Blvd. GEORGE & COMPANY Phone D. 786 or 'A-UStV, : 902-13 City Nafl Bank Bldg. ' , CONDON PLACE We have with consent. of the owner ad justed the torms on this splendid prop-' erty. making it possible to secure a con tract for only $10 CASH, and the balance $5 PER MONTH. Only half block from Cross Town car. line. - Convenient to work in both Omaha or South Omaha. Our prices are low, ranging from $l7i tO $660. -. '."i ; . ' - Lot. are large, having a depth of 153 feet. : . -. ". ' Sewer, water and gas In front of them. All lots to grade. Value, are sure to in crease here. , , . Watch Omaha Grow. '. Profit by Its growth by purchasing a lot In Condon Place. t ... -. . W. Farnam Smith & Co. . SOLE AGENTS. H. M. Christie, Mgr. Real Estate Det. . . 1320 FARNAM ST. . Tel. "Doug. 10H4-Ind. A-1064. . GROUND FOR GARDENING Six acres garden latidd; 'part old rivui bottom. adjoining Carter Park. Fine for pigs, rioii biack soil,, 40 acres raised S.w) bushels corn. .. Also cantaloups, cucum bers, sweet potatoes, etc. -Also S4 arir-s with running water. See tis at once. Not , too late yet. Go and see for yourself. We will show you. , Remeber Charlsew Heights and otN- addition, round about that, beautiful Na tional Park, Fort umana. ; CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. 101 S. 16th, Corner Podge. Street Flo Insurance, Rentals, Leans, -bstra-',, fi sr. I ..I r