Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 18
!. Naeaaa.ea.l I - PklsV it flu VI Wb 3 mm inn i' MP i 1 mm!r3!Xj3&(&LiCf'Mi 'mtmrf i r an ......... mm! ........... B 1 r-' jMrij- ::::::: U I 1:: b ::;::: ":Y ::::3 l V V N (if:; d:::: :J VU ::::3 eH?;:::::::::? fsi V t:::::;::.::H IV K I t::;:": 11 f V.' ::? ":1 : t I 6 J :1 :::::l 'i f-'&": Js;in ::a3 . c A i;:::H:::::lv M "! w i' R !S3 -"V jr.:::::A : Women's Novelty ""hand "bags' In' tapeBtrr. vel vet, suedVMal and wnlrorand im ported beads; beautiful vsmodela; daintily decorated add modestly plain; each enei thin? of beauty i Framed -Pictures! at 20;Discount Our entire line of framed pic tures is placed inthis;great clearance i event ;at 20 6tt the regular fignres.:Thsy aTe. beautiful pictures; the frame are net the cheap, manufactured kind, but are, constructed In-our frame craft shop by : experienced : work men to your own .order. -Bring.! your pictures and we will ; put. them in the - frames without charge. All frames discounted. 20; .. ....... per vcui, . . . j , ! i 1 1 n ! m v Pi '"-am , m m mm:-. Never Ibdfore in the history of the id such an event as ikis tak&i place, when a ha milliontdollarworthofireputaBle and'depen woHd-anH we are frank to say that :hastieen;a suceessHrom everypoint o everlknew; we Shave started ithe jfoundation;rfw you will Praserae Ihese Iritire iwo Ba :at Ribbons and H and 5-inch ?Tafetta;Mes saline and Iresden ribbons; : all shades;: 25c, 35c and 50c values, per yard, ' 15c. various 'desirable ' Shades; . 50e value,: yard, 10c. I 5 and '6 inch taff eU, Ms; saline,' Moire and Dresden rifebons 50c and 75c values per yard, 21c;, - - " White Goods. Linens and Domestics Xiuv atsortaoent or apjtm, zipezi men size- all pure linen; partkralarly good tot hotel and refrtmrant grout -has g-lm for any onsei"vttve buyer; . la.oB valu- At a dozen $1.93. . . , - xeretrlMd tall Unea, extra Heavy gradi Aborted paittrh'a In TI-taoB a1le Damask extraordinary qualities heavy weisht: twenty-five pieces tn the lot and each of them of such quality that It would grace any home; fl.25 aual.Hy at 8Se. isisi-tnoh Bamacia napiua to match th 72-lnch table Biataifrtata; th$ assortment his alwaya sM at, I3.S0- a4 it will astound hardened bargain huhtere because ef ta immense vahie at our Monday price otf 'One dozen for $8.4," ' . . I Uifr 4umsit watte gomta that have been salHngv'foT. no leas than i9 ta O cents a yard are bow reduced to sueh; a ' level that all will tearvel at the aTvingr ot Buch values. Sale price here er yard lie. - Vattera table etotfcev 72Tt0-lnch siie, in a i nuner ef round and square designs; Just 'Full of treat value and nr endorttis !qualits; were szs; eaen now a.o. t. -fy ''"ffr- ' ....i',i. .in. ,iwrniwwiww better than the usual quality for the regu i.r nrfc of 15cr rar yard, now 49c 1 n full oi 7C tun B.ndl white; resemble wool very much, Wear'very long;; $2.09 quality.-'per pair IM. Olaraams, 27-tnch; all the finest 'domestic winghams that were sold up to 15c a yard. &4 seamed bed betai famous for their ltv wearing qtiaUtkw; 8c vnixx at 830. 3S-i3ioh allkoUnesi all the latest and most desirable patterns; a; great bargaiti; 12H H1A a var1 ftXfl. 1 i ' - Vnl its cottoa blAti kete, mlue, 91.19 jus. ivwvTirririnrai vii-iri- r . Hew Conceits Wool leader value- vW WA ving,. quality of workmanship arid material arid style-mot S5-! ifc:vivk " 2 i Uil haphazard stoclc bought m haphazard way-but a Stock WttSfl UOCIrlQe P l if hijJThe: Bennett ciothiilg:-store was; the : acknowledged Imt "Wilffoi 'Omaha's clothing : business I in the matter of :'iuJWjf .. -i 'jj ..i.--!-1 i - Material Entii Up ito $15 Walucss Vp to $25 Values ? i .The .Bennett : famous $15.00 suits 1 are 1 included in . this 7 big assortment at $7.50--suits that were the standard of value-givf ing in Omaha. Every color and style; peculiar to the 1912 spring and summer seasons as Vell as models- for men of more conscrf vative tastes,- are here for your choostog. Every.suit is . strictly ALL WOOL AND HAND TAILORED In every part. All stses and.etyles for .men' and young men. ' Not" a" "man"1 who' comes' to the store .this weekneed leave t it without being fitted in this $10.00 line. There t are! two and ' three button styles in f fancy ;.weave$ and V patterns alongside of the staple blues and,; flacks (. fiffice men and those inclined to jqmet effects will want..-Each and every su i t i s GUARANTEED ALL V00L--as are all of, the suits In the Bennett stock. ,A11 sizes for men and young-men. , , , ; 3, At! V. vV-.'-.'' bargaiJis will command firstatteniioc . ti.. nti. ' Tiino om ailVs in this sale f or every 't)urk WBJViUl . JL LXJ V, uV'.". W-i EVERY SILK iANT. MAY BE SUPPLES t Four big lots have been arranged for this week s s thR first week's sale, and which will' induce still g. Each lot is extremely liberal in number of weaves it opening of the store, be here m time to secure the a has been provided thatyou may oe server quicKiy, 'A Ldt,One--Vs(lues np to $1.00 at, the yard, 29c T,dt Twb-Values tip to $1.00 at, the yard, 39c Two Shirtsjforthe Price ofOne Thoyr MaSe ito Satisfy Particular Jin In each lineluid at each price you will f irid all of Mus newest 'stylea. and colorings! of : the sprhigand-sinnmer season-coat styles vwith French or sof t . cuff s , an with 86ft '3ollaM to taatcKi or without. 'B uy fore future as well as present needs. M WMkjjto $2Oivdi 'Lot 'TwoUpifyj lyiS&ifaes vdf l:8e9c i tot I ; iLss yTheDorothy.Dodd-hoe.i8..a"bargain,iat the -orig-, mai price; triat-l3"a'raerth&t cannot! be contro-v verted by any s&ofr man anywhere. . And a! DorothytDodd lowj i , ; ,,.,,,,yvu;.,, Men's Uniler wear r Men's shirts and drawers, worth up to . 50c Der carment .' .1 t.xVlcfS Mi Chbtiy Bros Foulardi line 'Of color eeanDjnauous auu,paw.tuu umi win uc lufiicoii. bite, stanle.shades andicolors peculiar ilVUl .uiviuuui " ' 7 jr - , . 3 Men's 'shirts and drawers; worth up to' Men's union suits, Bennett's priced at $2.00, to Iclose t.i . . . . . . , UiU5 3 Union suits that are considered extra good values at $10, while theyf last, per suit. v . . .89c Men's union suits worth"ir.00,. at . ... . . . 6c Good quality 75c anion-suits are sow marked : C down to ........................... .45c Si shoe "cut from!,$3, $1.9S is o much greater valne than a 'bargain'thatrwe! have These shoes are made in patent arid hIT leathers and sell :- at thia big cut f orMondaj nnly. ; Carfoot i IMisses J CnHals " TThesesandalsv are m&evin tan and 'Knssia leather, and are the delight " of children every where. HT his cut T price is forl Mondgy only; $1.25 values at, the pair ; - . . lightSaiiil Sturdy Wash Goods Reductions in the wash goods department are of such startling hugeness thafc.tfoiie 1n:iU;tO;immeaiately;recogiiize : the im mense bargains that ai to-be offered herewith the opening of the third week of tms tremenaous clearance avaiamuw, mu has swept all-other attempts at clean-ups into the history of mere crudity. Read these ffew bargains: 9.7.ln colored Ottomans: wwtli I 27-in. silk striped voile; 50o 50c, the yard. I. 35c ; quality, the yard. . v. . . .35c 07ii RrWrtrf .vtv' 29e anal. 27-in. siUt swined voue sac ity.Uielyard-. , . . : .... .19c Striped mbroeT'd 'Swiss; "89c .quality, the . Jard . . . . . loc quality, the yard. ..... .25c Cotton foulard; worth 25c : the yard ........ . .'. . . .15c Figured cotton voiles; 25c quality, the yard..... . .He Driess . Extrat J ya will fin cf al 'bargain BUinngs, coicrfe batistes, seir-ecs doaens of 'otk In creams, ' staj shades thatai 1.B0 and ! BOdnchesdwide1 IPumps ; More t than 500 misses' sand dul-i dreh' pranps in gun-j metal and patent leather t are deeplv reduced ior.immed iate clearancePrices were$20j$2J5 and $3.00; now ' "tlMOT, i" i i Uiill-piai'lMii y ... ...rfWlvL ' - S8 j V Long wearing models .in -Hi fiC; :WMrt' W and.' patent colt v leather txi Vtr;aa WBIca own seling at 3 $3.60; and ...f3o . .'." ...Ma r 4BiBett's Capitol coffee, lb 9c imrii !!, lb. . IE. 1 C lu I L . ww W .Allliillr JU. ........... 10c ran Fe r IS He cm B. C Country O.nUonaa cern So 10 bare Beat -Em-All seap ........ e quaUty, bulk cocoa, lb. aoo Mb. pkr Bemieu s Gapital oat or wheal Si Full cream cheese, lb. ........ ts I bare Cry etafv White soap f" as I doeen pkta waehfng crystal ...,i!iae H'lb. .can' Van Heuton'a coowa . . . ..V38o S5e tall anvBataia aeparairua tips Special quality Jap rice. lb. ......;.6e -lb. can Sntder's pork and bean ....lie I6c bottle fintder'a '-chile sauce . . , . soo 80c can Oalltard's pare olive oil . ....;3So 1 le cana Battett's potaah for :I5e t-lb..aclt Queen of Fantry pastry flour t tl.l He pint bottle Slue Label catsup io Startling Dinneirw're Reductions v Every home finds a frequent need for one or two-new pieces of dinnerware. fhis sale permits you to buy just aa many pieces as you desire-one or an entire set; and all is the" finest quality in the most beautiful of patterns. These nrices are cut in manv, cases one-third,rbut inmost cases are halved. All open stock. 5 All of the fallowing sets are composed of 10a pieces S JKOO Havilaud dinner set . . . . . . . . . . $107.00 2i n0"'' Unnep et' V:'S 60.00 J,y"tCdi"ner . 67.00 9115.00 Pouyat dinner set. . 77.00 J-60.00 Haviland dinner set .-.$ 40.00 a 50.00 Haviland dinner set . . . . . . . k "$ .' 37,35 88.00 Kdward Boot. -dinner set. . . 195 S7.B9 Lowestwpf 1'heasant dinner seti$ .'25.00 f 40)0 llooth Silicon dinner set .... . $ I 20.00 83.95. ItoJal Menthone dinner set. . . 15.971 $ 18.50 Blue Canton dinner sets. . . . 9,25 $ 1.00 St. Regers dinner sets.. . . . , 10.50 i 35.00 liouvre white and gold dinner , ; et8 . . , . . ... i . . .,$.:23.'93 ; IHand-Paxnted China TwoThirds-Off 1 Tht hand painted fcbina department : includes the famous J. H. Stout- fer'a genuine painted china, consisting of salad and chop' dishes, vases, plates, cups, saucers, tteina, etc.-all are now twothirds off. ; : , - : ' There also la a $3,000 stock bt hand painted vthtna bargains which will be sold at a' third of the actual value. $60.00 pieces t 20.00. $0.00 pleeea at f2.C0 and $1.50 nieces at 50c. . , . , . , . 'More than 150 Japanese China vases, In -majny ahapesiand alsesr val-: ued from $1.60 to $13.00, at hal price. , . ; " . ' s , : tChina More than 5 0 0 pieces of beautiful fancy china; vases, lalad dishes, ; um brella .'Jars, -tobacco lars, rstelns, cake :plates, -etc$2 5 to $5 -values, at, :C1.00 Clearing Wit In e Lar gest trta The Prices Should firing Every Book lover Within an Hundred Wholesale Cost Isn't an Vnusua Harrison Fisher and Christy : : Harrison Fisher's a n d Christy's "Book of Sweet hearts," beautifully illus trated In colors. : $3.0ft value; closing tout price.. . . . . ; Electric Lamps - Great Taloes -in electric- and gas lamps, are :prcentedT in this great sale." They were $3 and- $25, and now are Just half price. iBrass 'Goods ' MoTe than TS pieces f brass goods ; -candle, sticks, fern dishes, jardl-5 niere vases,: etc-were; 1 1' to $3.50 ; now priced at 50c andf $1. - ' 50c i if ' ;'IK I,'.: . , . :La-S;-';; Cook Books ' The" 'frratest . .'Mttprican cook : b oak closing out at . ' 'TZFir ach . . ... .' .".i. . VJf-tiJ 'mm 'iFEb a i - k-l NDV CENSUS ATLAS OFTHEVVORIJ) WtTORtAi. ;'. ' : 5. BESCSlP7tVg MSscellanefDtis Books. 10c Newer bigger or better book ftftr-f-atns j than ' those, published at 66c, they Use 1h 4be Omaha Jobbing hoaaea,- at lttc-wboleaale. Our pries, loo. We mention but a few 4iUa : "ljora- Doohe,r - "Lucy ' Arlyn,", "Man In the Iron' Mask," "Mill on the Floss," "The .J&in later s , Wooing," "Mosses from an .Old Manae,". "Mots Sfci,' '1V- Barnes of Nesr tork." Nicholas ; Mcklefey, '"Old Curiosity Bhop," OJiver ; Twist." : vpbfllls, ''Plcltwlck . Papers," . "Pretty , Polly tttinerton "prince Charlie's De,BBhtr," tAaam : Bde 2 "Barnaby Rudge." "lacit "Besaoty ' "Broken Wedding King," 'Gamllle," "Charles O'Malley," Countess of Mont Crls to,". "David CoppernBld," ""Dombey and Sob." ') .Deane," '"Dora Thorne," ; 'Tlhas -Brtaiarmer Boy, " "Dake'S Secret' ''DynamltTa.,, '-'East Lyane," "Egyptfttn TPrlneess," '"Eve lyn's Felly," "Parmer-Holt's Daught ers "Father ' rht Hopes," 'fellx H"olt" "Firm 61 Olrdlestono." "First Violin," "Honda. nchantmit." "Guy Manning," -The, Heart -of Tilaiothlan, ,fc '-'HJeiress of CaaUe -CUf t." vte. ; Boys Books 1 .' ."TThe famous "Alger" and . "Heaty" books,, closing out price, Ito. Fhe. famwus 0c bays books oy jBtephens, Trowbridge. - Castteman, ComiK OMs. land :tker 'nthors,-los-tag out price. Ua , . ; . "Tb Aeroelane,1" "Tha ' Motor Boys," "Tlia Rover Boys," too well known to we4-ary further -flescrlp-tion, 76c ook oiostog out rlce, 3So, A splendid ewrJea of boya books, all on one table, Funning -as high as per volume; closing oat at Ke. NewCen sus Atlas Bennett'a 2.50 Kew Cenaua Atlas, t closing out, at- $1.25 tka'Onat Has- X-i e in beautifully u. luatrated - ' color, 7lc-"fdl- t t-a-a . ctoslag eut -price - -i , Children's Books , Everybody is acquainted with the Bennett's juvenile book section. Theije have been divided Into several great lots to be sold at the following prices: Lot 1 iA .great selection of the trlnclpal ;tltlea--"The Three Bears," 'The -Three Little Kittens," "Jack the Ciant Killer," "Peter ' Rabbit," "Bed Riding Hood.. "Black Sanvbo," "Oulnn's Fairy Tales," "Andersen's Fairy Tales." Bennett'a price up to i6c, sale price 5c, ' Lot 2-. Hundreds of familiar as well as beautiful picture and story nooks; large ptcture books; and linen books, ail in this great tot, at one price. Bennett's prices to SOc; closing out price lOo. ' , ' . Fainting Sooks Bennett's - BOo painting book, closing out "price, 89. Bennett's 75c painting books, clos ing out price, 49o. . . One great lot of our best and most adaptable books for children, In one assortment, at 1-3 off. . .. Girls Books "Auht ' Jane's Nieces," 'Abroad,' "At Home in Society." etc., 78c vol umes, closing out price, 39a. "The Five Little Peppers," Series, A ) Mark Twain VI Works About 40 . vols, of Mark Twain's works, formerly priced oy Ben- V nett's t $125.1 Closing oat price, I 49c Diction- ' aries - - Dictionaries 1 2 printed on goosM paper, Bennett's former price fl. closing ou price v 30c i W" 1 TK. Rlnla" books S90. ' . 680 popular, girl s books, by Meade Carey and other famous authors, 5 Op voiarres. dosing oat price, 19e. -' "Little Prudy" oooks. special, 15a. "Standard Books Letter Wrlters--Booka on Etiquette, "Religion, Grammars, on Sex Problems,. Amusements, Dictionaries, etc, all matted down. Every set has been reduced to away below list Only a few left - : - ' Kipling's" Works ; $1.50 edition 'Kipling's works, , clos ing ont price, ' 90c i . WVS-VWWWVW, . M . I. ... ,1 ..... Wm AND HARNE1T STREETS !