Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 14

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Society Will Indulge in Pyrtteclnrics
OsMhaas Are Delay a. Great; Deal
f 6atertataLnAY Gaeata Com- .
,' .,la Here from J Far
" ' . aaa Near. V,
' Sotfal Caeadar.
MONDAY Golden wedding celebration
dinner at Hotel Loyal and reception
and. dance at Metropolitan building of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Seligsohn; wedding of
'Miss Winifred Terry and Mr. Clyde
Burdette Tryon; Players' elub meeting
at JUtRs Kimball; cnnarena matinee
' dance at Field club: Miss Nell Encell;
. afternoon bridge for Mia Alma Ested
of Kansas city.
TUESDAY Wedding1 of Miss Irene Kese
Jer and Mr. Morris Bennett; Mrs. John
A..McShan, luncheon for Mrs. James
Vlles ef Chicago; table d'hote dinner
and dance at Happy iionow ana Kod
and Ourt crabs.
WEDNESDAY Mrs. J. A. Monroe and
Miss Elder, luncheon at Field club; Mrs,
Will Hampton, meetmff of w. W. club;
wedding of Mr. J- E. Baum, Jr., and
i Mtas Gertrude Fitzgerald in cnicago
table d'hote dinner and dance at Coun-
"try and Field clubs; Columbian circle,
card . party; Mrs. Mark Cavanagh,
hrfrfse luncheon for Miss Ed
THCRSDAYLadles' day at Field and
Happy Hollow dub.
FRIDAY-Entertainment by young
nn of First Christian churen; Mrs.
William Moran, afternoon bridge for
SATLBDAY-Tabl d'hote dinners and
dance Country, Field, Happy Hollow
ad Rod and Gun ciuos; weaaing 01
Mr,. Frank" J. Coad and MisS Irene Dyer
Already the club ars planning their
Fourth of July celebrations and the out-
loo: h that, Independence day will be a
llv5y oiia fof., society people. The Country
cluVfltt h?e display of firework fol
lowing a table d'hote dinner and dance.
It will"-beon the lawn east of tha
veranda, 'Tha day will be further en
livened witft a golf tournament-
The Field and Happy Hollow cluba will
not have firework displays this year, but
eacB will nave a special table d'hote din
ner and1 dance fat the evening. The Field
club wtl have a band concert to play
classical, popular and patrlotlo aire from
I td o'clock la the afternoon, and a golf
match from ja to t o'clock. , . ... '
The' Rod and Gun club I planning an
elaborate pyrotechnic! display. The, sky
rocket, 'Roman candles and other fire
work! wilt be sent off from a floating
dock In the mlddfe of the lake and seats
will be provided on. the shore for spaa
.. tators. Aquatto and field eporta will
1 continue ail day and evening and there
i will be a table d'hote dinner and dance,
. Back to Omaha Home
Mrs. Martin 8axe of New York City has Prairie Pax ton, and ther mother, Mrs.
opened her beautiful home at Fatracres George Short of Cleveland,, will spend the
and with Mr. Baxe, her daughter, Miss summer there. ) '
; ' Omahan are doing a good deal of en
tertainlng this summer. Many young
women n& matron and even several
, young men are, of Ijfave been or are going
; to be. guests In Omaha home. Mies
Gertrude- McCarthy, daughter of Major
and Mrs, Daniel McCarthy of Chicago,
formerly of Omaha, where the major was
quartermaster of the Department of the
.. Missouri, will arrive this week to visit
' MUs Marion Kuhn. Mis Martha Dal
man of SU Joseph 1 the guest of Mis
Margery McCord Mlas Marguerite Wln
trs of Marehalitown, la, formerly of this
cUy, is visiting Miss Eleanor Mackay.
Miss Bull of Faeadena la the guest for a
: few l;iys of Miss Caroline Congdon, hav
ing accompanied the' latter west ' from
' , Vmt college.' , '"( ; . .,. v . ...
A mvicb entertained guent la Mra James
yiiee ca.cnicago; wno m vteiung Mrs. F.
Davis. , Kr. Isaae Raymond of Lin
coln i vMtln her parents, Mr. and Mra
' W. J. Connell. ' " . .
Miss Mary and MI Helen Mart, who
are visiting Mr. and Mre. Mel Uhl. will
return to their home la drenvllie, O., the
early part of the week. The marriage of
Mis Helen Mart and MUton TJhl will I
take place September t
Mr, BJ. f. Krug of St topi, who has
been tlsttmg her mother, Mrs. J. jr. Coad,
leaves today for Berkeley to be present
at th wedding of her brother, John
Francis Coad, which takes place fiatnr-
, day. Mr. and Mr Richard HosforA of
Mollne, III., have returned home after a
short vlett with Mr. and; Mr. Wlllard
Hosford. ':
Ewing Forbe. On of Mr. and Mrs,
John Forbes, formerly of this city, now
or avanston, in., i visiting Raymond
Low. William Crosby Adame of Denver
w visiting bl ancle and aunt, Mr. and
.; r. jr. & cowgin. j
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison A. Trexler of
Baltimore arrived yesterday morning to
viRlt Mra Trexler' parents. Mr. and
wr, f. je. Miller. They will also vtit
wr. ana Mr. FDbert Trexler.
and family will spend, the summer at
Lake Clitherall,. Minnesota, i
Mr, and Mrs. R. R. Kimball and family
have gone to Gordon, Wis., for two
month to enjoy the fishing season.
Mrs. Ward Burgess and sons, Lewi
and Charles, leave Monday for WlanDo,
Mac., to remain for the summer.
Mr; and Mr. Alec ML Jeffrey and Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Allen left for Portland,
Ore., and a month's travel through the
northwest which will Include Alaska and
the Yellowstone park before their re
turn." ' vv ''. .. ..!' f
Mra J. J. McMuIlea and small soa left
for Boston to visit Major and Mr. T. B.
Hacker, , who are Jiving at Brookllnai' the
major having a detail lit the aubslatence
department in Boston. Mrs. McMullen
expect to be gone about five week. ,
Mrs, H. C. Van Gteson ha gone abroad
for a few month. ;: ;,r-"
Miss Kate Mcllugh ha gone to Denver
to spend some ' week with her lster,
Mra Edwin Piatt' V" i . i "
Mr. and Mra Gerrlt Fprt are planning
an eastern trip when Mr. Fort returns
from a business trip to San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Cornish have been
abroad for some time and are now taking
a motor trip through the chateau district
of-France, Switzerland and Germany.
- Heasures Past
f To Corameaeement.
i,. j-i . .
.r. ueorge t jnsner, who goea thl
ween to the commencement exercise of
the University of Michigan, at which his
80 Robert C. Fteher, will receive his'
degree from the "department of architec
ture, will attend while la Ann Arbor the
eeventy-fifth anniversary of the found
ing of the University. Mr. Fisher 1 an
aiumnu of the class of im and goe to
the anniversary celebration a delegate
from the Alumni Association of Missouri
Valley. He and bis ion will visit In De
troit and PonUc, returning home next
week. Mis Edith Fisher, who I a grad
tiat of the University of Wisconsin, goes
this week to Bvanston, 111., to attend the
national convention of Ft Beta Fhl eoror.
ltjf at Northwestern university. She has
buea, visiting college friends in Madiaoa
and Milwaukee.
, gammer Trip. ,
4 Mr and Mr. Luther L. Kountae and
little daughter, Gertrude, left last evening
and accompanied Master H&rVtuiM
Kountie and Mlsa Brandt as far a Chi
cago, -rne latter two are enrout to
Sweden to attend the Olympic games.
Mr, and Mrs. Kountza will go to Mackl
nae for the cammer. Mr. and Mr.
Charle Kountie and family and Mr.
, Samuel Burn, r., left Thursday for
Mackinac ior the summer.' - '
Mrs. Rose Splcer and Miss Jeannette
Jeo have planned to spend the next
two months' in . England, The .former
sail from Montreal June 2t on the As
cania and' the latter from New York,
June U, on the Kaiser Wtlhelm IL
Mr, and Mra Frank Haller expect to
sail la July "for two months In Europe,
and will be accompanied by Bishop 'A.
U William a their guest. Bishop Wll
Hami and hi -family will go te their
ummer home at Richard' Landing Jn
Canada early In July and Mra Williams
end the btenop' sister, Mra Griffith, will
remain there during hi absence abroad,
tir. and Mr. Haller (topping there (or
a short visit oo their way to Montreal.
hence they wUi salL
The Rev. T. J. Mackay will leave about
July t to spend hi summer vacation in
l urope. Thl trip la the gift to him by
'.'to Parish Aid society of All Ealnts'
i .jrch, who presented him with a purse
:.:-h will enable him to have three
r " aVcad and a much needed teat
f i l. r-rcchial dutiei, Mr. Mackay
Mr. Thoma L. DaVls entertained In
formally at bridge Saturday afternoon at
her home In honor of Mrs. Jamea Viles
of. Lake Forest,. guest of Mra F. H.
Davta , Gold-baskets of pink carnations
and tevlJ formed the decoration and
three tables of players were present
Mis Gertrude Ernst gave a'poroS party
Friday ' afternoon at. her home for her
cousin, Mis Anelta Weber of Hamburg,
Germany. Those present were:
Helen Jlllsh, - ' ,
Margaret Ralney,
Eiisabeth Kainey,
Lola Byrd,
Florence Olaen,
Gertrude Ernst,
Mrs. Paul Ernst.
Misses- '
MJlllcent Stebfcins,
Ruth Raney,
lieulah Byrd,
Edith Usher,
Charlotte Mardquart
The Imogen club of Florence held a
plcnio yesterday at Mlnne Lusa, the home
Of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hunt. Husbands
of the member were guest and special
guests of the occasion were J. J. Ryder,
police Commissioner, Mrs. W. E. Shafer,
president of the Woman Suffrage society,
and Judge J. H. Macumber. The plcnio
was enlivened by a discussion on suf
frage and . reforms, led by the honor
guests, '':.,'. ... ... .a.
A program of music and reading was
given by Mra Hunt, Miss Grace Conklln,
Miss Dota Bass and Mis Elisabeth1 Un
derwood. The lawn was strung with
Japaneae lantern and the plcnio sup
per was enjoyed outdoors.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Klnaler entertained
delightfully Friday evening at a sur
prise watermelon party In honor of their
niece, Mlsa Ruth Ktnsler, who ha Just
returned home from school at St Mary's,
Notre Dame, Ind. The evening was spent
Informally, and about thirty young people
were present
Mr. John Murphy of South Omaha en
tertained a party of friends at 213 South
Thirty-sixth . street. In honor of his
cousin. Miss Nellie Murphy of Kansas
City, who is spending her vacation with
relatives here. Games, music, songs and
dancing furnished entertainment for the
evening. Those present were: '
o'clock Wednesday, evening. The ' cere
mony was performed by the Rev.; T. J.
Mackey. The bride wore a gown of white
marquisette over white satin, with a point
lace collor, , She carried , a bouquet of
white rose. Miss Virginia Gift waa maid
of honor and wore a gown of white
voile and carried pink rose. Miss, Emma
Schuett wa bridesmaid and wore whife
Marquisette over green and carried pink
rose. Mr. Stanley Bellknap was beat
man. Mis May Seaman played the wed
ding march. -The bride's gift to her at
tendants were solid gold broachea A re
ception followed tha ceremony and a
large number of guests were present
, ! ,s.
Baam-rttagterald. -Mrs.
J. E. Baum, Miss Katherlne Baum
and Mrs. John Rouse left last evening
for Chicago, to be guests of Mr. and Mra
Fitagerald until after the wedding of Mr.
J. E. Baum, Jr., and Mis Gertrude Fita
gerald next Wednesday. Mr. J. E. Baum
la already in Chicago- as delegate to the
convention. Mr. Richard Baum. who la
to be his brother's best man, left Friday
tor Chicago, accompanied , by Mr. Ben
Gallagher and Mr. Jack Baldwin, who
are to be ushers. The other usher will
be Mr, Edward Cud ah y, 1, f Chicago:
air. wriiiiam warrieid 3d of Chicago and
Mft Leroy Percy of Birmingham, Ala,
The wedding party are to be guests at a
house party at Lake Forest for the week-
end. .,.
. sIBnsjaf
The wedding of Miss Minnie Dalley,
daughter of Mrs. M. B. Dalley. and Mr.
Fred Robinson of Dubuque, la., took place
Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at St.
Phlllip'a Nerl church at Florence. Miss
Bell Dalley was maid of . honor and Roy,
Polen wa best man. The bride wore
white, satm, trimmed with Irish lace and
carried a shower bouquet of rose. After
a 'western wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson wiil bo at home at 2557 Plnkney
street, after August 1.
318 -320 Sovth16jh. St.
Closing Out Omaha's Most Exclusive Garment
and Closing Out Every Garment in It!
ur Great IRemoa
Is the Sensation of the Hour
, 'Judged by every standard of comparison this is the
. greatest garment sale ever brought to your attention in
Omaha or elsewhere- -,
. buy the most advanced style-ideas at a mere fraction of,
their actual intrinsic value. , ., v , . .
Every garment -in-this great stock was selected for
'" 'our regular selling to-the most particular clientele in this
territory the envy, of 'sill competition. -
! - And ihere we are 'face-to-face with the necessity of
f' closing out this. great stock at once and without reserve
; regardless of cost; ? ' - ; : : )'
We bought the'Bennett Company .and it requires our
entire attention.. Our one course to pursue is a sweeping"
sacrifice sale of every "garment ANP OUT THEY GO. .
In the midst of . this most extraordinary sale we again "
' emphasize the fact; that' we will exert every effort to please
.our patrons as heretofore.' v . . ' '
THah Half
For . Choice' of Our Entire Stock of Women's High-Grade E)cclusive -Wearing Apparel
Street Dresses
$45 AO Street Dresses, rtt
now going at $6i0V
$38.50 Street Presses 4A 7D
now going at . , . .,. . . . a I w
$37.50 Street Dresses, CC 7C
now going at .ylOai .
$33.00 Street Dresses, Ct7 TA
now going at v I ev V
$10.50 Street Dresses, tft JC
now going at . ... . . , , l ve I tf
$17.50 Street Dresses tfQ 7P
, now going at vO 1 9
$15.00 Street Dresses, 7 fft
now going at . ....... sJIeV
$29.75 Street Dresses,
now going at
$25.00 Street Dresses,
now going at
, ... ... .
ovb xktxbs rrocx 01"
EYer,:n Gowns and Dresses
$150 Evening Gowns, tfCQ'CA
sale price .. ,,. ejeltfaslll
$125 Evening Gowns, ra pa
: .sale price . . . ..... . , 9U
$95.00 Evening Gowns &r AA
sale price ..... ... . .e?ve" U
$89.50 Evening Gowns,
$85.00 Evening Gowns, ff9Q HP
sale price ; ......... . .i)er I a
$79.50 Evening and t5A 7C
Afternoon Dresses ...e?ufel w
$75.00 Evening and 991 Z&
Afternoon Dresses . . .vviev (I
$69.50 Evening and 99 PA
Afternoon Dresses . ..svelevv
$59.50 Evening and t9Q IC
Afternoon Dresses ...WMJFeltf
$50.00 Evening and t ftr A A
Afternoon Dresses . , 74leWU
$12.50 Street Dresses, f C 9C
now going at ....... ?uel
... . ....... i . - .
Tailored Suits
(95.00 Tailored Suits
, to be closed out at
$85.00 Tailored Suits
to be closed out at,
$75.00 Tailored Suits 57 P A
. to be closed dut at. .
$65.00 Tailored Suits 9 PA
to be closed out at. . .vvatewv
$50 Tailored Suits 9 C AA
to be closed Out. at. , $u9.Vy
$45.00 Tailored Suits
to be closed out at.
$39.50 Tailored Suits VtfQ 7P
to be closed out at.".. lVf lil
$35.00 Tailored Suits. 7 PA
to be closed out at...flf eww
$29.50 Tailored Suits CI J 75
to be closed out at, . .V
Fine Gowns
nsata cxmseb omr
$125v00' Gowns tin f A jfA
to be closed out at i V
$93.00 qowns to.
be closed out at.
$89.50 Gowns to
be closed out at..
$85.00 Gowns' to.
, be closed out
$75.00 Gowns to
be closed out at.
$65.00 Gowns to .
s1be closed out at.,
$50.00 Gowna to
. be closed out at
$39.50 Gowns to
: be closed out at.,
$35.00 Gowns to
be closed out at. .,
$25.00 Gowns to
be closed out at.
142.50 ,
$32.50 :
$75.00 Fine Coats to-
be Closed out
$65.00 Fine Coats to a p
be closed out at. . 92e3 v
$50.50 Fine Coats to
. be closed out. at
$50.00 Fine Coats to
be closed out at...
$45.00 Fine Coats to f )a P A
b4 closed out at. . ; . juuvv '
$39JS0 Fine Coats to 0 j A 7F
, be closed out at... . f lefel 9
$35.00 Fine Coats to" (17 ITA
be closed out at...;.e)I eWw
$29.50 Fine Coats to fff M If
be closed out at.. . . e)lal9'
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Burberry of
Dee Moines, la., announce the marriage
ef their daughter, Orena Ellen Morse, to
fieth Biggs Week of. Guthrie Center, la.
Tha wedding took place at St. Joseph Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hettfeld announce
the engagement of their daughter, Miss
Bertha SV HeltfeW, to- Dr. L. A. DeLan- i
ney of Spalding, Nee. The wedding wiU
benext fall..-.-.'' . tail :
Cards wer received this week 'fojf lhe
marriage of ' MUa Helen Iran '"Dyr,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dyer
of Berkeley,' Cat to Mr. -John Francla
Coad of Uis' city, Saturday morning,
June 29. at 11 o'clock, at St Josepft's
church, Berkeley. " ' 1 :
At the Country Club
Mr. and Mra George A. Joslyn gave a
dinner -last evenlagUt the; sluo; fdr ;their
daughter, Mlsa violet Joelyn. and a num
ber of young women of the sschoot set
and also had a toftle for several ef tneir
own friends.' At Miss Joslyn's table were:
Misses- - ' ;: ' aftssss ;-'
Bertha Dickey, Helen ScoWe,
Katherlne Thummel,Iaphrf refers,
Dorothy Halt
Ralph Feters,
William Taylor,
Ware Halt
Janet iHalt
Violet Joeyln.
Taylor Belcher.
William Taylor,
Lieut Ray Smith.
Kenneth Patterson.
With Mr. and Mrs. Joslyn were:
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scobte.
Mra Mabel Ogden. . ,
Mrs. J. J. Dickey.
Mr. Milton Darling.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brady entertained
for Mra James Vile of Lake Forest
Covers were placed for:
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane,
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cummings,
Bessie Gaughan,
Ktla MeQulre..
Cary Coniey,
Helen Gaugnan,
Anna MoOuire,-
f.iia jNoonan,
Mary E. Morlarlty,
John Murphy, "
Martin Coniey,
John MeQulre,
James Meehan,
Thomas Dwd,
Thomas Smith.
Thomas Hannigan,
Daniel Connors,
Peter Gauahan.
John Cunningham,
rainca Marr,
Patrick Ryan.
Thomas Ormond.
t it rick Ciinn nuham
mi, and Alrs-F. 3. Dcane,
Mr. and Mrs.-W. P. Broderlck.
Mr. and Mrs, M. Rohan,
Mr. and Mrs.. P. Deane,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tyler,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hallahan. "
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dootey,
Mr. and Mra J. McLaughlin.
Margaret N 00 nan,
Baran Gaughan,
Catherine McGulra,
Mary Hallahan,
Margaret Morlartty,
Barak Pooch.
John Gaughan, -Hugh
William Rowan, :
Patrick McFadden,
life Shallenberger,
Thomas Noonan,
Edward Walsh.
Thomas Condon,
Martin Broeinhan,
Peter Doyle,
James Hallahan,
Patrick Greehey,
William Kllmartln.
June Weddings
CIark9iyer. !
The wedding of Miss Lucy Sawyer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. r. W. McG!n
nla to Mr. Fred Clark, took place at
tha home of the bride's parents at t
'Engagement Announced
ansa bertha heitfeld.
Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Davis,
, Mrs. James Vlles,
Mrs. T. L. Davis-''
Ms Davis, t" .i-..- ' -yv-
,Mr. and Mrs. F. S. CowgUl had as tbelr
fttsita at--dinnerf- 'v-,;""',jv; :
.lflsses - . . Misses .-.?''..
Martha Dalman of Isabel Vinsonhaler
St. JoeeDlt. - Kmllv
FMargery McCbrdV - .'..,.;'
Messrs. ' Messrs, .
WtUlam Crosby David Higbee,
Adame of Denver, Robert Wood,
James McCord, Jack Summers.
Albert Eibbersen,
One of the largest dinner parties at
the club last evening. Tbelr guests were:
..,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burkley,
Mr. ana Mrs. j. m.- trauer, '
Mr. and Mrs. F. B Hochstetler ..
Mr and Mrs F P Kirkendall, . .. . .
Mr and Mrs. T. J. Mahoney. , ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McHugh,'
Mr and Mrs. S. Wl Smith. ' ' : ;
Mr and Mrs C J. Smyth,
Mr. and Mrs. H. W.. Yates.
Dr. and Mrs. F. N Conner,
Mrs. George Voss,' 1 .'
Mrs. M. E. Barber,' -
Dr. Bridges,
Charles' Hochstetler of England.
' 4 " '. ''
Together "were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ham
ilton, Miss Martha Robertson and , Mr.
King Denmaji. .. ' ' ' -
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hynes had as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. W. J." Burgess, Mrs.
N. B. Updike. Miss Mary Louise' Bradford
of Pontiac, Jit .:' ''': j
Other- dinner parties were given by
Frank Hamilton, who had twelve guests;
A. J. Love, six; W. J. Foye. nlne; F. B.
Hochstetler, four; H. W. Spalding, four;
C W. Hamilton, six; Wilson Low, three;
Mra D. Hi Wheeler, two; R. F. Kloke,
eight; F. H. Davis, four; Arthur Keeilne,
seven; E.' T. Swobe, four) E. A wick-
ham, four; Samuel Dlghton, three; Ben
Cotton, two; A. B. Warren, - four; Mies
Edith Locke, four, i ,
. At theTield Club;
-Last evening, at the. club dinner res
ervations were made by J." J. McMahony,
who had six guests; I.H. Grotte, four
teen; J. A. Farrington. six; E. H. Bed
welt eight; John Mach, two; W. A.
Smith, four; R. L, Huntley, , seven; G
H. Conant, four; Joseph Barker, seven;
W. H. Sherraden. five; Fred Krug,
eight; W. P. Wherry, four; George -T.
Wright, five; Belwyn Doherty, six; E.
H. Howland, eight; John Harvey, jr.,
four; W. R. . Wood1,' three; G. W. John
ston, five; -Ernest Sweet three; F. E.
Sanborn, seven; W. ' H. Bavinger, five;
a W. Dunn, four; J. J. Davey. two; A.
V. Shotwell, two; George Rogers, four..
it Happjr Hollow
Hostesses "are Mrs. - William MfcKenha
and" Mrs. Bert Smith.' ' " - "
A delightful entertainment will be given
by the young ladles of the First Xnuris
tian churcfh under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid society, Friday evening.' "A
program consistlnr of vocal and instru
mental, solos, readings, and a one 'act
play entitled, "The Superior Sex" under-the
direction -of Miss MaudS McArdle.
Those taking" part are:' v " - -
Misses' ' 1 1 ' 'Misses - '"' '
Helen Morris,. ' - Oneida Moran 1 ' '
Ines Klllmar, . Ruth Morris,
Ruth Zittle, Gladys Fowler
Hazel Fowler, Martha Rau,!
Florence Andrus,
Mra William Huston.
' '' i : . ' : i
Social Affairs Today
' Mr. 'and Mrs. W. L. Harris are " enter
taining at dinner today at their home' in
honor 'of Mrs. Harris' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Seligsohn,' who will celebrate their
golden wedding anniversary Monday. In
the party will be: " '
; Misses- ' Misses- ' " -'''
Erna Hadra . Hrtt fhermv.r. .
Leola Harris. . Kum niv
Martha. Hadra, , . ., ,.t ,,;
Messrs. Messrs.
Siesmund Lahdsbere-HArtiort- Hsrri, '
JuUan Harris. Sigsmund Stern.
George Landsberg, Kansas City;. .
Kansas City; .. . Morris Stern. . ' '
Herman Ewlich, " Kansas City;
oi. josepn; .-
Mrs. Nellie Newgrass, Kansas City.',
Mrs. R. Glass, Kansas City. .1
Mr. and Mrs. Fred 8. Hadrt
' Mr. and Mrs. a Seligsohn, Kansaa-City.
; Mr. and Mrs. Leo--, Seliesnhn. Minn.
SPOliS. . ;,. ... i , . . ... .
; - Personal Gossip
A son was born Monday to Mr. snd Mra
Ben Golsky. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. John 8. King are enjoy
ing a western trip.
A. L, Mohler and N. B. Updlk who are
in. California,. are expected home the first
of the week. ,
. Miss Eleanor JJevin has gone to Ohio-to
spend the summer. Wff.
4D .Douglas, .Burns, has gone to Cali
fornia; to, spend the summer.
Miss Esther Byrne left for Seattle to
visit, friends for some- weeks, ( ::
' Miss- Dorothy Miller, arrived Saturday
from Lincoln, to visit Mr. and Mrs. John
Campbell for a few 'days. . ; - -
Miss Mona Cowell, who is in the. sopho
more class in Vassar college,' has returned
home for the summer vacation, v.)
Miss 'Bertha Dickey arrived home Sun
day .from ' Ely: .Court and a visit with
friends in and around New York.
! ',W..t J. Burgess has- returned' from '. a
few days' stay In Chicago, where be at
tended the republican convention.-. r
Mrs. N..K. Sype and her son, William, '
have gone to Des Momes:for a-two weeks'
visit with her sister, Mrs. Stoekdale. '
Mra D. T. Reed sailed from New York
for a three, months' visit in Scotland-She.-Is
accompanied by two of her: chil
dren." r .. ' -. - ,
Mra Harold Glfford returned Thursday
from.Watklns Glen, 3f. Y;,;and. With. her :
family, Js at their country -place nean
Calhoun. ; - - - - .
. The Misses Anita and Marie Muxen
left Saturday morning for Wall Lake,
la., where they will, -spend their - summer
vacation. - y.' t' . ,. v.-"v .
Robert Earl Campbell will arrive this
week to visit his-parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Campbell, on his way from Seattle
to Cleveland.' ,'... -.f. '
('Mr.f and . Mrs,; Crosby Wyman aava re
turned from their wedding, trip and will
be at home at 8621 Hamilton street aftec
September iv ':.:
Ensign Patterson,' -who has been here
on leave . for three weeks to attend his
sister's wedding, returned Tuesday to bis
ship, the' Dixie.- '-- w -5 '
Miss Mlnftle Thayer and Miss Kather-
(Continued pn Page Three.)
Saturday -evening at, the. olub N.
Pratt had six guests at dinner; H.
Neelv. eight: R. L. Robinson, six; Mel
Uht twelve: E. T. Reetor. seven; Ken
neth Reed. tour A. C. Croaman. fouri E,
S. Folsom, , four; Lynn Campbell, six
Mra M., W.'Spence." four;' E. A. Benson,
fourLT. E. Stevens, eight; jJ. C. Robin
son, five; G, It Payne, four; Miss West
twelve, t ;'-;:'"-,',..(.;! .
For the future
Several social affairs are being planned
for Miss Alma Ested of Kansas City,
who is the guest of Miss Nell En cell.
Monday afternoon Miss Sncell will give
a , bridge party for her guest; Wednes
day Mra Mark Cavanaugh, bridge lunch-v
eon and Friday Mrs. William Moran, af
ternoon bridge tor the same visitor.
The Columbian circle vdU entertain at
their . hall. . Twenty-second .d Locust
streets, Wednesday afts-noi June 24
Closes Ofiibs-
Dig Discount
Pid-Suminer Sale-10 to 50 Off
; Sterling Silver Thlpibles .... ;: . A 11V ' '
Sterling Silver Novelties, unheard of before, 50 otL? .'.
Tine Pink Stone Set Hat Pins .........
Stagbaiiaie Carsing Sets, $4.00, now .; A'.. 4ft
BroocbH and Bar pins, $X.OO to $10.00
Mesh. Bags, .V. , .....M....,.......50 Oft t
Leather iGtoods ..50 Off "
Gold FIUd Goorls i,. ....... ,...33 Off .
Solid, fjoid .Goods ..;.':..:'...; .-.20 Off
.Brass Goods.-., ........... 4. i.33H to 50lOff :
Wamopd .Goods . . ... ... ..... ... 1 A fOff . '
$1.00 Baby Set Rings . ."' ' nu ; ,
-$l.OiSilvei-; Fork and Spoon v.. ...... J.
t , ' $1-00 5 Alarm Clocks ; v. :. W. ;4ff .
. - Monday Will. Close the greatest , discount Jewelry Buying'...' -;
chance'Omaha people have ever had for every article Is the "
BEST and the prices remarkable. . ..This 'location is ourg
Permanently. ''
' 1520 Douslas Ctrcet, Omaha. 1