Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1912, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMAHA SUMDAY 3Jg 23' 1911 ' ' ' " 3 J 4 " r i ii s u i :. - : ii : : i 27-inch Sheer Swiss, Nainsook "f; and Cambric ; i Embroidered Flouncing ' - Corset coverings, ' also wide bands ' and galloons ; pretty, new, designs in English eyelet, floral and new combination effects worth up , T A A J to 75c a yard, AgC at yard . . . ..... ... . . T-.tJ, max rioo Basement Special Silk and Cotton Fabrics Silk arid cotton . jac quards and dots, also plain silks In all the want ed, colors for summer wear. Very best silk and combed yarns used in the making. Full pieces, not remnants; tans, pinks,- blues, greens, black, etc., 24 and 28 Inches wide, at,. yard 9t yiu, 15e I 40c Ratine at 15c yard White, cream, ivory and tan colored ratine, in lengths suitable for skirts, suits or waists. The ..first" special' bar gain that has been of fered in this new, de sirable cloth; 4f 40-in. wide, at, yard . .v.. , , .... BASXXXMT : , Extraordinary Sale of ' WATERPROOF FOULARDS 24-in to 42 inches wide. The highest standard of foulards made in America. Every yard guaranteed spot proof. CharmiDg designs m self tone and two and three tone combina tions, Jardiniere and cameo patterns, etc.; many 42-ln. bordered and all- "A over designs. $1 and J1-50 ff double width, waterproofed 00 j dress foulards, at yard 1 25c Sijk Striped ' Voiles at 5c yard. See them! They are on display in one of our 16th street show windows. Such desirable summer wash fabrics, in the lead ing summer shades are sel dom offered at such a low 'price. Hundreds of full bolts, all new, - - perfect goods. C A rare bar- " 2jl ; gain at, yd "v ' BASXXTT ' ' ; Women's Pure Thread SILK BOOT HOSIERY Wide" mercerized lisle garter tops, full fash ioned, ' lisle double soles, high spliced heels and toes black, tan and wtate worth 50c a pair, at, pair . . Kin noo 39e 45:inch Fine Swiss Batiste EMBROIDERED SKIRTINGS Alsa 24-in. allover embroider iesvery effective, new de signs in eyelet, floral and blind relief effects; also 27-in. hemstitched baby flouncing worth up to $1.25 a yard, ' at, yard ....... " xax nooi 69c Women's and Hisses' BLAZER HATS Your choice ; of our' entire stock of these Outing Hats all sizes have ff been selling. ZflP for $1 each ...... . " ' noon now Heavy Zlercerized OXFORD WAISTINO Large range of woven stripes, checks and figures the 25c kind, .;:......7c Any Misses' or Chil dren's Trimmed Hat In Our Entire -Stock, Any hat in ages S to 12- many baby bonnets ra big lot to choose CAfc from Mopday fllfC extra special, at . v. . BICOH IXOOB ' Boys' Genuine Poros-f knit Union Suits Short sleeves, knee lengths all sizes up up to 16 regular 50c quality, at a )QV suit...:.v.....'t - . rux noQB - - Wcnien's Mid-Summer UNTRHHJED EATS Large and small shape big variety popular straws worth up , a p to $l.50,'chofce ZftP Monday at ....... "t." HCO noos 1 Plain and Fancy WHITE GOODS Mill , remnants but all are very high cost white ' fabrics-up to 25o values, 71 1 ttarA I VOL Hand Made STAND COVERS Dainty hand made renaianance Center Pieces and Stand Covers, in 24 and SO Inch Izeg, round or eauare, with nana arawn cen ters, sell every where at 75e, ' ' - i. i, eavu . , ,. BACB1CSXX . . 39e 9-4 Bleached Fruit of the! Loom Sheeting Instead of 32c a yard in Muslin Dept;, t O I at yard tt-lv y BAtXXSXTT ' f Women's Silk Dresses Good styles for summer 1912 all sizes, worth up to $6, BAIXXZVT $2.98 . Traveling Rolls For men and women. Includes hair or military brush comb, oap box, tooth r and nail Drush holder, tooth powder holder, folding t trap lound case, at., fewelry Sept Mala Floor $1.19 Figured Etamihes and , -"V..!': ., Scrim:. .' v-:. ," ,50 peases worth 25c, Monday, at, : I A yard . ..IUC 0c and 9c Allover Pat tern and Bordered "Eflure Voile A. Wash Fabric with & style in a ciass oy .. a a itself--per ........... T V AXH raOOB : yard 1.CO0 Pidrs of . LACS CTRTAINS 54 and ,60 iiches wide; worth up to $2.00, Monday, &4 A A at, pair VleWU BASXXXBT 7-b Crcin and 7hita CLOY GUrmTQ fot Norfolk - Sult7 wide welt, good quality. rm 27 inches wide, ,rj 'Mill Ends of - Merceriaed Table Damask y All the .mill rem nants of mercer ized table damask, 1 to 2 yard lengths, launders splendid ly and worth up to 49c yd., 4 (i n .each, at ....Avl ' BAizanar 18-in. Swiss, Nain sook and Cambric Embroidered Flonncings and Skirtings. ' Corset coverings, wide insertions and ' galloons, new ; em broideries in pretty designs, on bar- a gain eqaare 1UA worth to 25a XVV ' vard. at yard .. Women's New Rough Straw Banded Sailors Black, white p and burnt shades up-to-date style 8, very popular Positively sold this season up to $1.50, at, 9Qa each vt 8E00BB VLOO Women's $1 Long Silk Gloves at 69c pair. 16-bntton length--extra heavy Tri cot silk, in white, black and colors, double tipped fin gersworth $1.00 ..69c TX.OOB XAXB u . GAWifMT r . ' MR throughout this entire week we will offer the greatest bargains in many years. Depression in the merchandise market of New York, following the unseasonably cold spring, has enabled Brande'is cash to secure the newest and highest classummer goods at less than their cost to manufacture. These are good, genuine Dar gains that mean' an actual saving of money for you all this week. . - AN EXTRAORDINARY SPEOAL OCCASION MONDAY ON OUR SECOND FLOOR Imported Patterns of Fine Embroidered Sheer Voile and Batiste Robes In bUnd relief work, eyelet, rope stitched, lace comblna tlons, in white and . colors. These unmade robes consist . of 3ft yards, 45-inch skirt ing-, i yards banding:; actually worth from v (10 to S15, each XAXV ZXOOB $5.98 Medium and Wide Embroidery Edging and Insertion Up to 7 Inches Wide, in Swiss., nainsook and cambric; an' - -endless, variety of desirable . patterns, worth up to 12c - at. per : 'yard KAiir noos 5c Yard Wide BLACK SILK (Mi? fflrcfias e d fJ omei's Wash Presses Guaranteed 86-inch black dress and coat taffeta, 'very lus trous, having a beautiful fin. lsh ana extra heavy quality, worth $1.00, . Monday, yard , MAnr. nooa 77c Omaha We secured just 1400 of the newest, cleverest and most popular white and colored summer dresses by means of this purchase. Umaha women wiu aeuguwu with these styles and amazed at the prices. There's a great variety to select from. We bought them at ab6ut one-half their actual value and sell tnem At the Host Wonderful Bargains Ever Known in the History of . Big Sale of Sample . LINEN DRESSES This is a manufacturer's sample line of dresses that we bought at so low a fig ure that we can give you these sensational values Monday. Every dress is a sample and is perfectionin style and workmanship. . $25 Linen Dresses for $15 $35 Linen Dresses for $19 $45 Linen Dresses for $25 " ' Your Choice of 300 Beautiful Lingerie, Voile and .Linen Dresses The daintiest, new- mid-sum-mer. styles in. these crisp, ' new wash garments, ex tremely well made, in a va riety of Btyles' and all made to sell at $17.50 and even up to$20- fA .Monday, IB! CI V ' Your Choice of 400 1 Pretty, Dainty, Summery WASH DRESSES Clever new, ideas for dressy wear or every day occasions -"Charming frocksthat you would expect to pay $10 or $12.50 for will go. Monday, at . $98 SMART LONG . SHANTUNG COATS A special group of these pop ular coats in black satins or colored silks with long, fancy trimmed snawl or sailor collars; worth to $7.50, special, at Women's Long LINEN COATS Good, serviceable coats for every use worth T.;.$1.S0 . . BA8SKS1TT - Women's Up-to-Date WOOL SKIRTS All sizesgood styles practical colors and fabrics big special, worth up to ' 4lQ $4, at ....... . BA8XMBVT New Trimming Laces Insertions and wide bands In very effective new designs in linen, cluny, Venise and crochet effects," luacranie. Bohemian, filet and oriental effects, many up . to 9 Inches wide and worth to 60c, at yard XAXH nooa 25c Choice of 700 Women's Colored Wash Dresses ; Colored wash fabrics as well' as white lingeries and voiles; many sample gar ments in this group includ ing misses' and women's 1 W i 1 sizes; practical trocKs made to sell at $7 and $8, Monday at . . Yard Wide Special All Silk Black Dress p Peau de Soie n $398 i Special -NORFOLK LINEN; SUITS Made of the heavy Ramie lin ens with large Norfolk straps and belt. with patch pockets. The season's most effective and most popular suits, a splen did variety Mon day at ii pupuuu 10 EXTRA SPECIAL Lingerie and Voile XJ aists A big purchase of women's dainty lingerie and voile waists. 300 dozen, bought at a big sacri fice, in 50 different styles and made to sell up to $3.50. Pretty laces and hand embroideries used in the new low neck or high neck styles. Every new 1912 featureMonday, at- $150 and $198 UNDERMUSLIN SPECIAL $2 Muslin Undergarments, $1 400 garments of crisp, new muslin. Gowns, skirts, princess slips, combinations, drawers and chemises, made -with dainty laces and embroideries. It is a special lot bought at a big reduction of the regular values. Some are jworth as high as $2.00 each Monday, choice ,at Your Choice of 65 ; Women's White Serge and Whipcord Suits They are much in demand this season; In this dressy group are all sizes many of them are samples and none is worth less than $25, manv in this arroup , are worth up to $35.00 your choice ....... Very heavy, adapted for auto and street coats, etc., former price was $1.50, now . . at, per yard 95c Flowers for Trimming AH kinds, including th bun ches of popular pink and white -flowers, worth to , EOo bunch BASSMEVT 10c Satin Marseilles BED SETS Including beautiful scalloped edge Spreads with bolster cover to match, f 6.50 value, ; at . .. BASEMEWr nu ' uuiovor $398 9 VUUAi yMV jroup , are u $15 . .. i ' i t !. Or King's Embroidered High Grade SOo DuaUesa Nlckle Plat 200 Spool Waih Trim- Nickel Plated Mops for oil ed Folding Ihread mlngs 4 & gclsaora and floors, will Ooat Hang Regular 3c r, 6-yard bolts, Shea ; go on sale ere Very V spools at a worth to lc, worth to , , .'.-,, . special, at down- at, bolt $1.25 pair at 19t -::-i-,5: 39 25t 5 J :; Extraj Special piferings in Wavy Hair Switches I lftiitif nl imnortAd French Switches made of finest French Hair, in all shades- regular $12 values, special at ,v...,;. I.;........;..... ...V ...V........?8 Wavy Hair Switches made of fine quality hair, mounted ... on-short stems-26 and 28-inch lengths, worth $8, on sale at ;.,..;.........;;. . j. ......... . . $4.95 Natural Wary Hair Switches I rranaformatlons can he used , that have sold from $5.00 to ' under and orer the hair a $S $8.00, on sale at .$3.50-S5 I value, special at ..-83.50 k :: '" Manicuring, Shampooing, Scalp Treatment, Hair Tinting, Hair Dressing and Facial Massage. ? , Second'Floor and Ponipeiaa Docm. Blue Chambray and Fancy DRESS GINGHAMS The regular price would be 12c, dress lengths, yd. ....yk 50c Linweave for 15c 45 and 86-lnch sheer white . Linweave looks Uke linen, but wears better, launders perfectly and yetalns 1U beau tlful lufltre.' This fabric, without the sUght imperfect selvage would retail at 35o and 60c special 7 f P . Monday, In base- JgP ment, at, yard Baaemeat .: Standard Dress Prints Light and dark styles perfect goods from Mm the bolt, at yd. ; . . . Bas wa - : Linen "Window Curtain Rods ; Finest Grade , Shades; Begularly; worth Silkoline Size ; 3x6 regular 10c and 15c, Regular ,1 2Y20 35c 'shades, each at, Vach, grade from . the 19c ' 6c bolt,. at, yard 9c Spedal Demonstration and Sale - ' Thermator Firelcss Cooker These Cookers sare bending over, a hot stove,! : cooks the foods without danger of burn-, ing and saves one-fourth the fuel expense and three-fourths of the former labor in preparing a meal. They are made of 99 per cent pure aluminum, are seamless and sanitary.. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday our ; demonstrator will serve wholesome foods, 'cooked in one of the Thermator 'Firelesa Cookers. 'She will gladly explain Its many . advantages . , - China Dept. West Arcade ' Women's Swiss Ribbed Lisle Union Suits Cuff knee and umbrella styles, law trimmed; worth to 75c, JQa . at a suit ........ OiFti HA1K IXOOB -y:--i Q r" u 1 BAt2C3T : II Very Beat Quality YYI ... C3 V II . And Batistes la the latest designs and colorings- perfect full bolts, will go yard , ' 'BasesMat L .4 V WOMEN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS ; ; Odds and ends, mostly small sites good styles, worth -t $3.50 a half price spe ' cial, at per Jl 75 OM. start PURE WHITE DRESS USES Also Natural Colored Linen . with green, pink, white and black stripes -3$ ins. wide extra special at, per yard Basement y Women's White Canvas BUTTON SHSES Plain or tipped toes Good-: year welted soles cool, comfortable styles In all lies, at, per CI ftO pair . . . MEN'S OXFORDS Tan calf, duU calf or patent leathers in button .or in blucher lace styles Good- . year welt stitched soles, at, pair .$2.25 Very Fine Yard Wide Nainsook and Long Cloth Instead of fifteen cents a yard, they will go on sale at, per , ; 74f . yard 12 - ,--r Baseaeat ' V"". 1 Persian Cotton Challie3 The usual price is 5o a yard buy them from the bolt Mon- alt day, at yd. ...flaC BABZXZBT , 40-in. Wide Mercerized : SATEEN t of 49c Black only; Instead yard, this extra fine grade In the lin- lng dept. base ment, at, yard . . . , BASSMXirr 15c WASH DRESSES , sizes 1.9S Good styles all for women and misses; worth to $4, at ...... , BAttaSM- f Women's Genuine i ; White Buckskin Shoes High button tops, Goodyear y welt soles, all a in s elies, worth '9 n $3.60, at. per , - tCI pair ............. j i : 1 w -m I 1 1' OlA. Store