Convention Now Waits on the Credentials Committee The Omaha Looking Backward This Day in Omaha nuny Twenty Tea Ton Ag See Edltorlaj Par of oaob issn THE WEATHER. r Generally Fair VOL. XLII-NO. 3. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE V Va , oUltTEEN. PAGES SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Daily Bee ROOSEVELT SAYS HE ALREADY HAS ONE NOMINATION Colonel Issues Statement at One O'clock in Which He Says He Was Named by Voters. THREAT OF BOLT IS RENEWED Will Not Recognize Convention if Hadley's Motion is Defeated. NEW PARTY, SAYS POINLEXTER Independent Political Organization May Be Formed. COLONEL'S MEN DESERT HIM One Leader Says the Bottom Has Fallen Out. DARK HORSE TALK IS REVIVED Boom (or Hadley, Hashes, Cum mins and Others Are Receiv ing: Renewed Impetus ' at Chicago. CHICAGO, June 20. Theodore Roose velt before his political advisers and a personally selected number of delegates Instructed for him, late this afternoon read a statement of his position in the republican nomination fight and left to them to decide what position they would take in the struggle. Mr. Roosevelt called before him two delegates from each of the states which have supported him and the leaders In his campaign. After outlining his posi tion declaring that he would continue his fight on principles he had outlined from the beginning, the colonel left the room and the delegates and leaders eat , down to deliberate what should be done. ! Colonel Roosevelt returned to the con ference at 3:30 p. iti., walking arm-in-arm i with Governor Hadley of Missouri to the , meeting room. , '! Ha Nothing to Offer. I Cblonel Roosevelt said regarding his ; position: V "I have nothing to offer any man. Any man who supports me will do so without hope of gain and at the risk of personal ( loss and discomfort. "nl either case I shall make my ap- I peal to every, honest citizen in the na tion; - and I shrill fight the campaign through, win 'or lose, even if J do not get ' a single electoral vote. , . lli-it-J10' .wlsn "a "Ingle man to sup port me from any. personal feeling for ., me. - . The Roosevelt delegates, after a two- ; hour session and after listening to Colo- ' nel Roosevelt's outline of his position in the fight, adopted a resolution provid ing that they should participate in the : regular convention at tonight's session and in succeeding sessions until it be- ' came apparent they could no longer take part in the proceedings. The caucus of Roosevelt leaders also determined that between . sessions a caucus should be held, to determine upon the action of each session as it may af fect their position. Text of Statement. Following 'Isythe text in part of the , statement issued by Mr. Roosevelt this afternoon: ' "The time has come when I feel that j I must make certain statements not jjmerely to honestly elected members of I the republican national convention, but to the rank and file of the republican party, and to the honest people of the entire nation. I went into this fight for certain great principles. At the moment I can only serve these principles by con tinuing to bear the personal responsi bility which their advocacy has brought to me. "On behalf of these principles I made my appeal straight to the people them- selves. I went before them, I made my argument' in full; and every move I made was in the open without conceal j ment of any kind. The opposition to me was extremely bitter, for I was opposed ;by the practically solid phalanx of the I big, conscienceless political bosses, with iback of them the practically solid phal 'anx of the big, conscienceless beneflcler ; Ies of special privilege in every form, and of course the many big newspapers which . are controlled by or In the In terest of the bosses and special privilege. "Nevertheless In the appeal to the peo ple, I won. Will Accept Any Nomination. "We cannot afford to pardon a thief if he surrenders half the stolen goods. If the honestly elected majority of the con- (Continued on Fifth Page.) The Weather Official Forecast Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday: For Omaha, CouncU Bluffs and Vicinity Fair tonight and Friday; warmer to night ' Temperature ' AAi, at Omaha -ySg Hours. eg. it 6 jnsv vfi'VIUV 8am 7 a. m 81 yLy ' 8 a' m iu a. m n M 11 a-m T E " 12 m.. so Tia 23 2 p. m ) ? - 3 p. m 79 Local Weather Record. , - 1912. 1911. 1910.1309. i lowest last night........ 60 , 68 71 66 i Precipitation , 00 .00 .00 .11 1 Normal temperature, for today, 73 de grees. . - Deficiency In precipitation since March 1..3.90 inches. . Deficiency corresponding period, 1911. 5.05 inches. 1 Deficiency oAnonflinv --i ioii ' inches. ' f Ml I 1 Threshing Over Old Straw Credentials Committee Covering Same Arguments and Reaching the Same Conclu sions as Did the National Committee. BV VICTOR ROSEWATER, . Editor of The Bee and Chairnvan Republican National Committee. CHICAGO, June 20.-(SpecIal Telegram.) to debate. Otherwise the convention will Measured by actual progress made run over ,nt0 next week several days, toward the goal of a nomination, the sh"l known that the fourth day day has been very unsatisfactory. The convention proper nas neid two sessions, but the delegates were merely brought together to ratify a motion to adjourn, everything beeing in waiting on the ere- dentlals committee which, after some stormy preliminaries last night, finally, got down to business this morning. The members of the credentials com- mittee must now realire better the duty that devolved upon the natlpnal com- mittee in passing on the contests first. I was In the committee room for a. few moments, and found the hearings going on In very much the same way as they had been for us, except that the rules allow more time for presentation and argument and are wide open for discus- sion by the committee members, with the consequence that the same straw Is be- ing threshed over and over almost in- terminably. The commute had spent over three hours on one Alabama district be-' fore reaching a vote, the result being afflrmatlon. of the national committee's decision by 34 to 14, one not voting and four absent. This Is the case in which I had voted against the sitting delegates, but In the credentials committee two La Follette men and two Roosevelt men voted for them and are in the totals as given. When I looked In the committee was taking up the Arizona contest and like- wise discovering that there was a real basis for the national committee's find- lng and that there are two sides to all of these disputes, of which only one side had been exploited in the assaults on the national committee.' . It will be absolutely necessary in my opinion for the credential committee soon the turn things take In the Siext forty to modify its rules by fixing a time limit eight hours. EARLY SITUATION IS MIXED Even the Leaders Are Up in the Air as to the Outcome. EXCITEMENT AT A HIGH PITCH Roinors of Bolt and of a Third Can didate in the Field Kir About Thick and Fast During; CHICAGO, June 20.-Delay, uncertainty, and possibly serious disorder, faced .the delegates as the third day of the repub lican national convention , opened. The quick succession of events late-last night and early too ay ift a condition of abso lute confusion, and even the wisest of party strategists did. not . this morning profess to ' see into the situation that would result after Chairman Root's gavel fell at noon for the resumption of the convention sessions.. With Colonel Roosevelt calling on his foiowers to iis regard the credentials committee and or ganize for themselves and with the Taft leaders conferring with the friends of possible third candidates, the air was electric in suggestion of heretofore un expected complications. Wild scenes and conferences as Intense as any- "dollar wheat" panic that ever swept the pit of the Board of Trade were resumed where they had broken, off near daybreak, when the delegates disputed with scrubwomen for possession of hotel lobby floors. Crowding developments In the councils of leaders and behind conference room doors outside the convention hall only partly seen and understood by the body of the delegates, threw normally well balanced men Into a state of near hys teria, during which they swore, shouted and gesticulated until quieted by Inter ference of policemen or detectives. Committees Get to Work. ' Pending the outcome of the uncer tainty, the members of the various com mittees selected by the convention post poned their meetings and much delay re sulted in this connection. The commit tees prepared to resume their work when developments showed what they could expect to deal with. Numerous reports regarding tho prob able trend of the convention sessions to day were In circulation. These were of almost every possible nature, one how ever,' which was general and which was given credence by many or' the delegates was that the convention would meet at noon and immediately adjourn until - 4 o'clock only to meet and adjourn again until' S p. m. for the purpose' of giving time for the entire situation revolving around the bitter Roosevelt fight to re-' shape ltseif. . . The question of the course finally to be 'taken -by' Colonel Roosevelt and his followers was heatedly debated at every meeting of a group of delegates or poli ticians. Some, professing to hold "Inside" in formation on the plans of the Roosevelt forces profess to believe that' the colonel would lead his followers to an other hall or auditorium to organise a distinct convention and a new party. Others declared with equal vehemence that the Roosevelt contingent would re main In the Coliseum and attempt to hold a second, or double convention on the same story with the Taft people, ' Figuring; on Futures. ' There was much speculation as to what would happen if the latter course were pursued. It was pointed out that Chair man Root in such an event might order the police and sergeant-at-arms to eject the Roosevelt people from the Coliseum for refusing to maintain order and follow the regulations of the convention. It was predicted that serious disorder would occur in case anything of this sort hap ptned. A number - of conferences of officials of the convention and party leaders were (Continued on Fifth Page.) the Same Ground, Listening to starts out tomorrow at a stage Kf pro ceedings no further advanced than the second day should have been. Visitors who figured on being In attendance at the momentous period have had their calculations all upset. Many of them are going away, but many more seem to be coming. At least the pressure .for ses sion tickets is growing rather than abat ing, and for the first time I had to turn down -quite a few Nebraska applicants, because the supply was exhausted, The chaplain today, the only one on the program who carried out his adver- Used part, was Dean Walter Wheeler Sumner, -fco will be pleasantly remem- be red as having visited Omaha a few months ago and addressed the Commer- cial club at that time. The dean greeted me on the platform and recalled his so- journ in Omaha with Inquiries after va- rious Omaha friends he had met. The Interval bettween the sessions I utilized to circulate among the - delega- tlons on the floor, . finding, many ac- qualntances from all over the country, some for Roosevelt and some for Taft, but all of them most cordial to me and free with congratulations upon my part In presiding the opening day. As far as anyone can see the lines of the opposition, political forces' are being firmly held and remain unbroken, yet the air, is full of rumors and .'gossip about bolts, dark horses and new schemes. The Roosevelt people are not as exuberant as they were, and the Taft people are impatient at the delay. Talk of two conventions and a. new .party fs not uncommon, and there Is some under- curren for a third candidate, but whether It will assert .Itself will depend upon MEMBERS BUSYON PLATFORM Hearings Granted to Many Who Are Interested in Outcome. - PRESIDENT TAFT HAS MAJORITY Subcommittee, With Ex-Vice Presi dent Fairbanks as , Chairman, W Work Out Draft to Present "to Convention. "f CHICAGO, June JO. -The subcommltie of the committee on resolutions ; met this morning , and resumed , its work . on the shaping of the platform as if nothing had happened. There was a noticeable absence of "pro gressives." Of the three 'Roosevelt mem bers of the subcommittee not one was present, and It was not expected that any of them except Governor Hadley of Mis souri would be in attendance. Both Mr. Rowell of California and Mr. Lewis of Pennsylvania were understood to have east their lots with Colonel Roosevelt. Governor Hadley's attitude left no doubt In the minds of his colleague that only other Important business would be al lowed to' keep him away. ' .Owing to last night's hasty adjourn, ment the subordinate organization found it necessary to begin at the foundation today. It had before It the drafts of tin three platforms submitted by the Taft. Roosevelt and ' La Follette leaders, re spectively, and there was an announced determination to give careful attention to the recommendations of all of them, with the intention of culling such portions s might commend themselves to their Judg ment. This was not an easy task in view of the length of the Roosevelt and La Follette documents, and the expectation was that most of the day would be con sumed by the' deliberations of the sub committee. When the subordinate body completes Its labors the full committee will be callel in, and after it passes upon the work pre pared for it a report will be made to thi convention. The Illinois, Maryland and Nebraska members of the full platform committee dropped in to say that though they be longed to Roosevelt delegations they had no thought of ceasing their work in the committee. They were asked to sit with, the subcommittee and accepted the invi tation. Governor Hadley also appeared toward the close of the session, saying that engagements had prevented his par ticipation In the morning work. ' Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler sat as a proxy for Mr. - Barnes, the New York member of the subcommittee. Many of the planks of the proposed platform received attention and several of them were put In final shape for the consideration of the full committee. New Hampshire Women Are Denied 1 Rifehttothe Ballot CONCORD, N. H., June 20.-By a roll call vote of 208 to 149. the state constitu tional convention today rejected a pro posed amendment to the constitution granting votes for women in New Hamp shire. GALSNER WINS NOMINATION FOR SECRETARY OF STATE PIERRE, 8. V., June 20.-The official count of the votes at the recent primary, It was announced today, .gives the noml- nation for candidate for th.o republican nomination for secretary of state to Gals- tier hv 9ftO votes'. Tha announcement wum a surprise, as the unofficial1 figures gave'ouM. That's nil tlure is to It.' Hepperle the nomination votes; - by about 700 R&ord of r kHE republican national convention was called to order at 12:02 and adjourned at 12:06. after a session lasting just four minutes. During this time prayer was offered, and a motion made to take a recess, until 4 p. m. to hear a report from the credentials committee. At '4 o'clock the convention was again called to order and the cre dentials committee asked for further time. Adjourn ment was taken until 11 o'clock this morning, when a report from the tredentials committee is expected. At noon the Roosevelt members of the creden tials committee agreed to push only the forty:elght contests involved in Arizona, California, Texas and Washington, thus expediting the work and doing away with the likelihood of three or four idle days. ' The committee had then decided the two contested seats from Alabama in favor of Taft. v . ' As a feature of the morning hours a report was circulated that Roosevelt had released his delegates. This was quickly denied by the colonel, who issued an ambiguous statement as to the conditions, saying he was through, and calling on all delegates who were still loyal to him to follow him. An announcement to the effect that Roosevelt intended to visit the convention at 4 o'clock brought the announcement from Taft Floor Leader Watson tHat no objection would be raised to the colonel's SELECT PARKER FOR CJIAIRMAN Bryan's Fight Against Former Judge for Temporary Officer Proves Failure. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS HIM Opposition Vote Divided Among; Henry of Trans, Kern of In diana, O'Gormin of INeir York and James. BALTIMORE. June 20.-Former Judge Alton B. Parker today was recommended for temporary chairman of the democratic national convention, ' which meets here next week; by the committee of arrange ments. Opposition was .made to Judge Parker. The vpte follows: Judge Parker, 8; Representative Henry of Texsis, 8; Sen ator Kern of Indiana, 1 ; Senator O'Gor man of Hew York, 1; Senator-elect Ollie James of Keutncky, 3. The committee dehated the question whether It Would make the nomination unanimous! , Judge,.Parker .was. jleolared selected, having received the plurality vote.' tTrey Woodson of Kentucky was unani mously , chosen temporary secretary and John o!-. Martin of St. Louis temporary sergeant-at-arm. The committee was still in session at 3:30 p. m. Bryan is for Bell. Theodore A. Bell of California, s friend of Colonel . Bryan, was talked about to day as likely to be named as permanent chairman of the convention. Just what candidates, if any, the Clark and .Wilson forces will put forward for temporary chairman was not learned. Suggestions were made that the Wilson people would seek to have either Senator Culberson of Texas, or Congressman Henry, also of Texas, named and that the Clark leaders were looking to Senator- elect Ollie James of Kentucky to lead their fight for the honors of temporary chairman. Senator O'Oorman of New Tork sent word that his name must not be presented for the position. Some of the national committeemen fa voring Parker are outspoken against the opposition of Mr. Bryan, and declared that if the question of whether Mr. Bryan was to control the convention or not was to come It would be better decided now than' later. (Continued on Second Page.) California Men . Say They Will Not Act With Thieves CHICAGO, June 20.-The California delegation met this morning and prepared a resolution announcing Its withdrawal from the convention. Th4 delegates said they would not' be bound 'by the action "of a lot of thieves." ' Ohio is not expected to join a bolt if one occurs. Arthur L. Garford, chair man .authorized a statement that the delegation was responsible only to' th people and that .they were commissioned to represent the state in the regular con vention, not in any other body. Hadley Badges in Evidence Around Headquarters CHICAGO, June 20.-"Hadley for presi dent" badges made their appearance around the Missouri headquarters todav, Their source was not traceable, but evi dently record time" was made In' their manufacture, Inspired by the ovation given the Missouri executive In the con vention yesterday. Flinn Resigns from National Committee CHICAGO. June 30.-Wllllam Kllnn. new national committeeman from ' Pennsyl vania and one of Colonel Roosevelt's chief lieutenants in the nomination fight, confirmed early today a report that he had left the regular republican organi zation after an all night conference with Roosevelt leaders. 'I am done with that commltl .e." li? H. G. Wasson u Fllnn lieutenant, ha3 I been bhosen' as his successor. Convention's Third Day FLOOR MANAGER AT CONVENTION FOB ROOSEVELT FORCES. GOVERNOR 'HERBERT. S. HA REPORT IS BY TAFT Preiidant i'ia Jjjtorr iaed Release -6f rielWitds. .'' TELEPHONE TALK WITH CRANE Politics Diseased at White House, bnt Nothing Given Out to the - ' NrWapaper Mfh of Wash- . . Ington, WASHINGTON, June 20.-A report from Chicago reached he White House, today saying President Taft had authorized Senator , Crane to release, the Taft, dele gates to the natlpnal republican conven tion following . Colonel Roosevelt's . re ported action In releasing hli. Presidents, Taft . Immediately , denied the report, and after he' had talked with Sen ator .Crane over., the long-distance, tele phone White. House officials announced that Senator prane,. had. 'denied' having made any such statement. . It was said the president's conversation with Senator Crane had .strengthened hi determination not -to agree to any com promise. , , . ... ., , , .Taft Little Ulatnrbed. . The tenseness , of , the situation-' in Chi cago was reflected' today -at ithe White House, although -President. Taft himself was apparently little disturbed... He de clined, however, ' to see newspaper . men and officials announced that there would be no statement from .hlrrr. until tAe 'sit uation was. clarified. This i was taken' to Indicate that new moves in. the game In which the president Is the central figure may be expected at any time! . The members of thetoabinet dlscussei politics with the president as long as he was willing to talk on that subject- On of them flatly asserted ; there would ! no compromise. , He contradicted the re port that a third man might receive Taft's support ' ' . '.. New York Booms . Sherman for the ' Vice Presidency CHICAGO, June JO.-The Nsw York delegation planned last night to come out today In a strong demonstration for Vies President Sherman tor rcnumlna'tlon The boom has been kept In abeyanoa since ths convention opened, but with the developments of the night looking mora favorable tor the nomination of Presi dent Taft, from their point of view, they decided that today was the logical time to bring forth their candidate for tho "running mate" Job. So far Governor Mead of Vermont has been the only active candidate for second position on ths Taft ticket. The pass'-ve Interest of Mr. Sherman regarding the nomination li said to be accounted for by. his knowlsdge that the New - Tork delegation - had his candidacy In hand. This Is said to have been admitted when the delegation refused to vote for na tional committeeman. It being planned to give the place to Vice President Sher man' should he fall of renomlnation. Governor Mead's fa'd lant ftlght ;!,at !7S delegates had pledged themselves to him should Taft g?t the nomination. II Mm.... DttKY. addressing the convention. The visit was not made. A conference of two memberB of each Roosevelt delegation with the. colonel was held at the Congress hotel during' the afternoon. Here another statement from Roosevelt was read to the delegates, and they, were left to determine their course of act.lon.. Efforts by Missourians to start a boom for. Had- : ley were noted during the morning." Hadley1 badges made their appearance, and other, moves in the di rection of forwarding his candidacy were noted. Talk of Hughes was also revived. . M ' j . The committee on permanent organisation - de cided to report in favor of making the temporary or-, ganizatlon. permanent, without waiting for a report from the committee on credentials. The, subcommittee of the committee on resolu tions began its consideration of. three platforms sub-, mitted, and is working out a tentative" draft, ' to ' be submitted to the full committee. - ' Attendance at the convention was the largest pf the three days. At the( opening session fully 14,000 people were crowded into the Cdliseum; and many of them did not, leave their seata during the recess. Chief McWeeney of , the Chicago police force took charge of the police Bervlce, and many complaints were made against the methods he adopted. - j SESSIONS LAST FIVE MINUTES Another Remarkable Outburst Fol lows Adjournment for Say i by. Convention. ! RAINSTORM RAGES OUTSIDE Pollc' Prepare for Possible Attempt at Stampede or Bolting Conven- . ' ' tlon Within Cpliaeam, bet . ,Noae Develop. ' BCt.I,ETIr. CHICAGO, June J0.-James B, '. Watson of Indiana. ; flo.or .leader , for ;.the Taft forces in the convention, , announced at 2 p, m. that the! credentials .'committee would not , 6 i ready to report at ' o'clock ond that' When 'the convention reconvened? at hif apir -It - would 'bs 6nly ' to adjourn until tomorrow. ; ' Relative , to a report tftat Colonel" Roose velt would appear it : tha coryentlbn - at 4 o'clock" and attempt to address , the lWtfW;?Mrvi. YVatNOii."" Mt4tiVfc tho jjolonaJT.WP!';. would W given ' n .opportunity te p k and ttij ' qoa vehtlcrri jjld adJouVn jmnltdJaWy-thertW ifter. , ' ', V-'.V.., ".V . . Harry S.'New ixpreieed'tfte belief, this afternoon "'.tbat 'thd c0nvMtton-)WW. MftMUUte: ', ;, ; -? ',,",., linabir to tlprsh'lts' wdrk'tbia wsynd The Roosevelt members of 'the credon-' would hfcve to adjourn' over' Sunay.' " CHlCAdO, June,' ,20.-xaetly four minutes, f 12:06 to 12:10, was ,tne duration of the opening' seaslon of thethird day's session of the republican national ' con vention.. The immense; jc'rowdi.. nearly, 14,000 people, who had .fought their way Into the. hall aftet; anhopr, or; more in line, -.tad only to go out Agafb. . , ( , Although the news of th situation was developing nearly a mile away at the hotels, the crowd around and In the Coli seum today was In the most tense condi tion . of mind. , . Chief McWeeny toojc personal charge of the police and his orders were so strict and so harshly enforced that ' even legitimate ticket holders; Including news paper men,. were treated as if they were committing, a' crime In desiring' to enter. The various delegations ' began :. strag gling In about 1130,; the crowds' at the doors outside forelng'.them to enter singly. The' band began playing popular airs at 11 o'clock and continued 'until -the gavel fell. The music was varied1 today -by a woman' signer, 'iwho was" heartily ap plauded. I , ' V. ' -.- j .'' . Scarcely -any, notice ,Was itaken of the arrival -of Chairman-Root,; who" stood for a moment, the target , for a battery of photographers. . , , i ,.t Opens with P.rayi., .., , Ths gavel fell a few-minutes after noon and Rev. Den Walter.. Sumner of the Cathedral of Peter " and Paul of fered prayer. , , ', ,, '. The prayer of Dean Sumner .was as follows: - ...... "In the name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the, Holy' Ohost. Amen. "Almlght 3od 'look . down we beseach thee and bless the-convention' here as sembled..' Grant unto, Its members, self restraint, cool, judgment and. wisdom thai their deliberations may Insure to the nai tlon cfvic righteousness, industrial peace and social Injustice; - that all men , may 'have an abundance of life and the mind to serve. Tee. In goodly, living, . main taining th. sanctity of the home and the (Continued op Second;-Page.) KenyonSays Iowa Will Not , Bolt CHICAGO, June a.-lowa: teil dele gates who are pledged to Senator A., B. Cummins, will not bolt the convention according to , Senator W. S.f Kenyon of lowa, campaign manager ior cummins. The Cummins ' delegation ntr -' vH bolt," said Aenaior Henyoii, . tast, nigu- Thts talk. about bolting ought to be set down on. Let the two tactions fight It out In the convention. 'Have' I been talking to other progressives on the advisability of organizing a' new party? No sir,! I think the republican party Is capable of managing the present situa tion. Right la .bound . to prevail In the end. There is not much doubt that some of the contests were not settled on their merits, but I think the number has been txnggcrated. , . , --. "As for our candidate,, we have not n fighting chance, but, we ihave a. good cot promise chance. Everything depends upon a deadlock which we believe will come.. , ... . - - TAFT MEN WIN IN THE ALABAMA CONTEST CASE St. Clair of Idaho and Cady ol Wis consin, Members of Committee ! ' '' Vote with Majority. COtONEL LOSES ANOTHER ROUND Roosevelt Delegates Return and Take Fart in Proceedings. PROTEST IS FILED BY SACKETT Served on All Contestants. CHAIRMAN DEViNE URGES HASTE Malby Denies that Steam Roller ; Methods Will Be Employed. ' ; FAIRNESS TO BE THE ONE RULE Taft Men Contend Ther Can Show that Attempt Was Made ta Hie- . . gaily Secure Renrese " tation. , k CONVENTION HALL, CHICAGO, June JO. -A motion to seat the two Roosevelt delegates from the Ninth Alabama dis trict was defeated, 34 to 14. C. St. Clair of Idaho, known as a Roosevelt man. and 9. H. Cady of Wisconsin, Voted against the Roosevelt delegates. , , Those voting for the Roosevelt dele gates were: Illinois, , R. R. , WcCormlckj Kansas,. Ralph Harris; Maine, Jesse M. Llbby; Minnesota, Hugo T. Halkert; Ne braska, H. G.Backett; New Jersey,. J,, Boyd Avis; Missouri, Jesse Tollertor; North Carolina, ,C, H. . Cowles; North Pakota, W S. louder; Ohio, , John J. Sullivan; Oklahoma, Daniel Norton; Ore gon, A. V. Swift; Pelnsylvanla,. Lex N. Mitchell; West Virginia,. Harry Shaw. The Roosevelt members absent wero Francis J. Heney, California; E. G. Car rlngton, Jr., Maryland; S. X. Way, South Dakota. ,. ' The committee then' seated the two Taft delegates from the Ninth district by a record vote of 84 'tot 13. The committee then recessed until 2!30 o'clock. r . The motion to seat tha Taft delegates was made by Eitabrook of New Hamp shire and ths substitute motion to seat the "Roosevelt men by Avis of New Jer sey." , ' . No eshtbitlon of fsollng accompanied tHe defeat 'of the Roosevelt resolution, , J. Ar Tolletqn of Mhwouri atd",he tii.i ' Ilitened 1 to moro than two hours' ol argument without being Able to decide flow to vote. He later asked permission; to register his' vote Wr tho Roosevelt con- tlals , committee, acting Under the sug gestion of Colonel RooBevelt, returned to the meeting, of. that committee today. Their statement last night that they had "left the committee for good" was fol lowed by' a decision to go back and par ticipate. In .the hearing of contest caees. , Under; the .. revised rules the Roosevelt men. claimed .they bad won their chiet points, namely,; to, secure the Introduction of jnew , evidence and to secure greater time for debate. , , More than an hour and a quarter was occupied by. tha Roosevelt attorneys In presenting tt Roosevelt side of the first, case called, that of tho Ninth Alabama district . , - . . .. . ' Members of . the committee expressed' doubt as" to the possibility of concluding the seventy-two contest hearings in time to make a report to tha national conven tion this afternoon.' . '. ..' 4 ' - , Some Roosevelt Men Absent. The -roll 'Call showed the following Roosevelt men, absent: Henry, California; McCortnlck, Illinois;' Harris, Kansas; Covington,; Maryland; Cowles, North Carolina; Norton, Okla-r noma; Ray, South Dakota;, Cady, Wis-, consln. .. ' ,, . Halbflrt declared seven of ths men who left .the room last night were still absent.. He asked for a delay until they could ar rive. , - ,- . .. , : Chairman Devine said the meeting hour already had been long passed and: that contestants were ready and -waiting to ba heard, i i .... , . ' , ,- George R. Malby of New ,Tork and P. W. Estabrook of ' New Hampshire de-' manded the "delaying -tactics" -of th Roosevelt men be stopped.' - "Oh, I know you aro going to use -tho steam roller methods," said Halbert. , "Not at all," returned Malby, "we want to do business and -you want to prevent Its being. done.",- Want Only Fair Play. , Halbert said he wanted "only fair play." "Oh yes," shouted . several' committee members, "you acted Hkejt last night." The committee at 10 o'clock contained the. following Roosevelt men: 1 -v C. 'Sticker, Idaho; Jesse M. f Llbby, Maine; Hugh T. Halbert. Minnesota Jesse Tollerton,, Missouri; H. E. Sackett.. Nebraska; J. Boyd' Avis, New Jersey; W 8. Lauder, North ..Dakota; JT J. Sullivan.. OWo; A. V. Swift, Oregon; L N. Mitch- r, : -X The' Sunday; Bee, -go-r ing into more Omaha' . t .... . . ... ,. homes ,than all the other ; . - ' ,.-.'. ". ' Omaha; Sunday papers ; combined," is a good pa:; per for your want ad.' t' Phone it in now. ?; " 1 Tyler 1000 : Jj. 0