,.4: ... 21 ( Extra Conveniences Have Been Provided for Out-of-Tpvi. Shoppers Attending This Sale j I ! 5 1 it ; All orders -for morning delivery, fend once-a-da routes, most be In the night before. . All orders for after noon delivery must be in by noon. E can't too strongly Impress upon you the necessity of taking" advantage of ; the many opportunities as fast as they are presented.: Many of the lots we thought Would last ' through two or Lthree;: days' selling, and possibly a week, have already dis appeared. Every day the adver tisementstare held In the . news paper offices' until the last minute so that other store news, can be substituted for some that has been previously ... prepared-all because the goods have been sold. So, In order-that- you may not be: disap pointed we advise coming as early in the day as possible for the goods that appear in any advert tlsement xt a certain day's Issue. '--y -y-iiniiiii"i.iii iiriiwwrrmtfi )l This Closing Out Sale Is Solving Many a Person's Problem concerning tne ost oi Living. 1 his rage Otters More Helps 7i8frihnt.iriyfl HAT,F.AnTJJnM'nnTJ.AR.i WfYR.TTT CM TYTiTPlMn A RT I? MERCHANDISE in thirty days' time is a task ho-other firm in the United States ever attempted to doto say nothing of attempting such a feat in a city, no Jarger than Omaha, as. compared with other cities of the country, " But we had unbounded faith ifl the. prosperity- of the country and the Jliddle West in particular. " That's why. we bought the Bennett stock. Wo ;klso knew when we made the purchase that there was only one thing that could move such a vast quantity of merchandise within this incredibly short tune-that was the price part. Therefore, WE HAVE BROUGHT THE PRICES T"TTT"VT m" - TtTTTT T7iTi t Titmntr trrrtTmAn rry mrm rrwsT'r th a ttt iftn . I wwwwwwwwwwiwwwwwwwwwiwwwwwwwiwi - -- -- -- --r -i-i-i-i-i-rrvvv-i-r-i-i-i-i-i'vvvv-M-irvvvv-irinni unnnnnm r - r -L Liinnn.nrui.- -'- - -Li.-innrinn.ii However,. there is more to this sale than th mutter nf -ip.Arii a xm EVERY ITEM IN THE OLD BENNETT STOCKS IS OF DEPENDABLE QUALITY. Price would be no Inducement whatever to you, or to us. if the duality wasn't 1b .the goods.Then. there Is style in the stocks that demand it such HaSMtSiS. iiTTS" Not a 8,ngle Tbute that makes a is So we present these, fact? for your consideration, knowing that they vitally concern every person within the bounds of the reputation of both the Old Bennett Ctrapany and Se New Orkin Brothers Company. Not single vestige of the old Bennett Company I stocks lust ZK6l Si1 over'l That's the reason of these tremendous reduction? and The GAIN Tbert'swm for yoii68- ' sellln EVERY "EM IN THE STORE IS A BAR- ORKIN BROTHERS CO. ' All orders for morning delivery, and once-a-day routes, must be in the night before. All orders for after- flAfkn ffnllvM.w mnif K. In Kw nnnn his 1,000 copies of sheet music on sale Thursday, only, at lc the copy, or six for 6c.., , 2.000 conies of standard music. at 5o per copy, or six for 25c, . TheSaleof HbteTWare continues .throughout te week; The Bennett store made a spe cialty of hotel china and supplies and , the . hotel, restaurant and boarding houSe keeners who coma to this sale will be able tp supply. au oi . meir neeqs ai less tnan wholesale ' prices In most" ln-- stances. For example $1.00 doi-Hotel cups, each : . .4c $1.50 do' Hotel bowls, each. ..7c $3 dos ups and Saucers, ea.,10c $1.00 doe. ice cream dishes, ea, 8c $1.50 floz. 8-inch plates, each, 8c lOo to SBo Hotel 'white porcelain Jugs, each--.-.nt 6e 10c anJ J.6c Hotel- white porcelain bowls,- eaan J.. , , . . i .Be' lOo to'. 15c .Hotel, white porcelain j.8c oatmeaTBi nach 10c Hoie1"wblta Dorcelaliibone dlaheseacfr Vrrw .......... .3c $1.25wkii. porlalnVilop -Jars, each nvrrvt. . h '. ttll r. . , . .680 1 Be crfea'mpltchers : ( onir MO ) , each i; ? I yt . ..... 8c "Whit China - - -?::u, Tor. Decorating s 6,000 places. Include trays, creamers, 1 C1 sugars, etc., ; etc., ( D5 ot a 1 t)n lot of gingham and percale drese04 ate. ChaiAft Souvenir Plates 1,000 yfrtttr XSVaBlritJlales; each sfaowias. sayn Omaha publla buildinas. all 10-inch siie elates. good'. 6& vaijreii sale- prte? ; , ?19ov ? Glassware '' 2 Be N'Qj. 1 hand, lamps ... . . . JOc 25c bri(oltt lampei .tV4'i;l0o' 1 En kiiMh kjnlA . . Rid .1 .... ..... f l.UU yiltfUi VUlMHVfii a f i ft I DO; $4.00 punca. Uto1!. i. Vt?& 25c colored 'butfef tubs. ? .Vl(' 1 Be cdlcre4'.ereaintpitClanr; .c, 25c horse radish jaj . . . . ... lQc' 1 5c ColeniwHucarbewlT v ;-'.-. f o SI. 75 and S2.00 water sets. . .f).V. .10o..aAi?0l?lmn each 4c 9 fi" y This Sale Has Caused an Upheaval in the women s yarment Business of Omaha .Bono Ari TinOfl rifoiroii nVtVia TiafriTi"ri?-n V OAnnA. TTTi Ii:x; 1- i x rt t i ... . - - - -. - - " r, v v,vUrwvvrv.., 6uiuuS wc ocasvu. ue luienuea 10 start sometninar" when jwe began this sale and rather than mince matters or string a sale along with the idea, of getting all out of the stocks we 'could whpin nn a basis of HALF PRICE AND CLOSE TO HALF FOR EVERYTHING IN THE WOMEN'S F.MTTPP. aw y rxr at oWt;? 0 j t t i t . . ' xvuxjy j. x v" f riA IV OAUXviJi null- dreds of women have already come to this sale with the sole, idea of just ."looking around" as they "really didn't need anythimr" at that particular time, but when they noted the fine quality and style of the garments and the ridiculously low prices at which we are movin them put they simply couldn't resist the opportunity.; Now they, find themselves completely satisfied with the. biggest suit coat or dress bargain they ever knew. Ask your neighbor about the salewe venture to say she is among the number we have already described ' In the meantime, read this price synopsis again and again-it's of vital importance to your wardrobe and purse. ' lailored buits, worth MbW to H5U3t . ..SZ50 to $22 SO Closing Out Children's Handsome Silk Dresses, worth'SiaOOTt? $22.50. at.........;.:;..;....-,..,j,,,:;;.. $975 White Dresses,worth $12.50 to $35.00. at. .. ..,...$6.25 to $17.50 Lingerie Dresses. worth'BaOO to $29.50, :atr.;.v..V..:...,...,.........;;..;...$3,95 to $14 75 White Wool Goats, worth $18.00 to $35.00, at..-...;..........:...:..,.:...;$9,50 to S1750 Stunning Silk Coatsworth $19.50 to $45.00, at . . , ; ......... v .... :$9.75 tn ??. W Eine Wool Dresses, worth $19.50 to $35.00. at... ; S9.75 tn 5il7ffl w ool uress bkirts, !worth W. b to $I5.U0, at ... .;: $3,95 to $7.95 to. ft fit (Irts from sit to fourteen veara of a.ea: fc good ;assortmentv6t styles and patterns to cnoose irom; actual 92.20 fxi values Thursday . . . , ....... &l4tD One lot of Juniors' and mlueft' dresses,: of gingtams and percale final' made and tastily trimmed In fancy styles; agaa rem loirieen to seventeen yearsr CT 'Sm C r Children's Drawers 6e"lot of rhlldren's muslin drawers,, for lagf two to. five years) goofl liA 19e values., while they last, ; at. Yt 79 C -20 Pe r Cent DIsc't on All! Books : Bibles $1.00 P08Lgo. Hundreds f clothcbound. books. Many $1.00 values Included, an endless assortment of good titles. ' oaie puce.' oc : .$X.75 BOOKS,' 49c. . Mark Twain works. Never sold under the publisher's price, $1.75. Good choice ot titles. Sale Price, 49c ' ,a STANDARD WORKS, 39c. Leather bound standard works ot English literature; lathis sale, per volume, S9c J""k 60c COOK BOOKS, 19c Womea'ft. Jlome . Good . House keeping Magaslne Cook Books. Sale Price, 10c $100 BIBLES, 90c. - . -?-'f ' Jl.-C i- rr tS ;i Leather bound, Teacher's edi tion with dictionary and concord ances; large print, Per vol., 90c. Framed Pictures Bennett's priced at $1.00 and up. This giver you practically the largest stock of framed pictures in the entire Middle ;,West to i choose from at a price no art Jover: ever dreamed ot. ., v ; ils' Pastels, Water Colors, Etchings, Etc. at 20 Per Cent Less " - inil . IM f , 1 1 1 n 'f w-The work of the Old Masters Inter mingles, with beautiful work of jnt bt modern orialn. makinar a ttoiinptinn i tractive from every point of view. Be herejearly. , , , Second Floor.- - - --if -nrirmnminr njuu X! I ci xetxiooerry i. ... .. . . , . F '( 1 $0l tnemrandam bdoks "arwe;e priced np to"60c, to close, each lOo fctAtionery-Crane's fine paper and envelope.; Up, to 1 1;00 boxes. 23c 6X) , Stationery, 85c-Berlln's ini tial stationery. Regular 6Qe boxes. Sali Prlce.j. .jV. .'.SSC; 50c Blank I Books, So-Ledgers and Journals, -lOOr aod"tW-pags Uses. Sale Price '.T.'.T; . '.T'i T. l5c fapalnaNeatJy. ..decorated nap ins, 100 tojro.. ...10c fehelf Paper-Assorted colors, -. Ckg.. . ... .lOe Lunch Paper-10c kind; 4 rolls, for . . . . ... . ............ .E8o iPenclls-Capitol lead pencils,; per aozen, ;20c.-f The "Beat's U' pencils, "per dozen '' 11W Jlox Fllea-Oood eraderexlra "aie: 'Cial values. Each no Crepe PapeiMJoo4,aasortaUCBt,pr eoiors; ' per rou .TiX??U& c Lunch Sets, Napkin and Domes Per set ........la - - - -rnmnnrin Ofvi.Juc-ifxrT.rLnii. Foulards On lot of 43 to 48-laoa aordma foulrd- every pattern new this Mason, all the favored hades as well as staple colors reDre-entod-qualltles that would sell m Z . in any store at $2.00 the yard, llVIr closing out at J.mf..i Vatural poag-ee sUks that are noW sol fciiich 5 in uemana ior summer oress garments; re-1 liable goods, full 36 inches V ;3Lpts : "of Dress; tJodds y-. visit to tns dress goods department will oulrklv cnnvlnra vnil that mn. an said In regard to this sale being an absolute clearance of the old Bennett stock. In the three lots of dress goods featured '?.p Thursday's selling are varieties to please . all. The . savings-well. Judge of that for yourself. ..,. , . . BSL50 Dress Goods, 69c ':: 59c Dress Goods . . 59c ' 30c Dress Goods . . 29c Some Nev Wash Goods Cotton fonlaxds, 'with a finish resembling the fine silk ' foulards and . patterns - you would expect to find only in silk nvaterlals f full. 27 inches .wide; l9o values, at 1 1 Mr the ard. ,v. .. . ,. ; . .y w . V lfty styles of batistes. In pretty striped, dotted, floral and two-toned effects: mm mdt m n nn rinr iVififtsisi si Boys' High Grade Suits if eatured tor ;i hursdav . ;. The boys 'department ras oiwo the fastest growing departments in uv Y' J?ull'iU store-raue to, me higH graae oi Jabrics and superior work ..ingnslup, and style of each garment - Expert shoppersaVe told us that ao pfxeeu. euii me uennert store earnea would compare favorably iw tHwlWv9- suits selling atflw.to ..w more, while -The Entire Stock Represents the Very Finest Pro duct of the Best Boys' Clothes Mcksrs in America Wntly;t.li no wonder that parents w-lll' ,fini. this - th most Interesting news of the , kind ever published in Omaha. Think what , It meana when the price of onMu nearly pay.for, room for only :a few of the prices in thla L Hit Very Best at Llmosi the WholesalelCost of L? the Ordinary in These Three Groups - ' All of. Bennett high grade elothing for boys is Included In the following prlca groups. - Norfolk and double-breasted models in a godd' variety of stylish effects. Ma terials Include the finest imported and domestic tweedsth newest and most fashion-. able mixtures and splendid checked patterns; ' m - . . , Lot A includes up ' to $4 values $2.75! Lot B includes up to 3.du values S5.75 Lot C includes up to, $10 values $4.75 Boys' $2.2$ to $4 Suits; Closing-Out Price $L49 &$L75 T,0 laterestiAg lots-a tableful, of each-in all upwards of a thousand knlckerbooker and double-breasted suits. Materials consist of serviceable worsteds, cassimeres, tw0e4 and khaki. The range for selection is most . eatisfying-mixtures. checks, tripes and invisible plaid patterns. All sizes frpm 4 to 16 years. , ' w, v L18 M A A I Lot 2 includes Up to $3.00 Jh l-4V UP to S3.50 , vaiues at , ... t - Values at $1.75 , -innruuiuuui. JlaaL Rus and Draperies Every rug and drapery item in the entire Bennett stock is of re liable quality' and late pattern and design. Assortments at each prlca are wide and varied. The Famous "Dorothy Bodd" Oxfords arid Pumps are being cleared out at prices you have never before known for "Dorothy Dodd" footwear has a price fixed "by the manufacturers which is rigidly maintained. An event like- this closing out of the Bennett stock is the only time in which they can be secured at less. $5.50 to $4.50 Values at $33.75, 9x12, seamless Wihon Velvet Rugs are tSlQ Cft reduced to . . ..... plZr3J $25.00. 9x12. Smith's Axminater Rugs are reduced 5(0 $22.50 Wilton Velvet and Axmln. ster Mitred Rugssl?es, 8-3x10-6-are reduced tf i0 to.v.-. . . ;. . -v. . a7.3TO 3 6x7 2-inch Axminater ftumi thni were resonably : priced at $4.50, now going ,. HQ at. . . DjLm,ZQ Axminater Carpet, Bennett's sold C&rmns & Drape. Hes One lot of Scrims and Nets, worth 1 Mr -tne yard, while they ssj - last '.. ..... A "fine assortment of ' Scrim and Nets, that are extra values' at 25c thai yard. Sale Price JQc One big lot of Scrims and Nets. worth 35b the yard, are. C reduced to '., . .JlJr C Lace.. Curtains many different kinds to go at the following re-ductlons-$7.00 values at S3.08: $5.60 values at $2.98; $3.76 val ues . at 91.08; sz.75 values at $1.49, and. $1.20 values fCQ s Furniture Special Wa .are also, offering, the fam ous & G. Stickley.lina of fumed oak furniture for dens and living, rooms at greatly reduced prices. -, Bsstjis'slsj"lsIWsasssias French China Imported . English and French cups and saucers. Solid , gold handles. Twenty-five excraisite decorations. $2.00 to $3.50 CTf ilues, sale prloe. vfJA thanrff 1 ; . - Lamp Basesat-95f A collection of pretty electric, gas, and .'oil lamp :baes, Jome slightly enopworn. fz.ou to.$6 C P Values, each "iY) TuVOQ 5 ITTT ' 1 J 4-1 1 In the assortment you will find oxfords and pumps in one, two and three-strap styles. : All the new toes and heels; in all sizes, and Eussia tan calf, white nubuck metal and patent leathers, . Ben choose from. , 60c chocolate dipped maraschino cherries, per lb ; .80c $0o creams and chocolate mixture, per lb. ...... ... . ... . . .-;.i2Hc 20c Yankee peanut brittle, per lb. ...iajc Angelus marshmallows, box.,.8c Mixed candl38, par lb. . . . . .10c 11 iii lVMWWAfJJjirLSLSls Men's Oxfords $3.50 and $4.00 values of patent colt, gun metal and tan leathers; including all sizes ' l y O and newest styles O Boys' Oxfords Boys' Oxfords of vici kitV gun metal and patent leathers, Ben nett's priced at $3, flt l Q. to5....s5lsrO sizes r Item in the Store is a Bargain 9RKIN BROTHERS CQMPANY Successbr to GROCERIES ; 2 -lb. can Bennett's breakfast ; coffee .'. .-. . . . ,4Sc 68o assorted teas, per lb 48c 15c tea sittings, per lb. . . . . .12c' 1- lb. can baking powder..;. 18c 15c bottle Durkee's curry powder, t ........,.....i'..10c 15e bottle onion salt VZc Full cream cheese, per lb . . . .18c 20c can . Carpenter's preserved figs .........12c 25c can Bennett's Capitol Cali fornia fruits .............. 18c 15c can Walker's hot tamaleS, lie Jap rice, splendid quality, lb., 6c 15c quality evaporated peaches, 3 lbs. for . . . . . .26c -lb. can Colman's mustard,' 12c 1 dosen pkgs. washing crystal, 12c 2- lb. can Snider's pork and beans for ......lie 3 Cans Runkel's cocoa for . . . .25c Lea A Perrln's Worcestershire sauce, bottle v...:.. 24c Pint bottle Snider's salad dressing tor 20e 10 bars Beat 'Em All soap. '. .25c 10 bars Diamond C soan. . . . 2.v- 2-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol bats or wheat....... . ...... 8c 8 bars crystal white soap. . . .25c 4 10c cans eagle lye. 25c IK lbs. granulated sugar, , . .Sl.00 2-lb. pkg. B. C. pancake flour 8c Butter and Eggs Bennett's Capitol creamery fcutter, 1-lb. brick, guaranteed full weight, for 25c Fresh Country Butter. iar lb., nn 16TH AND HARNEY STREETS from 7. 24c - - - "irsTsTUlJ'IJJIsU .1