( f
1 V
Taffi Vetc of Appropriation Bill
Will Cause Delay.
It is Anticipate that Money for Ma
: irivrn Later la the Seaaoa
- T, Will Be Appropriated by
;Jt, Coaai ess. - -f-
6ummet maneuver planned for several
militias and tho regular army of tha
department of tha Missouri are off until
further notice. This word has been re
ceived by General Frederick A. Smith
from Washington and Is caused by the
presidents veto at tha army appropria
tion bill. '
. The bill, a provision In which struck
at Major General Wood, whltfh. If made a
taw, would, have removed, the general
from his position as chief of staff, and
upon which ground the president vetoed
tbe measure, carried with it the appro
priation fund from which all summer
maneuvers were to ba carried on. The
money the regular army ha to go on
is barely enough to keep up the regular
Handing force and until an appropriation
is granted, anything In the way of army
practice and maneuvers Is postponed.
"", The T'atattTe Inatroetlons.
..Instructions received Saturday which
wire tentative and subject to change in
cluded the detail to Pole Mountain, Wyo.,
of both regiments of the Nebraska Na
t.unal Guard. They were to entrain for
Polo Mountain to assemble at the ma
neuvering grounds July 7 and to remain
there with the regular troops of Fort D.
A. Russell until July 17. The Wyoming
and Colorado militia were also to take
lart,. the Colorado militia to . be, In
maneuver practice from July 17 to 27.
General Smith was ordered to take com
mand. . , '
The maneuver duty of the posts at
Forts Mackenzie, Meade and Robinson,
also to be commanded by General Smith,
)s called off, Including, the encampment
of the Iowa state militia at Iowa Falls,
August 12.
It Is predicted that an appropriation
a 111 be put through congress probably
by August 1, which will permit of the
Iowa maneuvers, but will prevent the
Wyoming maneuvers because of the late
ness of the season. '
Club Women Stop
in Omaha Enroute
" to the Convention
. One - hundred club women and three
club husbands, including a . psychology
professor, . were in Omsha from 1 to I
o'clock Monday -afternoon on their way
from northeastern states to Ban Fran
cisco, to attend the biennial convention
of .the General Federation of Women's
clubs, June 25 to July S. They were met
by local women, whirled around the city
in automobiles furnished by the Ad club,
and sent off laden with crackers, candy
and complexion creams given as souvenirs-by
local manufacturers.
"Miss Louis Graham, transportation
manager for the delegation, is. the
youngest woman in the bunch. She is
editor of "Club Notes," the woman's
club column of the Cleveland Leader and
will writ biennial matter for the Asso
elated Press. Other prominent In the
Ohio delegation are Mrs. George Zimmer
man of Fremont, chairman of the civic
committee of the General Federation;
Ms. Elmer G'. Lawrence of Cincinnati,
corresponding secretary for the Women's
National River and Harbor congress;
Mrs. E. L. Buch waiter, an ex-president
of the state federation; Miss Etnelle
McVea, dean of women In Cincinnati
university; Mrs. Charles F. Walker,
state delegate-at-large; Mrs, Samuel -B.
Hheath of Tippin, air ex-president of thr
state federation; Mrs. O. J. Hodge of
Cleveland, honorary regents of the Ohio
Daughter of the American Revolution.
Mrs. W. B. Williams of Lapeer, stato
president, heads the Michigan delegation,
among which are Mrs, R. H. Ashbaugh.
president of the Detroit Federation of
Women's Clubs editor of the Club Wo
man and state recording secretary, and
Mrs! Anna Walters, chairman of the state
civics committee.
Omaha, women. who furnished cars in
addition to those of the Ad olub were
Mr. George Joslyn. Mrs. C. Vincent,
Mrs. Ed Phelan, Mrs. James C. Dahhnan,
Mrs. T. h. Haller. Mrs. N. H. Nelson and
Mrs T. F Stroudi
New Town of Arnold :
Holds Big Barbecue
People back, from the celebration held
by the cltlsen's of Arnold, the new town
of the Union Pacific' Callaway branch,
report great crowds in attendance. Trains
l un, from ' Kearney carried 1,15) passen
gers from Intermediate points, which with
those who came In from the country, In
creased the ele of the gathering to close
to WOO,.
, The. Arnold peoplaheaded by a band,
met the trains and accompanied the vis
itors to the publlo square, where dinner
was served, .followed by a session of
epeechmaklng and music. The dinner
was a real barbecue., Two big fat steers
and' ten sheep were roasted and served.
Besides the meat, the visitors disposed
of 3,000 loaves of bread, ten bushels of
potatoes, 100 gallons of coffee and 1,000
pies. . : ,., -.' .. ' .. , ,
' "Blackberries so soon?"
The woman who doe her own market
ing poked the crate of rich, dark, berries
meditatively. .
"I didn't' know that blackberries were
on the market. Now If you could invent
a blackberry that would have some taste
to- it I would buy some; but blackberries
are 'so " , : ' i'' .
"Gotcha , Steve," grinned the grocery
bey, cheerfully... "Hera you are, lady.
Loganberries, big. as a black. Juicy a a
straw and delicate a a raspberry. 'And
say, if you want a pi as is a real pie, try
a Loganberry 'pi. Yumr .Turn!"
The Loganberry has rolled In on Its
first visit from the western coast Bur
bank invented it and its success in the
west is about to be repeated in the east
ern market if they all go a rapidly a
these first arrival. It is Juicy and tart
and housewives say it is unexcelled for
canning and preserving and for Jelly.
During the summer month mother of
eung children should watch for any un
natural looseness of the bowels. When
given 'prompt attention at' this time
sr rloos trouble may be avoided. Cham
be riain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Itemed? can always be depended upon.
For sale by all dealer -
Scores of wonderful 'bargains will be found in
these new lots brought forward from
Fresh Pfcw Summer Merchandise "
Secured at a great sacrifice from eastern manu
factured who were overstocked on account of
the backward season;
This Less to the Manufacturers' is Your Gain I
Vomen's Muslin Gowns
$1.25 and $1.50 Values at 59c
Night gowns, crisp, new mater
ials, cut full, in the latest mod
els for 1912 all daintily trim
med in laces and embroidery.
They are worth to $1.25, some
$1.50; Wednesday they go on
r . ir i TT . sssk
sale in Muslin un- rmh
derwear. bection,
2d floor, at the
special price
Women's New Summer Wash Dresses
Cool, summery frocks made' in the newest styles of the
season from materials. that will launder perfectly plain
and fancy patterns for dressy wear. Dresses tfC
t actually worth to $10, on sale at . .... .V
Smart, New Silk and Satin Coats
The season's style favorites new and unusually attrac
tive models, made with the latest style features-very
nractical and serviceable Silk and satin coats A
t worth to $20, special Wednesday, at ........... . . V V
Beautiful quality of. white satin taKeta rlbbn, No. 150, OP
6 Inches wide, at, per yard o4iJV
Black Velvet Ribbon now in vogue lor sashes on an xancy J.
gowns in Just the right widths.
No. 22, at, per yard ... .S5 I No- 30 at, per yard 35 t
A complete line of white ribbons for June events.
Fancy.Warp Prints all new goods, BV4 and 6 Inches wide, ofi "
at yard ...
Splendid designs for fancy bags, millinery and breakfast caps. ". !
Sashes made free of charge. '
, from Our Great Cash Purchase -
$3.50 WHITE NUBUCK PUMPS at $2.35 J
Either Colonial buckle or flat bows; welt soles, Cuban heels, snort
vamps the kind you see sold and advertised at f 8.60, d0 'Oft f
here In all sUes and widths, at &iOD t
Women's Smart New Pumps at $1.98 pair
Women's Pumps in satin, velvet, dull leather or patent leather, also
white canvas with flat silk bows, hand turned soles, leather heels, )
short effects, stage lasts; all sizes, Wednesday only, J1 no
at pair , V 1 saO ; ;
' Thiosands of Yards Lew, Fancy Trimmings, '
Wash Laces, Insertions, and Galloons on Special Sale
Irish crochet effects, macrame, fancy cluny, oriental,
guipure, filet, point Paris, Piatt Val. laces and insertions 1 !
hundreds of pretty designs in white, cream and ecru, ' !
' up to 6 in. wide; also wide black silk chantilly laces. The
window display has attracted thousands. IAa
Worth nn to 25c a vard. at. vard xVXt I
. . , f V F - -f
18-inch fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroidered
Jlouncings, Skirtings, Corset Coverings, wide insertions ! :
and galloons endless variety of pretty designs; CA J
t worth 25c a yard, at, yard ,..,v I
Official Returns from Republican Cenvention
Received Eyery Few Minutes Daring the Day
'At considerable expense we have made arrangements to re
ceive the official returns from the great Republican Convention in
' Chicago every few minutes by long distance telephone on our main
floor.; There will be no charges all are welcome complete.
T authentic returns before the newspapers have them.
Brandeis Stores
Footwear of Quality
. This is l
Season v.
Vofuc Has V. Vs.
Turned to J0
Entirely il IK. Y(r
Oar Line
of Whie
, is a
to Ladies
the Best in
Both Style
1 16 &. DOUGLAS.
1 nr
! Piano Sellk
Records Broken!
Hear about those CROWDS at the former Ben
nett Co. establishment Monday? .
Perhaps you were THERE; it's almost a certainty
that you WERE!
THOUSANDS of people bought dry goods, cloth
ing, millinery, shoes, etc., EVERYBODY saved al
most unbelieveably large amounts of money; the bus
iness done was the greatest since Omaha was put.
upon the map.
But the PIANO sales were the greatest surprise of
ANY. Many thought "Who'll buy pianos in such a
rush?" but the pianos were SOLD just the same
DOZENS of them-in a SINGLE day. Wise ones
quickly realized that it was a case of "Now or
never" on pianos; the opportunity was GENUINE
the makes were FAMOUS; the prices were EX
TRAORDINARILY low; the terms were as liberal
as human could ASK. -
Now. then, all the REST of these Bennett Co. pi--anos
are going to be closed out; at YOUR idea of
price; at YOUR terns. '
Will you make up your mind to SEE what is pos
sible? Will you look into the question sincerely?
Will you buy if you can buy a piano RIGHT but
TIfoe OfMeu
Bros. Co.
Successors to the
Bemumett Coo
Cr. 16th and Harney Sis. C Qmaha
Last week of silver distribution
During the final days of the distribution of silverware by
The Bee and Omaha merchants one coupon like that below
will entitle the holder to a Wm. Eogers & Son's silver teaspoon,
provided ,the coupon is accompanied by ten cents. The last
coupon appears Saturday,, but holders of these coupons may
exchange them for silverware up until 9 . o'clock Monday
evening, July L
Save the coupons
and certificates
with purchase;,
Co. 181U uA N
oeocuui Sts.
IUM.M , S'XXl.Ji,
ttisuwr. xtougMs
XBd. iJ7. '
lia DoufUs,
aa ffiovj.
lis Uncr.nnH BSka' '
worth at. f
rLosuM-c xmrx,
Scsadsta Stoxss.
1S BottUl 1U 81
xjquob ca
Mot rmmm St.
14S1 raram St.
irrsBs sxuov
UtB and Varaaat
' . st,- -
Clip This Coupon
Omaha Bee Daily Coupon -
NO. 39. Wednesday, June 19, 1912.
This coupon and 10 cents to cover tbe cost of
handling, entitles the holder to one Wm. Rogers &
Son guaranteed teaspoon of Le Necessalre pattern.
Out of town readers will add two cents extra for
postage. .
Name . . . . . ... ... ... . .r. . ,
- 1 1 1 .
Street and Ko... .!... x......
I Postoffk
It 70a llTS aa th
city briar you
sonpoas to tas
klfico oZ Tao kaa
Clip This Coupon
Yearly Subscription Ctupan Omaha Bes
This coupon whin properly simed and presented st
.t.. nttie at Tha Omaha Bee (or mailed by those resld
In out of town) will bring to the holder full Informa
tion Dow every hon. can secure a full dozen Wm. Roc.
ara A Son guaranteed Teaspoons at once.
Also, tha sender will receive a free catalogue ot
all nieces of this set together with the number of so-
Sons anu Nrauwin . wum w v . ywm wv w.
oi Omaha fixtna iasulnc them te tha pubUa
Sana ........... .
This eftac applies
te everyoae.
whether a yceaeai
snbscrlbe to Tia
Bas a not.
Bnoeassor to - '
Expert dentistry . at moderate
prloes all work In charge ot ex
pert Only sterilised Instru
n.nts used. . Porcelain fillings
Just like the teeth.. Most mod
ernly equipped office In Omaha
Ooraer 16th and ramid ts.
iliii siinsstfiri11'iWs 'ri r - -""TsTiil
Juno Clearance Sales Previous to Inventory
Equal Price.
Dainty Underranslins Greatly Underpriced
To Reduce Stock Before Inventory
' Princess Slips, worth to $5.00, in
fine quality lawn or nainsook,
with deep lace and embroidery
flounce and fine lace yokes," on
" sale ....... $1.98 and $2.98
Skirts worth to $6.00, elegantly
trimmed, at $2.98 $1.98
and .$1.50
Gowns worth to $2.50, in pink,
blue crepes and fine quality
nainsooks, "Wednesday, at 98c
Cambric Gowns, $1.00. values, em
broidery and lace trimmed,
matchless bargains, Wednes
day, at ......... 49p
Ladies' Muslin Drawers Great
est bargains ever offered, 25c
Lisle Union Suits 75c values,
all styles 35c
Ladies Lisle Vests Hand croched
yokes ...
Wool Qoods Remnants Half
Hundreds of Remnants of very finest qualities wool
Dress Goods in most desirable patterns and colors. f
All the short lengthsl I P(AH w-eaves, all
left from the past! Hl-iLr widths in S118
few ' weeks ' tremend-D - j from 2 to 6 ydsi,
ous selling, go at . . .) P N C O (most wanted colors.
Wash Goods Clearance
Still making prices on late
arrivals of high 1 grade wash
goods. ' -'
1000 pieces of genuine Egyp
tian Tissue,' In plaids and
stripes, regular 2 5c goods, op
sale at, yard ...... 12 He
200 pieces of Toil Etieme,
worth 25c yard, at ,.12
A large quantity of woven
Flaxon, regular 25c goods,
at 7... j 12W
600 pieces' of high grade silk and
cotton wash goods, worth up to
11.00 yard, OOe, 38c, 85o and 18o
12.00 Ratine $1.00
11.60 Ratine ....850
$1.25 Ratine Voiles ...89o
Light weight printed wash goods,
to close. Batistes, Organdies,
Rayes and other printed goods,
up to 39c yard, will go at lOo,
. IStte, ISo, 18o and 8So
Mail orders filled at these
prices. Samples furnished to out-of-town
customers on application.
Extra Specials Linen De
partment Wednesday
Pure linen hemmed or
hemstitched linen towels
worth 50c, each. . 1 ,29c
Pure -linen pattern table
cloths, assorted designs,
size 8x10, worth $4.00,
each ...... ,...$2.75
Mercerized pattern Table
Coths, unhemmed, size
8x4, worth $1.50,, choice,
Pure Linen Dinner Nap-,
kins, bleached or silver
bleached, worth $3 doz.,
6 for $1.00
Snaps in Cloak Dept. Wednesday
Will gladly refund your money if you can surpass or even
equal the garment bargains we're ottering.
Women's Street or Auto
Coats, made to sell to $5,
exceptional bargains, go'
at .......$1.95
$35 Tailored Suits $12.50
New spring styles in all
colors including Cream
Serge, also Silk Taffeta
suits, $35 to-$40 values,
at ....$12.50
Dainty Summer Dresses,
white and colors, lawns,
ginghams, allover em
broideries, etc., all styles
and sizes, to $7.50 values,
Jit aeeaaeea 293
Long Poplin, Rep and Lin
en Coats, $7.50 values, in
plain auto styles or with
large collars, the greatest
snaps ever, choice $3.95
Clearance Bargains in the Domestic Room Wednesday
I2c Dress Ginghams, good
colors and patterns 7H
5Hc Blue Prints, assorted pat
terns, on sale, yard . . . . 3
10c Satisfaction Bleached Mus
lin 36 inches wide, Wednes
day at
18c New Tissues, in good range
of patterns 12 H
25c Windsor Batistes, fancy pat
terns, 40 inches wide, yd. 15
23c Bleached Sheeting, 9-4 wide,
good weight, at, yard... 19
Bleached Table Damask, 2ft
yard . patterns, to $1.50 value,
at .................. 984
20c Table Oil Cloths, in light
. or dark colors, at ..... 15J
18c Silk Finish. Foulards, good
patterns, Tuesday, at . . . 10
7 c Bleached Muslins : are 36
inches wide, on sale, yard 5
New Lawns, 10c quality, good
patterns . and colors ..... 5
Swift River Tickings, regular
15c yard values at .... 10
Hardware Department Clearance Specials
Enterprise Cherry Stoners
regular 95c values at . . 65
Rollnian Cherry Stoners Regu
lar 75c values at 49
10 rolls 5c Toilet Paper 25
5 rolls 10c Toilet Paper . .
Large Preserving Kettle 39k
Aluminum . Fruit Jar Fitters,
: on sale at 10$
White Enameled Colanders
Regular 50c values'..,.' 19
35c Grass Hooks. . . . . . . .
Good Whet Stones at. , . ... 3
20 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar $1.00
48-lb. sacks best high grade Diamond
H Family flour,' made from the fin
est selected" wheat and guaranteed
to give the best satisfaction or your
money refunded in full, sack
10 bars Beat 'Km All; Diamond C or
Lenox soap S6o
IV lbs. best white or yellow corn
meal WV4o
4 cans Eagle,, Champion or Lew 18
Lye 3
8 canes Elder Flower, Cocoa Castile,
Hardwater, Tar or Glycerine soap
at , -5
Snlder's or Campbell's assorted soups,
can ......... Tno
J-lb. cans Table Plums, -Apricots.
Peaches or Pears, packed in heavy
syrup, per can ISO
The best tea slftlngs. lb. loo
5 pkgs. Eagle brand Macaroni; noth
ing finer ........ ISa
Good Family Teas. ITncolored Japan,
Sundrled Japan, English Breakfast,
Gunpowder or Ceylon, fine drink,
per lb. ...... ..v .; 45o
Yeast Foam, pkg. ..SHo
Oran N"ts. pfr ............. .'.JO
t cans Eagle Milk ............ .150
Butter, wneese and " -Speoi.-No.
J country creamery butter, lb. 25o
No. 1 dairy butter, lb. .......... 83o
Full cream Young America cheese,
lb. , ..i8o
Full cream brick or Llmburger, per
Ub. . , .'......Mo
Neufchatel cheese, each 3o
McLaren's Peanut Butter, i lbs.
for ; .....350
Tha Taratabl Iffmvk.t a n
s ouncnes iresn onions . .
8 bunches fresh radishes
'?. lAm. riinnmhar.
6 bunches fresh leaf lettuce
3 neaas rresn Head lettuce
4 bunches fresh .beets.' carrots or
New potatoes, 15 lbs. to the peck per
New cabbage, per lbj
FTAflh nPHR. ih flnoet Irinil nt
Fresh wax or green beans, lb. 7Ho
4 bunches spinach, . peck &c
Fresh cauliflower, per lb. ........So
8000 Cabbage Plants, on aale Wed.
.This, is the Premium Flat Dutch
' Varletyf all you want, per dot. . .So
:. -i frockery Dept
fnt up your Pineapples this week.
Large ulise. each 12V4e; per doz. fl.40
indium large size, each lOo; dozen
i-at .............. y. ....... fi.io
Medium size, each 805 per doz. sBo
Good Bize, each 74c per dozen 85o