Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1912, Image 12
K it t 't t Si f 1 6 s 1 f 1 HI I it .i V. i 'J Desperate I.-POINTBLANK. Claude and Rosamond have escaped from the clutches of the flea, only to fare ' a more ruthless enemy. At they land on the beach -the lovers see the cruel' (ace of. Desmond above them. The villain has a field gun trained upon them, and out of revenge for Rosamond's refusal of his hand will shoot down both. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to iitsure proper classification moat be presented before 12 o'clock in. for the evening edition and before 7: so p. m. for morning and Sunday edU lions. Want ads received after such hoars will have tbelr first insertion . under the heading ."Too Late to Classify." ' CASH RATESFOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One insertion 1U cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive insertion. Each inser tlon made on odd days 1 hi cent per word; 91. SO per line per month when ad is run without change of copy. n DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. ' 1SAKSON Mrs. Christine, aged 63 years, '-'I months, t days, beloved wife of Au ' rust Isakaon. June 17. 1913. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 o clock from family residence, 923 South . Twenty-fifth avenue. Interment, Forebt a Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. TOWERS Sarah A., beloved wife of R. ' T. Powers. June Is, Funeral from family residence, 1548 South Twenty-sixth, Thursday at 8:30 a. m. to St. Peter's church at 9 a. m. Inter "ment. Holy Sepulchre cemetery. ( LODGE NOTICES. Attantlon Modern Woodmen of America: f he annual memorial services of Omaha camp mo. i.v win do. nem at meir nan o-V'ednesday evening. All members : of camp No. 120 are requested to attend, ' their families included. Invitation is s hereby extended to ail Modern Woodmen 'rand Royal Neighbors and especially the v families of deceased members. Commit- t . ': "( MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. - Age. Frsnk Urgendowski, South Omaha 25 g Pauline Uadura. South Omaha 20 Oscar V. ,Snygg, Omaha 25 ' Uertrude L. Uarllck, Omaha 19 . "Earl S. Harvey, Omaha..... 2 ' Florence Tipton,'-Omaha ' ......18 VWalter E. Meyer, South Omaha ,.,.21 tlenora Marble, South Omaha ,,30 . Joseph O. sutler, Merna, Neb..... 30 t arah Olllan, Omaha, 25 9 . Louis Veck, Omaha.. 23 Rosarla Cocuzxa, Omaha 19 " "W. O. Hamilton, Boise, Idaho.. ..Over 21 1 Velma F. Rlchey, Omaha Over 21 Fred Berkman, Lincoln SI fcarah A. Potter, Omaha 2S . Charles Leonard, South Omaha 21 Bertha Spencer, -South Omaha 19 d' HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Saleswomen. :' WANTED At once, experienced girts lur ladies lurmsmngs depratment. , steady positions, good valarlea. THE NOVELTY CO., - 214-18 N.-liith St k . Clerical nnq Of flee. -. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper for whola sale house. Salary will be $65 or mora ( Mate experience and telephone, N 329, Uoosrkeepers and Domestics. ' THE SERVANT filRT. prncr ru SOLVED-The Bee will run a eervant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the uosiicu icauiis. imi applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaua and Council bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee cluce orieiepnone xyier, 1OU0. Ai J.E.1-At once, airl fnr ,n..,i housework; family of three. Phone Har ney hps, independent B-asiil. vajstj!.u-a competent second girl; 3 city relerences. 607 S. 88th 6t Phone ciarney aws. WAN TtD-A competent cook:-city ret. erences. Mrs. Rome Miller, 4S23 Florence Blvd. Phone Webster 370. COMPETENT girl for general house work; two In family; no washing. W. .. Connell, 623 So. 24tn St : Phone Dougla lid. -WANTED Good girl for general house, work. No washing. 'Phone H. 2110. JoU-j Howard. I WANTED-Experienced cook; no wash j Inf. good wages; references. 3210 Farnam. . WANTED Younif nr mlrtrlU.o t man for general housework; family of I two; must be good plain cook, neat and t ciean. Apply at 1302 S. 35th Bt. ""WANTED-Experienced nurse maid for child It years old; references required. Phone Harney 2132. . . WANTED A competent girl tor gen , -eral housework; no children; four In fam- ily. Phone Harney 171. , Mra'F.- D. Wead. t.6US 8. 40th St. I WANTEO-Competent girl for general housework. 4248 Farnam St. Harney 3272. '"WANTED A competent girl for gen ii era 1 housework; wages $7. Apply Apt. 1 .ivormandy. Pacific and Park Ave. Har- "j -ijOOD girl wanted at 2306 Douglas St -UIRL wanted for general housework; wiall family; good wages; no cooking. Capitol Ave. Capable girl, fnr n,rai hnm.. work, good , wages, Danish or Swedish l"tKt erred. Tel. Douglas ti043L 2562 Bt j' lary's avenue. ' AVANTF.D Holn frr minrlr In lrlh. I Apply to CUrkson hospital before 11 a, m. Miacetlaneoaa. j -iTJIRL to learn halrdresslnc. .': Oppen i J'elm Parlors. 2d floor. City Nat. Bank ..YOUNG women coming to Omaha as Vangers are invited to visit the Young omen's Christian association building St. Mary's Ave., and 17th. St.. where tey will be directed to suitable boarding aces or otherwise assisted. Look for .r travelers' guide at the Union station. ) WANTED A woman who understands 'fvi&D circulars, lili Harney, Desmond: II. THE" SURVEYOR.' . ' 'Faithfully working away among the ragged rocks of the Cuban coast, a sur veyor thinks he has put In about a fair day, and begins to wind up his steel tape. From his position he cannot see Claude or Rosamond, or this toller under open skies would rush promptly to their aid against the villain. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Accident and health insur ance agents to work in Omaha or state of Nebraska or in seven other -western states. Best line of policies top notch commissions renewal contract granted by the largest casualty company of the west. NAT. FIDELITY CASUALTY CO., Omaha, Neb. FEW high pressure stock salesmen. Best proposition on earth. Our agents are clearing from 3&0 to $1,000 per month. No boozers or advance hunters need ap ply. Leads furnished anywhere you want to work. Address Redmon, Kansas City Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. SALESMEN wanted"; call Douglas 5607. Good men are hard to get They don't wander around the streets looking for signs In windows. When you need good help advertise In The Bee. Bee Want ads are read by' keen, energetlo men who wish to better their condition. Rates lc per word If run two or mora times consecutively. Tele phone Tyler 1000. $50 - WEEKLY selling collection cabl nets to merchants. No competition. Ex elusive territory. Write for free samples ana descriptive matter, sayers Co., Lac lede Bldg., St. liOUlS, Mo. WANTED By a half million dollar corporation, a representative for Omaha and surrounding territory, to sell a line of high-grade advertising novelties and signs. Our novelties are appropriate for every business and a live man can sesJly make rrom $1,500 to $2,000 a year. Kxciu slve territory. To the proper man a ner sonal interview will be granted. Bastion tiros, uo.. Kocnester, n. y. THREE or four first class axents who Will ! satisfied with $300 or $400 per monin. bioch; proposition. - Lad8 fur nished wherever you want to work. Ad dress Rtdmon. Kansas City Life Bldg, nansas city, mo. WANTED Bright man with a little casn to tax active interest in estab lished wholesale house. Address L 290, Bee, Clerical and Office. . For a HIGH GRAD7 office position, see US. ,s , CO-OPERATIVE . REFERENCE CO.. juio-iD ,ny nai. Banx Bldg. FULL dress suits and Dartv rlrm tnr saie; aiso ror rent, si.uo tn xi fin n iht JOHN FELDMAN, 20tt N. 17th. D. 3128. DAY CLERK to take c,iaa of 12 n.r any noioi, wi, u per week, board room; mini De ciean cut younsr man whose head la working and furnish Ilium cuoii uodu, ooq aeoumy;, state age, ref erences and experience: will hava full charge of business. Address Y 49, Omaha tee. Factory and Trades. Drug store (snap) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. MEN Learn the barber trade: a fw snort weexs at our college settles for all time the Question of lndenandAtica: am while you learn. Call or write for par ticulars. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th Miscellaneous. YOU ARB WANTED for government position, vu per montn. send postal for mi oi positions open, f rankim institute, uepariment m jr., Bocnester, W. y. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training In our eoaoob rraciica on it. it. wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. B. Bcyles, Pres. Boyies uonege, umana, mo. WANTED 60 men on sewer at Superior. ieo.; vencn work oy root l.W on up, Kelley Construction Co. MOVED TO OUR NEW ; TRAINING enuPa. be largest finest and best equipped plant lor automobile training. Do you want pleasant outdoor work, with thousands of money making oppor tunities? Write or call on us. Day or nignt classes, unlimited cour; liberal terms. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE TRAINING ASS'N. 2S14 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. 7.000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for llBt. Franklin Insu tute. Dept. 214 P., Rochester, N. Y. 500 MEN 90 to 40 years old wintM r once for etectrle railway motormen and conductors; $60 to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary: fine ODOortunltv: nn strike; write immediately lor application Diana. Aaarens i mi. Bee. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY AhU. bodied unmarried men between the ages of IS and 35; citizens of united stat nf good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to re cruiting officer, 13th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha, Neb.; 607 4th St., Sioux City. Ia.; iju i. vain oi., Ldncoin, iD. WANTED A man who iinrtruin,i folding circulars. 1414 Harney. WANTED SITUATIONS BUNDLE washing. 60 cents a doaon. rough dry, 25 cents a dozen. Web. 2188. Family & bundle laundry; guar. W. 5903. WASHING and ironing !?ne. T.. H. 5420. HOUSE cleaning and. lawn mnwlrir- prices reasonable; satisfaction. H. 6374. LADY wants day work. ?all Red. 8205. Family wash, rough dry. bundle. H 5442. BUNDLE and., family wash. Guaran teed. Tel. Webster 3677. FIRST class practical nurse, Harney 6610. POSITION as collector or cltv aalMtman with responsible concern; Al references. r. v. luisa. Ukl. WANTE5 Work on ranch for summer by husky youth of 18. Address K 309, Bee. LADY wants work dav or wpek washing or housework. Addreaa m an Bee. . ----- -. WANTED Poult Ion hv voimi mn Office, railroad and bookkeeping exper- WANTED Position aa tvnist with firm with an opportunity for advancement as stenographer.-C 904 Bee. YOUNG Omaha teacher wants position as governess of small children during summer. Good musician. Address G-786. care Bee, WANTED Position as , secretary hv young Woman With collera training uh knows stenography. Call South 127. COLORED lady wants ta do dav wnrk Call Web. 1673. . . t 11 1II.-THE SHOT. i Claude and his beautiful sweetheart have given up and are ready to die to gether. Above them leers the cruel face of Desmond, who keeps them in sus pense before firing . the shot that is to, end their lives. Then bang! and there is a . blinding flash from the gun. The ' story of our hero and Rosamond is ended. WANTED SITUATION'S i-u&iiiuJV, August 1, as cashier or Dookkeeper, with chance of advancement by young married man with 7 years' ex perience in retail lumber yard and bank, Satisfactory references. Address, Y 54, Bee. WANTED Poxltlon in wholesale house experienced clerical or otherwise; want cnance lor advancement. Address D 803, tsee. WANTED A competent cook, at once. reiepnone. Harney 407. WANTED Position, first-class laun dress. Mondays and Tuesdays. Phone Webster 1163. W A N TE D Posi tlon as housekeeper for respectable widower or bachelor, by neat respectable widow; middle aged. Call Koom 7, i a. ma at., or, address E 304, care Bee. LADY wants position as housekeeper in .ennea widowers lamuy. ind. A-Z620. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position as housekeeper or child's nurse; highest city reference., Phone Ind. B-1924, or address u 313, Bee. YOUNG man wants position as chauf feur. Can give reference. Call 2021 How ard, at 6:30. Doug. 6478. AMUSEMENTS OMAHA FTf.M FY 14 th and " Douglas. Motion picture machine and film bargains. WI8NER, NEB., CELEBRATES JUL FOURTH. WRITE UK PHONE A. J. WEST FOR CONCESSIONS FOR AMUSEMENTS. WANTED- Merry-go-round, Ferrlj wneei, ocean wave, street attraction lor celebration at Avon, S. D. Address A. Robinson, SUMMER DANCING ' MACKIE'S summer dancing . Is now open every evening. 6c a dance or ticket for the evening. ELECTRIC FANS to keep you cool. Large hall, fine floor ana good music, mis Harney. LADIES FREE NEXT WEEK , ANNOUNCEMENTS KOTIAKS Eastman Goods, complete ttuwautj stock. Largest finishing department in tne west THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813 Farnam St. and m S. lotu St. OMAHA ART AND FRAME CO.. new location 1711 Leavenworth. 20 per cent discount on pictures and framing. D. 10H NEBRASKA SEWING MACHINE AND REPAIR CO. Expert repairing. Better work for less money. Work 'guaranteed. Full line of sup plies, one doz. needles tree with every re pair job. 1813 St. Mary's. Red i257. A-3931. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641. ALL will be forgiven. Mary: If you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas streets. That Is where BRODEGAARD sella those lucky wedding rings. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 50, postpaid. $2.75; try half dozen; It . . . . . ....... . . .. . . . . . ,i . .i n v . TON DRUG CO., 1503 Farnam, Oi..-ua. M. E. Morrill, china paint. 8o3 Brandeia i n OMAHA TENT Ct). Tel. 823 Douglas. Btevenaon, carpenter, cont. Both 'phones. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenzer NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 606 Paxton Blk., circular letters, any quantity; oidest established company; e perts ot Muitigrapn and WANTED Repair work of all kinds; grinding and saw filing. Call Ind. B-2636. ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; lasts a lifetime. 2U7 N.lTth. Phone Red 814. Bath tubs $12.50. Offerman 1110 Douglas. UAD II . sarlriU Vi-raoi ha rrltrt sr gf horses, call Roy Youns. Doug. 1032. MONEY;! i-l'O Loan LioW rate. In sums to 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phono Doug. 2M. UNION LOAN CO. S. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 2768. 1316 Farnam. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Oma-a. Upholstering, piano, turn. rep. 2804 Far. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 3313. Neb. Seed Co., l-Ms Jones, Both 'phones. Omaha Bill Posting Co., 1915 Har. D. 2034. GRANDMAS Wild Cherry Phosphate, cheaper than lemonade: all grocers. General machine repairs; lawn mowers sharpened. John Brlce. 311 3. 12th. D-3578. UPV H I W. Cleaning knd Dye Works VlLiLi u j H Boonstia, Sr.. We call and deliver. Both phones. Screens Weirtch Fixture Co.. Web. 2577. HIBBELER 'SPARK, White people only. For information call Harney 2423. AUTOMOBILES AMERICAN Machine works. Automobile repairing. 110 8. Uth. D. 4881. Patents developed. Murphy Did It Your TIRE EXPENSES cut in i Expert tire reDatrine: work mnr.nuH AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO.. 1922 Farnam. .' TIRE REPAIRING P""'1 . w tires. We make them almost aa nn new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. . , , HAVING discontinued heandllna- aiTTti- MOBILES, we offer our remainlne utm-k consisting of three high grade Firestone touring cars ai Bargain prices. Racine Sattley Ca, 10th and Jones Sta OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House, qui rarnam. '.rnone Tyler 1553. - DRUMMOND 2 Whits Steam cars, lata models, fine condition. $600 and $650. A BARGAIN An Electric. Sea - us quick. Apperson Auto Co.. 110! Farnaiu. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. By a Lucky Accident the Cannon Ball Fired Right T ' V I ftf i SURVEP-j W P1 CAPf H.STOST. &RA6 THIS END. I V WE ARB Ur SW6ETHGAW ftoSAMOWS. THGRT IS NO HOPE. FARE". AUTOMOBILES Beacom Moved 2318 Harney St. Tyler I486. Blow Outs as well aa punctures ' 20Q SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES WE WILL pay spot cash for a disused wornout or wrecked EMF automobile of any model or year's make. Shlnonek & son, Wllber, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES TO get In or out of business call on UANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477, To quickly buy or sell business, any kind. a'ywh're. Kennebeok Co., 642 Bee Bi g, Om. Ed Rothery. Business and Real Estate exchange Co. Koom 819. McCasue Bldg, fOR SALE Restaurant doing best business in the city. Reason for selling poor health; good live railroad town in Nebraska. Address . Y 32, care Omaha Bee.. LUNCH wagon and fixtures for sale. dirt cheap. See Wallace Benjamin, Room 1, First Nat'i Bank Bldg., Council lilutls, ia. r-none as. FOR SALE Millinery store on . pay ments or will trade. In Iowa town. Ad dress, Y 53, Bee. . ' 3 GOOD bakeries, good locations. Fine business. 215 N. 25th St BUSINESS PERSONALS Attorney. O. W. Shields.' Attorney, 327 B. of Trade. .Bag; Manufacturers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha, Neb, Chiropodists. DR. ROY,' 1506 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Clothing MauufHCturers. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co, . Cornice and . Steel , Ceilings. . CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Detectives. L. W. LONGNECKER, - 617 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret 8erv. 428 Paxton blk. D. 1319. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Drafting. . Jacobl & Wilson, 731 Bran.The. D. 3047. Dressmaking. Terry's' Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. Dressmaking by the day. Webster 5435. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney Mrs. Hodgen, 1203 N. 27th. Phone S. 2065. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat'l. P. 2366, Mach & Mach, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1085, Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Doug. D. 2186. Everything for Women. Dr. Babeock Co., 202 Wlthnell. 15 & Har. Curtains laundered. Mrs. Carmody. H 4529 Everything Electrical. Electrio lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgees-Oranden Co., 1511 Howard. D. 681. ELECTRIC FANS ."SM ARD ELEC CO.. 317 S. 13th. D. 393L Feed Mills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills, 2332 Izard. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-100L HES8 & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S FLORISTS, B yd Theater Bid. Foundries. McDonald brass and bronze foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Moving Storage and Cleaning. Furn. Moving; S men, $1 per nr. W. 2748. McLaud & Son Van & Stor. 3 horse Van, 2 men, $1.25 hr. 2 horses. $1 hr. D. 4338. W. 543. GORDON Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Moving furniture, packing, fireproof storage, city ottice. 216 fc. inn. uougia - or Ind. A-1314. Moalc, Art and Lnngarges. FRANCIS POTTER-Agent for Gibson mandolins and guitars; Farland banjos. iu Baioriga Blk. ' Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMEN, 119 N. 16th. Opticians. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandeia . Photographers. Rinehart, photographer. 18th A Farnam. Osteopathy.. - Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. Katheryn Nlckolas. 634-5 Brandeis The. Patenta. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. STURGIS, registered attorney, L ........ Mi.. muu - lu.eisn .patents. 646 ixunueis t neater Bldg. Phone D. 3469. Wlllard Eddy. 1530 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. " Printing. , Lew W. RaberTPrinter, ugh?0BjS BEB BLDG. 1 ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do your work. , 1417 Douglas St Tel. P. 8754. Rels-Hsll Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3534. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A-2630 for food printing. Plating. ., . OMAHA SILVER CO., Sll R Uth. Meet Tank and Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 386ft. K Til AV'V ..iltMFCOUB5tWJ ft TIMS.low vi 1 Stenographer and Coart . Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley. 70S Bran. Tha D. 6683. a . ...... Lovers Escape a, at Their Heads , , IV.-SAVED. Ended? Almost, but not quite. As the pointed projectile hurtles through the air the end .of It sticks through the ring -n the surveyor's tape, Just as that worthy is, hauling away. The tug deflects the shot, slightly to be sure, but still enough . to save the lives of the heroic Claude and the" beautiful Rosamond. Des lend Is foiled. BUSINESS PERSONALS Teats and Annluiti. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas S22. Trunks and Suit Cases. Frellng & Stetnle, 1803 Farnam St. Wlnea and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 501-3 S. 13th St VIRGINIA DARE wine. 6oc a large bot tie. Klein Liquor House. 522 N." 16th St EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business. Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil service or salesmanship. The catalogue is tree tor tns asking, can, write or phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boyies, - President, Boyies - College, Omaha. Nebraska. PRIVATE tutoring or grades. - Call Douglas 8373. . LIVE STOCK FOB CALE .. . Horses and j Vehicles. ALFALFA hay. $12 ton. Wagner. 801 N 16. Snaps in Buggies i delivery wagons and serial choli ugg and carriage , bargains. ' DRUMMOND ISth and Harney bts. TEAMING, gears and larni wanonn ito ing for a song. Kingman imDlement Co. am ana jones. , DELIVERY wagons BUitable for Kro- cers ana Duicnera; are going at bargains. iviiigina-u iinpmniei uo., vin and Jones. HIGH GRADE bUKKies ana surrevs At less than wholesale. We are Quitting mo uuM uuaiisess. rungman' imple ment Co., 9th and Jones, KEEllrli'S 'r dorses and farm saici utsui aim wkuii uurses to . let dv ' hA tiuv onerman Ave. , rnone Webster 1135. rmo biurev. inree ton stak uuznn Ti I XT 1.. . . 1 ' aim uniueaa very cneap. j.ei. Web. Z3S. FOR SALE 2 horses, one nic rfrlvor any may can drive, one 5 year old, botn well broke, . weight 1,100 pounds, good brand new, double harness. 2623 Sherman Am. vveuKier Htra. . Buggies, surries and ranabouts at . less man wnoieeale price, to close out.- JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., loth and Jones Sts. NICE wagon and harness, suitable for grocer. jvnama. vveD. mi. LOST AND FOUND PkKbOiNS navlng lest some artlrla would do well to call ud the otflea nf tt, omana & council Biutis street Railway company to ascertain whether they left u in ine sireei cars. Many articles each, day are turned in and tne company is anxious to restore mem 10 we risntiui owner, can uouir. las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KA1L.WAY COMPANY. WHITE and black female fox terrier. tag 955, harness with bells, reward. Phone weoster mm. Charles St LOST Sunday, between Omaha . and Lake Manawa, carved cameo pin. Valued an neirioom. can,- Doug. 4431. LOST Little brown Jersey cow. Three years old. One horn broke off. Lihri reward. Phone Webster 1308. MEDICAL Dr. Babeock. specialist: both sexes: 202 Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts. omen's allm'ts. Dr. Burke, 42 Doug. Blk. DR. RACE Specialist nervous and all chronic diseases. 2323 Harney. Doug. 3943. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured, write for book on rectal - diseases witn testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg., Omaha Ladies' guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk, MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. NOTICE. V Loans negotiated on rear estate, furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc Very low rates and- confidential. ' We will aoDra- ciaie your can. BIGGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT Ca, 808 Paxton Block. 217 S. 16th St Telephone uoug. ii or ind. A-1411. Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate oi interest. Nebraska .Loan Company Doug. 1356. ; 220 Bee Bldg, A-1356. MONEY loaned salaried people, women Keeping nouse and others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices in 7 prin cipal cities. Tolman. 50 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS, $5 to $100. SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO., 601 Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at 2ft and 5 per cent FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St Tel. Red 5619. HONEY WANTED. , Your Money WILL BRING YOU A GOOD INCOME If you loan it through , . . W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., No 1320 Farnam St. , On IMPROVED: OMAHA PROPERTY! RATES RIGHT. SECURITY THE BEST. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-26U. DESIRABLE place, large porch, cool rooms, excellent board. 212 S. &th bt, Phone Douglas 3138. REEDHURST. 108 N. 25th:- comfortable rooms, table board if desired. D. $350. MODERN room with board, 2005-7 St Mary's Ave. .' - , By V.-A STRANGE DISCOVERT. It Is a strange discovery-that the sur veyor mokes when he returns to aee what has Interfered with his tape. A ishotf A white girl and ft white hero in peril! Foul play, no doubt. The sur veyor. Instantly rushes to aid the lovers in distress, his outdoor training making him a valuable aid against the villain. OFFERED FOR RENT Forniahed Rooms. BAGGAGE ' .messenger service and ugnt -nauuns; prompt service; reasonable rates. Auto Dei. & Mes. Co.. 1715 Douglas St. Tels. D. 3S46; A-3iiW. 2502 ST. MARY'S Strictly modern, clean '"" wanting distance. Ked 2S77. THE FLATIRON. . St. Mary's Ave . and 17th St '. OPENS "EARLY. IN JULY. 96 ROQMS-30 BATHS.' ALL BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED. HIGH CLASS SERVICE. ' VERY MODERATE RENTAL. Open Every v Day . for Inspection. Suridays-2 to 5 P. M. Select Your Room or Suite Now. . FAKNE & SLATER CO., Owner. L. H. GREER, . MANAGER. ONE strictly, modern room and alrnvA. newly furnished, excellent Inratinn waiv. is uiaiance, reasonaoie. laotj a. iajth St NICELY furnished room: modem holla: uAiiiK uiaiaucc; . reiei-enca - rpnuirMi 2550 Jones. THREE modern furnished housekeeping rooms. 2224 Pratt. ' Tel. Web.. 3113. NEWLY FDRNlSkKD front room 9is S." 2oth St. Douglas 3257. ROOM with- alcove, rooms with or without board. 2578-Harney St. 1019 CASS . ST.-Cool. clean rooms; walking distance. r Furnished Housekeeping Rooms. THE MANUEL Two room aDartment $23. The Howard, 2-room, private bath, Wo. 21St and Howard. . 3 NICE rooms, housekeeDine. 1113 a. 11th. TWO nicely furnisned housekeeping rooms.- 2018. Davenport. - PARLOR suite, suitable for two or three; housekeeping privileges. 1712 Doug las- St. . . ... Furnianed Apartments.-. . SIX-ROOM . furnished apartment w ocyieinuer i, references. Apply Apt 4, xne wanna. . . Furnished Honses. COOL furnished 7-room Vionao- ,.i.. .Tlllv ana A M.. A".." JEM . ' Hotela and Apartments. Dewey European hotel, 13th and Farnam, OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate, DODGE HOTEL, all reauiremfmr. nf . urst,-ciass notei. at reasonable prices. Oci-Jon Hntol Council Bluffs. Room yu.w ij .i.w per weeh Apartments and Flats. 4-ROOM aria.ri mnt nw mni... k.i.t. steam heat; short walking distance; gaa ZY r 1Klllsea-or, cupDoard, wardrooe uiinoa, launary; tine janitor seivi Douglas 6306; 4-ROOM modern apartment. Web. 5975. 6-ROOM modern flat. Srarm sih. uxoti . mn oi s. omaha. Hall. 433 oiog. u. Y4W. A-4406. STRICTLY high-grade 6-room anrt. ment on west Farnam fit vrv hnio. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM SI- A-l 5-room flat no equal 220 N. 23d St, SIX-ROOM modern flat, 1112 S. llth St 324 N. 2RTH ST.- A very -choice 6-room fit. t.t strictly modern in every respect and in wBiiMtis instance, bargain at 132.50. caishix ec 1jATEK COMPANY., 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Untarnished Rooms. NICELY furnished rooms in nc mn. em uat, ciose in. giiu Farnam. Hossea and Cottages. $9.008 large room apartment, part mod ern. 1915 Elm St. Key next door. 2532 Capitol Ave., All modern, nine room house, walking distance, close to car line on paved street. Shade and lawn, good neighborhood, neat nigh school. House Just been papered and in good repair. $40 per month. F H. Turney, -owner. Inquire at 2530 Capi tol .Ave Phone Dour. 5227. 4-ROOM house, 809ia S. 18th St Douglas 1918. Tei. . - FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. New 6-room modern house complete July 1. .925 S. 36th St Telephone H. 2991. NEW modern 5-room flat, 114 N. 27th Ave. ' Phone Red 4529. , OWNER leaving city will give short or long lease on fine modern 8-room home. $i0. Hansoom park and Field club dis trict send reierences to K-28L care Bee. i . . , 8-ROOM house, hot water heat; strictly modern. 1010 Arbor. Tel.- Doug. 1969. 151a H ALU AVE., $35.00. 7 rooms, mod ern. Vacant' July 1. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. Both phonea . 2722 CHARLES 6-room modern bom. Phone Webster 5089. ' 7-ROOM house, all modern. 3126 Cass St 'Phone Benson 353 W. WEST FARNAM-New brick. 5 bed- rooms and 2 hatha 315 N. SSth Ave. - 9-R. modern, well located: electric lights pretty yard; $45. 725 S. 37th St Web. 2590. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. ' Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co; Tel. Douglas 394 or A-1S4. City office, m S. 7th St.. Bee Bldg. TWO RENTAL BARGAINS. Both easy walking distance. 2640 Dodae. ( rooms, modern, new decorations, water pain, fc. ...... W. W. MITCHELL, -Owner, 411 Bee Bldg. 6-ROOM FLAT. 3d floor 909 N. 24th. s-room nat -a rioor. sh n. Z4tn. S-room house at 1559 N. 17th St 8-room house at 1563 N. 17th St. O. C. REDICK. Attorney, 1517 Farnam St MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. pack, move, stors and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1496 or B-2428. . Hershfield Prefer VI.-A STEEL LARIAT. "I'm the boy!" cries Desperate Des mond. Vand I can beat Kivlat running." . The villian is sprinting from the sur veyor and Claude, but the surveyor Is using his steel tape as a lariat. He will throw it around the fleeing scoundrel and trip him up. How this plan succeeds will b fully shown by the artist in tomor row's paper. OFFERED FOR RENT - Houses and Cottages. MOVING,' packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 806 S. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch ofiice, 309 S. 17th St Tel. D. 4163; A-1559. - - 672 S. Zth St. 8 rooms, completely modem; $32.50. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-4406. . NEW 6 and 6-room modern cottager; beautiful lawn and shade. 2124 Miami St Phone Web. 1122. TTrmeoo in s-'l parts of the city. XlUUocS Creigh Sons & Co., Bldg. MODERN 6 and 6-room cottages, Jfirst class conditions, new shades, splendid location, on 24th St. car line. Inquire 2419 S. 24th. : 4323 PATRICK Ave.. 5 rooms, recep tion- hall and bath. Strictly modern in every .particular, $25.00. Bemls-Carlberg, 10-312 Brandeis Theater. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern with cistern, high, cool and shady.. $25 per month. 1510 Georgia Ave. $134 large rooms, new. wall 1429 N. 22d St' paper. water outside. Stores and Offices. M'CAGUE BUILDING. 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive office, moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. Store at 2106 Cuming Street. Store at 933 North 24th Street. Store at 935 North 24th Street. Store at 931 North 24th Street. Store at 336 , North 26th Street. South Omaha. O. C. REDICK, Attorney, 1517 Farnam Street OFFICE furnished and with telephone without extra cost. Inquire 658 Omaha National bank Bldg. NEW, centrally located hall, well equipped, for rent by night, at 1508-10 Har ney St., second tioor. Office or salesroom at 15th and Har ney (new). 3d floor at lo06 Harney, (new). Office at 1517 Farnam St.. 2d floor. O. C. REDICK, Attorney. 1517 Farnam St DESK room. 756 Omaha Nat Bank Bdg. Grocery and meat market with fixtures: central, cross-town; no equal. 220 N. 2od, Store, 320 S. 13th St., 20x45. Tel. D. 6230. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. i Louisiana Furniture Store closing out furniture, Ice boxes, etc. 2104 Cuming. ALL kinds of good turniture for sale at 2564 Marcy. Call at once. Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes, player pianos. Continental Novelty. 118 N. 15th. FOR SALE A new $."00 Victrola; has never been used. If interested ask for price. M 257. Bee office. FOR SALE A practically new guitar, value new, $27, will cell for $11 cash. Ad- dress, G 306, Bee. Tjuewntera. RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, $4.00. 'Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer Company. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St OLD SAFES, DERJGH'f . IMS Farnam St FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., Wl-m South 10th street - POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N, So. Omaha. CELERY plants. Greenville Bros. 6321 N. 24th St. Cherries! Cherries I Nice, ripe, juicy cherries, no worms, 21 boxes to crate, packed same as strawber ries, fi crate, delivered. Omaha Fruit Farm, 4Sth and Arbor. Tel. Harney 1492. NEW Pi horse-power launch for sale cheap. Harney 6961. FOR SALE Wall tools and fixtures paper and paint very cheap; poor health. Web. 5264. PERSONAL 63-DAT BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. PROFESSIONAL reader, entertainer and invalids' companion. 'Phone D. 3766. THE SALVATION ARM! solicits cast- off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. llth St, for cost of collection, to ths worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagons will call. MASSEOTHERPYtait Giowand Allen of Chicago. 109 S. 17. 1st fl. D. 7665. Vital massage, baths, electrio vibratory and radiator treatments. Dr. Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware blk. 309 S. 15th. D. 2785. . Up-to-Date Beauty parlors. Kathrvn Lane Daly. 113 S. 16th. 2d floor. D. 2427. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St Mary's Ave., where, they will be directed to suitable bearding places, or otherwise assisted Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. ANNA H.MARKS nam. Davidge Blk. 'Apt. 3. Red 7529. VACUUM MASSAGE. 208 So. 13th St.." R. 325, daily, Sunday; open evenings; hours, 10 to lu. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenh se. 308 Boston Bid. Body Massage. 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 776L massage riTFarr'rV. saj MAGNETIC i'P6?!- B- Brtt 7i x S. 16th. 2d floor. D. 6289. WE RENT and repair all kinds ox tag machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglas 1661. NEBRASKA CYCLE C07. 15th and Harney Sta BATHS, Swedish massage, etc Mrs. Snyder. No. 3. The Dunsany, 10th and Pierce. D. 4880. MASSAGE EPfrttretment Mrs. Steele, 308 8. 13 St R. 325. i t V