Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1912, Page 10, Image 10
i 1 I 1 ! l. 1 tj 1; I I J 1 I ! f ; Si. 4 ii 10 Champions Who Wil Figure reo Howe. Hi SFumP ,1 1 DES MOIHEJ WINS FIRST ONE Slaughter of Ehodes in First Inning :! ! - Costa Omaha Game, 6 to JO . HICKS TO THE RESCUE TOO LATE Pitches Good Game, bat Des Motaes Lead la Toe Big Haha Beached ay Johnson, Wao Does : Well. Dea Uolnes took an early start In the o pening game of the aeriea yesterday afternoon and by the remarkable work of Douglas, abut the Rourkea out to his melody of 8 to 0. Dusty Rhodes was picked to do th honors, but It was not his turn to wii. The Dea Moines sluggers landed on bin. for three hits and he walked a man be fore he was Jerked and Barry Hicks was sent to the rescue. The five runs that the visitors had piled up before the little southpaw went In was too much of a handicap. Hlcka pitched admirable ball. He allowed but one run and kept five hits well scattered. Douglas, the big, raw boned, husky youngster who has been burning up the league, bad little trouble from the Omaha batters. He gave but three hits during the whole contest, one of which was In the scratch class. Art Thomason was the only Omaha to get a clean hit out of the infield. His clout came In the fourth Inning, when he lined a swift one past Colllgan into centerfold. Not until the ninth Inning did a Rourie get to second base and the big Pes Moines hurler did not give a walk until the final round. But five Omaha men got on bases. Douglas' work was not the whole show by far, as the support he received was of the best However, the Omaha team was In that game Itself. After the fattal first the Rourkes got down to business and played some of the best ban seen on the local yard this season. The fielding was fast and snappy. Jim Kane, who has been out of the game for some time, owing to a Charley horse, was back and played his position la his old time snappy way. Johnoa Benches Hahn. Umpire Johnson made his Initial ap pearance In Omaha yesterday and ac quitted himself In good shape.' His de cisions were fair and, as there yere no kicks from the fans, be must have mado a good impression. In the first inning Hahn was called out on strikes, and when he started to protest was put out of the game by Johnson, This also took well with the fans. Curtis started things In the first inning br drawing a yalk. Korea doubled to left, scoring Curtis. A single by Belden sent Kores across the platter. Colllgan landed safe on Scanlon'a error. Thomas doubled to the left field-boards, scoring Belden and Colllgan. Leonard walked. Thomas stole third and scored on Johnson's error. McOraw singled. Leonard forced Leonard at third, and Hahn retired the side by striking out . . In the sixth McGraw walked.1 Leonard also drew a pass. Iibell singled, scoring McOraw: - ;.. 1 Score: OMAHA. AB. K, H. O. A. E. Justice, ts ,. 0 0 1 i 0 I'oyie. rf 4 0 1 J 0 0 Thomason, cf 3 0 1 0 0 0 Kane, lb t 0 0 9 0 0 Johnson, o 4 0 0 8 1 1 "CAPITOL" and 5mwhiteHouse5, S in lor a long tenaE E of popular favor. 5 The collars that weB- S dressed men prefer tS3 Sthis season. ""52 3 at spechOjr noted fee tb Ms 23 jjj percejot? cfl wttra wtai they mm SgiTB. Tbefam "bmh side.-? rfcfax atfca"-ri 3sises TZ They coa&taa MEaryTfcy- " MM mJUm I M.attMsiettmla lit; : a i--ms S , Bcankm, 2b Nlehotf. 8b Davison, if ..... Rhodes, p Hicks, p .-..8 ....8 ....I ....0 ....8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 81 0 8 37 10 DES MOINES. AB.B. H. O. A. E. Hahn, rf. , 3 0 0 0 0 0 Isbell. rf. 8 0 1 0 0 0 Curtis, cf. 1 0 0 0 0 Kores, ss 4 113 3 0 Belden, If. 4 1 3 8 0 0 Colllgan, 2b. ........ 4 1 0 4 3 0 Thomas, lb. ........ 4 1 1 13 0 0 Leonard, 3b. 8 0 112 1 McGraw, c. Douglas, p. ........ 8 0 1 it. 3 0 Totals .......... 84 80 27 13 "l Omaha Runs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0- Hit 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0-3 r' ilnes ' Runs ............ ID 0 1 0 0 0-S Hits 4 0 0 1 1 I 0 1 0-8 Two-base hits: Douglas. Korea. Thomas. HI til . Off Rhodes, 8 in one-third Inning; runtfu. Bases on "balls: lift Khoats, 1; oil Hicks. 3: off Douglas. L Struck out: By Hicks, 8: by Douglas, 6. Stolen bases: Tbomas. l on oases: Omaha. 6: Des Moines, i. - Time: Johnson. 1:46. Umpire: SIOUX , CITY DBAWI A BLANK ZwllUii Raps Oat Stasia that Coaats Oalr Score for St, Joseph. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 18. Freeman and Sage pitched brilliant ball today, but the former won In the thirteenth Inning, when Zwllllng was substituted at the bat for Freeman after one strike had been called ess the latter, and delivered a clean single, scoring Roth with the only run of the game.. Brilliant fielding as well as the pitching featured. Score: . SIOUX CUT. AB. a h. or a. n Million, cf. 1 0 3 8 0 0 Smith, ss. . 8 . Oil I 0 Myers, if. .......... S 0 13 0 0 Tennant, lb.-, o t , 16 1 0 Breen. rf. . 8 0 3 0 0 0 French, 2b. 8 0 3 8 4 0 T. Rellly, 8b. ........ 4 0 1 3 8 0 Orendorff, c ........ 4 0 0 : 7 4 0 Sage,' p. 8 . 0 .1 1 JI 0 Totals' .......... 46 "o 10 38 23 1 ST. JOSEPH. , AB. B, H. O. A. XL Kelly, .cf. 6 . 0 ,. 0. 2 0 0 Powell. If- - 0 2 I 0 0 Watson, ri 6 0 2 0 0 0 Borton, lb. .......... 8 0 1 '12 0 0 B. Rellly, 2b. 6 0 0 2 4 0 Melnke, ss. 8 0 18 8 0 Roth, 8b. Gossett, 0. .......... 4 3 . 8 ' 8 . 0 Freeman. 9. 4 0 0 0 3 0 ZwUUng, 10 10 0 0 ToUla 43 1 10 5 13 "5 Two out when innlnc run was made. St Joseph 0000000000001-1 Des Motnea ...... 0000000000000-0 Three-base hit: Watson. Two-base hits: Smith, Sage. Sacrifice hits: French. T. Rellly. Gossett Stolen bases: French, Gossett Left on bases: Sioux City, 12: St. Joseph, 6. Struck out: By Freeman, 8; by Sage, 8.' Base on balls: Oft Freeman, 4; off Sage, 3. Hit by pitcher: By Freeman, 1. Double plays: Smith to Freno hto Tennant Time: 2:69. Umpire: Haakeli. LXNCOLJT WIMS THROUGH COBB Slashtaa- Doable with Basea Fall Does Wichita.- . LINCOLN, Neb.. June 18 -Paul Cobb's slashing double in the fifth Inning with the bases full sent in three runs and won the first game of the Wichita 'ser ies for Lincoln by 4 to t Score: . LINCOLN AB R H P A B Berghammer, ss.... 4 1 3 8 3 0 joie, in 11 0 1 1 Cobb, rf 4 0 3 1 0 1 McCprmick, if 4 0 0 2 0 0 Barbour, 3b 4 1 2 0 4 0 Mullen, lb 4 0 0 18 1 0 Miller, cf .......... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Carney, 4 0 0 4 1 0 Tuckey, p 2 1 0 0 4 0 Totals .............32 "J l 27 14 1 WICHITA AB R H P A E Pettlgrew, cf, U.... 4 0 3 3 0 Craig, if...- 8 0 0 1 0 Wacob, rf ..1 0 0 0 0 Davis, rf S O 0 0 0 0 Mtddleton, cf 1 0 0 0 O S Hughes, lb 4 0 2 12 1 1 Westersil, Sb ...... 4 0 0,0 4 1 Callahan, ts 4 0 1 1 3 Mee, 3b 4 0 0.8 S 1 demons, O 3 1 1 4 3 0 Perry, p, ............ 8 0 1 0 6,0 Totals "l 1 24 M "5 LINCOLN 00003001 Jt-4 WICHITA 0000 0001 0-1 Runs batted In: Cobb, 3; Pettlgrew, 1 Two base hit Cobb, 3: Miller. Left on bases, Lincoln 7; Wichita 8. Stolen bases, Barbour. Mlllin, MUler. Sacrtfloe hit. Cole, Crag. Struck out Tuckey 3; Perry 8. Base on balls, Perry t Wild pitch. Perry. Time 1:38. Umpires, Myers and Kissana. KIKSELXA WlJfS FOB. . DENVER Gets ' Better o I Horasar, - Shattlng' Oat Toaeka.' DENVER, June 18. Klnsella won a pitchers' battle today. Hornsby allowed Denver -tw9 hits. Soore: DENVER v AB. .It H. O. A. E. French. 2b. 4 0 0 2 2 1 Cassidy. rf. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Beall. if. 8 0 0 1 0 0 Quillin, 3b. 3 1 0 0 6,0 Channel., cf. ....... 2 0 0 S 0 0 Coffey, as. ........ 2 0 113 0 Lindsay, lb. 4 0 0 13 1 0 Block, c. ........... 3 0 1 6 3 0 Klnsella, p. ....... 8 0 0 1 3 0 Total ............27 1 1, 27 17 1 , ; TOPEKA. ) V . . , AB. R. H. O. A. E. Rlckert, It 4 0 0 1 0 0 Walsh, 2b. 4 0 1 8 8 0 King, cf. v. 4 0 12 1 0 Gardner, lb. ........ 4 0 3 7 0 0 Frants, ss. ......... 4 0 2 0 1.0 Lee. rt .............. 8 0 0 0 0.0 Emery. Sb. 2 " 0 0 2 1 0 Echmidt c. .......... 8 ., 0 0 1 0 Wnmbv. n. . 1 0 0 0 4 0 Gear, 1 0 0 " 0 0 ' 0 Total .81 0 I 24 U 0 Batted for Walsh In ninth. - kTopetca 000000 XX TS-aO I Denver l'l MIMIM atohn baaaa: nhrrmin, Emery. Ltnassx. rassiiS halt- tTftrmW. Ktnmk ant: Kla alia, a: Hormthy. a JBaa an taJta; Hnrna br. 8. firwtots jlhtw JUngts Snhmtftt, WHS itttote: Kmaalia. HJt by pttntteis Tiliiftarm- J-fCt as aaaaa: Xaiuwu 4k Topetea, 3. Tmiej 25X Bns)han4 Jimo and Flytut. Tae Toott -wmJdetfSl barjAss-ver ef feead in matta, worn eft's moA cMKreri'i apparel. Sea the Mrtetty capaagy's .ad Is Wttoestfey Jdgktia am. r-, ; ' , THE BEE: in Olympic Games Awl KtwTT UTAA MCTMt Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. NAT. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct.1 W.LPct. St Joseph.. 36 23 .60S New York.. .38 11 .776 Denver ....29 25 .5371 Pittsburgh .28 21 .671 umana au z .moi cmeairo ....sctzi.wb D. Moines.. 29 26 MJ Cincinnati ..30 25 .645 Sioux City.. 28 27 .6UHI Ph'delphla ..20 25 .444 Wichita ....28 30 ,4S3i St Louis... .23 23 .411 Lincoln ....22 w .424 Brooklyn .-18 30 .ia Topeka ....20 84 .370) Boston 13 36 .333 AMER. LEAGUE. AMER. ASS'Nj W.LPctl W.LPct Boston .....35 19 .648 Toldoe 41 21 .661 Wash'gt'n .84 21 .t18 Columbus ..43 22 Mi Chicago ...83 24 .67 Mln'apolis ..38 24 .613 Kan. ..City .32 81 .bug P'delphla ..28 22 .660 Detroit 27 30 St Paul 26 38 .406 Cleveland .23 29 .442 Ind'apolls ..26 88 .397 Nwe York. .17 81 .354 Milwaukee .25 39 St. Louis... IS 87 .802 Louisville ..21 88 .366 NEB. LEAGUE; W.L.Pot MINK LEAGUE. W.LPct Fremont ..21 11 .666 Fall City ....23 9 .719 Seward ....20 13 .625 Neb. Clty.20 14 .88 Gd. Island. 16 14 .6331 Auburn 18 17 .486 Columbus .16 13 .552! Beatrice 1618 .466 HasUngs ..17 15 .631 Humboldt ..11 21 .844 Kearney ..13 17 .4331 Hiawatha ..13 19 .406 York 12 16 .4291 I Superior ... 6 23 -.2U7( I ' Yesterday's Resalts. WESTERN LEAGUE. Dea Moines, 6; Omaha. 0. Sioux City, 0; St Joseph, L Topeka, 0; Denver, L Wichita, 1; Lincoln, 4. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE. St Louis, 8; Brooklyn, 9. Pittsburgh, 7; New York, 1 Chicago, 3; Philadelphia, L Cincinnati, 3; Boston, 4, AMERICAN LEAGUE. St Louis, 4; Chicago, 8. Cleveland, 4; Detroit 8. Philadelphia, 4; Washington. 5. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus. 4; Toledo, 0. Minneapolis, 6; Milwaukee, 8. Indianapolis-Louisville, rain. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE Superior, 2: Columbus, t Kearney, 2.1: York, 8. 10. Grand Island, 8; Seward, Ot HasUngs, 6; Fremont 9. MINK LEAGUE. Auburn, 7; Falls City, 8; (10 innings.) Humboldt, 6; Hiawatha, 7. Beatrice 7; Nebraska City, 8. Games Today. Western League Des Moines at Oma ha; Sioux City at St Joseph; Topeka at Denver: Wichita at Lincoln. National League Philadelphia at Brook lyn; New York at Boston. American League St. Louis at Chi cago; Cleveland at Detroit; Philadelphia at Washington; Jttoston a. new lorn. American Association Columbus at To ledo: Minneapolis at Milwaukee: Indian apolis at Louisville; St. Paul at Kansas City. Nebraska State Lea pu ft York at Grand Island: Seward at Kearney; Columbus at HasUngs; Fremont at Superior. Mink League Beatrice ' at ' Nebraska City; Auburn at Falls City; Humboldt at Hiawatha, Falls City Noses Ahead of Auburn FALLS CITY, Neb., June 13.-(Speclal Telegram.) Falls City won In a ten-ln-nlng game with Auburn here today. Stops by Ward and Tappan and a catch by Dydergt featured. Soore: : R.H-E. Falls City..O 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1-812 4 Auburn ...4 20000100 0-7 113 Batteries: Falls City, Walters, Shes tack and Vanderhlll; Auburn, Reed and Muitser. Umpire: Harmony. Hiawatha, June is. (special Tele gram.) Hiawatha nosed out the Hum boldt ball tossers In a game that grew Interesting. The grounds ware slow and difficult Score: R.H.E. Humboldt ....3 0300010 1-611 8 Hiawatha ....0 0000123 1-7 83 Batteries: Hall, Errot and Diets, Riley and Eliergard. YORK, Neb.. June 18.-(Speclal Tele gram.) York defeated Kearney today in a double-header, 8 to 8 and 10 to 1. Jobst pitched an excellent game. Score first game: RH.E. Kearney ...0 0000003 0-3 61 York 0 001000 2-371 Batteries: Ohearn and Spellman, Jobst and Kelly. Second game: ' ' R.H.E. York 1 0 3 4 0 1 2 0 -10 14 1 Kearney .....0 0000000 1-143 Batteries: Borton and Spellman, Os borne and Kelly. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., June 18. (Special Telegram.) Beatrice took the second game of the series today. , Potteet started the winning by knocking a home run In the eighth inning with two men on bases. - Belts struck out one and Con way ten. Score: Beatrice 0 1 000008 8-7 112 Neb. City 0 20000100 3 88 Batteries: Belts and Darrow; Cenway and Goldwalte. Umpire: Wars. 1L m 1 mm big MiD-soura DISCOUHT JEUELE1V SALE 10 to 50 Off , Is Delighting Thousands. HIGH CLASS, DIGNIFIED GOODS. ' Watch the Wonderful Window Bargains and Come - Often. . . Jewelers for Everybody. 1520 Douclae Ctrccl OMAHA," WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912. Copyright, 1312, National TIGERS HIT HARD AND WIN 1 Bunch Clouts in the First and Sec ond Innings. NAPS ABE UNABLE TO CATCH UP Kaaler aad George Are Drlrea from the Box by the Hard Hittlna- Batamea of the Detroit , Team. DETROIT. June 18.-Detrolt bunched hits In the first and second, driving Kahler and George from the box and piled up a lead that Cleveland could ret overcome. Soore; - . AB.H.O.A.E AB.H.O A 10 m;? t ! ! ! oo- tioo Cobb, cf.. 4 110 OJackron, rf.. 4 11 Crawford, rf 4 I 1 0 OLijoie, lb... I t Dobinty, If 4 i J 0 JBm-him, cf 4 I I 0.lBor. lb... Ill lo-Neil, i.... 4 0 T Morlarty, Sb 4 1 I OTurner, Jb.. 4 11 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 niwian 1 q 1 UBall, 2b 1 Work. p..H 1 1 0Khlr, p... 0 George, p. .. 0 ToUll...81 U IT U IKrapp p ... I " ' j Orlggt 1 'Butcher .... I ft t 0 0 s 0 1 4 0 0 0 Batted for Ball In ninth. Batted for Krapp in ninth. Detro t ........... vvvvvVVU O Cleveland 000 0 00810 04 Hits: Off Kahler, 6 In one Inning; off Georee. 3 In twn.thlrH intiino- ntt i.--..... 3 In six and one-third innings. Two-base hub; ixjuuen, vrawrora, jacKSOii, Worl arty. Stanage. Struck out: By Works, 6; by Krapp. 6. Bases on balls: Off Kahler, 1; off Krapp, 2; off Works, 3. Dniihln tiIqvs T .0 in I a tj .1 n uu v.. a "j . mujw.o l '(,11 . iiii ugr pitcher: By George, 1 (Moriarty). Time: umpires; jjineen ana sneriaan. Soe I.ose to Browns. CHICAGO, June 18.-St. Louis hit three Chicago twirlers opportunely and won. Score: BT. LOUIS. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.H. Ehotten. of.. J lis lHath, Jb..... 4 0114 Coropton, rtf 1 I 0 OLord, Sb I 1 0 1 Storall, lb.. I 1 S 1 0 Callahan, If. 1 0 9 0 Pratt, Jb.... I I 0 1 OCollina, rf.. 4 14 0 0 Uocan. If... 4 lit OBodle, ef.... t 1 S 1 Xbtch COLLAR, Eur to U thm era rat la and to Botch on, oral bnttoBholca.-wlilcBi bottooJai ur. 2 for Sfloe ClrWeSytt Caapaa,. Maati.Tior. .T. PUS Drawn News AacTb Austin, tb... I 1 1 lreldar, lb... 4 1 0 Wallaco, K.I1 I 1 1 Weaver, a.. 4 1 4 0 Stephana 0. 4 1 1 OKuhn e I I I I I Fowoll, p.... 4 0 0 3 Lang p.. 1 0 0 Patera, p.... 9 0 0 0 0 Totals St 11 IT I IHoaridn p. 1 ft t Molnttre Mft ft ft 0 ft Mattlek ! ,, 'Bloek ft 0ft ToUls.....U 8 17 11 1 Batted for Peters In seventh. Batted for Mogrldge in fifth. Batted for Kuhn in ninth. CHICAGO 0020-0010 0-3 ST. LOUTS 000320000 4 Two base hits: Wallace, Pratt. Ste, phens, Weaver. Three base hits: Ste phens, Zeider. Hits off Mogridge, 8 In 5; Peters, 1 in 2; Lange, 2 in 2. Basea on balls: Off Mogrridge,2; off PoeIL .3; Peters, 8; Lange, 1. Struck out: By Mogridge, 8; by Powell, 4; Lange, L'-Time 2:00. Umpires, Connelly and Hart " Morse Bluffa Blanks. MORSE BLUFF, Neb., June -(Special.)-Morse Bluff defeated David City Sunday, 9 to 0. Timely hitting by the locals and the benefit of errors and bone- neaaea wofk m the Infield and the In ability fit th xHuifnfo n Janocek s slants were the circumstances vftot:r rjUiLA hit Ji r AWIJ . fiacre. eos 1 1 ILJ I Continues 8 Days More. 1 The Host Interes&g Gispbj of Hmy tszh Such things not carried by any other store in the world. This statement made by men and women who have traveled. The sale rare schooling for men, women and children. Shows the many uses U.S.. goods cart be put to.' ' j. ;; ' ThBVti S. knife bayonet' into, sconces. ; ; j -1 , - r-'-:f. Scabbards converted to candle holders. v - The bayonets reformed into candelabras. . . ' Rifle barrels into smoking set tables. ': r V- ' The helmet spear top into paper weights. ' ' Cartridge box with bayonets as a wall picture. !, The carbine leather socket into cigar holders. ; Rapidfire cannon shells into flower vases. ' ' ; The helmet plume top into candlesticks. '.'-.";.-;,;' .,.'.':; ' Spanish captured projectiles for mantel ornaments. " ; , o Jhe American Eagle to U. S. coat-of-arms. . y v . . ; Uncle Sam's revolver into paper weights, ;: -. ,. ., The cross guns and cannon into stick pins. r ) 4 U. S. army cheanrons ihto" pillow for sofa. ; . ; v Army and navy trappings on placques to interest all. ; . , ' The army rifles into, hat and coat racks. i ! - x Government cartridges into needlecases. f; - , The army abdominal bands into petticoats' X . , ' r . v TJ. S. naw silk ribbons into fanev -nillows - , . rt I fit And hundreds of other goods at startling low prices. It's the ramsual goods, a thing which no other ' store has, that pleases. Here they are and yon may never see again.' Sale opens 8 A. H, closing 9 P. H for only 9 days, closing for good next week; inline 27. ; v " ' '. " " f8: :;.; 'ir'ini. 1414 Harnoy St., Omaha W. S. KTKIi, Mgr. , i for The Bee by Things To responsible for the one-sided result: The score: RH.EJ. Morse Bluff.. 2032 1100 83 xavia city.. 000000000-029 Batteries: David City, Pesek and Tal bot; Morse Bluff, Janocek and Lehmer. Time of game: 1:20. Umpire: Loden burger. Scorer: Hlnea. Bloomfleld Beats ITeweastle. BLOOMFIELD, Neb., June 18. (Spe cial.) Bloomfleld defeated Hew Castle on the home srrounda Sunday hv a nrnrn nf ) to S. Score: R.H.B. TtlnntnflaM tYIIOIAA aiS 11 A New Castle 020000100-345 Batteries: Bloomfleld, Weber and West; New Castle. Cork and Patridge. Umpires: ram waiters 01 isioomneia ana" eteve Patterson of New Castle. ' Sixth StralRht for Wtnstde. WINS1DH, Neb., June 18.-(Special.)-Winside won their sixth straight game today from Tilden by the score of 12 to 7. It was a slugging match from beginning to end,,WIndside's star backstop, Maurice Miller, getting four out of five times up. Batteries:, Winside, Koepnlck and Miller; Tilden, Gaplns and Cole. 1414 HARNEY ST. Continues 8 Days r.lore. U. S. army dress coats into coat shirts. p Army overcoats dyed for workmen's coat t The army slicker coat into" anto dusters. Hal Coffman tyrWf A6001" Friends of Sidney Hatch to Send Him to Stockholm CHICAGO, June 18. Sidney Hatch, local marathon runner of national repu tation will be sent to Stockholm to com- pete in the Olympic games by the resi dents of River Forest, the suburb where Hatch resides. The runner was chosen as a supple mentary candidate by the Olymplo com- mlttee but elected to remain at homo rather than pay his own expenses; one of the conditions of the supplemental berth. Hatch will aall next week. " -.. i Stanto a Wine from Madison. ' STANTON, Neb.. June M-Special.)-Testerday afternoon the Stanton team crawled away from the "jinx" and in a fast and interesting game defeated the team from Madison by a score of 8 to 7. The features of the game were the hit ting of Gllsaman and Wltbrow and the. sensational playing of Oiks on third for Stanton. Score: Stanton 1 0 0 I I 1 M Madison 0 0 0 1 6 0 10-7 Home runs: GUssman, Wlthrow, Balsch, Three-base hits: Seldel, Wlthrow. Two base hit: Best Struck out: By Holl stien. 8; by Wbalen, 3; Ty Pyres.. 9. Htldreth Gets New Pitcher. HILDRETH, Neb.. June 18. (Special. The business men subscribed 875 a month for-a pitcher for the local ball .team. Miller, late of Beatrice, was given a trial yesterday against Wilcox. He held Wil cox down to three hits in a fifteen-Inning game, which, on account of errors by the home team, waa won by Wilcox, Score, 3 to 2. Upland Wins Game. ' : -- UPLAND, Neb., June (Special.)--. Upland defeated Campbell at base ball today by the following score: R.H.E. Upland 3 8.1 3 2 0 2 2 1-1718 1 Campbell ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 8 1 Batteries: Upland, Ostergaard, Benson and Sheets; Campbell, Petrick and Che-, valier. Umpire: Breitweiser. . ' Most Wonderful Healing t , After suffering many years with ' a sore, Amos King, Port Byron, N.; Y., was" cured by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. :v25o. For eale by Beaton Drug Co. ' Eitr Sesa ia Omaha -J , 4 I f w v. 2 i