Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    Jeff Not as Crazy as He Looks. . He Couldn't
'rTo Nitwr is twArcH ' EIGHT BELLS ) attache cut on this VHONOtfcWMj ;e1 Si
.Hie &rjo ano uoottoyr ''; AND ACL. -S Brioc mno at 8 (e.u.s this "-4 , f t) i! " "-v
rNl CAM. OUT THe.TlMe . I u,p, . P PN0NOG-R.APH VNUCCMJUOUr .4 I 5!V' 7
Stores and Offices.
NEW, centrally located hall, well
quipped, for rent by night, at 1508-10 Har
ney St, second floor.
Office or salesroom at 15th. and Har
ney (new).
3d floor at 1608 Harney, (new).
Office at 1517 Farnam St., 2d floor.
O. C. REDICK, Attorney.
1517 Farnam St.
DESK room. 756 Omaha Nat Bank Bdg.
1605-07 DAVENPORT .m.n
. ,.w.., . ...K ,
or ground floor offices.
rrnnArv anA nut .............
J 1M114 IHM. luoi BCl Willi 1 1 A IUI ,
central, oross-town; no equal. -220 N. &xL
Store, 320 B. 13th St., 20x45. Tel. 0.6220.
Louisiana Furniture Store closing out
furniture, tee boxes, etc. 2104 Cuming.
ALL kinds of good furniture for sale at
2564. Marcy. Call at once.'
. .. Musical Instruments. .
ELECTRIC Pianos, musib boxes, plays!
pianos. Continental Novelty, lis N. 15th.
FOR SALE A new 00 Victrola; has
never been used. If Interested ask for
price. M 257. Be office. - .
FOR SALE A praotically new guitar,
value new, (27, will sell for U cash. Ad
dress, G 306, Bee.
RENT from the manufacturers direct
No. 3 Oliver typewriter,-3 months, 14.00.
'Phone Douglas 2919. . The Oliver Type
writer Company, V '
; " SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
safes;- all sizes and makes; bargains.
American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St.
OLD SAFES. DERIOH1'. liA8 Farnam 3t
FOR SALE-'Ne'w .and second-hand
carom and. pocket - billiard . tables and
bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix
tures of all klnde; easy payments. The
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., .. 407-40
South 10th street'
POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures
bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N, So. Omaha.''
CELERY plants. Greenville Bros. ' 6327
N, 34th St
s - Al gasoline launch, cedar planked, good
s new, cheap. D. F. Corte, 24th and
Farnam. ; ' .
' HERE'S the piano tuning fish. Phone
Webster 1265.
COMPLETE stage -setting: and scenery,
in good, condition. Will sell cheap if
. taken (at once. Prof. Mackie, 1816 rtarney.
-- - CheTriest": -v Cberrresf "
- Nice, ripe, Juicy cherries, ho, worms', 24
boxes to crate, packed same as strawber
ries, .$2 crate, delivered. Omaha- Fruit
Farm, 4Sth and Arbor. Tel. Harney 1492.
NEW -3H horse-power-launch for sale
' cheap. Harney 5961. : .: '. --
. ' FOR- SALE Wall paper aiid paint
.. tools and fixtures very . cheap; poor
t health, web. 5264.
imn ciTti t Vi - l 1.
It Winchester shotgun; small incubator and
f' brooder. ' Ter Council Bluffs Red 1822.
Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge.
' PROFESSIONAL reader, - entertainer
; and Invalids' companion. 'Phone D. 3756.
- THE SALVATION ARMY solicits ast
off clothing; in fact anything you do not
need. We collect repair and sell at 134
N. litli St., for cost of collection, to th
worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and
wagons will call. ' ' ".'-'- '
K A ftftTTnnPHF.RPVBalt Glow and
.. VI i, ,1 71 -j V A-1 I I .1 J.
Massaae. Mme.
Allen of Chicago.
109 & 17. 1st f 1. D. 7665.
Vital massage, baths, electric -vibratory
and radiator treatments. Dr. ' Anna D.
Fisher. 401 Ware blk. S09 8. 15th. D. 2784.
Up-lo-Date Beauty . parlors, . Kathryn
Lane Daly. 113 S. 16th, 2d floor. D. 2427.
YOUNG, women coming to Omaha as
strangers are invited to. visit tho Young
Women's Christian - association building
at Seventeenth and St Mary's Ave.,
where they will' be directed to suitable
boarding , places, or otherwise assisted
Look for -our travelers' aid at the Union
station. ' '
nam. Davldge Blk. Apt. 1 ' Red 752$.
VACUUM MASSAGE, 208. So, 13th St..
t R. 325, daliy. Sunday; - open evenings;
houru, 10 to 10.
MAKSAGE Swedish movement . Ap.t
iVlilOOAUXK, 2j Farnam. D. 624a
Kf AfTNTFrTf! treatment. E. Brott 710
. WE RENT and rejair all kinds oi w
lng machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglas 1662,
' 15th and Harney Sts. V:
MASSAGE EPert treatment, Mrs.
iu-ti.toto.o.ijxj Steee ens u u J R -
Massage. Mrs. Rittenh se. 308 Boston Bid.
" BODY MASSAGE. 222-3 Neville. D. 776L
, - Screening $1.6J per 100. Wagner. .801 K. is.
NOTICE TO DOG MEN On account of
no place to keep them, I will sell at a
great bargain for quality, my two typical
specimens of . English bulls, . females;
White Watch, American Kennel Club
register, colored white, massive bone and
head; set low to ground; aged years;
approved mother; also Belle Gladstone,
her daughter, by C. Monston's Gladiator,
- aged 18 month. First check- for $1S0
takes both. Ed. M. Abbott, Importer -of
English Bull Dogs, Lincoln,. Neb. .
Ship live stock to Soutn Omana. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. . -Live
Stock Commission Merchants.
Byers Bros. A Co. Strong and responsible.
, WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg.
Great West Com. Co., Omaha &. Denver.
Clay, Robinson & Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg.
I CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg.
Martin Bros. & Co., Exch.- Bidg.
TAGG BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep.
OMAHA property and Nebraska lands,
New Omaha Nat'l Bank 3ulldlnj,-.
' LOANS Farm and city property, J.
H. Dumont A Son. 1U03 Farnam S.
$10? to $e,toi made promptly. F;-D.
Wead.. Wead Bldg., lth and Farnam.
MONET to loan on business or real,
dence properties, 11,000 to 500,000. W. H.
THOMAS. 503 First Nafl Bank Bid.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith & C6.. 1320 Farnam St.
act. CITT
LOANS. . . Kml.rrlhr
yv Co.
310-112 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
Q AEVIN BROS. LotLa,l nd u
LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros.
PASTURE wanted containing ItiO acres.
wen waierea ana wen rencea, close in
to South Omaha Wertheimer A Degen,
Exchange Bldg., South Omaha, Hell
South 488, Ind. F-1603. '
. Montreal. Havre, Plymouth, London.
- The Picturesque St. Lawrence Route.
Four days on the ocean, three days
In river and gulf.. Splendid new. Turban
steamers. Saloon, second-cabin and third
class. Superior one-class cabin service.
Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention.
Send for circulars, rates, plans, etc
Allan & Co.. 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago.
Anchor Line Steamships
Naw York, Londonderry and Glasgow.
.New York, Palermo and Naples.
Attractive rates for tickets between New
York- and all Scotch, English, Irish,
Continental and Mediterranean points.
Superior accommodations, excellent cui
sine, efficient service. Apply promptly
for reservation to local agent of Anchor
Line or Henderson . Brothers, General
Agents. Chicago, 111. . ......
Household gds, clothes & shoes. D3871 B195I
2d-hand goods. Keiser, 1029 Center. D-560.
Chicago buyers, 2d-band ciothes, shoes,
nats; nest prices; win can. Tyier uw.
-XT PTTfN Pay th b8' Prices for old
xxtA iron, metals, rubber, etc.
WAV?1 kmiA mnw,l n-nAM ...!
uuiiqci iailV 4UVUVlli VVUTVIIl'
ent to car. J.Ust be priced right. - Give
address. Want to buy from owner. Terms.
L 310, Be?.
GENTLEMAN with two small children
wants to board and room In strictly pri
vate family.. Answer -A 300, care Bee.
: FOK V EXCHANGEWant t Southern
California property, for good, .clear
Omaha. Address 1135 West 43d St, Los
Angeles, Cai. ,;
you . wish to name. We cannot specify.
Please don't'..' write or phone. . Como in
and see how we look. Ed Rothery Co.,
310. McCague. jjldg..
FOR EXCHANGE 720 acres in Guthrie
Co., Ia.; clear; want good ranch in east
ern Neb.; must be first class- and In
corn belt.. 160-acres in Scott'a Bluff Co.,
Neb.; want small Iowa farm. Ed. Kelly,
Adair, la. 1 . -
Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract ef
flea to Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater.
NEALE A-CAMPBELL. 171 Farnam Si.
Elgctrtc,' gas fixture Omaha Silver Co.
Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming BtsT
Fuchs, "Son &"Bllhd, palnting.decoratlng.
H. Gross, lum. wreck. g. plb. 21 & PauL
HEATON, tin work. Original Ameri
can furnaces. 2518 Cuming, D. 6198.
Orin S Merrill, 1213 Qity Nat Bank Bldg.
Modern eight-room cottage, large lot,
easy payments. Dr. W. IL Mick, 476 Bran
deis Bldg.
2K14 DsvsnnoiH. Hm in 7-r.. mnriftrn
but heat Just overhauled. Two bed rooms
first floor, fine bath; shade trees. Mod
erate rent Xo right person. Eee it today.
George B. Lenhoff. Phone Douglas 806.
FOR SALE Reasonable priced modern
six-room house, one-half block from car,
paved street and .fine location. Inquire
of owner, 2415. Manderson St Tel. Web.
645. '
$200 buys a 60xl2S-foot lot not far from
car line. Lot. fronts south on Lucas be
tween Clark and Burnham; described as
e'A of lot 10, block 33. Phone Webster
3&0, or address Q. B. W., Bee.
FOR SALE 2-story, 4-r. building, oc
cupied by Caldwell tc Drake, builders,
southeast ' corner 17th and Harney Sts.
Bids received until July 1, Building may
be inspected , at hny time. John Lewis,
310 Range Bldg. ' : t . , .
New S-room modern bouse In neighbor
hood of good homes: oak finish and dec
orated; $300 cash, bal. monthly. Web. 7M.
New S-room all modern house, half
block from car on paved .street, large
living room with fire place. Will sell on
$600 cash payment,- balance very easy by
the month. Address the Owner, F-306,
Seven-room house, oak finish, cemented
basement laundry tubs, hot water heat,
barn or garage, plenty shade and shrub
bery, . corner lot 56x140; paved street
Owner. 2403 N. 18th St Tel. Web. 3368.
LARGE modern eight-room home lor
sale by o.wner. Webster 3490.
"T1 rilura"TI r"n Iimon uTATioNwiv.ih ibi m..... il nnnn Mint to II flniiniil Mlntto Tt,t
Captain Ed Rottotry has buyer for bar
gain in real estate. List with us.
Ed Rotbery Co., 318 McCague Bldg.
LOOK 380 acres stock farm, 110 a. cul
tivated; house, barn, W a. apple orchard,
unlimited free range grass and water,
price. $12.50 per acre; big list free. Ward,
the Land- Man, Mountain Home, Ark.
Canada. .
TRUNK. . Frank -Crawford, 303 Cotton
Bldg.; Vancouver or Omaha.
CANADA Buy a lot in Edmonton, Al
berta, western Canada's distributing cen
ter; 3110 to $130. Terms, $1.00 down and
$1.00 a week. - Canada Lands Company,
Edmonton, Albert.
. Georsiiau , .
Traversed by the
Lands adapted to the widest range of
crops. All the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with this coming country, its soil,
climate, church and school advantages,
General Passenger Agent,
aUaaeaotsk. - y
10.000 acres in tine improved and unim
proved land in the corn belt; close to
aood towns: neavy niaca loam sou: uar
subsoil; plepty rain; crop failures un
known: kw to Rv per acre; easy terms.
Excursion first and third Tuesday of
Sff Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
S20-acre farm a miles from good town.
es miles from Minneapolis, on main road.
telephone and mall route. 76 acres under
cultivation, 70 acres good meadow will
cut over 100 tons of hay; balance In
pasture with so acres good oak umber,
can all be opened up- . Land lays level.
good soil in the best of condition, no
stone or gravel and no foul weeds. Good
seven , room house la splendid grove
with otner Duuaings, gooa wen and
water.- An Ideal stock and. dairy farm.
Beuins en iwni vi o -rce,
$3j per acre for quick sale.
CHA8. E. BW ANSON, Elk River, Minn.
1.Y1B SAt.K snntlon lUi mlloa from
Choklo. Stevens Co., Minn.; 380 acres in
crop; $50 per acre if sold this month. X.
H. Kavanagh, Owner.
in West Central Minnesota. I -are some
wonderfully good bargains. . Easiest
terms. Write for particulars. J. S.
ULLAND, President Fergus falls Na
tlonal bank, Fergus Falls, Minn. -
! we.
Good six-room house,, cellar, summer
kitchen, good orchard. 110 pine and
spruce trees, wind break, horse barn for
14 head of horses, cow barn for 22 cows,
two large cattle sheds, 60-foot machine
shed, S good wells, wind mill, orchard
and house yard fenced chicken tight,
70 acres fenced hog tight in three dif
ferent fields, hog house, running water
on place; 30 acres of fine timber. For
particulars Inquire of P. J. Foy, Max
well, Is.
THJ3 easiest wy to 'find ' buyer for
your farm is to- insert a small want ad
in the Dss Moines Capital. Largest dr.
culatlon tn the state of Iowa, 43,000 daily.
The Capital is read by and believed in by
the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re
fuse to permit any other, paper in their
homes, States, I cent a word a day; $L2C
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to the line. Address iDes . Moines
Capita), Dee Moines, la.
S miles out; U acres; all excellent land,
suitable for any purpose; 6 acres in
alfalfa) no buildings; cheapest good land
near either city at $1,60; $260 cash, bal
ance, long time at 6 per cent McGee
Real Estate Co, 106 Pearl St., Council
MOST productive hay and grain land
in the worlds-Long Valley, Idaho. No Ir
rigation needed; fine climate, fine water,
cheap fuel, . telephones, railroad, elec
tricity. Improved land 125 to $20 per acre.
Also finest orchard land proposition in
Idaho. For information write today, Pay
ette River Colonization Co., Nampa,
'. Montana.
RANCHES-42,000 to $100,00a Send (or
list flhopen & Co., Ranch Dealers,
Omaha, Neb.
-.- -Nebraska.
FOR BALE160 acres all fenced:
acres under cultivation; (-room house, 33
x52 bam; 16x20 chicken house; 16x14 gran
ary; 10x13 stone1 milk bouse, windmill
and good water; located five miles from
C happen. $40 an acre takes this bargain;
half down and mortgage for . balance.
Address Mrs. Christie Jacobs, Chappsll,
nnMB!HTtr.irwi .inh
". .- .I ...
at $260 filing fees and all. Not rough or
sandy. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb.
Quarter section of forty-bushel wheat
land, mile and half from station; must
be sold. J. H. Hardisty, Thief River
Fall. Minn.
1101. 803 City National Bank Bldg.
Farm. Land and Ranches. .
Y. M. H. A. Team Wins.
Th Y. V. H. A. team defeated the
Superiors In a ' one-sided game by' the
score of 25 to S Sunday. The feature of
the gamo were the pitching of Solomon,
striking out thirteen men, and the hit
ting of Novltaky and C. Shames. Bat
teries: 8uperiorr, Allen, Smith; Y. M. H.
A., Solomon, Monsky.
Only Three Innings Played.
The M. E. Smith Ideals played the
Ramblers Sunday at Diets park and had
to quit at the end of the third inning
to allow the second game. The score
at the-time. was to J In the Ideals'
Be and Live
laloa Pacific
Dprt. Arrlv.
San Fran. Overland Limited
China a Japan Fait Mall..
Atlantlo Express ............
Oragon Kxprwa ..J
Lea Anglaa Limited........
.t l:4& am t 7:40 pn
... 4:0u pm t i.U pm
.' a t:U am
...all 55 pa s 1:10 pn
.,,112 46 pm a i:K pill
...a 7:04 am a 7:il am
...all:30 pm alJ:JS am
Orarsr Special ............
Centennial State Special..
Colorado Eipreaa
.a l:M pm a 4:S0 pm
Oresen-Waanington Limited... ali:M pm a I 0 pm
North Platte Local..., a 1:16 am a 4:45 pm
Oraud laland Local v a 1:13 am 10M am
Stromaburc Local Ml:41 pm a l:St pts
Chicagu A. IVorthnesu-rn
Hlnneanolti-Rt. Paul Korea..a 7:M am
MlnneapoMa-St. Paul Limited. .a T O pm a 1:00 an
Twin Clt Kipraaa .; .a 7:40 am alO JO pa
Sioux City Local...., ...a S.4S pm a l:M pa
Minneapolis A Dakota Exp. .a 7:00 pm s 1:1 pm
Twin City Limited ... t:46 pm I I.H id
etlnnoeots Sxpresa
all:0U am
Carroll Local ...
Daylight Chicago
.a 7:00 am 1 1:10 pm
.a 7:to am
caicago Local
...alj:06 pm a I it pm
Chicago-Colorado ....
Chicago Special
Pacific Cout-Chlcego
Lot Angelea Limited.
Overland Limited ...
Carroll Local
Fast Mall
...a :oi pm a t:4S am
a 5 pra i l:U ts
..'.a IM pm a2.10 pm
...a 1M pm a t:U am
...a 4:10 pm ,alO:00 am
..a:Wpm ll:is
Cedar Kapide, Sioux City sad
Oman -.. ,
Centenulal SUte Limited MM am
a S:JS pm
IV.a pm
Long Pine a 1:00 am ail:00am
Norlolk-Uallaa ..a (:M am all:00im
Long Plne-Llncolo pm a 6:20 pm
Haatlnga-Superlot .....b pm s S:10 pm
Deadwood-Hot Springe s t 66 pm a 5:20 pm
Caaper-Lander ' a t M pm el0;l& pm
Fremont-Albion ... b 6:10 pm b 1:31 pui
Chicago threat Western
Twin City Limited : .a 1:10 pm a 1:10 am
Twin City Eipreaa .' a l:SI am a 0:S6 pm
Chicago Kxpreaa a 6:00 pm s I:e0pm
Illinois Central
Chicago Kxpreaa .....
Chicago Limited ....
.a T:0 am a i.45 pm
...a 1:60 pra a 1:00 pm
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
Roekr aloustaln Limited all:!0 pm al0:3t pm
Chicago Local Paaaenger MO am blO lO pm
Chicago Dt Kxpreaa s:4tam a 4:10 pm
Chicago . Kxpreaa a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm
Dee Molnea Local Paaenger..a 4:27 pm all: II pm
CateafO-Nebraaka Limited.. ..a 1:08 pm' a 8:00 am
Chicago-Neb. Ltd. to Lincoln.. a 1:01 am a 5:63 pm
Chicago-Colorado Expreaa ....a 1:16 pm a 4:00 pm
Oklahoma 4 Texas Express... a 1:00 pm all:46 am
Rocky Mountain limited
Omaha-St. Louli Kxpreaa..
Mail and Expreaa
..al0:47 am' alj:30 am
.a 1:30 pra a 4 :16 am
.a 7:01 am all: 16 pm
Btanberry Local (from C. B ).b t;M pm blO-.U am
Mlssoarl pacitte ...
K. C. A St, Louie Expreaa.. a 1:10 am a 7 .00 am
K. C A 8t. Louie Expreaa.. all :16 pm a 0:44 pm
Chleaso, Milwaukee Jt St, Paul
Overland Limited lies pm a 1:11 am
Perry Local .......a 8:30 era all :00 pm
Colorado Kxpreas ..... ;i.s 8:00 pra s l.ltpm
Colorado Special a 7:(2 am a (:60 am
D l:upn all;0S pa
BnrllnstQia Station Tenth dt Mason
Burlington .
Denver A California
Pueet Sound Kxnreis
.a 4:10 am
.a 4:10 pm
.a l:W am
.a 4:10 pm
b 1:20 pm'
.all:8t pm
.a 1:15 am
.b 7:09 pm
.'a i ii ani
.all:30 pm
.a 7:11 pm
.all:i6 pm
.a 6:0 pm
.a 0:0 pm
b 8:30 pm
a 4:18 pm
al0:6 pm
.a 1:16 am
a 3:4 pm
a I 46 pm
a :10 pm
a 1:46 pm
al2:16 pm
a J:0 am
a 1:10 pm
blO OS am
blO:M am
a 1 :60 am
a i:40 pm
all: IS pm
a 7 :00 am
a 1:41 pm
a 1:00 am
bl0:4t am
al):(0 am
a 0:46 am
a 4:10 pm
Kebraska Polnte
Black Hills
Uncoln Mall
Norths-eat Kxpreaa
Nebraaka fixpreea
Lincoln Local '.
Plettemouth-Iovs ...........
Chicago Special .n
Denver Epeclal
Chicago Kxpreaa
Chicago, Peat Expreaa
Vreeion t.
St. Lottie Expreaa
Kaneaa City St. Joeeph ...
Kanaas City t St. Joseph..
Webster Station 15th and Webster
Missouri Pacific
Depart. Arrive.
Auburn Local
Chicago, St. Paul,
Oniaba ' '
Sioux City Expreaa.....
Twin City. Paaaenger...
Bloux City Paaaenger...
...b 1:60 pm bll:6 am
Minneapolis and
...b y.n pa
...b :J6 am
MM ai
b H pm
e 1:15 am e 4 2t pm
Kmerson Local -.
b 1:6 pm b 1:10 am
(a) dally, (b) dally except Sunday, (c) Sunday.
From tha Heart of
J From ear Baietiel nrlvate nier. to Covered ,
f dookalnHerre-theoeeU Psris ia 8i hoars,
I Mr eoecial train. Even lumrv sa TOyeae.
Concerts, taaaoas eulalm. daily aassrs. f yn
oeaiuo, library, etc., make time pass all to
qui vs.. vsry ssmion uassineww.
Quid, Delightful Voyage Via
French Line Steamers
New steamer "France" ialergeet, tet
sat sad most nasgninesst isntlnsnisi
m ail T.V A
ftoatherly course Mtll'
m.wMWv www am ....
TO ' sfatilinai at
VastVauL ej jfitconi cabia
Steamers SW '3T1S jgF'pncea, Satur
all svsnr nv"
iteimere S4Bo070.
All ships soulposj erfto wirsleea telegraphy sad every
up-to-date safety appliance. For particular apply ts
W. B. BOCK, 1618 Farnam St
Zm sTEEBB. first Vatlonal Bank.
J1. 8. BSYsTOXtSa, 160a Tarnam
Dominion Canadian Service
Laurent. j. J. .1 . A-. M . I . Je.29, Jy.27. Ag J4
Merest Ic, Jy., Ag, A AgJI
Firai I2.J0. Secosd
OssClsasCsbie(l I) SSOsVSS
I bird IsseeJIJi U-W
ArranseBMklnas with LocalArert
or Company's Office, Chicecc ''
a mmi w e"ia M','r-
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Big Returus.
T ' uuuuuu jjjLuxxo uuuuuu jujiiuio ill JLUVva
Minor Mention
. The Council Blaffe Office of
The Omaha Bee Is at IS
loott'ltreet. Telephone 43.
Davis, drugs
Vlctrol. $15. A. "Hospe Co.
H. Borwlck for wall paper.
Woodrlng Undertaking Cc:, TsL $4t.
Corrlgans, undertakers. 'Phones 14S.
NEW YORK Plumbing Co, 'Phone
High standard printing. Morehouse ft Co,
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone $7.
wired for lights a specialty
Bluff City Laundry. Dry Cleaning and
Dye works. New 'pliune No, $814.
Mutual Bldg. a Loan Ass'n.. 13$ Pearl.
ICE-Oood service. Wagons tu all parts
of the city. Droge Etevaioi Co. Tel. 7860,
BUDWEISER on draugnt The Grand
Anheuser on draught S. Ad rain. Bud
welser in bottles at all first class bars.
Regular meeting . of Park City lodge
No. 608, Independent Ordet of Odd rei
lowa, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock sharp
for work in the second degree. The
members of the degree staff are urged
to be present. Visitors are welcome.
In tho line with the purpose of mak
ing church work intorestlng and at
tractive Dr. McClure and the workers of
the First Presbyterian church have been
carrying forward plana for frequent in
structive and amusing entertainments.
Stereopticon pictures and films showing
scenes of world-wide interest have been
the centers of numerous weekly enterr
talnments. Tonight at the church .par
lors will bo shown ' more than 100 ac
curately colored lantern views of the
Yellowstone national park.
Prof. S. A. Beach, dean of the horti
culture department at the Ames college,
and Prof. Laurens Greene, experimental
ist, both from the Iowa Agricultural col
lege at Ames, have made arrangements
for the Inspection bf the Ben Davis or
chards of Pottawattamie county next
Wednesday. They came here direct from
Logan, where they had conducted similar
Investigations. In the opinion of Prof,
Roach the mortality .among Ben David
apple trees Is due to the heavy crop of
last year. . which : tho professor' believes
overtaxed the strength of ; the trees., '
second Presbyterian tiurcn, corner
urate ana Pierce streets, Rev. ueorge a.
Ray. D. D pastor. The ChrlKtlan En
deavor society will give an entertainment
In the church parlors Tuesday evening,
to which all are invited. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening ,at 8 o'clock.
Scripture and .memory verse,. . Romans
11:12: "Fop. ,as. many '.as have , sinned
without law. shall also, perish without
law; and as many As have sinned in the
law shall b judgeed by tha law.". The
regular meeting nf the Baraca class will
be held in the church parlors Thursday
evening at 8 O'clock. All members are
urgea to do present
The June Kensington of the Woman's
Aid society of the First Presbyterian
Church will he given at the church par
lors on mursaay atternooii. The work
will be In charne of Mrs. A.'E. Brock
and Mrs. J.. W. Smith, assisted by a
competent committee. -There will be
a brief business meeting at the begin
ning of the afternoon, and all are asked
to be present promptly at the hour an
nounced. A well filled domestic tame
will be prepared. The social opportunity
and the business to be considered should
bring out a large attendance. New wo
men in the congregation are' most cor
dially Invited.
Record of Water .
Pumped in Bluffs
Nearly 10,000,009 less gallons of water
was pumped by the city water plant
last week than was required to meet
the demand for the corresponding week
a year ago. The cause was c.hie(ly the
difference in the kind of weather that
prevailed. Only a little more than 17,
000,000 gallons was pumped last week and
nearly 27,000,000 was pumped a yehr ago.
The report of the average condition of
the water for last week follows:
Racteria Turb- Presumptive
Sources. Per O. C. laity Test for Coll.
Treated water.. 173 bS 7 Negative
1 Positive .
Settled water.... 2,680 -. All PoslUve
Raw river water 21,600 4,000 All Positive
Bacterial efficiency of treatment, Vi per
cent ' . ,
Total pumpage,. 17.213,888 gallons.
Dodge Memorial "'
Church Dedicated
An audience that completely " packed
the church at all of the 'services wit
nessed yesterday the dedication of the
new Dodge Memorial church. Thirty-second
street and Avenut C- Among those
present at the principal services were
General Grenvllle M'. Dodge and daugh
ter, Mrs. Letta. Montgomery, and Mrs.
N. P. Dodge and daughter. Miss Caroline.
The full dedication service of the Con
gregational church was used. Tho dedi
cation sermon was preached by Dr. T.
O. Douglass ef Grlnnell. A chorus of
forty voices furnished the muslo.
The church was beautifully decorated
with flags and flowers and foliage
plants. A huge floral center piece In
parallelogram form, bearing in its cen
ter '.the .word,. "Welcome," occupied a
conspicuous place on the altar. It was
the gift of the Wilcox florists.
The report of the building committee
showed that the church, which was built
almost entirely from material contained
in tTie old First Congregational church,
had . cost 15,961.54 to date. All of this
cost had been paid ,w)th the exception
of $1,150 and $500 of that was on hand.
. Tou get the lowest price, easiest terms
and best guarantee on your piano when
you purchase at A. Hospe Co., 407 W.
Eroadway, Council Bluffs, la.
for The Bee by
Prominent Bluffs Pioneer Woman
Passes Away at Hospital.
Knaeral Will He Held Tuesday Aft
' ernoon at Residence and Ilev. ;
Dr. McClore Will OffL
'.'' elate. ' 'l .; .'
Mrs. L. C. Empkle died I Sunday morn
ing at the Jennie Edmund son Memorial
hospital, wher-5 she was taken a few
moments after being seriously Injured
In an automobile accident that occurred
almost in front of the ' hospital two
weeks ago. Her death was xlue to heart
failure and exhaustion.
Mrs. Empkle's condition had. been crit
ical for 'several days.; She suffered fre
quent sinking spells, but quickly rallied,
giving encouragement to her friende to
hope for ultimate recovery. On FrMay
evening she appeared to be greatly im
proved, and the hope of her friends was
strong. An hour later she was seised
by a sinking spell and at 2 o'clock Satur
day morning her .relatives' were advised
that "the end might be expected mo
mentarily. She agaiif rallied and Satur
day forenoon regained her .former promis
ing condition and was- resting- comfort
ably. - The final relapse came late Satur
day night. Her health , had been frail
fbr several years. 1
Mrs. Ixirlna Margaret Empkle was 88
years old. She had been a continuous
resident of Council Bluffs since 1868. and
was one of the pioneer women who Im
pressed their personalities upon the grow
ing, town.- .The dominant traits of her
character found expression In earnest and
Intelligent effort to create higher Ideals
for those with whom aha came Into con
tact. She was an earnest and practical
Christian woman, with her chosen church,
the First Presbyterian, the center of- her
religious activities. She was ons of Its
oldest and most helpful members, .taking
a leading part for years in all of Its
work. - ; .' t, !
Mrs. Empkle was born In Hlllsboro,
0.,,on February . L J849. Before coming
to Council Bluffs in 18T8 she lived with
her relatives at Bloomlngton, 111. Her
marriage to Mr. Empkle occurred' in
Counclt Bluffs In February, . WO.. . Har
father's family, the Van . PelU'were
prominent In three states. Mrs. Empkle
was the last surviving daughter. She Is
survived by her husband and three sons,
E. L., C. A. and F. D. Empkle, all promi
nent in local business . croles. The only
other near relative is ' her. niece, - Mrs.
Walter I. Smith.
.The funeral will be held Tuesday after
noon at the residence, 618 8outh Sixth
street. Rev. Dr. . McClure officiating."
Holds Wife's Clothes,
as Spoils of War
IOWA CITY, la., June 17.-(Special . Tel
egram.) Mrs. Joseph Uoetz of Pleasant
Valley, near here, "vlll .be compelled to
sue out a writ of replevin before she will
be able to go abroad, cwlnj to 'recent do
mestic' troubles' which ' resulted In Iter
husband driving her from the house at
night minus wearing apparel bt any sort
She succeeded in reaching a neighbor's
home' before daylight nnd attempted lo
arrange a truce In the morning, but Mr.
Goets announced that all clothes would
be held as spoils of war. Mrs. Goets
finally appealed to County Attorney Hart,
who suggested a writ of replevin. - The
husband says that the clothes belong to
him and will resist the writ.
Doctor Says Johnson
Lacking in Endurance
EAST LAS VEGAS, N.' M.June 17.-"A
careful examination of Jack Johnson
shows his chest expansion is not up to
standard and would lead one to fear lack
of endurance."
This is part of a statement issued by a
local physician after he had made ah
examination today of the heavyweight
champion. - a
After examining Flynn the physician
"I regard Jim Flynn as a remarkable
specimen of physical development"
Sarah Owens.:
Sarah Oweps, aged. 68 years,, wife of J.
B. Owens, died Saturday night at her
home, 1509 South Twenty-sixth street.
Funeral services will be held from Dod
der's undertaking rooms today :. at 2
o'clock. The. body, will be sent to' Teka
mah. Neb., for burial. v
Maude Mac Brlssl.
' Maud Mae Brlzzl, aged 29 years,; wife
of Albert Brlzzl, died at the Methodist
hospital Saturday evening, Funeral ser
vices will be held at. Jackson's undertak
ing rooms at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
Interment wilt be in Forest Lawn ceme
tery. ,- '.''.' ' .i
John 3a.' I'V Svrsnaou. t :,
John A. E. Swanson, aged 29 years, died
at his home, 208 North Seventeenth street,
Friday evening. The body will be sent
to Wausa, Neb., tor burial at noon today.
"Bud" Fisher
Harnesslac the Idle Mississippi
- Promises' Vast Deaeflts to
Local Indnstrles.
G. Walter Barr, editor and proprietor of
the Keokuk Standard, and a lecturer
scientific subjects, . writea ef -the pro
posed ' harnessing . of ' the Mississippi at
Keokuk in the Review of Reviews.. After
referring to the tact that , Keokuk -Kos
in the central part of the . great ari
cultural area of the United States, he goes
on: '
"It Is in this environment that there
ts being "developed 23.000 kilowatts of
power, -the equivalent of over 38O.S00 me
chanical horsepower. At the sSme thne.
without a cent of cost to the public, there
is insured deep-water navigation, for
sixty-five miles of the river, where 'the
Mississippi Is in Its maddest mood, and
the Des Moines ' rapids stretch for a
dosen miles an impassable barrier, whfch.
Is flanked by a government canal costtng
18,000,006 nd now nearly worn our 'Sin,
service.' ' ... - .;'' .. . .--
"Ttiese things ' are , done with a dam
which, with Its appurtenances, is ; the
longest monolltli m the world, -lth Its
length over all of 9,006 feet The power
house is, over a quarter .of a mile long, -and
will contain the largest Installation
of turblnea and electric generators ever
built, thirty duplex units, of 7,600 kilo
watts each. The lock provided : for
steamboats to pass the dam is 'greater
than any one lock In the Panama canal.
having the same width " and 'a", lift - of
forty feet, compared with the maximum
lift of only thirty-two feet on the Isthmus;
tha Keokuk ' lock is 400 feet long, and
there la also a large dry dock . for-1 lie
use of the United States government. All
these structures are of monolithlo con
crete, and they Involve several unparal
leled engineering features., ' . . ; ,
"This one power-house has an output
of electric power slightly over half that
generated by all' the companies, on both
sides of the International boundary-,, at
Niagara Falls. " It .111 be . used within v
a sons of ISO miles radius from Keokuk,
and chiefly along the Missouri river, i If
present plans do net miscarry J it W de
sirable to use the power near -the site
of the dam and power-house-not on ac
count of loss in transmission In these
later days so much as on account of the
cost of maintaining transmission lines
and the necessity of buying right of way
for these lines as wide as a railroad
"Sf Louts, 13S miles distant by air line,
has contracted for 60,000 horse power for
ninety-nine years. The current .wlfl,;be
taken there by a transmission line now
building, which wilt carry 110,000 yo'lts, -the
highest electric pressure ever usedf-to
transmit power. A better comprehension
can be gained of the magnitude of this
new hydro-eleotrlo development In ;JJie
agricultural center of the country by
some comparisons. . The power developed
at Keokuk is about three times that now
used in manufacturing in the statsvof
Iowa; more than is now used "In he
state of Missouri;, and one-third that npw
used in the state' of Illinois, Including '
Chicago and US environs. It is ne
flfth of all the water power now har
nessed In the entire United States, which
was 1,647,809 horse power by the last
census figures. , - ';
"The three states of Iowa,' Illinois Vfid
Missouri, at the junction of which1 is
located this' Keokuk Installation,' used In
manufacturing only 983,211 horse power .
in 1905, the date of the last census data
on this subject, and thlB la only a Utile
over three times the output of the eicctrio
generators going in where ; these three
states meet In the, middle of the. Missis
sippi. Figures for 1911, made by careful
factoring of percentages of gain beforo
and after 1W6, show a large Increass.ln
Illinois to about L160.000 horse power now
used for manufacturing In that-atater'as
against 651,578 horse power in use in 130
when the census wss taken, . ., -
"As regards the more Immediate van
ity of this new and irreaiE power develop,
ment, statistics' of the zone with 15011
radlua are as follows: Wlthlr this sons
Is a population (1910) ot 4,2OG,0l9;-factories
in thirty cities to . the number of U.99I.
capitalised at, lo90,OS3,000, and turning but
annually products worth . at the factory
1712,437,000; the population within the son
includes from 4S to ft' Per cent of , the ".
population of the states segmented,: ex
cluding Chicago, and Includes nearly half
the counties in each state,' with an aver
age of 67. per cent of the most densely ;
populated counties of the three states
And in the oenter of this zone is being
created a combination of dam,, turbines
and generators which will nearly quin
tuple the amount of manufacturing dona
within the 160-mile , radfus from th?
The capital of 827,000,000 required to
carry out the project , was furnished
ehlefy by English and Boston capitalists
The federal bill authodislng the water
power development provides that the' dry
dock and lock shall be deeded to tht
government on their completion.
Why take chances if you are having
trouble with your eyes. Gee our experi
enced optician. Lefferte' . - .
Being railroad time Inspector for Coun
cil Bluffs, we can employ only the most
skilled workman In this department Bring
your watch here and receive satisfactory ;
workv Lefferts', Jewelers. Sign of the
clocks. ' ' " ' ' .
' Key to the Sltuatlon-Bee Advertising