Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE. ,BEE.tiMiUt(AXaI391i.
More Money in tnc Treasury Than
for Some Time Past.
Stone (or the Lincoln Monemmt la
loritrd li Kaaaaa City Em
ployee of Pen DUcharged
Became of FJfat.
LINCOLN. Neb., June 16-Speelal.)-That
the finances of the state are pick
ing up la evidenced by the fact that
at the close of business Saturfin-. the
treasury was $4.".O0O to the gwl as com
pared with S1S.O0O the Saturday preced
ing; and a month ago several thousand
to the bad. The month of May and thu
far In June the county treasurers of
the state have been sending In their
remittance and in consequence the state
treasury Is looming up on the right
side of the ledger.
Car of Stone Fonnd.
At last the lost is found. The last
car of stone for the Lincoln monument
has been found in Kansas City. Work
lias been delayed several weeks on ac
count of the non-arrival of thla Identi
cal rut, and while it would seem to be
pretty hard work to lose track of a
carload of big granite, such is the fact
and for more than two weeks the rail
way companies have been trying to lo
cate the big blocks of stone, which left
Quincy. .Mats., weeks ago.
The controversy which was recently
started over fhe publication by a Lin
coin paper of an article 'claiming that
the granite was not good stone, ha not
created very great alarm. Treasurer
George, who Is a native of Massa
chusetts and was born and raised near
the Quincy quarries, where the atone
came from and has seen lota of It, says
that the stone la all right He further
says that he never saw anything which
came from Massachusetts, but what was
all right. In this statement ha is backed
up by two or three other native son
and daughter of the old Bay Star, who
are holding down jobs in the statt house,
risfct at the ren.
W. 0. Cloyd, a penitentiary guard and
Night Engineer fry, of the same In
stitution were discharged by Warden
Mellck Saturday, on account of a fight
which they bad Indulged In at the homo
of the latter the night before. It it
asserted that both men were drunk,
Cloyde was arretted by , the , Lincoln
police and later fined by Police Judge
; Higher Rate Granted.
The Burlington has received permis
sion from the railway commission to
make the higher Sioux City. Frmont.
Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island rata
between points west of the Missouri
river named In hems $450a, MMa and
8452a, supplement 10 to tariff 6000a. ap
plying to all commodities named In
uch tariffs, Instead of being restricted
to the ten classes and emigrant mov.
ables. Thl change will result In tome
reduction by reason of extending the
tariff to all commodities. , "
wilt Label Lard.
The Swift .company baa consented" to
label JU lard and butter packages' in
accordance with the wlshe of Food
Commissioner Hansen. . The company na
been using a mall rubber stamp which
at time was unreadable, but now print
tba net weight In large letter on all
It lard and butter. '
Article of Incorporation of the Ger
man Invtmeht , company ' :hv Uen
filed with, the secretary of, state by Feed
Whltmbre, William Seetenf reund and
T. B. Sidle,, The' company ha a paid
up capital atock of $5,000. ' . -.
Irrigation flight Denied.
Tba board of irrigation ha denied the
right of J. H. Kersenbrook of Columbus
to use thi.watr of, th west ork of the
Blue river for irrigation purposes on the
ground that he had abandoned at)d not
used.h) r(ght t,o. th water fbr.mpre than
ten year.
Jvutto Fawcett of th upreme court
and -Auditor" Barton delivered addresses
at the Flag day exercises In Lincoln,
ftheelry Ala? Carape.'
Charle o. Sheeley, a former resident
of Lincoln and a contractor well known
over th state, who recently pleaded guilty
to the charge of bribing a county coin
mUaiontr at Greeley, Colo., and was sen
tenced to pay a, heavy fin and also serve
on year in the penitentiary, na appealed
his case to the-supreme court of Colorado
on the ground that It I not a crime to
bribe a county commissioner, and may
escape.; aa the Colorado law makes It a
crime to bribe a ministerial or Judicial
officer and says nothing about an txecu?
tlv officer, under which class county
commissioner come. .
On to Chicago.
"On to Chicago" win b th slogan to
morrow apd for several day the state
house will b Heft to th people' who work
for a living. There will be no especially
' designated "official train" and the travel
will be divided between the ' Burlington
and the Hock Island. Governor Aldrich
and Tom Benton will lecd the fniwa
which will o over the Burlington, while
ome ef the delegates will travel over th
Rock Island. Among th occupant of
th stat heus who will leave or ha-v
already gen are; . Governor Aldrich,
was aouvoim
The Chril War Through the Camera
Brckly Famous Oril War Pbotxcraphs
' (P&W Wt tfmV. 3. Wmt Dmmtm)
And ProfeMor E3xn'a Newly Written '
Ml '
, HJUtorjr of
Coupoa Good for
Ik iDiaaha Be hag entered Into
nee. whose oblect la ta nlaca in
- - -
I rosnoio memento of the civil Wtrai an education la patrlotUm,
and aUo ta
Cntat th eeapaa
bovrtag or send
it (' tius ,etc af
this wppr.
tory of the treat ftruggle, newly written by Prof. Henry WVElaon
of Ohio University, will he isaued in sixteen sectlone. eacb compla;
in itself, and known aa th CIVIL WAR THROUGH THE C4MERA.
?he above coupon, U nd at obp. i good for on Motion when 'accom
panied by an axpen fa of TEN CE'TS, to cover cost of material,
handling. clr hlr. tc,. By maJL tbfa,sBt extra, , Bring or u
this Coupon TODAt to Th Bee Office, J' '
His Only
yjf: : V- --V ' y r: ';;;;;
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Secretary of State Walt, Auditor Barton,
Food Commissioner Hansen. Adjutant
General Phelps, E. G. Maggt, Henry Lind
say and several other who would not
own up to it. Treasurer George, who ex
pected to go, ha given up th Idea, a he
ha purchased a residence and it will be
moving day for him Monday.
Bandall Dlatrlbnte Card.
State Fir Commissioner Randall ha
Just received at hi offlc 200.000 card
for distribution over th stat. These
card contain matter which will tend to
educate th people of the state valong the
line of preventing' fire by proper pre
caution.- Each card contains a picture
of the fire commissioner fixed up In such
a manner that It , resemble a postage
Stamp which could easily be taken for
thOKB Ith' tH lotur of -Oaoirge Wash-
InglW tippn them." "An Oifne of;
vention is wortn,,a whole ton owen
said the commissioner l 'Jils emphatibf CfeSjaln silra bjC Uio defendant. The
way, "and If can have my wajnDUBCLcot;$;e defendant. The
will b such. a system that rlreJlJatffir4X. "all vs. Hennlng Hallln,
very fw in the future." "
Lov for ' Third ' Man. '
Nebraska delegate have received from
Victor Rosewater notice that the delega
tion will meet at th La Salt hotel in
Chicago if or th purpose of organisation'.
name a chairman, select those they want
for" thV different committee and receive
their badges and other things necessary,
t'on Love, mentioned for the position of
chairman of the delegation, denied that
he favored th selection of a third candi
date, but would vote for" Roosevelt firt,
last and all the time. Governor Aldrich,
it la said, now believes that, a compro
mise candidate Is th real solution of the
matter' from tho tandpolnt of future uc
ces at th polls.
CurrU N OntlwlattP.
Y. M. Currl, who was secretary of th
Tsft committee during ths primary fight
her In the state, wss In the city today
and Is still a strong advocate of the nom
ination of President Taft and believes
that he will win out. "If nominated,'
said, Mr, Currie, "he may not be elected,
for the reason that when patriot of thj
Cummln-Murdock-BtlstowNorrt strip
start in to discredit the repulblcan party
ond Roosevelt Join th hammer brigade.
what chance 1 there for republican cue-
cs with any candidate?"
Golden UdMne ni Weeping Water,
WEEPING WATER. Neb., June M-8pcll.J-Mr.
and Mr,- James Colbert
of this city, celebrated their golden wed.
ding anniversary Saturday. About 250
guests called during the afternoon and
evening, and th mail brought many
tettUr of congratulation. Mr. Colbert
wss born in England, and married In
the Clril Wmr
Sections 1, 2 or 3
great National publishing gill,
evr a marl run hnm. i
f --'- hvw u uuc,
order to ceUbrat nttlngly th
ml-cntennlal of that momentous period.
Wo hare aecured the rlghu in thla city for
the famous Brady photographs, taken on the
actual field of battle, and lost for many
year. These historic scenes, with full nia
Chance of Seeing the
Michigan in 1S62, and came to Nebraska
In 1868, y and resided on a farm near
Wabash until about ten years ago, they
moved to Weeping Water. Old neigh
bor and friends to the number of fifty
wr present ' from Wabash, and many
towns In th counly vwere represented.
Mr. and Mrs. Colbert are enjoying good
health and have a large family of chil
dren and grandchildren,
CENTRAL " CITY, i Neb.,' ' June 16.
Judge Thoma held an equity session
of the district court in thl city the lat
ter part of the week, and disposed of
many matter. The "uit' of Earl Henry
LaroorrT against Earl McHsruue et al.
ed 9t olj i!turt by tho payment
tn-. which there were allegation of
fraud in a trade of land for a stock" of
goods, was settled by the agreement
of ths parties. Judge Sullivan of Omaha
was assisting local attorneys for the
plaintiff, and John. P. Breen of Omaha
appeared: for the ' defense. i The Chap
man road case was "put over on ac
count of' a motion to Join th Union
Paciflo a one of the parties In the suit
It cannot be tried now before fall, which
mean that th road along the south
Bide of the Union Paciflo right of way.
west of Chapman to the county line
cannot be built thl year, If at all.
' The marriage of Attorney W. E. Hill
and Miss Alice Coleman of thla city oc
cured at th Joyce home on the College
section yesterday afternoon. After the
coreniony the young people went In an
automobll to th horn of th groom's
parents at Hordvtlle, and later de
parted for their new home at Gandy.
Neb., where Mr. Hill will engage in the
practice of law.
Misses Edith and Blanche Stlllinger,
tictima of. the, grewsorne tragedy at
Vallisca, low., were the nieces of M.
L. Hastings and John Hastings of this
city. ., Upon receipt of th news, th
Messrs. Hastings departed for the scene
of the murder,
New ha been received by relatives
here this week of the marriage of
Miss Merle Martin. formerly of this
place, to Mr.. Roscoe C. Bolton of Alex
andria, La. During her residence here,
the brld was a student at Nebraska
Central college. .
Th Board of . Supervisor of Merrick
county have asked th state engineer for
an estimate on the cost of various sorts
of bridges-across the Platte river, and
have sought his advice as to the feasi
bility of dajnmlng part of the river to
shorten th length of the bridges. The
bridge question is a great proposition In
Merrick county, foe th expense to be
incurred will not b light.
FREMONT, Nb., Jun l.-(Spclal
C. Clevender was arrested yesterday aft.
ernoon at th First National bank while
attempting to cash a check purporting to
be signed by K. Nelson, a rural free de
livery carrier. A few days before the
same bank had cashed a check of $33. bo
for him purporting to be signed by J, A.
Ten Brinek, which the latter declared a
forgery, so that when he came Into th
bank just before closing yesterday after
noon th officer detained him until th
police were called.
Clevender came here from Grand Island
a few month ago and started a clothe
cleaning office, also taking orders for an
astern house for tailor made clothing.
On th first of the month h moved out,
leaving a goodly number of creditor to
wonder whreh wa. HI check pecula
tions will not amount to mor than $75,
probably considerably less.
BURLINGTON. Ia., June l!-Speclal
Telegram. )-rrlght clerks in the general
ifflce orth Burlington ytem t Chi
cago and Omaha met here today and
played a lively game ef fcH, resulting tn
a score of ( to 4 In favor of Omaha,
to Oust the Speed
i vr l Association
NEBRASKA ClTT,,June .JWSpecial.)
-City Attorney A. , P, Moran has, in be
half of the, newly elected city comm1-
sloners, begun action against the Ne
braska City Fair and Speed association
to oust them from the new city park,
which, thai' have had and maintained a
track thereon since the park was pur
chased somu , years ago, with money
raised by the c'ty and cltlsen. The park
!as. purchased . with- an.understandlng
that there Waapto be a race track therein
and a' porttpn of tho parK matatainejl by
this association .lii consideration of a
tract of ground which they owned, but
turned over to the city. The .auJt was a
surprise to all and Commissioner R. E.
HawleV. who is In charge .pt the park.
The association wUl. ..reply they . hold
under an ordinance, passed at that' time
and never since repealed. It will be
bltter.sIlgbeiv'eaCTh1r-.'eity. and the
asaoclationrtrith-of; t. Business men
aa memoers or ine association.
The body sf a daughter of Prof. A. L,
Keith of Ndrthfleld-, Minn., was burled
by the side of her -grandfather, Charle
Homerlck;' The parents were former resj
dents of : this city.
The assessors of Otoe county hav com
pleted their labors and mad their re
turns. It has been found after they hav
been compiled that the assessed value of
the county Is $33,118,450, as against 128.787,
765 for WU. This means a gain of nearly
$1,000,000 In this' county over the valua
tion of last year. The average value per
acre of the lands In thl county has
been found to be $30.96. This la the big
gest increase this county ha known for
a "number of years and yt some of the
values placed upon th farm land are
considered low and the board of equalisa
tion has given notice they are to be
The official of Nemaha eounty hve
accepted a challenge and arranged to
plav a game of baa ball here on the
mortilng of July i, with th official of
Otoe county. Both team are made up
of men who in their younger days have
played ball. A big delegation of friend
and boosters will com with th visitor
to witness th gam. The Mink league
team ply two gam in the afternoon
of that day.
LTONS, Neb., June lS.-iSpeclal.WA
hailstorm . did much damage Saturday
before daylight to th growing crop
about two to three miles north of town
and extending eastward to the Blackbird,
Potatoes . that . were in blossom wer
riddled, a.wa corn andy other cereals,
over a territory at last six miles long,
and to what further extent ha not been
ascertained. , It 1 thought that owing to
th Bmallness of corn, wheat and oat
thy will rcovor without xtnsive In
Jury. . ;, , . , :
Glass before Breakfast
tones up the stomach, clears
the head and does you good.
Quickly Believes v -
mOflllArilU 1U Alli':nLiulUIl
(Continued from First Page.)
of TVest Point, whose topic was ""Tenth
Legion." .. . j...-. v '
Musical number were rendered as fol
low: Contralto olo. Mr. W. H. Grif
fith;, vocal. duet. HaieT. Gray nor, and
Hiram Salisbury; soprano solo. Miss Lu-
ella Peterson. . ,
At the busines meeting following the
program the following officers were
elected: F. Ralston Moore- tf Schuyler,
president; C. W. Andersop of IrvlngtOn,
vice president; Miss Nona . Zen tmyer of
Omaha, eeretary-treaurer. . , . .
Meeting: to Bo Held Today at the
Kortk Prrabrterian Cnaroh.
Rev. Frd G. Paton. Presbyterian mis
sionary from New Hebrides Island, de
livered an address on "Mission Work" at
the second annual convention of District
No. ! of the Nebraska Christian En
deavor union last evening at the North
Presbyterian church. Twenty-fourth and
Wirt street. All meetings today v. ill be
held at this church.
So far a total of fifty delegates from
Washington,' Sarpy, Douglas, Dodge,
Saunders and Colfax counties have regis
tered In attendance at the convention.
Many member of local Christian En
deavor unions arc also attending the
meeting. - v
Glenn Kennedy of Blair spoke upon
the "Quiet Hour" in Christian EndjavQ.
work yesterday morning. "Every staunch
member of the union should devote at
least fifteen minute each day : in re
ligious study or consecration." said Mr.
Kennedy. "This time should be set aside
In the morning or at noon. If it i left
until the last thing in th evening the
body and mind of the Individual is fa
tigued and the benefit derived not so
thorough." A
Rev, Charles S. Lang of Blair spoke on
th need of greater efficiency ' among
the young people who are engaged In
Newest and bett motor car exhibit.
" T V ' Here' (his week only. '
They Say It Talcec Nine
Tailors to Make a Plan
. ' ' . 1 ' . -' ' ' ' v'. 1 ' ' '
, It Takes 3000 Men to
Make :'a Chalmers Car
Come to our showroom any day this
week and you'll see why.'
AH this week and thia week only--1
we will have on exhibition a display ot
niotor parts. : v
They tell the story of a 3,000 brain
power car- Chalmers.
; We will take you behind the scenes
and let you see the wheels go 'round.
WVU show you why a .motor., .car
"rnotee," We'll show you, why r we
think a Chalmers car is better than any
- other ;car .at.-the price. : v.
- - ;-rIf-you ow-jj a car, expert to ' own. one,
or. want to own one, you wlU enjoy this
. display. ' . . ,..'"'
If Instructive. It's convincing. It's
A factory expert makes every point
clear shows you the exact., processes.
'There are also a lot of instructive and
entertaining pictures. 1 ..',
- u you can learn aa much about a motor
' car In 80 minutes at this exhibit as you
could learn by a, week's hard work in a
The cost to you is only as much of
your time as you care to spend. -
Exhibit open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
H. E. Frcdrickson Automobile Co.
2044-46-48 Farnam Street,
Omaha, Neb. ' -
ym . : ..... ... .... , . , : ,is
Ol uoiv uoinge
at a a bt m mt aa btta m
Amunition, Swords, Cutlasses, Sabers, Knives,
Bayonets, Haversacks, Entrenching Tools and all
Kinds of Den, Ilouw and Canp OrnanVnU made fron con
denned QL-artemaster and Ordinance Department Supplies
, . New, but Bold by the government because of change in style
- and designs. V Thousands of articles for practical use, and
' thousands of articles. for decorative' purposes. .
:..A ;;V ': v;
i Christian Endeavor work throughout the
Ute. Miss Grace Hooper of Crete an-
nounced the offer of the expenses of a
trip to Los Angeles "and 'return for tho
international Christian Endeavor union
convention next month by the Nebraska
organization of the union. This trip will
be afforded 'the young man or woman
who shows the best record in religious ac
tivities of the union for work thl year.
A business meeting concluded the morn
ing' program. The nominating coni
mitttee submitted s the following for of
ficers for the coming year: President, F.
Ralston Moore of Schuyler; vice president,
C. W. Anderson of Irvlngton;. secretary
treasurer, Miss Grace Hooper Of Crete.
An interesting .' address on "Mission
Work" was given In the evening by Rev.
Fred G- Paton- Presbyterian missionary
to', the New Hebrides islands. Rev. Mr.
Paton related several little Incidents of
religious work among -the natives of New
Hebrides and also touched upon the Im
portance of foreign mission affairs In all
corner of the earth. . ' '
The program was opened with vesper
services conducted by Rev. H. J. Kitsch
stein of Omaha. . .. .
Rev. M. O. McLaughlin of Omaha spoke
on .'The .Endeavor Field,": touching upon
the "possibilities open 'to the young men
and women who are engaged in Christian
Endeavor work.
: A quartet selection by Mls Gertrude
Aiken. Miss Luella Miller, Lynn Sackett
and Willard Slabaugh and a aolo by Dr.
A. Tj. Van Fleet were the musical num
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., June 16.-(Spe.
clal Telegram.) Sila Haynee, who waa
injured in a horse race at Palmyra
Thursday, died today never having re
gained consciousness.
I A Fortunate Texan.
K. W.'Goodloe, Dalla. Texaa, found a
cure relief for malaria and biliousness
in Dr. King' New Life Pills. Only 26c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
in uaiiy u a. m. to
1414 Harney Street
The mot interesting display of Army Goods ever seen in Omaha '
siiy ffifes; earbinesr
W. s. kiek, Mgr.
Funeral services for Merrit D. Welch!
managing director of the Omaha Cooper
age company, were held yesterday after
noon at the family residence, 1140 South
Thirty-eighth avenue. The services were
private and interment was in -Frest
Lawn cemetery. Rev. Ud H. Jenks, pas
tor of the First Presbyterian church,
offlcated. Mr. Welch had lived In Omaha
for thirteen years and was 70 years of
age. He is survived by a widow and two
children. ' -"- "
' A Most Valuable Food .
The original Durum, wheat waa grown
on' the banks, of the Black Sea, and be
cause of Its richness In gluten has al
ways been used by the Italians for the
making of macaroni. The U. ft. Agricul
tural Department imported some of the
best specimens of this Durum wheat
and tested it out - When -they f blind
the right -soU and climatic .-.conditions
they produced the finest Durum wheat
In the world.
From this wheat, so rich in nourish
ing elements, Faust Macaroni is made.
For this reason Faust Macaroni is the
most nutritious food of all and. best .of
all, It contains that nourishment in the
most easily , digested form. . It is all
food, good food without wastes - -
Faust Macaroni is a. cheap food, too.
A 6c package will make the principal
part or a Tor' a family of five it
will take the place of many times its
value in, meat. ....
Use more Faust ' Macaroni and cut
your butcher bills In half and be bet
ter fed, too. All good dealers sell Faust
Macaroni 5c and 10c packages... Write
for our free Bdok of Recipes. '
Itai St. Lonie Avenna. St. &oulg. Mo.
Interest allowed in
savings department at
b per annum
The United States
National Bank of
Otnaha gives prompt f
and courteous service,
affords absolute secur- .
itv and has a most con
venient location.'.
Holhwesi .
ntf FaraaBK
Sfreeti -
- Capita
JLondon Paris . Haniburg
Hamburg!... June 22,' I'OonlPrcs. 6rnt...".JiiD8.2
Kitrln Aug. Vlo.June 7Ctneinnatl July 4
- thMi-Cirtton 4 Ciiu Kuunniit. "
Hamburg-American Line, 150 West Ban
dolph St., Chicago, XU., or local agent.
"fortt aasnrrss tmovl ovum?
The Grand Ball Boom Is more pop
ular than ever this aaaaon. Open
every evening until 11 V..VU Arthur
S. Smith's splendid orchestra fur
nlahea the mualo. . ' . ....
7KXS stotiuo pzotttbes stebt
. BTBWIBO. .... ';j
Bathing, Boating, Boiler Skating,
Boiler Coaster, Miniature Bailroad,.
Merrr-Go-Bound and many other at
tractions, u p. m., at