Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    Omaha Gardener Club Exhibits Its Products
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Vh f u H i S
s J! I h I i
Have Most Remarkable Exhibit at
v w n i' Dm-uiw ,'
Prises Are to Be Awarded ' by the
Fair Association for, the Best
that is Grown in Each
DiTislon. "' ;: "
The exhibit of ttb.e .vegetables crown bv
the boys of the public School Garden club
n the boys' department; of the Young
Men's Christianassociation drew a larjw
number, of Interested mothers, fathers and
.Wends to ,the djsplay; room ,when it was
thrown open to 'the .public yesterday,
vlhe display, of vegetables is wonderful
and far superior to that of last year.
Over 400 young gardeners displayed thel
product at -the-exhibit. The many greon
vegetables not only do .credit to the boys
themselves; but would be of credit to'the
farmer; who' makes a' UVing 'every -year
by. raising ,'garden truck; Onions- wre
the chief attraction-at-the .exhibit atid
every variety of this vegetable iwas-on
display. 'Badtshes were there 'in;;, abun-
oance aiso. The spinach without doubt
made one of the best-displays on, exhibit.
; Beets,' peas, lettuce and" carrots made up
the rest of the: exhibit. , : -i. ''
William tonergan, ex-preident of the
Iouglas County Agricultural society, who
icted as Judge of last year's exhibit, wa?
,eapacty.x -- " '
'r "The exhibit this year," lie said, 'Is far
superior to that of last in both quality
and quantity. Last year it took me but
a few minutes to pick out the prize win
ners, but it is going to take me over two
hours this year. There'are so many good
SDecimena Of the varfnlln IHnrU nt veo-.
etables on .exhibit this time that it is
hard to pick out the winners. I am glad
that the boys are taking .an interest in
this work, as it will insure a good ex
hibit at the annual exhibit on the King's
Highway this year, and I think it is safe
to say that next year a larger amount of
money will be set aside for premiums
for the boys."
Mabray Ringleaders
Must Be Tried Here
The last two members of the Mabray
gang of race track swindlers and pro
moters of fake prize fights will be it
quired to stand trial in Omaha. The su
preme court of the United States sustains
the order of removal of the lower court at
Los -Angeles requiring Frank, W. Brown
arid E. C. Moore, members of the gang,
to be brought to Omaha for trial. The
defendants are now endeavoring to post
$10,000 bonds for their appearance in Sep
tember. The defendants, arrested in Los An
geles a year ago, resisted extradition to
stand trial in Nebraska. The lower court
ordered their removal, from which an ap
peal was taken to the supreme court.
Brown and Moore are alleged to have
been the ringleaders and the backbone
of the gang at the time of Mabray's ar
rest and subsequent breaking up of the
gang. '
: The advance guard of the Texas can
taleoupes is here. They arrived Friday
afternoon, a carload of them coming from
texas over me hock isiana, naving left
the melon patch Monday. The cantaloupes
were consigned to the Ctianey, Hunter,
Eoyer company of Omaha,' a concern that
Controls 90 per cent of the cantaloupe out
put of the country.
The Chariey, Hunter, Royer people state
jhat. this year, they 'will handle approxi
mately 3,500 carloads from Texas, Cali
fornia and Colorado. They not only ship
ft hi lf V Kilt S ' AITAOTr At 9
- city in the United States, besides sending
large quantities of ' the succulent little
melons to Europe. ..'"
Nebraska republicans to the Chicago
convention, or at least the big bunch of
them will leave Omaha -on Burlington
No. 12 at 6:30 tonight.. They will
not have a special train, but will travel
in three sleepers that will be attached
to the regular train.
Besides the delegates to the conven
tion, there will be a crowd of admirers
of the leading candidates who expect -to
remain until after the nomination.
Gertrude White, a 7-year-old girl, 1014
Howard street, was struck and knocked
down by a motorcycle driven by C. M.
Shepperson, at Tenth and Howard streets
shortly after noon yesterday. Both were
severely bruised and scratched, but
neither was seriously hurt. Shepperson
was arrested on a charge of reckless
driving and released on bond.
Key to Business Success Advertise!
Body Carried Three Blocks on Pilot
of Burlington Engine.
Marks on Clothes Worn by Dead
Man Show They Were Made
by a Tailoring; Firm
in Chicago.
A man supposed to be George L. Rich
of Chicago was found dead alongside
of the Burlington tracks at Seventeenth
street about 6 o'clock yesterday morning.
He is supposed to have been struck at
11:38 o'clock last night by the Denver
train at Fourteenth street, and carried
a distance of three blocks on the pilot
of the engine.
The body was found by O. J. Colton,
1218 South Seventeenth street, and Peter
Peterson, 1045 South Twentieth street,
while they were on their way to work.
The coroner was called and examination
showed that the man's neck, arms and
legs were broken and that he was cut
and bruised In various parts of the body.
Papers on his person bore the name of
George L. Rich, and the coat he wore was
made by Mitchell & Lang, Chicago. He
was fairly well dressed and appears to
have been a man about 45 years old.
He was five feet atid ten Inches tall and
of slender build. He had sandy hair and
a smooth face. In his pockets were found
a razor, a bar of soap, tooth brush and
Evidence that he was struck by the
train at Fourteenth street and carried
for three blocks on the pilot of the
engine is found -in the blood splotches
along the track between these two
Lumber Company
. Wants Pay for the
Old Court House
The board of county commissioners
laughed when they opened a bid of tht
Gross Lumber company for the wrecking
of the old court house and found that the
company wants to be paid $7,250 for do
ing the work. The only other bidder, J.
P. Mallender, offered to pay the county
$1,600 for the building and wreck and
remove it. No action was taken on the
matter. It will be taken up in committee
meeting next week. The board members
said, however, that the Gross company
will not be paid $7,250 for wrecking the
Taxes are being paid at the office of
the city and county treasurer at an aver
age rate of $20,000 per day. These taxes
are personal and real estate, Which soon
become delinquent
Operation May Force
Eelease of Seeress
United States District Attorney Howell
has been advised of a' serious illness
having overtaken Mrs. Charlotte H.
Moore, serving a term of three months
in the Hair county jail at Grand Island
for defrauding the malls. She begs to
be allowed a commutation of sentence
until after an operation, when she would
be glad to return to complete the sen
tence. She has already served nearly
two months of the time and she will prob
ably be given her freedom.
Mrs. Moore had advertised in news
papers her powers as a "seeress" and her
ability to foretell the' future. Mall ad
dressed to her is yet being received, but
is being sent back to the senders marked
Dr. and Mrs. A. Wilson of Tacoma,
who have been visiting Dr. Wilson's
brother, J. M. Wilson, 3002 Chicago street,
were victims of a pickpocket while on
their way to the Union station yester
day. The thief opened Mrs. Wil
son's pocketbook and extracted $25 and
a gold watch. .
; Harry Alien,of Chicago,, charged jointly
with Michael Albert .of Inducing two girls
both under age to-come from Chicago to
Omaha, has signified his Intention of
Pleading guilty and begs' the district
court' to recommend a jail sentence. Al
bert, through his attorney, has expressed
similar Intentions and will enter a plea
of guilty with. Allen! :
District Attorney Howell has advised
both prisoners .that, they cannot expect
to get "off .yeryvTight,' as the crime of
which they "are charged with is punish
able from, one to ten years , in federal
prison. ' , ' 1 ' . . ' .' . .
I Postmaster .Wharton and wife, left last
night ' for .Chicago ,to attend , the. repub
lican national convention. Mr.' Wharton
feels 'that he-is lucky In having. two seats
to the convention. Their retum is prob
lematical, intimates the postmaster, as
they will stay, as long as the conven
tion, lasts, v . .
t To Wntjer Consumers." ' ; V
Until further notice, all water bills are
to be paid . as usual at the office of the
Omaha Water company, which on Jni
liWlll become the temporary office of the
city water department, and the custom
ary discount will be allowed on advance
payments' of semi-annual , rates up to
By Milton T. Barlow, Chairman.
By EL M. Fairfield. General Manager.
Be Sure
It's Duffy's
The pure malt whiskey prescribed bj
physicians for over 52 years.
Look for the "Old Chemist" trademark
on the labeL
Be sure the seal over the cork is unbroken.
(n the Packard "48" for 1913,
the dominance of the Packard
Six is strengthened by logical
improvements based on fourteen
years of engineering success
I ' 1913
Horsepower by the standard A.L
A. M. rating, based on a piston speed
of 1000 feet per minute. 43
Actual brake horsepower at the same
piston speed. 62
Maximum brake horsepower, ob
tained at a piston speed of 1576 feet
per minute. 82
Fastest getaway 60 miles an hour
. in 30 seconds from a standing start
Smoothest running motor and easiest
riding car even at speeds from 60 to
70 miles an hour.
Easiest to drive With a wheel base
of 139 inches, will turn around in a
street 46 feet wide.
Safest for fast driving Positive
" steering; positive brakes.
Best hill climber at all speeds and
regardless of road conditions.
Best cash asset Packard cars have
the highest second-hand value.
The Packard w48" Line
Touring Car, seven passengers $4,850
Phaeton, five passengers 4,750
Runabout, two passengers and
rumble... 4,650
Limousine, 6even passengers 5,850
Landaulet, seven passengers 5,950
Imperial Limousine, seven
passengers. 6,050
Brougham, five passengers. . 5,800
Coupe, three passengers 5,100
Standard equipment of open cars
includes top and windshield
Packard "30- $4,200
Packard "18" 300
Shipments have begun, but inasmuch
as options already have been closed
for several hundred of these cars
and each Packard dealer has only a
definite allotment to sell, an early
order is necessary to secure a desir
able date of delivery.
Packard dealers throughout the
country cooperate with the Packard
Motor Car Company in providing the
most willing, the most expert and the
most comprehensive service in the
Demonstration on any kind of a road
Orr Motor Sales Company
Corner 40th and Farnam Streets
Omaha. Nebraska
Let Hayden's Furnish Your Home
To do so will mean more to you than mere price saving,
although the saving will be considerable, but better
still it will mean all kinds of satisfaction, as you're sure of absolutely dependable goods.
Exceptional Bargains this week in order to quickly reduce our big stock previous
to inventory. Don't miss these.
4-Passenger Lawn Swings, best
quality hard wood, a regular
$7 Swing, at S4.75
4-Passenger Gliding Swing,
at - $7.50
Vernis Martin Beds, with heavy
2-in. posts, at ..... .$5.50
$1.50 Sanitary Bolster Rolls,
at 9S
Curled Hen Feather Pillows,
in Monday's sale, pair 75
White Goose Feather PlUows,
in Monday's sale, pair $3.00
Genuine Oak Dressers, with
bevel plate mirror ...$5.75
Closing Out Hall Trees, 15 dif
ferent patterns, at
Just Half Price.
Reed Body Baby Buggies, $10
and $15 values, at $5.00
Extension Dining Tables.
All Oak, 6 ft. extension,
8 ft. extension, 45-inch top,
8 ft. extension, 48-inch top,
at -$19.50
It's the delivering superior quality at any given price that is making our Furniture
business grow by leaps and bounds. That is the cause of us landing nearly every big
contract that is offered. Just bring your wants to this big department and compare our
offerings, quality for quality, price for price, style for style, with any shown elsewhere.
You'll be glad you did.
Greatly eduad facsimile of '
package and bottle.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is made
wholly from malted grain by the most
skilled experts and as only sound, perfect
grain can be malted, it must be seen this
product is rich, pure and wholesome.
Duffy's is the malt your fathers and grand
fathers knew the old tried and true
medicine. It is the ideal medicine for all
summer complaints.
Substitutes are imitations imitations are dangerous.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
Sold by druggists, grocers and dealers everywhere,
r or direct $1 .00 a large bottle. Write for doctor's
advice and medical booklet, sent free.
Just Try Here First
RoeliMtar, N. Y.
- BaU SeaUr. -
Phonps j". ns.
rnuaes A.a.i9.
Bwotim per !! from mo. part of
mm i mii ri a
pilsUorr knowa. Lars feottte 1.0
Josephine Le Fevre Company
Philadelphia. Pa.
.fcoid by F.eaton urug Co., tne Bell Drus
Co., and the Bennett Company, Omaha.
J oth pobtt-seooVd BTBEBT.
fan 18, 1912.
Block 328.
Do your customers
live here
? ? ? ? ? ?
On 42d between Cuming and
Burt Streets, there are 11 occupied
houses and in 8 they take The
Advertisers can cover Omaha with one newspaper.
.. .. v t,