THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 16, 1912. r BUSINESS PERSONALS , j. - florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-NM1. HESS ft SWQBOPA, 1415 Farnam frt ' L. It&SbtLMMi, , -IflS Fainam U iSf BATH S FLORISTS, B iyd Theiiter Bid. McDonald brass and bronze foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings 14-37 Jackson. . Moving;, Morale null ticHuiui. Furn. Moving; 2 men. $1 per hr. W. 274. McLaud & Son Van & Mor. 3 horse Van, t wen, $1.13 hr. 2 Jvorses. 11 nr. D. W. 643. PI A MA mftvir, c 4nle's HlJtttL'e mid ex. pre. -1WI6 Capitol Ave. t. b7fl, A -4)?. GORDON Fireproof Wareh-ue and" Va CO. Moving turntmr, pac-niti-, nreproot storage. Ciy oifice. 21 h. Uou,U isH' or lnd. A-13M. ' Music, AM and t-ufauii. FRANCIS POTTER Agent- for Gibson mandolin and guitar; Farland banjos; 10 Bs..drigi Blk. - ' Nurseries and Seeds, j STEWART'S SEEDMEN. 119 K: lth; Opticiaua. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rcpg, 443 Brandeis. Pboroui-upliera. Rlnehart. photogiaphsr. ISth A Farnam. OnU-oii-uUy. Alice Johnson. 308-9 Brand! The. Bldg. Katheryn Nickolaa, t24-5 brandols The. rulrllt. P. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, H A. KTL'&iiia i , stared attorney United State and foreign patents. t40 Brandels Theater Bldx - Phone D. Jfc. Wlllard EcldV, 1W City Natl Bk. bidg PATENTS secured or money retunded fk-nd sketch for lieo report aa to patent' ability. Guide book free and what to in vent with list of inventions wanted sent free. H.MjO.Oco offrd for invenilona. Pat ents advertised free in World a Fiosieas. Samples free. Victor J. Evans & Co., Washington. D. C M I'UtlnK. OMAHA SILVER CO., JH 8. Uth. frlutliitf. Lew W. Baberi Printer, $J BEB BLDO. ENTRANCE ON COUH1 LEt' thtEKTRAL PRlNTINO CO. 4a your work. 1117 Douglas ft. Tel. V. !7ii4. Reia-Ball Ptg Co., Kil S7i4th! Ir.d, A.&i', Lyngstad" Priwting Co.. -ltth And capitol Ave. Tel. lnd. A-oJ) tor guod printing. . He(rlttritfra, 1CELES8 refrigerating sytemi for ouicners oairies, prouuca nouses, cares, etc. Better and cheaper than Ice. Frea ratalogue. H. A. Horn Co., Dept p, Chi ;ago. Stetl Tank auJ C'Htveirt tuiu-sanlve. NEBRASKA andTowa Steel Tank Com pany, Uth and Nicholas. Doug. jS60. Menoyrdfiu-vre uixt lourl Kfjiorter. Myrtle A, Kelley, twi Brah. The. D. VUJ. v ' - t'l'umt sad .numut,. . OMAHA TENT CO. Tel, Douglag 822. 'J rank uilU Uuit tunea. reingi&,etelfil, ' iwt farnam 8. . ' Vlne and Liiittura, WILLOW Bprlngs beer, liquor, cigar, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 01-3 . 13th St. V I tl I 3.1 Vli riADtr aillia Xn . Kni. tie. Klein Limior House, bli N, lbth 8t. ryirr- ,. ,-r , r.-TX.....r.v;..f fex ! i EDtCATio.NAL BO YLES COLLEGE DAY AND -NIGHT - SCHOOL . ALL THE YEAI4 Corop'ete coursrg In Uuslnesv poolt--keeping,- Stenography," Telegraphy, Civil . Kervlce or Salesmanship. The catalogue it frea for the -talilng. Call, wrjja or rnone iur n ait once, xiiurtu n. o. Ilovles. President Boylea College, Omaha, Nebraska. WANTLD-To do private tutoring In arithmetic. Cnll Doug. 367 at once. .TUTORING 1st to (Mh grade. H. 1tH4. . IMPROVE .-THE ' SUMMER v.-n"-. , M0NTH8.,H-' . ' :Enter tto MOSHERLAMPMAN COLLEGE AND PREPARE for A GOOD POSITION. If you wait until September to enter, the delay will cost you more than tne tuition for the entire course. WtE ARE UA.VINO- FIVE ; TIMES A8 MANY CALLS FOR COMPETENT OFFICE. HtfLP as we can supply. ONE OK THESE FINE POSITIONB WILL BE YOURS aa soon aa you are prepared to 1111 It. . Our rooms af delightfully tool for sum . rnr study. We catch every breeia that blows. A summer wlt,h Us means a kunw rner of .COMFORT. PROGRESS and PROFIT. , Call or wrtta AT ONCB for Informa tion, on better still, come and Join t'ue class that will start tomorrow morning, MOSHEB $ kAMPMAN, . ISIS rarnara Bt., Omahfi, pb. 'PRIVATE "tutoring" or grade.' Call Douglas 8373. WANTED-An Instructor in Howard"- Pitman system shorthand to give private leason evenings. Address H H07, Bee. IJVE STOCK FbR CALK liurses sua VpaicU-e. f ALFALFA hay. $13 ton. Wagner. 801 N . SMALL team mules. Wagner, SOI N. 16. :: Snaps in Buggies S delivery wagons and several choice buggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th nd Harney Sts. TLAM1NU, gears and taiui wagon so ing tor a song. Ktngniaa impleiueni Co., sth and Jones. DELIVERY . wagons suitab.e for gro cers and butchers; are going at bargains. Kingman Implement Co., trt and Jones. HIGH GRADE buggies and surreys at less than wholesale. We are quitting the buggy business. - Kingman Imple ment Co., StU and Jones. ' ' wagon" horses to Met by ths day. tai Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 113$. FINE surrey, three ton suke wagon and narneas very cheap, tel. Web. tin. LOST AXu FOU.1U - LOST-Diamoad ring. In lavatory at Burlington oem. Kewara. Doug. 2lu. Hoosekeeper, 11 LADY-who took ptckage containing nroocn ana cnain trom Courtney s nov eity counter last; - Ahursday-- noon - is known and articles must be returned lo- Courtney's at once. - PERSONS having Jest some article would oo wen to can up the Uiuce of tne Omaha & .Council biuUj btieet rtaulway company to ascertain whetfler tttey ieit it in :n tret cars. . ... I.iany ach day are turned in -and n; ce:upriy ,s-ans.ous to restoru them ii tiia i ..lulu oi):,-. Caiil Dvug- uti-ii.- i'jiHA v i.OUNCIL BLUFFS STREET - . ItAiLwAV COMPANY.- ' on D n-a cr. on ntall The p.fU; also conta ned 4 ,ttKr ,-P.tae return to ( A;-. rttiiing lm the floiid ti MEDICAL Dr. Eabeoctt. specialist; both sexes; 2J Vrifhneif' Rlda.. loth' and" Harney Sts. Women ailm'ts. Dr. Burke. 42 Doug. Blk. Piles, Vistula Lured Dr. K. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other ree'a) without, operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs lor boos on rectal (,i.-ea!s wl:h testimonials. -:H- TARRY 0ana La'len' guaranteed reuilo. 41 Wan 1U. DK. RACfc. Specialist, nervous and chronic disease, ii Harney. Doig. 3jU. MONEY TO LOAN Salary aul lhatitU. NOTICE. Loans Jiejotuied oj real e3ta'e. furni ture, pianos, salaries, c.c' Very low raus and confidential vt vil! innu ciate your can. lilOGKST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT Co., S08 Pa xton Block. ;'17 S. ICth St. Telephone Doug, 1411 of lnd. A-UU. Money on furniture, plunos and real' estate at a very low iate of interest. Nebraska Loan Company Doug irt. 22a Bue Ridg. A-1358. MUSKY loaned salaried duowU-. women koepina house and otuera. wittioui se curity; asy payment. Of -Ices In 67 prin cipal cults, loirnan, sc utnanx Mat l Bank Bldg.. formerly N, Y. Life Bldg. CHATThL LOAN 3. 16 to SALARY LOANR -You can get it today of UTAH JJAN CU., M faxton Block. DIAMOND LOANe, at i and a per cent. KLATAU, l,U Dodne bt. Tel. lied Wilt. M OA Hi I V A 'fK U. Your Money WILL BRING YOU A OuOD INCOME if you loan it through W. KARXAM SMITH t CO.. No. I AW Farnam Ht., On IMPRUVKU OMAHA PrtOPKRTY. RATt.d RIGHT. 8UCUKITY TtiU, btdl'. OFFERED FOR RENT Uuttitl and Huvui. O. M. E. hauls trunks, D, fill. A-J.llt DEMiKABLL' pracr large porch7 cool rooms, excellent c --ii 1 hone Douglas K; KLEJjHUHbT, lOti N. &tn, coipfoitable rooms, table boaru If desired. D SAit), LARGE touth Room, lavatory, hot and cold water; also other room with board. 128 llouth 4itn. Ave. bZH Kouth .'4 tn. iiegantiy. (urnlHhed. frent .room. In new modern home; suit able for two. Convenient location. Excel lent cooking & room with board. 2u0u-T et. Maiy' Ave. THE MAWiON HOTEL. The moat Ideal Place in the City for per manent and transient Bursts during the summer season. All outside rooms, with fine ventilation and every convenience; first class table board; rates reasonable; walking dlstanc. XIat and Chicago. t-'uruUtii'd Kouma. RArtfJAfiTil mesienger aervlce and service: reasonable rates. Auto . h Mes. CO., Lis Douglas St. Teis. U. 3n4; A-34tf.i. NEATLY furnished room: modern: electrlo light. $3 per month. W4 Douglas Bt, ynona iiarney isi7. ., . ; FURNISHED looms, with or without poara, nice locality pQ Chioago.i NllThlLV rnfirrtu htf ll.Man faftiily, 212 N, 84th fit. ' .. ' . DANDY room, mud ern fjit. Slu. ni N.'t. Douglas tne PLEASANT furnished room, with- uri.. Vat fanilty, it a pie lociatlon. Telepbona riainey bODGB- BT. 1811 furnished - rooms . bv me aay or wttn, b:l". MAHY'ri-btrictly' modrn. clean room; walking distance. Red JJ77. ' LARGE airy, all-modern ro01" per week. JSig jf. tOth Bt. . .. TWO - front earlot-a.-'Sti'taxryv modern, furnished, piano., suitable for four gentle men, or wUl rejit .lor housekeeping. 127 8o. asth St. Tyler 1467, 8UITE otrlctly modern front rooms: pri vate family; references. '710 a. jetty Av. NICELY f urn. shed room; modem house: walking dtBiunoe. reference required. m Jone. ' THREE modern fmnlnlied housekeeping rooms, mi Pratt. Tel. Web. 3113. NEWLY FURNISHED front room. HIS S. 2ith 8t. Douglas S237. f-s4.' tn llAaran' Imtiaha a-n'.M. 'll "n.U' em, In private family, suitable.' tor 1 or' I gentlemen. " 2227 Jones. . Tel. Doug. 751. . NICELY furntehed rooms, strictly mod-, ern, in walking distant. 131 9. th. - ''Mrttiaid MuuMttpMii i...oj,h, THE MANUELTwo room apartment. $23. Tho Howard, imom, private batli, W. Hist end- Howard. ' - LaHOK from rom, wHh kitchen, fur nished complete for houeekoeplng: newly paperd. In strictly modern flat; 3.5J per week; gas free for choking. 313 K. 2Ktli M. $ NICE rooms, housekeeping. UU . nth. - - . ... . TWO furnished housekeeping. - Facing Hanscom park.. No children. ,3968 -Wool-worth Av. Hstney 1,87. ' '. Two nicely" furnisned housekeeping rooms. 801S Davenport., ' MODERN, furnished rooms for light nousekeeping. mo b. Z4tn Ave. 8, 16th 622, flat il, three rooms, clean Snfl well furnished ' for: housekeeping. Strictly modern; hot water. . PARLOR suite,- suitable- for two or three; housekeeping privileges. I'll Doug las St. PURNldHliD, three imnusiuu, ,n,i,' houoekeping rooms; electric light, lawn, shade, largo porrn witti awning,, clothes closet, pantry. tU8 Bo. 40th St. Leaven worth car lln. v fr'uruiaJKsd Apiliu;iii. ' FOR JULY and August! f urnished, cool, five-room apartment, with balcony. References. Telephone Harney 624. IK-VOU are looking for a, furnished apartment, three or five rooms, call Douglas 1018. ' Fralbed Huasc-s." - FOR July and August, second floor, east. New Hamilton; large living room, two bedrooms and bat us. Reference re quired. Apply A. H. Williamson, Ameri can Radiator co. felA-ROOM furnisned anartment. Juiv T to September 1; references. Apply Apt. I, The C:artnda. ' I af urnlslted Koemis. FIVE nloely arranged modern rooms, near - car. Good neighborhood. Adult oniy. it e. .".n st. tTTA'T iir,rm-nlMK wn U. v. I.. a lM,.n Mi... modern; family preferred. Ill S. 24th. - - . -. ilotvla end .ipa-riuirau, Dewey European hotel. 13th and Farnam. OXFORD and Arcade. apec! wk.y rau. DODGE HOTEL, all requirements at a frrst-claas hotel, st reasonable prices. Offden Hotfl Council Blufts. Rooms Ugueil nottl 2X t. t7.W per wee. ApartMK-Mtk h4 Ftats. 4-ROOM apartment, new, modem brick: steam heat; short- walking distance; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds; laundry; fin ,iai.tor -survlc. iotgta SW.-v- , 4-R0OM modem apartment. Web. 697a. t-ROOM niodern flat, Scargo Bldg.. tUM N. S4th St.. 9. omah. Hall. l aimte B'ig. D. 74l A-440R, fiTRlCTLi' high-grade 5 -room apart ment . on west Farnam St. Verv cholco. JOHN V. ROBB1X8. 1303 FARNAM S l'. I-ROOli modera Telephone Wes '.r . . 8TPJCTL f modern 8-room,. apartment m imvioH ciup.. lam iuia rarnam. is. JOHN V.'. ROBB1X3. im FARNAM ST. (5-TiCOM flat and hall for lodge pur poses for rent 2234 Miami St OFFERED FOR RENT Apartment and Flats. FLATS'. 41.", S. 19th. 4 rooms, very close In. $8. 28TS Hamilton .St., 4 rooniE, party mod ern. $M. MO1 N'. 17th, 3 rooms, partly modern, clone In, J9. 1837 N. 24th St.. 6 rooms, all modern except heat, reduced to only $15. 14f'i X iZl r-t.. a brand new. 4-room flat, modern In every respect except heat, bargain at $13. L'W s. wtfi s-'t, 5-toom strictly modern "fit. Louis" flat, nicely decorated through out, hot water heat, bargain at $30. 2037 Howard. l-ronm strictly modern "St. Louis" flat, within very easy walk ing distance; bargain at $27.60. 523 S ?th Ave., 10 rooms. Strictly mod ern, within easy walking distance, bar gain at $30. ' 318 N. 2ith, moms, strictly modem, within walking distance, $35, very desir able. 3125 Pacific t a beautiful 5-room strictly modern "St. Louis" apartment. In the Kiebl club district; living room 10 ft. long, finished in quarter-sawed oak, large brick fiiE-p'aoe, MM. l'AVNE it SLATER COMPANY. 618 Omaha National Bank Bids HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Largo 10-room modern brick house, 6 blocks fiotn postotiice. $53 per month Owner will give immediate possession and tell furniture if wanted. House in fine condition; has never been rented. J. H. DUMONT & BON. 1R03 Farnam Street. FIVE ROOMAPARTMENT . 1044 Georgia Ave., near Hanscom park; a beautliui location; a new apartment, $40. FElEKa TRUST COMPANY 1B22 Farnam St. REDUCED TO $22.&0. All modern, 5-room "St. Louis" flat, second floor; a very fine little apartment, in good location. .'19 S. 2th St. J-econd iloor. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, 618 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg A-l 5-room (lilt no equal 220 N. 23d St. Iinvuit uuil Cottaui's. NINE-ROOM house," modern. Har. 847. $i).uu.jarMu room upai tiuttut, part mod; ern, lttla Elm St. Key next door. 232 Capitol Ave., All modern, iun loom house, waikiu distance, closa to car line on paved street hhade and. lawn, good neighborhood,' near high school. Housu Just been papered and in good repair. $40 per month. P. ti. Turney. owner. Inquire at i&30 Capi tol AV. Phone- Doug. 6227. TrOOM house, all modern, near cars, Dundee, itarney -ws. I.ARCiK. MODERN DOUBLE , HOUSE. eultabl for boarding -house.t. lb -rooms and 3 baths; iiear i'dinain and Harney oirs; alterations to suit;-,- $oo,- ; MUAUWHi lflVMi(Ut,ii w, .' J i i t n i. - ' i i " ii J i 't , 4-ROOM house, tviitii .A .18th St. feu, Dougias. lflli. . -, . - . ... -: HOFeEU. $S.M. 1411 -N, 3-d oi new brick flat, 3 rooms. - . $U.w. 1416 N. !2d St., nw, bflck flat, 4 rooms. ' i )&.00. 641 Park avenue, $ rooms, "will repair for good tenant.. . . -ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., ' ' Tyler IMS. ' ' - 810 S. 17th :8t. 614 8. 27th. S-roonr flat, all modern.i25.00 ioiii ti. mit a-ioom, part modern. w.oo XXi Roe St., -room. .....,....,...:. ittw BEMI8-CARLBERG CO.... 310-aU Brandoia Theater. - ., . ...HOUES.-FOR RENT. . ' .' 1M4 Nv Uth, .r.;.aH mod., $17.80. : 1628 N. loth, vr.-,- modi Ufc utd a. Mb., i-t.i mod., $1150. . CM.k:-r.k-omod $14. RASP BROS., -Doug. 1&3, A-2553., FOR RENT-atrWCiy ; niodern B-room houue at. 2612Cprby .st ..Call Webster KOR RENT throora cottftge; a.ll mod ern; as,. bath, -laundry, . electrlo. light. ' P.hP'". Woistor 4B07.V; :-.V , ," "'t'fifcTTY throe-room home, large pan try, clothes closet, (iorcji. with awning; electrlo llghta, .la wr,-.shade $5...Layn worth. car -line. 8W.&. 40tli .St :.( ' ' ' FOR RENT. ' " HOUSES. ALL GOOD, j , $10.00-3710 Shirley St., 6 rooms; city water; fair condition $18,50 313 Parker' St., rooms; water, . - gas and electrlo- light. $20.00-2227 Miami St., -7 Tdoms, all modern, $.6021Q 8.16t. -6t., 7-room, all modern. $27.5(M.'3iJ Itarney t 8 room, modern; , hot-wafer hat; good barn. v am r r jnAa T i a A .,.1.11 i modern; first class; in Highland Terrace.' West Farnam district; excellent condition and very choice. $50 00-2654 Harney St., I rooms, meder; very good. $.00-120 N. 31st Ave., West Farnam dls . trlct; 7 rooms, strictly . modern; excellent condition. $65.00-35H Harney St., 10 rooms, strictly modern. -. APARTMENTS. - - ' . $30.00-220 8. 29th Ave.. 4 rooms, strictly " modern; excellent repair; fine loca . tlon; heat furnished; vor- fin. ' $37.60-Fine 4 rooms, strictly liiodern, first-class apartment In tho Cen tral, 026 8. 18th St. J heats - light, Janitor service; very fine. D. V, SMOLES COMPANY. 913 City National Bank. Tel. Doug. 49. HOUSES FOR RENT. $20.00-8-r.. 1510 Madison Avo., modern ex cept heat $2J.50-3-r. and bath, 1713 Burt St., modern ; apartment. $27.W--r. fist, 1616 Howard St., modern except heat. $30.00--r., 8416 Dewey Avo., modsrh. $:.0rt-7-r., 1426 Emmet St., modern. $37.60-7-r. flat. 617 S. lth St.. modern ex cept heat, fine repair. H&.OO-ri-r., 815 Park Ave., modern. $47.50-7-r. flat, 516 S. lth St., modern. $55.00-7-r. fist, 524 S. tfith at., modern.' ' GEORGE A COMPANY, 901-13 City. National Bank Bldg. Phone D. 75 or A-1756. $1214 N. ltlth, 3-rooms flat. $15-1584 N. 16th, S-room flat, $12-80(18 N. Sth St.. 7 rooms, new. $25-121 8. 27th St., t rooma modern. $30-298 Dodge St., U rooms modern. $32.501517 N. 40th St., rooms modern. $4Or-2509 Evan St., 8 rooms, new, mod ern. $40-1319 ' 8. 22d, 14 rooms, four bath, very elegant. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 1781. A-11S8. 1734 8. 10th. 6-room house, modern, ox oept heat: fine condition. Inquire 1412 Hickory St. 8128 Chicago. 8 rooms, modern, $35. 712 N. S2d. 7 rooms, modern, $35. 2627 Hamilton, rooms, largo yard. $1$. 1217 S. 16th, -room flat; for colored. RING WALT, Brandels The. Bldg 1530 SOUTH 25th Ave., 7-r., all modern, new, $35. . 2823 N 16th. 8-r.. part modern, $22.60. - South 224. -r part modern, $22.50. Ill North 12th, 6-r part modern, $18. 611 South 24th Ave., 6-r close-in, $16. 2219 Burdette, 5-r., modern ex. heat, $20. 1025 Spruce, 5-r., modern ex. heat, $18. 2727 Capitol Ave.. 8-r. all modern, $30.- 649 South 25th Ave., 4-r., close tn. $U. 1042 South 2ld,- 4-r., close in, $10. - 262C Davenport. S-r., close in, $10. THE BYRON REED CO., Phones Doug. 297; A-3534, 213 So. 17th St. S-ROOM modern house; hardwood fin ish throughout: large sleeping porch; tine neighborhood, near Farnam and 40th. Phone Harney 6855. ' FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. New , C-ropni modern bouse complete. July 1. 926 S. 35th St. Telephone H. 2974. 7 or 8-r., all modern, on nice corner, choice neighborhood, not a rental district, walking distance, $30; Farnam ana Leav enworth car lines. CHAS. E. WILLIAM SON CQ-, 101 So. 16th (Cor. Dodge), street floor. -Insurance, rentais, loans, ab stracts. 6-ROOM modern for rent . 1407 So. 16th St.. $20. . . i NICE cottage on the new lth Ave; newly papered and painted; 6 rooms; mou. except furnace; good cellar, pantry, bath; large covered back porch. 628 South 19th Ave. Apply, Hixenbaugh. 'Phono H. 4236. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoases and Cottases. 4815 X. 2!th St.. a 5-room cottage, mod ern in every respect except heat, $16. 1407 X- 4oth, 5 rooms, partly modern. $11. 210 8. 2Sth St., 5 rooms, partly modern, close In. $15. 1613 ClarJt, 6 rooms, party modern. $15. 820 S. 2oth Ave., 6 rooms, partly mod ern, within walking distance. $16. 2023 Locust. 8 rooms, modern except heat, only $20. 2014 Ames Ave., 5 rooms, modern ex cept heat, ' newly decorated throughout, bargain at $20. SS68 Hamilton St.. 8-room house, mod ern In every respect except heat, good barn, $25. 4812 Capitol Ave., an S-room house, strictly modern. In a very choice resi dence district. $27.50. 1504 Madison Ave.. 8 rooms, modern ex cept heat, large barn, $25. 1923 Douglas, 8-room house, partly mod ern, very close In, $25. 1325 8. 84th St.. an 8-room all modern house In Hanscom park district, only $30. 1518 Yates, a 7-room strictly modern house, in excellent condition, only $80. 626 S. 20th. a 9-room house, all modern, very close in, $30. M02 8. 20th. a 10-room strictly modern house, very close In, $35. 1101 8. 80th Ave-, a 10-room house, Han scom park district, bargain at $35. 1608 Spruce St., a 7-room strictly modern house. In a desirable location. $35. 130 S. 35th, an 8-room strictly modern brick dwelling In the West Farnam dis trlct, $45. We have others. Call for our complet list fcefore renting. PAYVK SLATER COMPANY. 16 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 709 So. 19th, 5-room cottage, $21. Doug. 7158. WAKTE6 About July 1. best 5-room house, $16.00 to $1SI0, will rent. C-302. Bee FIELD CLUB DISTRICT One block from and overlooking Field club. 8-room, strictly modern Owner leaving city. See us for particulars. WALNUT H1UL DISTRICT. 4002 Seward St., new, 9-room. modern, hot water heat, sleeping porch. 2 blocks to car $40. , 3314 Burt St.. a large 8-room modern house, fine old trees, on a south front lot, a bargain at $29. 2226 Ohio, a fine 7-room house, on a fine lot. in oxceltent condition; a small barn: $26. 933 N. 27th St.. good S-room all modern house, V- blook to car, $30, -83d and Burt, 6-room, mod. cottage. $15. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1623 Farnam St.' per month, 2 to 4 rooma. Tel. P. 2707. " 432$ PATRICK AVE.-5 rooms, racou tinn hail and bath, strictly i modern In every particular $25. BJSMlS-CAUL,tJHJ CU., 810-312 Brandeis Theater. 4103 NO. 28TH AVE., r., $12.50. 207 8o. 30th, r., new brick, closo In, $27.50. 4220 Farnam, T r.. all mod., barn, $27.60. 1324 So. 30th Ave., 7 r., all mod.. $27.50. Soft Hamilton, r., hot water heat, garage. $32.60. 8.. w. 24th and California, t r.. ntsw apartment, $35.- . . 207 wirt, largo tt-room horno. two lot, barn, $66, ' Q KKEFK REAL, ESTATE CO., -WW Omaha Nafl. Doug, or A-2162. KNOW . THAT BARGAINS. f 1.00-4 rooms, 1424H 8. Wth Bt $ 8.00-$ rooms, 2677 Cuming Bt. $12-60-3 rooms, 2204 N. 21st St. $12.00-4 rooms, 2212 N.21st-St. $20-00-5 room, modern' except heat, 1904 so. iotn Bt.' $s5.oo- room; modern xcept heal, MIS no. jun en. HARRY WOLF, ' 482 Brandels Bldg. ' - Doug. $061 A-8671. 813 N. 213T ST., 9-room modem flat, closo In, $C'0. 8241 K. 25th Avo., S rooms, partly mod ern. $20. 70 N. 23d St., 5 rooms, modern, $30. 710 N. 23d St. 5 rooms, modern. $30. 1521 N. ISth St, 4 room, partly mod em', $13.60. Arthur I McShane f - 819" First National Bunk' Bldg. - - Phone Douglas 1575. . 315 So.-29th Ave., strictly modern, $45. 60S So. 26th Ave., 6-r., strictly moderf flat. $32.30. .-. .- - - . ' . .' ' 4W6 No. 17th St., $-r strictly modern, $80. '. " 1027- So, 26th St. 6-r., bath and gas, $20. 8. W. corner mil and Grand Ave., mod ern exoopt heat. $20. S. P. BOSTWICK, 218 8o. 17tb St. Ground Floor Bee Bldg. '-Tyler 1506. . NEW modern 5-room flat, 114 N. 27th Ave. Phone Red 4529. . " LARGE, modern house, with 6 ted rooms, largo living room and evefy con venience, ono block from Farnam car, $66. 10-room modern house, with steam h. on Farnam St.. east of 24th. $60. 8 rooms, new, modern, brick, oak and maple upstairs, $60; extra good location, on West Farnam hill. 8 rooms, modern except furnace, Hans com Park district. $25. . 8 rooms, modern, within walking dis tance; good neighborhood, $40. 7-room, all modern, oak finish, S blocks from Farnam csr line.- A very cosy, at tractive home; $35. 6 rooms, modern, brick,- almost new, close in, $25. J H. DUMONT BON. Tel. Douglas 680. 1608 Farnam St BUY with your rent money. Soe "Rant Talks" special ad in For Sale column Bee and News, worth $$ to you. Chas. K. Williamson Co., 101 6.. 16th 8t. Corner Dodge. troa RENT A lares brick hous and about 6 acres Improved ground, at Sher man Ave. and Sprues St.; very suitable tor club, hospital pr Insltutlonal homo. as well as private residence. GOOD ' brick rooming houso. 1105 ' N. Wth, 14 rooms. $50; 28 rooms, $100. -room modern house wun largo sleep ing porch. 1119 g. 4:d, $42.50. 10-room houso, 874 8. 27th Ave., $26. l-room houso. newly decorated, 2342 Davenport St. $22.60. 4-roora house, 1814 Nicholas St. (will rent to colored) $12. hntisn. 978 N. 27th Av. 115. JOHN W. ROBBINS, U2 FARNAM ST. 8414 Cass Street, 6-rooinn, $7.00. tm Charles, 6rooms, barn, $18.00. 2412 Parker St., -rooms. $16.00. Wll lsatd St., 6-rooms, 817.00, Dundee. 6004 Underwood Ave., $27.50. 1820 North Wth. modern $-rooms, $& 2122 Burt St., 8-r0oms, modern, $32.60. 1127 South 81st 8t. 10-rooms. JOHN N. FRENZER-BOTH PHONES. 2607 DEWEY AVE.; strictly modern '- room brick flat; hot water heat; combi nation lights; excellent neighborhood; vacant July I; $40. W. W. Mitchell, Owner. 4U Be Sldg. Red 13)2 T-ROOM house, In fine condition; good location. Itiqulro 8308 Webster. OWNER leaving city will give short or long lease on fine modern 8-room home. $20. Hanscom park and Field ctab dis trict 8nd reference to K-29L car Bee. CASS, 2305-Eieganl eight-room . house, with bath, now furnace, lawn and shade trees; walking distance; on car line. Douglas 6729. 8-ROOM house, hot water heat; atriotly modern. 1010 Arbor. Tel. Doug; 1969. . 1124 n6.' 26TH ST. Six-room modern, walking distance, good drainage, lino cheap rent. Key at 938 No. 2bth, 4-ROOM house for rent 2041 Martha St. Inquire at 2813 N. Wth St. 8105 Cuming St., 6 rooms, city water and gas. $16 per month. 603 W. O. W. Bldg. . IUI I. X V L. til 7 rrtnmst mitn. em. Vacant July I. Tho, F. Hall, 45) 2722 CHARLES s-iooni modern huua. -OhanA VL'.hcfaa KAfiO ' ' 7-KOOM house, all modern. 3126 C St 'Phone Benson 353 W. WES;T FARNAM New brick, Iwd rooms and 3 baths. 315 N. 3StU Ave. 9-R. modem, well located; electrlo light pretty yard; $45. 726 8. 37th Bt Web. 2590. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse ana Van Co. Tel Douglus to4 or A-1814. City office. 218 S Wth St.. Be Bldg. 6-R. ALL MOD.; near car; Dundee. "Phone Har. 2558. OFFERED FOU REM Huiik SHd ..uttaje. flats 2952 Harney. 9-r.. modern, $50. 56 Harney, 6-r.. modern, 847.50. 28J N. 23d. i-r., modern-, $42.60. 2202 Farnam, 6-r., mod. ex. furnace. 835. 621 S. 29th. 4-r.. mod. ex. fur, $15. Hh .?-,-'th- 6'r- cltv water, gas. $11. : EM P. St- 801 Owha, 4-r. city water, $9. itn N. 27th.. 4-r, city water. 2d floor. $9, . DETACHED HOUSES. Cap. Avs., 7-r.. modern, $35. Jo46 g. 29th, 8-r... mod. ex. furnace, $25. L03 S. 28th. 7-r., mod. $25. 3520 Hamilton. 6-r., mod. ex. furnace. $22. 02 Blondo, 8-r., mod. ex. fur. $22. 844 Park Ave., 6-r., city water, gas. $20. 2oth and Douglas, 7-r., city water, $18. ;lr ,,tl.-t-r.. c. w., gas.' bath, $17.50. 50o S. 24th Aye.. 6-r., city water, toilet, iJi- sth- -7'r- mod. ex. fur.. $16. 2004 N. . 22d. 7-r., mod, ex. fur., 816. tSil V?lr,es' 8r-- rod- ex- fur., $16. 13 N. 2Sth, Ave., 7-r gas. well $15. OH wey Av- S-1"-' c'ty water. $1J. 2707 Caldwell, 5-r. c. w., gas, toilet, $14.50. " lS K -?M -'4-r -' clty ter, toilet. $14. 52? h 5r- ciy wter. $14. i7.Vhictt80' 'r- clty water, toilet $11 O N. J3d, 3-n, city water. $11.. fiAJJVTW oSc 354 Omaha National Bank Bldg. xt SP al1 modern brick house, 1011 N. S9th St.; good repair, paved, $20.00; cool summer, warm winter. 2I ' 2ltn- !rroni brick, modern. $15.00. f19 Corhy, 8-room house, water, elec trie, tji-j-OO. . G. E. TUiRKINGTON. . 602 Bee Bids. A Barg am On account of leaving the city will rent my home of 7 rooms and bath, all mod- ,rn,,. I?11 at a bi sacrifice. Call at 813 N. 3oth fet., or see PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1622 Farnam St. 1 Georgia Ave., s-r. mod. ex. heat, $26. S0'' tt"r- m0d- ex- heat- J Corby, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $11. 622 No. 19th, 6-r. all mod., $30. twao S' m' "r'' c' w" aewer & gaS' 8215 No. 26th. 7-r. mod. 'ex. heat. $21. 608 No. 26th. mod. ox. heat. $20. 1620 sprague, 4-r., now, strictly mod. bungalow, $25. i106.J- 1,th- 11 mod., oak fin ish, $27.60. ? fc'vworth' Sr- a" mod- fat. 25 1WS So. 22d, 4-r., all mod... $20. 3350 Corby, 6-r gas In kitchen, $16, 2411 So. lMh, 3-f., C. W $9.00. - BIRKETT & TEBBEN8, '. 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754; A-17SH TWO RKVTil, hai Both easy walking distance, 2640 Dodge, 1 ,om- modern, now decoration, water paid, $2w. W. W. MITCHELL, . Owner, 411 Be Rids. 6-ROOM FLAT. 3d floor fiflO N eiih 6-room flat, d floor. 937 N, 24th. $-room house at 156 N. 17th 8t $-room house at 1563 N. 17th St. O. C. REDICK. Attorney. mi riTiam ot MOVING, packing and storing of housc nold goods and pianos is our business Omaha Van and Storage CO., fireproof storage, 806 S. Wth, by , the viaduct; Branch, 309 8. 17th St Tel, D. 4163; A-1569. $ rooms, completely modern; $32.50. Hall. 433 Ramg. D. 7406; A-440S. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. pack, move, store and ship H. K, good4 and pianos; no charge for return drive to ofnee. Doug. 1496 or B-212S. NEW 6 and 6-room modern cottage; beautiful lawn and shade. 2124 Miami bt Phone Web. 1122. E5 11 -if a n an part or tne city, uav9 Crelgh Sons & Co.. Beo Bldf. ' . " ' Stores and Offices. - . M'CAGUE BUILDING, UTH AND DODGE. Attractive office, moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND HU1LDING ASSOCIATION. Store, 920 8, 13th St., 20x45. Tel. D. 6220. FINE factory building, two stores and basement. 3u80 ft.; electric elevator, lights, rtc. Will rent .whole or pari cbeap. . 1&Q8 Cuming. Phone Douglas 702. Deelrahle Offices for r'enti National Fi delity and Casualty Co., I2tn Fartiarn- llUn-u7 aJAVKNPimi' nu email ....... --, . " , .. W BkUlb, or giuund floor cftiCes. . . U. a. jaALCOMBE. Grocery and meat market with fixtures, central, cross-town; no equal. 22o N, Sod. 3013 Cuming with i living rooms, $29. 609 South Wth, with basement, $26. Ill 8ogtji loth, eteam heat basement. JOHN N. FRENZER BOTH PHONES. Store at 2106 Cuming- Utreot Store at W8 North 24th Street Store at m North 24th Street. Store at 837 North 24th Street. n Store at 336 North 26th . Street, ; South Omaha. O. C. REDICK. Attorney, 1517 Farnam Street. NEW. CAntrallV innofori linll . .a,!l equipped, for rent by night, at 1508-io Har ney oi., Ktuna noor. , . Office or salesroom at lath and Har ney (new). ' j -3d floqr at I5ud Harney, (nw)t Office at 1517. Farnam St, 2d floor. O. C. redick. Attorney, ion r eti nam - 01, axivKiur. or oouoie store 1W7 Cuming; special Inducement In rent for grocery and mni'trAf " JOHN W. ROBBIS'8, 1S03 FARNAM ST. Will Build to Suit Tenant Owner will build for tenant or leas th grouna or a term oi years. S3xlS2 feet on Dodge, near Wth St.. R. R. trackage in rear. Owner will build warehouse to suit tenant. J. H. Dumont & Son Pilwl i)0-t.lU 1.1, I'm Ttf , nam hi, STORE ROOMS FOR RENT. 418 8. Wth St.. in City Nafl Bank Bldg., a very attractive room, about 20x60 feet, with basement; alley entrance at rear; fine show windows and steam heat 522 S. Wth 8t, fine modern store room, 20x60 feet; full basement; attractive show windows and steam heat; $175 per month. 613 S. Wth St., new, modern store room, 20x60 feet, on alley south of the Union Outfitting company; full basement; $100 per month.. 617-619 S. loth St., double front; can lease 22 or 44 x60 feet; fine new store fronts; electrlo light; full basement; $75 each per month. 424 S. lath St.. modern store room, 22x60 feet; good basement: $85 per month. GEORGE A COMPANY. 903-12 City National Bank Bldg. Phono D. 756 or A-1758. Acreage tot Rent. 640-ACRE pasture, I wire fences, .11 miles south of Ainsworth, Neb., plenty water and good- grass. Mrs. Wm. K. Mills, 3517 Valley St.. Onyiha. Nib. Phone Harney 3527. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. . Louisiana Furniture Store closing out furniture. Ice boxes, etc. 2104 Cuming. ALL kinds of good turniluxe lor sale at ;S(S4 Marcy. Call at once. ONE Morris, 2 rocking chairs, Stlchley fumed oak. H. 6246. Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes, player pianos. Continental Novelty, lis N. Mh. FOR SALE-A new $.0o Vlctrola; has never been used. If interested ask lor price. M 257. Bee office. FOR SALE A practically new guitar, value new. $27, will cell for $11 cash. Ad dress, a Joe, Bee. 'Ovruriten, OLIVER typewriter, nearly new, good condition. A. MARK. Dour las 6507 RENT from the manufacturers direct No. $ Oliver typewriter. 3 months, $4.00. 'Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer Company. . . MiaeelUm SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes', all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam St. UiL &AD S, Uba,, IjJ., 1' tilt UatUl o.. OFFERED FOR SALE . Mlateilaneoasa FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix ture of all kinds; oasy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender . Co- 407-403 south 0tb street POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought Sold. Lew. 2610 N. So. Omaha. CELERY plants. Greenville Bros. 6327 .-v. znn FOR BALE-Washing machine, whit enamel crib, tireless cooker, extra ring specimen elk head, one cr all, a bargain. John N. Haskell, 1321 So. 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 6468 Al gasoline launch, cedar planked, good as new; cheap. D.. F. Corte, 24th and r a mam. - - ONE "W. 2. Long" popcorn crispette, machine and outfit In good condition. 1716 N. 24th. FOR SALE at once, kitchen cabinet," $2; soft coal heater. 22: baseburner. $10: square piano, $16. Each article in good condition, owner leaving city, in? no. 17th. FOR SALE Bank counter, solid walnut, .heavy gias top, 40 ft. long, good as new; ouiit ny A. H. Andrews- Co., cnicago, oi national reputation. Address f irst rat. Bank, Hebron, Neb. - HERE'8 th piano tuning fish. Phone vveDster um. Kvmrucj 1 1, siagc setting ana w-wu. In good condition. Will sell cheap if lascn at once. rTQi. juafKie, iiu narriej,. Cherries! ' Cherries! Nice, ripe, juicy cherries, no worms, 24 boxes to crate, packed same a strawber ries, $2 crate, delivered. Omaha Fruit Farm, 4Sth and Arbor. Tel. Harney 1482. NEW 3V4 horse-power launch for sale cheap. Harney 6961. FOR SALEWall paper and paint tools and fixtures very cheap; poor health. Web. 6264. FOR SALE Bicycle, Racycle make; Winchester shotgun; small incubator and brooder. Tel. Council Bluffs Red 1922. SECOND-HAND window sash. TeT D. 2107. PERSONAL 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. Wth and Dodge. PROFESSIONAL reader, entertainer and invalids' companion. 'Phono D. 376$. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. - W collect repair and sell at 131 N. Uth St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phono Douglas 4125 and wagons will call. . NIASSEOTHEEPYagagowMmBu Allen of Chicago. 109 S, 17. 1st fl. D. 7665. - Vital massage, bath, electric vibratory and radiator treatments. Dr. Anna D. Fisher, 401 War blk. 809 S. 15th.' D. 2765. Up-to-Date Beauty parlors, Kathryn Lane Daly. 113 8. Wth. 2d floor. D. 2437. WANTED Room and car tor boy of i nd girl of 8. Address H $93. . YQUN'J women coming to Omaha a) strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasociatlon building at Seventeenth and St. Mary's Av., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, Or otherwise -assisted Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. ANNA H. MARKS nam. Davldg Blk. Apt. 8. Red 7629. VACUUM MASSAGE, 208 So. Uth St R. 325, daliy, Sunday; open evening, hours; W to 10. MASSAGE wdl8h movement. Ap.t iVAGNETTn treatment. E. Brott 710 av.... a.v w . . a, vaMr. WE Rent and repair all kinds oi . Ing maohines. Ind, A-l3; Douglas 1662. . - - NEBRASKA' CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Bts, M A SS A tltf Expert treatment. Mrs WaiW.tvm Steele, 208 S. 18 St. R. 325. Massage. Mrs. Rltwnh se. 808 Boston Bid. BODY MASSAGE, 222-3 Neville. D. 'nil M tT iru iJ. k. "..r ... J arri lanrl d 'hmf,n n., . ' Unootn Atb.has o rigat whatever to Use tfffi names of M Burcu ot Mrs. Burch. nt-- rha T.ih ' miiiwvui icu. aiiu vwnwrg vom- pany ip the sale . of their - lands in the nd,Phfcrt Texa. Signed, H. Uurch ana Ha-tciietHarbor,Bonelew Smoked Herring .s t v. a. your nome direct irom the pro ducer; send us ONE DOLLAR and re ceive five-pound box (net weight) newly packed, choice smoked boneless herring, fixDresa nrenaM in a r. -Biinij , i . . east, of the Missouri river, Nebraska, ""'"i uinuui ana j-exas at WhCh railroad points, the American Express comoanr has lunnlu - guaranteed. D. S. ANDREWS & CO., UIirBpuri, tic.-' 5-ROOM BABGAIN ThO best S-room t Tjinl anaa.t.a.n. In tho city. Hot water heat, oak finish, combination fixtures, gas heater; in West r amain district, very cnoiee. zq s. aoth PAYNE A SLATER CO.. ' SOLE AGENTS, 618 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg POULTRY AND PET GTOCK Screening $1 68 per 100, Wagner, 801 N. 1 HOUkDS-Bear, deer, wolf,, cat, - fox and bloodhounds. '50 page Illustrated cata logue for 6-cent stamp. Rookwood Ken nels, Lexington Ky. NOTICE TO DOG MEN On account of no place to keep them. I will sell at a great bargain for quality, my two typical specimens of ' English bulls, females; White Watch. American Kennel Club register, colored white, massive bone and head; set low to ground; aged 3 years; approved mother; also Belle Gladstone, her daughter, by C. Monston's Gladiator, aged 18 month. First check for $150 taxes ootn. aa. m. Aooott, importer ox English Bull Dogs, Lincoln, Neb. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live stock to Soutn Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments reoeive prompt and careful atten tion. ' . Live Stock Comaulaslon Merchabts. Byers Bros. & Co. Strong and rssponslbl. WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg. " Great West. Cum. Co., Omaha tc Denver. Clay Robinson it Co., 200 Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 828 Exchange Bldg. Martin Broa 4c Co., Exch. Bldg. TAGQ BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep. RESORTS "AWfAY to tne Mountains." Fresh cream, butter, eggs. Location fine, trout at,oam .1 mil . I - t. board apply Mr. Louisa Uailiy, River- si ae mncn, centennial, wyo,' REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000, W. H. THOMAS. 603 First Nafl Bank Bids. LOANS Farm and city property. J. H. Dumont A Son, 1602 Farnam St. WANTED City loan. Peters Trust Co WANTED City loans and warrants W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1S20 Farnam St, $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weud. Wead Hide;-. ISth and Farnam. 6 7y rlTT LOANS. Bemls-Carlbers 0 Co. 810-812 Brandeis Theater Bldg. ft RVIN BROS 1a"s- nd Bank. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. Wanted farm loan. Kloke In. Co., Oral. REAL ESTATE WANTED PASTUltE wanted containing 160 acres. well watered and well fenced, close in to South Omaha. Werthelmer & Degen, exchange mag., south umaha. dtli South 4Mi, Ind. F-15CS. A BARGAIN In 1st class ROOMING HOUSE FURNITURE; about 20 rooms. Must be well located, and netting at least $50 a month. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, I8T Farnan St REAL ESTATE WANTED Want to Buy One or two good building lots. Must have city water, sewer and gas. Want to turn In a good second-hand mortgage as part payment. Mortgage is absolutely good and is secured by Omaha residence property. CHAS.-HORN, Omaha. Neb. Phone Harney 6210. WE WANT a 5 or 6 room house In Columbia school district, new or nearly so. from $2,600 to $3,200. C. 8UNDELL & CO., 217 McCague Bldg OCEAN CTEAMSHD7S THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL. LIVERPOOL.. GLASGOW, Montreal. Havre. Plymouth. London. The Picturesque S. Lawrence Route. Four days on the ocean, three days In river and gulf. Splendid new Turbane. steamers. Saloon, second-cabin and third class. Superior one-class cabin -service. Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention. Fend for circulars, rates, plans, etc, Allan & Co.. 127 N. Dearborn St, Chicago. Anchor Line Steamships " New York, Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English. Irish. Continental and - Mediterranean points. Superior accommodations, excellent cui sine, efficient service. . Apply promptly for reservation to local agent -of Anchor Lin or Henderson Brother, General Agents. Chicago. 111. WANTEDTO BUY Household gds, clothes & shoes. D3971 B1959 2d-hand goods. Keiser, 1029 Center. D-oti-ia. Chicago buyers, Jd-hand- clothes, shoes, hats: best prices: will call. Tyier 1100. AT PIT? XT Pax the best prices for oid XXVix ir0tti metal, rubber, etc. WANT house, partly modern, conveni ent' to car. Must be priced right. Give address. Want to buy from owner.-Terms. L 310, Be. WANTED TO RENT WANTED By two business women, two furnished rooms, modern, for light housekeeping; state price. Address T. M. Bonine. 623 City Nat'l Bank. GENTLEMAN with two small children wants to board and room In strictly pri vate, family. Answer A 300, care Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Tn i-vcu AKTnB!ia tso anmtv in tn.nan new merchandise; can divide, for real estate,- any kind; will assume. J. E. Pfingston, OdeW. III. For Sale or One of the fine, large, commodious homes In Hanscom park district; 12 rooms and i storerooms above basement; hardwood finish; oak floors; hot'wattjr heat and all modern conveniences;- large garage; lot 50x140 ft; paved street -and paved alley. . Price $S,5Q0. Th price is less than 60 per cent of the original cost of the Improvements... The .property .hus been occupied by a Wealthy family-for the last ten years and is In excellent condition. Owner will take In' exchange one-half of price In good, real estate' at Its fair cash value'. Give" full descrip tion of prorrty Offered In first letter. J. H. Dumoht & Son ' l.Oll- l.ull,i.9 l.HCb i' atrnuru LOT on 27th St.. South Omaha; will trade for automobile. D. A. Lannlng, Perry la. FOR EXCHANGEWant Southern California property . for good, clear Omaha. Address J11S6 West 42d St.. Los Angeles, Cal. -.. ; - - BEAUTIFUL eight-room residence,' lo cated In southeastern Nebraska town of 3.500 population; large grounds, barn, fruit trees, etc; best part of city: straigut loan of $2,000.00. Price. $4,500.00. Musi. have. some. cash. This is a bargain- sub mit otter, v-an ana see pnoto airaprCTty ationai-Bank Bldg., umaha.v-. -v' r MAXWELL" automobiler mod'eT'jG. 5 passenger, .30 H. .P., first .cUftg condition, all . necessary accessories), wa,nt '; fwffir lo cated city lot or lots7 ' -" " . 400-acre central Nebraska 'farfi 200 acres in crops, no rpcumbraijee. $$.,60 per acre; want good city income property. 230-acre Sarpy county, valley farm, equity $17,000, for good Income property. NEARLY NEW brick flats, .4 apart ments, 6 rooms eachr strictly ' modern, rents $1,200; want good -small farms about same value,, $12,500.. W W. ..Mitchell 411 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. CAPTAIN ED ROTHKRY has'anvthine you wish to name. We cannot' specify. Please don't write or phone." ; Come In and see how we look. Ed SotherysCo.. 819 McCague Bldg. - . .. . 160 ACRES, unimproved land. 'Saskatch ewan, Canada, In American coloriy. Will exchange for interest paying property in Opaha. This property worth $3.000. . Fourcrts. 6-room hous-ertarn. chicken house. Well improved; Close to car.-Price $4,750. Will exehang (his "for Omaha -property. . .'. .. DEUEL & HANKINSON. '.',- 201 Paxton Block. ' Phone 'D-' 2877-. 7-ROOM. Partly modern house on.. 27th St., about 3 blocks south of , -Leaven worUt St., all clear. Want 8-room new or nearly new, west tir south of Hanscom park, and pay cash difference. . c C. SL'NDELL & CO., 217 McCaguer BId$ REAL ESTATE. ' '.'! ABSTRACTS - OF TITLli. ; Reed Abstract Co., oldest 'abstract of fice tn Nebraska. 201 Brandeis Theater NEALB St CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnam St. UUILDERS INFORMATION. ' Electric, gas fixtures." Omaha Stiver Co. Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming Su. " Fuchs. jon & Blind, palntlng.decoratltts. ' H. Gross, lum.'- wreck, g. plb. 21 & Paul. BLUE PRINTING, 424 PAXTON. I'. 2710. H EATON, tin work. Original Ameri can furnaces. 2518 Cuming, -D. 5198 ACREAGE FOK SALli. ACREAGE. BARGAINS near Omaha. Orln S. Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank: Bldg. ACRES ACRES- .- -ACRES'- on Bellevue car line and boulevard. Read our ad or get plat telling you aljout .gal lon Park. A. W. Jones It, Co.. 613 N. 24th St., South Omaha ? . ' Immediate Sale 2i ACRES, with ' good 7-room house. Ideal location, close in, for- Immediate sale. Price, $3,850; $500 cash;, balance $25 per month. Act at once. ORIN 8. MERRILL CO., --1213-1214 City National Bank" Bldg. ' ' Must Sell SUBURBAN HOME of C acres, j' rra- S roved with almost new 7-room house, ne of the choicest location In the city, good neighborhood; large- frontage, -on macadam Toad: boulevard entire distance to heart of city or, handy to car line 6c fare. Good schools. 6UI-hj Vlfc.v AND PRICE RIGHT. If you: want some thing which- has no equal, consld.eftirij price, then take this, but do-not delay Can make essy terms If -necessary, or a.l cssn. ORIN 8. MERRILL COM-PAK Y', 1213-1214 City National Bank Uldg. CITY I'HOFliH 1 V fro.l . 2814 DAVENPORT.- " .Two houses. Live in oner rent - the the other or rent both for $29.50. Fin Investment" at $2,550. a. little more-'han what the' ground is worth. Don't forget this Is walking distance, . Now, wao knows a bargain when he sees it" GEO. B. LEHNHOFF. Owner. ' . 1607 Farnam. ' Doug. 8u FROM OWNER IN jiOEE New. -modern 6-room house; oak: finish downstairs; white tnamel, with mahos anlxed doors, upstairs; -cak floors up and dowistairs: sleeping -porch artd att.c, large shade trees; convenient to iar; w-.t.i pave.-l meet, cistern a:id largo'-laundry room; flrenlaee. 4914 Chicago ai. ij.l Harney 483 . -.'. ... 1 O Bli'X, BfcLjU Ul. HMV t, I'a.aO, .'J JOHN W. ROHHINij,-yjwn 0i'.